A work about the nature of the native land. Essay on the topic “the nature of my land.” Essay “The Beauty of Native Nature”

There are a number of standard topics for writing essays. These include the essay “The Beauty of Nature.” If this type of work causes you difficulties, then our article will help you cope with it. We offer original options essays on this topic. The writing is in the first person singular and reflects the opinion of the one who writes this peculiar statement.

Native land as a reflection of a person

Everyone's understanding of beauty is different. For some, it can manifest itself in the greenness of foliage, the smell of flowers, and mountain landscapes. Others are comfortable in busy cities, where the pace of life never slows down.

I live in a big city, but I equally love tall ones, multi-story houses and fresh green grass. There are many beautiful parks where you can temporarily escape from the hustle and bustle.

But youth takes its toll. Energy, running, bright lights and experiences - all this attracts me. Therefore, I want to return to the environment of asphalt, concrete, billboards and bright shop windows. Here you can meet new people, and the frantic pace of life makes you leave laziness far behind.

But when I get tired of running, I will definitely return to my favorite places in the city, which remain untouchable islands where nature reigns in full force. There is the mirror surface of the pond, the chirping of birds, the smell of fresh grass and fallen leaves. They allow you to replenish your strength for a new day.

My essay about the beauty of nature is not quite ordinary, because it does not completely immerse itself in its atmosphere. But in life, not everyone has the opportunity to completely separate themselves from the bustle of the city, and therefore it is necessary to see and appreciate the beauty within its boundaries.

Quiet corner

For me, the essay “The Beauty of Russian Nature” is an occasion to remember a small, cozy village, where many vivid memories remain. When you are still a child, trips to such places are often perceived as punishment. There are no usual things, friends, games.

But you just have to breathe in the beautiful fresh air, run through the grass that reaches waist high, squint at the glare of the sun reflecting from the surface of the river, and your mood immediately changes. Nature seems to fill every corner of your body, becoming your integral part.

There are many similar places in our country. Few people know about them, but perhaps this is one of the main advantages. This is how these quiet corners keep their beauty intact. Once in their power, it is not man, but nature that dictates its rules to him.

It is very important not only in childhood, but also in adult life to go to such places. Thanks to them, our inner world maintains the harmony that it so needs.

Endless spaces

“The Beauty of Nature” is an essay that inspires. Thinking about what you want to write, a person has the opportunity to fall in love again with the places where he lived or visited. Russia is a country of endless expanses, where there are lakes, rivers, forests, snow, mountains and plains.

People often want to go on vacation to distant places, and upon returning they admire the beauty they see for a long time. But if you travel around Russia, you will have enough unforgettable impressions for more than one lifetime.

The greatness, tranquility and strength of our nature can strike to the core. You should get to know them in order to love your homeland even more.

Mountain pearl

Water is a beautiful, dangerous and unknown element. It is majestic not only in the endless seas, but even in the form of small mountain lakes. They are like precious stones. The water surface is sapphire, and the mountains serve as a cut.

The lake hides many secrets. If at first glance it seems shallow, then you should not blindly believe what you see. The water in it is so clean and transparent that you can easily see the bottom. Therefore, inexperienced tourists believe that there are not even five meters there.

However, already almost at the very shore you can completely go under water and not find the treasured bottom. In addition, the lake in the mountains is treacherous with its temperature. It cannot be compared with a similar reservoir located below. The reason for this is underground springs. Their sources are in the mountains, near glaciers. Therefore, the lake will not please you with warm and gentle water.

My essay on the beauty of nature conveys the following idea: the world around us is multifaceted. Much about it has not been fully explored. Therefore, a person should not put himself above nature. Only harmonious coexistence and respect for it will allow preserving beautiful places.

Essay “The Beauty of Native Nature”

My city is located very close to the forest, so I have often visited it since childhood. It’s great when parents find time to show their little, but already inquisitive fidgets, how many interesting, beautiful and unusual things are hidden in nature.

There are many interesting sounds in the forest: the singing of birds, the rustling of hiding animals, the cracking of branches. And how many amazing smells! The aroma of berries and flowers can easily turn your head.

This corner of nature clearly shows its dark and light sides. Like humans, the forest has places open to others with beautiful clearings, but it also has impenetrable thickets, where even sunlight is practically absent. The harmonious coexistence of such dissimilar sides proves that we should accept the good and the bad in ourselves.

