Perennial phlox from seeds: cultivation. Growing varietal phlox: features of planting and caring for the “fire flower”

  • Type: blue
  • Flowering period: May, June, July, August, September, October
  • Height: 10-150cm
  • Color: white, pink, red, blue, crimson, purple
  • perennial
  • Winters
  • Sun-loving
  • Moisture-loving

Phlox is a genus of flowers that includes more than 70 species, of which about 30 species are wild, 40 are cultivated. There are up to 400 varieties and hybrids. Certain types of phlox during the flowering period resemble tall tongues of bright scarlet flame. That is why Carl Linnaeus gave the plant genus a name, which translated from Greek means “fire.” Homeland of phlox - North America. Of all the plants of this genus, only one wild species grows in Russia. Phlox are moisture-loving and quite demanding on soil. They need special conditions growing. What are phloxes, planting and caring for them?

Almost all types of phlox are perennial. Of everything species diversity only an annual. Plants of this genus have erect or creeping stems. Height can reach 10-150 cm.

Five-petalled flowers are collected in inflorescences at the ends of the shoots. The number reaches 90. The color of the petals is extremely varied: white, crimson, dark red, purple, with streaks and dots. The fruit is a capsule with seeds, the number of which varies from 70 to 550 depending on the type.

Except for the annual Phlox Drummond, all plants of this genus are perennial.

Phlox ground cover - flower garden decoration

These are creeping plants that are the first to bloom in the garden. Flowers appear on them in mid-May. Phlox awl-shaped is very popular. It is named so for its small oblong leaves, which look like an awl. The plant loves the sun. When planting it, it is important to choose a place that is not too waterlogged so that the root system does not rot. When the awl-shaped phlox fades, it should be cut back by a third. It stimulates growth and more abundant flowering next year. In winter, the subulate phlox needs to be covered. Dry foliage is good for this. Awl-shaped phlox is ideal for decorating rocky hills.

Gardeners also love other varieties of ground cover phlox - lovely, forked, Douglas, Rugelli. They bloom at the end of May and are perfect for decorating flower beds. The color of Rughelli phlox flowers is very interesting - purple-blue. The peculiarity of the lovely phlox is its undemandingness to soils. They can be used to decorate retaining walls and the foot of stairs. Best time for planting ground cover phlox - spring.

Awl-shaped phlox can have any flower color - from white with various shades to purple

Loose-grass varieties - beautiful and unpretentious

They bloom after ground cover. Among loose-grass varieties, the most popular is splayed (Canadian). Gardeners love it for its unpretentiousness. The wild species blooms luxuriantly blue flowers with an intoxicating aroma similar to violet. Under favorable weather conditions, the spreading phlox becomes covered with flowers at the end of May and blooms for about a month. If the season is dry, then the plants fade much faster. The color of the flowers of cultivated varieties varies from white to violet and lilac. When planting splayed phlox, you need to constantly ensure that it is not overgrown with weeds.

Among the loose-grass varieties, stoloniferous phlox is also very beautiful. It is widely used in landscape design, since this species grows quickly and covers the area with a luxurious carpet. Blooms white, pink, blue flowers. Another pleasant property for gardeners is its low light requirements. Stoloniferous phlox feels great in shaded areas. It can be planted under trees. The plant tolerates dampness well.

The flowers of the stoloniferous phlox are extremely beautiful. The raspberry-pink color is especially interesting

Bush phlox - for moist shaded areas

Bush varieties can be low-growing (up to 1 m) and tall (more than 1 m). Among the low-growing ones, Carolina phlox is popular. Domestic gardeners prefer two varieties - “Bill Baker” and “Mrs. Lingard”. First by appearance similar to Canadian phlox. The color of its petals is pink. The second is the highest among low-growing varieties(up to 110 cm). Petals white. In Russia, these varieties take root well because they develop normally in acidic soils.

From tall bush varieties special attention Arends' phloxes deserve. They bloom early and delight the eye with fragrant flowers for a long time. They are planted densely, because The plant stems are weak and can be damaged by bad weather. The peculiarity of the variety is that after pruning they are able to bloom again. To do this, the shoots are pruned immediately after the first flowering.

