Indoor and hanging plant Brovallia growing from seeds at home. Beautiful browallia - video. Choosing a location and lighting

The natural beauty of brovalia fascinated and captivated me at first sight. Therefore, I don’t understand why it is so rarely found on city window sills.

Her flowers are a perfect match - identical in shape and size, bright blue-violet color. In addition, a new one immediately appears to replace a withered flower.

Many are convinced that Brovalia is a one-season plant. However, few people know that the season continuous flowering it lasts more than a year! It's hard to believe, but you can't argue with the facts.

In fact, brovalia is good and amazingly beautiful in any form. It blooms as soon as it takes root, but I remove the first buds by pinching them and let the bush grow for greater splendor.

Caring for brows

After a long and vigorous flowering for a year and a half, the plant ages and somewhat loses its attractiveness. The branching lashes stretch out, the growth of young shoots stops, and bouquets of flowers remain only at the tops of the branches. But by this time it’s already blooming for me young plant- the loss goes unnoticed. And for its beauty, brovalia does not require tireless care and attention. Uniform watering, fertilizing, loosening the top layer of soil and removing dried flowers - that's all.

The plant's lash-branches are quite flexible, which gives enormous scope for imagination in shaping. I usually braid it along an arched support - it turns out to be a blue spherical bouquet. I plant it in a hanging pot, securing an arched support at the bottom, or I simply pinch it and leave it as a bush.

I take breathable and loose soil for it. I usually mix compost soil, purchased soil, adding a little charcoal and vermiculite. I choose small pots, increasing them as they grow. For an adult plant, a pot with a capacity of a little more than a liter, but deep, is suitable.

During planting and replanting, I arrange high (3-5 cm) drainage from expanded clay or polystyrene foam with the addition of pieces of charcoal. I water only on the dried top layer of soil: in summer - abundantly, in winter - carefully and rarely. I water with warm rain or well-settled tap water.

Watering brovalia

It is important to know that Brovalia does not like overflow and stagnation of water. This leads to the destruction of the soil and the death of the root system. Brovalia signals a lack of moisture with a drooping appearance, but this can be corrected. It is enough to water the soil in the pot well, leaving the water in the pan until the soil is completely wet, after which the remainder is drained. After this procedure, the plant immediately comes to life, as if nothing had happened.

Frequent waterlogging is more dangerous - this causes the plant to turn yellow, the leaves fall off, and powdery mildew may even appear. Once, having gone on vacation at the end of September, I left my flowers in the care of friends and lost all the adult plants. Obviously, they were overfilled, and when it was already quite cold temperature at night the plants became covered powdery mildew. I immediately treated it with the drug, but the plants were so badly affected that the treatment did not bring any results and I had to throw them away. It’s good that at least the young bushes stood separately and didn’t get infected, I managed to save them.

Top dressing

Feed only adult brovalias in summer and winter, and no more than once a month. Young plants do not need feeding, except in cases of noticeable growth retardation. But they need to be pinched at least twice. Flowering will move back a little and will occur when the bushes are already strong enough and well formed.

Browlia Reproduction

Now about reproduction. Before the scheduled cutting day, I water the plant well in the evening so that it drinks water. I take cuttings from young apical shoots where there are no flowers. If there are buds, I definitely pluck them out. I plant it in light soil (usually I use store-bought soil for Saintpaulias and add vermiculite to it). I powder the cut of the cutting with a root formation stimulator. I plant it in a small pot, but with large drainage holes, and be sure to provide drainage. During rooting of cuttings, waterlogging of the soil is very dangerous - at one point they simply become moldy and die. I cover the soil around the seedlings with sphagnum moss, and remove the lower leaves so that they do not come into contact with the ground. Next, I cover the babies with a cut-off bottle without a cork and place it in a warm, bright, but protected from sunlight place.

I constantly monitor their condition and remove the bottle for airing. I plant three or four of them together (sometimes just not all of them take root). Rooted cuttings quickly begin to grow, and as soon as the roots appear in the drainage hole, I transfer the plants into a slightly larger pot. I take soil for adult plants. As they grow, I replant them, and I do this even in flowering form.