It is necessary to start exploring the world while still a child. Gradually becoming older, you can find more and more unexplored corners in nature. This is what the forest next to the city became for me. It seemed that he was growing and developing like a living being.

In order to feel part of the reality around us, it is necessary to study not only our inner world, but also the external one, because nature can be the key to understanding important pressing problems. She, generation after generation, gives her wisdom.

Yours, dear

Just one street, no more than twenty houses, where time seemed to stand still - this is how I will forever remember my grandmother’s village. This is what will be discussed in the essay “The Beauty of Nature.”

One of the most favorite activities for all the boys was swimming in the river. They let us go there calmly, because the depth was shallow and the current was not very strong. When swimming became uninteresting, we went on “expeditions”. Afterwards, the boys scared the girls with the frogs, worms and beetles they found.

Such innocent but adventurous vacations helped us understand how important nature is to humans. You don't need to see high mountains or endless snow to understand its beauty. She is always there: in the sound of water, the morning rays of the sun, the bustle of animals.

My essay about the beauty of nature is dedicated to my native land, because the places where you grew up largely shape a person.

Remember your childhood or an interesting outing with your family, take a walk in the park or forest and writing an essay “The Beauty of Nature” for the Unified State Exam will not be difficult. And our examples will help you catch the necessary inspiration.

You can write an essay-reasoning “On the nature of your native land” in any class. Therefore, students must be prepared for such work. There is nothing complicated, the main thing is to turn on your imagination, remember the beautiful landscapes and transfer all your thoughts to a piece of paper in a notebook.

What to write about in an essay?

The essay-reasoning “On the nature of the native land” should be written competently and with mood. It would be great if the content would tell you what species of trees and shrubs predominate in your native land. If you wish, you can describe a specific corner of nature that you especially like, for example a park, a forest.

Essay plan

To make it easier to write an essay-reasoning “On the nature of the native land”, it is worth writing a plan for it, on the basis of which the work will be carried out. As an example, you can take the following writing sequence:

An essay-reasoning “Nature of the native land” for grade 9, written in this sequence, will help you get a good grade. In addition, this plan will help the child not to lose important information during the task.

Short essay-reasoning “On the nature of the native land”

How the task will be completed depends on the wishes of the child. Some boys and girls like to write long, detailed essays, while others, on the contrary, prefer to express their thoughts briefly, without unnecessary turns. If your son or daughter believes that brevity is the sister of talent, then you can offer them this option as an example:

All my life I have lived in my small town, where every corner is familiar. The main thing is to understand how important this is. Not everyone thinks about how important nature is in our lives. But I am sure that the planet was built on it, and it is thanks to it that we live in this world.

My mother began to teach me to love the nature of my native land from early childhood. She constantly walked with me in the most picturesque corners of our small city. In our country you can admire nature endlessly.

Thanks to the instilled love for my native country and the city in particular, many memories live in me. Memorized a wide variety natural resources our town and suburbs. Endless streams of rivers, crystal lakes, mesmerizing with their mirroriness, and also majestic mountains that create the illusion of infinity.

I love coming to the country forest. There I know a clearing, which is located on a hill. I climb on it and admire everything that surrounds me. Soft, green grass, like a carpet, covers the ground. Trees, like brothers, measure their height. One tree is tall, the second is slightly smaller. But all together they create a beautiful landscape. It is not surprising that in this clearing you can often see artists painting their works. After all different breeds trees, both deciduous and coniferous, allow you to paint an excellent picture from which it is difficult to take your eyes off.

Maybe someday I’ll take an album and convey on a sheet of paper all the beauty of Mother Nature. After all, she is so good that even words are not enough to describe her. The most important thing is that love for nature is passed on from generation to generation. This is the only way it will be preserved and become even better and more beautiful.

This is why you need to love nature. After all, it is she who conveys all the brightest memories of life and decorates our native land.

Such an essay-reasoning “On the nature of the native land” for grade 9 has a right to exist. But, of course, it would be ideal if the child independently describes the surrounding green spaces, pouring a piece of soul into his work.

Extended essay-reasoning “On the nature of the native land”

Creative children will probably want to express their thoughts in detail, describing everything down to the smallest detail. Such students can use the following argument as an example:

The surrounding nature makes our life beautiful. Not everyone believes that we are one with nature. But I hope that my arguments will help you understand that this is so.

