Virgo and Taurus compatibility. Sexual compatibility: Good

They may not immediately attract each other's attention: both do not like to stand out. But when their gazes finally connect, they will understand that it was each other they were looking for. The Virgo woman and the Taurus man are terribly similar: both will not waste time on trifles, do not like to sacrifice their comfort and well-being, cannot stand excessive emotions and understand a lot about comfortable life. Their romance cannot be called hot - rather, it will be an even flame that flares up slowly but surely. The Taurus man will beautifully court his difficult lover (you need to try hard to make her fall in love), but he is not one of those who back down in the face of difficulties. She will open up more and more to her tender and reliable lover. The only negative of their relationship is the lack of those very emotions from which they both protect themselves. They should be more open to bright feelings, because they brighten up both their love and life itself.

Sex between a Virgo woman and a Taurus man will be excellent. Both of them know a lot about bodily pleasures, and the Taurus man is especially successful in this. The candles will be lit, the sheets will be ironed, the air will smell pleasantly of her loved one. essential oil(of course, this will not always be the case, but at the very beginning the Taurus man will try very hard). She will be gentle and modest - he will like to liberate her. However, it may get boring - so it’s better for the Virgo woman to take the initiative in her own emancipation. Music, movies, smells - all this will help them relax and immerse themselves in the world of sexual pleasures that they adore so much.

Family and marriage

They can have a perfect marriage. Well, almost perfect. The Virgo woman will become an excellent wife: she is economical and loves her family. She will patiently take care of her husband and children, without making any complaints or complaining about fatigue - both physical and moral. The Taurus man will be a wonderful husband: he will be able to provide his family with everything they need and even a little more. Their family will be strong, but it is possible that both he and she will always be a little lacking in brightness and sensuality in marriage, and it would be good if they did not look for it on the side.

Their friendship will be very strong. When two representatives of the earthly element make a friendship, it is not for a year or two - most likely, for life. They will always support each other, surround each other with comfort and care. But it’s unlikely that they will be able to penetrate into each other’s spiritual depths; they will always seem to be missing something, some kind of acute perception of each other. On the other hand, this can be a plus: they won’t be able to accidentally touch each other’s nerves, which so often mars friendly relationships.

Work and business

They will definitely work together. Both the Virgo woman and the Taurus man know how to achieve their goals, materialize ideas, and achieve results. And if she works rather out of the very love of work, then he always works precisely towards the goal. The difference in their work styles lies in the fact that the Taurus man is unlikely to overexert himself if a satisfactory result has already been achieved, while the Virgo woman will diligently hone the details and improve what has been done. However, this feature of hers can only benefit their common cause.

The horoscope claims that the union of Taurus and Virgo is one of the strongest among the representatives of the zodiac signs. And it rests on the unity of views on various aspects of life, mutual understanding and, of course, love.

Practical and decisive Taurus

Taurus is a bull. Therefore, people who were lucky enough to be born under this zodiac sign are characterized by determination and strength, practicality and perseverance. Taurus does not have his head in the clouds; he prefers to engage in specific activities that promise him material benefits. To implement his goals, he spares no effort and energy, removing all obstacles from his path. Material values ​​mean a lot to Taurus. He loves convenience, comfort, stability. Everything in his life is planned for many years in advance. Therefore, he does not like it when strangers interfere in his affairs. Taurus is not strong in showing feelings. In everything he prefers stability rather than emotions.

So the union of signs is based primarily on the stability and practicality of Taurus. What about Virgo?

The goddess of love

It is not for nothing that in myths Virgo is the symbol of fertility. Of course, she is more emotional than Taurus. And yet there is also much more rationalism in it than emotions. She is practical, smart, precise, diligent. She is interested in new knowledge. Virgo is active, hardworking and does not respect those who take their work carelessly. She is better suited not to monotonous physical work, but to analytical mental work. partial to comfort, good food and beautiful clothes. Therefore, it is difficult for her to save money. Moreover, when buying things, she strives to purchase only high-quality products, not caring at all about how high their price is.

