How to plant spathiphyllum at home. Spathiphyllum transplantation is a necessary procedure

After buying it in a store, since there it was in a technical pot and, most likely, had already outgrown it. An indicator that the pot is becoming crowded is the roots of the plant peeking out from the drainage holes at the bottom. Another reason to be sure to replant a store-bought flower is the soil and planting method. Most often, flowers grow in peat, and this type of soil is not suitable for all plants. As a rule, technical pots lack drainage, and the roots are damaged as a result. When replanting a damaged flower, you should carefully examine its roots for the presence of pests, and, if necessary, take all measures to eliminate them.

In the future, spathiphyllum will feel good if you replant it once a year. Each pot should be 1-2 cm larger in diameter than the previous one, except in cases where the plant will be divided and each bush will be planted in a separate small pot. The optimal composition of soil for spathiphyllum is one part of leaf soil, one part of peat and half a part of turf soil with quartz sand. If possible, it would be a good idea to add some vermiculite or sphagnum - this will prevent the soil from drying out. In the event that you compose suitable soil difficult to do on your own, you can use commercially available ones ready-made mixtures soil for aroids - they are perfect. Spathiphyllum is replanted before flowering, in early January, or immediately after flowering, in late autumn.

Since it is almost impossible to dry this plant, you should transfer it to a new pot with care so as not to damage the leaves and roots. Before the process starts work surface cover with newspapers, any unnecessary paper or polyethylene, so as not to stain the interior with soil spilling out of the pot. In addition to the size, a new pot is also chosen based on the holes in its bottom, so spathiphyllum is most conveniently placed from a tray. Choosing a pot suitable size, with a spacious tray and a large hole, a layer of pebbles or expanded clay is poured onto the bottom as drainage so that excess moisture. It is not recommended to use pieces of foam plastic as drainage. The roots of the flower grow into them and are then injured during subsequent transplants.

After pouring drainage into a new pot, remove the plant from the old one. To do this, you will need a ruler or any other object that is long and flat enough to separate the roots and soil from the walls of the pot. The pot is turned on its side, and, taking the plant in a bunch at the very base of the leaves, they pull it out, while simultaneously turning the pot so that the extraction proceeds evenly. After the flower with a lump of earth is removed, there is no need to shake off the earth from its roots. The entire lump of soil is placed in a new pot on a layer of drainage and new soil and the required amount of soil is poured on the sides and top. After the flower is transplanted, it should be sprayed with a spray bottle and not watered for about a day.


  • Spathiphyllum transplant

There are no specific criteria for female happiness. This is natural, because girls put completely different values ​​into this concept. For one, happiness is her children, for the other – career and financial well-being. But regardless of the factors that give you this feeling, if you feel like a full-fledged woman, it is safe to say that you are happy.


In fact, how can you do it if you are not loved? The knowledge that for someone you are the best, most beautiful and desirable in the world will warm the soul. It is vital for her to feel male attention, interest, love. Without this, it withers like a flower that does not receive heat and moisture.

It has long been the custom that the highest happiness for a woman should be family well-being and the well-being of her children. This was considered an axiom, not subject to discussion. Indeed, the very word “mother” makes one recall a touching idyllic picture: a happy mother of a family, surrounded in a cozy, bright house loving people- and offspring.

But recently, more and more women see the main meaning of life and happiness in a career and success. The word “businesswoman” has long been firmly established in the lexicon of many languages. And for some women, the highest happiness is the opportunity to do what they love, to which the soul is drawn, to devote all their strength to it, every free minute. At the same time, we are talking not only about traditional ladies' hobbies like needlework or writing sentimental love novels, but also about what has always been considered a purely male prerogative. For example, more and more women see the meaning of life in extreme sports or traveling to uninhabited, wild areas of the Earth. For them, the highest happiness is to overcome difficulties and conquer their own fear.

The maternal instinct (theoretically the strongest) in such women is often very poorly developed. The very thought that they may have a child who will have to devote time and effort, who will distract them from their favorite activity, confuses them, and sometimes simply scares them. Any attempt to remind them of the main purpose of a woman is met with a sharp negative: “Don’t get into my personal life. I myself know where my happiness lies!”

