Calculations based on readings from individual metering devices

An important stage in improving payments for water consumption and sanitation services is the transition to calculations based on indications individual devices accounting (IPU), also known as a water meter. Charges to residents for consumed cold and hot water according to the readings of common house metering devices (ODPU), they are carried out according to average indicators, without taking into account the actual water consumption of a particular apartment. In this case, you have to pay for the “spender neighbor”or for outsiders who consume utility resources but do not pay for them. IPU is measuring instruments to determine the amount of water consumed. They are installed in the apartment’s plumbing closet on branches from riser pipes.

By installing an individual water meter, you will protect yourself from unnecessary hassle and expenses; you will only pay for the water that you actually consumed. You must remember that if you have an IPU, then when you turn off the hot water, you should not use the “red” tap that provides hot water, since the meter will count the wasted water as hot, and hot water is correspondingly significantly more expensive than cold water. Even in the absence of IPU, ODPU, a certain amount of water will be counted, since pipes that are intended for hot water supply technically cannot be left without any water for sanitary reasons. For this reason, even if the hot water supply is officially turned off, small charges for this service may appear on receipts. From 2009, in Moscow, hot water will be turned off for a period of no more than two weeks, and for the remaining half of the month, charges for this service will correspond to actual consumption. A number of houses in Moscow are not equipped with an DPSU, and in the event of a malfunction of the DPSU, standards are applied when calculating for hot water supply servicesGovernment Decrees Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 No. 307 “On the procedure for providing utilities citizens". By the same resolution, Clause II. “Hot water supply” for the application of standards, the following duration of interruption in hot water supply is allowed: 8 hours in total for one month; 4 hours at a time, and in case of an accident on a dead-end highway - 24 hours; to carry out preventive work once a year in accordance with paragraph 10 of the “Rules for the provision of public services to citizens.” Be careful, in order to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary expenses, we advise you not to open the corresponding taps while turning off hot water!

How is water consumption calculated using common household meters?

If you look rationally, this is what happens: according to the rate, 384 liters (0.384 tons) of water per day are supplied per person, of which 164 liters of hot + 220 liters of cold water. Per month, respectively, 11,520 liters (11.5 tons of water), which is almost impossible to use up!

From the total consumption recorded by such a meter, the following are subtracted:

The volume of water consumed in non-residential premises;

The volume of water spent for general household needs;

Water consumption recorded by individual metering devices.

The initial result is distributed in equal shares among water consumers registered in an apartment building, in the absence of IPU.

In this case, the water consumption for common house needs is recorded by a separate meter, but if there is no such meter, then the water consumption for common house needs is recognized as equal to 5% of the readings of the common house meter. Accounting for utilities and resources used for general house needs (maintenance of common property inside the house and maintenance of the local area) is maintained by the management organization or the HOA, housing cooperative, residential complex or other specialized consumer cooperative created in an apartment building, which provides this information to the GU IS.

It is very convenient that special boxes are designed for receiving readings from individual metering devices from the population, which are available in each GU IS of the district (EIRC). In addition, testimonies can be sent to employees of the district's Main Information Department via fax, Internet, or by telephone.

The installation of water meters in apartments is regulated by Moscow Government Decree No. 77-PP “On measures to improve the water consumption metering system and improve payments for cold, hot water and thermal energy in residential buildings and facilities social sphere of the city of Moscow" (adopted on February 10, 2004). More than 150 organizations are installing meters in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Many of them give discounts on the installation of meters, some allow you to pay in installments.

It is important to know what list of works an organization must perform to install a water meter:

1. Preliminary inspection of plumbing equipment for possible installation and filming with a digital camera for information processing by an engineer in the office.

2. Installation of two counters for hot and cold water.

H. Installation of a mounting assembly of 10-14 elements.

4. Installing filters rough cleaning water and check valves.

5. Checking the functionality and sealing of meters and filters.


An application for installation of a water meter must be submitted to the organization that manages your apartment building. Be sure to check whether a common house meter is installed in your home, and what type of water meter is suitable for you. Next, write a statement, this will be the basis for drawing up an agreement between the management organization and the resident (consumer) on the procedure for paying for water, according to the readings of individual metering devices. At this stage, you should familiarize yourself with the rights and responsibilities that arise when installing an IPU.


