Repair and maintenance of energy equipment and networks. Repair of TPP power equipment

Energy equipment and energy networks of all types are an integral part of the enterprise's fixed assets. Note that energy equipment includes all equipment designed for the generation, conversion, distribution, transmission and consumption of the main types of energy (electric and thermal) and energy carriers (water, air and gases) common in industry. During the production process, the process of consumption (expenditure) of fixed assets occurs, which is expressed in the wear and tear of equipment and networks. This, in turn, leads to loss of certified characteristics of equipment and networks, power, productivity, pressure, accuracy, failure or accident, which in some cases causes not only the shutdown of a particular piece of technological equipment, but also downtime of areas, workshops, buildings, and sometimes enterprises as a whole. A distinction is made between physical and obsolete depreciation of fixed assets.

Obsolescence consists in reducing the efficiency of existing physically suitable equipment due to the introduction of new equipment and the emergence of more advanced and economical machines. Moral wear and tear occurs (as a rule) before complete physical wear and tear. The economic feasibility of replacing obsolete equipment before its complete physical wear and tear is determined by special calculations. The profitability of obsolete equipment can be increased through modernization (technical improvement), the feasibility of which must also be calculated.

Normal physical wear and tear of equipment(chemical, thermal, fatigue, corrosion) is caused by the active operation of equipment, physical and chemical processes associated with production. Wear can occur under the influence of natural factors (moisture, temperature changes, etc.) when the equipment is not operating. Physical wear causes deterioration in the performance of equipment - decreased productivity (power), increased fuel consumption and operating materials. At a certain level of physical wear and tear of equipment, its further operation becomes economically unfeasible. There is a danger of sudden (emergency) equipment failure from working condition with the ensuing losses from violations of the production regime and the costs of subsequent repairs. Deterioration in performance as a result of physical wear and tear of power equipment can be overcome by repairs.

Physical wear and tear of equipment occurs unevenly: individual parts of machines last for different periods of time, and in order to ensure the operability of the machine over a certain service life, individual components and parts must be periodically replaced.

All machine parts that are replaced and repaired can be grouped into groups that differ in terms of the period of use of the parts before they are replaced or repaired. In this case, the part can be classified as a repair group with a slightly shorter service life than the possible period of its use. This grouping makes it possible to construct calendar-volume equipment repair schedules that characterize the necessary repair costs in different years (periods) of its operation.

Thus, the repair of equipment and other elements of fixed assets is a necessary production process due to the modern level of technology development.

The following concepts should be distinguished: repair, modernization, reconstruction.

Repair– a set of operations to restore the serviceability or performance of a product and restore the service life of products or their components.

Modernization existing equipment - changing the design of existing equipment in order to bring it in accordance with new requirements, ensuring improvement of its performance, increasing reliability, reducing energy, material costs and labor resources during operation, technical inspection and repair, reducing obsolescence, as well as the use of other types of (more accessible) fuels, raw materials and supplies.

Reconstruction– a set of measures to improve the functioning of equipment or to use it for a new purpose through significant changes affecting the fundamental essence of the design.

So, the task of uninterrupted and high-quality energy supply is largely and increasingly determined by energy repair production.

In general renovation work are designed to solve the following problems:

1. Improving the management and organization planning system Maintenance.

2. Ensuring the high quality of repaired equipment and the quality of repair work performed.

3. Saving and rational use of labor, material and financial resources.

Maintenance maintenance as a function of production management of energy enterprises includes:

production program planning;

organization of repair work;

accounting and analysis of production and cost indicators;

analysis of the main technical and economic indicators of energy repair production.

2. Types of power equipment repairs

A set of organizational and technical measures for the maintenance and repair of equipment, which includes planning, preparation, implementation of maintenance and repairs with a given sequence and frequency, is a system of maintenance and repair (MRO).

The following types of repairs are distinguished: capital, medium, current, emergency and restoration.

Maintenance includes the elimination of defects in the operation of equipment identified on the day the unit was shut down for repairs, replacement of wear parts, identification of parts requiring replacement or repair during medium or major repairs: performing preventive maintenance to ensure reliable operation of equipment in the period between regular average or major repairs.

