Download the project on table setting technology. Table setting for breakfast (5th grade). Safety rules when using a sewing machine



Chapter: Cooking 5th grade

Lesson topic: Table setting for breakfast. Table culture

Lesson type: Combined

Time: 45 minutes

The purpose of the lesson: To familiarize students with the rules for setting the table for breakfast and to form students’ idea of ​​table etiquette.


To ensure that students acquire knowledge about table setting and the ability to apply it in practice;

To cultivate neatness and precision in work, aesthetic taste;

To develop students’ independence in obtaining new information;

Contribute to the formation and development of cognitive interest in the subject.


Verbal: conversation, discussion

Visual: demonstration

Practical: exercises, workshop

Materials and equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer, projector, multimedia presentation “Table setting for breakfast”, tableware, technology textbook 5th grade.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment
Checking students' readiness for the lesson. Emotional mood for the lesson.

2. Learning new material
Introductory questions on the topic:
1. What types of tableware do you know?

Answer: (cups for tea and coffee; dessert, deep, table plates; herring bowls...)

2. How are tableware divided according to purpose?

Answer: (cups and saucers are intended for tea, cocoa and coffee; glasses and glasses are convenient for cold liquids - water, juice, jelly, compote; a dinner plate - for second hot courses: meat, fish, game...)

3. What types of cutlery do you know?

Answer: (tablespoon, teaspoon, dessert spoon, fork, utility knife, bread knife...)
4. What rules for sorting dishes and cutlery do you know?

Answer: (the number of cutlery on the table for each plate may be different in different situations, but as a rule, the knife and spoon are located on the right side, and the fork is on the left side of the plate...)
5. List the general requirements for dishes and cutlery when setting the table

Answer: (dishes and cutlery must be clean, the tablecloth must be carefully ironed, napkins must be present)

Conversation with students

Etiquette and servingtable is part of the world culinary culture. Every self-respecting person should know the basic rules of etiquette and polite manners at the table. For example, how to properly greet and see off guests, how to eat correctly - and much more. Proper serving is the most important component of the holiday table, which even affects people’s mood and appetite. When choosing cutlery, we often don’t think about whether we’re doing it right, in accordance with all the standards? But there are also rules for this - what devices are used for what and how to use them.

Today in the lesson we will look at ways to set the breakfast table.

Question: What is table setting? (students express their judgments about serving).

Teacher summarizes the statement and gives a definition Servings. (notebook entries)

Serving- This is the preparation and decoration of the table for meals.
The main purpose of serving– create ease of use of devices. Before setting the table, you need to think through the menu. Since the set of items depends on the range of dishes.
Typically, breakfast is served with a hot drink (tea, coffee, cocoa, milk, etc.) and a hot dish (porridge, omelettes, scrambled eggs). They also serve jam, honey, sausages, cheese, boiled eggs, juices, buns, pies, and bread for breakfast.
It is better to cover the table with a tablecloth. Arrange all items so that they are easy to reach. There should be no unnecessary items on the table. Next, tell us how to arrange the plates, cups and cutlery.

(Slide 2)

For breakfast you need several types of plates. Snack bars - designed for cold dishes and some hot ones such as omelet, scrambled eggs, etc. Pie plates (bread) – for bread, buns, sandwiches, confiture, etc. You need to place an oil can with a knife nearby. If the menu includes porridge, it is served in a deep dinner plate, which is placed on a larger flat one (sub-plate). Glasses for water, milk or juice are placed on the right side, slightly lower, a coffee or tea cup and saucer. Cutlery is located on the right and left sides of the plate. To the left is a fork, to the right is a knife and spoon. Tea and coffee are served without sugar.
Napkins are a must-have item for table setting. But you need to be able to fold them. Show the type of folding napkins.

(1 option)(slide 3)

(Option 2)(slide 4)


Table etiquette is the art of proper behavior.

Most of the rules of etiquette are very simple and logical, as they are based on the concept of treating other people well. And although some of the old rules may seem far from the realities of today's life, most still originate from respect and generosity. For example, the tradition of buttering only the piece of bread you are about to bite into may seem strange these days, but its roots go back to the days when the remaining pieces of bread that were not buttered or eaten were given to the poor.

The rules of table etiquette are actually very simple, easy to learn and practice. Often these rules follow themselves. Dining etiquette is based on the principle of making yourself and others comfortable through appropriate behavior. Therefore, many of the rules of dining etiquette are simply expressions of politeness. For example, it is considered rude to lean over another person at a table to get something, so we ask others to pass what we need. In this case, we usually use polite words - sorry, please, thank you.

