Why is there little water pressure in the shower? Water pressure in the water supply: what it should be and how to increase it if necessary. What can be done if the water pressure in the apartment has weakened?

Delivery of water to citizens’ homes is one of the types utilities, for which residents pay a lot of money. So public utilities are responsible for the quality of such services. However, due to various legal mechanisms for regulating the issue of communal services, today it is difficult to determine the responsible persons.

What water pressure is considered normal?

Unfortunately, such issues are not regulated by federal legislation. So the answer must be sought in legislative acts and orders of regional authorities. Residents themselves are accustomed to assessing this indicator as “good” or “bad”, depending on whether the water pressure satisfies them or not.

Each region sets its own minimum pressure levels in the tap. On average for the country, this indicator should not be less than two atmospheres. If we count in pascals, then today the standard is in the range of 0.03-0.06 MPa.

It is very difficult to accurately determine the indicator in question. For this you need a special device.

However, frankly weak pressure is a sign of violation of the established standard and a reason to contact the appropriate services.

Why is the water pressure in the tap weak, possible reasons

Before contacting the appropriate services, you need to understand the cause of the problem, why there is not enough water. It may also lie in the shortcomings of the apartment itself, and not just in the actions of housing and communal services workers.

So, as practice shows, the reason low pressure The following circumstances may occur:

  • low pressure in the central line (lack of water);
  • clogged pipelines in the house;
  • clogged pipes in the apartment;
  • bad mixer.

Thus, the reason for the low pressure may be the most banal blockage of the pipes. Of course, this may not be anyone's fault. However, those in charge must monitor these and correct them in a timely manner so that residents always receive sufficient pressure.

Weak hot water pressure

Delivery hot water to the apartment differs from cold delivery. So, cold water is delivered through central lines and the cause of poor pressure may be a lack of water in principle.

Hot water is produced in special boilers, which are installed directly near the house. As a rule, each quarter has its own source of hot water.

So, if there is no hot water pressure, this may be a consequence of the system not working properly.

Along with the general reasons, bad pressure water in the tap may result from the following circumstances:

  • accident in the boiler room;
  • accident on the heating main;
  • low water heating, etc.

In any case, you need to act exclusively through utility companies, since hot water can cause damage not only to property, but also to people’s health .

As a rule, in the event of problems with the delivery of hot water, residents are notified in advance.

Weak cold water pressure

As for cold weather, low pressure can be the result of many circumstances. So, along with general circumstances, the cause of low pressure can be:

  • shutting off water delivery lines (usually done by the housing organization for various reasons);
  • repair work;
  • emergency situations.

In each case, it is necessary to first try to find out the circumstances that caused the weak pressure cold water.

This can be done by contacting utility services, as well as the housing organization at your place of residence, after which you can increase the cold water pressure in the apartment.

There is no water at all

A complete absence is usually the result of a major accident or a planned event carried out with notice to residents.

However, in some cases, if there is no water, residents do have grounds to complain about the lack.

For example, if no one lives in an apartment, and a pipe has burst there, then utility workers block the entire entrance, which sits without water until the owners show up. Such reasons are sufficient grounds for contacting law enforcement agencies, but it is better to do this through a housing organization, so as not to spoil relations with neighbors in the future.

How to increase water pressure in an apartment

There are many ways to increase water pressure in an apartment. It all depends on the reason why the pressure has become weak, so you need to act after it has been clarified.

So, depending on the reason for the low water pressure in the apartment, the following actions can be a way to increase the pressure:

  1. Cleaning activities. If the pipes in your house or apartment are clogged, they need to be cleaned. You shouldn't do this yourself. The housing office is responsible for the condition of the pipes, let them do it. The pressure can only be increased after complete cleaning.
  2. Pump. If the pressure is very low on the central line itself, then there is nothing left to do but install a pump. It can be installed both in an apartment and in a whole house. The installation must be coordinated with the organization that manages the utilities of your home (MC, HOA, etc.).
  3. Different sized pipes will also help increase the pressure. If the pipes in the house are too large, then naturally the pressure will be weak. On the contrary, if the pressure is normal and the pipe is small, not enough will flow into the apartment. Before replacing pipes to increase pressure, you need to consult with specialists.

There are many other ways to solve the problem that are known to specialists. Consulting with plumbers will make the task of finding a solution to the problem much easier.

Poor water pressure in the apartment where to contact

So if poor water pressure in the apartment, where to contact? As a rule, housing organizations are responsible for the quality of public services. However, they do not always fulfill their obligations.

