Electrical safety certificate size. Electrical safety certificate: form and validity period. What does a new electrical safety certificate look like?

Electricity is a source of increased danger, but it is impossible to imagine life without it modern man Therefore, to ensure safety when using this type of communication, rules for installation and operational work at power plants were developed. According to this regulation, each employee, before taking office, is required to undergo training and pass a test on knowledge of safety precautions and rules of conduct at a facility that has electrification. After passing this procedure, the worker is issued a document confirming that he has passed the exam. This article discusses cases when an employee is required to obtain an electrical safety certificate, what groups and standards exist, and also provides intervals for intermediate checks.

Electrical safety approval groups

Passing the standards for knowledge of the rules established by Rostechnadzor and obtaining an electrical safety certificate is carried out in three ways:

  1. At the territorial office of Rostechnadzor during the organization’s initial appeal. At each enterprise, to ensure safety, responsible persons from among the management personnel must be appointed who are authorized to monitor compliance with all standards and rules. Such employees periodically undergo certification at a state control institution and, based on the results of the examination, receive a certificate;
  2. Directly at the enterprise. To do this, you will need to create an examination board that receives a license to test knowledge from technical supervision;

Important! Such a commission can be organized only at an enterprise that has been certified as a training facility, which is confirmed by a license. This method allows only periodic testing of knowledge about safe operation electrical installations, you will still have to contact Rostekhnadzor to undergo initial testing.

  1. Distance learning. Such measures can be resorted to in cases where there is no representation in the region government organization, and the enterprise does not have the right to conduct certification of its workers. Training takes place through communication elements or the Internet. The employee receives a certificate of successful passing of the exam by mail, and a mark on the registration of the document in the technical supervision register is placed by the training center that conducted the instruction.

Regardless of which method of personnel certification the organization’s management chooses, for a certain type of work and maintenance of power installations there are 3 electrical safety groups. Their calculation starts from the second, since to obtain the first category you do not need to pass exams according to the rules established by Rostechnadzor, it is enough to undergo training at the enterprise. Distinctive feature Such an event is mandatory for everyone, regardless of whether the employee is responsible for servicing electrical equipment or not.

The second category is required for repair personnel who work with power tools or install wiring without connecting to the main line. All actions of such employees must be carried out under the supervision of a more qualified employee.

The third category is used to certify electricians and other technical and engineering staff of the enterprise, which operates on lines with voltages up to 1000 Volts. Holders of a certificate marked with the third group are allowed to connect to carrier networks, individual work on highways, and also be part of a team of workers servicing high-voltage wires.

In the fourth category, employees with special education or who have sufficient experience in the third group are certified. Most often these are the people responsible for technical condition electrical installations, repair crew assemblers or emergency shift supervisors. In such certificates, a special mark is made up to 1000 volts and above, which gives the worker the right to carry out actions on such lines, as well as control the work of lower-level personnel.

The fifth, the highest certification category, gives the right to carry out any work on lines up to 1000 Volts and above, as well as to control workers of the first, second, third and fourth access groups, as well as to carry out certification according to the standards listed above. Most often, this category belongs to the management of the enterprise, which is responsible for safety at electrical installations during maintenance and repair. The fifth category does not belong to the main groups; certification for it is carried out separately by a special commission.

Each of the five groups is determined by length of service, education and experience, as well as the results of a previous safety test. Simply put, bypassing the first three stages, an employee cannot immediately get the fourth or fifth group.

How to get a certificate

In order for an employee to receive a certificate upon hiring or during a periodic knowledge test, it is necessary to undergo training at Rostechnadzor or an organization certified by it that is engaged in training activities. After instructions and successful passing of the exam, personnel receive a certificate of the established form, with a mark indicating the assignment of a certain category.

Important! If certification is carried out on the basis of a training facility, then it is necessary to carefully study the statutory documents of the organization, whether it has the right to conduct such tests, as evidenced by the marks on the appointment of the chairman of the commission by Rostechnadzor. In the absence of such a mark, the enterprise does not have the right to certify workers.

The examination committee's protocol is stored at the enterprise along with a log of periodic personnel inspections. Any entry of data into these documents must be accompanied by the signature and seal of the head of the commission or an authorized person, otherwise the form is not valid.

Validity period of the certificate

The standard establishes different terms periodic certification of employees, which can be divided into two types:

  1. For electricians and maintenance personnel, this period is once a year. To carry out a repeated inspection, it is not necessary to undergo training; it is enough to pass examination tests, after which a note about the next inspection is made on the certificate;
  2. Administrative and technical personnel supervising and inspecting subordinate workers must be inspected once every three years. Certification procedure in in this case same as above.