Two more types of bush phlox are of interest to gardeners - spotted and paniculate. They are quite widespread. Phlox spotted got its name for the original color of its flowers. They are covered with purple streaks and spots. The variety can be planted in semi-shaded areas. Spotted phlox is often used to decorate the area around ponds and the base of trees. The most popular varieties are “Rosalind”, “Omega”, “Alpha”, “Delta”, “White Pyramid”, “Natasha”. The advantage of paniculate phlox over spotted phlox is stronger stems.

You can learn more about the variety of phlox from the video:

"Fire flower" in landscape design

Phloxes look great in both single landings, and as part of compositions. Subulate phloxes look luxurious on alpine slides. They are used to plant flower beds and frame lawns to give a more colorful look. Paniculate phloxes are an ideal decor for unsightly objects. For example, they can be used to disguise old borders. In lush flowering bushes Water tanks or other unpresentable, but very necessary items on the site will be invisible.

Phlox compositions are used to model garden space. They are well suited for dividing it into zones. On the landscape terrace, these plants are placed on the second tier. Thanks to this solution it is possible to achieve beautiful view terraces, no matter what plants are placed on adjacent tiers. A good option– planting a bright lawn. If instead of grass the area is planted with phlox, it will resemble a chic colorful carpet. Medium-sized phlox decorate the edges of garden paths.

Phloxes are well suited for decorating the banks of reservoirs on the site

We are looking for “good neighbors in the garden”

Phloxes are beautiful on their own, so they can be planted separately. But many gardeners consider these flowers to be rustic and prefer to group them with other types of plants. Perhaps this opinion is not entirely fair, but it still wouldn’t hurt to “dilute” the phloxes.

One of the most advantageous options is planting phlox against a background of silvery conifers. Also good idea– plant low-growing plants next to the phloxes, for example. They will cover the lower part of the taller “fire flowers”, and the composition will look complete.

Some gardeners create compositions from phlox and roses. The idea is controversial, since both types look chic on their own, and in combination both can lose. But if you choose the right color scheme, such an experiment can be very successful. Bright roses of rich colors will look good against a background of white or pink phlox.

Design option: a combination of phlox and roses of similar shades, “diluted” with cineraria

How to combine colors when decorating a garden?

When combined different types phlox in one composition, one should remember the golden rules of color harmony. You should not plant flowers of warm and cold colors together. It is also undesirable to combine two or more types of phlox with spotted and variegated petals. Compositions of white phloxes on the background dark colors most often they don’t look very good, because... dark backgrounds “eat up” even very beautiful white flowers. But dark ones against a white background are a completely acceptable option. Groups of the same color look aesthetically pleasing, but different shades, planted sequentially.

Multi-colored phlox, planted in groups along the border, zone and decorate the space

Vegetative and seed propagation of phlox

Like most garden plants, phloxes are propagated by seeds, cuttings and division of bushes. For division, choose an adult bush - from 3, and preferably 4-5 years. If you plan to plant phlox in the spring, then the bush can be divided into 15-20 parts, and in the fall it is better to play it safe and reduce the number of new plants to 4-7. This difference exists because in the spring phloxes take root and take root better.

Spring harvesting of cuttings

Phlox cuttings need to be done from May to mid-summer. Then the survival rate of bushes will be significantly higher. You can take cuttings from the entire stem of the plant. To do this, it is cut into pieces of 2 knots each. It is best to do this on a cloudy day. After harvesting, the cuttings are immediately planted in abundantly watered fertile soil so that they take root.

It is better to prepare the soil for planting cuttings yourself by mixing earth, sand and humus in equal proportions. The planted cuttings are watered regularly. Perfect option– cover them with film. Root system begins to form about a month after planting.

To take cuttings, the stem is cut into several parts, the tops are removed

Features of autumn cuttings

If there is a need to cut phlox “out of season,” then all manipulations should be carried out in cool rooms with a constant temperature. Greenhouses and cellars are suitable for these purposes. In the fall, cuttings cannot be planted immediately open ground, since they will not survive even the first signs of cold weather. For planting, choose a suitable container or flowerpot in which young plants take root and grow until spring. They can be planted on the site in May, when there is no longer a risk of morning frosts.