Writing in a notebook.
Rule 1
You need to sit upright at the table.
Rule 2
Never put a knife in your mouth (don't eat from a knife). You can easily cut your tongue.
Rule 3
If food gets stuck in your teeth, take a toothpick; it is rude to pick your teeth with a fork. A fork is for eating!

Rule 4
Cutlets, meatballs, fish cannot be cut with a knife.
Rule 5
If you need to cut some food, hold the fork in your left hand and the knife in your right.
Rule 6
At the end of the meal, place the knife and fork on the plate.
Rule 7
Don’t slurp, don’t slap your lips, don’t splash with a spoon, don’t slurp the liquid so that everyone sitting at the table can hear.
You need to eat calmly, without rushing. Don't tilt the plate towards you. Don't talk with your mouth full of food.

To reinforce the material, the teacher reads Yuri Chichev’s poem “At the Table”

Everyone knows this from childhood:
“When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.”
And at least a word ETIQUETTE
Will I be allowed to say or not?
When you chew, keep your mouth closed.
Swallow - then tell me.
* * *
So that your fingers don't become
Cheese, sausage grabbers,
There is a fork with every dish.
And well-mannered people
They take everything with a fork
And they put it back.

And in the salad, you see, there is a spoon.
Give yourself some
Don't pile up:
Eat it and take more later.
* * *
Vinaigrette, salad, potatoes,
Use a spoon to pick it up
Only the general one, not the one
What's been in your mouth?
* * *
Don't grab food with your hands -
Mom will be very embarrassed.
ETIQUETTE will add here:
They only take the bread by hand.

* * *
The bread dish is far away
Not easy to reach.
Don't put your sleeve in the salad,
Don't hit the delicate wine glass.
There are neighbors at the table -
Ask them politely.

Don't wipe your mouth with your hand -
There is a napkin in front of you.

Don't lick your fingers
Who grab everything.
Learn ETIQUETTE, kids:
There are napkins for hands.
* * *
To cut something, a knife
You take it in your right hand,
Fork in left hand,
Sit down like a queen.

Whoever learns to eat at home,
There will be no pain when visiting.

Conversation with students. Invite students to tell how guests are received in their family.

Practical Job. Choose the right utensils for breakfast. Fold one of the napkin options that the teacher demonstrated earlier.

Role-playing game: visiting a cafe. The class is divided into two groups: cafe visitors and waiters.

Visitors come up with a breakfast menu, waiters set the table with the necessary cutlery according to the order.

3. Analysis and evaluation of the lesson

Analyzing the lesson, the teacher asks questions:

    What new things did the students learn during the lesson?

    What are your favorite ways to fold napkins?

    Will you be setting the table for breakfast in everyday life?

The teacher analyzes and compares the results of the teams’ work, makes the necessary recommendations, and evaluates the practical work.

1. Project name"Table setting for breakfast"
4. Academic subject within which the project work is carried out: health lesson
5. Age of students for whom the project is designed: children of primary school age.
6. Project type: in terms of duration a mini-project, in terms of the number of participants - personal, in terms of content - interdisciplinary.

Project selection and justification:
Health is the most important factor in the performance and development of a child’s body. An important role in the formation of which is given to proper nutrition. During the adaptation period, the child’s body is rebuilt. In order for learning to be successful and health to be good, it is necessary to help the child learn to listen to his body and eat right. There are many reasons that influence the increase in the incidence of primary school age students. One of them is unhealthy diet. To eliminate this cause, it is necessary to introduce children to the laws of proper nutrition, convince them of the necessity and importance of following the regime; learn to choose the healthiest foods for a healthy balanced diet. Therefore, the theme of the project “Proper Nutrition” was determined.
The basis for planning the project was the program “Talk about proper nutrition” (authors M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Filippova)
Objective of the project:
Create conditions for children to develop ideas about foods that benefit the body, about organizing proper nutrition, and simple ways to set the table.
Project objectives:
Assess your capabilities in creative activities.
Develop a project, that is, bring the idea that has arisen to real results.
Put the project into practice.
Evaluate the work done.
One day my parents went away for a weekend visit and I was left at home alone. I came up with the idea of ​​making my own breakfast. To do this, I leafed through a cookbook and the following ideas came to me.