My plants did not set seeds, but I grew the very first ones from seeds. True, the white browalia did not survive, but I blue flowers I like her better. I sowed it in peat tablets in March. Brovalia seeds are small and germinate in the light, so I laid them out on top without covering them with soil, placed them in a mini-greenhouse (a cake box with a transparent lid) and placed them on the windowsill above the radiator. I often ventilated the seedlings, removed moisture from the lid, watered them with a syringe, and illuminated them. Of course, growing it from seeds is troublesome and takes longer. But watching a tiny sprout grow, caring for it, cherishing it, loving it and, finally, waiting for it to bloom is an indescribable joy and great pleasure. Not to mention that the blue-eyed beauty is beautiful at any time of the year. This is a dream flower!

I wonder why the browalia with white flowers didn’t survive? Maybe she is less resilient and she special care needed? I love my blue-eyed beauty, of course, but she would have more fun with her snow-white sister.

Brovallia is beautiful ( Brownalia speciosa) is one of those beauties of the plant world that you fall in love with at first sight. Its flowers on long stalks are unusually elegant and so identical in size and shape, as if they were made according to a special template by a skilled craftsman. Various colors- blue, blue, lilac, violet, dark purple, even white, often with a white eye in the center or, conversely, lighter tone outside than inside, they cover the bush so abundantly that the slightly pubescent juicy green elegant leaves are almost invisible under them. Brovallia, which blooms throughout the year, resembles a delightful, perfectly rounded flower sphere with a diameter of up to 60 cm. However, this plant does not live long, only a year and a half, and then it ages and needs to be replaced with a new one.

Another remarkable quality of this plant is that browwallia has very flexible branches, which allows its owner to easily give it the desired shape. If you place brovallia in a hanging pot, then by lightly pinching the shoots, you can easily form a beautiful, neat bush of the required shape.

Brovallia care

Brovallia is not too capricious. The requirements for caring for it are quite traditional: the plant needs regular watering, loosening the top layer of soil, periodic feeding and timely removal of dried inflorescences.

Loose soil is best suited for growing. earth mixture, consisting of fertile soil and compost with a slight addition of vermiculite and charcoal.

The compact size of this flower does not require a large pot; a volume of 1.5 liters will be sufficient. But the pot must be quite high so that a drainage layer of about 5 cm can be freely placed in it, because... the plant does not like stagnant water.

It is better to place brovallia indoors on the north side. The plant easily tolerates some lack of lighting in winter, but in summer, protected from extreme heat by a north-facing window, Brovallia will be able to bloom much longer and more abundantly.

Watering must be done with warm, settled water as the top layer of soil in the pot dries. In summer, watering is required more abundantly, in winter - rarer.

Feeding an adult plant should be done no more than once a month. Young plants do not need to be fed if their development does not cause concern.

Pinching the shoots must be done 2-3 times; this will somewhat slow down the onset of flowering, but the plant will be much stronger.

Browallia begins to bloom immediately after rooting. It is also better to pinch off the first buds.

A sign of lack of moisture is drooping of the plant. After watering, browallia quickly comes to life. But the falling leaves and their yellow color indicate waterlogging.

Since all parts of this plant are poisonous, all operations with it must be carried out with gloves, and then wash your hands thoroughly.


Brovallia is most often propagated by cuttings. The day before, the plant must be watered abundantly. For cuttings, young apical shoots that have not yet faded are selected, from which all the buds are removed. It is advisable to dip the cuttings in any rooting agent. Cut cuttings are planted in light soil, you can use ready-made mixture for Saintpaulia, adding vermiculite to it. It is better to place the planted cuttings in a small greenhouse in a warm place, but not in direct sunlight. The greenhouse must be ventilated regularly.

You can plant cuttings of 3-4 pieces. in one pot for safety. After rooting, usually leave 2 of the most strong plants. Transplantation into a permanent pot is carried out when the roots of the young plant grow to the drainage hole. To make brovallia look especially lush, several bushes are usually planted in one pot at once.

Brovallia is propagated by seeds in peat tablets. Seed tablets require greenhouse conditions And good lighting. Greenhouses must be regularly ventilated and condensation must be removed from the walls.