Before installing metering devices, repair, replace or install taps that shut off the water supply to the apartment. To do this, you need to contact the management organization.


Ask the employees of the organization that manages your apartment building about the organization that installed the IPU in your house, or find out from your neighbors who installed metering devices in their homes. Choose a trusted organization, preferably one whose services have been used by friends or neighbors. Don't rush to install them yourself. According to the rules, this must be done by a certified organization.


Depending on type engineering networks(one or two common risers) one or two pairs of devices are installed in each apartment. In the vast majority of apartments. The warranty on work and equipment is usually two years.


Tariff for Maintenance two meters per year is 360 rubles. (15 rubles/month for one device).

Maintenance includes the following work:

  • cleaning coarse filters from contamination;
  • dismantling and installation of water meters in case of their failure;
  • control readings from instruments;
  • inspection and checking the safety of seals;
  • checking the tightness of the mounting assembly.


After installing water metering devices, the master hands you a package of documents for registration in the management organization, the Main Information System of your area or in the HOA, housing cooperative of your home. With these documents, you need to find out when and where they accept documents for water meters. At the appointed time, you submit the documents and sign an agreement with the management organization, GU IS (EIRC) housing cooperative, homeowners association on the transition from tariff payment to payment for apartment water meters. And from the beginning of the next month you start paying the meter and saving significantly! It is impossible to say exactly how much your family will save, because families are different - different numbers of family members, not everyone is present at home and everyone uses water differently. The time of year also affects the amount of water consumed.

Older people save significantly; they spend much more less water. At a rate of 10 m3, they can sometimes use less than 1 m3 per month. Naturally, they will have to pay less. And there are families in which there is excessive water consumption per person. But in any case, you only pay for the water that you or your family consumes. The choice is yours!

(IPU) are an effective means of saving. With the help of these devices, it is possible to pay only for the resources actually used. In addition, by installing such a device, you can not only reduce the amount of resources consumed (water, gas, etc.), but also significantly reduce your own costs. So what is IPU?

Types of metering devices

There are two main types of meters that allow you to make the necessary calculations:

Common house or collective devices;

Common house devices are installed at the entrance to the house, usually in the basement. With their help, it is possible to measure the total amount of resource consumption by the residents of the house. Installation of the IPU is carried out directly in the apartment. Accordingly, this device allows you to measure the amount of resource consumption by the residents of a particular apartment.

Why do you need an individual meter?

House-wide meters have certain disadvantages, the main one being equalization. It's no secret that all people consume different amounts of resources. Moreover, this volume is often significantly less than what is established by the standard. Using an individual device, it is possible to determine the amount of resources actually consumed.

Also, common house meters do not take into account the number of citizens actually living in the apartment who come to visit or work. and what advantages does such a device have? After installation individual counter Can:

Pay exclusively for the resources you consume;

Do not provide a certificate of temporary absence of people living in your apartment for recalculation;

Do not pay for resources for those who are not registered, but actually live in your home.

Those who are wondering what an IPU is, need to know that this device is a means of real savings not only in consumed resources, but also in your finances. There is information according to which residents who install individual appliances receive significant savings compared to standard rates. In some cases, you can save up to 60% of money.

Who installs individual devices?

The installation of such devices is carried out by resource supply organizations. It is these institutions that must install general house and individual appliances in the houses to which they supply their services.

To install the device, the owners of the premises are required to provide representatives of the resource supplying organization with access to the apartment and pay all costs associated with the installation of an individual device for metering consumed resources.

Through management company;

By phone;

Through the Internet;

Via an Internet terminal.

Now you know what IPU is. By installing this device you can significantly reduce your costs for

Light, warmth, water - this is the comfort of our home. Saving money worries every resident of an apartment building.

Important! Today, many residents have thought about this and installed IPU - individual metering devices - in their apartments. These are electricity, heat, hot and cold water consumption meters.

It is necessary to take and transmit the IPU readings to the housing and communal services within the established time frame. Deciphering the items on the receipt is also necessary for consumers.

