Maintenance definition GOST. Repair and finishing - building rules and standards. Types of maintenance

GOST 15.601-98

UDC 658.58:002:006.354 Group T51


System for developing and launching products


Basic provisions

System of product development and launching into manufacture.

Industrial products maintenance. Principal positions

Date of introduction 1999-07-01


1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Standardization (VNIIstandart) of the State Standard of Russia, Rosenergoatom Concern

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 13-98 of May 28, 1998)

State name

Name of the national standardization body

Republic of Armenia


Republic of Belarus

State Standard of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



Main State Inspectorate of Turkmenistan

State Standard of Ukraine

3 INTRODUCED directly as a state standard of the Russian Federation by Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology dated February 15, 1999 No. 41 interstate standard GOST 15.601-98 from July 1, 1999.


1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes requirements for technical maintenance (MOT) and repair of equipment and the conditions for their implementation.

The standard applies to national economic products.

GOST 14.205-83 Manufacturability of product design. Terms and Definitions

GOST 15.000-82* System for developing and putting products into production. General provisions


* GOST R 15.000-94 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

GOST 27.002-89 Reliability in technology. Basic concepts. Terms and Definitions

GOST 18322-78 System of technical maintenance and repair of equipment. Terms and Definitions

GOST 21623-76 System of technical maintenance and repair of equipment. Indicators for assessing maintainability. Terms and Definitions

GOST 23660-79 System of technical maintenance and repair of equipment. Ensuring maintainability in product development

3 Definitions

This standard uses terms with corresponding definitions in the field of maintenance and repair - in accordance with GOST 18322, as well as those given below:

Maintainability - according to GOST 27.002.

The manufacturability of the product design is in accordance with GOST 14.205.

National economic products - products developed and manufactured to meet the needs of the national economy, population and exports.

Special means of maintenance and repair - means of technological equipment for maintenance and repair, intended for processing (disassembly, machining, welding, assembly, etc.), control and movement of identical components of products of the same type (brand).

Specialized maintenance and repair tools are means of technological equipment for maintenance and repair, designed to perform certain processing operations (disassembly, machining, welding, assembly, etc.), control and movement on components of products of various types.

4 General provisions

4.1 Maintenance and repair are types of work (types of impact on the product) in the typical life cycle of the product. Types of work - according to GOST 15.000.

4.2 A necessary condition for performing maintenance and repair is the presence of a Maintenance and Equipment Repair System (STORT), which includes:

products - maintenance and repair objects;

maintenance and repair products;

maintenance and repair performers (organizations, specialists);

documentation (design, including operational and repair, regulatory, organizational, technological, etc.) establishing requirements for the components of STOIRT and the connections between them.

4.3 When developing a product, the issue of its Maintenance and Repair System (MSR) is resolved as follows:

a STORE is created for the product;

The existing STOIR is being modernized for the product;

The product is being developed for the existing STOIR.

4.4 The requirements for STOIR products are generally included in the following documents:

initial customer requirements;

technical specifications for product development or a document replacing it;

explanatory notes to the technical proposal, preliminary and technical designs;

operational and repair documentation.

4.5 The requirements for the maintenance and repair of the product, established in the operational and repair design documentation, must be sufficient for its organization and operation.

5 Products as objects of maintenance and repair

5.1 Products as objects of maintenance and repair are most fully characterized by the property “repairability”.

5.2 The maintainability of the product is determined by the following factors:

the need for maintenance and repair of the product;

manufacturability of the product design during maintenance and repair;

requirements for maintenance and repair performers.

Determination of manufacturability of a product design - according to GOST 14.205.

The procedure for testing products for maintainability based on the listed factors is in accordance with GOST 23660.

5.3 The need for maintenance and repair of a product depends on the durability, reliability and preservation of its components and connections.

5.4 The manufacturability of the design of the product and its individual components depends on:

testability, accessibility and ease of removal of the product and its components;

interchangeability and restoreability of product components;

unification of the component parts of the product and tools used for maintenance and repair of the product.

5.5 Requirements for maintenance and repair performers depend on:

definability and clarity of designations of places for performing maintenance and repair operations;

ensuring uniformity of assembly;

availability of the necessary markings;

clarity and conciseness of instructions in operational and repair documentation;

limiting the requirements for professional training and qualifications of maintenance and repair performers.

5.6 The maintainability of the product is ensured during its testing as an object of maintenance and repair.

5.7 Testing the product as a maintenance and repair item includes:

development of failure criteria and limit states of the product and its components in accordance with the requirements for their reliability;

ensuring the specified maintainability of the product.

5.8 The maintainability program must be an integral part of the product reliability program.

5.9 Maintainability indicators - according to GOST 27.002 and GOST 21623.

General rules and procedures for ensuring maintainability when developing products - according to GOST 23660.

6 Information support for STOIR products

6.1 Information support for STOIR products is a set of documents establishing requirements for the components of STOIR and the connections between them at the stages of product development and operation.

6.2 Information support for STORI products is intended for:

formation of the organizational structure of maintenance and repair services;

ensuring timely maintenance and repair of products with a given quality;

long-term and current planning of maintenance and repairs.

6.3 Information support for the STORE product includes the following types of documents:

design, including operational and repair;

technical conditions for repairs;

organizational and technical documents;

technological documents;

data for monitoring the effectiveness of the functioning of the STORI product.

6.4 The documents included in the kit are developed based on the relevant requirements of the following interstate standards:

included in the "Unified System of Design Documentation";

included in the complex "System of technical maintenance and repair of equipment";

establishing requirements for maintenance and repair of certain types of equipment;

included in the "Technical Diagnostics" complex;

included in the "Unified System of Technological Documentation";

establishing requirements for safety, environmental friendliness and compatibility of products.

6.5 For each type of product, an appropriate set of documents must be developed, which must contain:

the structure of the repair cycle (types and frequency of maintenance and repairs) and the number of repair cycles over the service life of the product;

volume of scheduled maintenance and repairs;

criteria for placing a product for maintenance and repair;

typical product failures and methods for restoring its functionality;

permitted changes in the technical characteristics of the product after repair;

nomenclature and quantity of spare parts for maintenance and repair;

a system for collecting and processing information about failures, damage, duration, labor intensity and cost of planned and unscheduled maintenance and repairs.

