Growing broccoli in natural farming! What can I do to get broccoli to set heads? Why broccoli cabbage goes into color reasons

Broccoli has undeniable benefits and many people love to eat it. But gardeners are in no hurry to grow this useful crop because of its capriciousness - it often fades into color, negating the efforts expended. It’s worth taking a closer look at the features of this cabbage, the reasons for going into color and the rules of cultivation that will help you avoid annoying troubles.

Why does broccoli fade?

Premature flowering is the main problem gardeners have when growing broccoli. A common occurrence is that the cabbage begins to bloom without having time to set its heads and nothing can be done about it. Why does this happen:

Good news. Blooming broccoli is edible, it has just lost its marketable appearance. All vitamins and nutrients are preserved in it. The petioles of inflorescences and leaves are also eaten.

Video: why broccoli fades into color

How to grow broccoli without losing color

Broccoli is a capricious crop and does not forgive neglect in care. But by following the growing rules, you can count on a good harvest.

  • Broccoli can be planted either from seeds or seedlings. It is important to determine the correct planting dates. Based on the characteristics of the variety, it is necessary to calculate so that the moment of formation of the heads occurs at a time when the air temperature does not rise above +18 o C. Late varieties are planted with the expectation that the heads begin to form in the second half of September and even towards its end. Early varieties need to be harvested before the end of May. In the hot summer you won’t be able to enjoy broccoli (except in the northern regions).
  • Seedlings are planted in fertilized, well-moistened soil.

    Broccoli seedlings are planted in fertilized, well-moistened soil.

  • Nutrition should be dosed and balanced.
    • At the beginning of growth, nitrogen-containing or organic fertilizers are required, which are applied during planting.
    • During the growing season, you will need potassium and phosphorus, as well as microelements - molybdenum, magnesium, boron.
  • It is good to use liquid humate with microelements. Three feedings are enough:
    • The first is two weeks after planting the seedlings.
    • The second - 2-3 weeks after the first.
    • The third - during the formation of the heads.
  • Watering should be regular throughout the growing season. You shouldn’t turn the garden bed into a swamp, but it shouldn’t be dry either. Even short-term drying out of the soil will certainly cause the cabbage to fade into color. A crust should not be allowed to form on the soil surface. To do this, the next day after watering, it is loosened. Drip irrigation systems have proven themselves well for this crop, allowing them to maintain the required humidity in the root zone.

    Drip systems are good for watering broccoli.

  • Mulching can and should be used to maintain moisture. It is better to use well-rotted humus or compost for this, which will also act as fertilizing.
  • Broccoli does not form heads if grown in the shade, but in hot weather it should be shaded. This technique can prevent premature flowering.
  • You need to cut the finished inflorescences with petioles of 8–10 centimeters, which are used for food. After such pruning, the cabbage has new inflorescences on its side shoots. These inflorescences will not bloom quickly, but will form small heads the size of a walnut. These heads of cabbage are great for freezing.

The green variety of cauliflower, known as broccoli, is a tasty and healthy food. Many people want to grow it on their plot, but most gardeners quickly abandon this idea: the capricious crop does not want to form a head and goes into color. But this trouble can be avoided if you strictly follow the growing recommendations.

Reasons why broccoli does not form a head

Cauliflower is no more demanding to grow and care for than the white cabbage we are used to. But it is premature flowering that becomes the main problem. Before the heads have even begun to set, the cabbage has already gone into color, and there is no way to fix this. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Proper watering and nutrition are very important for broccoli. The lack of any of these factors leads to a stop in the development of cabbage heads and flowering.

    Proper and timely watering is the key to good broccoli growth.

  2. More than necessary amounts of fertilizer or too frequent fertilizing also lead to the plant failing to bloom.
  3. Sharp warming and a significant increase in ambient temperature causes the end of head formation. To do this, it is enough for the air to warm up by more than 25° C.

    Broccoli begins to bloom when the air temperature exceeds 25°C

  4. The harvest was harvested later than necessary. The head may have formed in time, but if you missed the harvesting time, the flowers will most likely bloom.

    Harvest on time so as not to miss the moment when the heads begin to bloom

Essentially, broccoli heads are flower buds. Keeping them from blooming is the task of those who grow cauliflower.

I would like to add some good news on my own behalf. From my own experience, I was convinced that flowering broccoli only loses its presentation, but retains all the benefits of the vitamins, microelements and nutrients it contains. The taste also does not suffer at all. You can even cook the petioles that hold the leaves and inflorescences. They just need to be simmered or boiled longer before frying. It’s even better to cut it smaller if you are confused by the unassuming appearance of the product.

How to avoid broccoli blooming: feeding rules

Since cabbage that is already in flower cannot be “fixed,” preventative measures must be taken. First of all, correct and timely feeding is important for a capricious crop.

One of the most common feeding schemes is as follows.

Alternating fertilizing is also useful: one time you can apply organic fertilizers, another - mineral fertilizers. You can easily determine the lack of certain substances by the appearance of cabbage. For example, if broccoli hardly grows, and its leaves turn yellow and begin to die, then the reason is a lack of nitrogen in the soil. The leaves take on a bronze color or a purple tint, their edges dry out, and the heads of cabbage, without having time to gain weight, break up into separate inflorescences - the plant lacks potassium.