Stages of work on the project:

Stage 1. Immersion in the project.
Stage 2. Activity planning.
Stage 3. Implementation of the plan.
Stage 4. Design work.
Stage 5. Presentation of the project.
Stage 6. Assessing the results and process of project activities

Project heading:
1. Study the recipe book.
2. Availability of products in the house.
3. Table setting according to the chosen recipe.
4. Cost of products.
5. Technological map.
6. Conclusion.
Studying a recipe book.
I took a book with recipes from my mother. I chose a few recipes I liked.
Table No. 1
1. Tomato and cucumber salad.
2. Sandwich with cheese.
3. Tea with sugar.
4. Cookies.
A salad of cucumbers and tomatoes is prepared as follows: chop the tomatoes and cucumbers, pour them into one plate, salt them, season with mayonnaise.
A cheese sandwich is prepared as follows: a slice of bread is buttered and sprinkled with grated cheese.
I covered the table with a colored tablecloth. I placed a vase of flowers on it, and on the right I placed a saucer with a cup. On the left is a pie plate, on the left of the plate is a fork, and on the right is a knife with the blade facing the plate. I will fold the napkin into an envelope.
Table No. 2
1. Buckwheat porridge with butter.
2. Sausage in dough.
3. Coffee with milk.
4. Bagel with poppy seeds.
Buckwheat porridge is prepared like this: sort out the buckwheat, wash it, put it in a saucepan, add salt, add oil, pour in as much water as the buckwheat, and cook over low heat.
The sausage in the dough is prepared like this: make a pastry dough, roll out a flat cake, wrap the sausage, and bake it.
A bagel with poppy seeds is prepared like this: make a pastry dough, roll out a flatbread, add poppy seeds, wrap and bake.
I will cover the table with a tablecloth with blue squares. I’ll put a snack plate on it, as well as a saucer with a cup, a fork and a knife. I will fold the napkin into a triangle.
Table No. 3

1. Natural omelette.
2. Pizza.
3. Tea with sugar.
4. Waffles.
The omelette is prepared as follows: make an egg-milk mixture and fry in oil.
Pizza is prepared like this: make a pastry dough, make a flatbread, make a hole in the middle and add chopped ingredients: sausage, onions, ketchup.
Let's make tea.
I will cover the table with a tablecloth with apples. I’ll put a vase of flowers on it, a saucer with a cup, a fork and a knife, and a square napkin.
Product selection
After I chose a few recipes, I decided to check what products we had in our house.
Dish Required products Number of required products In stock (+)
No (-)
Table No. 1
Tomato and cucumber salad Tomatoes 2 pieces +
Cucumbers 2 pieces +
Salt +
Mayonnaise 1 tbsp. spoon +
Cheese sandwich White bread 1 slice +
Cheese 50 grams +
Tea with sugar Tea 200 grams +
Sugar 20 grams +
Cookies Cookies 4 pieces +
Table No. 2
Buckwheat porridge Buckwheat 200 grams +
Oil 1 tea. Spoon +
Salt +
Water 1 glass +
Sausage in dough Sausage 1 piece +
Flour 200 grams +
Egg 1 piece +
Butter 1 tbsp. spoon +
Yeast 20 grams +
Sugar 1 tea. Spoon +
Salt +
Coffee with milk Coffee 20 grams +
Milk 20 grams +
Bagel with poppy seeds. Mac +
Flour 200 grams +
Egg 1 piece +
Butter 1 tbsp +
Yeast 20 grams +
Sugar 1 tea. spoon +
Salt +
Table No. 3
Natural omelette Eggs 2 pieces +
Milk 1/4 cup +
Salt +
Butter 1 teaspoon +
Pizza Sausage 50 grams +
Onion 50 grams +
Ketchup 50 grams +
Flour 200 grams +
Egg 1 piece +
Butter 1 tbsp +
Yeast 20 grams +
Sugar 1 teaspoon +
Salt +
Tea with sugar Water 200 grams +
Sugar 1 tbsp +
Tea 20 grams +
Wafers 2 pieces +
After I looked at what products I had and what I could cook, I decided to set table #1
Cost of products.
The project manager and I calculated the cost of my chosen table.
Product name Conditional price for 1 kg (rub) Number of products Total (rub)
Tomatoes 180 2 pieces 60
Cucumbers 170 2 pieces 65
Salt 20 10 grams 2
Mayonnaise 75 50 grams 15
White bread 20 150 grams 1.5
Butter 230 25 grams 9.5
Cheese 255 50 grams 5
Tea 104 20 grams 5.8
Sugar 45 20 grams 2.5
cookies 95 4 pieces 6
Total: 172 rubles 30 kopecks

Also, together with the manager, we compiled a technological map of my desk.
Name of products Number of products Technological sequence Tools and accessories
Water 200 grams Pour into a glass Glass
Tea 20 grams Place in a glass Spoon
Sugar 2 teaspoons Place a spoon in a glass
Tomatoes 2 pieces Chop and put in a plate Knife, plate
Cucumbers 2 pieces Cut into a plate Knife, plate
Salt 10 grams Sprinkle vegetables with a spoon
Mayonnaise 50 grams Spoon over vegetables
White bread 1 slice Cut off with a knife
Butter 25 grams Grease a slice of bread with a spoon
Cheese 50 grams Grate, sprinkle with bread grater
I really enjoyed the homemade breakfast. I didn’t like the fact that it took a lot of time to prepare it. I wanted to do everything quickly.
I think that overall the project turned out well. This information will be useful to me in the future.