If the cuttings are prepared in the fall, they need to be planted in a container

Propagation of flowers by seeds

Growing phlox from seeds is a classic of the “gardening genre.” Seed propagation growing plants takes more time than vegetative cultivation, but it has an undeniable advantage - high adaptability. Phlox grown from seeds are better adapted to climate and soil conditions. Significant disadvantage This type of propagation means a possible loss of varietal characteristics. Planting seeds only makes sense if there are no other options or if the quantity planting material more important than preserving the characteristics of the variety.

Seeds can be purchased or grown yourself. They are collected during the period of foliage withering. Then the boxes already acquire a brown color, but do not yet have time to crumble. You can plant seeds immediately on the site, or preferably indoors. A mixture of humus, sand and soil is placed in containers, seeds are planted and covered with 1-1.5 cm of soil. In December, the containers are covered with snow, and in mid-March they are transferred to a greenhouse. Young plants are planted in the ground at the end of April. First - in a greenhouse, a month later - on the site.

After planting the seeds, you can place the container in the house on the windowsill

How to prepare the soil and plant phlox

Although plants tolerate semi-shaded areas well, it is better to plant them in well-lit areas: this way the flowering will be more abundant and the plants will take root better. Water should not stagnate. Suitable soil is sandy, loam with peat and humus. Humus from birch leaves and pine needles is very good. Fresh manure must not be introduced.

The soil is loosened, weeds are removed, fertilized with compost, and watered. At spring planting You can plant phlox immediately after the soil freezes. Then there is a high probability that they will bloom this season. In autumn they are planted until mid-October.

Plants are planted at a distance of 35-50 cm from each other. A closer location is only necessary if planting in the form of a bush is planned. Old plants need replanting. If the flowers have become smaller, it’s time to think about rejuvenating the phlox. It is dug up, divided and replanted.

The first signs of plant aging may appear at 3-5 years of age, then it’s time to divide and replant them

What do flowers need for normal development?

Caring for phlox is not much different from caring for others garden plants. They need to be weeded, the soil loosened, and dried shoots trimmed. If a gardener wants to grow a short and voluminous bush, you can periodically pinch it. It should be remembered that pinching delays the flowering period of the plant by about two weeks, or even a month. It is best done in May. The later the manipulation is carried out, the longer the bush does not bloom.

Phloxes equally do not tolerate both excessive soil moisture and drought. In summer they have to be watered. This can be done not only in the morning and evening, but also during the day. The main thing is to pour water under the roots and try not to splash it on the leaves. During hot, dry periods, phlox can be watered twice a day. To retain moisture, the soil is mulched with humus or peat. A layer of 5 cm is sufficient.

Mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil every week, starting from the end of June until the end of summer. The concentration of additives changes: it is gradually increased from 2 g per liter of water to 8 g, after which it is also reduced. Phlox prefer fertilizers with nitrogen and phosphorus. You can add saltpeter to the “diet” (2 g per liter of water). After mid-August, you should not fertilize the plant. It is advisable to cover phloxes for the winter, especially if they have recently been planted.

In order for plants to bloom well, they need to be fed and fertilized.

Caution, danger: powdery mildew and spotting

Phloxes often suffer from powdery mildew and spotting. Signs of disease: dots and specks on the leaves, their wrinkling. Diseased leaves should be removed and the plant treated Bordeaux mixture or analogues. Can be sprayed for prevention. In this case, you should not wait for symptoms of the disease, but treatment should be carried out in the spring.

Plants may be attacked by threadworms or nematodes. To avoid misfortune, you should not plant phlox in areas where strawberries grew. If the plant is already sick, there is only one treatment method - elimination along with a lump of earth and disinfection of the soil with lime.

For preventive and therapeutic spraying, we can recommend the insecticides “Sumi-Alpha”, “Karate”, “Fury”, “Kinmiks”. More details about pest control are described in the video:

There are never too many flowers summer cottage, especially if these are such unpretentious plants as phlox. Phlox (translated from Latin as “Flame”) amazes not only with its exquisite and subtle smell, but also with the uniqueness of its colors. It is unreservedly admitted that there are practically no problems with them. However, one cannot ignore some features in planting seeds of annual and perennial phlox in the fall in open ground and in the spring for seedlings.