Can such women be considered happy, even if they have achieved great success? The question is not easy, very controversial. Only one thing is certain: you can’t make anyone happy by force, against your will. Every adult, capable person, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, must independently determine: for him, the word “happiness”.

Video on the topic

Currently, you can purchase any indoor plant at any stage of growth. The assortment pleases with its diversity. These flowers are sold in shipping pots, so they need to be replanted at home.


Do not rush to replant a store-bought flower. After being transported to a new location, the plant experiences severe stress. Place the flower in the purchased one permanent place where you plan to grow it, water it and leave it alone for a few days.

While your plant is getting used to its new location, prepare a soil mixture. Most best option– buy special primer in a specialized store.

When replanting a store-bought flower, immediately take into account the size of the plant. You should not use a huge pot, even if the flower plans to grow up to one and a half meters. First, transplant it into a medium-sized pot. As the flower grows, the soil mixture will become depleted and will have to be changed one way or another. Then replant the flower.

For now, it is enough to place drainage at the bottom of a medium-sized pot, pour in the soil mixture, not reaching 1/3 of the edge. Before transplanting, moisten the flower and replant using the transshipment method, grabbing the roots along with a lump of earth.

Gently compact the soil, water it, and place the transplanted flower back in its intended place. Caring for house plants involves systematic watering and loosening. Depending on the variety, 1-2 times a week in winter and three times a week in summer are sufficient. Some plants require systematic spraying.


The soil mixture for indoor plants must be changed periodically. If you replanted a purchased flower and after a few months you see that the flower is clearly cramped in the new pot, buy a larger pot and replant it again.

Helpful advice

Buy houseplants at specialized retail outlets, where they are ready to provide you with a certificate of conformity and documents confirming the agrotechnical variety of the purchased flower.

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Tip 4: How often should you water the “female happiness” flower?

Delicate and lovely tropical flower spathiphyllum is popularly called " women's happiness" There are many signs associated with this plant. Caring for it in room conditions simple enough.

Good omens

The name “” is associated with many good omens and properties that are attributed to this plant among the people.
So, it is believed that unmarried girls Blooming “female happiness” promises to put a long-awaited ring on your ring finger. Singles will meet their soul mate, and married people will improve their relationships with their husbands and children.

And finally, the most common: if “female happiness” blooms in the house, you can soon expect a pleasant addition to the family. So, anyone who dreams of a child should grow this flower.

Of course, everything is connected precisely with the flowering of the plant. And in order for spathiphyllum to bloom profusely and regularly, it must be properly cared for.

Growing conditions

Spathiphyllum is a spectacular tropical plant accustomed to warm and humid climates. Accordingly, it is advisable to create conditions for it that are as close to natural as possible.

This one will grow well in your northern or eastern location. It needs partial shade or diffused light. At the same time, if there is insufficient lighting, the leaves may become smaller. Direct sun can cause sunburn.

The optimal air temperature for growing “female happiness” is 18 – 25 degrees Celsius in summer and at least 16 degrees in winter. At low temperatures, the plant may stop developing and growing.

Care and watering

In nature, spathiphyllum lives in a humid climate. However, this does not mean that it should be filled in. In this case, the roots of “female happiness” may begin to rot.

In order to retain moisture, you can pour a little sand or put moss into the tray.

Watering should be done approximately once every three days and only when the soil dries out; in summer – abundantly, in winter – less. Usually this plant can be seen very clearly when it is “thirsty”: “female happiness” begins to slightly droop its leaves.

It is advisable to water only through a tray. There must be water room temperature, well settled.

Most of all, spathiphyllum needs high air humidity. Be sure to spray it as often as possible, at least twice a day in summer, and daily in winter.

During flowering, when spraying, try not to splash water on the flowers themselves.

It is advisable to wipe the leaves from time to time

In indoor gardening, spathiphyllium is one of the most popular flowers. It refers to evergreens. Spathiphyllium has oval leaves and white flowers. This flower comes from tropical conditions South America. But, despite such an exotic origin, there are no particular difficulties in growing it. The warm and humid climate this flower needs can be created at home. The plant does not require excessive lighting. Flower care requirements include correct transplant and its frequency.