7 Logistics support for maintenance and repair

7.1 Logistics support for maintenance and repair (MRO) includes the provision of maintenance and repair with spare parts, materials and means of maintenance and repair.

7.2 At the stage of development and manufacturing of the product in relation to its production program, the following MTO tasks should be solved:

preliminary determination of the range and quantity of spare parts and materials required to perform all types of maintenance and repair of products, taking into account the mode and conditions of their operation;

development of a spare parts production program;

determination of the range of means for maintenance and repair of products, including special and specialized ones;

development of special and specialized maintenance and repair tools;

preliminary determination of the required quantity of special maintenance and repair equipment, taking into account the product production program;

organization of production of special maintenance and repair equipment for the product fleet.

7.3 At the stage of product operation, the following tasks should be solved:

organization of maintenance and repair points, including their equipping with maintenance and repair equipment;

production of spare parts and special means for maintenance and repair of products;

provision of maintenance and repair points with spare parts and materials;

organization, if necessary, of production for the restoration of product components;

operational logistics planning.

7.4 The basis of logistics operational planning is the constant accounting of changing material inventories. When planning logistics, the following are taken into account:

composition and size of the product fleet;

operating conditions of products;

reliability indicators of product components;

location of points with material supplies;

organizing the provision of spare parts and materials;

replenishment mode.

7.5 The quality of logistics is determined by:

quality of spare parts, materials and maintenance and repair products;

validity of stock standards;

compliance of actual reserves with standards;

efficiency and flexibility of the logistics system, including the organization of inventory storage;

taking into account the movement of inventories.

8 Operation of STOIR products

8.1 The readiness of a STOIR product for operation is determined by the availability of means, performers, maintenance and repair documentation and the conditions necessary for their effective interaction.

8.2 The functioning of the STOIR product involves the following:

scheduled maintenance and repairs within a given time frame with a given quality with optimal costs of labor and money;

unscheduled repairs with appropriate quality and costs of labor, money and time.

8.3 During the operation of the STOIR product, the following tasks must be solved:

ensuring conditions for timely and appropriate quality maintenance and repairs;

maintenance and repair planning;

performing maintenance and repairs;

monitoring the timeliness and quality of maintenance and repairs, including systematization and analysis of operational data on the reliability and efficiency of use of products.

8.4 The organizational structure of the STOIR product is determined by:

conditions for performing maintenance and repair - place of operation of the product, place of operation of the product with some of the work performed at specialized enterprises, specialized enterprise;

performers - operational personnel, specialized personnel of the operating organization, branded maintenance (branded repairs), a combined composition of performers;

repair method - non-impersonal; impersonal, including aggregate;

maintenance and repair strategy - regulated maintenance, maintenance with periodic monitoring of parameters, maintenance with continuous monitoring of parameters, regulated repairs, repairs based on technical condition.

8.5 STOIR products should be adjusted in accordance with operational data on the reliability of products and changing operating conditions.

8.6 The quality of maintenance and repair of products is determined by:

property of the product as an object of maintenance and repair - manufacturability of the product during maintenance and repair and requirements for maintenance and repair performers;

conditions for performing maintenance and repair - availability of the necessary production space and technological equipment, sufficiency of supplies of materials and spare parts, use of advanced methods of monitoring (diagnosis) of the technical condition of products, qualifications of maintenance and repair performers, compliance with production and technological discipline.

8.7 The quality of the product after maintenance and repair is determined by:

technical condition of the product received for maintenance or repair;

quality of spare parts (new and refurbished) and materials used for maintenance and repair;

quality of maintenance and repairs.

8.8 The effectiveness of a product’s STOIR determines its ability to maintain and restore the specified properties of these products and ensure a given level of their technical readiness with optimal expenditure of time, labor and money. Efficiency indicators - according to GOST 18322.

8.9 The efficiency of the STORE product can be increased by:

improving the design of the product as an object of maintenance and repair;

improving the strategy for maintenance and repair of the product in accordance with operational data on its reliability;

development of operational and repair documentation;

improving the organization of maintenance and repair, including logistics;

improvement of technological processes of maintenance and repair;

optimization of the composition of maintenance and repair performers.

2.1. Maintenance (MA) is a set of operations to maintain the operability of equipment during its operation, while waiting (if the equipment is in reserve), storage and transportation.

The maintenance includes the following set of works:

  • maintaining equipment in good (or only operational) condition;
  • cleaning, lubrication, adjustment and tightening of detachable connections, replacement of individual components (wearing parts) in order to prevent damage and progressive wear, as well as eliminating minor damage.

In the scope of maintenance, work can be performed to assess the technical condition of equipment to clarify the timing and scope of subsequent maintenance and repairs.

The TOP system is a system of maintenance and repair (planned and based on the actual technical condition of the equipment).

The maintenance and repair system based on technical condition includes carrying out maintenance, diagnostic inspections of technical condition, performing work during routine shutdowns* and restoring the operating condition in the event of deviation of the values ​​of the diagnosed parameters from those established by the regulatory and technical documentation.

* Routine shutdown - stopping the operation of equipment to carry out work regulated by current regulatory and technical documents (passports, specifications, RD, etc.)

2.2. The specific content of work for each type of maintenance of enterprise equipment is determined by job descriptions and regulations set out in this document for the type of equipment.

2.3. Repair is a set of operations to restore serviceability or performance and fully or partially restore the service life of equipment and its components, ensuring operation with a given reliability and efficiency during the periods between repairs and diagnostic controls.

2.4. Current repair (T) - repairs carried out during operation to ensure the operability of the equipment, consisting of the replacement and restoration of its individual parts and their adjustment.

2.5. Current repairs are prescribed to prevent failures and restore the functionality of enterprise equipment.

2.6. Medium repair (C) - repair performed to restore the operability and partially restore the service life of equipment based on diagnostic results and the amount of its operating time with the replacement or restoration of components of a limited range and monitoring the technical condition of the components, carried out to an established extent.

2.7. Overhaul (K) - repairs carried out to restore serviceability and complete or close to full restoration of equipment life with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones, and their adjustment.

