“Korean-style carrot” grater in hourglass style. Korean grater: description, types and principle of operation of the device Types of mechanical graters for Korean carrots

Our man has long loved the cooked carrots. They learned to cook it themselves, add it to salads and eat it in its pure form. A characteristic feature of this dish is that the vegetable is grated into thin long strips. A grater for Korean carrots is no longer a novelty in the kitchens of housewives. If you are just planning to purchase it, our advice may be useful to you.

Grater for preparing Korean carrots

This kitchen assistant is not in short supply and can be purchased at any hardware store. There are many different types of Korean carrot graters, from the cheapest and simplest in design to the more expensive.

  1. The cheapest option is a hand grater. Outwardly, it resembles a cabbage grater. You simply hold it over the bowl with one hand and grate the carrots with an arc. Depending on which direction you cut the vegetables, the straw will be long or short. Among the advantages are low price and availability; you can even purchase them on the market. It is made from both plastic and wood. If you are not sure about the quality of the plastic used, it is better to give preference to a wooden grater for Korean carrots. As for the disadvantages of this model, it is worth noting the high probability of injury to the fingers, and holding the grater constantly in a canopy is not very convenient.
  2. A mechanical carrot grater with a container and holder is a better option. This design is convenient because you don’t have to hold everything in your hands. You simply place the blades on the container and then secure the vegetable with the holder. In this case, finger injuries are excluded. The only thing that may be inconvenient is the small size of the container.
  3. An electric grater for Korean carrots significantly saves time and effort. It makes sense to purchase it if you prepare large volumes. As an alternative, you can purchase a universal harvester with a special attachment. Modern household appliances are designed for cutting vegetables into cubes, strips or slices, including long thin strips. So, when purchasing, you can immediately purchase a universal device for everything. The fact is that the cost of such a kitchen appliance is quite high, so buying an expensive food processor just to prepare Korean carrots is a waste of money.
  4. There is also a knife-shaped grater for Korean carrots. Outwardly very similar to a potato peeling knife or. This is also one of the cheapest types. There is always a chance of injuring your fingers, and you can cook a relatively small amount of carrots with such a knife.
Special grater for Korean carrots - selection criteria

Modern kitchen assistants have a stylish design and are capable of not only performing their main function, but also complementing the interior of the kitchen. But it’s not worth purchasing an expensive device for one-time or occasional use.

If you want to buy a Korean carrot grater so that you can delight your loved ones with a popular snack from time to time, a mechanical type is best. Firstly, we always try to make the volume of any dish such that it will last for at least a couple of days. And secondly, household kitchen injuries are a common occurrence. So the container with a holder here it will be most convenient.

For a summer residence, a knife or a hand grater for Korean carrots is quite enough. You can always prepare a delicious dish if suddenly guests decide to come to you. But for large volumes for sale, you should think about an electric grater for Korean carrots. This device has a special receiving container in which you simply put several vegetables and then push them through with a press. This grater is capable of processing a huge amount of carrots in a short time. In other cases, manual or mechanical models are quite sufficient.

A Korean grater is a device for chopping food. It did not receive its unusual name by chance. The fact is that initially it was with the help of such a device that it was customary to prepare the famous Korean carrots. What is this device and what types of it are there?

Special grater

The success of any salad largely depends on how well the ingredients needed for it are prepared. Take, for example, the well-known Korean carrot. The peculiarity of this dish is that its main component must be chopped into strips no more than 1.6 millimeters thick. It is almost impossible to do this with a regular knife. Therefore, experts created a special Korean grater. With its help, in a matter of minutes, fresh and juicy carrots can be turned into a handful of neat, thin straws. Depending on the processing method, a Korean grater can be:

  1. Manual.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Electric.

Each of these options has its own characteristics. The housewife can only choose exactly the device that will be most convenient for her to work with. For example, the simplest hand grater is a rectangular base made of durable plastic, on which metal attachments are attached in the middle.

Outwardly, it is very similar to a cabbage shredder. The operating principle of such a device is extremely simple. The grater must be placed over the plate and held with one hand, and with the other move the carrot along the base, pressing it tightly to the surface. The product is cut as it passes through the nozzles.

Device for professionals

If specialists need a Korean grater, then they prefer to use a device that is as convenient as possible for work. To prevent the carrots from scattering on the table in different directions while cutting, you can use an improved manual version. Its difference lies in the fact that the device is additionally equipped with a special container for collecting the finished product. It is usually made of transparent plastic in order to be able to control the moment of filling. The principle of operation here remains the same. The crushed product is gradually collected inside the container. After finishing work, you just need to remove the grater and pour the chopped carrots into a plate. This device is very convenient for cutting small portions. Professional chefs sometimes use this device to chop not only carrots, but also other vegetables. They are used to make original salads or used as a decoration for other dishes.

Original performance

Sometimes in stores you can find a not quite ordinary grater for Korean carrots. A photo of such a device may be misleading to some. After all, in appearance it resembles an ordinary vegetable peeler. The device consists of a shaped handle and a double cutting attachment. How does this grater work for Korean carrots? The photo makes it possible to see the essence of the process.