I. Kandinskaya. The best culinary recipes. "World of Books" 2003
Obukhova L.A., Lemyaskina. ON THE. “School of Doctors of Nature or 135 Health Lessons”, M. “VAKO”, 2004.
The ABCs of proper nutrition. Grades 1-2: lesson notes, didactic games, quizzes, fairy tales, historical information / author's compilation. E. V. Ezushina. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

Svetlana Kodlubay
Project Project “How to properly set the table for dinner?”

Municipal budget preschool

Educational institution kindergarten

Combined type No. 30


"How ?"

Subject project: How properly set the table for dinner?

Type project practice-oriented

Participants project: group students, teachers, parents

Implementation deadlines project: short-term


Organizing children's nutrition in preschool educational institutions is a task of enormous social significance. At the same time, it matters not only what the child eats, but also how he does it. No less attention must be paid to the aesthetics of food and the culture of behavior for table. And the sooner the child develops skills table etiquette, the more firmly they become established and become a good habit in childhood.

The organization of children's nutrition is directly related to dining room etiquette and solving educational problems - developing a culture of behavior in children table. Getting to know and mastering skills dining room Etiquette allows a child to be self-confident. The task of educators, as well as parents, is to teach the preschooler behave properly at the table, skillfully use cutlery, be courteous in table conversation.

In modern society, the moral education of children from an early age acquires special significance. One of directions In the moral development of a child is the cultivation of a culture of behavior. The famous Russian educator of the 18th century, Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov, believed that the moral foundations of education are laid in the family.

We live in a different era, our traditions have changed. But we must not forget what was valuable in our history.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky also played a major role in the moral development of a preschooler’s personality, assigning an important role to the family in raising children. He said: “A child is a mirror of the moral life of parents.”

Target project:

develop the ability to serve table to eating according to generally accepted standards.

Tasks project:

Expand knowledge about utensils and careful handling of them;

Continue to develop the ability to be on duty breakfast room, lunch, afternoon snack;

Tell us about the serving sequence table other children and adults.

Expected results:

Upon completion project children will learn different serving options table - for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea;

They will be able to tell you about the serving sequence table other children and adults;

Learn to use it at a sufficient level cutlery; keep at ease correct posture;

They will know what to eat.

Implementation stages project

Stage 1: preparatory

Target: Motivation, goal setting of participants design activities.

Awareness of the problem situation, choice of topic project, goal setting.

Children from the middle star group approached our group with a request to show them how properly set the table for dinner. The children and I thought and decided to help them and work on project “How to properly set the table for a meal”.

Goal for children:

Demonstrate initial key competencies,

Show emotional responsiveness, interest,

Find out what serving is table.

Goals for educators:

Clarify what children know about serving,

Form initial key competencies.

Goals for parents:

Involving parents to participate in the life of the kindergarten.

Informing parents about upcoming activities.

Stage 2: development project

Target: Planning

Construction of an activity plan. Thinking through the course of activity, distributing tasks in work taking into account the chosen position.

Goal for children:

Demonstrate initial core competencies.

Goals for the educator:

Arouse children's interest in the topic project: an invitation to take part in an event.

Motivate children to find ways to solve problems,

Develop comprehensive planning taking into account the integration of educational areas.

Develop problem situations that increase children’s interest in the chosen topic project.

Goal for parents:

Encourage parents to provide all possible assistance to their children.

Event plan

1 Looking at illustrations

2 Physical education lesson “We washed the plates together”

3 Finger gymnastics: "dishes"

4 Articulation gymnastics "Delicious jam", "Cup".

5 Conversations “What are dishes?” “What kind of dishes are there?” “How to behave for table?”.

6 Didactic games “Let’s cook borscht.” “What jam.” “Put it into pieces.” “Wonderful bag.” “The fourth wheel.” “Find a match.” “Make a whole from parts.”

7 Learning proverbs, sayings, riddles about dishes.

8 Reading fiction K.I. Chukovsky “Fedorino's grief.” Brothers Grimm "A Pot of Porridge". N. Nosov “Mishkina porridge”. V. Oseeva “Why?” Russian folk tales “The Fox and the Crane”. “The Fox and the Jug.” D. Kharms “Ivan Ivanovich samovar.”