After purchase, the plant does not need to be replanted immediately. This procedure must be carried out after 2-3 weeks. Then the flower can be transplanted from the technical pot into its own container.

In the future, it is recommended to replant the spathiphyllium once a year, since the roots of the plant grow quite quickly and have a complicated structure. For this purpose, you should select a pot one size larger than the previous one. This is repeated until the plant becomes mature. In adulthood, it is enough to replace the top layer of soil. It is wrong to plant immediately in a container that is too large, as this will affect the quality of flowering.

Transplantation is carried out only if there are no flowers on the plant. The end of winter or autumn (after flowering) is suitable, spring - before the inflorescences appear.

The substrate for transplanting spathiphyllium can be found ready-made for sale, but making it yourself is not difficult. You need to prepare the land for planting in accordance with the following recommendations:

    Suitable soil for the plant consists of peat, leaf and turf soil, and sand. The last two ingredients are added in half the quantity.

    The bottom of the pot must be covered with drainage before planting. This can be done using expanded clay, large pebbles and brick fragments. Only after this a layer of prepared soil is poured. This layer will serve as the base for the plant.

    When removed from the previous pot, spathiphyllium should be carefully separated and transferred to the next one. There is no need to remove or shake off the bulk of the soil on the roots, especially if the roots are absolutely healthy. The plant is then moved to a new pot.

Immediately after transplanting, the spathiphyllium is watered - this helps to shrink the soil. It is recommended to moisten the plant with a spray bottle. As a result, spathiphyllium will actively grow and delight owners during the flowering period.

Video on transplanting spathiphyllum at home

There is a lot of female happiness living in my apartment. Spathiphyllum will soon be three years old, lush bush- simply beautiful, only it began to bloom rarely, and the leaves became smaller. A friend advised me to have it transplanted. Tell me how to plant spathiphyllum correctly and how often should this be done?

Or - it’s not a very capricious flower, and doesn’t require much attention. In order for it to have a lush cap of shiny green leaves and delight with its flowering, you need to support comfortable conditions development. Constantly watching the plant, it is important to plant spathiphyllum in time, and when it is best to do this, the flower itself will tell you.

Signals about the need for a spathiphyllum transplant

An adult spathiphyllum needs to be replanted approximately once every three to four years. You can understand that this time has come by the following signs:

  • plant long time does not bloom;
  • leaves lose their usual size and become smaller;
  • roots begin to protrude from the soil in the pot;
  • the rosette of the flower is unsteady;
  • the lower leaves inside the bush dry out completely.

If the leaves dry out only at the tips, this indicates dry air in the room. In this case, there is no need to replant the plant; just move the pot and humidify the air.

Preparing the soil and pot for planting spathiphyllum

To transplant spathiphyllum, prepared soil is purchased at a flower shop. Suitable substrate for flowering plants or universal soil for aroids. Add a little sand to the purchased mixture.

You can prepare light, loose soil yourself by mixing:

  • two parts of turf land;
  • one part of leaf soil;
  • one part sand;
  • one part.

To improve breathability, tree bark or coconut fiber is added, and a little superphosphate is added to fertilize the soil.

A new pot for replanting a flower should be 3 cm larger in diameter than the one in which the spathiphyllum grew before. In this case, a wide pot is more suitable, rather than a tall one.

You should not take a pot that is too large, otherwise the spathiphyllum will direct all its strength to the development of the root system and will not bloom until the roots completely fill the pot.

Preparing spathiphyllum for transplantation

Before removing the bush from the pot, it should be watered well to make the plant easier to reach. Next, carefully pull out and remove old soil and drainage from the roots.

Use sharp scissors to trim flower stalks, dry and very small leaves. On old ones large leaves Use your hands to tear off the dry parts at the base. Reconsider root system and remove damaged, diseased and very long roots.

If an adult bush is too dense, it can be divided into parts and used to propagate the plant. In this case, it is desirable that the new bush contains several divisions. This way the young spathiphyllum will grow roots faster and bloom.

Flower transplant

Place a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot and sprinkle a little soil on top. Place the plant on it and add soil. Spathiphyllum should be transplanted in such a way that the buds (buds) aerial roots) on the lower part of the trunk protruded slightly above the soil level. Press the soil a little around the trunk and water the flower. If the soil settles after watering, add a little more.

