Educational quiz There is nothing more beautiful than flowers. Interesting quiz about flowers

Flower questions for flower quiz.

Flower Quiz

The one who raises his hand the fastest answers.

What was the name of the man who dreamed of creating a “stone flower”? (Danila)

In which work did the heroes fly on hot-air balloon to Flower City? ("Dunno and His Friends")

What flower was guarded by the shaggy monster in Aksakov’s work of the same name? (Alenky)

Which flower made the tiger Sherkhan terrified, and in what work? ( Fire flower, “Mowgli” by R. Kipling)

Botanists call this flower viola, but what is it called by the Russian people? (Pansies)

What is the art of creating bouquets called? (Ikebana)

What flower grows in forest fires? (Blooming Sally)

For which Andersen heroine was a flower a place of residence? (Thumbelina)

What flower is said to have grown from the blood of chained Prometheus? (Edelweiss)

When, according to legend, does the fern bloom? (On the night of Ivan Kupala)

Which flower is directly related to the king of beasts? (Snapdragon)

Which flower is a symbol of narcissism? (Narcissus)

Which famous writer made snowdrops bloom in winter? (S. Ya. Marshak)

What flower suffers from love? (Chamomile)

What flower is called sleepy? (Poppy)

Which humble wildflower's name means "royal" or "royal" in Greek? (Cornflowers from “basileus” - royal)

What lily blooms before sunset, white as snow, turns pink on the second day, and turns scarlet on the third? (Victoria is a water lily in the tropics of South America)

What plants give names to the shades of flowers? (Rose - pink, lilac - lilac, cherry - cherry, raspberry - raspberry, pistachio - pistachio, orange (French "orange") - orange, lemon - lemon, peach - peach, olive - olive, mustard - mustard, coffee - coffee, cornflower - cornflower, lettuce - light green, carrot - carrot)

What flowers are jam made from? (Rose, dandelion)

In the leaves of which plant have people been trying to find happiness for many centuries? (Clovers - look for flowers with four petals instead of three)

Do lilacs bloom in spring or summer? (In spring: summer is counted from the time the lilacs fade)

Why is hyacinth called the “flower of rain”? (In its homeland, in Southern Europe, it blooms after the spring rains)

What garden flowers, called “the last smile of autumn,” bloom until the first snow? (Asters)

What flowers were first sung by Persian poets three thousand years ago and were then called turbans, after the shape of the Muslim headdress? (Tulips)

What “flower” name was given to the internecine war in England of 1455-1485? (War of the Roses)

What plant was called the mermaid flower because it floated up in the morning and mysteriously disappeared under water in the evening? (White water lily)

What flower is named after the tenth anniversary of marriage? (Roses, “Rose Day” - tenth anniversary family life, on this holiday, spouses are given red roses)

The court etiquette of feudal China required that whoever spoke with the emperor keep this flower in his mouth. (Cloves, already known in those days as a deodorizer)

Which flower has only one petal? (Calla)

What is the name of the miniature bouquet attached to the dress? (Boutonniere)

1. According to an ancient legend, these flowers appeared on the site of the last extinct fire during the onset of the Ice Age as a sign that glaciation is not eternal, that life and joy on earth will be resurrected.

The flower predictions came true. But to this day, under the joyful colors they hide the sadness of parting with people. What flowers are these? (Dahlias)

2. These flowers are similar in shape to umbrellas, and, according to legend, in ancient times they were umbrellas for small steppe gnomes. When it starts to rain in the steppe, the gnome will cover himself with a flower, or pick it and walk across the steppe, raising the flower above his head. The rain knocks on the umbrella, flows off it in streams, and the gnome remains completely dry. What flower are we talking about in this legend? (Chamomile)

3. In China, this flower is a symbol of longevity and love, and in Japan it is the personification of shyness. In Pakistan, Iran, India it is a symbol of clumsiness and stupid pride. Say the name of the flower. (Peony)

4. One day, the goddess of flowers, Flora, descended to earth and began to bestow names on flowers. She gave all the flowers a name, did not offend anyone, and only one flower remained without a name. However, Flora gifted him with the miraculous power of returning people's memories. What is the name of this flower? (Forget-me-not)