9 Learning the songs “Cook, boil the porridge.”

10 View the presentation “What are dishes made of?” “What kind of dishes are there?”

11 Travel on the map.

12 Excursion to the Tavern.

13 Exhibition of services. Exhibition of teapots.

14 Meeting with a nurse. Conversation “Harmful and healthy foods.”

15 Making a book with your own hands "New Cup Friends".

16 Exhibition of children's works "Dishes around us".

17 Sweet evening in "Russian hut".

18 We considered serving schemes table.

19 Story-role-playing game "Mothers and Daughters". "Grocery store". "Cafe".

Stage 3: implementation project.

Target: Obtaining a product, result design activity by performing individual actions.

Study. Data collection and processing. Interpretation of results.

Graphic representation of results - diagrams, action algorithms.

Goals and objectives for children:

Show individual cognitive interests.

Broaden your horizons about serving table.

Show careful and careful handling of dishes.

Goals and objectives for the teacher:

Develop children's cognitive and intellectual abilities.

Develop creative independence, individuality, informational, social and other types of competencies children:

Information (the ability to find sources of information in different ways,

Activity (draw up a goal, determine a sequence of actions, agree on joint actions with a friend, predict the result,


(to develop the ability to reason, analyze,


(develop communication skills, build relationships).

Goal for parents:

Help children obtain information about the object.

Stage 4: completion project.

Target: Protection project.

Presentation of the content of the work, substantiation of conclusions.

Goals for children:

Carry out creative tasks, experiencing a feeling of joy from creative activity,

Showcase your achievements

on this topic project.

Goals for educators:

To determine the level of development of key initial competencies in older children after implementation project.

Goal for parents:

Support children during the presentation project.

Work organization methods:

Presentation project in the presence of parents.

Criteria for achieving goals and implementation objectives project.

Determining the dynamics of development of initial key competencies of preschool children.

Children's satisfaction with the work done.

Parents' satisfaction with the results of their children's development.

Teachers' satisfaction with the results obtained.

Thanks to parents for their help while working on project.

Discussion with children about working on project– identification of difficulties, degree of interest, benefits from the work for each participant.

Registration of results project.

Exchange of experience in design activities with preschool colleagues.


As a result of work on project children received additional information about rules and serving methods table. Shared experiences with other children.

Parents began to show greater interest in the life of the group. Many adhere to serving recommendations table at home.

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Slide captions:

Group project on technology The project was completed by: Piven Alina Tyurina Daria Shchedrova Alena Yaroshuk Anastasia Chernomorets Yulia Kimmel Natalia Kharlanova Milana Ishchenko Elena 7th grade students Project leader: Tkachenko S.V.

Municipal state educational institution

Voznesensk secondary school named after Leonid Chekmarev

"Festive sweet table"


Problem situation

  • What dishes to prepare
  • How to serve a festive sweet table
  • How to behave at the table
  • How to make invitation cards
  • What competitions to hold for boys

The holiday of February 23 is approaching, and we are thinking about how we can congratulate our classmates. And we just finished the cooking section. That's how we came up with the idea of ​​congratulations. We decided to prepare a festive sweet table for our boys. For a project to be successful, you need to think about:

Objective of the project

  • Prepare a festive sweet table and invite the boys of our class
Project objectives
  • Develop a sweet table menu.
  • Prepare confectionery and drinks.
  • Lay the table.
  • Fold the napkins beautifully.
  • Make invitations.
  • Longevity Cake.
  • Fresh fruits in interesting cuts.
  • Biscuit.
  • Waffles with condensed milk.
  • Fruits in chocolate.
  • Cake "Turtle".
  • Cake "Hedgehog".
Question 1 How many people will participate in the holiday?

Five boys, eight girls, a technology teacher and guest teachers.

Question 2 What kind of table will we use?

We will set one large table for all guests.

Question 3 What table linen should I use to set the table?

We will prepare beautifully folded disposable napkins for each participant.

Master class on folding napkins. Question 4 What kind of dishes and confectionery will we prepare?

  • Haralnova Milana - “Longevity” cake.
  • Piven Alina – fresh fruits in interesting cuts.
  • Tyurina Daria - waffles with condensed milk.
  • Shchedrova Alena – fruits in chocolate.
  • Kimmel Natalia and Ishchenko Elena – “Turtle” cake
  • Chernomorets Yulia - sponge cake.
  • Yaroshuk Anastasia – “Hedgehog” cake.
Question 5 What drinks should you offer for the sweet table?

Tea and cherry compote

"Cherry compote"

  • Ingredients for Cherry Compote:
  • Cherry
  • Sugar- 1 stack.
  • Water
Recipe for "Cherry compote":

Sort and rinse the cherries. Wash and sterilize jars well.