2.9. Operational diagnostic control - monitoring the technical condition of equipment, carried out in accordance with the schedule, as well as the operational parameters of the equipment at a given time and over time.

2.10. Scheduled diagnostic control is monitoring the actual technical condition of an enterprise’s equipment according to parameters that allow one to assess the technical condition of the equipment, make a forecast of its performance, operating time before repair or until the next diagnostic control, and determine the volume and type of repair.

2.11. Unscheduled diagnostic monitoring is monitoring of the technical condition of enterprise equipment, carried out in the event of a sharp change in the values ​​of constantly monitored parameters or in the case when, based on the results of operational monitoring, a decision is made on the expected development of a defect.

2.12. Operable state (operability) - a state of equipment in which the values ​​of all parameters characterizing the ability to perform specified functions comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical and (or) design (project) documentation.

2.13. Inoperable state (inoperability) is a state of an object in which the value of at least one parameter characterizing the ability to perform specified functions does not meet the requirements of regulatory, technical and (or) design (project) documentation.

2.14. Frequency of maintenance (repair, diagnostic control) - the time interval or operating time between a given type of maintenance (repair, diagnostic control) and the subsequent type of the same or another of greater complexity.

The type of maintenance (repair, diagnostic control) is understood as maintenance (repair, diagnostic control), allocated (allocated) according to one of the following criteria:

stage of existence, frequency, scope of work, operating conditions, regulation.

2.15. Repair cycle is the smallest repeating time interval or equipment operating time, during which all established types of repairs are carried out in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

2.16. Repair based on technical condition - repair in which technical condition monitoring is carried out at intervals and to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation, and the volume and time of repair is determined by the current technical condition, information about which is obtained from the results of diagnostic testing or reliability data product or its components.

2.17. Depending on the degree of equipment malfunction, repairs can be carried out according to the standard scope of work for current, medium or major repairs.

2.18. Routine shutdown - stopping the operation of equipment for maintenance, diagnostic and repair work, regulated by current regulatory and technical documents (passports, technical specifications, GOST, RD, etc.).

2.19. Operating hours - the total duration or volume of equipment operation.

2.20. The operating time until the scheduled shutdown is considered to be the operating time before the work regulated by other applicable documents.

2.21. Labor intensity of maintenance (repair, diagnostic control) - labor costs for one maintenance (repair, control) of this type.

2.22. Spare part (spare part) is a component of equipment intended to replace a similar part that was in operation in order to maintain or restore the functionality of the equipment.

2.23. The exchange fund is a stock of essential spare parts located at specially designated storage bases to restore the quantity of spare parts and promptly carry out repair work to restore the functionality of the enterprise equipment.

2.24 TDiNO service - technical diagnostics and equipment reliability service

Introduction to RK, PC contains:

  • the purpose of the RK, PC and the procedure for using it;
  • requirements ();
  • list of documents that should be used together with the Republic of Kazakhstan, PC;
  • symbols and abbreviations adopted in the Republic of Kazakhstan, PC;
  • characteristics of this product as an object of repair;
  • a list of the main design differences and design options for products of various series and years of manufacture.

[from clause 7.1.2 GOST 2.602-2013]

Organization of repairs

The “Repair organization” section consists of subsections:

  • instructions for organizing repairs;
  • instructions for organizing defect detection and repair of the product, taking into account modifications;
  • recommended and typical repairs of the product;
  • a list of technical measures related to product repair, including measures to ensure the safety of the equipment during repair;
  • list of repairs etc.

[from clause 7.1.3 GOST 2.602-2013]

Instructions for organizing defect detection and repair of the product, taking into account modifications

In the subsection “Instructions for organizing defect detection and repair of a product, taking into account modifications” the following is given:

  • preparing the product and equipment for defect detection and repair (washing, surface cleaning, corrosion protection, removal of toxic chemicals, etc.);
  • disassembling the product at the midrange;
  • determination of the total volume of repair work and needs.

[from clause GOST 2.602-2013]

List of repair equipment and measuring instruments

The subsection “List of repair equipment and measuring instruments” is recommended to be presented in the form presented in Table 4.

Table 4 - List of repair equipment and measuring instruments

[from clause GOST 2.602-2013]

Security measures

The “Safety Precautions” section contains instructions on:

  • electrical, fire, explosion and radiation safety;
  • safety from exposure to chemically hazardous and polluting substances;
  • safety during operation of repair equipment and measuring (testing) instruments;
  • safety during operation of lifting and transport devices, pressure vessels;
  • localization and;
  • signal. The instructions placed in the section must comply with the SSBT.

[from clause 7.1.4 GOST 2.602-2013]

Repair requirements

The “Repair Requirements” section contains subsections:

  • requirements for products sent for repair;
  • requirements for repaired products;
  • repair requirements;
  • requirements for acceptance for repair and storage of repair stock;
  • requirements for dismantling from the site and subsequent disassembly of the product;
  • defect detection requirements;
  • requirements for identifying and;
  • requirements for and necessary to determine them before repair, during testing and acceptance after repair.

[from clause 7.1.5 GOST 2.602-2013]

Repairability requirements

The subsection “Requirements for repair manufacturability” contains the requirements of products in accordance with GOST 23660, laid down during the design and manufacture of products [from clause of GOST 2.602-2013]

Requirements for acceptance for repair and storage of repair stock

The subsection “Requirements for acceptance for repair and storage of repair stock” contains:

  • instructions for transporting the repair stock to the location of the repair body, taking into account the RD;
  • conditions for accepting the product for repair;
  • instructions for transportation during repair of the product and equipment within the territory of the repair authority;
  • instructions on the procedure, conditions, terms and places of storage of the repair fund.

[from clause GOST 2.602-2013]

Requirements for dismantling from the site and subsequent disassembly of the product

The subsection “Requirements for removal from the site and subsequent disassembly of the product”, if the product is installed at the site, contains:

  • rules for dismantling from the facility on which the product is mounted;
  • a diagram of disassembling the product to the extent that makes it possible to carry out defect detection of parts. If the RD does not provide instructions on dismantling the product, then the section provides:
  • dismantling the product from the facility;
  • instructions for defect detection of the dismantled product as a whole to identify and;
  • instructions on the procedure for preparing the product for disassembly, the procedure for disassembling the product and its assembly units;
  • a list of parts that are removed from the product for replacement and repair without further disassembly;
  • a list of assembly units that are not subject to disassembly;
  • composition and content of work on installation of plugs, marking, temporary anti-corrosion protection, packaging;
  • features of storage and transportation of large-sized CPs during repairs;
  • maintaining the remaining components on the product in working condition;
  • safety measures caused by the features of dismantling.

