Interesting ideas for decorating walls in the kitchen dining room. Original ideas for decorating a wall in the kitchen

Using creative ideas wall decoration in the kitchen, you will be able to create unique interior. In terms of decoration, kitchens are a universal platform. Here you can use almost any materials, you will see this by studying the various ideas of famous designers.

Proper kitchen design involves proper zoning, that is, dividing the room into two main areas - for cooking and eating. In this connection, the wall is divided into two functional parts - the main part and the “apron”.

The main part is the main background, so you should carefully consider the choice of texture and shade of the finishing material. It is better to make an “apron” from practical and durable materials, since this area is more exposed to water, hot steam and various contaminants. By carefully studying the recommendations below, you will be able to quickly and easily find the most suitable options for creating a unique design for your kitchen.

Designers' ideas are limitless; in addition to the above materials, you can use other non-traditional options, for example, use cork wallpaper or tiles, glass or mirror panels, or natural wood to decorate walls. This design will be truly amazing and unique.

Design approach to apron design

The apron is located in the food preparation area, and therefore the choice of materials for its creation should be approached most responsibly. This area is regularly exposed to steam, moisture and all kinds of contaminants, and therefore, its design requires reliable and practical materials, which, in turn, can be quite original. If you want to create unusual interior kitchens, pay attention to these options:

Decor in the kitchen interior

Simple, fast and affordable way design of wall surfaces - the use of vinyl stickers in the form of inscriptions and all kinds of illustrations. By using such stickers as kitchen decor, you can choose a suitable design that will complement the overall atmosphere of the room and harmonize with the kitchen set.

In addition, the stickers are not afraid of moisture and dirt and do not require special care and are easy to clean with regular sponge. There are matte and mirror stickers. Matte stickers are more traditional, but with the help of mirror ones you can create a truly unique and bright interior. Also, stickers are very appropriate if you need to hide various defects on wallpaper or furniture.

Vinyl stickers do not require additional application of glue, which greatly simplifies the work of gluing them to the surface. Another advantage of interior stickers is that if you want to freshen up your decor, you can easily replace them with others.

Due to their resistance to temperature changes and moisture resistance, the stickers are excellent option to implement the most unusual and original ideas in the kitchen interior.

Shelves and shelves

If you want to create functional interior, it is better to use various shelves and shelves to decorate the room, made of any materials - wood, glass, metal.

Large shelves can accommodate dishes and various kitchen utensils. Small shelves are suitable for storing spices, towels and other important things. Wide variety allows you to find the most good option. You should choose shelves based on the style of the room; this will allow you to create a harmonious design.

The most common material is solid wood from various species.
A wonderful alternative to wood can be metal or glass shelves, depending on the general design rooms. In addition, glass decor for the kitchen is good because transparent elements can visually make the space larger, making the room brighter. But in this case, it is better not to furnish the entire shelf, but to be satisfied with a few items.

The choice of form also depends on the general stylistic direction, and on imagination. For example, wooden shelves can be decorated in the now popular country style, and metal ones can be decorated with ornaments or forged elements. For a high-tech kitchen, you can mount lighting on the shelves - it will look quite original.

There are no strict regulations regarding the placement of shelves on the walls; the main thing here is convenience. The only thing that can be said about this is that you should not place them so that they look like a solid array.

Panels and decoupage technique

A great idea is to use panels. To create it, you can use any materials. Panels made of fabric or wood are perfect for decoration. Recently, panels made from seeds, grains, and various cereals, especially those made with one’s own hands, have come into fashion. Decorations can be made from coffee beans - any shape of your choice is simply filled with coffee beans glued to paper or fabric. Such a panel will not only decorate the kitchen space, but can also slightly scent it.

The area around the stove and sink can be decorated with mosaic panels. Moreover, this option can be used in a room with any design style - from modern to Provence.
Decorative decoration for the kitchen can be made from almost any material, the main thing is to choose a theme that will match the overall style.

If you creative person, own ideas you can successfully implement it in a panel made using the decoupage technique.

Decoupage - fashionable technology artistic treatment a surface with which you can restore almost any thing. Wall clocks, kitchen utensils, furniture - all of this is transformed thanks to decoupage.

