Rules for transportation and storage of cable. Storage conditions for electrical machines What does the storage conditions mean?


Transportation and storage of electrical equipment

From the place of manufacture to electrical installations, electrical equipment is transported in transport packaging made taking into account the characteristics of the product, method of transportation and storage in order to protect it en route from mechanical damage and exposure to climatic factors (direct exposure to precipitation, solar radiation and dust). The type of transport (except for railway, which can transport any products) is specifically specified when ordering. Transportation conditions must comply with the requirements of GOST 15150-69 (table).
Transport packaging can also be used for storing products in customer warehouses. In this case, the total period of transportation and storage should not exceed two years under coolant storage conditions, three years under F conditions, and five years under L and S conditions.
Placement of electrical equipment at a permanent storage location (in conditions that meet the requirements of the RD for its supply) must be carried out no later than 5 days from the moment of arrival at the base or mine. In storage conditions according to groups F (under a canopy) and OZh (in open areas), products are stored in transport packaging, and in conditions according to groups L (heated warehouses) and C (unheated warehouses) - they can also be stored in inner packaging (cardboard boxes , hermetic covers); in this case, products of large size and mass should not be removed from the bottom panel of the box and other supporting base of the outer packaging. Specific storage conditions indicating additional groups (OZh4, Zh2, etc.) are indicated in the technical specifications (TS) for delivery.

Equipment storage conditions

The electric machine is delivered from the manufacturer to the customer (installation site), and from that moment its operation begins. As a rule, before installation, the electrical machine or the device in which it operates is stored for a certain period of time in a non-operating state in its transport packaging. It is allowed to use transport packaging in customer warehouses. According to the conditions for storing electrical machines in warehouses, four groups of conditions are distinguished:

light - L,

average - C,

hard - F

especially tough - coolant.

In turn, the Zh storage group has three subgroups - Zh1, Zh2, ZhZ, which differ in environmental conditions, and the coolant storage group has four subgroups. Storage conditions are given in table. 6.1.

Table 6.1. Storage conditions for electrical machines

Continuation of the table. 6.1

Group Storage Storage conditions
Air temperature, °C Relative humidity Additional terms
Hard (W): W1 Outdoor areas in temperate and cold climates + 50* -r -50** 100% at G<25°С с конденсацией влаги Solar radiation 1125 W/m2, rain intensity up to 3 mm/min, presence of dust
Zh2 Sheds or premises located in areas with temperate and cold climates, in which fluctuations in air temperature and humidity do not differ significantly from fluctuations in the open air + 50- -50** Same as for Zh1 Presence of dust
ZhZ Indoor or other naturally ventilated spaces without artificially controlled climatic conditions, located in areas with a tropical climate in which fluctuations in temperature and humidity are significantly less than outdoors + 50+ -50 95% at G « 35 °С without moisture condensation Presence of mold or wood-destroying fungi
Extra hard (OZH): OZH1 Open areas in any climatic regions, including areas with a tropical climate + 60-g-50** 100% at G<35°С с конденсацией влаги Solar radiation 1125 W/m2, rain intensity up to 5 mm/min, presence of dust and mold or wood-destroying fungi
OZh2 Sheds or rooms where fluctuations in air temperature and humidity do not differ significantly from fluctuations in the open air, located in any climatic regions, including in areas with a tropical climate + 60-g -50** Same as for coolant1 Presence of dust and mold or wood-destroying fungi

1. The main and additional groups are arranged in order of increasing severity of storage conditions from L to OZh1

2. Type I atmosphere corresponds to rural, forest or mountainous areas,

II - industrial areas,

III - coastal area.

Electrical equipment is delivered to the customer in packaging that protects it from environmental influences during transportation and storage. Storage conditions for electrical equipment are given in Appendix 1.

There are four main groups of storage warehouses. The first consists of warehouses of group L (light conditions), in which comfortable conditions are provided

storage, in the warehouses of the second group good storage conditions are provided (group C), in the warehouses of the third and fourth groups there are quite strict (group Zh) and especially stringent (group OZh) conditions for storing equipment. In this case, group L has three storage subgroups (1, 1.1 and 1.2), group Zh - three (Zh1, Zh2 and Zh3), group OZH - four (OZH1, OZH2, OZH3 and OZH4).