5. Ancient legend tells: when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, it was snowing heavily, and Eve was very cold. Then, wanting to warm her with his attention, several snowflakes turned into flowers. Seeing them, Eve became cheerful and had hope, so this flower became a symbol of hope. What kind of flower is this? (Snowdrop)

6. Ancient people endowed it with supernatural properties, suggesting that the soul of a person moves into the flower in order to communicate with surviving relatives and friends, in order to convey to them the last bow - greetings from the deceased. Name this flower. (Immortelle)

7. Guess the riddle: “The flowers are angelic, but the claws are devilish.” (Rose hip, rose)

8. What flower is this riddle about: “What will be born in bread, but is not good to eat”? (About cornflower)

9. The flowers of which giant African tree are pollinated not by insects, but by bats? (Baobab)

10. What color are the flowers of plants that are pollinated by nocturnal insects? ( White- so you can see them better in the dark)

11. How many kilograms of rose petals are required to prepare one kilogram of rose oil? (Three thousand kilograms, that is, three tons of petals)

12. What is the name of the Japanese art of arranging bouquets? (Ikebana)

13. From what flower was the poison that Juliet asked Father Lorenzo made? (From buttercup)

14. What do the Russian people call buttercup flowers? ( Night blindness)

15. Surrounded by what flowers is the god of Sleep, Morpheus, depicted? (Poppy)

16. Which red flower terrified the tiger Shere Khan in Rudyard Kipling’s fairy tale “Mowgli”? (Fire)

17. Which state’s coat of arms contains a chrysanthemum flower? (Japan)

18. Which flower is a symbol of narcissism? (Narcissus)

19. In what flower is the Egyptian god Osiris depicted? (Lotus)

20. Which flower is the symbol of Scotland? (Thistle)

21. What flower in the old days in Rus' was called “overcome-grass”? (Water lily)

22. When, by folk signs, is a fern flower blooming in Rus'? (On the night of Ivan Kupala, the seventh of July)

23. Which flower festival is celebrated every year in February in the French city of Cannes? (Mimosa)

24. Which writer made snowdrops bloom in February in his fairy tale? (Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak, fairy tale “Twelve Months”)

25. In which ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky do flowers dance a waltz? ("Nutcracker")

26. The name of which flower with Greek language does it translate to "star"? (Aster)

27. The name of which flower comes from the Latin word for “sword”? (Gladiolus)

28. This common flower received its name in the eighteenth century from the Latin word for “crane.” What kind of flower is this? (Geranium)

29. The name of which flower is translated from Greek as “golden flower”? (Chrysanthemum)

30. The name of which flower is translated from Greek as “pearl” or “mother of pearl”? (Daisy)

31. Which flower is considered a symbol of inaccessibility? (Edelweiss)

32. Which flower gets its name from a headdress very common in the Middle East? (Tulip from turban)

33. What flower symbolizes England? (Rose)

34. What is it called differently? alpine violet? (Dryakva, cyclamen)

35. What do people call the flower “calendula”? (Marigold)

36. What was the name of the war in England between York and Lancaster? (War of the Roses)

37. What flower has the second name Iris? (Iris)

38. Which flower is the symbol of Ireland? (Clover. With the help of this flower, St. Patrick, according to legend, explained the trinity of the Holy Trinity

Itsy. He took a leaf of a flower and showed: one petal is God the Father, the other is God the Son, the third is God the Holy Spirit)

39. What aquatic flower is almost everyone incorrectly called a lily? (Water lily)

40. Name at least one flower that has only one petal. (Calla, Anthurium)

41. What profession do people have two crossed poppies as their emblem? (Anesthesiologists)

42. What flowers do Mongolian boys walk around neighboring houses with and sing:

“Flowers have come to visit you!

Congratulations on the New Spring!

(With snowdrops. The owners give the children gifts and sweets)

43. On November 9, 1620, the Mayflower ship landed the English polygrims on the American coast at Cape Cade Cod. How is the name of the ship translated from English? ("May Flower")

44. For many peoples of Europe, May 1 is, first of all, a Holiday the most delicate flowers. Which ones? (Lilies of the valley)

45. Japan has a Boys' Day. What is the second, “flowery” name it has? (Iris Festival)

46. ​​Japan also has a Girls' Day. What “flower” name does it have? (Peach Blossom Festival)

47. Which flower in China is considered a symbol of wealth and nobility? (Peony)

Quiz for older children preschool age about flowers

I offer a summary of the game - quiz for children 5 - 7 years old
Subject:"Flower experts!"