Also, using the decoupage technique, you can decorate shelves, change the design of chairs and a dining table. To do this, use images from various newspapers, napkins, as well as paper designed specifically for decoupage.

If you have chosen plain furniture for the kitchen, without unnecessary frills, you can make it original and non-standard using decoupage. There are many ideas for using this decoration technique; it has won the hearts of designers and has become widespread, due not only to its attractiveness, but also to its ease of execution. To transform the interior using decoupage you will need a minimum of materials and skills. Give free rein to your imagination, and you will see that thanks to decoupage you can easily make any thing unique and unusual.


An interesting way of decoration is a fresco - painting any surface by hand or applying an image to a canvas, self-adhesive or non-woven base. Frescoes have been used since ancient times, but with the development of technology this method has become more advanced. Frescoes fit well into any interior and can transform a room beyond recognition.

Due to the growing popularity, many companies, design studios and simply freelance artists are now engaged in the production of frescoes. For frescoes, special materials are used that include antifungal elements. New manufacturing technologies allow you not to worry about changes in temperature or humidity. The high cost of materials and the complexity of manufacturing are the reason for the far from low cost of frescoes. Prices start from $100 per square meter, increasing further depending on the conditions of the order. But if you have artistic skills, you can easily make a fresco yourself.

Take advantage of the ideas provided and create an exclusive and original interior for kitchen!

Decorating the walls of the kitchen is an exciting activity, but to implement your plan well, you will need to put in a lot of effort. As a rule, the kitchen cannot boast of large dimensions, and most of the room is covered with furniture. But even the small space remaining is more than enough to realize even the brightest ideas. The main thing is to maintain balance and make every effort.

Unlike other rooms, the walls of the kitchen go through “fire and water” every day in the literal sense of these words. That is why when choosing, you should pay attention not only to the aesthetic side, but also to specifications finishing materials. The most popular of them include:

    • ceramic tiles;
    • decorative plaster;
    • glossy paints;
    • wallpaper;
    • fake diamond;
    • panels;

Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, and in order to understand this issue we will consider each of them in detail.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles are rightfully considered one of the best and most popular materials. There are a lot of types of tiles (glossy, smooth, textured, matte), and there are even more different colors, shades, and patterns depicted on them. The main advantages include the following:

  • attractive appearance;
  • pleasant texture;
  • affordable price;
  • relatively easy to care for;
  • great amount different shades and drawings.

Also, ceramic tiles have one, nevertheless important, drawback. The walls above the table (apron) become dirty extremely quickly with regular cooking, and the tile apron has many seams, which are subsequently extremely difficult to clean. This factor must be taken into account when finishing this area. However, contamination can be easily avoided by installing a glass panel over the tile or mosaic.

This finishing material is more difficult to install, but gives you more possibilities to make your fantasies come true. Finishing ceramic tiles suitable for large kitchens, adding special shine and charm to them. After all, it is the combination of bright color shades is characteristic feature such material.

An extremely bright and surprising solution would be to use multi-colored mosaics above the table, in the area of ​​the so-called apron. Also, it will not be difficult for you to lay out your mosaic on the wall using tiles different colors and sizes. Such bright element will easily become yours " business card", and it will be nice to make it stand out from the rest.

Painting the walls

Decorating kitchen walls with paints has become extremely popular in recent years. This is largely due to the fact that paint is an extremely inexpensive material and is subsequently extremely easy to replace or update. Also, the advantages of such a finish include a huge number of shades and extremely easy care (especially important for glossy paints). But it’s worth noting that if you have uneven spots on the wall, paint will only unnecessarily emphasize this flaw. Therefore, before carrying out any work, you should carefully level the entire surface using putty.

If you are still undecided and don’t know how to decorate an empty wall in the kitchen, then painting it will be the easiest option.

Many designers recommend turning your attention to painting walls in an abstract style. This design style is especially relevant for young people, modern people who want to emphasize their individuality and creative nature.

Also, if you want to add a bright and unusual atmosphere to this room, we recommend that you pay attention to wall paintings made in the art deco style. They are carried out according to the sketch, with the subsequent transfer of the drawing to the walls.


Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper are best suited for decorating walls in the kitchen. They are extremely popular and have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • pleasant texture;
  • many shades;
  • resistant to high moisture and temperature;
  • unpretentious to care;
  • hide wall imperfections;
  • allow air to pass through and allow the walls to “breathe”.