At average repair partial disassembly of the equipment is carried out, replacement of worn parts, inspection and cleaning of parts and assemblies, testing and identification of work that needs to be carried out during the next major overhaul.

Major renovation includes complete disassembly of the equipment, inspection of all parts, replacement of individual parts and assemblies, elimination of all defects, testing and testing. Its goal is not only to ensure the operability of the equipment, but also to completely restore the technical and economic parameters of the unit. The costs of major and medium repairs in the electric power industry account for 70% of all repair costs.

A major overhaul differs from a current one by a longer time between overhauls between two overhauls than between current repairs, a longer duration of repairs, a larger volume of work, a lower frequency of implementation, and a higher cost.

Reconstruction is carried out after natural disasters and other extraordinary situations.

Monitoring the condition of equipment, carrying out daily lubrication and cleaning, adjusting mechanisms, and eliminating minor faults can be carried out by Maintenance.

Maintenance intervals– the time interval or operating time between this type of maintenance and the next one of the same type or another of greater complexity.

Depending on the nature and volume of work performed, shift maintenance and periodic maintenance are provided.

The main method of maintenance is inspection, during which the technical condition of the most critical parts and assemblies is determined and the scope of upcoming repairs is specified.

The time between two consecutive repairs is called turnaround period. Overhaul period – is determined from the conditions for ensuring reliable operation of the equipment without a noticeable decrease in operating efficiency.

Alternation of repairs in a certain sequence and at certain intervals is repair cycle structure.

The time period between two major overhauls is repair cycle duration.

3. Organization of repairs

Energy repair production requires a high level of organization of the production process, taking into account the coordination of the interaction of sometimes dozens of contractors, and the number of simultaneously employed workers during repairs of large power units that last several months reaches 500–600 people. In the process of preparing for repairs, a rather complex project of organization and network diagram carrying out repair work. It is taken into account that the annual schedule for repairs of power equipment is related to the balance of capacities in the energy system (compiled in such a way as to ensure coverage of the annual schedule of monthly maximum electrical loads) and financial capabilities. For this reason, major repairs are carried out, as a rule, in the spring and summer months - the period of reduced load, and current repairs - on weekends and holidays.

When planning repairs, it is necessary to ensure maximum reliability and create favorable conditions for repairs. To comply with these conditions, it is recommended:

At thermal power plants, schedule the start to coincide with summer time, when the heating load is maximally reduced;

Repair of block equipment should be carried out simultaneously in order to minimize the power output for repair;

Hydroelectric power plants with regulated water flow repair equipment at any time of the year, with the exception of floods, in order to use the power of the hydroelectric power station and save fuel at thermal power plants;

Equipment repairs at each station should be carried out evenly throughout the year to ensure uniform loading of resources.

At the same time, in practice, a situation often arises when the approved annual repair schedule undergoes serious changes due to:

Financial problems;

Inability to provide repairs to several large units with the required number of personnel due to the extension of scheduled repairs or an accident at some power facility;

Identification of unforeseen major defects during opening and fault detection of equipment (especially typical for outdated equipment and large units that have exhausted their service life);

Accidents on any unit;

Delays in the supply of spare parts and materials.

Moreover, if an energy company urgently needs a power unit to cover the load or operate the power plant in an economical mode, it is often put into operation without eliminating some of the defects - leaving them for the next repair. As a result, the reliability and technical and economic performance of the equipment are reduced.

Energy repair is a very expensive production, requiring expensive special tools and devices, a well-developed machine fleet, and at nuclear power plants, means for performing work remotely. In general, the costs of energy repairs in electrical and heat supply systems are very high and, even with large-scale commissioning of generating capacities in the 70–90s of the last century, were comparable to the volume of capital investments in the construction of new energy facilities.

Repair- this is a set of operations to restore the serviceability or performance of products and restore the resources of products or their components. Production current repairs, in turn, prevents the need to schedule more frequent major repairs. This organization of planned repairs and maintenance operations makes it possible to constantly maintain a trouble-free condition at minimal cost and without additional unplanned downtime during repairs.