Kiseleva Svetlana Mikhailovna, teacher, preschool educational institution Kindergarten"Berezka" No. 80
This game - quiz will be useful for teachers of older preschool age, teachers additional education when consolidating knowledge about colors.
Target:– entertain, give pleasure, arouse interest, consolidate children’s knowledge about colors in game form.
- help consolidate children’s knowledge about colors;
- develop curiosity, thinking, ability to work in groups;
– to cultivate a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of beauty;
Equipment: crossword with riddles; cards with mixed up color names; pictures with fairy tale texts; cut cards with images of flowers; hats of chamomile, rose, carnation, dandelion and poppy flowers for the game “Find Me”; magnetic boards, magnets; 2 Whatman paper, felt-tip pens; soundtrack of songs:
“The happiest” - p. K. Ibryae, m. Yu. Chichkov
“Magic flower” - p. M. Plyatskovsky, Yu. Chichkov
“Friendship” (CD “Barbariki”).

Progress of the lesson:

They enter the hall to the music “The Happiest”.

If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower.
If everyone: both me and you, if we pick flowers -
All the meadows will be empty and there will be no beauty!
Is anyone here talking about flowers?
The teacher and children greet the guest

I am a Flower Fairy, so I love flowers very much. I came to you not empty-handed, but with riddle poems about my favorite plants. I will read the first lines of the poem to you, and you must guess the last words in the lines. If you complete my task, then we will go on a trip to my country together, listen:
Summer is a wonderful time
The kids are screaming…….(Hurray!)
We have rivers and forests
Give in the summer………(Miracles)
Among the ears of corn by the river
Turned blue...... (Cornflowers)
And greeting the guys,
The bells are ringing)
How nice it is for you to run
Along the chamomile……(Meadows)
Here on the mirror of the river
They danced... (Floats)
And around - gentle, pure,
White lilies…….(Flowers)
Like sunbeams
Golden... (Dandelions)
To the world of goodness and beauty
Transform the world…..(Flowers)
Well done! We did it! Then let's go, my friends.

Competition 1. Crossword

Fairy: We have a crossword puzzle on the board with riddles about flowers, it has a secret! If you and I solve it correctly, then the secret will be revealed.
Teams take turns solving a crossword puzzle. If one team fails, then the right to solve the puzzle passes to the opposing team.
1. He is a flower prince - a poet, wearing a yellow hat
An encore sonnet about spring will be read to us... (narcissus).

2. We carried mushrooms in a basket and also a blue flower
This little blue flower was called... (Cornflower).

3. A small flower grew in a thawed forest patch
Hiding in the white dead wood... (snowdrop).

4. Wonderful flower like a bright light.
Lush, important like a lord, delicate velvet (tulip).

5. Look - by the fence, the queen of the garden has blossomed.
Not a tulip or a mimosa, but a beauty in thorns... (rose)!

6. Golden and young became gray in a week,
And after two days my head went bald,
I’ll hide the former...(dandelion) in my pocket.

7. Here is a clearing all covered in flowers, like light blue dots.
I’ll collect blue ones here for Anyutka... (forget-me-nots).

8. A long thin stalk with a scarlet light on top.
Not a plant, but a lighthouse - it’s bright red... (poppy).

After solving the puzzle, children find the word in the middle - the secret “flower”

Held game "Find me".
Children stand in five circles. A character stands in each circle - Chamomile, Rose, Carnation, Dandelion and Poppy. Children move freely in circles to cheerful music. The music stops. Children sit down and close their eyes. The characters change places. The music starts again. Children “wake up” and look for their character.

Competition 2. The wind is mischievous.
Fairy: I prepared cards with the names of the flowers, and the mischievous wind mixed up all the letters.
Rearrange the letters, restore the names of the colors.
Summing up the results of the competition: a flower for the winning team in this competition.