Virgo tends to take care of loved ones and think about their well-being. This is where her practicality and prudence stem from. And on her part, in the Taurus-Virgo tandem, the compatibility of the signs is based precisely on care and activity.

The strength of the union of two signs

Love is not characterized by intense passions, romance or jealousy. For them, love and marriage are something more, implying mandatory mutual understanding, harmonious relationships, and common interests.

As a rule, in such a marriage, Virgo, due to her greater activity and innate sense of responsibility for the family, becomes the main person, able to direct not only her own energy, but also the energy of her partner in the right direction.

Taurus, in turn, agrees to obey. The main thing is that he must be treated kindly, and he will take on the main burden of earning money and controlling family expenses.

So it turns out that the signs and Taurus can have almost complete compatibility in love and marriage. How complete? A factor such as the gender of Virgo and Taurus can play a decisive role here.

Taurus girl, Virgo guy - compatibility

In such a union, the Taurus woman is required to show flexibility and tact, and the ability to tune in to Virgo’s state of mind. If she succeeds, then the marriage will be successful.

In no case should a Taurus girl take to heart her partner’s mood swings, sometimes sadness or even melancholy that appears for seemingly no reason. On the contrary, she must and, most importantly, is able to dispel this melancholy, create comfort and an atmosphere of warmth and sincerity in the family, which will help the Virgo man cast aside doubts and worries. And then he will be able to move mountains to preserve the warmth of his family hearth.

The ideal compatibility of Virgo and Taurus women is achieved because both do not rely on fate. They do not expect mercy from her, but achieve well-being through their work. Both strive for a serious relationship and value the comfort and warmth of the family hearth.

Taurus man, Virgo woman - compatibility

The marriage union of such a couple also promises to be strong, filled with common affairs, attention and care, and family harmony. Here the Taurus man must be able to show respect and understanding to his other half, while listening to her advice. He will take on the leading role in the family, but Virgo will still direct his actions. And she needs to try not to get hung up on unnecessary and unimportant little things, but to calmly accept the characteristics of her man, even if they sometimes irritate her.

The main thing in this marriage is the ability of partners to quickly assess each other’s strengths and weaknesses and accept their other half for who they are. It won't be long before they begin to understand each other perfectly. And compatibility will only increase over the years.

If problems arise

There is probably no married couple in the world who would not experience any problems in their relationship. Taurus and Virgo are no exception. But any difficulties can be overcome, especially over time, when the partners get used to each other and are imbued with mutual understanding and respect.

In a pair of Virgo and Taurus, compatibility in love will be ideal if Taurus tries to understand the subtle spiritual structure of Virgo. You cannot demand that she show feelings if she is unable to express them. Otherwise, Virgo can become hot-tempered, angry, and merciless. She needs to show sensitivity and kindness, which, of course, she wants to receive from her spouse. And having received it, she begins to look at the world with different eyes, she gets a second wind and everything she takes on succeeds. In turn, Taurus receives an emotional charge from Virgo. She is a source of joy and inspiration for him. Next to her, he agrees to have fun and relax, so that later he can get to work with renewed vigor. It is Virgo who perfectly knows how to stimulate the creative potential of Taurus.

Regardless of the little things

Sometimes a Taurus woman can be irritated by Virgo’s excessive thriftiness and meticulousness. However, in compensation, she is able to pay tribute to his hard work, honesty and dedication. But Taurus men are sometimes sloppy and even careless. They are focused on serious business, so they consider it unnecessary to spend time carefully combing their hair, removing ashes or crumbs, hanging shirts on hangers and polishing their shoes until they shine. Virgo appreciates in Taurus his balance and ability to resolve conflicts without noisy quarrels.

By complementing each other, avoiding conflicts and quarrels, Virgo and Taurus can achieve complete compatibility in love, thereby strengthening their union, and live a happy life together.

