Connection and installation of heat meters for heating. How to install heating meters in an apartment: installation of individual devices

The need to install water and electricity meters is no longer in doubt.

And it’s not just about legislation, but also about real savings and the desire to pay for what was used.

Every year, more and more apartment owners come to the idea of ​​installing a heat meter, because heating fees affect the family budget.

An apartment heat meter is a small device that is built into a heating pipe and takes into account only the heat that was actually consumed.

The device records 3 indicators:

  • coolant volume (hot water) received by the consumer;
  • entrance temperature into the apartment heating system;
  • temperature coolant at the exit from the apartment.

Based on these data, the heat meter produces the main value - heat consumption. It is measured in gigacalories spent during the billing period: month, year or even day.

As a result, the consumer does not pay for heat losses during transportation along highways to the house and apartment.

The most profitable option is to install the meter together with. In this case, you will not have to pay for excess heat, which residents do not need, which often happens, for example, during a thaw.

Use of heat meters allows you to save up to 50% on heating, and this is a significant amount.

But for real effect it is necessary to install the device correctly.

Heat meter installation options and possible difficulties

The heating systems of all apartments can be classified into 2 groups:

  • vertical a type in which almost every radiator has its own riser;
  • horizontal an option that has one common riser, from which a network of horizontal pipelines diverges to the batteries.

The first type is typical for houses old building. In such a system, installation heat meter complex and expensive. After all, you will have to install such a control device for each riser, which is unprofitable and prohibited in multi-storey and apartment buildings by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated December 29, 2011 No. 627.

In this case, you can install a heating cost allocator on each radiator. The principle of their operation is to measure the difference between the temperatures of the battery and the room. Indications for the apartment are summarized. You can also collectively install a common house meter with the whole house. The costs of it will be divided among residents, and therefore will turn out to be insignificant, as will the economic effect.

The situation is much simpler with a horizontal heating system, characteristic of new multi-storey buildings. In this case, the heat meter is mounted in a pipe that supplies heat to the apartment. Less commonly, the sensor is placed on the return pipeline.

If your apartment has a second type of heating system, then a heat meter will help save money and pay for itself fairly quickly. All that remains is to decide on the type of device.

Heat meters for heating in an apartment: types of devices

When choosing a heat meter, you need to focus not only on the price, but also on the conditions in which the device will operate. Based on their operating principle, there are several types of heat metering devices.

Mechanical meters for heating batteries

Devices with mechanical principle the actions are also called tachometer. They can be of three types:

  • screw;
  • turbine;
  • wedge-shaped.

IN centralized systems heating uses hot water as a coolant. It is the amount of it that enters the indoor heating system that is taken into account by the mechanism itself.

All heat meters of this type There are several common disadvantages:

  • they are short-lived;
  • not particularly accurate with low coolant flow;
  • sensitive to the presence of suspended matter in water, which can be solved using a simple mesh filter;
  • not suitable for use in hard water.

Cost of tachometer devices the cheapest. One of the most popular is the ELF device, produced in Poland. It consists of a temperature sensor, a tachometer and an electrical computer. On average, meters from this company cost 8-9 thousand rubles.

Also often purchased for apartments is the ST-10 device, which, depending on the consumer’s desire, can be equipped with a tachometer, ultrasonic or electromagnetic flow meter. In addition, the meter includes a calculator and a thermocouple. Such devices cost about 9-10 thousand rubles.

Electromagnetic heat meters

When water passes through a magnetic field, it creates electricity. This phenomenon underlies the operation of electromagnetic heat meters. Such devices operate with high accuracy under correct connection conditions.

Failures can occur for several reasons:

  • formation of an oxidation film on the contact surface;
  • impurities in water;
  • external electromagnetic field.
  • Their disadvantage is their high price.

In addition to ST-10 meters with a VSE-BI flow meter, VZLET TSR-M devices in the TSR-033 or TSR-034 version with a VZLET ER flow meter operate on the electromagnetic principle. The cost of this device is at least 32 thousand rubles.