Pour about 1/3 of the berries into the jar, you can do less, but then the taste will not be as rich. Pour a glass of sugar in there too. If the cherries are very sour, you can add another half a glass.

Pour boiling water over the cherries, close them with sterilized lids and screw them on. You can turn them over a couple of times so that the sugar dissolves. Turn over and cover with a blanket. Once it cools down, you can remove it.

Question 6 What kind of invitations should I make?

We will make the invitations on your computer using Microsoft Word.

Dear Konstantin.

We invite you to the “Defender of the Fatherland” holiday.

That will take place

at 12.20 o'clock in our classroom.

We'll be glad to see you!

Cake “Longevity” 2 eggs, 1 p. margarine, 1.5 tbsp. sugar, 0.5 tsp. dissolve soda in vinegar, and knead the dough, roll out into small balls and bake in the oven (1 tbsp. Sugar and 1 tbsp. sour cream) and put in a heap. Then fill it with glaze. Glaze: 3 tbsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. cocoa, 2 tbsp. milk, a little margarine, boil everything, cool and pour

Kharlanova Milana


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 pack of margarine
  • 1.5 cups sugar
  • About 5 teaspoons of baking soda
  • A little bit of vinegar.
  • Cream:
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • Glaze:
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • A little margarine

"Longevity Cake"

Calculation of food consumption Fresh fruits in interesting cuts You will need: 2 - 3 apples 2 - 3 oranges Preparation: We think about cutting methods, cut the fruits, serve beautifully!

Piven Alina

For the test:

1 tbsp. Sahara

1 hour l. soda slaked with vinegar

Beat with a mixer.

For cream:

100 gr. powdered sugar

Beat with a mixer.


Waffles with condensed milk

  • Let's prepare the waffle dough: beat 3 eggs with 1 cup. sugar, 1.2 butter, 1.5 wheat flour
  • The dough is ready! It should be like pancakes, not too thick, but not too runny.
  • 1 tbsp. l. spread the dough, close the waffle iron and fry the waffles.
  • Roll it into a tube.
  • Take it out and let the tube cool!
  • Fill the tube with condensed milk and enjoy your meal!

Tyurina Daria

Waffles with condensed milk

Cake "Hedgehog"

Dough: beat 4 egg whites with 1 cup sugar, add 4 yolks, vanillin, 1 cup semolina and 0.5 cup flour.

  • Mix everything thoroughly and bake 2 cakes at a temperature of 100-150 degrees (25 minutes).
  • If the cakes are baked one at a time, then while waiting for the second one, the first one should be covered with a napkin.

    Cut the cakes as shown in the picture.

    Cream: 2 eggs, 1 glass of sugar, grind 2 full tablespoons of flour, add 1 glass of milk.

    Place the mixture on the fire in an aluminum pan, bring until thickened with constant stirring, cool and add 200g of soft butter.

  • Grease the base of the cake with cream. Grease parts A and B with cream and place them on the base, forming the back of a hedgehog. Then glue the cream-smeared cake parts E and F, then C and D, creating rounded sides for the hedgehog. If anything sticks out, cut it off or glue it to the sides and back.
  • Grease the top of the cake with cream, insert needles - fried peeled sunflower seeds with the point up, sprinkle the hedgehog with poppy seeds, make the nose and eyes out of chocolate.
Fruits in chocolate Ingredients Milk chocolate Fruits (oranges or tangerines, bananas, grapes, fresh strawberries, etc.) Preparation Break the chocolate into pieces and melt in a water bath. Peel tangerines or oranges and divide into slices. Dip each slice in melted chocolate, place on parchment paper and put in the refrigerator until the chocolate hardens (you can put each slice on a toothpick, dip in chocolate, stick the toothpicks into the apple and put in the refrigerator).

Shchedrova Alena

Fruits in chocolate

Egg 6 pcs.

Sugar 1 cup

Soda 1 tsp. (cancelled)

Sour cream 500 g (I take 700-800 g)

Sugar 1 cup

Vanillin - to taste

Butter 300 g

Kimmel Natalia, Ishchenko Elena

1. First, prepare the cream. Mix sour cream with sugar and vanillin (or vanilla sugar), once the sugar dissolves, add melted butter, mix everything well.

Set aside and prepare the dough. Beat the eggs with sugar until smooth, add slaked soda and flour, mix (I mixed everything in a food processor with a dough whisk). The dough is ready.