Contents of the certificate

A form confirming passing the latest exam on knowledge of safety rules for power plants, includes eight pages, each of which contains certain information:

  1. The first sheet contains a photograph of the examinee, as well as the date of issue of the certificate and the name of the organization;
  2. The next page shows the last name, first name and patronymic of the employee, in some cases his date of birth, as well as his position, assigned group and marks of an authorized person with a seal and signature;
  3. From the third to the seventh pages there is a table in which marks are made about the results of the test, its results and the date of the next exam. Each entry on such sheets must be accompanied by the signature of the head of the examination commission and the seal of the organization;
  4. The eighth sheet is intended for special marks for admission to other groups or work.

The front and back sides of the ID are made of hard cardboard, which allows you to store it for a long time and always carry it with you. All pages are numbered and laced, this is necessary in order to eliminate attempts to falsify verification results by replacing pages.

Types of checks

An electrical safety certificate for power installations is issued in all cases, regardless of the type of group assigned, as well as the status of the worker and his responsibilities. There are several types of checks, the results of which are included in this document, among them the following can be distinguished:

  1. Primary test of knowledge. Most often it is carried out when hiring a new employee, when it is necessary to provide instructions based on the specifics of the organization. Moreover, the certificate received by the worker at the previous place is not valid here;
  2. Periodic certification. In this case, the inspection is carried out in accordance with the standard established by law, for example, once a year;
  3. Unscheduled test of knowledge on electrical safety at the enterprise. It is carried out in cases of an emergency at the facility, when the regulatory authority has reason to believe that the incident occurred due to ignorance of the specified standards and rules. For this type of certification, the same commission is formed as in previous cases, headed by a manager who has a valid Rostechnadzor certificate.

Recently, it has become popular to conduct staff training remotely using communication tools. It is worth noting that this type of certification can only be used in cases of initial or scheduled periodic inspection, when it is possible to schedule the event in advance, approve the commission and set the training time and exam date.

Thus, we can conclude that a certificate of testing knowledge of the rules of conduct and operation of power plants is a guarantor of safe activities at the enterprise; it indicates that the employee has sufficient knowledge and will be able to react correctly during an emergency situation.



The specifics of an organization’s work related to electrical equipment presupposes the presence of a responsible specialist whose responsibilities include monitoring and control of the equipment of a separate unit or the entire organization.

Due to his duties, this official bears material and other responsibility for the safety of equipment and other elements of production facilities.

Moreover, such responsibility is imposed both by the internal documents of the organization itself and by federal legislation.

If government inspection bodies discover shortcomings or errors in relation to this official, a decision may be made to impose an administrative fine or disciplinary sanction.

The main attribute of having the authority to implement security measures for a given specialist is a special certificate of the established form.

This document defines the legal status of a person as responsible for a certain area of ​​work and certain equipment.

How to get crusts?

In addition to the responsible specialists at the enterprise who manage the operation of electrical equipment, an electrical safety certificate is received by electrical personnel when assigning a certain security category - .

The certificate allows regulatory authorities to understand what kind of specialist they are dealing with, find out his qualifications and level of knowledge, and also determine the area of ​​responsibility.

This document is issued at the place of main work activity.

When moving to another place of work, the certificate loses its legal force, however, on the basis of an invalid document, you can restore the security category by re-passing the certification measures.

To initially obtain a certificate after employment, it is necessary to undergo special training in electrical safety.

This is done by more specialized training centers or other educational organizations. Each educational program takes into account the specifics of a particular industry.

The employee must acquire knowledge about working on electrical installations under the influence of current, taking into account the specifics of the work of his organization.

At the end of the training, after all lectures and practical exercises on electrical safety, you must undergo certification to confirm your knowledge.

Upon completion of the certification, the employee is issued a certificate and ID, the sample of which is established by Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 74 dated February 19, 2016.

This order introduced changes to the Labor Safety Rules during the operation of electrical installations, and also developed new forms of certification.

Also, this type of training activities can be carried out at the place of work if the enterprise has a material and theoretical base and qualified employees who have the right to carry out educational activities and train other employees.

Who issues?