Varieties and varieties of phlox

Very important! Perennial phloxes are not only paniculate, although seeds of other types are practically impossible to find :)

Varieties and varieties of perennial phlox:

The only variety of annual Phlox is Drummond, which is named after the British botanist who brought this plant from America to old Europe.

Growing perennial phlox from seeds

Perennial phloxes are planted with seeds, usually to obtain large quantity plants, for example, to create borders and dividing strips in the garden.

You can purchase seeds in the store or collect seed pods in the garden yourself in the fall.

Note! Phlox from seeds, with proper care, bloom in the second year. Just be sure to cover them for the winter!

Phlox seeds can be sown before winter in open ground or at the end of winter and beginning of spring for seedlings.

Sowing in autumn in open ground

If you are going to sow phlox seeds directly into the beds at the end of autumn (October-November), then it is very convenient to do this in plastic rings that can be cut from 5 liter plastic bottles. According to the rules for sowing before winter, you need to sow only on frozen soil and cover it with dry soil without watering.

Advice! Sowing rate in winter period it is advisable to increase it compared to sowing seeds in containers.

Sowing seedlings in spring

It is convenient to sow phlox at home in disposable containers with a lid, in which drainage holes must be made.

You can take the most common universal soil for growing seedlings, preferably with vermicompost. The soil should be fertile and loose.

Step-by-step instruction sowing perennial phlox seeds:

Video: how to grow perennial phlox from seeds

If you don’t have the opportunity to bring containers with crops to the garden (let’s say you live in an apartment and you can’t get to your dacha in winter), then you can use another way growing phlox from seeds.

Pre-soaked seeds are kept for 2 weeks at a temperature of +18-22 C degrees. Then mixed with sand and placed in the refrigerator for stratification for 6 or more weeks until the seeds hatch. After this, they are planted in containers to a depth of 1 cm and grown at home at a temperature of +17-25 C degrees.

Planting in open ground and further care of perennial phlox

When phlox seedlings have 5-6 true leaves, they should be planted in open ground. Usually this time is around May, when the frosts will have passed and the seedlings will no longer be in danger.

It is advisable to choose a place that is sunny or with light partial shade.

Land for normal development The flower requires loose and fertile soil, rich in organic matter. If your soil is too heavy, then add sand, peat or any other soil loosening agent.

Further care for phloxes consists of regular watering as the soil dries, loosening and weeding from weeds, as well as timely fertilizing.

Advice! If you want to achieve better tillering (branching), then pinch 4-5 pairs of leaves.

It is especially important to water frequently on hot and dry summer days, otherwise flowering will not be as abundant and rich.

It is important not to overwater the flower, as the plant does not tolerate stagnation of water and may simply rot.

Worth knowing! It is advisable to replant phloxes every 4-6 years to a new location.

As a rule, phloxes begin to be fed with nitrogen in the spring to increase green mass. Urea can be used as such a fertilizer, ammonium nitrate. Plants will be grateful for organic fertilizers. So, you can fertilize with fermented mullein infusion (diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15) or chicken manure(in a ratio of 1:25 with water). The following feedings during budding and active flowering Naturally, they should be without nitrogen (or with a minimum amount of it), but exclusively using potassium and phosphorus. Wood ash is great for this.

If you want to prolong the flowering of phlox, then promptly remove the dried inflorescences of early and mid-late varieties of this plant.

Important! Read more about caring for phlox in the fall and preparing them for winter (pruning, covering).

Video: secrets of caring for perennial phlox

Growing annual phlox from seeds

Important! If before this information was exclusively about perennial representatives of these wonderful flowers, then later you will be able to learn better about the specifics of sowing and growing annuals phlox from seeds.

The timing of sowing annual phloxes differs from their perennial varieties. For example, you can plant them for seedlings in March-April.

By the way! Seeds of annual phlox (Drummond) can be sown immediately in open ground if you live in the south or have had a very warm spring.

As for the planting container, the most important thing when choosing it is that you can make drainage holes in it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a food container or special plastic cassettes for seedlings.