Photo: Benary Company (Germany)

Well-cared for indoor plants can become a real decoration for your home. Such flowers not only make the home feel cozy and lived-in, they also benefit all family members. Indoor plants can purify the air from various aggressive impurities, ranging from carbon dioxide and ending with viruses and bacteria. Nowadays you can find many crops on sale that are suitable for growing on a windowsill. And one of the attractive, but not very well-known plants is the beautiful Brovallia flower; we will discuss its cultivation at home from seeds in a little more detail.

Beautiful Browallia is cultivated as annual plant. It is grown both in the garden (like petunias) and indoors (in ordinary apartment). At home, such a plant is capable of forming a medium-sized lush bush, the height of which does not exceed forty centimeters. Many star-shaped flowers appear on it, painted in white or violet-blue tones of varying saturation. Such flowers look very advantageous against the background of bright green leaves.
Distinctive feature Brovallia - the ability to bloom profusely throughout the growing season even with a lack of lighting.

How to grow brovallia from seeds at home?

Sowing Brovallia seeds can be done in different time of the year. So, if you want to admire attractive flowering in the summer, for example, on a balcony or terrace, you should sow in late February - early March. And when planting seeds at the end of summer, flowering will begin in December-January. In the event that sowing is carried out at different times, it is possible to achieve almost year-round flowering.

To sow seeds you need to prepare a container suitable size and fill it with moist, peaty soil. Beautiful Brovallia seeds must be distributed over the surface of the soil at sufficiently large intervals. They do not need to be covered with soil, since successful germination is possible only when exposed to light.

The container with seeds must be covered with glass or plastic wrap. Such a simple manipulation will ensure the creation of a greenhouse effect. Plantings must be placed in a sufficiently lit area.

Every day it is necessary to spray the soil with crops using a spray bottle. Also, every day, readers of Popular About Health need to remove the cover from the box for one to two hours for ventilation. Optimal temperature Twenty to twenty-five degrees is considered for germinating Brovallia seeds. If all growing conditions are met, the first seedlings can be observed literally after a week and a half.

After emergence of seedlings, the shelter must be gradually removed. And after the young plants grow a little and a couple of real leaves appear on them, they should be picked up and transferred to separate containers. Experienced flower growers It is advised to place two or three seedlings in each pot at once so that the flowering is very abundant.
After diving, young plants should be pinched - this will add splendor and abundance of flowering to them in the future.

Peculiarities further cultivation beautiful browallia at home

This plant is not very capricious. It prefers to grow in moderate to cool temperatures. If the thermometer in the room rises above twenty-five degrees, the leaves begin to quickly turn yellow and dry out. The number of developing buds and flowers also decreases, and the plants themselves become abnormally elongated. That's why experienced gardeners It is recommended to grow brovallia on the windowsills of eastern, western or northern windows (or on the same balconies).

Lighting Features

For brovallia, sufficiently bright but diffused lighting is important. Exposure to direct sunlight should be kept to a minimum. Therefore, during the hottest hours of the day, it is worth shading such an indoor pet with a tulle curtain or a sheet of paper attached to the glass.

Features of watering

During the active growing season, the plant needs systematic and fairly abundant watering. It is carried out after the soil dries out a little on top. But the soil must always remain moist inside. A lack of moisture can destroy the plant.

At home, beautiful browallia needs periodic spraying, especially during very dry and hot periods. Such moisturizing will only benefit her.


Every year the plant is renewed. This can be conveniently done by trimming and re-rooting the apical shoots. Thus, young rooted cuttings are transferred to soil consisting of equal parts of turf, leaf and humus soil, as well as sand. Store-bought soil, for example, for petunias, would also be a good option.

Top dressing

A few months after planting, you can apply it under the plants. potash fertilizers or special mixtures for flowering crops, for example, Fertika Lux. Such measures will help increase the intensity of flowering, but they are completely optional.

Additional Information

In order to achieve the longest flowering period of Brovallia, it is necessary to remove faded inflorescences.

This plant is quite resistant to disease, but may suffer from attack spider mite, whiteflies or scale insects. Spraying with insecticides will help cope with them.

If not properly cared for, browallia can develop powdery mildew, which requires the destruction of unhealthy plants and treatment of the remaining ones with fungicides.