Depending on the conditions for completing electrical safety training and the nature of work activity, the issuance of certificates is carried out by:

  • Heads of labor protection departments based on the results of worker certification by the company’s team. Such situations can arise in large enterprises that have a strong training base and can transfer knowledge to an employee, taking into account the specifics of the activities of a particular organization. In this case standard form The certificate is produced by order of the organization and certified by the head of the company’s department.
  • In a specialized training center or educational organization. In such institutions, as usual, they take advanced training courses and learn the basics of working with electrical engineering. In this case, the worker will also be issued a standard certificate, certified by the signature and seal of the management of the training organization.

In some cases, the document is issued by the head of the enterprise; this happens in the absence of a large staff and when combining specialties.


The form of the electrical safety certificate was approved by order of the Federal Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and is made in accordance with the standards and GOST on document flow and the form of certificates.

The document represents rectangular shape Hardcover in red with an inscription on the front side.

Inside, the necessary data on the completion of the relevant procedures for the entire period of work is entered, as well as the personal data of the officials who issued the document, and the data about the employee itself.

In addition, the paper of the document is made in a special way in state printing houses, and the certificate itself is subject to verification of authenticity as part of various electrical safety checks carried out by control authorities.

How to fill in when assigning 1, 2, 3, 4 tolerance groups?

Filling out the certificate upon receipt is carried out by authorized specialists - a labor protection engineer as the time of the event occurs (carrying out certification, conducting training) or an employee of the personnel service.

Filling out is carried out in accordance with the rules and standards of GOST for document management, as well as the rules of internal document management.

The following parameters must be reflected:

  • personal data of the official indicating the position to whom the certificate was issued, with a photographic image and stamp of the organization that issued the document;
  • serial number of the act, as well as a signature indicating the position of the employer;
  • information about the completion of training events - briefings on various grounds (introductory primary, planned, unscheduled). The time, place and basis for electrical safety training, the result and validity period of such training are indicated;
  • information about the completion of training also on various grounds, indicating the results and the assigned safety category. The date, time and place of such activity, the subject and reasons for its implementation (testing knowledge of regulatory documentation), as well as the result of completion are indicated. The next planned date may also be indicated;
  • information on the implementation of work requiring special skills and knowledge (for groups 4 and 5 of electrical safety clearance).

Download the free form and template for filling out word

The standard form of the new electrical safety certificate is .

Download a sample of filling out a certificate according to the new rules -.


The validity period of the certificate is calculated by the period of employment at the enterprise.

However, given the annual certification process, if the results are unsatisfactory, such a document may be invalidated.

In this case, after the space for filling is completed, the act is deposited with the personnel service, where it must be kept for 10 years (for organizations carrying out activities with dangerous, harmful or poisonous substances, this period is extended to 75 years).

After this, the specialist must obtain a new certificate indicating past information about the received electrical safety clearance group.

After dismissal, the certificate is considered invalid.

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An employee receives a certificate in electrical safety upon starting work. This document is valid after it contains records of successful completion of a knowledge test on the safe conduct of work with electrical equipment and the assignment of a group. In the article you will find a form for downloading.

Read in the article

New electrical safety certificate

The employee must always have this document with him during the execution process. job responsibilities and present it to inspectors from supervisory authorities upon their request. It confirms his right to independent conduct works

In 2019, the form that was approved is valid. This Order came into force in October 2016 and introduced changes to the Labor Safety Rules during the operation of electrical installations, approved by.

You can receive an electrical safety certificate after successfully passing a knowledge test, during which the employee must confirm his qualifications.

Validity period of the electrical safety certificate

The validity period corresponds to the period of the next knowledge test for personnel:

  • performing electrical installation work;
  • repair;
  • commissioning tests;
  • preventive work;
  • having the right;
  • orders;
  • the right to conduct operational negotiations.

For these categories of workers, the exam is held once a year. For administrative and technical personnel and for labor protection specialists admitted to inspection, this period is once every three years.

Filling out an electrical safety certificate

Page 1

The document number, the name of the organization in which the employee works, the date of issue and the employee’s signature are indicated. The difference from the form that was in force until 2016 is the presence of a photograph.

Page 2

A record is made about the category of personnel (administrative and technical, dispatch, operational, operational and maintenance, maintenance personnel, etc.). After testing the knowledge, a mark is placed on approval to perform work in electrical installations, indicating the voltage value (up to 1000 V, up to and above 1000 V). The person responsible for electrical equipment signs this page as a representative of the employer.

Page 3

The overall score for the knowledge test is indicated. It is not filled out during an extraordinary examination on the device and technical operation EU, labor protection and fire safety.