The manufacturer's instructions indicate the conditions and maximum storage period for equipment under which its functionality is not impaired. Before accepting for storage, you should make sure that the packaging is intact (preservation) and, if necessary, restore it by checking its completeness. Violation of storage conditions can lead to damage to individual equipment elements associated with corrosion of metal parts, oxidation of contact surfaces, etc.

Electric cars. The surfaces of products made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as threaded and pin holes, are subject to conservation. Plastic and liquid lubricants, easily removable paint coatings, waxed papers, synthetic films, etc. can be used.

10.1. Storage conditions for products, determined by their location, macroclimatic region and type of atmosphere, and characterized by a combination of climatic factors affecting packaged and (or) canned products during storage, are given in Table. 13.

10.2. Conditions for transporting products, other than those specified in paragraphs. 10.3-10.5, are the same as storage conditions in open areas: for macroclimatic regions with a temperate and cold climate on land - according to storage conditions 8* for all macroclimatic regions on land, for a macroclimatic region with a tropical climate and for sea transport - 9 **. In this case, if the products are intended for transportation on open decks, the impact of sea waves must be taken into account.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

Table 13. Product storage conditions

Storage conditions

Designation of storage conditions for products

Climatic factors



Air temperature, °C

Relative air humidity according to table. 6 for climatic version

Solar radiation

Rain intensity, upper value, mm/min

Mold and wood-destroying fungi



Upper value

Lower value

Heated and ventilated warehouses, air-conditioned warehouses located in any macroclimatic regions

Heated storage

Humidity controlled storage

See note 1

Temperature and humidity controlled storage

Closed or other premises with natural ventilation without artificially controlled climatic conditions, where fluctuations in temperature and humidity are significantly less than in the open air (for example, stone, concrete, metal with thermal insulation and other storage facilities), located in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates

Unheated storage in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates

Closed or other premises with natural ventilation without artificially controlled climatic conditions, where fluctuations in temperature and air humidity are significantly less than in the open air (for example, stone, concrete, metal with thermal insulation and other storage facilities), located in any macroclimatic regions, including in tropical climates

Unheated storage

Sheds, or rooms where fluctuations in air temperature and humidity do not differ significantly from fluctuations in the open air (for example, tents, metal storage facilities without thermal insulation, etc.), located in macroclimatic regions with a temperate and cold climate in a type I atmosphere

Sheds in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates in a conditionally clean atmosphere

Sheds or rooms where fluctuations in air temperature and humidity do not differ significantly from fluctuations in the open air (for example, tents, metal storage facilities without thermal insulation), located in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates in any type of atmosphere****

Sheds in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates

Sheds or rooms where fluctuations in air temperature and humidity do not differ significantly from fluctuations in the open air (for example, tents, metal storage facilities without thermal insulation), located in any macroclimatic areas, including areas with a tropical climate in any type of atmosphere****

Open areas located in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates in a type I atmosphere

Open areas in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates in a relatively clean atmosphere

Open areas in macroclimatic areas with temperate and cold climates in any type of atmosphere****

Open areas in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates

Open areas in any macroclimatic areas, including areas with a tropical climate, in any type of atmosphere****

Open areas

* For a short time (up to 3-4 hours per year) the temperature can increase to 60°C for storage conditions 8, to 70°C for storage conditions 9.

** The temperature value is taken to be minus 60°C for products of UHL (HL), O, B category 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 3.1, as well as for products of other designs, for which the standards or technical specifications for products indicate a lower temperature value during operation below minus 50 ° C or which must be transported through areas with a cold climate in winter (or temporarily stored in these areas).

*** It is allowed to take a lower temperature value of minus 10°C if the product will not be transported or stored in an area with a temperate and cold climate in winter or transported by plane at any time of the year.