Spray the transplanted plant with water over the leaves. Experienced flower growers It is advised to keep the spathiphyllum in a greenhouse for 2 weeks, putting a bag on the plant. This way it will tolerate replanting better and flowering will occur faster.

Secrets of spathiphyllum care and propagation - video

Over the years, the spathiphyllum bush grows, becomes too heavy to lift, and cannot be painlessly replaced with soil. At this time, only the top layer is loosened and removed. Meanwhile, the spathiphyllum flower ages and loses its decorative effect. Therefore, no matter how memorable the plant is for you, you need to prepare a replacement for it. The procedure will not seem difficult for those who annually transplant the flower into a larger container.

Principles of propagation of spathiphyllum

The biology of the flower is such that it has no stems, and the lanceolate leaves emerge directly from the ground, from the root from dormant buds. The resulting rosette of two or three leaves creates a vagina, from which emerges the stem of a flower, wrapped in a snow-white blanket, like a diaper. This is how the clump grows, which allows the rhizomes to be disassembled into pieces, each of which contains either a finished plant with roots, or a dormant bud.

How does spathiphyllum propagate by others? by known methods? It happens:

  • obtaining a plant from dormant buds of a piece of rhizome;
  • receiving young plant from layerings or cuttings;
  • sowing seeds.

When propagating spathiphyllum by any vegetative method with good care it can bloom in 8-10 months. The seed method does not involve transferring the characteristics of the uterine bush; flowering occurs after 3-4 years. In this case, there is a possibility of getting completely new variety.

For vegetative propagation it is important to carry out the planned work in the spring, when the plant is just starting to grow after winter holiday. However, in case of illness or for another reason, you can carefully replant the plant even during flowering.

Soil requirements or how to prepare soil for spathiphyllum. The flower loves soil with slight acidity, composed of equal parts:

  • garden or turf land;
  • leaf humus;
  • sand.

Additionally, to give a resemblance to the natural composition, a total of 1 part is added from fine coniferous bark, charcoal ground into a fine fraction and brick or ceramic chips. After disinfection by known methods, the soil is moistened with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Regardless of whether to sow seeds or root cuttings, work on propagating spathiphyllum is carried out at a room temperature of at least 21 degrees.

After planting or sowing the seeds, everything possible is done to ensure rooting. To do this, create a mini-greenhouse, moisten the leaves and soil surface, and create conditions for the rapid restoration of root function.

The choice of dishes is important for the vegetative propagation of spathiphyllum. The containers should not be spacious, or several sections should be planted in them at once. Until the container is filled with roots, the plant will not bloom.

When planting, it is important to leave enough space at the top, to have a good drainage layer of pebbles or expanded clay at the bottom, and not to bury the root collar of the plant.

How to plant spathiphyllum, which is cramped in a container

To do this, you need to water the plant so that it easily slides out of the old pot. Since the goal is to get the maximum number of divisions, then the bush should be soaked in warm water in a large basin, so that the roots are freed from the ground. Place the plant on the table. In this case, the parts into which the bush needs to be cut when dividing will be clearly visible.

Free each part from old brown dead roots. Leave the young ones light. Sprinkle the cut areas with crushed coal and prepare the containers. Pour 2 cm of soil over the drainage and arrange the roots of the division, spreading them slightly. While holding the plant suspended, carefully add little by little the prepared soil for spathiphyllum. Shake the glass slightly and compact the soil with your fingers. Having filled the roots, water the soil to compact it, after the soil settles, add it to the neck and rock the plant to see if it sits tightly.

For the first week, you need to wet the leaves with a spray bottle and keep the plant under a hood with little ventilation. If the lump of earth dries out, moisten it a little so as not to provoke rotting of the diseased roots. A sign that the plant has taken root will be the appearance young leaf. After this, the plant is gradually freed from shelter, feeding begins after 3 months at half the dose.