Mutual understanding can be complete

It is in mutual understanding that the harmony of this couple lies. It is easy for them to communicate with each other because they have many common plans, interests and desires. Over time, mutual understanding strengthens and feelings intensify. Love, even if not passionate, but calm, balanced, makes them stronger together than they would be alone. Only next to each other do they feel complete security, confidence in the future and a reliable shoulder not only of a spouse, but also of a friend.

And Taurus finds perfect compatibility in love. This combination is favorable for a harmonious marriage and a happy life together. Virgo and Taurus are able to spend their entire lives together, rejoicing in the successes and achievements they achieve together, overcoming and quickly forgetting those problems that momentarily darkened their joy. After all, if there is an irreplaceable, necessary person nearby, with whom complete mutual understanding has been achieved, then any difficulties are easily overcome, and even the most complex conflict issues are resolved by common agreement.

The union of a Virgo man and a Taurus woman is considered one of the strongest. They are perfectly compatible and feel comfortable with each other. They have many points of contact, so it is not difficult for them to find a common language. Being earth signs, they value peace and comfort more than noisy companies. Their couple may seem boring to some, but it should be noted right away that the relationship between a Virgo man and a Taurus woman is not a romantic union of two hearts in love. First of all, this is a partnership beneficial for both, which is aimed at creating a happy, calm family life.

They don't like to show their feelings in public. And these two are unlikely to burn with passion for each other. But a couple of a Taurus woman and a Virgo man will be balanced and financially secure. Both manage money wisely and know how to save money, so they can be confident in the future. The main thing for them is that life be predictable. As soon as a non-standard situation occurs that goes beyond the scope of their calm coexistence, both become lost and helpless. This is probably why both try to keep surprises and surprises as few as possible.

A Virgo man and a Taurus woman will never quarrel over trifles. If you fight, it’s really about something worthwhile! Why just disrupt the smooth, slightly routine family structure? In any case, breaking dishes in a fit of anger is definitely not about these two. After all, the Virgo man loves order in everything, and the Taurus woman treats her things with trepidation.

From the outside it may seem that the Virgo man and Taurus woman are ashamed of their emotions. They are typical introverts, so they both strive for total self-control over themselves and their emotions. This is probably the only thing the characters of these two have in common. Otherwise, they are different, but at the same time they complement each other surprisingly.

The Virgo man has typically feminine qualities. He is soft, sensual, endowed with subtle intuition. And the Taurus woman is masculinely firm in her convictions, resilient and self-confident. Taurus often become leaders both in the family, in the company of friends or among colleagues. The ever-doubting Virgos are attracted to the strength and confidence of Taurus, so they are subconsciously drawn to them. The Virgo man will calmly react to the fact that love relationships The Taurus woman will be in the lead. Why not? After all, she copes with the role of the head of the family and provides a shoulder on which you can always lean.

What else does a Virgo man like about a Taurus woman? She never acts rashly and makes all decisions slowly. She first needs to carefully weigh everything and study the situation. But in the decision taken The Taurus woman will not doubt it. The Virgo man is completely different in this regard. In a panic, he doubts, rushes between several options. Pointing his finger at the sky, he does not receive the necessary relief, but continues to doubt whether he did the right thing. Therefore, it is not surprising that Virgo men prefer calm, firmly standing Taurus women.

Sexual compatibility between a Virgo man and a Taurus woman is quite average. Of course, both are earth signs, so they attract each other. However, sex is much more important for a Taurus woman than for a Virgo man. And her need for him is higher than his.

A Virgo man is comfortable with a Taurus woman, so once married, they are unlikely to ever get divorced. And over the years, respect for each other in this couple will only grow.

The percentage compatibility between Taurus and Virgo is the highest of all signs, 90%. High compatibility in love relationships is due to their belonging to the same element. Both signs are under the protection of the earth. They think in the same direction, are friendly and always competently approach household chores. Taurus and Virgo are distinguished by thriftiness and hard work. Is compatibility possible: Taurus – man, Virgo woman and vice versa?