Along with increasing the reliability and security of power supply, the most important task of repair maintenance is to improve or, in extreme cases, stabilize the technical and economic indicators of equipment. As a rule, this is achieved by stopping the equipment and opening its basic elements (furnaces and convective heating surfaces, flow parts and bearings).

It should be noted that the problems of reliability and efficiency of operation of thermal power plant equipment are so interconnected that it is difficult to separate them from one another.

For turbine equipment, first of all, the technical and economic condition of the flow path is monitored, including:

  • salt deposits on blades and nozzles that cannot be eliminated by washing under load or at idle (silicon oxide, iron, calcium, magnesium, etc.). There are known cases when, as a result of skidding, the turbine power decreased by 25% in 10... 15 days;
  • an increase in gaps in the flow part leads to a decrease in efficiency, for example, an increase in the radial gap in seals from 0.4 to 0.6 mm causes an increase in steam leakage by 50%.

It should be noted that an increase in gaps in the flow passage, as a rule, does not occur during normal operation, but during starting operations, when working with increased vibration, rotor deflections, and unsatisfactory thermal expansion of cylinder bodies.

During repairs, an important role is played by pressure testing and elimination of air suction points, as well as the use of various progressive seal designs in rotating air heaters. Repair personnel must, together with operating personnel, monitor air suction and, if possible, ensure their elimination not only during repairs, but also on operating equipment. Thus, a decrease (deterioration) in vacuum by 1% for a 500 MW power unit leads to excessive fuel consumption by approximately 2 tons. t./h, which is 14 thousand t.e. t/year, or in 2001 prices 10 million rubles.

Efficiency indicators of turbine, boiler and auxiliary equipment usually determined by performing rapid tests. The purpose of these tests is not only to assess the quality of repairs, but also to regularly monitor the operation of equipment during the overhaul period. Analysis of the test results allows you to reasonably judge whether the unit should be stopped (or, if possible, individual elements of the installation should be switched off). When making decisions, the possible costs of shutdown and subsequent start-up, restoration work, possible undersupply of electricity and heat are compared with losses caused by the operation of equipment with reduced efficiency. Express tests also determine the time during which operation of equipment with reduced efficiency is allowed.

In general, equipment maintenance and repair involve the implementation of a set of works aimed at ensuring the good condition of the equipment, its reliable and economical operation, carried out with a certain frequency and consistency.

Also, during repair work, and during the operation of the equipment, the power plant personnel perform.

Repair cycle.

Repair cycle - the smallest repeating intervals of time or operating time of a product, during which in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory technical documentation all established types of repairs are carried out (running time of power equipment, expressed in years of calendar time between two planned major overhauls, and for newly commissioned equipment - operating time from commissioning to the first planned major overhaul).

Structure of the repair cycle.

The structure of the repair cycle determines the sequence various types repair and maintenance work on equipment within one repair cycle.

All equipment repairs are divided (classified) into several types depending on the degree of preparedness, the volume of work performed and the method of performing repairs.

Unscheduled repairs.

Unscheduled repairs are repairs that are carried out without prior appointment. Unscheduled repairs are carried out when equipment defects occur that lead to failures.

Planned repairs.

Scheduled repairs- repairs, which are carried out in accordance with the requirements of normative and technical documentation (NTD). Planned repairs of equipment are based on the study and analysis of the service life of parts and assemblies with the establishment of technically and economically sound standards.

Types of repairs by volume.

Major renovation- repairs performed to restore serviceability and restore full or close to full service life of equipment with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones.

Maintenance- repairs performed to ensure or restore the operability of equipment, and consisting of the replacement and (or) restoration of individual parts.

Medium renovation- repairs carried out to the extent established in the technical documentation to restore serviceability and partially restore the service life of equipment with the replacement or restoration of individual components and their control technical condition.

One of the conditions for the efficient and rhythmic operation of industrial enterprises is the reliable and economical supply of energy resources to production units required quality. All this, in turn, depends on many factors, among which the organization of maintenance and repair of power equipment plays an important role.

The following factors underlie the maintenance and repair of power equipment:

Standardization of parameters and primary indicators of equipment operation;

Equipping equipment with instrumentation and automation, control, communication and alarm systems;

Organization of energy accounting and control;

Clear regulation of maintenance and repair functions;

Development of a system for maintaining technical documentation, operation and repair.