Advice! It is very convenient to make drainage holes using a mini soldering iron, which can be purchased at any store such as Fix Price.

The most common and universal soil for flower seedlings is suitable, but it is advisable to supplement it with vermiculite or perlite, sand, ash or dolomite flour, depending on what you have on hand. To loosen the soil, you can add coconut briquettes to it in a 1 to 1 ratio, because for the normal development of seedlings, the soil mixture must be moisture- and breathable.

Sowing seeds

Step-by-step instructions for sowing perennial phlox seeds for seedlings:

Video: sowing annual phlox seeds for seedlings

Caring for phlox seedlings

Every day in the morning, it is advisable to ventilate the planting containers and remove condensation from the shelter that has accumulated overnight.

The first friendly shoots of phlox appear after about 5-7 days.

Now all care for phlox seedlings will consist of watering as the soil dries and maintains optimal temperature And daylight hours(either the sunniest windowsill, or additional illumination with phytolamps).

Video: review of phlox seedlings


Phlox seedlings are picked when they have 2-3 true leaves.

It is convenient to plant phlox in individual cups in which drainage holes have previously been made.

After filling the containers with soil mixture, it is recommended to spill the soil with water with the addition of Energen, and then make small holes.

By the way! Don’t forget to water the container with seedlings before picking so that the seedlings are easily removed and their roots are not injured.

You can get phlox seedlings with any tool convenient for you and bury 1-2 pieces to the cotyledon leaves in cups. After replanting, pour water around the edge, being careful not to get it on the plant itself.

Video: picking phlox seedlings

Advice! Immediately after picking, keep the seedlings on the table or in some other place until the end of the day, without placing them on a bright windowsill.

Care after picking includes moderate watering and fertilizing. Like any other seedlings, phlox cannot be overwatered.

As for fertilizing, use fertilizers such as liquid Fertika “Kristalon for garden flowers” ​​and mineral Fertika Lux (formerly Kemira Lux). You should feed it 2-3 times before planting it in a flowerbed in open ground.

Planting and caring for annual phloxes in open ground

Optimal time Planting phlox seedlings in open ground occurs when the spring return frosts have finally passed, that is, this is approximately the second half of May - the beginning of June, depending on the region of your residence and, accordingly, its climatic features.

Annuals, like perennials, grow well both in well-lit areas and in partial shade. But it’s still better to plant them in some shade. A place near the ridge is perfect for planting phlox. It is very beautiful to plant these flowers on hills.

Both rain and downpours are beyond all praise, except that they fall a little, of course, but then they rise safely.

They should be planted at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

Advice! In order for the soil to better retain moisture, it is advisable to mulch the area with peat or humus immediately after planting.

Caring for phlox must necessarily include the following garden manipulations: loosening and weeding of grass and weeds, active watering in dry weather and fertilizing. During the flowering period, annual phlox respond well to fertilization with nitrophoska (calculated at 20 grams of product per 10 liters of water).

Video: growing and caring for annual phlox

Thus, to the delight of both advanced gardeners and novice gardeners, caring for these amazingly beautiful and fragrant flowers called phlox is not particularly difficult. Just for the benefit of the flowers, grow them not anyhow, but correctly, adhering to our recommendations for choosing containers for seedlings, location, soil, and also using advanced agrotechnical methods.

Video: planting perennial and annual phlox with seeds

In contact with

Growing phlox from seeds is a popular and successful way of propagating them. But annual phlox, or Drummond, is mainly grown through seedlings. This is understandable, because such plants live only for one season, and you really want to see them bloom. The seedling method allows you to delay the appearance of inflorescences by a couple of weeks. After all, by the time it’s time to sow phlox in open ground, you will already have young, fully formed bushes. In addition, Drummond phlox seeds are quite expensive - there are usually no more than a dozen seeds in one bag.

When sowing annual phlox directly into open ground, often most of the crops do not germinate. To avoid such disappointment, experienced gardeners It is recommended to grow these phloxes from seeds seedling method. Today we will briefly tell you how to do this correctly.

When to sow

You can start sowing phlox seeds for seedlings in April. If you have the opportunity to provide the seedlings with additional lighting, sow the seeds another 2 weeks earlier.