Character traits

To understand how compatible Taurus and Virgo are in love, sex and marriage, you need to consider the character traits and behavior characteristic of both zodiac signs. Taurus, in their temper and leadership qualities, are somewhat reminiscent of the fiery Leo. They are purposeful and comprehensively developed. Contrary to ideas about earth signs, Taurus are often involved in creative fields; they make excellent teachers, psychologists and good leaders.

Taurus is one of the most hardworking signs in the entire horoscope, they make good husbands and wives. He can be very picky, highly evaluates everything around him and even treats himself quite self-critically. Taurus is musical and gifted with many talents. To some extent, Telok is passive; if the situation in society is uncomfortable for him, he often gets sick. The sexual attractiveness of Taurus makes him interesting to the opposite sex; wives and husbands never run away from such people.

For Taurus, in addition to spiritual intimacy, physical intimacy is very important. Can be surprisingly patient, but negative energy and feelings accumulate in him and at one fine moment, a person breaks out like a fire and then all the enemies have to scatter. Virgos are often endowed with beautiful appearance, good hearing, and are able to grasp everything on the fly. In many ways, Virgos are too scrupulous and clean, so in a relationship, the Virgo guy will harass Taurus with his cleanliness, while the Virgo girl is more loyal in this regard. The thing is that for Taurus, no matter how much they put things in order, their workplace or table is always a creative mess.

The friendship between Taurus and Virgo very often develops into something more, but it cannot be said that this is unbridled passion from the first days of acquaintance. Rather, these relationships can be called deliberate, rational, which are taken for granted, as something natural. It’s good for these people to even just be next to each other, silently; they already capture the thoughts of their other half on a subconscious level.

Taurus woman and Virgo man

Compatibility of the horoscopes of Taurus and Virgo: the zodiac signs belong to the same element. They are ruled by the earth. All earth signs are connected to each other. Relationships between earth representatives look completely different than between fire signs, which ignite like matches. Earthly influence makes Taurus and Virgo practical. They always look for constancy and some kind of dependence in relationships.

Love relationship

The compatibility of Virgo and Taurus in love relationships is very high compared to other zodiac signs. The beginning of a relationship cannot be called enchanting. It's more of a friendship that turns into love. A love relationship strengthens over time, so before marriage, it is advisable for Taurus and Virgo to live together for some time to understand how comfortable they are being together.

A Taurus woman and a Virgo man mean a strong family and romantic relationship. In bed they are simply crazy about each other. The only problem is that they are not used to expressing feelings in words, but in principle this is not so important when they begin to understand that there is a mental connection between them and unnecessary words are completely unnecessary. For a Virgo man and a Taurus woman, there is nothing more important than feeling each other’s presence, but hot-tempered girls often start scandals out of nowhere because of jealousy, which the guy doesn’t like at all, but if the love connection is very strong, then the partner always knows , how and how to win your partner’s trust.

If a Taurus girl passionately falls in love with a Virgo guy, then he won’t find a better wife. Building relationships is very simple for them, like putting together a mosaic. The Devy guy always knows how to choose the right moment for a gift; he loves to pamper his soulmate in response to her tenderness. Taurus wives are ardent lovers and always know how to surprise their partner.


A Virgo man and a Taurus woman are able to maintain friendship, but the girl’s attractiveness cannot leave the other indifferent, so such friendship does not always last long: the couple either ends up falling in love with each other, or they constantly fight.

The compatibility of Taurus and Virgo in friendship does not at all spoil the temper of Taurus, because a more balanced friend always comes to the rescue and does not allow him to make mistakes in the heat of the moment. In such a union, understanding reigns, but only if neither partner experiences ardent feelings for the other.

Business sphere

The working union of these signs causes the envy of competitors. If one of them was born in the year of the Dragon, then they will be able to sell anything. Taurus tends to work not only with his head, but also with his heart, so he often generates interesting ideas and draws up projects.