Vortex heat meters

In these devices, flow is taken into account based on the analysis of vortices that are formed when water and even steam pass through obstacles. The readings can be distorted by:

  • air bubbles;
  • large suspensions;
  • errors in reconciliation.

Ultrasound devices and prices

The operating principle of this device is based on measuring the speed of ultrasound passing through a liquid flow.

Ultrasound devices come in 4 types:

  • temporary;
  • frequency;
  • correlational;
  • Doppler

The following may distort the readings somewhat:

  • scale in water;
  • scale in the coolant;
  • air bubbles.

But these are by far the most durable, accurate and reliable systems. The following ultrasonic meters are widely used in apartments:

  • Multical 402 average cost 500 euros;
  • Ultraheat T230, the price of which is at least 15,500 rubles;
  • Thermal energy meter Individual-1 for vertical heating distribution- from 1500 rubles.

You can decide on the type of device only after consulting with specialists. Any of the meters must be provided with special documentation.

Registration, verification and transmission of readings

The installation of a heat metering device can only be carried out by specialists from an organization that has special documentation permitting such activities. The entire installation process is carried out in several steps.

Step 1. Drawing up project documentation.

Step 2. Submitting a project to the organization that supplies your home with heat.

Step 3. Installation of the meter and its subsequent registration.

Step 4. Final adjustment of the device and its transfer to operation of a company involved in the supervision of such devices.

After this, the counter can be used. Its operation includes transfer of evidence. This procedure can be carried out in several ways:

  • to the email address of the management organization;
  • by phone;
  • an entry in the receipt with an independent calculation of the payment amount.

Maintenance of the device consists of timely verification. The new meter is verified at the factory, and the consumer receives it with a record, sticker and stamp in the passport and on the device itself.

The regulated time between verifications is 3-5 years. The device is re-verified at a Rostest branch, at a special organization or at the manufacturer itself.

Solar panels for heating a house: how do solar systems work? Read the article.

Varieties: how to choose and install?

How to arrange ventilation in the bathroom and toilet? Find out by following the link.

The cost of installing a heat meter for heating in an apartment

If you decide to install a heat meter, you need to choose the right company to whom you will entrust this important undertaking.

A reliable company can be determined by several parameters:

  • certification and permission to perform such work;
  • free visit of a specialist for consultation;
  • providing job guarantees;
  • service maintenance.

The installation price is on average 5,000 rubles.

Video about the heat meter, its description and installation:

Department of Housing and Communal Services of the Ministry of Regional Development: “In apartment buildings residential buildings With vertical single-pipe heating systems, installing heat energy meters in individual apartments is impossible. It is only allowed to use the system of common house and apartment accounting regulation of consumed thermal energy using distributors installed on each heating device...».
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011 directly indicates that individual (apartment-by-apartment) heat meters are required to be installed if this is the desire of the apartment owner. The draft Resolution was once prepared by the Ministry of Regional Development. On the technical capabilities of overcoming contradictions in an article by specialists from the Teplocom holding company

Recently, on behalf of the Housing and Communal Services Department of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, an extended technical meeting was held on the issue technical feasibility and conditions for the use of apartment-by-apartment meters for metering consumed thermal energy in multi-apartment residential buildings with vertical wiring in-house systems heating. The conclusion was extremely categorical: “In multi-apartment residential buildings with vertical single-pipe heating systems, installing heat energy meters in individual apartments is impossible. It is only allowed to use a system of general house and apartment metering for regulating consumed thermal energy using distributors installed on each heating device...”

Well, this is already progress. We would like to remind you that until relatively recently, apartment-by-apartment metering of heat consumption was expressly prohibited. regulatory documents. Now, as we see, those involved in the process agree to the distributors. Although the latter are just an imitation of reliable heat accounting: based on the readings of heat distributors, only the total amount can be distributed among residents. It is not without reason that at the autumn international conference on energy efficiency in St. Petersburg, the reports contained extremely negative assessments of the reliability of such heat accounting, which, according to experts, does not exceed... 10 percent (!).