Every person, finding himself alone with a picturesque landscape, the ringing, barely audible singing of a stream, the melodic singing of birds, understands how miserable and insignificant all the problems in this life are. Plunging into the natural world, we return to better times our life. Especially if you have lived in the same city all your life.

We can talk endlessly about the nature of our region. I believe that this is one of the main advantages in our country. Arriving at the dacha, I peer into every tree and immerse myself in the bright, unique moments of my childhood. I planted one of these trees with my mom and dad. And then I watched with fascination as it gained power, firmly clinging to the fertile soil with its roots.

Not far from our house there is a park and a forest. That's why it's never boring here. The nature in these corners is beautiful and enchants with its beauty at any time of the year. The park has many oaks, chestnuts and maples, as well as spruce trees, which delight with their greenery both in summer and winter. If you close your eyes for a moment, you can hear the “voices of nature.” They are so diverse that it takes your breath away. Somewhere high, the wind plays with the leaves, and they rustle in response. The birds start their trills, surprising you with their extraordinary, sonorous voices.

The forest is also beautiful, mainly pine and spruce trees grow here, so even the branches covered with a blanket of snow show their green crowns. In addition to trees, both in the park and in the forest there are many beautiful bushes. Anyone who is familiar with our forest is sure to go on a nature journey. Mighty pine trunks hide a thin, barely noticeable stream. But you can hear him well, it seems that he plays cheerful rhythms for the local birds.

Our nature is so beautiful that you can walk around with a camera and take a million pictures of the beautiful surroundings a day. And from our mother you can paint pictures and decorate your house or apartment with them. I am very grateful to my mom and my dad for teaching me to see and hear this beauty. After all, if it weren’t for them, I might not have noticed all the beauty of the nature of my native land.

Go on a hike through the picturesque places of our region, and you will see for yourself that I am telling the truth.

This type of essay is suitable for children who like to describe in detail the beauty of the area.

How to write to get a good grade?

You don't have to be a writer to get praise from your teacher. It’s enough just to express your thoughts without missing out important details. You also need to write such work with your soul, putting a piece of yourself into every line. The teacher will evaluate such an essay, and the student will receive a good grade.

There are no exact standards for what an essay should be. After all, each person sees the same thing differently. Therefore, you can safely turn on your imagination and write down in a notebook the thoughts that come to your head. A reasoning written sincerely and with understanding of the matter will be noticed, and the student will receive praise, and this is so important for boys and girls who go to school.

Essay on the topic “The nature of my land”

Completed by: Lena Burikova, 8th grade student

Place of study: MBOU Ozernaya Secondary School No. 9

Teacher: Safonova Olga Ivanovna

« Golden Khakassia, sunny land,

I fell in love with my native spaces forever,

The centuries-old taiga, your nut paradise,

Bogatyr Yenisei and Sayan Mountains…»

These are lines from a poem by the wonderful author D. Logachev, who wrote about the nature of his region. And indeed, Khakassia is a sunny land, the nature of which I have loved since childhood, and it is very dear to me. I proudly call this region my homeland.

Native nature for me, this is the landscape that we habitually see near our village. This forest, behind which lies the endless taiga, is located not far from our houses, filled with various sounds, hiding many secrets and mysteries, which it is ready to reveal not to everyone, but only to the most attentive and loving people. There is also a spacious steppe, green in the spring, and already fading and yellowing at the beginning of summer, with a spicy, intoxicating aroma of herbs, among which there are many ancient mysterious burial mounds. We are obliged to honor our steppe, since our ancestors rest on it, thanks to whom we learned about such a wonderful land, full of fertility.

The location of my homeland is also unusual in that it is located on the shore of a huge, full various types fish, lake It is Black, and the village is named accordingly “Black Lake”. The Black River also originates from the lake, flowing into the mighty White Iyus. And now White Iyus merges with its twin - Black Iyus. Oh, how many legends there are about the creation of everything that is around us. The place where the river begins its life is very swampy, and reeds grow along the edge. Here you can often find green frogs, scoters and other waterfowl. If on a hot July day you decide to swim in our lake and, coming out of the water, look into the distance, your gaze will be drawn by the majestic Sayan Mountains with snow-capped peaks, stretching for hundreds of kilometers. Fresh air, the cry of seagulls, the sound of the surf from a light breeze make you hold your breath, endlessly admire and enjoy life. I can’t imagine my native nature without this lake, but whatever, it is my native nature. You understand that there is nothing more beautiful, more beloved than this place.

