Chocolate roses and an openwork chocolate ball for the cake. Chocolate roses and sugar flowers

Chocolate roses are an incredibly beautiful decoration for any confectionery product. Such an edible decorative element can turn a cake into a real work of art.

Professional confectioners use special equipment and tools to create such delicious accessories, making chocolate roses look as realistic as possible. It’s also easy to create such a decoration at home. The most important thing is to prepare the dough correctly and understand the principle of creating a beautiful flower.

Preparing the dough

Before you make a chocolate rose for the cake, you need to prepare the dough. The flower can be any color depending on the chocolate chosen and additional food colorings that will help give the product the desired shade. Multi-colored bouquets look very impressive on a shiny, white, glossy surface.

The mastic must be flexible enough so that it can be used to form petals and sculpt buds.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing the dough

  1. Add 350 grams of sugar to ¾ cup of water and bring the syrup to a boil.
  2. When the sugar crystals dissolve, add 2 grams of citric acid and cover the container with a lid.
  3. Cook over low heat for 45 minutes, turn off the heat, cool to room temperature.
  4. Add a little boiling water to 2 grams of baking soda and pour into the syrup.
  5. Stir with a wooden spatula for 10 minutes.
  6. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, add 40 ml of syrup, mix thoroughly to combine the ingredients.
  7. Place the mixture on cling film, cover with another layer of film and leave overnight. No need to refrigerate.

Making a flower

The process of creating a rose from chocolate is quite simple, and at the same time requires certain skills. You will need the following tools:

  • rolling pin;
  • toothpicks;
  • paint brush;
  • molds for cutting out circles or just a glass.

The dough should be rolled out with a rolling pin into a thin layer of 3–4 mm. Using a mold or glass, cut out circles. It’s good if they are of different sizes: 3 smaller ones for forming a bud and 5-6 larger ones for the petals. You can use attachments for a pastry syringe. The main condition is that the edges are smooth.

Next, you should make the edges of the circles wavy. To do this, confectioners use a special tool with a round tip. If you don’t have one at hand, you can do it manually, slightly squeezing the edges with your fingers (as when making dumplings). You must first sprinkle your hands with starch so that the edible material does not stick to the skin.

This way the dough will become thin and begin to curl. You should pay attention to the fact that you only need to process the very edges, and not half of the circle. You can bend the edges of large rose petals by wrapping them around a toothpick from different sides, and then pulling out the sticks. After such simple manipulations, the chocolate mastic should be allowed to cool slightly.

Bud formation

You need to pinch off a little dough, form a small ball, slightly lengthening it on one side. The result will be a cone-shaped figure - this is the middle of a chocolate rose.

  1. The smallest petal should be moistened with water using a brush, but do this in the middle, that is, where the element will come into contact with the cone.
  2. Wrap the flower around the cone so that the edges meet. This must be done only with the first rose petal so that the structure is firmly fixed. If the element does not want to be fixed, it can be additionally moistened.
  3. Wrap with 2-3 more petals.

This way you get miniature chocolate roses that can serve as independent decorations for any confectionery product. Outwardly, they resemble fresh unopened flowers.

Beginning confectioners who want to create a three-dimensional and more realistic rose from chocolate are recommended to start sculpting a three-dimensional flower. Just before you start working, you need to let the bud cool from the warmth of your hands.

Making petals

Let's move on to the next stage of creating chocolate roses.

  1. Larger diameter circles will come in handy at this stage. You need to take one circle, moisten it with water at the junction, and attach one side to the bud.
  2. Attach one part of the second to the other side of the petal, and the third to the second in the same way. As a result, the free part of the first will connect with the third, and the second will be between them. All of them will tightly clasp the rosebud.
  3. You can apply subsequent circles using the same principle. When the chocolate roses are ready, they will need to be straightened. To do this, turn the upper edges of the petals inside out, giving the desired shape.
  4. Insert a toothpick into the base of the chocolate rose, after moistening its end in water. You also need to ensure that the second tip of the stick does not come out of the bud.

After work, the chocolate confectionery decoration can be left to cool for a while, and in the meantime, begin to form new flowers. Don’t be afraid to experiment, because modeling is a creative process, so you should approach it creatively. Even if some details don’t turn out right away, you shouldn’t despair, because you can correct the situation right away by creating a new flower from the same dough.

Such exclusive decorative elements will allow you to create a unique design and amaze guests and household members with the spectacular appearance of the cake. No sweet tooth can resist such a work of art.

I wandered onto the site - “Magazine about bright, confectionery”,, God, there are so many sweet masterpieces here from real confectionery professionals and virtuosos. You can just watch, or you can learn something...