Apartment heat metering. Let's not get away with it

Meanwhile, the new rules for providing utilities(RF Government Decree No. 354 of May 6, 2011) directly indicate that individual (apartment) heat meters are required to be installed if this is the desire of the apartment owner - even if the house allegedly does not have a suitable system for this vertical wiring. Such requirements and permits are directly contained in paragraphs 31, 33, 42 of the Rules, and Appendix No. 2 to the Rules contains a detailed procedure for calculating the amount of payment for heat in an apartment equipped with an individual heat consumption meter.

True, the Rules, although they have come into force, have not yet been put into effect due to the lack of some additional regulations. But there is no doubt that this will happen by the next heating season. Based on the experience of previous years and statistics on the rapid spread of apartment-by-apartment heat metering devices for cold and hot water, there is no doubt that apartment-by-apartment heat metering devices will quickly be in demand by apartment owners and will quickly appear in hundreds of thousands of apartment buildings throughout the country. A preliminary study of the possible market for such metering devices showed their very high demand.

Residential heat meters Teolokoma. Already at the ready stage

In these circumstances, the Teplocom holding is making serious efforts to develop a high-quality and inexpensive apartment heat metering device. This will be a metering device, not a distributor (there are many questions and complaints about the latter). At the moment, the apartment heat metering device is in the final stages of development. Apartment heat metering is carried out according to data from primary converters own production. For this purpose, the following are provided: a temperature converter, a flow meter, a floor concentrator with the function of a differential computer. For vertical single-pipe wiring, a set of temperature transducers is used to increase the accuracy of measuring temperature differences.

Heat calculation is carried out on the house computer. This includes calculating heat for each apartment, maintaining and sorting a database of instrument readings, archiving measurement data, creating reports (pre-billing), monitoring the state of the system, checking primary converters, checking the house balance of the system, analyzing parameters and transient characteristics in order to identify errors and predicting failures.

Expected cost of components for studio apartment(two risers) - about 7 thousand rubles. In addition, additional costs for floor hubs and a home computer will depend on the number of apartment owners wishing to connect to the system. When connecting a 40-apartment apartment building entrance to an apartment-by-apartment heat metering system, they will amount to about 300 rubles.

As you can see, the cost of an apartment heat metering device is quite affordable for ordinary consumers. The device can pay for itself in one or two heating seasons (depending on heat tariffs in a particular region and on the heat loss of the building and apartment). This system allows for apartment-by-apartment heat metering in 99% of buildings and is compatible with devices already installed and on the market.

The possibility of phased implementation seems extremely convenient - you can start with one or two apartments in a house. True, the initial costs will increase, but they will pay off when other neighbors subsequently join the system.

Most effective way MKD equipment for apartment-by-apartment heat metering will involve the creation of a distributed network of primary converters and a data collection and processing system. Optimal apartment-by-apartment heat metering can only be organized with a systematic approach and the creation of a home information and measurement complex. However step-by-step installation system is quite acceptable - especially since it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid it if there is an expression of the will of the owner of even one apartment.

Heating wiring- this is a diagram of the location of heating devices and pipes connecting them. The efficiency of work depends significantly on the type of wiring. heating system, its efficiency and aesthetics.
Main types of heating wiring:

  • Single-pipe and double-pipe
  • Horizontal and vertical
  • Dead-end and with counter-movement of coolant
  • Heating with top and bottom wiring

A specific heating system must have one of two characteristics from all four groups of characteristics. For example, the wiring can be single-pipe horizontal with upper heating wiring and dead-end movement of the coolant, or it can be two-pipe horizontal with lower wiring and counter movement of the coolant, etc.
Let's consider these schemes based on the possibility of installing a heat meter for apartment heat metering.

Vertical wiring of the heating system

It became most widespread in the Soviet Union from 1960 to 1999 due to its low cost and ease of installation. engineering communications. The engineers of that time did not think too much about the problems associated with its applications.