Competition 3. Flowers in the kingdom of fairy tales.
On the cards are excerpts from fairy tales where flowers are found. Your task is to guess the name of the fairy tale and the author.
The teacher and the Fairy take turns reading passages, and the children guess.
Team assignment #1.
1. She “... planted a grain of barley in flower pot, and immediately a big wonderful flower will grow from it...
- What a nice flower! -said the woman..."
But suddenly! “Something clicked and the flower blossomed...”
(“Thumbelina” by H.H. Andersen)

2. Which petals amazing flower helped you get mountains of toys, lots and lots of sweets, you will visit the North Pole... And finally, understand that you can become a happy person only when you help others, take care of someone?
(“The seven-flowered flower” by V.P. Kataev)

3. “The youngest daughter bowed at her father’s feet and said these words:
-Sir, you are my dear father! Don’t bring me gold and silver spoil, nor black Siberian sables, nor a necklace... nor a gem crown... but bring me... a flower that would not exist in this world.”
(“The Scarlet Flower” by S.T. Aksakov)

Task for team No. 2
4. In what fairy tale, a girl with blue hair, washing her face in the morning, powdered her cheeks and nose with flower pollen, and then tried to teach a disobedient wooden boy to read and write, forcing him to write a magic dictation: “And a rose fell on Azor’s paw”?
(“The Adventures of Pinocchio” by A.K. Tolstoy)

5. The children sang, holding hands, kissed roses, looked at the clear sun and talked to it...
How wonderful it was under the bush of fragrant roses!
One day, when Gerda was looking at a picture book... Kai suddenly exclaimed: “I felt a pain right in the heart and something got into my eye!” And then winter came...
The Snow Queen"G.H. Andersen)

6. On New Year's Eve
We issued an order:
Let them bloom today
We have snowdrops!
The grass is turning green
The sun is shining
Swallows Happy Spring
It's flying towards us in the canopy!
(“Twelve months” by S.Ya. Marshak)

Competition 4 involves the game “Collect a flower”.
Children collect flowers from cut-out pictures.
Then the children name these flowers.
Collect a flower from the cut material on a magnetic board and sign its name.
Summing up: a flower for the winning team in this competition.

Competition 5. “Draw a daisy” relay race.
On command, children draw 7 chamomile petals with a marker (each child one chamomile petal)
Fairy: What wonderful daisies appeared in our hall.
(whose team was the first to complete the task receives another flower in the bouquet)
How much wind and space!
How many songs and flowers!
Let's wake up together with the birds,
And with flowers we grow!

Quiz for older preschool children.

Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior teacher of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "Kolokolchik" b. Dukhovnitskoye village, Saratov region
This development will be useful preschool teachers, primary school teachers. In it I offer various questions and tasks on the “flower” theme; they can be used in the form of a quiz, competition, or inserted into game thematic moments, OD, etc. I included many more questions in the quiz than were required in the time frame, so that teachers had the opportunity to choose tasks for their contingent of children. I am attaching the accompanying presentation (I did not insert illustrations into the text of the quiz - they are all in the presentation).
Target: generalization of children's knowledge –
*about flowers and everything connected with them,
*about works, fairy tales, where they are talked about.
*teach children coherent, grammatically correct speech ( educational field"Speech development");
* form a sustainable interest in fiction(educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”);
* increase preschoolers’ interest in the world around them, broaden their horizons (educational area “Cognitive Development”);
*develop skills in completing tasks, choosing the correct answer, solving rubuses, riddles;
*develop a respectful attitude towards nature.
Preliminary work. Reading works, fairy tales, based on which quiz questions are compiled, conversations, studying colors.
Organizational matters: You can divide the children into teams, or conduct a quiz with the whole group (each for himself).

Quiz progress:

Teacher: In the yard, spring played out with a bright riot of colors and beckoned us with its first gentle sounds to the street, to the park, to the green garden... And here, in the garden, starlings have taken a fancy to birdhouses, small bugs, “soldiers” and worms have woken up and sleepy ones begin to fuss through the trees and warm earth. The first tender greenery so caresses the eye that you want to turn your face to the gentle sun and scream at the top of your lungs: “Hurray, spring!”
How beautiful nature is in spring! And soon everything will bloom! All our gardens, parks and squares, forests and clearings will be filled with blooms.
Flowers are our friends; not a single event in life, not a single significant date is complete without them. Flowers not only decorate our lives, they bring us joy... This is probably the most beautiful thing on earth. But we guys must take care of nature, plants, and, since I started talking about flowers, FLOWERS. Believe me, it is much more interesting to admire flowers in a clearing than flowers in a vase and, if possible, do not try to immediately pick an armful of flowers, but leave them where they were born and raised. Let's think about other people who will also come to the forest to relax and enjoy the floral aromas and vibrant colors...
You agree with me?
Slide 1
Today Cosmeya came to visit us and we will play and dance with her.
Slide 2
1 task.
I suggest you go to the table and find this flower (there are pictures on the table different colors, among which is cosmos).