2. Place the dough on a baking sheet with a small spoon and bake for 5 minutes at t = 220 ° C until golden brown.

3. While the cakes are still hot, I remove them from the baking sheet and immediately throw them into the cream, where they float while I spread the next batch of dough. We remove the soaked cakes from the cream and place them on a plate in the form of a slide. This time I lined a deep plate with film and put it in it, sprinkled walnuts between the layers, but this is already a gag of mosking, there is no such thing in the recipe

4. After I baked everything, soaked it and laid it out, left it in the refrigerator for 3 hours, then turned it over onto a dish, our miracle plate, and got this preparation

5. My diameter is 30 cm, and the height in the center is 8 cm.

We decorate according to your wishes, mood and other parameters. I poured melted chocolate over it, they didn’t let me do anything else, so I left it as is.

Bon appetit!

How to eat plums

Plums and apricots are divided in half by hand, the pits are removed and the fruits are placed in the mouth with your hands. Small plums can be eaten like cherries.

How to eat oranges and tangerines correctly

Tangerines and oranges are cut into 4-6 pieces with a knife so that only the skin is cut without touching the flesh. Then they lay out asterisk and carefully separate the pieces.

How to eat grapefruit correctly

The grapefruit must first be cut into two parts, and then scrape out the pulp and juice with a spoon, being careful not to splash it on your neighbors. You can sprinkle the cut grapefruit with powdered sugar.

Boys survey results

Information sources:

  • Textbook “Technology. Home management technology." for 7th grade students.
  • Internet resources.

Lesson Project

Explanatory note

The topic discussed in the lesson occupies a key place in the “Cooking” lesson system. It completes the study of this block, related to the basic concepts and contents of the “Cooking” section, and assumes that students have basic skills and techniques for working in the kitchen, the ability to create a menu for breakfast, prepare it, decorate and serve ready-made dishes, use cutlery, fold napkins beautifully behave properly at the table.

Lesson type: lesson

Subject : "Table setting for breakfast"

Target : creating conditions for students to familiarize themselves with the rules of table setting and systematize knowledge about the techniques of folding napkins and the rules of etiquette.


  1. promote the formation of knowledge about the concepts of “table setting”, “etiquette”, “equipment” and the rules of table setting, elements of etiquette;
  2. promote the acquisition of practical experience when setting the table and folding napkins;
  3. create conditions for the development of tolerance in students, the ability to evaluate, analyze, reason, compare, and draw conclusions;
  4. create conditions for the development of aesthetic taste, independence, accuracy

Lesson type : combined (assimilation of new knowledge and its primary consolidation)

Methods : problematic, practical; explanatory - illustrative, dialogical, partially exploratory, stimulating and motivating students

Lesson equipment: computer, projector for demonstrating a presentation for the lesson, slide presentation, textbooks, handouts, tableware, napkins.

Interdisciplinary connections: Fine art, drawing, mathematics.

New terms: table setting, etiquette, device

Lesson stages

Teacher activities

Student activities


Organizational moment.

Goal: to create conditions for awakening interest.

Goal setting.

Greeting students

When we meet the dawn,

We tell him... (Children in chorus) HELLO!

With a smile the sun gives light,

Sending us your... (Children in chorus) HELLO!

When we meet after many years

You shout to your friends... (Children in chorus) HELLO!

And they will smile back at you

From a kind word... (Children in chorus) HELLO!

And remember this advice:

Give to all your friends... (Children in chorus) HELLO!

Let's give our greetings and smiles to the guests, to each other and to me.

View the story.

Do you recognize the heroes?

What did they tell you?

What do you think will be discussed in our lesson?

Lesson topic "Table setting for breakfast"

Guys, do you want to learn about table setting, etiquette and rules for folding napkins?

What will be the learning task?

We work in groups.

Everything you need for today's lesson is on the tables.

Greeting from the teacher.

Children repeat the greeting together with the teacher.

Expected answers from children (Smeshariki)

About cooking, table setting.

Set a goal

Learn the rules for setting the table for breakfast and how to fold napkins

Full readiness of the group and equipment, inclusion of students in the business rhythm.

Conversation with students.Collaborative analysis of student reasoning, fail studentsto the need to derive a goal


The emergence of an internal need for students to engage in cognitive activity when creating a problem situation;

Result: “Get to know the rules of table setting and how to fold napkins”

Updating knowledge:


Systematization of knowledge on the material covered.

Teacher: After carefully looking at the plot, name the sequence of primary processing of vegetables.

What methods of heat treatment did the main character name?

Checking homework:

Guessing puzzles made by students.

Expected children's answers











Showing prepared puzzles and guessing with the whole class.

Conversation with students.Joint analysis of students’ reasoning, guide students to the correct answers.

Result: The emergence of positive motivation in students, the development of logical thinking and the ability to evaluate the results obtained.

Discovery of new knowledge.


Teacher: Lesson topic "Table setting for breakfast."