[from clause GOST 2.602-2013]

Defect detection requirements

The subsection “Requirements for defect detection” contains:

  1. requirements for defects in the assembled product;
  2. requirements for defect detection of assembly units and parts. The need for defect detection of assembly units in assembled or disassembled form is established based on the results of the assembled product;
  3. a list of possible failures and damages, signs of failures and damages, methods for identifying the results of failures and damages for each CP and methods for their elimination;
  4. and characteristics () of the midrange according to which:
    1. these midrange units cannot be repaired;
    2. the product and its midrange are released from repair;
    3. Midrange products may not be repairable;
    4. list of components subject to mandatory replacement (by period, by operating time);
    5. MF drawings indicating zones and possible ones;
    6. connection diagrams for monitoring;
    7. carrying out and processing.

[from clause GOST 2.602-2013]

For midrange products with similar technical characteristics, it is allowed to make a card with a general name, for example, “Fastening parts”, “Rolling bearings”. The sketch should indicate controlled dimensions, surfaces, welds, etc. The controlled parameters, if necessary, can be divided into control zones. The boundaries of the zone, in the absence of visible landmarks, should be determined by the dimensions indicated on the sketch. In the columns of the card indicate:

  • in the “Designation” column, the designation of the interface, the controlled size, surface or control zone, the number of the weld or the designation of the intersection of the welds, indicated by the numbers of the welds, separated by a dash, for example, No. 1 No. 2 and other parameters;
  • in the “Possible defect” column, possible defects in joints, controlled surface dimensions, welds, and other parameters. Defects should be indicated starting with minor ones;
  • in the column “Method for identifying a defect”, the control method used to establish the defect indicated in the column “Possible defect”;
  • in the column “Measuring instrument” the name and designation of the measuring instruments (according to the standard, specifications);
  • in the column “Conclusion and recommended repair methods” the conclusion is indicated with the words “replacement”, “repair”;
  • in the column “Requirements after repair”, the requirements for the product (SP) after repair, for example:
    • to mates;
    • to dimensions controlled after repair;
    • to the shapes and arrangement of surfaces;
    • to the roughness and hardness of surfaces;
    • for welding, soldering and surfacing;
    • to tightness (strength);
    • to the tightening torques of threaded connections;
    • to electrical parameters.

[from clause GOST 2.602-2013]

Requirements for identifying the consequences of failures and damages

The subsection “Requirements for identifying the consequences of failures and damages” contains:

  • a list of basic checks of the technical condition of the product and equipment, methods for conducting them and identifying damage;
  • list of typical failures and damages. It is recommended to carry out a list of basic technical condition checks in the form of Table 5.

Table 5 - List of technical condition checks

Checks must be provided with the measuring instruments and tools available to the repair authorities, included in the repair kit and spare parts for repairs. Methods for conducting and identifying the results of failures and damages usually indicate:

  • equipment for identifying failures and damage;
  • procedure for searching and identifying the results of failures and damages;
  • technical requirements for the product, assembly units, parts, determining their failures and damage;
  • parameters and characteristics (properties) of the product, midrange, necessary to determine the technical condition of the product and midrange;
  • the procedure for disassembling (dismantling) the product and midrange to search for failures and damage;
  • labor costs for types of work. The list of typical failures and damages contains:
    • name and description of characteristics of failures and damages of products and their components;
    • possible causes of failures and damage;
    • basic methods for eliminating failures and damage.

[from clause GOST 2.602-2013]

If necessary, it is recommended to present the requirements for MF connections in the form presented in Table 6.

Table 6 - Norms of clearances and interference

Sketch number

Mating designation

Positions of mating components

Designation of mating components

Name of mating components

Size according to drawing

Clearance (+), interference (-), mm

according to drawing

ultimate after repair

[from clause GOST 2.602-2013]

Requirements for tightening torques of threaded connections, if necessary, are recommended to be presented in the form presented in Table 7.

Table 7 - Tightening torques for threaded connections

[from clause GOST 2.602-2013]


The “Repair” section contains general information about the methods and rules for typical repairs of assembly units and parts, detachable and permanent connections. The section also, if necessary, provides:

  • repair drawings;
  • instructions for applying protective coatings;
  • instructions on finishing the product after repair;
  • lists of parts to be manufactured when repairing the product. For all midrange products that change during operation and are restored during repair, it is recommended to additionally indicate in this section:
    • main technical characteristics and parameters, including dimensions and their maximum deviations;
    • methods of disassembly, repair, assembly, adjustment (adjustment), inspection (monitoring) and testing;
    • equipment;
    • values ​​of the parameters and characteristics (properties) of the mid-range product, with which they are allowed in the product without repair, if their production does not exceed;
    • labor costs. In addition, in the section when replacing the midrange of a product for each separate or functional part of the product during repair, the following is given:
    • the maximum possible range of midrange products that can be replaced by repair agencies;
    • instructions for partial disassembly (dismantling) of the product to identify faulty parts;
    • instructions for installing a serviceable (new from the spare parts kit or repaired) assembly unit and subsequent assembly of the product;
    • method of regulation (adjustment) and testing of the product after replacing the assembly unit.

[from clause 7.1.6 GOST 2.602-2013]

Replacement of components, modification

The section “Replacement of components, modification” consists of subsections:

  • replacement of components;
  • revision.

[from clause 7.1.7 GOST 2.602-2013]

Replacement of components

The subsection “Replacement of components” contains:

  • description of work on disassembling the product and assembly units to identify faulty midrange components;
  • description of the assembly (installation) work of the product and assembly units after replacing the midrange unit;
  • methodology for regulating (adjusting) and checking the product and assembly units after replacing the midrange unit;
  • technical requirements for replacing midrange frequencies, the parameters of which are selected experimentally (for example, resistors, capacitors) with methods for their selection and regulation (tuning);
  • a list of equipment and measuring instruments required for work on replacing the midrange unit;
  • labor costs.