The sequence of actions when contacting a housing organization is as follows:

  • an application is submitted to measure water pressure;
  • within ten days, a specialist from the housing organization comes and measures the pressure;
  • then the housing organization itself determines the cause and eliminates it within a month from the date of measuring the pressure.

However, the housing organization does not always fulfill its obligations on time. They delay solving the problem with any excuses. Such cases cannot be expected. When a month passes and there are no results, you need to move on and look for ways to influence management company or HOA.

The management company is in no hurry to eliminate the cause of low water pressure, what to do

Management companies, as a rule, must regularly monitor the condition utility networks in an apartment building. This is their main obligation under the contract with the tenants.

However, negligence is a common feature of all housing organizations in Russia, for this reason people often write complaints against them. At the same time, it is necessary to follow a special procedure for appealing the actions of the management company:

  • if after submitting the application there is no reaction from the organization, then you need to file a complaint addressed to the head of the management company;
  • if the manager also fails to act, then the complaint is sent to the State Housing Inspectorate.

The Housing Inspectorate is a special body that supervises public utility issues. But no one prohibits residents from turning to the courts to protect their rights guaranteed under an agreement with the management company in civil law.

If the flow of water from the tap becomes weak, it is not at all necessary to immediately replace the plumbing unit. Of course, when a new faucet is installed, low pressure may be puzzling, but the problem may affect other elements of the plumbing system.

The mixer is clogged

The smallest solid particles that make up water settle and accumulate on the inner walls of the water supply system over time. The working cartridge itself may become clogged. When the aerator or filter parts become dirty, the problem is solved by simply removing the elements and cleaning them.

A clogged aerator mesh is immediately visible and all the dirt will be quite easy to shake out. It is worth checking the water pressure level first, since low pressure may be caused by other defects in the working cartridge; then it would be wiser to replace it. If the mechanisms are fully operational, the parts should be blown or washed.

Lime deposits on water pipes

Weak pressure when the premises have been in use for a long time and in it long time communications were not repaired. As a result, limescale and rust settle on the surface over the course of many years, preventing the normal flow of water.

“Most experts advise, along with replacing old plumbing, to change the piping system.”

However, there is an option to do without replacement - use chemicals to dissolve deposits. For metal pipes, you can tap using a wrench or hammer. Pieces of rust should fall off the inner walls and will come out through the faucet for some time (it is recommended to clean the faucet additionally).

IN apartment buildings This method may not give the desired result. More effective method– cleaning pipes with a special cable. It is sold in stores in the plumbing departments or, alternatively, use a shower hose.

Since the cable is very flexible, it will pass through elbows or pipe bends without any problems. Cleaning must be done in a circular motion, first turning off the water supply. Then check how the mixer works - the weak pressure should be eliminated.

If the blockage is particularly severe, you will need to dismantle the contaminated section of the water supply; all sediment accumulation will have to be removed manually. The best solution is to replace old worn out pipes. “It’s better to install, because rust never settles on their inner walls.”

The filter device is clogged

By quality composition tap water leaves much to be desired, which is why many people use filters. Various particles of dirt or fine sand settle in them, which over time clog the internal elements of the system. Cleaning devices must be changed on time, otherwise they will stop filtering water and will further clog the elements of the water supply system, as a result of which the water flow will greatly deteriorate.

If the house has geyser, and hot water flows in a thin stream, but the cold water pressure is normal, then the problem lies in the filter - this is metal grid at the point of connection of the water supply with the column.

The pipe must be disconnected and dirt removed from the filter. The action should be performed carefully, without damaging any part. Before starting cleaning, be sure to turn off the gas and water supply.

Low pressure due to incorrect pipe connections

With this problem, weak water pressure in the mixer will be detected immediately after welding. Reduced pressure also occurs due to water leakage.

Initially insufficient pressure level

According to GOST, the pressure level water supply network in the city should be 4 atmospheres. In practice, it can fluctuate in the range of 3-5 atmospheres. In megacities, the required pressure is regulated electrical appliances and is almost always normal.

The problem can be corrected by contacting public utilities that are assigned to certain areas. You should first find out about the water pressure from your neighbors, especially from the upper floors.

Self-cleaning of the aerator

In some cases, when the pressure is weak, it is not at all necessary to call a plumber to fix problems with water pressure. Simple jobs(for example, checking the aerator) can be done independently. To do this, you will need to have an adjustable wrench or a set of wrenches.