The only drawback of wallpaper is the relatively high price, but it is fully compensated by a lot of advantages.

Wallpapering is the most common option for decorating a kitchen. This is largely due to the ease of installation. But to achieve an interesting and unique interior, simply hanging wallpaper is not enough.

For example, to obtain a more impressive appearance, you can use combinations of wallpaper of several colors. But in this case, you need to glue as carefully as possible, without sagging or bevels. More simple solution will be the use of photo wallpaper. Such a canvas will undoubtedly add zest to the interior, add unique comfort and truly home warmth. It is on this finishing material that all your dreams and fantasies can be expressed.

How to decorate an empty wall in the kitchen? Photo wallpaper is best suited for this purpose. The canvases look especially impressive on large, unoccupied walls; this coating can be covered with transparent glass or plastic on top, thus protecting them from all kinds of damage and emphasizing this decorative element.

Decorative (curly) plaster

Decorating a wall in the kitchen using decorative plaster It looks not only beautiful, but also expensive. Features of the material include low maintenance and pleasant appearance. The main disadvantage of the coating is its poor resistance to moisture, so the top layer of plaster must be additionally varnished.

This material is perfect for finishing small and bright rooms. Figured plaster goes well with modern furniture with aluminum inserts. This design style is perfect for discreet and sophisticated people.

A bright element can help add a zest to this style, regardless of whether it is a painting or just bright furniture.

Also, do not forget about color combinations; light, blue, and green shades are considered the most practical in the interior. But this does not mean at all that you should refuse those who are more appealing, or dark colors. But working with more ambiguous color palette much more difficult, and in order for the final result to bring you only pleasant impressions, think carefully about what the color will suit the best for you.

In order to complement the interior of your kitchen and add special uniqueness to it, you don’t have to spend a lot of money, you just need to show a little imagination.

For example, if you travel regularly and you have collected a lot of trinkets from different cities and countries, you can use them as decorative decoration. Small painted plates, figurines and figurines perfectly complement even the most austere design. But you shouldn’t exaggerate, because it’s too a large number of small elements can ruin the entire interior.

Decorative rock

A relatively new material for decoration is artificial (decorative) stone. The material appeared not so long ago, but has already been recognized by many designers from all over the world. It has a lot of advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • goes well with everyone modern materials and furniture;
  • requires virtually no maintenance. To keep the artificial stone clean, you only need to wipe it with a brush from time to time;
  • resistant to moisture.

The only drawback of the material is that before installing it you need to carefully consider the design of the room, otherwise the final version will not please you at all.

Despite the fact that the decorative stone looks rough, in combination with varnished wooden furniture, you will get a truly cozy and warm room. Also, to achieve best result Do not use too bright lighting. Small lamps located in different corners of the room are best suited for these purposes.

Plastic panels

This finishing material appeared quite recently, but has already gained wide popularity and love not only among designers, but also ordinary people. Characteristic feature plastic panels is a combination of practicality and unique style. The material is extremely durable, it is not afraid of moisture, it does not absorb unpleasant odors, and its installation is extremely simple. It is also worth noting that plastic panels may meet different sizes, colors and textures. Thanks to this, it will not be difficult for you to make your kitchen beautiful and unique.

Having studied the most popular materials for kitchen decoration, you probably wondered how to decorate the walls in the kitchen? Everything is extremely simple for this we have collected best ideas for arranging a room.

As already mentioned, plastic or glass panels are a combination High Quality, unpretentiousness and beauty.

This material works most effectively in combination with artificial stone or textured plaster. The main thing you should know before installing them is that this material should not be used as the main one. For a more effective decoration, they should decorate only some places, for example, the walls above the dining table or the “apron”. This way you can emphasize the exclusivity of the finish.

To achieve maximum effect, you can use transparent panels inside which you can install photographs or paintings. The undoubted advantage of such panels is that you can replace the painting with a new one at any time, thereby updating the interior of the room.

Finishing with this material harmonizes best with kitchens small sizes, adding to them a special, unique style.