[from clause GOST 2.602-2013]


The “Rework” subsection contains:

  • requirements for the modified product and midrange;
  • a list of basic work on the product (assembly units), which were not modified before entering repair;
  • list and rules for checking products modified during repair and their parts for compliance with the requirements. The section also indicates:
    • the basis and duration of the revision;
    • numbers of batches (series) of products (serial numbers) that are subject to modification;
    • instructions for finalizing the midrange product;
    • additional instructions on the scope and procedure for testing the product after it has been modified during repair;
    • list of measuring instruments in the spare parts kit related to modification.

[from clause GOST 2.602-2013]

Assembly, testing, regulation (tuning)

Section “Assembly, testing, regulation (setting)” contains:

  • assembly diagram of the repaired product;
  • assembly drawings;
  • rules for assembling a repaired product and its assembly units;
  • procedure and rules for checking the quality of a repaired product;
  • procedure and methods of regulation (adjustment) of assembly units and the product as a whole;
  • technical requirements for assembled assembly units and the product as a whole and methods for checking assembly quality;
  • special instructions on safety precautions during assembly;
  • list of assembly and regulation equipment (settings);
  • a list of works for replacing assembly units with new and repaired ones (for each replaced assembly unit, the method of additional regulation is indicated);
  • instructions for locking (locking) and sealing during assembly;
  • methods and means of ensuring the cleanliness of internal cavities during assembly;
  • procedure and rules for checking the quality of work and methods of monitoring for the absence of foreign objects in the product;
  • procedure for a comprehensive inspection of the assembled product.

[from clause 7.1.8 GOST 2.602-2013]

Testing, inspection and acceptance after repair

The section “Tests, inspection and acceptance after repair” contains:

  • a list of mandatory product quality checks after repair;
  • instructions for determining, location, and testing of the product;
  • requirements for providing testing with measuring instruments, etc.;
  • procedure for registration and methods of processing test results;
  • list of work carried out on the product after testing;
  • rules for accepting a repaired product;
  • instructions on the organization of regulation, testing and acceptance of the repaired product and MF. For repaired products, it is recommended to provide and;
  • (during revision).
  • rules and methods for testing the product and midrange;
  • scope of inspections, regulation (adjustment) of the product on site (if the product is installed on site);
  • selection rules and list of means of regulation (setting) of tests and measurements, preparation procedure, test conditions and modes;
  • methods for assessing a repaired product as installed;
  • the procedure for processing, evaluating and recording test results;
  • labor costs.

[from clause 7.1.9 GOST 2.602-2013]

Installation and testing of products on site

The section “Installation and testing of products on site” generally contains:

  • instructions for transportation to the installation site;
  • procedure and rules for preparing the product for installation and installation of the product on site;
  • inspection procedure and product control methods;
  • the procedure for inspections and those that are subject to control during installation;
  • control methods and acceptance rules after installation;
  • methods of regulation (adjustment) and testing of an assembled product with object elements;
  • list of means of regulation (settings) etc. The section is included in the RC, PC, if there are no sufficient instructions in the RD, as well as in case of installation features of the repaired product.

[from clause 7.1.10 GOST 2.602-2013]

Protective coatings and lubrication

The section “Protective coatings and lubrication” contains:

  • instructions for organizing the restoration of protective coatings and their purpose;
  • surface preparation procedure;
  • provisions for defect detection of coatings and elimination of possible defects in restored and newly applied coatings;
  • the procedure and rules for restoration and application of coatings and lubrication, a list of equipment necessary for this;
  • special security measures;
  • characteristics of those used and their substitutes;
  • instructions for lubrication of the midrange of the product and the product as a whole (as a rule, they are given as an addition to the lubrication table placed on the product with indication of substitutes).

[from clause 7.1.11 GOST 2.602-2013]

Labeling, preservation

The section “Labelling, preservation” contains:

  • instructions for marking after repair of the product and equipment, containers, packaging materials, list of equipment;
  • marking method (engraving, etching, etc.);
  • requirements for the content and quality of labeling;
  • instructions for the selection of methods of preservation and re-preservation of only those mid-life, repaired products, the methods of preservation of which are not specified in the RD;
  • requirements for premises and features of re-preservation of repaired products for maintenance during storage in a repair facility;
  • general instructions on the use of temporary protection of products and their intermediate parts from corrosion and aging;
  • a list of equipment and measuring equipment used during conservation (re-preservation);
  • features of preservation methods for individual assembly units of a product for various storage options (if necessary);
  • additional security measures (if necessary).

[from clause 7.1.12 GOST 2.602-2013]

Assembling, packaging, transportation and storage

The section “Assembly, packaging, transportation and storage” contains:

  • instructions for completing the product after repair with spare parts and documentation;
  • rules for preparing the product for packaging (packaging) indicating the equipment;
  • characteristics of transport packaging (packages, containers, pallets, etc.) and requirements for its use;
  • characteristics of auxiliary materials for packaging;
  • methods of packaging the product depending on transportation conditions;
  • placement order and method of laying the product;
  • a list of documents placed in the container when packaging the product, and the method of packaging them;
  • types of transport (air, rail, water, road) and vehicles (covered or open cars, holds or decks of ships, etc.);
  • methods of covering and securing the product;
  • requirements for transportation of the product by specialized transport, in universal or special containers;
  • transportation parameters (range, speed, etc.);
  • permissible mechanical and other types of impact during transportation, the need for protection from external influences, from impacts during loading and unloading, exposure to normal conditions after exposure to high or low temperatures;
  • storage conditions of the product;
  • requirements for the storage location (shed, covered warehouse, etc.);
  • storage temperature and re-preservation periods (if necessary);
  • methods of laying the product (in stacks, racks, etc.);
  • rules for storing fuels and lubricants;
  • lists of equipment and materials for sealing, packaging, transportation and storage of products during repairs. The information placed in this section should not repeat the information available in the RD.

[from clause 7.1.13 GOST 2.602-2013]

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, PC, additionally, if necessary, provide:

  • features of repair of a basic midrange product;
  • methods for ensuring repair of midrange products with partial disassembly of the product;
  • the maximum possible range of midrange products that can be replaced and (or) restored taking into account minimal disassembly;
  • a minimum number of equipment for repairs and repair specialists.