Single-pipe vertical heating system

This wiring system is common mainly in houses built before the beginning of 2000. In such houses, the supply line runs along the technical floor or in the basement of the house, and the coolant enters each battery sequentially (gradually cooling) through vertical risers.

Advantages: low pipe consumption. Because of it, some unscrupulous developers continue to create houses with such wiring to this day.
Flaws: the impossibility of turning off individual heating devices and the impossibility of adjusting them, excessive consumption of heating devices, and large heat losses of the coolant. What does it mean impossibility of installing residential heat meters.

If with a one-pipe distribution the coolant moves along one solid circuit through all the radiators, then with a two-pipe system there are two risers: from one the coolant enters the radiator, and into the other it leaves.

Two-pipe vertical heating system

With a two-pipe heating system with bottom wiring, the supply and return main pipelines pass in the floor of the lower floor of the building or in the basement, and the coolant flows independently into each radiator.

Advantages: good regulation of the heating system, the ability to separately turn off each heating device, no overconsumption of heating devices.

Flaws: the length of pipelines increases compared to a single-pipe scheme, making it practically impossible to install residential heat meters.

Reasons for the impossibility of installing apartment heat meters in houses with vertical heating distribution

  • Metrological problem. The heat meter is considered to be working correctly when the difference in coolant temperatures between inlet and outlet (supply and return) is more than 3 O WITH. Heat consumption 1 radiator, depending on the size, finning coefficient and heating area, ranges from 0.5 o C to 2 o C.
  • The need to install heat meters on each riser, which is expensive and very troublesome. In the future, the user will have to manually take readings from each of the meters, sum them up and submit them to the heat supply organization. Risk of mathematical error and human factor. High verification costs, which partially offsets the savings from installation and increases the return on investment.
  • The scope of application of the device is written in the heat meter passport. For example, for Ultraheat T-230 - “The meter is used to account for energy consumption in apartments, cottages, apartment buildings and small businesses... temperature measurements in the supply and return pipelines are carried out... etc., etc.” There is no word anywhere about the battery, and there is no supply or return pipeline on the battery.

All of the above reasons are arguments for heat supply organizations not to take into commercial accounting heat meters installed in houses with a vertical heating system.

The only way to organize heat metering with a vertical heating distribution scheme is through heat distributors.

Horizontal distribution of the heating system

IN in this case the main pipeline goes through all floors, on each floor there are heating niches, in which, through bends from the risers, each of the rooms on the floor has its own connection (via horizontal pipes located in the floor) to common system heating.

Horizontal single-pipe circuits are rarely used, they have a rather narrow scope of application and are not used for heating apartment buildings, so here we will consider options for two-pipe wiring.

Two-pipe horizontal (floor) heating system with perimeter wiring

Looking at the figure, you can see that from the main supply and return risers along the perimeter of the room, pipelines are laid in the floor to each heating device. Each apartment has its own heating system input. The heating niche with main risers can be located both in the apartment itself and in the corridors common use(on the floor of the apartment or 1 floor below the apartment) depending on the design of the in-house heating distribution.

Each radiator is equipped with Mayevsky valves for bleeding air, and often automatic air collectors are installed on each of the floor heating outlets.

This wiring scheme is the most common in multi-storey residential buildings due to its ease of execution and affordability for developers.

Advantages: similar to a two-pipe vertical system, plus there are no risers on each heating device (except for main risers). It is possible to switch off the heating system on a floor-by-floor basis and use radiators with bottom connections, which, along with laying main pipelines in the floor structure or in the baseboard, allows you to minimize the number of open pipes and improve the aesthetics of the interior of the premises.

Flaws: the need to use pressure compensators in high-rise buildings, the complexity of operation due to the presence of air valves on each heating device, high heat loss in the floor and through the building envelope.

Two-pipe floor-to-floor heating system with collectors on each floor (radiant)

In the heating niches at the outlets from the main pipeline (riser) on each floor there are collectors - supply and return. From the collectors, supply and return pipelines under the floor are led individually to each radiator in the apartment.