In this case, the principle of operation of the device is completely different. The vegetable must be held firmly in one hand. Of course, it needs to be cleaned first. The grater should be taken in the other hand. Using forward movements, cut off a thin layer from the surface of the vegetable. In this case, the product must be periodically rotated around its axis. This way the grinding process will take place more evenly. Working with such a grater requires minimal labor from a person. The product is cut with light pressure. At the same time, your hands do not get tired at all. This grater can even be used for making French fries, as well as chopping other vegetables and some fruits (apples, pears).

Spiral cutting

There is another interesting hand grater for Korean carrots, the photo of which looks more like an hourglass. This is a pretty original shredder. By performing the simplest steps, you can use it to cut any vegetable with a dense structure (carrots, potatoes, eggplant, beets, radishes and others) into a thin spiral.

This is not difficult to do. You just need to insert the product into the hole and twist it a few times. Thanks to the sharp steel knives located on the side of the body, the vegetable is cut in the form of an openwork twisted spiral. The process is very similar to sharpening pencils. The advantages of such a device are obvious:

  1. It is very easy to use. Even a child can handle such a device.
  2. The device is made of durable food-grade plastic that is resistant to high temperatures. You can even put it in the dishwasher.
  3. The knives are made of stainless steel. This explains their strength and durability.

Any housewife can only dream of having such a grater for Korean carrots in her kitchen. Photos of the device clearly demonstrate all its positive characteristics.

Process mechanization

A person always strives to make his work easier. Therefore, it is not surprising that over time a mechanical Korean grater appeared on sale. Its photo shows that the device consists of three parts:

  1. Frame. It is usually equipped with feet with non-slip attachments. In its upper part there is a loading container into which the original product is placed.
  2. Cutting attachment with holes. It can be made in the form of a disk or drum.
  3. The handle that rotates the shaft. It sets the nozzle in motion.

To cut vegetables using such a device, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • cut the purified product into large pieces and place them in a loading container;
  • make rotational movements with the handle.

As a result, the initial product enters the cutting attachment and is crushed into blanks, the appearance of which depends on the shape and size of the holes. With such a machine, cooking carrots in Korean will not be difficult.

Electric grater

To work with large volumes, you will need a device that will reduce physical effort to a minimum. For example, in the fall, when it’s time to prepare, such a device is simply necessary on the farm. But before you start working, you need to study its structure and figure out how to use a grater for Korean carrots.

According to the principle of operation, this model resembles a mechanical device. The only difference is that it is driven not by hands, but by power. The housewife just has to place the vegetables in the loading funnel and press the “Start” button. The machine will do the rest on its own. Sometimes such devices come complete with containers for collecting finished products. In addition to convenience, this addition helps to always maintain order in the kitchen. This is very important for a good housewife. Such “choppers” are also used in catering establishments where large quantities of vegetables are processed.

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Any sufficiently experienced cook can confirm that the taste of a dish largely depends on the method of grinding the ingredients included in it. First of all, this concerns vegetable salads, which are becoming more and more popular every year. Most of them contain carrots, which not only saturate the finished dish with vitamins, but also make it very tasty. In most cases, this vegetable is usually cut into strips. And in order to achieve the desired result, you must, firstly, have a certain skill. Secondly, we must remember that there are different ways to cut carrots into strips. Knowing them, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Popular technique

In most cases, housewives try to simplify the work as much as possible. To do this, experts advise using the simplest method that will help you quickly achieve the desired result. To master it, you first need to figure out step by step how to cut carrots into strips. To work you need only three main elements:

  • product (carrot);
  • sharp knife;
  • cutting board.

Now, in order to understand how to cut carrots into strips, you just need to strictly follow these steps:

  1. First, the product must be washed.
  2. After this, it should be peeled and rinsed again with water.
  3. To obtain long straws, each carrot must first be cut lengthwise into thin slices. Their thickness can be from 1 to 3 millimeters, depending on the specific situation.
  4. After this, the blanks must be stacked and carefully chopped in the same direction.

This type of carrot chopping is used to prepare soup dressings, and is also used in home canning.

The main reason

Before mastering different techniques for cutting carrots into strips, novice cooks must clearly understand why in one case or another this particular method of chopping this vegetable is used. The main factor here is the fabric structure of a particular product. In carrots it is quite dense. In order to properly experience the taste, you need to destroy its internal structure as much as possible. But at the same time, the vegetable must retain a certain shape so that the dish has the appropriate appearance and does not look like an unattractive “mash”. In this case, straws are simply an ideal option. This cutting option allows you to partially destroy the cellular structure of the tissue so that the juice inside can immediately complement the flavor composition of the dish. At the same time, the product itself is not completely destroyed. It just becomes more convenient for eating and fits harmoniously into the overall picture that the finished dish visually creates on the plate.