[from clause 7.1.14 GOST 2.602-2013]

In the appendices to the RoK, PC, information is placed that is not included in the document; as a rule, the following is placed in them:

  • standard repair scheme;
  • list of work performed during repairs;
  • standard lists of equipment for repairs;
  • forms of safety briefing logs;
  • methods for finding typical faults (failures and damage);
  • tables of SP parameters, for example, surface hardness values, ratios of hardness values;
  • indexes of documents defining lists of purchased products and materials approved for use in products of a given type (group);
  • information on replacing materials when repairing a product in the form given in Table 8;

Table 8 - Summary table for replacement of materials

  • methods of individual standard and special types of tests of individual mid-range products or the product as a whole, indicating equipment and measuring instruments;
  • product lubrication tables;
  • tables of coloring of the product and its midrange;
  • separate instructions for assembling and adjusting (adjusting) complex assembly units and the product as a whole;
  • list of product improvements;
  • list of interchangeability of main assembly units;
  • a list of parts that are replaced during repairs, regardless of their technical condition;
  • a list of midrange products that affect assemblies and are not subject to disassembly during repairs;
  • a list of midrange products that require individual selection, adjustment and joint running-in;
  • load diagrams of the main structural elements of the product and tightening torques of threaded connections;
  • a list of possible (characteristics) malfunctions with methods for identifying and eliminating them;
  • list of lubricants and paints and varnishes, special liquids and their substitutes.

1. This standard establishes the purpose and composition of the set of standards “System for technical maintenance and repair of equipment” (STOIRT) and the rules for designating related state standards.

2. The STOIRT set of standards is intended for regulatory support of the system of technical maintenance and repair of equipment.

3. Determination of the system for maintenance and repair of equipment - according to GOST 18322-78.

4. The requirements established by the STOIRT standards should be aimed at:

Ensuring a given level of readiness of products for intended use and their performance during use;

Reducing the cost of time, labor and money for performing maintenance (MOT) and repairs of products.

5. In development of the STOIR set of standards, sets of standards are being developed for types of equipment, taking into account the characteristics of industries and productions, for example, the system of maintenance and repair (STOIR) of technological equipment of machine-building enterprises, STOIR of cars, STOIR of construction machines, STOIR of agricultural machinery, etc.

6. The composition of the classification groups of standards is given in the table.

7. The structure of complexes of STOIR standards for specific types of equipment in the general case should correspond to the structure of a set of STOIR standards.

8. The designation of STOIRT standards is based on classification criteria. The number is composed of: two digits assigned to the standard class (28); one digit (after the dot) indicating the classification group of standards in accordance with clause 6; a two-digit number defining the serial number of the standard in a given group, and a two-digit number (after a dash) indicating the year of registration of the standard.

An example of the designation of the standard “STOOIRT. Basic provisions"

GOST 18322-78

Group T00



Terms and Definitions

Equipment maintenance and repair system. Terms and definitions

ISS 01.040.03

Date of introduction 1980-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated November 15, 1978 N 2986

3. INSTEAD GOST 18322-73


Application number

Item 11 of the table

Annex 1

5. EDITION (December 2007) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in April 1986, December 1988 (IUS 7-86, 4-89)

This standard establishes the terms and definitions of basic concepts used in science, technology and production in the field of types, methods and indicators of maintenance and repair of products.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation, scientific, technical, educational and reference literature.

This standard corresponds to ST SEV 5151-85 in the part given in Appendix 3.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of terms that are synonyms of a standardized term is prohibited. Synonyms that are unacceptable for use are given in the standard as reference and are designated “NDP”.

For individual standardized terms, short forms are provided as a reference, which are permitted to be used in cases that exclude the possibility of their different interpretation. Established definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

In cases where the necessary and sufficient characteristics of a concept are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and, accordingly, a dash is placed in the “Definition” column.

The standard provides an alphabetical index of the terms it contains.

Appendix 1 provides explanations for some established terms; Appendix 2 provides a classification of types and methods of maintenance and repairs.

Standardized terms are printed in bold, their short form in light, and invalid synonyms in italics.






A set of operations or an operation to maintain the functionality or serviceability of a product when used for its intended purpose, waiting, storage and transportation

NDP. Preventive Maintenance


A set of interrelated tools, documentation of maintenance and repair, and performers necessary to maintain and restore the quality of products included in this system

A set of technological and organizational rules for performing maintenance (repair) operations

NDP. Method of maintenance (repair))

The time interval or operating time between this type of maintenance (repair) and the subsequent one of the same type or another of greater complexity

Note. The type of maintenance (repair) is understood as maintenance (repair), allocated (allocated) according to one of the following criteria:

stage of existence, frequency, scope of work, operating conditions, regulation, etc.


The smallest repeating time interval or operating time of a product, during which all established types of periodic maintenance are performed in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation

7. Repair cycle

The smallest repeating time interval or operating time of a product, during which all established types of repairs are performed in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation

8. Replacement part

A component of a product intended to replace a similar part that was in use in order to maintain or restore the serviceability or performance of the product

9. Spare parts kit

Spare parts, tools, accessories and materials necessary for maintenance and repair of products and assembled depending on the purpose and features of use.

Note. Accessories may include gauges, fixtures, covers, tow ropes, etc.