Molded chocolate - cake decoration

A delicious coffee and caramel cake with white chocolate roses will be an excellent decoration for any holiday.
Inside there is passion fruit mousse, banana jelly, pistachio sponge cake and a crispy layer of white chocolate and coconut.

Here is the recipe for molded chocolate:
-340 g white chocolate
-125 g glucose
-25 g syrup (sugar, water 1:1, boiled until sugar dissolves)
-25 g cocoa butter

Break white chocolate with cocoa butter into pieces and slowly melt in a water bath. Cool to 26 C. Add syrup and glucose, the temperature of which is 25 C. Leave for a minute, stir gently. Wrap in film and leave in the refrigerator.
After an hour, remove from the refrigerator and stir well again. Wrap in film and leave to harden for 24 hours.
After a day, take out the chocolate, mash it and start working.
Molded chocolate tends to weather and dry out over time, so work with a portion and keep the rest in film.

1. Roll out the chocolate on a surface sprinkled with starch. Wipe the rolling pin with starch too.
2. Use a notch to cut out the petals. Make a cone out of chocolate - the basis for applying petals with a thin tip.

3. Place the petal on cling film, and also cover it with cling film on top. Roll out like this: place the rolling pin diagonally and roll from the center to the left, then from the center to the right, so that a petal comes out. Cover the finished petals (there will be 7 of them for one rose in total) with cling film.

4. Let's make a flower bud. It will consist of the first three petals out of a total of seven.
Place the first petal in the center of the cone, so that the petal is located 5 mm above the tip of the cone. Attach the left side of the petal to the cone and wrap it completely into the petal. Leave the right edge straight.

5. Place the second petal with its left edge under the open edge of the petal on the cone, secure it and leave its right edge open. It will be located 180 degrees relative to the right edge of the first petal, that is, symmetrically to it.

6. Bring the third petal along the open edge of the second petal. It should look like this:

Then roll each petal in turn. Spread it with a skewer so that there is a small distance between each petal. The bud is ready.

7. Attach the next four petals one by one directly, placing half on the previous petal.
We bend the upper edges of the petal with a skewer.

8. Let the rose dry a little, cut it off the stem.

Secret: the tenth rose comes out more beautiful than the first, and the twentieth one - you can’t take your eyes off it!

And now I suggest you admire the sugar flowers. Yes, I repeat, these are not real flowers, they are really edible and really made from sugar!

Sugar floristry from sofita04 (Alla Karbivnychnaya) -

Roses made from chocolate are not just a chic decoration for any dessert, but also a very tasty and edible delicacy. As for chocolate decoration, you can use it to enhance almost any cake or dessert; it will immediately acquire a complete and unusually attractive appearance. At first glance it may seem that it is very difficult to do. However, in reality, the process of making chocolate roses is very simple and fun.

Mastic decoration

You can even make chocolate roses with your own hands; for this you will need a special master class and a detailed, step-by-step recipe with photographs. It is important to remember that any decoration made by yourself always looks better and tastes better than store-bought.

To steal dessert, you can use a huge variety of methods. To do this, you can use confectionery equipment and supplies, namely:

  • airbrushes for food coloring;
  • plotters;
  • printers;
  • syringes and molds;
  • icing;
  • pastry sets and gels.

A wide range of available tools allows you to create real miracles, show imagination and develop creative abilities and skills. That is why you can make chocolate roses to decorate the cake. To make a rose beautiful and believable, it is not necessary to use expensive professional equipment. It is enough to use the means at hand to make chocolate roses.

If you still don’t know how to make chocolate roses, then you will need the following components:

  • rolling pin;
  • plastic container;
  • chocolate mastic;
  • glass or mold for circles.

One rose is prepared from 250 grams of chocolate mastic. The product must be kneaded with your hands and rolled out with a rolling pin to form a fairly thin layer. Its thickness should not exceed three or four millimeters. Using a glass, you need to cut out fifteen circles. For the petals themselves you will need about ten circles, the rest will be used to make the bud. Making chocolate roses is very simple; it is important to familiarize yourself with the technology and step-by-step steps.

To create a rose, you will need a circle of chocolate mastic; you need to roll it into a tube using your fingers. All this must be repeated with the remaining circles. Then you need to bend and then stretch the top edge of the tube and carefully turn it out. This will help give the decor a believable appearance. Thus, the petal for the bud is ready.

After this, you will need a second blank, it should be placed immediately under the first one, it is important to press the petal against the petal. The first rose bud is completely ready. Then, using three tubes, you need to make a second bud. Place the finished flowers in a container and put them in the refrigerator for three hours, as they should dry out.