Advantages: similar to two-pipe horizontal systems heating at more high reliability the system as a whole, high level energy efficiency and lower energy consumption for heating.

Flaws: long length of supply pipelines, high cost.

The radial wiring scheme is innovative for our country. Today, such a system is becoming increasingly popular in construction.

In such heating systems, apartment heat meters can be used.

A heat meter is a device/set of instruments used to determine the amount of heat, as well as the mass and other parameters of the coolant. Accounting for this coolant and the thermal energy that is expended is carried out both at the heat source and at a specific consumer (for example, in public or industrial buildings or in residential buildings). The heat source is CHP, RTS (district thermal station or boiler house).

Household heat meter: how to install correctly?

People who live in multi-storey residential buildings can solve the issue of heat metering by installing a meter. In this article we will tell you how to properly install a heat meter in a house or apartment.

Such a device makes it possible to significantly reduce heating costs due to the fact that after its installation there will be no need to pay for the heat that was not actually supplied to their home. Heating meter price for apartment building quite high (from 16,000 rubles and above), however, if you divide this amount by the total number of apartments in the building, it turns out not so expensive. At the same time, each of the residents will feel the savings almost immediately after installing a common building meter. After all, now the amount for heat will be charged based on the fact, and not according to established standards. Further, this amount will be distributed among residents in accordance with the areas of their apartments. Moreover, if some period heating season There was no heat supplied to the house, you won’t have to pay like you used to on average. It should be noted that if in summer period you don’t have to pay for heating, then during the heating season the amount will be higher than before. This point must be agreed upon with all residents of the house. In addition, at the general meeting of residents, a representative should be delegated who will take readings from the meter and issue apartment receipts for payment.

Before installing a heat energy meter in an apartment building, you should:

  1. Hold a meeting of apartment owners;
  2. Record the decisions made at the meeting in a special protocol;
  3. Contact management company with a written statement regarding the installation of a heat meter in an apartment building.

After this, you can count on the installation of a metering device, which will make it possible to pay exclusively for the supplied heat. However, a small portion will be added to the calculated amount for heating common areas of the house (for example, entrances).

How to install a heat meter in an apartment?

Regarding the common house meter, we can say that its indisputable advantage is its low cost. However, the expected economic effect from its installation will not be so noticeable. This is due to the fact that the entrance may be poorly insulated, and a lot of energy will be spent on heating it, the payment for which will fall on the shoulders of the residents.

In houses with vertical piping

In older apartment buildings, as a rule, heating pipes are installed vertically. In this case, it will be necessary to install a separate metering device on each of the risers in the apartment, which makes this procedure extremely costly.

In a situation like this good decision There will be installation of special metering devices on batteries, but in our country (unlike Europe) such heat meters are not used.

Modern manufacturers of metering devices offer users who have apartments in buildings with vertical wiring such distributors, where the coolant flow measurements are based on the difference in the temperature of the air in the room and the surface of the battery. But still the best option for houses with vertical distribution of heating pipes, a common house heat meter is used.

In houses with horizontal pipework

If the pipes in an apartment building are horizontal, then residents have the opportunity to install any type of heat meter. For example: a compact model can be installed either on the pipe supplying coolant to the room, or on the return pipeline.

Features of installing a heat meter

It is important to know that installation and connection of the metering device can only be carried out by organizations that have special permission to carry out this type of work. Qualified specialists of such a company carry out all work in several stages, namely:

  1. Carry out the connection project;
  2. Conduct project approval;
  3. Install the metering device;
  4. Register installed equipment;
  5. The device is handed over and transferred to the control of the organization exercising supervision.

Heat meter readings

The meter readings for heat are carried out in the same way as for electricity. After taking the readings, you should fill out a receipt indicating the difference for the period, multiplying it by the tariff that is currently in effect in the corresponding region. Payment according to the receipt is carried out taking into account the requirements established by the specific management company.