Teacher: Cosmea is a symbol of modesty, purity, translated as “Beauty”, this name, you probably noticed, is consonant with the word Cosmos - peace, tranquility. He comes from America.
Why was this flower called that? The origin of this name, as befits a true “beauty,” is shrouded in mystery. Some believe that this is a translation from Greek - “decoration”, while others, due to the similarity of its bright flowers with stars, believe that they look like constellations twinkling in the night cosmic sky.
In the language of Japanese symbols, pink cosmos means a warm heart, and white cosmos means the pure love of a girl.
In India, where they love this flower because it is very bright and elegant, they use it at weddings, make garlands for the newlyweds...
Let's start our first round dance with our Beauty. In this round dance we must remember all the flowers that we know. We walk in a circle, I start, and you finish the sentence:

“We’re starting a big round dance,
Many flowers will come to us,
We must guess them all -
Name it based on the first syllable...”

Each time the teacher names a syllable or letter (ro-, odu-, fi-, li-, zha-, neza-, as-, tyu-, pi-, etc.)
2 task
Question: “What flower does our guest look like?” (for chamomile). If anyone is at a loss, I offer a hint: white-white petals and a yellow center.
Slide 3 - answer
3 task .
In G. H. Andersen's fairy tale “The Snow Queen,” Kai and Gerda were caring for some kind of flower. What kind of flower is this? (rose)
Slide 4 - answer
4 task .
What is the name of the fairy tale where the youngest, beloved daughter asked her father to bring a flower that “wouldn’t be more beautiful in this whole world”? (S. Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower”)
Slide 5 - answer
Task 5.
The holiday is coming, and women everywhere are given tender branches with yellow fluffy balls. What kind of flower is this (mimosa)?
Slide 6 - answer
Task 6 .
In the fairy tale “The Twelve Months,” the stepmother sent her stepdaughter, her stepdaughter, to buy flowers in winter... Which ones? (snowdrops)
Slide 7 - answer
Task 7 .
Attention to the screen: from what flower did the little girl Thumbelina come from? If you answer correctly, a flower will appear on the screen (tulip).
Slide 8 - answer
8 task .
Attention to the screen: what is the name of this flower? (Lilac)?
Slide 9 - answer
Teacher: Guys, now "Gymnastics for the eyes" . Our eyes can get tired of the screen: TV, computer... So today we are also watching a presentation on the projector screen.
Let's play with Cosmea and the animals. You need to constantly follow the flower with your eyes.
Slide 10, 11
9 task .
Attention to the screen: what flowers are used to make jam? (dandelion)?
Slide 12 - answer
10 task .
Which flower is considered a symbol of Victory Day?
Slide 13 - answer
11 task.
And who can name me an inquisitive flower that turns after the sun? (sunflower)?
Slide 14 - answer
The teacher holds a sunflower in his hands:
And now we all get up in a round dance.
You will pass the sunflower around in a circle, I will say a little rhyme to the words “Frozen! Stop!"- the one whose sunflower freezes and answers the question. Then the round dance count continues.
Our round dance is floral
It's bright and very fragrant
Freeze! Stop! How it has grown into the ground! –
“You” will answer the question.