Syrup and chocolate dough recipe

You can even make a rose from dough with your own hands. For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • sugar – 350 grams;
  • dark chocolate – 100 grams;
  • boiling water – 150 milliliters;
  • citric acid – about 2 grams;
  • baking soda – at least 1.5 grams;
  • clean spatula, cling film and rolling pin, glass.

First you need to cook the chocolate syrup. Pour water into a saucepan, heat it and dissolve the sugar in it. Bring to a boil. Add citric acid and cover the pan tightly with a lid, simmer the syrup over low heat for forty-five minutes. The pan can be removed from the oven and cooled.

Add a little water to the baking soda, mix gently and combine with the chocolate syrup. After foam has formed, you need to start stirring vigorously for ten minutes. The finished mass will have a yellowish tint, similar to honey.

After this, you can start preparing the dough yourself. Grind the chocolate bar and place it in a steam bath. After this, pour in thirty milliliters of the finished syrup, stir until a thick mass is obtained. Apply an even layer to the film, cover with another film and refrigerate for twelve hours. When the dough is ready, do with it everything that is described in the recipe with mastic.

Thus, any housewife can make chocolate roses to decorate a dessert. An important advantage of the technique is that you do not need super complex and professional equipment; you can even get by with improvised means.

The cake should be not only tasty, but also appetizing, so that the mere sight of it will make those with a sweet tooth want to enjoy the dessert. It is for this purpose that confectioners decorate their works of confectionery art in every possible way.

Chocolate flowers are one of the traditional decorative elements used to decorate cakes. You can make such magnificent decorations at home. Master classes of chocolate flowers from the best professional confectioners will help you with this.

How to make beautiful chocolate flowers for a cake

Many housewives dream of learning how to make chocolate flowers with their own hands. According to professionals, this is not difficult to do; it is enough to follow all the recommendations of experienced confectioners.

Roses rightfully occupy the main place among all flowers, including chocolate ones. To prepare the decoration you will need the following ingredients:

  • 100 g chocolate - black or white;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey

The choice of chocolate depends on the color of the decorations. If you use a white chocolate bar and add food coloring to it, you can give the figures any color.

You must first prepare the chocolate mass to form the roses. To do this, break the chocolate bar into small pieces and melt it in a water bath. At this time, it is important to constantly stir the chocolate mass so that it melts as evenly as possible. When the entire chocolate bar has melted, remove the container from the water bath and knead the melted mass for 5-10 minutes with a spoon. The result should be a thick, but quite soft and elastic mass, reminiscent of plasticine. Add honey and mix well again. The mass for forming flowers must be wrapped in cellophane and placed in the refrigerator for an hour.

To form roses from the prepared chocolate mass, you only need foil and toothpicks.

Make such beautiful chocolate flowers for a cake in the following way:

1. Remove the chocolate mass from the refrigerator and knead it well with your hands so that it warms up and becomes elastic.

2. Start plucking with quick movements Take small pieces from the total piece and roll them into balls.

3. Take one ball in your hands and press it on both sides between your palms to make a flat petal. Wrap it around the top of the toothpick.

4. The next ball needs to be flattened with your hands in the same way. and wrap a second circle around the toothpick. Using this method, make petals from all the balls and form them into a rose.

On average, one rose consists of 6-7 petals, it all depends on the desired size of such flowers. You can store finished decorations for up to 2-3 months, but not in the refrigerator, as they will melt on the cake due to temperature changes. The ideal option is a cool, dry room.

Such beautiful chocolate flowers in the photo below. They will undoubtedly become a worthy decoration for any dessert:

White chocolate flowers: lilies for cake

If you are interested in the question of how to make a chocolate flower on a water lily cake to give it a lake effect, this recipe will come in handy. Little ones with a sweet tooth will especially like this decoration for a birthday cake. In order to make such a decoration, you will need 50 g of white chocolate bar.

Having chosen this simple and quick way to make chocolate flowers for a cake, follow this pattern for creating decorations in the form of lilies:

1. First you need to soften the chocolate so that flowers can be formed from it. To do this, break a chocolate bar, place it in a plastic bag and put it in hot water. Keep the bag of chocolate in a bowl of hot water until the chocolate bar is completely melted.

2. Prepare 4 sheets of tracing paper.

3. Make a small cut in the plastic bag so that you can squeeze the softened chocolate mass out of it.

4. Apply strips of chocolate onto tracing paper, slightly tapering at the bottom. Cover them with a second sheet of tracing paper on top.

5. Now run your finger along the chocolate strip through the tracing paper, as if smearing it. These will be flower petals.

6. Separate the sheets of tracing paper: you should have twice as many chocolate flakes. Cover them again with tracing paper.