Ideas for decorating a small kitchen

If you are the owner of an extremely compact kitchen space, do not despair. There are many ways to decorate small spaces. Eg:

  • hang a mirror above the kitchen table. Many people probably know that with the help of a mirror you can visually increase the space of a compact, adding space and freshness to it;
  • install several small photo frames. This decoration will not take up much space in the room and will perfectly complement any interior. Also, if you place family photos in frames, they will always remind you of bright and colorful moments;
  • decorate one of the walls with bricks. Dummy brickwork this is one of best options for decorating a small room. Making such a dummy is extremely simple and inexpensive, and the result will delight you for many years.

The above improvements will help you quickly, inexpensively and easily improve your kitchen.

empstenup/ February 8, 2016 / /

The kitchen room can safely be called the main room in the house - most of the time is spent there. Therefore, it is very important that its design is thought out down to the smallest details that determine the appearance of the interior. Currently, close attention is paid to the design of the wall in the kitchen above the dining table. Properly decorated, this place will become a highlight, a calling card of the entire room. Let's take a closer look at how you can transform a wall.

Wallpaper decoration

The easiest way to highlight the dining area in the kitchen is to choose contrasting “clothes” for this area at the stage of choosing wallpaper. These can be canvases with bright floral motif, and with geometric shapes, imitate natural materials (sand, stones, pebbles, etc.), etc. It is important to remember that the smaller the kitchen space, the smaller the pattern should be. In this case, you should avoid too saturated color ranges. Otherwise, an already small kitchen will visually appear even smaller.

If the walls in the kitchen are covered with wallpaper for painting, then the dining area can be painted a different color.But it is important to remember. If, for example, beige shades are used for the entire room, then you can choose shades of green to decorate a separate wall in the kitchen. The milky tone goes well with chocolate, and pink with raspberry.

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In the kitchen, one of the decor options is photo wallpaper. They can be either inexpensive paper or textured, which are much more expensive. But in any case, it is important to remember the appropriateness of using the image: a picture of the ocean with a white steamship is unacceptable in combination with the basic “tiled” or “tiled” wallpaper. In this case it would be appropriate to use plain wallpaper neutral shades.

Finishing with building materials

Wall design will be inexpensive, but no less interesting. dining area using decorative stone, plaster or tiles. Usually, not the entire wall plane is finished with these materials, but only part of it. At the same time, they complement the design with some details. Thus, a decorative stone laid out in waves on the wall will perfectly complement a forged lamp or a clay wall plate, and the cold tiles will be enlivened by several small indoor plants hanging down.

Decor made from ordinary pebbles looks good on a plastered wall. It is simply pressed into the still wet material, and after drying, they begin to paint. As a rule, brown shades are used. You should not limit yourself to any one tone - the walls in the kitchen will look much more interesting if you use two or three shades for painting.

Carrying out wall decor, Special attention worth paying attention to framing. Otherwise, he will simply get lost. For example, the same decorative stone can serve as a kind of frame.

Glass panels

A more expensive option for decorating the wall design of the dining area is glass panels with photo printing. They are usually made of thick glass, have a width of 60 cm and holes for mounting. With a standard width, it will be enough to order 2-3 stripes.

The design of such panels can be anything: natural motifs, still lifes, city landscapes - the main thing is that your favorite painting matches the overall interior. So, for example, in a kitchen in light lilac tones an image of a purple iris or black butterflies will look organic.

Glass panels with photo printing are installed from ceiling to floor. In this case, you need to take into account the location of the image - it must start at a distance of at least 72 cm from the floor, otherwise the kitchen table will cover all the “beauty”.

Panels with photo printing can be ordered in smaller sizes and placed like a painting. This is what they do in cases with a small kitchen space. In this case best choice There will be a large image of a single object: a cup of coffee, an apple, an orange, a flower, etc.

Stickers and decals

Instantly transforming a wall is possible with the help of vinyl decals and stickers. This decor is good because it is easy to replace it with another one when you get tired of it. The design may vary. Near the kitchen table, butterflies can flutter, birds soar, and diamonds, balls and squares can be arranged in a chaotic order. Perhaps the choice will fall on some funny inscription.

Stickers are sold in the store. If desired, you can make them yourself. The same rule applies here - the decor should be combined with the overall interior. Suitable for a high-tech kitchen geometric figures, and for country style - stickers depicting houses or still lifes.