It is not difficult to calculate the approximate sowing date: on average, 3 months pass from planting seeds to planting seedlings in a permanent place. This is why you “dance”, taking into account the local climate.

What soil is needed to grow phlox seedlings?

Phlox has small seeds, so the substrate should be light but nutritious. You can use a universal soil mixture from the store. If desired, prepare a similar soil yourself by mixing:

  • peat;
  • sand;
  • turf ground.

How to grow phlox from seeds

After purchase suitable soil and seeds, you can proceed directly to sowing them:

  1. Fill a shallow container (such as a plastic tray with a lid) with soil.
  2. Spread the seeds over the surface of the soil, but do not cover them.
  3. Spray well with a spray bottle.
  4. Close the lid.

Place the container with the sown phlox on a bright and warm windowsill. When the seeds germinate, remove the lid. After each seedling has formed 3-4 leaves, plant the phloxes in separate containers for growing. You can also use a common pot, but plant no more than 5-6 bushes there so that they have enough space.

When picking, you must not bury the growing point, otherwise the seedlings may die.

For phlox seedlings, choose a well-lit place, otherwise they will stretch out. Remember to water the plants regularly, but try not to overwater. If there is an excess of moisture, there is every chance of the appearance of such a scourge as black leg. You can feed the seedlings once, but not earlier than a week after picking. Do complex exercises once every two weeks mineral supplements– this will help to grow lush and strong phloxes.

Annual phloxes lend themselves well to shaping. To get a round bush, from the second month of the seedlings’ life, start pinching the tops.

Having grown phlox from seeds, when the weather warms up in May, calmly send them to the flowerbed. By this time, you will have already strong plants, and some may even show their first flowers.

How to grow phlox from seeds through seedlings - video

Flowering of phlox paniculata seedlings

Already in the first year of life, paniculata phlox seedlings begin to bloom (a little later than the main bushes) and delight us until late autumn.

You will experience a great sense of joy and involvement in the mysteries of nature when you see on a piece of land two square meters about 150 young plants of different colors, where it is impossible to find at least two flowers of exactly the same color!

Now, if you don't have large plot empty land, the most difficult moment comes. From this huge number of grown phlox paniculata seedlings, it is necessary to leave only a few of the most attractive plants.
After all, only in the first year was it possible to plant seedlings so close to each other. The very next year, each seedling will produce an adult paniculate phlox bush with 5-6 powerful stems.

It’s a shame to throw away “extra” plants, so you have the opportunity to give them to your friends, or your apartment building.

Perhaps you will be inspired by the results of growing paniculata phlox from seeds. Then you will decide on your plants and obtain seedlings with the desired qualities.
In the meantime, name your pets whatever you like; just replace the word “variety” with the word “seedling”.

The seeds of the plants in the photographs are taken from varieties of paniculata phlox: “Chernomor”, “Margri”, “Zefir”, “Gzhel”.

Typical mistakes when growing paniculata phlox

As mentioned above, most varieties of paniculata phlox set seeds in the garden without our participation. If they are not removed from the bush in time, the seeds will fall nearby. It is quite possible that they will germinate.
Since the seedlings of paniculata phlox turn out to be strong and healthy, and the purchased varietal phlox is often frail, then after a couple of years we see something incomprehensible at the place where the exclusive phlox was planted...
There is an opinion that this varietal phlox has been “reborn”. And it was necessary to simply remove the seeds from it in time.

During the next redevelopment of a flower garden, sometimes it is necessary to plant one variety of phlox instead of another. You need to know that the roots left in the ground from the previous plant have the ability to germinate over time, and then there is a risk of getting a “mixed” bush from the old and new varieties of phlox.

Many varieties of paniculata phlox are able to grow in one place long time. But you should still remember that the phlox bush is aging, its flowers become smaller, and diseases accumulate. Therefore, do not be lazy periodically.

At autumn transplant Phlox paniculata needs to be covered with earth or sprinkled with peat. The fact is that the loose soil will settle during the autumn rains, and then the buds of the renewal of the phlox bush may freeze.