7. Using a pencil, roll them into tubes, secure with tape and place in the freezer for two minutes.

8. Remove from the freezer and carefully separate the chocolate petals from the tracing paper.

9. Make a thick ring from a strip of thick paper. Place a small drop of chocolate in the center. Now start collecting the lily. To do this, insert frozen petals into a drop of chocolate so that their bottom rests against the base of the paper ring. When the first row of petals is finished, you need to add more chocolate in the center and lay the next row of petals. Place this flower in the freezer for 2 minutes.

10. Remove the flower from the freezer, cut the paper ring and decorate the birthday cake.

White chocolate flowers will look great against the dark background of the cake.

Chocolate lotus flower for cake decoration

Making such a lotus flower from chocolate is easy.

You will need:

  • plastic spoons;
  • yellow food coloring;
  • brush;
  • cream injector;
  • jar.

A DIY chocolate flowers master class looks like this step by step:

1. Trim the edges of spoons with scissors., giving them a slightly pointed shape, like lotus petals.

2. Melt the white chocolate bar in a double boiler.

3. Using a pastry brush, apply liquid chocolate to the spoons in a thin layer on one side.

4. Place on a flat surface and let the chocolate dry.

5. Then carefully, so as not to damage the petals, remove them from the spoons.

6. Color the remaining melted chocolate yellow by adding food coloring.

7. Using a pastry syringe, make the center of a yellow chocolate flower, placing it on parchment paper.

8. Apply yellow chocolate in a circle onto a plastic jar, wait until it hardens, and then carefully remove.

9. Attach the petals around the center of the flower, forming a beautiful lotus. Attach the petals to each other using melted chocolate. Decorate the center of the chocolate flower with yellow stripes.

10. The final, last row should consist of fully opened petals.

Decorate your cake with this luxurious lotus. Thanks to this unusual decoration, the birthday cake looks incredibly beautiful and solemn.

Other possible decorations for holiday baking in the form of chocolate flowers are in the video below:

These master classes will come to the aid not only of novice housewives, but also of fairly experienced confectioners.

These are amazing chocolate roses are made It’s not at all as difficult as you think! Moreover, making them will not be particularly difficult if you know the principle of preparation.

The most important thing is to do what we talked about in the corresponding article. So if you haven't read it yet, be sure to do so, otherwise you simply won't have anything to work with. Its consistency is similar to plasticine, so you can make not only roses from it, but basically anything you want! But since today we are talking about roses, we will offer you not only a win-win option for creating them, but also many different ideas how such beauty can be diversify.

How to make beautiful chocolate roses

Rolling out our mastic

It should turn out as thin as possible, but at the same time, with mastic there should be convenient to work, it shouldn't tear.

Take a mold, a vodka glass or something else that suits the shape and size, and start cut out circles

Then we twist one of them. For ease of use, you can take toothpick and wind the first circle around it. Then, with ready-made roses, you will not have any storage problems: just take a soft base (vegetable, fruit, sponge, etc.) and stick a toothpick into it, leave our chocolate roses wait for your time in this form. Yes, and they’re more convenient for cake this way. attach.

Then take the next circle and knead one half with your fingers so that it becomes thinner.

We wrap the resulting petal onto the base so that the seam from it ends up inside the petal.

Bend the edge of each subsequent petal slightly

Place the next petal under the edge of the previous one so that it looks like a spiral.

We continue until the result suits you and the rose is ready

Variants of chocolate roses

Chocolate roses can be the most different colors, both monochromatic and combining several shades.

To make such roses, for mastic take White chocolate. When it's ready, simply add the desired color of gel food coloring to it and mix well.

Already prepared white chocolate rose, which is covered pearlescent dye using a brush.

In this case, also using a brush, the edges of the petals are covered dry dye.

Two thin sheets of mastic of contrasting colors, fastened together

Chocolate rose made of alternating petals of different colors

The rose is made from mastics of the same color, but in different shades: light, dark and a mixture of two mastics - thanks to this the transition is smooth. Three petals are light, three are medium and the rest are dark. Very beautiful!

In order to make such a beauty, you need to roll out the mastic same color(in this case pink) and wrap it in it flagellum of another (white, without dye). Then cut the resulting sausage into thin rings and shape them into petals with your fingers.

You can also vary this method. For example, if you want your chocolate rose to be white and highlight the tips of the petals dark stripe, then the flagellum from white mastic should not be wrapped in dark, but simply cover it on top and cut it like that. Can twist flagella of different colors together, fold in half and twist again - then you will get a chocolate rose striped.

Surely, these are not all possible options. Try, experiment - and your desserts with chocolate roses will take on a new life!