Technological equipment and structures intended for performing maintenance (repair)

11. Technical condition


Calendar time for one maintenance (repair) of this type


Labor costs for one maintenance (repair) of this type


The cost of one maintenance (repair) of this type

15. Total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Calendar time for all technical maintenance (repairs) of the product for a given operating time or time interval

16. Total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Labor costs for carrying out all technical maintenance (repairs) of a product for a given operating time or time interval

17. Total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

The cost of all technical maintenance (repairs) for a given operating time or time interval


18. Maintenance

Maintenance during preparation for intended use, intended use, and immediately after its completion

19. Maintenance
while waiting

20.Storage Maintenance

Maintenance during preparation for storage, storage, and immediately after its completion

21. Transport Maintenance

Maintenance during preparation for transportation, transportation, as well as immediately after its completion

22. Periodic Maintenance

Maintenance performed at operating hours or time intervals established in the operational documentation

23. Seasonal Maintenance

Maintenance performed to prepare the product for use in autumn-winter or spring-summer conditions

24. Maintenance in special conditions

Note. Examples of special conditions are natural or other conditions specified in industry documentation, characterized by extreme values ​​of parameters

25. Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance provided for in the regulatory, technical or operational documentation and performed at the frequency and to the extent established therein, regardless of the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of maintenance

26. Maintenance with periodic inspection

Maintenance, in which technical condition monitoring is carried out with the frequency and volume established in the regulatory, technical or operational documentation, and the scope of other operations is determined by the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of maintenance

27. Maintenance with continuous monitoring

Maintenance provided for in regulatory technical or operational documentation and performed based on the results of continuous monitoring of the technical condition of the product

27a. Numbered maintenance

Maintenance in which a certain amount of work is assigned a specific serial number

27b. Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance, which is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation

27th century Unscheduled Maintenance

Maintenance, which is carried out without prior assignment due to technical condition

Note. Terms of types of technical maintenance based on the characteristics of the methods used should be formed in accordance with the terms of maintenance methods, for example, “In-line maintenance”, “Centralized maintenance”, etc.

28. In-line maintenance method

Method of performing maintenance at specialized workplaces with a certain technological sequence and rhythm

29. Centralized method

A method of performing maintenance by personnel and resources of one unit of an organization or enterprise

30. Decentralized maintenance method

A method of performing maintenance by personnel and resources of several departments of an organization or enterprise

Method of performing maintenance by personnel operating this product when it is being used for its intended purpose.

Method of performing maintenance by personnel specialized in performing maintenance operations


Method of performing maintenance by an organization specialized in maintenance operations

35. Proprietary Maintenance Method

Manufacturer's maintenance method

Branded service


Types of repairs

36. Major renovation

Repairs performed to restore serviceability and complete or close to full restoration of the life of the product with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones

Note. The value of close to full resource is established in the regulatory and technical documentation

37. Medium renovation

Repairs performed to restore serviceability and partially restore the service life of products with the replacement or restoration of components of a limited range and monitoring the technical condition of the components, carried out to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation.

Note. The value of a partially renewable resource is established in the regulatory and technical documentation

38. Maintenance

Repairs performed to ensure or restore the functionality of a product and consisting of replacement and (or) restoration of individual parts

NDP. Small repairs

Minor repairs

40. Unscheduled repairs

Repair and delivery of products for which is carried out without prior appointment

41. Regulated repairs

Planned repairs performed at intervals and to the extent established in the operational documentation, regardless of the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of repairs

Repair in which technical condition monitoring is carried out at intervals and to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation, and the volume and time of repair is determined by the technical condition of the product

Note. Terms of types of repairs based on the characteristics of the methods used should be formed in accordance with the terms of repair methods, for example, “In-line repair”, “Impersonal repair”, etc.

Repair methods

43. Impersonal repair method

A repair method that does not preserve the belonging of the restored components to a specific instance of the product

Impersonal repair

44. Non-personal repair method

A repair method that preserves the belonging of the restored components to a specific instance of the product

45. Aggregate repair method

An impersonal repair method in which faulty units are replaced with new or pre-repaired ones

Note. An assembly is understood as an assembly unit that has the properties of complete interchangeability, independent assembly and independent performance of a certain function in products for various purposes, for example, an electric motor, gearbox, pump, etc.

46. In-line repair method

A repair method performed at specialized workplaces with a certain technological sequence and rhythm



Method of performing repairs by an organization specialized in repair operations

49. Proprietary repair method

Manufacturer's repair method

Branded repairs


50. Average duration of maintenance (repair)

Mathematical expectation of the duration of one maintenance (repair) of a given type for a certain period of operation or operating time

51. Average labor intensity of maintenance (repair)

Mathematical expectation of the labor intensity of one maintenance (repair) of a given type for a certain period of operation or operating time

52. Average cost of maintenance (repair)

Mathematical expectation of the cost of one maintenance (repair) of a given type for a certain period of operation or operating time

53. Average total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Mathematical expectation of the total duration of technical maintenance (repairs) for a certain period of operation or operating time

54. Average total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Mathematical expectation of the total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs) for a certain period of operation or operating time

55. Average total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Mathematical expectation of the total cost of technical maintenance (repairs) for a certain period of operation or operating time

56. Specific total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

The ratio of the average total duration of technical maintenance (repairs) to the specified operating time

57. Specific total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

The ratio of the average total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs) to the specified operating time

58. Specific total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

The ratio of the average total cost of technical maintenance (repairs) to a given operating time

59. Availability factor

The probability that a product will be in working condition at any point in time, except for planned periods during which the product is not intended to be used for its intended purpose

60. Technical coefficient

The ratio of the mathematical expectation of the total time a product is in working condition for a certain period to the mathematical expectation of the total time the product is in working condition and downtime due to maintenance and repairs for the same period

61. Product fleet readiness

The ratio of the number of functional products to the total number of products in the fleet at a given point in time

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2)


Product fleet readiness

Spare parts kit

Availability factor

Technical utilization rate

Aggregate repair method

Non-impersonal repair method

Repair method is impersonal

In-line repair method

Repair method by a specialized organization

Branded repair method

Operator's repair method

Decentralized maintenance method

In-line maintenance method

Maintenance (repair) method

Method of maintenance by a specialized organization

Maintenance method by specialized personnel

Proprietary maintenance method

Centralized maintenance method

Maintenance method by operating personnel

Operator's maintenance method

Maintenance under special technical conditions

Maintenance during use technical

Maintenance while waiting technical

Technical maintenance during transportation

Technical maintenance during storage

Preventive maintenance

Maintenance with continuous technical monitoring

Maintenance with periodic technical control

Technical service

Unscheduled technical maintenance

Technical number service

Periodic technical maintenance

Scheduled technical maintenance

Maintenance during use

Regulated technical maintenance

Seasonal technical maintenance

Branded service

Frequency of maintenance (repair)

Duration of maintenance (repair)

Total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Duration of technical maintenance (repairs) total average

Total specific duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Duration of maintenance (repair) average


Major repairs

Repair small

Minor repairs

Unscheduled repairs

Impersonal repair

Planned repairs

Repair according to technical condition

Regulated repairs

Repair is average

Current repairs

Branded repairs

Equipment maintenance and repair system

Technical condition

Maintenance (repair) method

Maintenance (repair) equipment

Total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total average cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total specific cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Cost of technical maintenance (repairs) per unit

Cost of maintenance (repair)

Maintenance (repair) cost is average

Total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total average labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total specific labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Specific labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Labor intensity of maintenance (repair)

Labor intensity of maintenance (repair) is average

Technical care

Repair cycle

Maintenance cycle

Spare part

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).