  1. First, turn off the water using the central valve located next to the meter;
  2. Then remove the plug from the coarse filter and remove the wire cassette. Rinse it thoroughly and put it back. Install a new seal and install the removed plug in place;
  3. After cleaning the coarse filter, check the elements fine cleaning. First, disconnect the system from the water supply, open the valve and check the pressure level. If no problems are found, change the liner and clean the filter bowl from dirt particles. When finished, return all parts to their place;
  4. When the filters have been cleaned, but the water continues to flow with weak pressure, it means that a blockage has formed in the pipes. Finding the exact location of the blockage and eliminating it is quite difficult. Therefore, after cleaning the filters yourself, you will have to use the services of specialists from the management company.

Low pressure in the faucet can occur for many reasons, but the problem is not always terrible and can often be corrected independently, as well as without the help of plumbers.

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Weak pressure from a faucet can upset even the most level-headed homeowner. After all, the duration of filling a kettle or coffee maker and the performance of a washing machine or dishwasher depend on the pressure.

In addition, if the pressure is poor, it is almost impossible to use either the toilet, shower or bath. In a word, if there is no pressure in the tap, then there will be no comfortable living in the house.

We understand the reasons for low water pressure in the tap

What weakens the water pressure in the tap?

We have already discussed why weak water pressure in the tap can ruin even the happiest life even in the most perfect house or apartment. However, moaning will not help the grief. Moreover, this problem not as scary as it seems. You just have to understand what weakened the pressure, and you will get an almost ready-made recipe for eliminating this trouble.

In this case, the list of TOP 3 reasons for a drop in hot or cold water pressure is as follows:

  • Faucet clogged . In this case, the intensity of the water jet is weakened by a plug of rust and scale that has clogged the aerator, filter insert (mesh) or axle box. Moreover, only one tap in the house suffers from this problem. That is, if your tap water flows poorly, for example, in the kitchen, but there are no problems in the bathroom, then you will have to disassemble and clean the problematic consumption point.
  • . In this case, the same particles of silt, rust or scale are to blame. Only now they are not blocking the faucet aerator or faucet mesh, but the filter built into the water supply. In the worst case, such deposits can block flow diameter connecting fitting or the pipeline fittings themselves.

  • . In this case, the cause of the weakening may be either a failure at the level pumping station, or depressurization of the pipeline. Failure at the station can only be corrected by repair teams utilities. An indicator of this breakdown is the lack of water in the entire neighborhood. Loss of tightness is diagnosed visually - by a stream of water gushing from the body water fittings. Any mechanic from a service company can fix this breakdown.
  • In addition, speaking about the reasons for the weakening of pressure, it is necessary to mention possible miscalculations when installing a specific water supply line . Incorrect diameter (larger than the previous branch), excessive length (inappropriate for the characteristics of the pressure equipment) - these are the most important reasons for the drop in pressure in the new water supply network.

If you don’t want to deal with them, order a water supply project from professionals.

Well, now that you already know the reasons for the drop in pressure in the tap, it’s time to figure out ways to eliminate this water supply defect.

What to do if cold and hot water from the tap does not flow well?

It all depends on the reason for the drop in pressure.

For example, if your faucet is clogged, you will have to do the following:

Removing the faucet aerator for cleaning

  • Take an adjustable wrench and unscrew it from the spout of the faucet. – foaming water jet nozzle. This part has very small nozzles. Therefore, aerators are clogged every six months. And if we are talking about a faucet mixer with hot/cold water, then the frequency of cleaning the nozzles is reduced to 2-3 months. The dismantled aerator is washed under running water.
  • If the aerator is clean and the water flows weakly, you will have to dive even deeper into the faucet design . Indeed, in this case you need to get close to the locking unit - the axle box. To do this, you need to dismantle the valve (faucet handle) and unscrew the lock washer holding the locking element in the body seat. Next, you remove the locking assembly from the body and clean off any deposits of silt or scale from its surface. In the finale, you will have to assemble the crane using the reverse procedure.

Before dismantling the faucet shut-off unit, be sure to shut off the water supply by closing the water valve closest to the point of consumption. Otherwise you will flood the entire apartment.

  • If the source of the problem is not the faucet, but the “spray” in the shower stall or bathroom, you'll have to do things a little differently. First, turn off the supply to the sprayer. Then remove it from the stand or metal hose using an adjustable wrench. Immerse the removed part of the sprayer in a saucepan with vinegar. Warm up this medium on the hotplate. Rinse off the scale with water. Return the nozzle to its place.