Installing heat meters: some practical tips

  • The vast majority of users claim that the profitability of installing a heat meter in an apartment is very high, and such a device will pay for itself very quickly.
  • Heating costs can be further reduced by installing devices (thermostats) that control the flow of hot water.
  • Now it is possible to install such modern heat meters that are capable of not only storing monthly information about heat consumption for 5-10 years, but also connecting to a computer and even reading current readings via the Internet.
  • If apartment house has a vertical pipe distribution (near each of the windows there is its own radiator and for each of them there is a separate vertical riser), then in the apartments of this house it is necessary to install individual meters irrational. This is explained by the fact that it will be necessary to install several heat metering devices in each of the apartments, which is not only expensive, but also creates additional hydraulic resistance in the pipeline, which can negatively affect the overall heating mode of the entire apartment building.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the thermal energy meter is very useful device, which is guaranteed to help apartment owners significantly save on heating bills. It follows from this that those who do not want to pay for heat loss when heating is supplied or for completely cold radiators in the apartment should consider installing a heating meter. The information provided in this article clearly demonstrates to users that doing this is not that difficult.

The owner usually does not monitor the expiration of the verification period or service life, but the management company monitors this closely. Water meters have not been verified or replaced - the numbers on the receipts will increase instantly. All payments for ODN and leakages will be distributed to you, and in Moscow it is sometimes difficult to achieve a recalculation.

A competent worker will replace the device in an hour

If the device was installed by responsible persons. Working in Moscow, we often encounter the absence of a shut-off valve, and this is a gross violation. In such cases, it is necessary to coordinate with the management company and neighbors the blocking of highways. Of course, when replacing a water meter in Moscow and the region, our specialists must install a faucet.

Otherwise, the procedure is everyday, routine:

  • Pipelines and communications are inspected, the risks of leaks are checked;
  • It becomes clear whether a new faucet is needed, or whether it can be limited to verification. Quite often, owners are not aware of this circumstance;
  • When replacing a water meter in Moscow, a set of documents is prepared (of course, the connections are checked, the serviceability of the device is checked).

Everything is done quickly, at an agreed time, without the usual garbage and dirt often left behind by plumbers. Inspection of pipes and communications is mandatory; for customers it does not cost additional money. This is a service from the TeploVodoMontazh company.

When replacing the water meter in an apartment, verification of readings is mandatory

Remember this even if you contact another company. After dismantling the readings of the old device, no one will take into account. To insure against unnecessary expenses (disputes), record the numbers by receiving a deposition report.

Considering the short payback period (due to savings on utility bills), we recommend choosing high-quality devices. The high price will have little effect on the cost of replacing a water meter in an apartment, and there will be much fewer problems.

Some owners began to install cold water filters directly on the inlet pipelines. Such complexes are becoming increasingly popular, providing clean, practically drinking water to the entire apartment.

Our prices

Cost of installing 1 water meter from 1700 rubles
Cost of replacing 1 water meter from 1400 rubles
Cost of installing a residential heat meter from 12,000 rubles
Cost of replacing a residential heat meter from 7,000 rubles
Installation of 1st radiator from 3200 rubles
Installation of 1 radiator with replacement of 2 1/2" taps from 4200 rubles
Jumper 1800 rubles
Installation of 1 radiator with replacement of 2 3/4" taps from 4700 rubles
Jumper 2000 rubles
Installation of 1 radiator with replacement of 2 1" taps from 5000 rubles
Jumper 2400 rubles

The appearance of an introductory water treatment complex is convenient for owners, and replacing an apartment water meter becomes easier and cheaper. As well as the maintenance of all plumbing, which suffers less from contamination, especially after long outages.

Heat meter in non-residential premises BEFORE and AFTER installation

Meter manufacturer Pulsar (Russia)

Design and installation of similar systems is one of the areas of our activity; we suggest that you carefully consider the new capabilities of cleaning and accounting systems.

Apartment metering of thermal energy is possible only with horizontal distribution of the heating system!!!*

Call us or leave a request on the website and our manager will contact you.