Pages 4, 5, 6

Filled out for employees of electric power industry organizations. Contains assessments obtained during tests of knowledge of regulations on the design and technical operation of power plants, on labor protection and fire safety.

Page 7

Used to mark employees for whom certification is required industrial safety and other special areas.

Page 8

Permission is given to carry out special work (on floors or working flooring during installation or repair with the mandatory use of fall protection equipment, etc.)

The electrical safety certificate must be completed in legible and understandable handwriting.

In what case does an electrical safety certificate need to be replaced?

Replacement should be made in the following cases:

  • loss has occurred;
  • the legal entity changes;
  • employee;
  • new equipment is being introduced;
  • the employee's position changes;
  • with a break in work for more than 6 months;
  • when electrical safety regulations change.

To work on electrical installations, you need to acquire certain knowledge and skills. If in other areas of technology errors in repair or handling of equipment can go unnoticed, then miscalculations in working with electrical equipment threaten significant damage to the enterprise and create a danger to human life. To prevent such situations, each employee is required to undergo training through the enterprise’s training center or Rostekhnadzor, after which he is awarded an electrical safety certificate. The photo below shows a completed sample of it.

Sample of a completed electrical safety certificate

An electrical safety certificate is a document stating that the employee has passed a knowledge test and is competent in issues proper maintenance electrical installations. Upon successful completion of the exam, he has the right to receive the appropriate admission group and work independently in his profession.

The document comes into force after it is signed by the chairman of the examination committee.

An employee can only receive a certificate for groups 2-5. For the first group, an entry in the accounting journal is sufficient. The electrical safety certificate is valid for 1 year. Then a new certification will be required to confirm the admission group. It is a mandatory procedure for personnel responsible for servicing electrical equipment.

Occupational safety exam

An employee can receive an electrical safety certificate if he receives a positive assessment in the knowledge test protocol. Then, by order of the enterprise, the employee is given a certain permit to service electrical installations.

If a specialist with permission for groups 2-5 is sent to an enterprise operating an electrical installation, a letter of his assignment is drawn up.

The presentation of a certificate indicating the admission group occurs after an entry in the knowledge test journal with the seal of the enterprise. If the organization belongs to the energy service, a document “on networks” is required. When working on a consumer's electrical installation, you need a “consumer” certificate. These certificates are different from each other.

How not to buy a fake?

Distance learning in electrical safety is now permitted. For this purpose, Internet technologies are used, where specialists undergo training without interrupting production. For this purpose, training centers have been created, which must be certified. Among them there are quite a lot of illegally operating companies.

In order not to buy a fake document, you need to know some basic points.

An electrical safety certificate is issued only to an organization, even if it consists of several people. At the same time, it indicates the exact position of the certified employee, which limits his range of responsibilities.

Obtaining an electrical safety certificate is legal if the relevant courses and exams are held through Rostechnadzor or through the knowledge testing commission of the enterprise’s training center. An inspector from Rostekhnadzor must also be present in it, even if its composition is minimal - 3 people.

The scammers' scheme can be recognized as follows:

  1. Low prices. Short delivery times. Convenient delivery.
  2. Ignorance of the rules for drawing up documents, necessary logs and protocols. Quite often, the 5th group of admission is offered through the training center. Availability of services for other documents: diplomas, certificates, etc.
  3. Fraudsters do not have a deep understanding of electrical safety and can be easily identified by asking a few simple questions.

Thus, distance learning it is possible, but before you start, everything needs to be carefully checked and made sure that it is not a fake.

Registration of the certificate

The certificate contains a dark cherry hard cover and four pages inside.

The first page should be filled out sequentially from top to bottom:

  • number;
  • name of the enterprise or institution that issued the certificate;
  • profession;
  • one of two characteristics of voltage settings: “up to 1000 V” and “above 1000 V”;
  • employee function (operational, administrative, maintenance, etc.);
  • date of issue;
  • signature of the person responsible for electrical facilities (usually the chief power engineer);
  • company seal.

First page of the electrical safety certificate

At the bottom of the page there is a note that the employee must always have the ID with him when he is on duty.

  • certification date;
  • type of certification (primary, regular, extraordinary);
  • group;
  • Assessment of knowledge;
  • validity;
  • signature of the chairman of the commission.

Second page for assigning an electrical safety clearance group

– certification of the employee according to industrial safety and other special rules, if necessary due to the characteristics of production activities and responsibilities.

Third page of the ID

– certification of personnel performing special work: testing, steeplejack work, etc.