If the smell of vinegar irritates you, try a 10% citric acid solution. To prepare it, it is enough to dissolve 100 grams of dry acid powder - it is sold in any confectionery department - in a liter of water.

If you don’t want to tinker with the crane, call a mechanic from the management company. He will solve this problem right before your eyes.

We hope you already understand what to do if there is poor water pressure in the tap.

Now let's move on to the pipes:

  • First, turn off the water by turning the central valve near the meter.
  • Next, remove the coarse filter plug. Remove the wire cassette and wash it in a container. Then return the filter element to its place, renew the seal and screw in the plug.
  • After checking the coarse filter, proceed to checking the fine cleaning system. First, disconnect it from the water supply and check the pressure in the free pipe by slightly opening the central valve. If everything is in order, change the liner, simultaneously rinsing the filter glass from particles of accumulated dirt. In the final, everything, of course, is mounted in its original place.
  • If the filters are cleaned, but water still does not come out of the tap with the required force, then the reason for the drop in pressure is a blockage in the pipes themselves. Locating this problem and eliminating it is an extremely time-consuming task. Therefore, after cleaning the filters without results, you will have to call the management company and report a problem with the passage of pipes in the water supply.

If you have not changed the wiring of the water supply system in the apartment, the management company will pay for cleaning the pipes. After all, it is she who must monitor the performance of the “native” engineering communications.

The age of communications in many Russian cities has reached a critical level. Their wear and tear often leads to various accidents. This can also cause a drop in water pressure in your.

Old metal pipes rust. In addition, sediments constantly accumulate in them. Over time, the diameter of the pipes may decrease to such an extent that the water pressure drops, and the water from the tap will flow in a thin stream.

When water is released into the risers after a shutdown, pieces of rust under pressure can break off and clog where your pipe taps into the riser. It is very difficult to remove this blockage on your own; it is better to call a plumber who can clean the pipe using a cable.

But usually this helps for a short time, since the cause of the blockage has not been eliminated. Optimal solution problems - replacement of communications in the house.

Sometimes the pressure in the tap occurs precisely after replacing old pipes with new ones made of plastic. This can happen if the soldering technology is broken, which leads to a decrease in the diameter of the inlet hole. To correct the situation, a modification of the unit is required.

Many people today install mud filters on pipes. rough cleaning. If there is a lot of dirt in the water, these filters become clogged over time and the water pressure drops. Check them by unscrewing the nut and pulling out the filter meshes. If they are clogged, wash them and put them back. Disassemble the filter housing only when you turn off the water!

Faucet problems

Another common problem is a clogged faucet. Check the aerator - a mesh that is installed on the spout and serves as a stream divider. If you don't have dirt filters, dirt can settle here. In addition, the aerator may become overgrown limescale. Clean it and reinstall it.

If you have a faucet that uses rubber gaskets, you need to check their condition. Over time, they wear out and can become detached from their seat and cut off the water supply. If this happens, replace the gasket.

If your faucet is connected with rubber hoses, it is worth checking to see if they are clogged. Their diameter is small, and rust from old pipes can get stuck inside the flexible liner. Remove the hose and look at it through the light. If a foreign body is found inside, remove it.

The reason may also be a malfunction of the mixer itself. It's quite easy to check. Turn off the water and remove the tap. Turn on the water supply and look at its pressure. If it is normal, the problem lies in . A faucet connected using hoses is even easier to check. It is enough to unscrew them, place a bucket or basin and turn on the water.

If checking the communications inside the apartment did not yield anything, the problem lies in the water supply system itself. It could be education air lock, incorrect adjustment of the input unit or pressure drop on the main line. It is impossible to solve such problems on your own; you need to contact the management company.

Quite often questions arise related to the repair of a broken water tap. A faucet, for example, may fail due to a worn gasket. Since it is constantly exposed to mechanical, as well as thermal effects.

You will need

  • - adjustable wrench;
  • - a piece of fabric or a sheet of paper;
  • - rubber gasket;
  • - screwdriver.


Before replacing the faucet, it is necessary to shut off the cold and hot water supply to the faucet. When replacing a faucet, you will definitely need an adjustable wrench. It can be easily adjusted to the size of the union nuts that secure the faucet to water pipes. Please note that if you work carelessly, you can easily damage the surface of the union nuts. To prevent this from happening, you need to place a piece of fabric or a sheet of paper folded several times under the jaws of the adjustable wrench.