**** In this case, only the impact of type II atmosphere is taken into account, which is not specified in the standards or technical specifications. Exposure to Types III and IV atmospheres should be considered when specified in product standards or specifications. In particular, when storing products on the decks of floating ships and vessels, one should take into account the impact of a type III atmosphere, as well as (during navigation) sulfur dioxide with its content in the atmosphere from 60 to 250 mg/m 3 × day (0.07 to 0. 3 mg/m 3).


1. Relative air humidity values: for storage conditions 1.1 upper - 40% at 50°C, average annual - 30% at 20°C; for storage conditions 1.2 top - 55% at 15°C, average annual - 40% at 15°C.

2. The integral surface flux density of solar radiation energy is 1125 W/m2 (0.027 cal/cm2 ×s), including the flux density of the ultraviolet part of the spectrum (wavelength 280-400 nm) - 68 W/m2 (0. 0016 cal/cm 2 ×s).

3. When stored under conditions 3, 6 or 9 in a macroclimatic area with a dry tropical climate, it is allowed to take the value of relative air humidity and the effect of mold fungi as the same as for storage conditions 2, if the safety of the products during transportation is ensured.

4. The minus sign “-” means that the impact of factors is not taken into account, the plus sign “+” - the impact of the factor is taken into account, the sign “H” - the impact of the factor is significantly less than for the case indicated by the plus sign “+”.

5. In the regulatory and technical documentation for the product, the main designation of storage conditions is indicated. One of the auxiliary designations may be indicated in brackets along with the main one for connection with previously used designations.

6. Storage conditions 1.1 and 1.2 are prescribed with special technical and economic justification.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2, 3).

10.3. For products for which the standards or technical conditions provide for transportation only in closed transport (railway cars, containers, closed vehicles, holds, etc.), the transportation conditions are the same as the storage conditions: for macroclimatic regions with moderate and cold climates on land - according to storage conditions 5*, for all macroclimatic regions on land or for a macroclimatic region with a humid tropical climate - according to storage conditions 6, for sea transportation in holds - according to storage conditions 3**.

* In this case, only the impact of type II atmosphere is taken into account, which is not specified in the standards or technical specifications. If exposure to Types III and IV atmospheres is required to be taken into account, this should be specified in the standards or specifications.

** For sea transportation within an area with a temperate maritime climate, with a transportation distance of no more than 1.5 thousand km and (or) transportation time of no more than 1 month, 8 and 2, respectively.

10.4. For products intended for transportation on airplanes, in addition to those specified in clause 10.2, the following effects must be taken into account:

  • low temperature equal to minus 60°C (lower value);
  • sudden temperature changes from the upper value during storage to minus 60°C and back;
  • reduced air pressure (the lower pressure value is selected according to clause 37 and is indicated in technical specifications, standards or technical specifications for products).

The instructions of this paragraph do not apply to products for which the standards or technical conditions provide for transportation only in heated sealed compartments.

10.5. In cases where, due to the design features of the products, it is not allowed to expose them during transportation and (or) storage to the temperatures established in paragraphs. 10.1-10.4, in agreement with the customer, establish transportation conditions the same as for storage conditions 1, or narrower temperature ranges compared to those established for storage conditions 4-9, or establish requirements for transportation and (or) storage only for certain periods seasons. The transportation conditions specified in this paragraph are additionally specified in the accompanying documentation and labeling of the cargo.

10.6. The periods of stay of products under appropriate transportation conditions are established in standards for transportation conditions or (in the absence of such standards) - in standards or technical specifications for products.

Note. The transportation conditions in this section are given to assess the types and magnitudes of climatic factors acting on packaging and packaged products, and should be taken into account when choosing preservation and packaging (taking into account the design and category of products).


Rules for transporting and storing cables

1. Requirements for transporting a cable drum

1. Cable transportation must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 18690-82.

2. Conditions for transporting cables in terms of exposure to climatic factors must comply with storage conditions 8 (OZhZ) according to GOST 15150-69.

4. Cable transported in violation of the above points is not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.

2. Requirements for unloading the cable drum

1. An optical cable is a fragile product, as evidenced by the special marking “Fragile. Be careful" on the cheek of the bar-ban. When carrying out unloading work, it is necessary to protect the cable drum from external mechanical influences: shock, vibration, etc.