Methods for measuring the volume of consumed resources:

  1. Collective metering devices are installed for all residents of the house in the basement. All residents of the house pay for the resource consumption equally. The absence of some residents for a given period or the overuse of resources by others is not taken into account. Equalization of payments does not suit many residents. Regulatory rates can be too high.
  2. Individual devices record the actual use of resources by the residents of each apartment. They significantly save money for thrifty owners.

Who to contact for installation

The installation of the IPU is carried out by the organization whose resource is consumed. The technicians of these organizations are required to install their equipment in the homes they serve. Unverified entrepreneurs may carry out poor-quality installation. You should be wary of such companies.

Important! It is necessary to inquire in advance about the cost of services for installing the IPU and the possibilities of meter verification. Verification must be carried out within the established time frame.

To install the equipment, an application must be left at the organization's customer service department. Within the specified time frame, residents provide access to the apartment to the craftsmen. Payment is made for installed equipment apartment residents. Organizations can provide installments to pay for installation.

An easier installation can be done through a management company. They have established contacts with service companies.

Work on installation of IPU water

You should know the list of works that the organization will need to pay for:

  • inspection of water pipeline risers, installation design;
  • installation of water meters;
  • installation of connecting valves, filters and dampers;
  • checking the operation of the assembly unit and sealing it.

Important! After putting the meters into operation, you sign an agreement for their annual maintenance. Payment is made for checking the integrity of seals, replacing or cleaning filters, and checking IPU readings.

What to do with the readings taken

Once a month, within the terms under the contract, the consumer has the right to transfer the IPU readings to the housing and communal services. The contractor is obliged to take these measurements. Also, once every 3 months, a representative of the housing and communal services must check the provided testimony. Residents are required to allow an employee to access the meter for verification and further transfer of information for reconciliation. Reliable data will help you avoid errors in your utility bill. How you can submit information:

  • through the Internet;
  • government services portal;
  • by phone;
  • via terminal;
  • through the management company.

The transferred readings should be kept for three years, and independent consumption records should be constantly maintained.

Important! If meter readings are not transmitted, then the calculated average value based on the readings of individual devices for the period of the last 6 months is entered in the receipt. In this way, the calculation is carried out only for 3 periods. If the transfer of information on consumption does not take place on time, then the calculation of utility bills begins according to the average monthly standard. There are no increases in the coefficient.

Abbreviations and amounts on the receipt are deciphered in the management campaign. Formulas are also provided there. If you do not pay bills on time under the contract, a penalty may be charged. Debts utility bills lead to disconnection of the apartment from common channel consumed resource.

We deal with the receipt

The accounting equipment is installed, information is transmitted on time. Let's consider the contents of the receipt for payment for housing and communal services. Services are listed in abbreviations. Explanation of some abbreviations requires explanation.

Important! We find readings of the information we are interested in on the IPU or ITU - individual devices or metering points. Opposite them are the actual and estimated costs and units of measurement.

Each payer can independently calculate the amount to be paid and check the accruals.

Water supply

In an apartment equipped with a hot and cold water meter, the charge can be calculated using the formula:


Всн – amount to be paid for water supply in the receipt;

V – volume of water consumed according to the meter;

Tvsn - the cost of 1 m 3 according to the local standard established by the local administration.

Let's look at an example. You have consumed a volume of 6 m3. According to the local tariff, 1 m 3 of water costs 31 rubles. 6 m 3 *31 rub.=186 rub. It remains to compare this figure with the accrued amount.

Water disposal

Explanation of receipt items and payment methods is relevant for consumers. IN apartment buildings The drainage system is also paid for. Not all consumers know the definition of this concept. The system includes a whole range of measures from waste water disposal to treatment and disposal. The calculation will be based on the established sewerage tariff. But the device will help calculate this indicator:

  • In answer = (V hot + V cold) * T here,
  • In otv - the amount for sewerage;
  • V hot – volume of hot water;
  • V cold – volume of cold water;
  • T votv – water disposal tariff.

When using cold and hot water meters, you should not forget that you must use the appropriate taps. Utility tariffs for cold water are lower.