Culinary skill

Chopping a vegetable with a knife is easy. But there are times when the housewife wants to give the dish some lightness, make it tender and airy. This cannot be achieved with ordinary longitudinal stripes. Therefore, in such a situation, it is better to take the advice of real experts. So, chef Dmitry Romanovsky has his own special method for this, for example, how to cut carrots into thin strips.

In fact, everything is very simple. In addition to the main product, you only need a regular board and two knives: one for cutting, and the second for peeling vegetables. The work is carried out as follows:

  1. Using a second knife, peel the washed carrots. The result is a round-shaped workpiece, which is difficult to chop evenly and accurately.
  2. Therefore, you then need to continue cutting the product with the same knife, turning it into thin petals. In this case, the carrot must be constantly rotated around its axis.
  3. After this, the prepared plates must be collected together and wrapped in the form of a roll.
  4. Then the finished bundle must be carefully cut from the end into strips 1.5-2 millimeters thick.

You will get a thin straw that will look like small shavings. It will look very beautiful in any salad. And it’s convenient to eat. This way you can cut several different vegetables at once.

Practical use

Carrots are an integral part of many cold and hot dishes. But the process of preparing it sometimes takes a lot of time. It is quite difficult to turn a product that is known to grow in the ground into an original and very tasty addition. That is why some enterprises involved in growing vegetables do not simply sell their goods to the buyer. They additionally pre-process the product so that the user subsequently needs to spend less time preparing it.

Nowadays you can often find similar semi-finished products on store shelves. For example, peeled and cut into strips carrots, which are packaged in vacuum bags of different weights. Having such a convenient preparation in the refrigerator, making any salad or assorted vegetables will not be difficult. All that remains is to open the packages, take out the required amount of specific ingredients, mix them in a certain ratio, and then, if necessary, pour over some dressing. These dishes are prepared in a matter of minutes. This allows each housewife to have more free time and spend it at her own discretion.

Carrots for pilaf

Each specific ingredient in a particular dish fulfills its specific mission. Carrots are needed to refresh it, make it softer, more aromatic and, if possible, supplement it with vitamins. In the case of hot meat dishes, this is especially noticeable. Take pilaf, for example. There are many options for preparing it. Methodology and technology mainly depend on national traditions or many years of practical experience. The main component is meat. It is usually cut into large pieces. The remaining ingredients except rice need to be chopped. There are several options for, for example, how to cut carrots into strips for pilaf.

Sometimes this is done like this:

  1. To obtain short pieces, the peeled vegetable first needs to be chopped into rings. To select the right size, the knife can be held at an angle.
  2. Place the circles in separate piles of 3-4 pieces.
  3. Cut them into strips 1-2 millimeters thick.

This preparation will be ideally combined with long-grain rice and onion half rings.

A good example

Very often in the process of preparing food, the housewife has situations when she needs to cut carrots into strips. A photo in this case can help novice cooks and show how the product should look at each intermediate stage. A visual image is especially necessary when carrots are the main ingredient of the dish. Here the grinding method plays a major role. Sometimes the cutting option already suggests the name of the dish. Take, for example, “Korean-style carrots.” It is unlikely that anyone will chop vegetables into cubes into such a salad. As you know, there is a special device for this.

The original grater has holes, through which the product is divided into parts of a certain shape. A person can only do the following:

  1. Peel the washed carrots using any convenient method.
  2. Using a knife, cut each vegetable into pieces at least 10 centimeters long. That is why it is better to choose large fruits for work.
  3. Grind each piece on a grater, moving it lengthwise.

Product purpose

To properly cut carrots into strips, you need to clearly understand where this product will subsequently be used. For example, a long straw is not suitable for soup, and a thick and short straw is not suitable for a salad. Everything should be optimal and harmonious. Experts advise abandoning unnecessary initiatives so as not to accidentally spoil the finished dish. Many chefs recommend using specially designed devices for properly chopping vegetables. They can be found in any hardware department.

In addition, there are special knives for figure cutting on store shelves. Their blades are equipped with special teeth that allow you to turn any vegetable (including carrots) into a pile of even and neat thin straws. True, such knives must be handled with extreme caution so that cooking completely by accident, instead of pleasure, does not turn into the tragedy of the day.

In minutes

Studying the experience of world-famous culinary experts, we can conclude that there are only two ways to quickly cut carrots into strips:

  • the vegetable can be cut with a knife, having a certain skill;
  • grind it using special mechanisms.

Nowadays there are vegetable cutters on sale from such well-known manufacturers as Bosch, Borner, Krups and GmbH (Germany), Zelmer (Poland), Robot Coupe and Moulinex (France) and others. All of them are aimed at making the cook’s work easier. Lately, experts have been advertising a lot about the latest development from German manufacturers - the Nicer Dicer Plus vegetable cutter.

It does its job in seconds and turns fresh, delicious vegetables into mountains of finely chopped preparations. The device has several attachments that allow the user to select the desired shape. After this, all he has to do is place the product under the press and press on the lid, applying minimal force. Many Russian housewives have long adopted this method of chopping vegetables.