The fourth page of the certificate for special work

The certificate is changed to another upon taking up a new position, and is surrendered upon dismissal of the employee.

Video about EB

The nuances of electrical safety are discussed in this video.

An electrical safety certificate is one of the indicators of an employee’s level. The document should be protected and always kept with you while working.

On electrical safety. The document itself assumes that its holder has the right to carry out work on electrical equipment. The new 2016 electrical safety certificate is an official certificate that an electrician (electrician) has knowledge of safe work with electrical equipment and professional skills in handling it. This type the certificate can also be called a certificate of testing knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations, and in professional jargon - a certificate in electrical safety. A blank certificate form for testing knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations is prepared according to the introduced changes in the rules (as amended on February 19, 2016) standards, having some differences with the forms of the previous form: now it contains more pages than the previous form (8 pages, instead of 4 - x) and has a place for photography (previously there was none).

New electrical safety certificate 2018

Please note that the electrical safety form in 2018 fully complies with the previously adopted form in connection with Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n and there were no changes in the Electrical Safety Rules in 2017.

Registration of an electrical safety certificate

The rules regulate the following:

1.4.7. Workers hired to perform work in electrical installations must have professional training appropriate to the nature of the work. With absence vocational training such workers must be trained (before admission to independent work) in specialized personnel training centers (training centers, educational and training centers, etc.).

1.4.49. ...Personnel who successfully pass the knowledge test are issued a certificate of the established form.

The electrical safety form is issued to a legal entity and an employee with the data entered in the electrical safety knowledge testing log. The corresponding pages are filled in after the knowledge test, indicating the result of the test:

  • Great;
  • Fine;
  • satisfactorily;

1.4.22. For employees who receive an unsatisfactory assessment during the next knowledge test, the commission assigns a repeat test no later than 1 month from the date of the last test. The validity of the certificate for an employee who has received an unsatisfactory assessment is automatically extended until the period appointed by the commission for the second inspection, unless there is a special decision of the commission recorded in the knowledge test log on the temporary suspension of the employee from working in electrical installations.

It is also noted:

  • Name of the organization, legal entity where the certified person works;
  • voltage (up to or above 1000V);
  • date of issue of the certificate;
  • the seal of the organization where the employee is registered is affixed;
  • the person responsible for electrical equipment in this organization puts his signature on the certificate;
  • group assigned as a result of knowledge testing (for example: group 4 up to 1000 V);
  • date of inspection;
  • reason for inspection (extraordinary, regular);
  • electrical safety group (II, III, IV or V)
  • date of next inspection;
  • signature of the chairman of the knowledge testing commission and seal of the inspector;
  • Industrial knowledge testing tables are filled out. security;
  • knowledge of special rules for the type of profession (if necessary);
  • a mark is placed indicating permission to carry out the special. works (sleep climbing, high-voltage testing of special equipment);
  • When performing work, the employee is required to have an identification card with him.

In what cases does a certificate need to be replaced?

  • when changing a legal entity;
  • increasing the access group;
  • installation of new equipment;
  • loss;
  • change of position;
  • break from work in this position for more than 6 months;
  • If electrical safety rules change, the certificate must be replaced.

How long is an electrical safety certificate valid?

According to the rules of PTEEP, the validity period of the electrical safety certificate (the next test of electrical safety knowledge) is established for personnel:

  • performing electrical installation work;
  • repair;
  • commissioning tests;
  • preventive work;
  • having the right to issue permits;
  • orders;
  • the right to conduct operational negotiations - annually.

For administrative and technical personnel who are not related to the previous groups, as well as for labor protection engineers who are allowed to inspect - once every 3 years.

Where to buy an electrical safety certificate

A new type of electrical safety certificate can be purchased in specialized stores or ordered from a printing house. The advantage of our company is that we ourselves produce hard-shell forms for the needs of the training center and constantly keep a certain supply of forms in stock. The production of electrical safety forms is one of the areas of our activity, so you can be sure that you are purchasing products that are 100% compliant regulatory documents. We cooperate with many training centers in Moscow and the regions in the supply of control and executive documentation and blank products. If your organization conducts construction activities or provides installation services and you have a certified electrical safety commission, we invite you to cooperate. If you are looking for an electrical safety certificate form, please contact us, the minimum quantity for retail sales is from 10 pieces, there is a system of discounts for regular customers, wholesale prices for training centers, delivery in Moscow, Moscow region and regions, as well as pickup from our warehouse.