Questions for the round dance:
*Which flower changes its headdress over the summer? If you are at a loss here is a hint: first the cap is yellow, then it is white fluffy (Dandelion).
*Which flower is ringing? (Bell)
*Which flower is the first to smile at the sun? (Snowdrops)
*What is the name of a flower with “girl eyes” (Pansies)
*How Dunno is connected with flowers (Lives in Flower City, on Daisy Street)?
*There is a flower whose name tells us that it will not forget anything (Forget-me-not).
*On which flower did Ivan Tsarevich discover the frog princess? (Water lily)?
*In the cartoon, Aladdin’s bride has a flower name... You, of course, will tell me it now (Jasmine). But I know that not all of you have seen this flower, let's look at the slide.
Slide 15
Finger gymnastics “The Birth of a Flower”(to instrumental music).
Guys, you can repeat the movements after me, or you can show your imagination and come up with your own.
Gymnastics text: “Let’s dig a small hole. Let's put a small flower seed in it, now you need to cover it with soil, pour warm water over it and leave it to germinate. The sun came out, a light warm breeze blew, and the ground began to heat up. The seed woke up, stretched, began to swell, and put out sprouts and roots. A small sprout rushed up, broke through the ground, and looked out into the light. He looked to the right, to the left and turned to the sun... He was still very weak and defenseless. But a little time will pass and it will turn into beautiful flower. It will open its petals, the wind will caress them, the rain will water them, and the flower will delight us with its beauty.”

Teacher: Now go to the tables... Task 12 “Lost Flowers”.
There are pictures of flowers on the table (scarlet flower, seven-flowered flower, stone flower, roses, snowdrops), they got lost, they need to be sent each to their own fairy tale (“Scarlet Flower”, “Seven Flower Flower”, “Stone Flower”, “Snow Queen”, “12 Months”)
Slide 16
Task 13. Purely speaking.
Two children are competing, one says the first two lines of a spoken word, the other says the second... Who can do it better!
Camomile dressed up
In a colored shirt -
Turned into a fairy
Beauty Cosmea...

14 task. Puzzles .
Proud and strict
Oh, how we all like it...
But he will prick everyone,
Who touches her (rose).

Small delicate flowers
They turn blue modestly near the hummock.
And further away, by the doghouse
They also blossomed... (forget-me-not).

People always wonder about me
I have white color.
You will find me in the field,
I will decorate your bouquet (chamomile).

There is a flower in the pole
Sad and sad.
Why doesn't it ring?
He's musical after all (bell)!

I stand on my own feet,
I burn with scarlet color.
From my ripe crown
You can make a rattle
Who's going to snatch my basket?
Get the filling in the bun (poppy).

Task 15. Encryption.
On the slide there is an image of an object under which a flower is encrypted, you need to guess this flower.
Slides 17, 18, 19
Our quiz has come to an end. Share your impressions.

Interesting quiz about flowers with answers

1. According to an ancient legend, these flowers appeared on the site of the last extinct fire during the onset of the Ice Age as a sign that glaciation is not eternal, that life and joy on earth will be resurrected.

The flower predictions came true. But to this day, under the joyful colors they hide the sadness of parting with people. What flowers are these? (Dahlias)

2. These flowers are similar in shape to umbrellas, and, according to legend, in ancient times they were umbrellas for small steppe gnomes. When it starts to rain in the steppe, the gnome will cover himself with a flower, or pick it and walk across the steppe, raising the flower above his head. The rain knocks on the umbrella, flows off it in streams, and the gnome remains completely dry. What flower are we talking about in this legend? (Chamomile)

3. In China, this flower is a symbol of longevity and love, and in Japan it is the personification of shyness. In Pakistan, Iran, India it is a symbol of clumsiness and stupid pride. Say the name of the flower. (Peony)

4. One day, the goddess of flowers, Flora, descended to earth and began to bestow names on flowers. She gave all the flowers a name, did not offend anyone, and only one flower remained without a name. However, Flora gifted him with the miraculous power of returning people's memories. What is the name of this flower? (Forget-me-not)

5. An ancient legend tells: when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, it was snowing heavily, and Eve was very cold. Then, wanting to warm her with his attention, several snowflakes turned into flowers. Seeing them, Eve became cheerful and had hope, so this flower became a symbol of hope. What kind of flower is this? (Snowdrop)

6. Ancient people endowed it with supernatural properties, suggesting that the soul of a person moves into the flower in order to communicate with surviving relatives and friends, in order to convey to them the last bow - greetings from the deceased. Name this flower. (Immortelle)