Brovallia has an appearance that matches its name - an aristocratic, feminine, charming flower in its simplicity. Brovalli has lush, beautiful green foliage and delicate, romantic flowers; it is similar in size to balsam, verbena, primrose or ragus - the same compact, herbaceous plant, with lush greenery, decorated with bright spots of flowers.


This is a densely branching shrub, quite tall (in rooms no higher than 40 cm) with pubescent, drooping shoots. The leaves are broadly lanceolate, the flowers are star-shaped, solitary (rarely collected in raceme-shaped inflorescences). Flowering is almost continuous, flowers bloom all year round. Color range: white, blue, purple and rich blue-violet. It blooms in rooms even in winter, perhaps not so profusely. The lifespan of a plant is about 2 years; as soon as the plant has stopped blooming, it can be considered that it has grown old and should be replaced with new, young plants grown from cuttings. It is almost impossible to achieve repeated flowering from a plant that has outlived its useful life, although the plant itself will not die.

Important: the plant is poisonous. You should not grow it if there are small children or animals in the house.

Types and varieties

Browallia- a perennial from the same family as petunia - nightshade. There are 6 species in the genus Brovallia. But only a few of them have found application in floriculture.

Beautiful Browallia (Browallia speciosa) is a perennial that grows up to one and a half meters in natural conditions. It is difficult to imagine such dimensions when looking at a compact indoor bush up to 35 cm. The bush branches well, almost independently forming a beautiful silhouette and blooms profusely.

American Browallia (Browallia americana)- or pubescent. It is a compact annual, profusely flowering, with expressive dark green leaves. The flowers are small (2 cm), abundant, purple or blue color, appear on plants grown in open ground from mid-summer until frost.

Browallia viscosa Kunth- not very common, it got its name from the stems covered with a sticky liquid. The flowers are small, white or dark blue.

Some varieties:

It is worth mentioning the varieties Blue Bell (Browallia speciosa major) and Silver Bell (Brovalliya silver Bell). Both plants are popular for indoor landscaping. The first grade has blue flowers, the second is white. The flowers are densely textured, expressive, and look very beautiful against the background of deep dark green foliage.

Selecting a location

The plant loves bright, diffused sunlight. Direct sunlight is unacceptable. The ideal place is an east or west window. You can place the plants next to south-facing windows where there is no direct light. The plant does not like heat very much, ideal temperature– about 20 degrees, in winter – 18.


Main events:

  1. Pinching. It is very important for the formation of a bush; the tops of the branches are cut off or pinched. Extended branches are also trimmed.
  2. If a young plant, planted for winter, does not have time to bloom, it is given an artificial wintering, that is, it is kept at a temperature of 10-15 °C.
  3. Wintering is also organized for old plants intended for propagation.
  4. Water abundantly in spring summer period, gradually reduce by winter. You should monitor excess moisture and be wary of overwatering - the roots of the plant rot easily. If the plant is planted correctly (good drainage, loose, permeable soil), there is no need to worry about overwatering, but you should still check how dry the soil ball is before watering.
  5. The plant loves spraying, but can do without it.
  6. Dried leaves or flowers should be removed.
  7. The plant does not need replanting: it is renewed by growing new plants from cuttings or seeds.
  8. Brovallia blooms well without fertilizing, but responds well to them: it is enough to feed it twice a month with a highly diluted (2 or 3 times) complex mineral fertilizer– but you can safely skip this stage of care. This is the very case when it is better to underfeed than to overfeed.


The plant may be affected:

  1. Powdery mildew.
  2. Spider mite.
  3. Scale insects.
  4. Whitefly.

But, as a rule, with proper care (watering, soil, a good place) there are no difficulties, the plant is not a sissy and has good immunity of its own.

We also often get written about yellowing of the leaves - most likely, the room for the brovallia is too hot, spray the plant more often, if it is not possible to move it, this allows you to locally slightly reduce the air temperature, but it is still better to place it in a cooler place.