I really love the nature of my native land, my village - the place in which I was born and live. All the beauty of my native nature will be close in my memory, wherever I am. After all, there is nothing dearer, better and sweeter than the place where your home, memories, first knowledge of life are, and the best natural beauty in the world, in which everything is in harmony. Unfortunately, many people do not notice the beauty of their homeland, it seems to them that everything is gray and miserable, but you just need to open your soul and not chase the search for beauty, which will never be better anywhere than in the place where you were born and lived . Residents of a great country, with vast and rich expanses, let us give a piece of ourselves to preserve our native land! Let's protect it from ourselves, from our actions that lead to the death of beauty, created for our own pleasure!

“Native nature” is what surrounds us, wherever we are and wherever we go. She gives us strength, although many modern world they don’t notice it, but that’s not the point. In this essay I want to tell you what the words “native nature” mean to me personally.

First of all, I associate my native nature with Russia, but not as a state, but as a Fatherland. And one cannot identify the nature of one’s native land simply with birches and fields. No. It's something more. How huge is the concept of “native nature”, it’s every dewdrop in the morning, it’s thousands of springs, forests, flowers - and that’s not all.

Native nature is very different from someone else’s, and this can be easily understood by a person who loves the nature of his homeland. It is special, of course, not only because it is “its own”, but also because each country has separate territories, which, in turn, have a unique nature. It is the uniqueness of nature that makes it possible to remember it, study it, love it, and understand it.

This feature of nature ties a person to his native land, forms an invisible thread; such a connection, for example, was with Nikolai Rubtsov with his small homeland. When the poet was in a foreign country, he felt drawn back to this sky and nature. But it’s true that even the sky is special when it’s surrounded by its own, native nature.

There is one interesting point that is worth describing: the nature of the native land, that is, which is visually familiar to a person, calms him down in any situation, a justified question is how? An example of this is the flight of Belyaev and Leonov into space: it would seem, what does this story have to do with it? But in fact, it directly answers the question we posed. When the astronauts made an emergency landing, they ended up in the taiga. Of course, in the modern world one cannot particularly rejoice at such a fact, but for those great people it was happiness. They recognized their native nature and it made them happy, they were home. This fact allowed them to understand that they would be saved and to survive.

Although this is not the only example, there is one scientific fact - scientists have proven that nature gives a person peace of mind, helps him leave all problems and fills him with peace.

So it means that the truth is that native nature is not just the trees around, it is really more, it is our home. The main thing is to remember that he needs to be protected, to remember that he is special, there is nothing else like him and he will always attract us to him, wherever we find ourselves.

Essay on native nature

Our world is huge. There are so many extraordinary things on earth beautiful places, which we have never been to. But the nature where we were born and spent our childhood is close to our hearts. This is our native nature.

We carry everything that surrounds us through the years with incredible trepidation in our souls. How wonderful it is to wake up at dawn, walk barefoot on the grass wet with dew and breathe in the fresh air. This start to the day will be remembered for a long time. In these moments we merge with nature. We feel more keenly how precious such moments are to us.

Each season gives its own special atmosphere.

In winter, we enjoy the cold morning, snow-covered fir trees, clean air in the pine forest. Nature gives you the opportunity to ride down an icy mountain, play in the snow, and admire the frosty patterns on the windows. This snow-whiteness is mesmerizing.

In spring, we observe how nature awakens from sleep: buds bloom on the trees, flowers begin to smell fragrant, the sun shines brighter.

Summer is a special time. We get to know nature better: we swim in rivers and lakes, pick mushrooms and berries, and just lie around on the green lawn.

Autumn circles us in leaf fall. We can walk along the rustling colorful leaves, eat apples from our garden, and enjoy the first warm rains.

Our native nature is always with us, no matter what we do, a piece of it is nearby.

One has only to think about what riches she is endowed with. Majestic forests, fertile fields, deep rivers and their inhabitants - nature generously shares all this with us.

It fills life with bright colors, gives new emotions and impressions. Next to her, a person becomes kinder. And it is important for people to respond to her with kindness and love. We need to take care of what is around us - do not throw garbage, put out fires, do not kill rare animals and birds.

When a person lives in harmony and respect for his native nature, he will be happy.

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