Propagation by divisions without roots and pieces of rhizome

In this case, the cuttings should be germinated in water and then planted as described above. The rhizomes are laid out on wet sand or peat. In this case, until the roots sprout, the litter should be constantly moist. Cover the top with film, but ventilate. As a result, the fragment will send out roots, and then it can be planted in the ground.

How does spathiphyllum propagate by seeds?

The plant is cross-pollinated and has male and female flower stalks. They differ in terms of flowering and flower height. The male blooms 2-3 days earlier, the pollen disappears while it ripens. female flower. Therefore, seeds are obtained in greenhouses, where there are many flowers and they bloom in different time. The pollinated female flower eventually turns green and becomes plump with cones that turn into peas. Seeds ripen up to six months. Their viability is low, and they must be sown immediately after harvesting.

When purchasing seeds, you should make sure that they are fresh. If the mother plant was a hybrid, then splitting of properties will be inevitable. Seedlings are grown in a closed bowl, occasionally opening it for ventilation. Shoots appear unevenly; several seedlings will appear from one pea. After germination, the plant needs to be accustomed to air gradually, opening the transparent film for a while.

Such flowers develop much more slowly, but subsequently they are more resistant to the dry air of the apartment in winter. Can be seeded into a large container for decoration office space and young flowers will create an original composition, blooming at the same time.

Another way would be to grow the seedlings to 5-6 cm and plant them in separate cups, from which you can also make any composition, but later they are easier to replant.

Video about transplanting spathiphyllum

Thanks to his beautiful view and rather unpretentious requests, spathiphyllum is found in many residential buildings. All year round it decorates the house with the greenery of its foliage. During flowering, it becomes even more spectacular thanks to its unusual flowers. Because of them, the plant is also called “white sails”.

The article will discuss how spathiphyllum is transplanted at home.

General information about the flower

Spathiphyllum belongs to the aroid family. It is native to tropical regions of South America. The plant does not have a stem, growing from the root system. It is perennial. The flower is a spadix covered with a white leaf.

The plant is poisonous. It should not be placed in a children's room or close to pets. Contact with it may cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is important to take care of safety when working with flowers. It will not be superfluous to use gloves.

People call it “women’s happiness.” Before you learn about spathiphyllum transplantation and care at home, it is worth considering its varieties.


There are forty species of these plants in total. The following varieties of spathiphyllum are considered the most popular:

  • Heliconifolia. The leaves are oblong, located on long petioles. The width of the plate is up to twenty-five centimeters. The color of the leaves is uneven - from green to black.
  • Cannofolia. The shape of the leaves of the flower is oval. Spadix with greenish tint bract.
  • Spoon-shaped. The leaves of the plant are wavy and quite large - forty centimeters. The flower consists of a white spadix and the same bract.
  • Abundantly flowering. The plant reaches a height of fifty centimeters. Its leaves grow up to twenty centimeters. The bract is white.
  • Charming. Leaves of this flower elongated, have a curved tip. The bract of the cob has a white-green color.
  • Wallis. The plant is great for growing indoors. Its leaves are lanceolate and the spadix is ​​white. The spathe is larger than a cob and changes its color from white to green.
  • Picasso. The plant is distinguished by white areas on the leaves and bracts. This is due to the fact that they lack chlorophyll. Because of this, the flower looks very colorful.
  • Sensation. The plant is taller than other varieties. The leaves are long and wide. Does well in rooms with dim lighting.

Basic rules for plant care

Most flower varieties do well in dimly lit rooms. With normal care, it will bloom twice a year, without losing its decorative qualities between blooms.

The main condition for the full development of spathiphyllum is high air humidity. This is due to the fact that the flower comes from the tropics. Watering should be plentiful, but rare. Excess water from the pan must be poured out. Stagnation of water in the soil will lead to rotting of the roots. Flowers can be sprayed daily. A container of water placed nearby can replace spraying. In winter, watering and spraying is reduced.

During intensive growth required additional feeding. Suitable for this complex fertilizers. They are applied after watering once every seven to ten days. IN winter time It is enough to fertilize the soil once a month.

When choosing a place for a plant, it is worth considering that it does not like direct sunlight, but it cannot live without constant lighting. It is better to place it on the windowsill on any side except the south. Any part of the room will do, but if the place is too dark, the flower needs to be provided with additional lighting.