The main task of maintenance and repair is to maintain equipment in working condition while maintaining specified performance characteristics.

The standard parameters and labor intensity of maintenance and repair of power equipment are similar to the standards of the specified systems for all equipment of the enterprise, i.e. repair cycle, interrepair period, etc. At the same time, emergency and restoration repairs are not included in the PPR system.

Repair parameters of boiler, compressor, pumping equipment and elements of network facilities differ significantly from the parameters of energy consuming equipment, since for generating installations and networks coordination with the repair standards of production equipment is not required, and for energy receivers this is necessary condition. For a significant part of power equipment, it is not practical to include major repairs in the repair cycle, since they are carried out over long periods of time, calculated in years or even tens of years. This especially applies to pipelines, air ducts, cables and wires of electrical networks, gas pipelines, water supply sewer networks and other types of energy equipment. Currently, there is no uniform composition of the repair cycle of power receivers. For other types of power equipment, the structure and frequency of repair cycles are determined by the recommendations for maintenance work. At each enterprise they are adjusted depending on the technical condition and operating conditions of the equipment.

For each technological repair process, “repair flow sheets” are drawn up for the main and auxiliary power equipment. Based on these maps, the labor intensity of repairs, the need for materials, tools, repair parts, assemblies, etc. are established.

For the repair of power receivers and networks, a different system for developing a regulatory framework has been adopted. Since such equipment is very diverse, it is not practical to develop technological processes for each size and power. For this purpose, a generalizing concept is introduced - the category of repairability.

The repair service in the energy sector of enterprises solves many problems. We list the most important of them:

Choosing a rational method of repair;

Organization of repair work;

Technological preparation and material support for repairs.

Repair of power equipment can be performed by three methods: centralized, decentralized and mixed. A mixed repair method is considered the most appropriate. In this case, repair work can be performed by both specialized and complex teams.

In practice, integrated repair teams are widely used. In this case, the management of the repair process is simplified and the responsibility of performers for the quality of repairs and the condition of power equipment increases, since team members alternately are on duty for between-repairs maintenance of the area assigned to them.

Improving the organization of energy services for an enterprise

Taking into account the specific properties of the energy sector, the relationship between energy and industrial technology, as well as external relations, we can present the main directions for improving the production processes of the enterprise and improving the organization of energy services.

The development of the energy sector is influenced by the following objective factors, reflecting the changes that occur at the enterprise and in its general energy system:

Increasing the level of power supply to labor;

Increasing the level of energy use and, as a result, reducing energy and fuel consumption per unit of production;

Increasing the share of energy spent on power, high-temperature and physical-chemical processes;

Reducing the share of energy spent on medium- and low-temperature processes;

Increasing the share of electricity in the total energy consumption of the enterprise;

Interchangeability of energy resources.

Along with constantly operating objective factors, the development of the energy sector is also influenced by uncertain and random factors:

Changes in the enterprise's need for energy resources due to deviations from the previously planned production volume and range of products;

Changes in meteorological conditions;

Restrictions on energy consumption imposed by higher-level organizations (limiting the consumption of electricity, fuel, water);

Emergency shutdowns of equipment and energy networks, etc.

In addition, the organization of rational use of energy resources is becoming increasingly important. It provides for a technical and economic analysis of reserves for saving energy resources, the development of OTM plans and their implementation. Energy savings are achieved through:

Intensification technological processes and the introduction of new equipment and progressive technology;

Reductions in consumption rates energy resources for production of products;

Reducing energy losses;

Equipment operation in economical modes;

Maximum use of secondary energy resources. Experience shows that fuel and energy saving reserves are distributed as follows:

About 60-70% come from the development and use of new, more economical energy-consuming equipment, the introduction of less energy-intensive technologies, the use of automation, control, etc.;

About 20-25% is obtained by reducing losses of energy resources at the consumption stage in primary and auxiliary production, as well as during transmission, transportation and storage of energy resources;

About 10-15% can be provided by OTM, including the use of secondary energy resources.

Along with organizational and technical measures to save fuel and energy resources, motivating personnel (primarily workers) for their efficient use is of great importance.