2. When carrying out unloading work, it is allowed to roll the drum only in the direction indicated by the arrow on the outer side of the drum cheek.

3. The cable is unloaded from the vehicle using a forklift or lifting mechanisms.

4. If a mechanized method of unloading the cable is not possible, it is allowed to roll out the drums along the gangway using slings. Unloading drums manually by rolling is permitted provided that the warehouse floor is at the same level as the floor of the car body or the floor of the carriage. If the warehouse floor is located below the level of the floor of the carriage or car body, manual unloading of the drums during tilting is allowed along slopes or slopes by two workers using strong ropes (POT RM-007-98, clause 2.50; clause 2.51). In this case, the possibility of the cable drum falling or hitting must be completely excluded.

5. Throwing the cable drum from the car body onto the ground is strictly prohibited!

3. Incoming control and actions in case of detection of non-conformity

1. Upon receipt of the cable, the Buyer carries out input control in the scope of acceptance tests specified in the specifications specified in the accompanying documentation.

2. If desired, the Buyer has the right to conduct additional tests provided for in the Specifications.

3. If inconsistencies are identified, the Buyer prepares and sends to MKF JSC a claim containing: the name of the Buyer’s organization, the number of the cable drum, the length of the cable, the nature of the nonconformity, the date of detection of the nonconformity, the brand of equipment and the modes on which the measurements were made ( tests).

4. Hidden defects of the product can be identified by the Buyer during the process of laying and installing the cable. The actions in this case are similar to those described in paragraph 3.3.

4. Storing the cable drum

1. Storage conditions for cables must comply with storage conditions 5 (OZh4) according to GOST 15150-69.

2. The optical cable must be stored in a place away from direct sunlight, in the supplier's packaging.

5. Safety requirements

1. When carrying out work on packaging, loading, transportation, unloading, incoming control, storage, laying and installation of optical cable, workers and employees must comply with the safety requirements stipulated by the internal documentation of the organization responsible for performing these works.

6. Manufacturer's warranty

1. The manufacturer guarantees that the cables comply with the requirements of the specifications specified in the accompanying documentation, provided that the Buyer complies with the conditions of transportation, unloading, storage, installation and operation.

2. Warranty period of operation - 2 (two) years from the date of commissioning, but not more than 3 (three) years from the date of delivery, unless otherwise specified in the contract.

10.1. Storage conditions for products, determined by their location, macroclimatic region and type of atmosphere, and characterized by a combination of climatic factors affecting packaged and (or) canned products during storage, are given in Table. 13.

10.2. Conditions for transporting products, other than those specified in paragraphs. 10.3-10.5, are the same as storage conditions in open areas: for macroclimatic regions with a temperate and cold climate on land - according to storage conditions 8* for all macroclimatic regions on land, for a macroclimatic region with a tropical climate and for sea transport - 9 **. In this case, if the products are intended for transportation on open decks, the impact of sea waves must be taken into account.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

Table 13. Product storage conditions

Storage conditions

Designation of storage conditions for products

Climatic factors



Air temperature, °C

Relative air humidity according to table. 6 for climatic version

Solar radiation

Rain intensity, upper value, mm/min

Mold and wood-destroying fungi



Upper value

Lower value

Heated and ventilated warehouses, air-conditioned warehouses located in any macroclimatic regions

Heated storage

Humidity controlled storage

See note 1

Temperature and humidity controlled storage

Closed or other premises with natural ventilation without artificially controlled climatic conditions, where fluctuations in temperature and humidity are significantly less than in the open air (for example, stone, concrete, metal with thermal insulation and other storage facilities), located in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates

Unheated storage in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates

Closed or other premises with natural ventilation without artificially controlled climatic conditions, where fluctuations in temperature and air humidity are significantly less than in the open air (for example, stone, concrete, metal with thermal insulation and other storage facilities), located in any macroclimatic regions, including in tropical climates

Unheated storage

Sheds, or rooms where fluctuations in air temperature and humidity do not differ significantly from fluctuations in the open air (for example, tents, metal storage facilities without thermal insulation, etc.), located in macroclimatic regions with a temperate and cold climate in a type I atmosphere