To the term "Maintenance"

Maintenance contains operations regulated in the design documentation to maintain the functionality or serviceability of the product during its service life.

In accordance with GOST 3.1109, a maintenance operation is understood as a completed part of the maintenance of a component of a product, performed at one workplace by a performer of a certain specialty.

Transportation refers to the operation of moving cargo along a specific route from the place of loading to the place of unloading or reloading. Transportation of self-propelled products does not include moving them under their own power.

Waiting means the product being in a state of readiness for its intended use.

Maintenance may include washing the product, monitoring its technical condition, cleaning, lubrication, fastening bolted connections, replacing some components of the product (for example, filter elements), adjustment, etc.

To the term "repair"

In accordance with GOST 3.1109, a repair operation is understood as a completed part of a repair performed at one workplace by performers of a certain specialty.

Repair may include disassembly, troubleshooting, monitoring the technical condition of the product, restoration of parts, assembly, etc. The content of some repair operations may coincide with the content of some maintenance operations.

Repair of products can be carried out by replacing or restoring individual parts and assembly units.

Repairs of any kind, as a rule, must be accompanied by the issuance of certain guarantees for the subsequent service life or operating time of the product.

To the term "System of technical maintenance and repair of equipment"

In a particular case, the equipment maintenance and repair system may include materials, workpieces, spare parts, etc., i.e. it is characterized by logistics, which can be defined as the ability of a service organization to provide the necessary resources to carry out maintenance and repair of an object under a given strategy and under given conditions. The specified conditions apply both to the object itself and to the conditions of its operation, maintenance and repair.

To the terms "Maintenance cycle" and "Repair cycle"

In a particular case, the start of the maintenance cycle (repair cycle) may be the beginning of use of the product.

To the term "Periodic maintenance"

Periodic maintenance may differ in the content of the operations. In this case, maintenance is numbered in ascending order, for example, shift maintenance, TO-1, TO-2, TO-3, etc.

To the term "Seasonal maintenance"

Seasonal maintenance includes operations of replacing seasonal grades of operating materials with flushing of the corresponding systems, installation and removal of insulation and engine preheating devices, etc.

Seasonal maintenance is carried out only for products used during significant changes in environmental conditions during the year.

To the term "Scheduled maintenance"

Maintenance schedules can be strict and tolerant. The type of regulation must be established in the operational documentation.

To the term "Method of maintenance by specialized personnel"

Maintenance personnel may be specialized by type of facility, brand of facility, type of operation, and type of maintenance.

To the terms "Major repairs", "Medium repairs", "Current repairs"

Major, medium and current repairs can be planned or unplanned.

The base part is understood as the main part of the product, intended for its assembly and installation of other components.

To the term "Unscheduled repairs"

Unscheduled repairs are carried out to eliminate the consequences of failures or incidents.

To the term "Aggregation repair"

Replacement of units can be carried out after a product failure or according to a plan. The list of units to be replaced, the procedure for replacement and instructions for organizing unit repairs are established in industry normative and technical documents.

The opposite of the aggregate method is the detailed method, in which individual parts that have failed are replaced or restored.

To the indicators of the maintenance and repair system

Indicators of the maintenance and repair system allow you to estimate the costs of time, labor and money for maintenance and repairs and contain costs due to the design and technical condition of the product (operational costs), and costs due to the organization, technology for performing maintenance and repairs, material and technical provision, personnel qualifications, environmental conditions, etc.

The indicators of the maintenance and repair system in paragraphs 57-65 evaluate the total costs of time, labor and money for maintenance and repairs and contain costs due to the design and technical condition of the product (operational costs), and costs due to the organization, technology of maintenance and repairs, logistics, personnel qualifications, environmental conditions, etc.

The calculation of indicators for the system of technical maintenance and repair of equipment is similar to the calculation of the corresponding maintainability indicators according to GOST 21623. In this case, instead of operating costs, the total costs of time, labor and money are taken into account.

APPENDIX 1. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



Classification sign

Types of maintenance

Operation phase

Maintenance during use

Storage Maintenance

Moving Maintenance

Maintenance while waiting

Frequency of execution

Periodic Maintenance

Seasonal Maintenance

terms of Use

Maintenance under special conditions

Regulation of implementation

Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance with periodic inspection

Maintenance with continuous monitoring

Organization of execution

Inline Maintenance

Centralized maintenance

Decentralized maintenance

Maintenance by operating personnel

Maintenance by specialized personnel

Maintenance by the operator

Maintenance by a specialized organization

Factory maintenance

Maintenance Methods

Organization of execution

In-line maintenance method

Centralized maintenance method

Decentralized maintenance method

Operational maintenance method

Specialized maintenance method

Operating maintenance method

Specialized maintenance method

Maintenance method

Types of repairs

Degree of resource recovery

Major renovation

Medium renovation



Scheduled repairs

Unscheduled repairs

Regulation of implementation

Regulated repairs

Repair according to technical condition

Impersonal repair

Non-personal repair

Organization of execution

Unit repair

In-line repair

Repair by the operating organization

Repair by a specialized organization

Repair by manufacturer

Repair methods

Preservation of ownership of repaired parts

Impersonal repair method

Non-personal repair method

Organization of execution

Aggregate repair method

In-line repair method

Operator's repair method

Manufacturer's repair method

APPENDIX 3 (for reference)


Positions 1, 2, 5-8, 10, 37, 38, 42 of this standard correspond to positions 2, 3, 7-9, 16, 6, 14, 15, 12 ST SEV 5151-85 with the term “product” replaced by the term "an object".

APPENDIX 3. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

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M.: Standartinform, 2007