Growing from seeds

The plant is grown from seeds all year round. Most optimal time for planting - August (for indoor brovallias) or February-March (for planting plants in the garden). Grow according to the following scheme:

  1. Soaking seeds in warm water(possibly with the addition of growth stimulants) – 2 days.
  2. Prepare loose, peaty soil; a ready-made soil mixture will do; you can also make it yourself by taking turf soil, humus, leaf soil and sand (but not construction sand) in equal parts. Sand, of course, can be replaced with any other loosening component.
  3. Good drainage is required.
  4. Drainage components (pebbles, brick chips, expanded clay) are poured into the prepared container, the soil is laid out, lightly crushed, sprayed with water so that it wets the soil well, additionally spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (this step can be skipped if the soil has been sterilized).
  5. Brovallia seeds are laid on the surface.
  6. Cover with glass and place in a warm (+18 to +25 °C) and bright place.
  7. Shoots will appear in two weeks.
  8. When true leaves appear (when they have just begun to appear), the seedlings are transplanted into small pots (up to 7 cm in diameter). It is advisable to select pots that are tall and narrow.
  9. As soon as the second true leaf appears, pinch the plant.
  10. Plants can be planted in open ground or an open balcony as soon as the threat of frost has passed.
  11. Plant several plants in one pot.

The plant is propagated by cuttings very simply, take cuttings from any place of the plant, remove flowers from them, root in a light substrate, sand, you can try in water, covered plastic bag. Roots appear quickly - the plants are planted in individual pots.


This is indoor and garden plant most often used as a tapeworm. It is great if you need to create a single accent in a room - for example, decorating a kitchen table with a potted plant. It can combine well with other plants that have similar needs, but the use of brovallia in compositions is not very common.

In open ground, brovallia is used in flower beds, as a border plant and, of course, in a variety of containers. Browallia looks unconventional, so she can become a good participant in modernist compositions. Planting in hanging containers is possible; brovallia has sufficiently flexible shoots so that it can act as an hanging crop.

Plant review on video

Audio article from the blog "Alexandra".

Browallia is a flower that belongs to the Solanaceae family. Close relative petunias. The plant came to Europe in the middle of the 19th century. from Brazil, which is considered his homeland. In nature, it can be found in South and Central America. About 6 varieties of this plant are known. For home grown Only one species is suitable - beautiful Browallia. It is used to decorate balconies and window sills, flower beds and plantings.

Read the description of plant varieties and tips for growing it.

Houseplant beautiful brovallia, Ocean, Fidelity, Bell Blue and other varieties (with photo)

Browallia flower is an annual herbaceous plant. In the wild it grows up to one and a half meters. The domesticated species takes the form of a small bush with dark green leaves and soft, drooping shoots. Some species have velvety foliage. The crown of the flower is no more than 40 cm, which is recommended to be pinched to create a beautiful green head with color.

The aesthetic beauty of a plant is assessed by its flowering period. Browallia growing in room conditions, given that proper care, gives a very lush color on the stems, which lasts quite a long time, compared to other types of house flowers, up to 16 months. Even in winter time Brovallia can delight you with bright colors. True, during this period the saturation of the color shade may change due to a lack of sunlight.

The color itself is odorless, resembles the shape of a funnel-shaped star, and is formed by five petals fused to the middle of the base. The shade can be different - from white to purple, depending on the variety. For example:

Brovallia Loyalty- this is a variety of domesticated subspecies, small in stature, with beautifully combined dark green leaves and sky blue color;

Brovallia Sapphire has an average height of up to 25 cm, and its color has a sapphire tint, hence the name of the species;

Browallia americana– abundant purple color;

Brovallia beautiful Ocean– rather large flowers with a whitish throat;

Large-flowered Browallia has white or pale blue flowers;

Browallia Bell Blue is a species that has a large blue flower.

If you want to achieve diversity on your windowsill or flower bed, then today there is Brovalia beautiful ocean mix on sale, which combines the seeds of several subspecies that produce flowers of different shades.

Since the plant is an annual, the domestic Brovallia loses its color and dies. But the beauty of a flower can be extended thanks to proper reproduction. In addition, many plants grown indoors can be considered biennials, as they bloom for quite a long time. For example, a beautiful Browallia (look at the photo to see what it looks like) can live for more than 18 months in a room:

After the flower of the plant fades, a fruit forms in its place. Dark and fairly small seeds ripen in it. Next, the valves of the fruit open and the seed spills out. Note that the seeds of the first year of flowering have a high germination rate.