You should not plant blue and blue paniculate phloxes on sunny place, since their flowers are blue and blue only at twilight and in cloudy weather. In bright sunshine, the blue color of the phlox changes to crimson or purple, and the blue color changes to pink. These changes can be so dramatic that you may not even recognize your favorite variety. For example, the flowers of the Phlox paniculata variety, completely blue in the evening, turn pale pink in the sun...

When growing paniculata phlox in your garden, you must always remember that the new expensive variety of phlox without it looks worse than the old one popular variety with good care.

Lyubov Vasilievna Teslenko (Udmurtia, Votkinsk)

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The characteristic “calico bloom” is evidenced. It is associated with the coloring of chintz in the variety of favorite shades, the splendor of floral patterns, and the shape of the inflorescences. Some even call it a “village flower”, since it is widespread and grows under the windows of many houses.

Those who deny phlox sophistication, to put it mildly, are not deeply familiar with the species and varietal diversity of the plant. And the recognition of phlox only says that it easily takes root in our latitudes and is liked by people.

The flower is revered by Western breeders. It was they who gave us the selection varieties of awl-shaped, rat-shaped phlox and annual species Drummond. Many people don’t even realize that theirs, decorated with a blooming mat of fragrant flowers, is a type of phlox. In our open spaces we are more familiar with paniculate appearance phlox, and even then not with all varieties.

The title photo shows the Violetta Gloriosa variety.

Phlox has up to 70 species and more than 1,500 varieties. The color scheme, combinations of shades and variety of shapes will surprise even an experienced gardener.

Types of phlox. Perennial, annual

The main species groups are identified. The basis of the classification is the height of the stems, flowering time, plant shape, flowering time.

paniculate species

Phlox perennial paniculata, the most famous and diverse species. The height of phlox varies from 40 cm to 1.5 meters. The palette of tones and colors defies description: plain, multi-colored (spotted), a combination of different shades. There are also exotic forms, these are the so-called Feelings or “buds”. The inflorescences are collected in non-opening buds of various shapes.

Subulate phlox

Perennial species, ground cover plants (up to 20 cm) with tender fragrant flowers. They lay out a beautiful carpet border flower beds, rockeries, alpine coaster. IN color scheme blue, white, lilac-violet tones predominate. But there are varieties with rich colors, raspberry, salmon.

Phlox divaricata

Perennial, low growing, unpretentious plant from 17 to 40 cm. The inflorescences have a heady delicate aroma. This type of phlox can grow in the shade and under trees. Delicate shades of lilac and blue colors predominate.

Phlox splayed

Phlox drummondii

An annual type of flower grown from seeds. Drummond varieties are distinguished by their refined flower shapes and delicate aroma. Height no more than 30 cm. Wide range of colors and color combinations. It differs in that it blooms all summer, until the onset of frost.

How do phlox reproduce?

Most of these species of plants perennials. Only Drummonda, an annual, can only reproduce by seed.

Methods for propagating phlox:

  1. Vegetative method: dividing the bush, layering and cuttings.
  2. Growing from seeds: seedlings and directly into the ground.

Vegetative method

Since flowers need renewal every 5 years, the bush is divided for this purpose. It can serve as material for planting phlox. They dig up the bush and shake off the clod of earth. If the roots are tightly grown together and intertwined, you can lightly rinse with water. Carefully separate the stem and roots. We remove the old roots, then lightly trim the remaining ones. The seedling is ready for planting.

The other most common method is cuttings.

There are several ways to root cuttings.

Young spring shoots (up to 12 cm) are separated from the main bush and planted in a greenhouse. When the ground warms up, you can plant it in a permanent place.

Second way. Cut the stems with two pairs of leaves at the beginning of summer. In such a way that a piece of the stem remains from the bottom to the leaves. For a day they put it in a nutrient mixture (for example, “Kornevin”). A cutting is planted in a specially prepared greenhouse and covered with a bottle or jar until the roots form and the first leaves appear. In early autumn, you can transplant the seedling to a permanent place. Optimal time end of August, beginning of September. This is done so that the seedling has time to take root on permanent place until the cold weather.

Note. You can plant the plant in the summer, but in this case you need to maintain a moist regime, regularly, but not abundantly, watering.

Growing from seeds

Important. You should pay attention to the fact that seeds lose their viability if stored for a long time and improperly. Therefore, they must first be checked for germination using the stratification method. In other words, germinate.