Stickers can be combined with other decorative elements: shelves, frames, lamps, plates tamed to the wall decorative branches. The main thing is not to overdo it. Each element must be thought out and in its place.


With the help of such an element it is better to shape the design of the dining area. Ideal for the kitchen would be a framed collage under glass, made up of various spices and products. Decor made with your own hands will give great opportunity arrange exactly what the owners prefer. You can include anything you like in a collage: bay leaves, coffee beans, spices, peas, etc. The main thing is not to overdo it self-production elements.

A collage in a frame without glass can be equipped with various hooks, small shelves for spices or a notebook with culinary recipes. Then it will perform not only an aesthetic, but a useful function.

Decorating the premises in this way is appropriate if the overall interior of the kitchen is created in a classic or country style. For techno or hi-tech, such decor should be done slightly differently: the frame is usually used in black or steel color, and in the internal filling, emphasizing overall design, there are shiny metal hooks, rails, etc.

In fact, the design kitchen wall is not limited to the listed elements. You can decorate the wall with anything: wall plates, shelves, photographs, plants, etc. You can come up with an idea for the design yourself or “spy.” It doesn’t matter what decor will be in the dining area, the main thing is that it is made with love and fits into the overall design.

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The kitchen is one of those rooms where a person spends the most time. This is especially noticeable if it serves not only for cooking, but also serves as a dining room. That is why the question of how to decorate a wall in the kitchen is very relevant when finishing works.

Types of materials

At the moment there are a large number various materials that are suitable for this room. They differ from each other in decorative qualities, installation method and a number of other properties.

Therefore, when talking about how to decorate the walls in the kitchen, it is necessary to mention the most common ones.

Glass apron

First of all, it is worth noting that the decorative component during finishing work in this room plays a secondary role. However, there is a material in which kitchen walls combine design with practicality.

This is , which is placed on the working wall.

  • This material has a pretty good spring appearance, which can be varied with various drawings and photographs.
  • Thanks to it, you can organize excellent lighting that has both aesthetic and practical functions.
  • The kitchen apron is easy to clean and is resistant to high humidity.
  • It is worth noting that decorating a kitchen wall with this material will not take much time and will not cause difficulties.

Advice! This type finishing with the right approach can be considered ideal for protection and decoration working wall. However, it is not very suitable for other surfaces.


Many craftsmen, when asked how to decorate the walls in the kitchen, suggest using ceramic tiles.

  • The tiles are practical, resistant to temperature changes and easy to clean.
  • There are a huge number of different colors and types of this material.
  • Some manufacturers apply different designs to its surface, which is often used by designers to create original compositions and unusual interiors.
  • However, it sometimes has a high price and requires certain skills and knowledge during installation.

Advice! When purchasing tiles, you must carefully check them for matching shades in each panel and for evenness in the pack. This will avoid many problems during installation.


When the question comes up about how to decorate the walls in the kitchen, many builders forget about paint (Find out). This is due to the fact that people are practical and look mainly at quality.

However, designers often use several different colors and shades to give a surface a specific appearance or design.

  • First of all, it is worth noting that the walls in the kitchen should be decorated with dyes that tolerate temperature changes well and are resistant to high humidity.
  • This material is considered the cheapest and does not require specific skills.
  • With the right approach, all the work can be completed in one day.
  • However, if produced decoration kitchen walls with your own hands, you should use a special tool or pre-made templates for this.

Advice! Dyes for the kitchen must be chosen without zinc and lead, but at the same time they must withstand moisture and temperature changes well.


When considering various ideas for decorating walls in the kitchen, wallpaper is rarely used. This is explained by the fact that even the highest quality and moisture resistant ones will not be able to long time maintain your appearance. However, if you use wallpaper for painting, you can achieve the desired effect by increasing its service life due to the special properties of the dye.

You can also use the so-called . They are quite practical and reliable, although most likely they can be classified as paints, despite how they look in the photo.

Advice! One of the weak points of wallpaper is the glue. At the moment, there is no optimal substance that would well connect heavy washable strips of paper, with the addition of vinyl, to the wall, and at the same time carry excellent high humidity and temperature changes.

Therefore, they try not to use wallpaper for this room, replacing it with more practical materials.