As an epigraph to this lesson, I took the proverb “If you know how to invite people, you know how to greet them.”Reveal the meaning of the proverb.

Teacher : Yes, that’s right, in the lesson we will learn a lot about the art of housekeeping and in particular table setting.

What do you understand by the word home?

Children's statements.

Work in groups.

Student answers: We will get acquainted with table setting and learn etiquette

Student answers . Home is where you are expected and loved. Where you feel comfortable...

Partial search


actions of students with the scope of study; maximum use of independence in acquiring knowledge and mastering methods of action.

A house is a reflection of the souls of the people who live in it. Whatever it is - a four-story mansion or a standard apartment in a panel house, for any person it should be that one and only place in which it is always comfortable and cozy. Each of you girls wants to be a good housewife. So who is the hostess?

Teacher . A housewife is a woman who can do everything. She must have the knowledge, skills and abilities of a chef, waiter, economist, seamstress, and designer. Skillful housekeeping is an entire art, and we will learn this art today.

What does the expression “set the table” mean?

Teacher : Lay the tablethis means preparing him for food. (C 2). Serving not only creates a pleasant atmosphere, but also a certain order on the table, providing those present with the necessary equipment and items. A beautifully decorated table, on which the necessary items are conveniently placed and dishes are presented, evokes pleasant feelings and increases appetite. It is necessary to set the table every day, and not just for guests.

Analysis by slides:

C3 – serving requirements

C4 – serving sequence

C5 – sketch of serving for breakfast

C6,7,8,9 – names of cutlery and serving utensils

C10,11,12 – flowers for serving

C14 – breakfast dishes



Student answers . This is mom. This is a person who can do everything.

Student answers : Set the table correctly.Provide those present with all necessary equipment and items

Recording the definition in a notebook.

Analysis and comments from students followed by recording in a notebook.

Conversation with students. Collaborative analysis of student reasoning

Result: independence in acquiring knowledge and mastering methods of action.

Goal: relieving physical and mental stress.

Practical work

Goal: creating conditions for the ability to draw up invitations and set the table.

Goal: to create conditions for mastering the basic


Goal: creating conditions for the ability to fold napkins

Lesson summary




This is the time when you can run and jump. Schoolchildren have them 4 times a year.

What is this?

Physical education minute.

Practical work No. 1.

Induction training.

"We invite guests"

Assignment for 2 groupsUsing the template provided, compose the text of the invitation to guests.

Task Task for 2 groups « Using the items presented to you, set the breakfast table.”

Trial performance of work and ongoing instruction

Independently – practical work and ongoing instruction.

Final briefing.


Teacher: What is etiquette? Student messages.

C16 – table manners

Teacher: Now it's time to talk about napkins. Napkins - an absolutely necessary accessory to a beautifully set table. They are intended not only for a very specific purpose, but also for decoration. It is recommended to use starched linen napkins; they look better and hold their shape well. But nowadays, we are more and more accustomed to using beautiful paper napkins that look impressive and decorate the table.Now we are going to learn how to fold them

Working with the textbook: P.148. Napkin folding patterns.

Practical work No. 2

What napkin folding techniques are you familiar with?

Who can show?

What technique is folding napkins similar to?

Who can show?

Induction training.

The teacher shows one of the folding techniques, the students repeat them.

One session is dealt with with students, the rest is done independently.

Ongoing instruction and correction of mistakes.

Demonstration of successful samples.

Final briefing.

Teacher . Well done. After today's lesson, you will already be able to help your mother set the table. The work was successful and everyone coped with it. Our lesson is coming to an end, it was full of information. And now, to consolidate the material, we will perform a small creative task.

Consolidating new material


Each group receives a task in an envelope, and the completion time is regulated. After execution, the command presents the response:

Exercise .

Using the knowledge gained in the lesson, develop rules of behavior in the school cafeteria.

Giving assessments and justifying them.

Which tasks did you like the most?

What did you buy?

What surprised you?

What achievements did you have in this lesson?

Prepare for practical work in cooking: overalls, food (freezing).

Children's answers

Vacation, break, rest.

The right to rest.

Performing musical physical exercises

Drawing up the text of the invitation to guests and reading it out to each team.

Table setting for breakfast.

Teacher targeted walkthrough.

The teacher monitors the correctness of the work, helps correct inaccuracies, and gives additional explanations.

To evaluate the work done, the teacher checks the work in groups and gives grades.

Variable answers of children.

Analysis with students. Sketching in a notebook

Variable answers:




Students perform napkin folding according to patterns from the textbook.

Idea generators read out the rules of behavior in the dining room from each group.

I liked the tasks of setting the table and folding napkins.

The ability to fold napkins has been reinforced.

A variety of ways to fold napkins.