Growing brovallia in the garden and at home

Browallia is beautiful - indoor plant, which can also be grown in the garden. Any variety does not require complex care; they are quite unpretentious - periodically remove dead leaves and flowers that have bloomed. This is quite enough for the plant. But if you still want to achieve a beautiful bush with large bright colors, then you should remember some rules:

  • periodically pinch the ends of the shoots to create an aesthetically beautiful crown;
  • old shoots must be completely removed;
  • provide the plant with a bright area, but at the same time protect the delicate leaves from direct sunlight;
  • for creating lush bush Even in a pot, several seedlings should be planted, and in the garden Browallia should be planted in groups;
  • For a plant, the quality of the soil is not as important as its moisture.

The plant doesn't like it very much high temperature. The optimal mode for it is considered to be +20 in the summer, and +15 degrees in the winter. If you see that the young leaves of the plant turn yellow and dry out, then this is a clear indicator that the flower is hot. In addition, when elevated temperature Brovallia stops blooming profusely.

If you want Brovallia as a houseplant to delight you with color even in winter periods– feed the soil. This should be done once every 14 days after the start of flowering. For this, use any liquid universal fertilizer intended for house plants.

An old Browallia bush, which can be grown from seeds or by cuttings, can be renewed very quickly.

Brovallia propagation by seeds

Browallia can be propagated vegetatively throughout the year. The cutting method is especially suitable for growing plants at home. This will help to renew the color of Browallia on the windowsill all year round. Growing from seeds is in most cases used for further landing seedlings in open ground, but also for planting in indoor pots can also be used.

Let's take a closer look at one of the methods of propagating Browallia - growing the plant from seeds at home. There is no optimal time for this - you can do it both in winter and summer. When determining the time of sowing, they are guided by when you want to see the color of the plant:

  • sow at the end of summer, the first inflorescences will appear in February (this time is ideal for home growing);
  • February is the optimal time for the further growth of Browallia in the garden.

Sowing is also interesting. Prepare the soil. It should be loose with the addition of peat. Place in pots or any other convenient container. The seeds are placed in the prepared soil at a short distance from each other and are not covered with soil. A seed needs light to germinate, so if you cover it with soil, it will not sprout.

To speed up and increase germination before sowing, it is recommended to soak the seeds in warm water. To do this, take a small piece of gauze or light, non-dense natural fabric, moisten it and lay out the seeds.

The soil with Brovallia seeds sown is sprayed daily using a spray bottle. Use only water at room temperature.

The pot should be covered with film or glass to create a greenhouse effect and at the same time ensure sufficient light penetration. Open the planted seeds daily for 2 hours, then spray the soil and close again. Brovallia grown from seeds produces the first shoots within 10 days, when temperature conditions within + 22…+25 degrees.

Note that seeds sown directly into the ground on open area, will give a very late color, and the emerging shoots themselves will be very vulnerable. But if you don’t want to bother with boxes and pots, then it is recommended to sow them in the ground and make a greenhouse using film. This will provide the seedlings with protection from negative impacts environment.

Let the borings grow well and you can start planting. The next stage is intermediate before landing on permanent place. Narrow small pots (diameter about 7 cm) are well suited for picking. Once the weather is warm outside, without night frosts, you can plant the grown plant in the ground or pots.

Propagation of brovallia by cuttings

If mature plant produces a seed, it will soon begin to wither and die. If you don’t want to part with your indoor Browallia, then hurry up and pinch off the cuttings. When working with the plant, always use gloves and wash your hands well after finishing work, as the sap of the plant is poisonous.

For propagation by cuttings, the upper part of the stem, which does not have flower buds. Treat the lower part with a root stimulator (leave it in for at least 12 hours).

You can prepare your own horse growth stimulant. To do this, willow shoots are cut into small pieces and infused in water for about 24 hours.

Bury this part into loose soil with added sand. Make a shelter (cover with a jar, film) to create a greenhouse effect. Don't forget to water and ventilate the cuttings. When the plant takes root, it can be transplanted to a permanent place in a pot or in open ground.

Brovallia does not require feeding during germination and transplantation. After some time, when the first buds appear, you can fertilize with any universal fertilizer for blooming flowers.

Look how beautiful Brovallia looks in the photo:

This unpretentious plant will decorate any place. A flower grown in the house will bring bright colors in the autumn and winter.