Virgo is more rational in this regard. A Virgo man and a Taurus woman together can avoid many mistakes in doing business if they listen to each other. Everything will go as if according to established rules.

Communication problems, how to keep in touch

Zodiac signs are used to living by the rules. This is very a big problem. They look at the world through the prism of dryness and insensitivity. In their family life, everything also goes according to the rules. Their mutual dryness sometimes seems frightening, it seems as if two zombies live next to each other. They need to pay more attention to the spiritual side of family life.

Misunderstandings in the families of Taurus and Devy happen very rarely, only in those cases when they do not fit the eastern horoscope, in other cases their union is harmonious, filled with ardent love, which does not go away until old age.

Taurus man and Virgo lady

Earthly representatives are generous in relationships, but deep down they always wait for their partner to respond with a similar act. Representatives of earthly zodiac signs such as Taurus and Virgo are associated with the volcano and prudence. They can both be reasonable, but Telok often follows his emotions and can rarely hide them. The second sign has more rational thinking, and is not as hardy as Taurus.

Compatibility in love

A Taurus man and a Virgo woman have every chance to live a long life filled with happiness and harmony, raise children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Such a union is more harmonious. A courteous and wise Virgo can stop her husband’s despotism in time.

The main problem in relationships is that they very often return to the past, to negative moments in life, which prevents them from living in the present. It is worth looking for positive moments in the present and future and the colors of life will seem even brighter.

How strong will the friendship be?

These two signs have a lot in common; as friends they are suitable for literally all signs. There is rarely misunderstanding between Virgo and Taurus. Taurus will be able to build a family and home faster, reach the top level at work, but Virgo is more likely to communicate with people more often; she is not afraid to start from scratch, crossing out the past.

In such an alliance, quarrels and omissions very rarely arise. As a rule, their friendship lasts through the years. They are comfortable being around, they are not afraid to share secrets, trusting their friend completely.

Are they compatible at work?

In tandem, a Taurus man and a Virgo woman, the guy will perform several functions: perform hard work and generate ideas. Virgo's work is mostly concerned with attracting clients and advertising. In work, the Virgo girl and the Taurus man have good compatibility.

If you are lucky enough to have such an alliance at your workplace, business will definitely go up. After all, neither partner is used to giving up, achieving their own goal by any means.

What problems may arise

There are too many aspirations in the life of a Taurus man and a Virgo woman. For the most part, these are mundane desires. In order not to lose each other in routine, they need to learn to relax, to enjoy not only making money, but also spending it, otherwise what is the use of it.

Sometimes Taurus and Devy are too busy arranging the house to pay attention to their partner. The horoscope for 2016 says that earth signs should become more relaxed and commit more rash, adventurous actions.

How much influence does the year of birth have on people's connections?

Whether the union of Virgo and Taurus will be successful depends on several factors:

The eastern horoscope largely determines the compatibility of Virgo and Taurus in a love relationship. It often happens that the information from the general horoscopes of Taurus and Virgo does not fully reflect the essence of a person’s character and behavior in relationships. That is why the year of birth is so important, and what animal protects a person.