Phlox subulate seeds.

How to germinate seeds?

Sowing seeds for germination can be done using standard methods. Sow them in damp sand and watch them to hatch. Then plant as seedlings or in warm open ground at the end of May.

Another recommendation: planting seeds for seedlings directly into prepared boxes to a depth of 2 cm. It is necessary to water the seedlings with a sprayer so as not to wash them. After 2 or 3 weeks, the seedlings are picked and the first fertilizing is done (with nitrogen fertilizers).

How to sow seeds?

Pay attention to the “Perennial Blend” of phlox seeds from the Plasma Seeds company. Plasma treatment stimulates the growth and development of the plant. The flower blooms ahead of schedule.

Sprouted seeds can be planted in May warm ground, directly into the ground (depth up to 2 cm). At first, until the sprouts appear, cover with film. Then it is removed. Flowering will begin already during the planting season, but later.

There is a way to plant seeds in winter. Here opinions differ. Some argue that early sprouted sprouts may die prematurely from the cold. Others, on the contrary, say that such planting hardens the plants.

Our advice. In the case when you have your own seed material from mother bushes that have adapted to the climate, you can plant it in winter. If these are purchased seeds of varieties of phlox that have not previously grown in your area, then it is better to germinate them and plant them as seedlings. Plants have memory, so they respond to different growing climates.

Agricultural technology for growing seedlings

A group of new hybrids, their cultivation from seeds is no different from conventional methods. Varieties of annual phlox Drummond can be grown by sowing in the ground in the month of May. The main conditions for successful germination are preparing the soil and covering the crops in the first weeks with spunbond. The land for sowing is prepared by mixing with peat and humus. Plant several seeds shallowly (up to 2 cm) at a distance of 15-20 cm.

Flowering of phlox from seedlings begins earlier than from seeds in the ground, since by this time they have already taken root and begun to develop.

When to plant?

Seeds of the Drummond variety and other hybrids are planted for seedlings in the spring, in March.

Note. Phlox seeds are similar to small coffee beans with a thick skin. But you can’t push them deep into the ground, because they begin to germinate only if sunlight hits them.

Planting seeds for seedlings, how to plant

Plant the seeds on seedlings, almost on the surface of the soil, slightly deepening them. Cover with glass or film. Moisten the soil by spraying water.

How to grow seedlings:

Basic rules for care after planting seedlings

Phlox prefer loose soils, neutral or slightly acidic. Before planting seedlings, add peat, humus, and organic matter.

The second condition for normal growth and flowering, feeding.

Fertilizer application schedule:

  • March, comprehensive feeding;
  • in May, organic fertilizers, in combination with complex chemicals;
  • in June, complex fertilizers, with an increase in the proportion of potash, the addition of ash and urea;
  • in July and early August, complex fertilizers with the addition of superphosphates are applied.

It is better to apply complex formulations in the evening, in the form of watering solutions. Avoid contact with foliage and inflorescences.

The soil around the roots must be mulched, this is especially important for bushes that are several years old. The roots of the plants lie at a depth of up to 20 cm. As the bush grows, they rise to the surface. This, in turn, can lead to drying out of the root system.

The root system of phlox is shallow (15-20 cm). Therefore, timely watering prevents the soil from drying out and dehydration of the roots. At the same time, phlox does not like excess moisture in the soil.

When to replant and rejuvenate phloxes

Perennials needs to be rejuvenated approximately every 5 years. By this time, the bush is growing and producing many shoots that impede the development of the plant. Crowding of the bush leads to its weakening and reduction of inflorescences.

Dig up old bush phlox, cuttings with roots are separated from it, which can be used as planting material. Part of the stems is used for cuttings, from which stem shoots are formed for cuttings.

Many gardeners ask the question why perennial phlox does not bloom.

Important. Perennial phlox may stop blooming if the bush is very old or is covered by strong shadow. If a tree or shrub with a strong root system grows nearby, it can clog the phlox and prevent the formation of inflorescences.

Phlox diseases

They are divided into viral and fungal.

Here are photos of the diseases.


  • rattling. Light spreading spots on leaves;