Sewing material

Many videos about finishing walls in the kitchen do not recommend the use of lining, plasterboard systems, siding and other materials, the installation of which requires the construction of frames from profiles or slats. This is due to the fact that when working in this room you need to save space as much as possible.

However, the instructions assume the installation of complex systems using planting plaster or directly attaching it to the wall.


Thus, it becomes clear that for kitchen wall decoration it is necessary to use only special materials that have the necessary properties and qualities. At the same time, the price for them may be quite high, but the resulting effect and quality fully justify such expenses.

Let us separately say that even the simplest element, with the right artistic approach, can be used as a magnificent subject of stylization and design.

Kitchen wall decor adds the finishing touches to the renovation. Perhaps another purpose of decoration is to change the kitchen interior without significant financial investments. Let's look at how you can decorate the walls of your own kitchen, what materials are used for decorative finishing, and how to decorate a wall with your own hands.

Interior decor - what is it for?

Decorating or decorating the interior adds touches of personality to the kitchen space. Wall decor in the kitchen creates special beauty and aesthetics. Forms the mood, maintains style, and ensures the comfort of a family vacation.

The theme and style of decorative items depends on the hobbies of the owners. Children or fishing, beautiful food or expensive dishes, travel, fashion, different kinds handmade. A decorative item not only decorates the wall, it demonstrates the inner world of the owners of the house, their dreams, wishes, and hobbies.

Decorating the walls in the kitchen with paintings or photographs is fashionable and modern

Also check out the article.

How to decorate a wall in the kitchen?

To decorate the wall in the kitchen, paintings, three-dimensional images, bas-reliefs, as well as decorative dishes, fabric drapery, and carved wooden elements are used. Let's take a closer look at the types of decor.

Paintings and three-dimensional images

The first and main decoration of any walls is images. They can be flat and three-dimensional, contour and silhouette, realistic or abstract. The technique of making the image is also different.

  • The drawing can be applied with paint (not everyone can do this kind of work with their own hands, so a professional artist is needed). Or make patterns using a stencil.
  • Image - sticker or vinyl stickers.
  • Pictures on glass.
  • Pictorial reproductions.
  • Photo wallpaper.
  • Photo collages and photographs.
  • Decoupage.

The dimensions of the decor depend on the interior space. If the wall is large, you can make one large drawing or hang several small pictures. If certain sections of the wall are open for decoration, it makes sense to use small stickers and individual pictures. Images located in different parts of the wall should be united by one theme. Let's give examples of how to decorate a wall in the kitchen with pictures and images.

Vinyl stickers

Decorative vinyl decals (stickers) - allow you to get an aesthetic image on the wall, while decorating the kitchen walls with your own hands. Stickers are easily pasted on walls, furniture facades, glass, and doors. Their water and wear resistance makes it possible to cover cars and outdoor advertising elements. Therefore, in the kitchen, stickers will serve for a long time and with high quality.

Vinyl stickers stick best to painted walls and smooth wallpaper. Vinyl is a moisture-resistant material, so gluing it will additionally protect the wall from getting wet.

Images on glass

Bright images on glass can be factory-made items or your own creation. This DIY kitchen wall decoration uses stained glass paints or stained glass film with a ready-made pattern. Glass fragments are mounted on the walls of modern kitchen interiors. You can print a photograph, portrait, or any desired image on glass (ordered at copy centers).

The decor with glass elements looks very modern and unites bright color and shine of the glass surface.

Reproductions and paintings

Decorating a wall in the kitchen with painting is used in classic style. The most suitable subjects are images of food, still lifes with fruits and drinks, paintings of the grape harvest. The theme of the image will influence the appetite of the owners and the atmosphere of the family feast.

Now let’s look at what else, besides images, you can decorate your kitchen walls with.

Clock on the wall

An unusual wall decoration in the kitchen is a large wall clock. They can be mounted directly on a vertical surface; a mechanism from wall clock. The imagination of the owners often replaces ordinary arrows with cutlery (forks and knives). You can also use cutlery (spoons and spoons) to represent the dial.

Exhibition of decorative plates

Wall decor in the kitchen can be done with tableware. Traditionally it is stored in cabinets and on shelves. But you can decorate the kitchen walls with bright painted plates. Let’s immediately make a reservation that plates hung on the wall do not participate in table setting. These are special souvenir products made in the form of ceramic dishes and plates.