  1. The Rat makes people loners, secretive, unsociable, overly withdrawn and suspicious. For the Rat-Virgo man and Taurus woman, it is better to find other partners, although friendship between them is possible.
  2. The Ox makes Taurus even more hot-tempered; such men often become domestic tyrants, but Virgo is not afraid of this. A Taurus man and a Virgo woman born under this sign can coexist normally in marriage, because a wise, courteous girl always knows how to tame her obstinate husband.
  3. Virgo man and Taurus Tiger woman are a great couple. In this family, the Sun of Love always shines overhead.
  4. The Rabbit and the Goat make people more calm, compliant, and cautious. This combination is good for the hot-tempered Taurus. A Taurus man and a Virgo woman born under these signs of the eastern horoscope will be able to build a strong family.
  5. The dragon can bestow incredible luck. Taurus and Virgo, born in the year of the Dragon, become a money magnet; everything they undertake brings income. Tandem with the Dragon will be favorable in any case.
  6. There is no future for Taurus and the Virgo Snake woman. The Snake makes people resourceful, wise and too straightforward; for the hot-tempered Heifer this is far from the best set of qualities.
  7. Horse, Dog and Pig have a positive effect on both signs. A Virgo man and a Taurus woman, who is under the protection of one of the three animals, is an excellent fruitful union in which love and mutual understanding reign.
  8. The Monkey and the Rooster endow the earth signs with an unusual desire for them to put themselves on display, to be the center of attention. For the Virgo man and Taurus woman, under the auspices of the Rooster and Monkey, there are absolutely no barriers.

A love relationship between two people cannot be absolutely smooth, no matter what signs they belong to. But there are alliances, no matter how you look at them - successful ones. This includes the pair of Taurus and Virgo. They really need each other - this is clear at first glance.

The life values ​​of the representatives of these two signs coincide in many ways: they are both realists to the core, not burdened by a passion for chasing castles in the air. Both strive for stability of feelings and relationships, and family is the highest value for them. Children born in this couple will be surrounded by attention and care, even when they themselves become parents: both Taurus and Virgo feel an urgent need to protect their offspring and support them for as long as they can. A close-knit patriarchal family is what they both strive for. And, undoubtedly, they will create it. What can I say... advice and love! Bitterly!

But let's return to where we started. Even such a harmonious union cannot but have problems - especially if we talk about the pair of the Most Stubborn Stubborn and the Most Caustic Critic. They both have difficult things... Taurus is a very domineering person: “Everything should be as I said, and keep your objections to yourself!” Virgo does not at all pretend to be the leader in the couple; she has quite traditional views on the family. And yet the truth is dearer to her, which she never tires of repeating in different ways - and the truth is that the Bull is too conservative, inflexible, sloppy and deaf to other people’s opinions. He does not like and does not know how to learn from his mistakes - which means he is incapable of personal growth. It’s worth clarifying: all this is in Virgo’s opinion, and somewhat subjective. In Taurus's defense, we can say that he loves order no less than she does - but does not make a cult out of it. He treats everything unfamiliar, new with a grain of skepticism, and sometimes even hostile towards the alternative, unknown, but this does not mean that he is not able to adapt and learn from his mistakes.

Virgo should not scold her husband for all his imperfections. Yes, she wishes him nothing but the best, tries to help him become a better person, but you know where the road is paved with good intentions? There is an opinion that heaven and hell are not located in some ephemeral extraterrestrial spheres, but in the souls of each of us: half is light, half is dark. A person himself can create for himself and his loved ones a lifetime Garden of Eden... or a fiery Gehenna, for which his talents are enough. Every day spent in harmony with yourself and the world brings you closer to the light - but if you see one imperfection around you that must certainly be eradicated, even by violent means, you multiply the darkness in your soul. Try to be happy more often. Your partner is a wonderful family man, a wonderful father, and simply a deeply decent person. Thank him for this the next time you want to grumble about his not-so-fresh socks.

Now let me give advice to Taurus. Virgo is an earth sign, in every sense of the word. She doesn’t miss the stars from the sky and probably won’t demand it from you. And yet, this is a very sensitive and vulnerable woman who experiences all your problems and failures no less painfully than her own. It has a connotation of sacrifice. Virgos are completely devoid of selfishness; on the contrary, they simply do not know how to live for themselves. And if your half wants to “patronize” you a little, just let her. Nothing offends more than a rejected gift presented with all your heart - this is exactly how Virgo perceives your deafness to her words. If you learn to at least sometimes give in to your spouse, your union will become not just successful, but absolutely harmonious. Undoubtedly, you do not like to work on yourself - but the result is worth it.