7. Guess the riddle: “The flowers are angelic, but the claws are devilish.” (Rose hip, rose)

8. What flower is this riddle about: “What will be born in bread, but is not good to eat”? (About cornflower)

9. The flowers of which giant African tree are pollinated not by insects, but by bats? (Baobab)

10. What color are the flowers of plants that are pollinated by nocturnal insects? (White - so they can be seen better in the dark)

11. How many kilograms of rose petals are required to prepare one kilogram of rose oil? (Three thousand kilograms, that is, three tons of petals)

12. What is the name of the Japanese art of arranging bouquets? (Ikebana)

13. From what flower was the poison that Juliet asked Father Lorenzo made? (From buttercup)

14. What do the Russian people call buttercup flowers? (Night blindness)

15. Surrounded by what flowers is the god of Sleep, Morpheus, depicted? (Poppy)

16. Which red flower terrified the tiger Shere Khan in Rudyard Kipling’s fairy tale “Mowgli”? (Fire)

17. Which state’s coat of arms contains a chrysanthemum flower? (Japan)

18. Which flower is a symbol of narcissism? (Narcissus)

19. In what flower is the Egyptian god Osiris depicted? (Lotus)

20. Which flower is the symbol of Scotland? (Thistle)

21. What flower in the old days in Rus' was called “overcome-grass”? (Water lily)

22. When, according to popular belief, does a fern flower bloom in Rus'? (On the night of Ivan Kupala, the seventh of July)

23. Which flower festival is celebrated every year in February in the French city of Cannes? (Mimosa)

24. Which writer made snowdrops bloom in February in his fairy tale? (Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak, fairy tale “Twelve Months”)

25. In which ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky do flowers dance a waltz? ("Nutcracker")

26. The name of which flower is translated from Greek as “star”? (Aster)

27. The name of which flower comes from the Latin word for “sword”? (Gladiolus)

28. This common flower received its name in the eighteenth century from the Latin word for “crane.” What kind of flower is this? (Geranium)

29. The name of which flower is translated from Greek as “golden flower”? (Chrysanthemum)

30. The name of which flower is translated from Greek as “pearl” or “mother of pearl”? (Daisy)

31. Which flower is considered a symbol of inaccessibility? (Edelweiss)

32. Which flower gets its name from a headdress very common in the Middle East? (Tulip from turban)

33. What flower symbolizes England? (Rose)

34. What is another name for alpine violet? (Dryakva, cyclamen)

35. What do people call the flower “calendula”? (Marigold)

36. What was the name of the war in England between York and Lancaster? (War of the Roses)

37. What flower has the second name Iris? (Iris)

38. Which flower is the symbol of Ireland? (Clover. With the help of this flower, St. Patrick, according to legend, explained the trinity of the Holy Trinity

Itsy. He took a leaf of a flower and showed: one petal is God the Father, the other is God the Son, the third is God the Holy Spirit)

39. What aquatic flower is almost everyone incorrectly called a lily? (Water lily)

40. Name at least one flower that has only one petal. (Calla, Anthurium)

41. What profession do people have two crossed poppies as their emblem? (Anesthesiologists)

42. What flowers do Mongolian boys walk around neighboring houses with and sing:

“Flowers have come to visit you!

Congratulations on the New Spring!

(With snowdrops. The owners give the children gifts and sweets)

43. On November 9, 1620, the Mayflower ship landed the English polygrims on the American coast at Cape Cade Cod. How is the name of the ship translated from English? ("May Flower")

44. For many peoples of Europe, May 1 is, first of all, the Festival of the most delicate flowers. Which ones? (Lilies of the valley)

45. Japan has a Boys' Day. What is the second, “flowery” name it has? (Iris Festival)

46. ​​Japan also has a Girls' Day. What “flower” name does it have? (Peach Blossom Festival)

47. Which flower in China is considered a symbol of wealth and nobility? (Peony)

48. In Lithuania, on March 4, they celebrate the Kozyukos holiday, for which thousands of bouquets of multi-colored immortelle flowers are made, framed by dry ears and herbs. What are these bouquets called? (Willow trees. Some of them are taller than human height)

49. Why did the “white slumber” flower get its name? (The white nap shows off only at night. During the day it stands with its head down, as if dozing)

50. Why are yellow roses called tea roses? (Tea flowers mean “Chinese”, from the English “Chine” - China. These flowers there are symbols of Beijing)