Sheds in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates in a conditionally clean atmosphere

Sheds or rooms where fluctuations in air temperature and humidity do not differ significantly from fluctuations in the open air (for example, tents, metal storage facilities without thermal insulation), located in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates in any type of atmosphere****

Sheds in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates

Sheds or rooms where fluctuations in air temperature and humidity do not differ significantly from fluctuations in the open air (for example, tents, metal storage facilities without thermal insulation), located in any macroclimatic areas, including areas with a tropical climate in any type of atmosphere****

Open areas located in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates in a type I atmosphere

Open areas in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates in a relatively clean atmosphere

Open areas in macroclimatic areas with temperate and cold climates in any type of atmosphere****

Open areas in macroclimatic regions with temperate and cold climates

Open areas in any macroclimatic areas, including areas with a tropical climate, in any type of atmosphere****

Open areas

* For a short time (up to 3-4 hours per year) the temperature can increase to 60°C for storage conditions 8, to 70°C for storage conditions 9.

** The temperature value is taken to be minus 60°C for products of UHL (HL), O, B category 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 3.1, as well as for products of other designs, for which the standards or technical specifications for products indicate a lower temperature value during operation below minus 50 ° C or which must be transported through areas with a cold climate in winter (or temporarily stored in these areas).

*** It is allowed to take a lower temperature value of minus 10°C if the product will not be transported or stored in an area with a temperate and cold climate in winter or transported by plane at any time of the year.

**** In this case, only the impact of type II atmosphere is taken into account, which is not specified in the standards or technical specifications. Exposure to Types III and IV atmospheres should be considered when specified in product standards or specifications. In particular, when storing products on the decks of floating ships and vessels, one should take into account the impact of a type III atmosphere, as well as (during navigation) sulfur dioxide with its content in the atmosphere from 60 to 250 mg/m 3 × day (0.07 to 0. 3 mg/m 3).


1. Relative air humidity values: for storage conditions 1.1 upper - 40% at 50°C, average annual - 30% at 20°C; for storage conditions 1.2 top - 55% at 15°C, average annual - 40% at 15°C.

2. The integral surface flux density of solar radiation energy is 1125 W/m2 (0.027 cal/cm2 ×s), including the flux density of the ultraviolet part of the spectrum (wavelength 280-400 nm) - 68 W/m2 (0. 0016 cal/cm 2 ×s).

3. When stored under conditions 3, 6 or 9 in a macroclimatic area with a dry tropical climate, it is allowed to take the value of relative air humidity and the effect of mold fungi as the same as for storage conditions 2, if the safety of the products during transportation is ensured.

4. The minus sign “-” means that the impact of factors is not taken into account, the plus sign “+” - the impact of the factor is taken into account, the sign “H” - the impact of the factor is significantly less than for the case indicated by the plus sign “+”.

5. In the regulatory and technical documentation for the product, the main designation of storage conditions is indicated. One of the auxiliary designations may be indicated in brackets along with the main one for connection with previously used designations.

6. Storage conditions 1.1 and 1.2 are prescribed with special technical and economic justification.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2, 3).

10.3. For products for which the standards or technical conditions provide for transportation only in closed transport (railway cars, containers, closed vehicles, holds, etc.), the transportation conditions are the same as the storage conditions: for macroclimatic regions with moderate and cold climates on land - according to storage conditions 5*, for all macroclimatic regions on land or for a macroclimatic region with a humid tropical climate - according to storage conditions 6, for sea transportation in holds - according to storage conditions 3**.

* In this case, only the impact of type II atmosphere is taken into account, which is not specified in the standards or technical specifications. If exposure to Types III and IV atmospheres is required to be taken into account, this should be specified in the standards or specifications.

** For sea transportation within an area with a temperate maritime climate, with a transportation distance of no more than 1.5 thousand km and (or) transportation time of no more than 1 month, 8 and 2, respectively.