The comfortable air temperature for the plant is eighteen to twenty-two degrees Celsius above zero.

When purchasing a flower, it is important to know that after three weeks after purchase, a spathiphyllum transplant is simply necessary.

Transplant immediately after purchase

The container and soil are changed after the above-mentioned time after purchase. The flower needs to acclimatize to new conditions. Without transplantation, spathiphyllum will stop blooming and may die. The fact is that in stores the plants are kept in small pots, and they are fed by properly calculated special feeding.

Preparing for the first transplant:

  • Priming. Slightly acidic soil suits the flower. Two parts of turf soil, one part each of leaf soil, sand and peat are added to it. The mixture can be supplemented with crushed spruce bark, ceramic chips, and charcoal. Ready-made soil will also work.
  • Drainage. Expanded clay is usually used. Although river pebbles will also work.
  • Capacity. The pot should be chosen in such a way that it will soon be filled with the roots of the plant. Only then will flowering begin. That is, the capacity should be slightly larger than the previous one.

You can replant the plant either with or without an old clod of earth.

Transplantation with an earthen ball

Spathiphyllum, the care and replanting of which are being considered, can be updated with the pot by transshipment. It is much simpler and recommended for beginners. It is better to use it at home.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of the selected pot. It is enough to fill it two centimeters. A little soil is poured on top. The plant is carefully removed along with the soil and in this form is placed in a new container. The mixture is poured around the circumference. While adding new soil, it can be moistened. If the flower is in the middle, all parts of its root system will receive nutrition.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to remove a flower with soil from a pot. What to do in this case? It's not worth breaking it. There is a less traumatic way. It is necessary to carefully add water along the edge of the container. The liquid will soften the soil and the plant will come out easily.

Replanting with complete soil replacement

How else can you transplant spathiphyllum? Care at home sometimes leads to rotting of the root system. This problem is expressed by blackening of the leaves. In this case, it is necessary to urgently replace the soil.

To do this, the ground is abundantly filled with water. When it is soaked, the flower can be pulled out. The earthen lump should crumble. Now you need to carefully remove the damaged areas of the root system. Then it is properly dried and planted in new soil. Dried and damaged leaves are also removed.

In order for the flower to grow faster, it is very important not to damage the neck of the plant. Planting into a new container is carried out in the same way as during transshipment. But the soil mixture is added little by little. In the process of adding it, the soil must be compacted at the roots. The pot should be filled to the base of the flower neck. Then earth mixture watered abundantly. If the flower settles, you will have to add more soil.

Transplant frequency

Young, intensively growing spathiphyllums are replanted once a year. Mature plants can live in the same pot for three to four years. It is better to change the pot in the spring, when the flower has not yet awakened.

An extraordinary transplant can also be carried out in the event of a green pet becoming ill or damaged. There will be no harm from it.

Transplanting a flowering plant

If necessary, spathiphyllum can be transplanted during the flowering period. The process of changing the pot differs only in that it requires the preliminary removal of flower stalks. This way the plant will use all its strength to adapt the root system. In this case, the soil must be changed completely.

But it’s better, of course, to wait until flowering is complete. How to care for a newly transplanted flower?

Care after changing the potty

Spathiphyllum transplantation will be painless if certain rules are followed. Firstly, you need to ensure sufficient air humidity. Constantly spraying the leaves will help with this.

Secondly, the roots must be kept in moist soil all the time. Therefore, watering should be regular. In the first two to three weeks after changing the soil, you can arrange a mini-greenhouse for the plant. It's completely wrapped plastic bag, arranging daily ventilation and watering.

Spathiphyllum after transplantation is especially sensitive to lack of moisture, as well as to the burning sun. First of all, it will show this by drooping and yellowing of the leaves. If all the conditions for transplantation are met, the plant will not only be able to delight with flowering, but will also be suitable for further reproduction. By the way, during one of the transplants it can be divided into several parts. In this case, a mini-greenhouse will be required, as will special feeding of new plants. Then, instead of one spathiphyllum, two renewed flowers will appear in the house.

Many people believe that happiness comes to the house with this flower. It needs to be protected and propagated. Then there will be enough happiness for everyone.