The bottom of the souvenir plate is covered with an image. The themes of the pictures are different. These could be flowers and spring, fruits and vegetables, religious subjects, words and inscriptions (for example, declarations of love or good wishes). The different images on the plates should be united by one common theme, such as a travel collection, bouquets of flowers, painting, or apt statements about food.

In order to make the most of individual creativity, the plates are hand-painted or white dishes are decorated using the decoupage technique. Then they decorate the walls with them. The alternation of dishes and plates should also be interesting, reminiscent of a pattern or contour drawing.

Kitchen wall decor using natural materials

Naturalness and naturalness are coming back into fashion. You can decorate your walls simply and tastefully natural materials. How to decorate a wall in the kitchen rustic style(country or provence)?

  • Seeds, grains and straws are traditional materials for making amulets. They are glued to wooden planks, decorative brooms or directly to the wall. We offer the following ideas for gluing: arrange the seeds in the form of patterns, schematic images of flowers or stripes inside an abstract outline.
  • Dried leaves - you can use them to make any applications, depict falling leaves or an autumn carpet. The surface of the leaves and seeds is varnished. It securely fixes them to the wall and protects them from wet steam and dirt.

Plants as decoration

Living vegetation and indoor flowers add optimism, confidence and tranquility to any interior. You can enhance the impression of closeness to nature with a small aquarium built into the kitchen wall.

Individual pots of plants can be secured closer to the corners of the room or along the top of the wall.

Theme of images and color

The subject of kitchen images can be different. But often the walls in the kitchen are decorated with table-themed items. Images of beautiful table settings, fresh fruit, tableware, and aromatic coffee traditionally decorate the walls of cafes, restaurants and home kitchens.

In addition to table motifs, the following are used:

  • national theme;
  • stylization of cave drawings;
  • African, Egyptian motifs;
  • sacred symbols.

The color of the decor should not only match the design of the kitchen. The choice of color should take into account its effect on a person. For example, green color relieves fatigue, yellow - uplifts the mood, blue - pacifies, red - incites decisive action.

Decorating kitchen walls with shelves

Great idea - decorating with shelves

Narrow open cabinets with shelves look like beautiful pictures with still lifes. You can place sets, vases, candlesticks, objects on them kitchen utensils. Open shelves are beneficial due to their functionality and optimal distribution of free space. Visually, they take up almost no space.

Wall decoration with decorative materials

Decorative wall decoration in the kitchen can also become an interior decoration. Let's list the materials that give the wall an unusual look.

  • Decorative plaster. This textured material allows you to create relief images on the wall. The composition of the plaster includes various natural and synthetic fillers. The textured surface can imitate tree bark, fabric texture, natural stone. Additional advantages: textured surfaces absorb sound well, prevent echoes, and create a feeling of comfort.
  • Tile and mosaic tiles- not only prevent the wall from getting wet. They allow you to create patterns, achieve the desired combination of colors and their brightness. Tile traditionally protects the portion of the wall around the sink and above the countertop.
  • Vinyl and glass wallpaper. Vinyl trim has a coating of PVC films, which protects walls from dirt and makes cleaning easier. The vinyl layer can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth. Fiberglass wallpaper is absolutely moisture resistant. They are not afraid of mechanical damage, temperature, fire and are distinguished by enviable strength.
  • Decorative stone is brought into the interior in fragments so as not to burden the kitchen space. Decorative stone you can lay out the lower part of the walls, the space next to the arch, part of the wall under the window sill. In the interior of a country kitchen, one of the walls of the room can be lined with artificial stone.
  • Cork wallpaper and panels enhance the feeling of naturalness and demonstrate the interesting texture of cork. You can use a conglomerate (more cheap material, where cork chips are connected with a synthetic binder) or natural veneer (a more expensive cut of cork). Wax-coated cork panels are moisture-resistant and can be used to cover the wall space along the countertop and around the sink.
  • Wooden panels - lining. For use in the kitchen they are varnished. Natural wood creates a pleasant background and flavor for a family dinner.

The walls of the kitchen room are one of the most suitable places for creativity. It is not necessary to use expensive Decoration Materials. It is enough to turn to fiction and create unique design own kitchen.