10.4. For products intended for transportation on airplanes, in addition to those specified in clause 10.2, the following effects must be taken into account:

  • low temperature equal to minus 60°C (lower value);
  • sudden temperature changes from the upper value during storage to minus 60°C and back;
  • reduced air pressure (the lower pressure value is selected according to clause 37 and is indicated in technical specifications, standards or technical specifications for products).

The instructions of this paragraph do not apply to products for which the standards or technical conditions provide for transportation only in heated sealed compartments.

10.5. In cases where, due to the design features of the products, it is not allowed to expose them during transportation and (or) storage to the temperatures established in paragraphs. 10.1-10.4, in agreement with the customer, establish transportation conditions the same as for storage conditions 1, or narrower temperature ranges compared to those established for storage conditions 4-9, or establish requirements for transportation and (or) storage only for certain periods seasons. The transportation conditions specified in this paragraph are additionally specified in the accompanying documentation and labeling of the cargo.

10.6. The periods of stay of products under appropriate transportation conditions are established in standards for transportation conditions or (in the absence of such standards) - in standards or technical specifications for products.

Note. The transportation conditions in this section are given to assess the types and magnitudes of climatic factors acting on packaging and packaged products, and should be taken into account when choosing preservation and packaging (taking into account the design and category of products).

GOST 15150-69 applies to all types of machines, instruments and other technical products and establishes the macroclimatic zoning of the globe, designs, categories, operating conditions, storage and transportation of products in terms of the impact of environmental climatic factors

Types of climatic versions, designation

  • U - temperate climate (+40/-45 o C);
  • HL - cold climate (+40/-60 o C);
  • UHL - moderate and cold climate (+40/-60 o C);
  • T - tropical climate (+40/+1 o C);
  • M - maritime moderate-cold climate (+40/-40 o C);
  • O - general climatic version (except for sea) (+50/-60 o C);
  • OM - general climatic marine version (+45/-40 o C);
  • B - all climatic versions (+50/-60 o C).

Climatic conditions in Central Antarctica are not determined by GOST 15150-69. Several macroclimatic regions can be combined into a group of macroclimatic regions (for example, climate category UHL, T).

Example notation:

Bellows compensator KSO 200-16-160 UHL 1.

This means that a bellows expansion joint with a nominal diameter of 200 mm, a working pressure of 16 bar and a compensating capacity of 160 mm is used in moderately cold climates at temperatures down to minus 60 o C in the open air.

The number after the letters indicates the placement category:

  • 1 - open air;
  • 2 - the same as 1 only without direct sunlight and without precipitation;
  • 3 - indoors without climate control;
  • 4 - indoors with ventilation and heating;
  • 5 - in rooms with high humidity, without artificial regulation of climatic conditions.

General provisions of GOST 15150-69:

  1. GOST 15150-69 must be used in the design and manufacture of products in accordance with the climatic modifications reflected in it. In particular, it should be used when drawing up technical specifications for the development or modernization of products, as well as when developing state standards and technical specifications that establish requirements regarding the impact of climatic environmental factors for a group of products, and in the absence of these group documents - for individual types of products . All products must be manufactured in accordance with climatic modifications in accordance with GOST 15150-69
  2. Products must maintain their parameters within the limits established by technical specifications, standards or technical conditions during the service life and shelf life specified in the technical specifications, standards or technical conditions, after and (or) during exposure to climatic factors, the values ​​​​of which are established hereby standard i.e. must comply with climatic modifications in accordance with GOST 15150-69.
  3. Products are intended for operation, storage and transportation in the range from the upper to the lower values ​​of these climatic modifications, while in addition to the ranges of climatic factors within which the operation of the products is ensured during operation, one or more narrower ranges of climatic factors can be established, within which provide a narrower range of parameter deviations (for example, higher control or measurement accuracy), i.e. climatic design must correspond to the category according to GOST 15150-69.
  4. For specific types or groups of products, the types of influencing climatic factors influencing the climatic design according to GOST and their nominal values ​​are established depending on the operating conditions of the products in the relevant technical specifications, standards and technical conditions. If there are documents that establish for product groups a connection between the values ​​of factors with the specified climatic modifications in accordance with GOST 15150-69, you should be guided by the instructions of these documents
  5. It is allowed to operate products in macroclimatic areas other than those for which the products are intended, if climatic factors during operation do not exceed the limits of the nominal values ​​​​established for these products. For example, products of the UHL4 climatic version can be operated in UHL2 conditions during the dry summer period.
  6. It is allowed to operate products in conditions where the values ​​of climatic factors go beyond the established nominal values, if deviations in service life are acceptable. In this case, the permissibility of operation, the values ​​of climatic factors for designs, and permissible deviations in service life are agreed upon with the product supplier.
  7. In accordance with economic and technical feasibility, it is recommended to manufacture products suitable for use in several regions established by this standard, that is, the climatic category according to GOST 15150-69 should cover several climatic regions.
  8. Products can also be designed for use in several macroclimatic regions; in these cases, combinations of various operating or storage conditions with periods of stay in these conditions are established in standards or technical specifications for products; climatic modifications (climatic modification category) must be indicated in the accompanying documents for the product.
  9. The macroclimatic region with a temperate climate UHL (climate category UHL) includes areas where the average annual absolute maximum air temperature is equal to or below plus 40°C, and the average annual absolute minimum air temperature is equal to or above minus 45°C.
  10. D descends from the macroclimatic region with a temperate climate to identify a macroclimatic subregion with a warm temperate subtype of macroclimate, for which the average of the annual absolute minimum air temperatures is equal to or higher than minus 25 ° C.
  11. The macroclimatic region with a cold climate HL (climatic category HL) includes areas in which the average annual absolute minimum air temperature is below minus 45°C. The cold climate region UHL (climate category UHL) is indicated on the map.

By agreement with the customer, it is allowed to supply products designed for a temperate climate U1 to areas within 50 km from the southwestern and southeastern borders of the macroclimatic region with a cold climate on the territory of the Russian Federation

Products placed on mobile units intended for deliveries to the coastal area of ​​the Okhotsk (north of the mouth of the Uda River) and Bering Seas (with the exception of the Kamchatka Peninsula) must be manufactured in the HL design.

Temperature values ​​according to climatic version

Product execution

Working Limit working
top lower top lower
1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3 +40 -45 +45 -50
3.1 +40 -10 +45 -10
5; 5.1 +35 -5 +35 -5

1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3 +40 -60 +45 -70
3.1 +40 -10 +45 -10
5; 5.1 +35 -10 +35 -10
UHL 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3 +40 -60 +45 -70
3.1 +40 -10 +45 -10
4 +35 +1 +40 +1
4.1 +25 +10 +40 +1
4.2 +35 +10 +40 +1
5; 5.1 +35 -10 +35 -10
TV 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 3.1 +40 +1 +45 +1
4 +40 +1 +45 +1
4.1 +20 +10 +40 +1
4.2 +45 +10 +45 +10
5; 5.1 +35 +1 +35 +1
T, TS 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 3.1 +50 -10 +60 -10
4 +45 +1 +55 +1
4.1 +25 +10 +40 +1
4.2 +45 +10 +45 +10
5; 5.1 +35 +1 +35 +1
ABOUT 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1 +50 -60 +60 -70
4 +45 +1 +55 +1
4.1 +25 +10 +40 +1
4.2 +45 +10 +45 +1
5; 5.1 +35 -10 +35 -10
M 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 5; 5.1 +40 -40 +45 -40
4; 3.1 +40 -10 +40 -10
4.1 +35 +15 +40 +1
4.2 +40 +1 +40 +1
TM 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 5; 5.1 +45 +1 +45 +1
4 +45 +1 +45 +1
4.1 +25 +10 +40 +1
4.2 +45 +1 +45 +1
OM 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 5; 5.1 +45 -40 +45 -40
4; 3.1 +45 -10 +45 -10
4.1 +35 +15 +40 +1
4.2 +40 +1 +40 +1
IN 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3 +50 -60 +60 -70
3.1 +50 -10 +60 -10
4 +45 -10 +55 -10
4.1 +25 +10 +40 +1
4.2 +45 +1 +45 +1
5; 5.1 +45 -40 +45 -40