Thoroughly loosen the soil during each fertilizing.

You can also fertilize in two stages instead of four. To do this, add 40 g of potassium nitrate and 15 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m² of soil.

Video: why broccoli fades and how to avoid it

Growing broccoli will require your attention and patience, but the results will be simply excellent! We hope that our recommendations will help you with this. Maybe you have experience growing cauliflower? Share it in the comments with our readers. Good luck and a rich harvest!

A head of broccoli grows with many heads. Broccoli blooms after ripening. If the broccoli has bloomed, the gardener made a mistake in care or did not properly harvest the garden.

Reasons why broccoli blooms

When cabbage blooms

Immediately after planting the seedlings in open ground, care and fertilizing of the soil around the head of cabbage is organized. Cabbage is unpretentious and can withstand temperature changes; the vegetable rarely gets sick. Broccoli started to bloom in the following cases:

  • when the vegetable began to bloom in the garden;
  • when the broccoli immediately bloomed in the place where it was stored.

In the first case, the gardener did not have time to harvest the crop, and in the second, the technology for storing vegetables in the house was violated. If broccoli has begun to bloom, it should not be eaten or continued to be stored - flowering is a sign of spoiled cabbage.

The importance of agricultural technology

The flowering of broccoli cabbage is preceded by long-term care: the cabbage is planted as seedlings. Until the first shoots, the seedlings are stored in a greenhouse, and after that they are planted in open ground. For the normal ripening of a vegetable that can be eaten, the correct conditions are created: watering is carried out 4 times a month after fertilizing the soil. Fertilizing the soil depends on its composition. The soil also affects the ripening period of the vegetable, as well as the occurrence of flowering.

Incorrect harvest mode

The basic rule of harvesting is timely cutting of ripe heads of cabbage. If you miss the moment, the broccoli will definitely bloom.

Its color grows quickly and covers the entire head of cabbage in a few days. Flowering vegetables lose their tender juicy core and become tough and tasteless. Broccoli is grown for its vitamins and micronutrients: if you leave a head of cabbage in the open ground, it will spoil and cook poorly - such a dish will not bring any benefit.

First signs of flowering

An overcooked vegetable gradually changes - this is the first sign by which one can judge that cabbage is not suitable for consumption. In its normal state, cabbage is compressed into dense dark green buds. There should be no stains, signs of rot or dry heads on the head.

Be sure to monitor the condition of the head of cabbage: the harvest time is determined by its appearance. Immediately before the flowering of the head of cabbage, which extends from the main stem, its shoots begin to turn yellow. First, uneven yellow-brown spots appear. Within a few days, the head of cabbage becomes covered with a characteristic color, which is difficult to get rid of.

If the cabbage is covered in color, it is too late to harvest. The harvest is cut and used for household needs (feeding livestock). Prudent housewives subject the cabbage heads to heat treatment, but it is no longer possible to obtain all the beneficial substances from cabbage. A product that has bloomed rarely causes negative reactions, but it is not recommended to eat it.

Improper storage

If stored improperly, cabbage will bloom.

A healthy harvest for sale or storage at home is also capable of blooming. Cabbage is stored in 2 ways:

  • for a short period - within 2-3 days;
  • for a long period - several weeks.

If you manage to grow a healthy vegetable without flowering, it should be stored correctly. Even a recently healthy head can become covered with yellow flowers in a few days. In this case, the product loses all its beneficial properties.

Short term storage

To prevent yellow flowers from appearing on the fresh head, the cabbage head is stored like fresh greens. Cabbage for this storage method is cut without dividing into separate parts: the head remains whole and without cuts. To store it, prepare a container with water, where a cut of the stem is placed.

If you keep cabbage in water, it will become covered with yellow flowers. This happens the next day, when the vegetable gains moisture. If the cabbage has gone into color, you cannot cook it. If you freeze cabbage harvested in its normal form, after freezing it does not go into flowering. This is one of the most reliable ways to prevent cabbage from blooming.

Cold storage

Without preparation in the refrigerator under normal conditions, the vegetable will quickly spoil. Signs that cabbage is not suitable for consumption: a changed color of the head of cabbage and flowering that covers most of the head of cabbage. To prevent the appearance of inflorescences, it is necessary to properly prepare the place in the refrigerator.

Place a damp, wrung-out napkin on the bottom of the vegetable storage tray (it should be clean and larger in size than a head of cabbage). The head of cabbage is placed in a bag that cannot be closed, and then left on a napkin. Before putting cabbage in the refrigerator, do not wash or trim it. If the inflorescences have already appeared, this storage method is not suitable. It is important to respect the proximity in the refrigerator: apples or bananas should not be placed next to each other. The shelf life of cabbage without inflorescences in this form is no more than 2 weeks.


Broccoli is a food that can be cooked. It retains its beneficial properties and is easy to care for. In normal condition, no inflorescences should appear on the head. If the head of cabbage begins to bloom, the harvest is completely ruined. High humidity leads to the formation of yellow flowers on the head of cabbage. It is impossible to save such a product.

Broccoli is usually picked and eaten before flowering, when the small green balls in the inflorescences have not yet opened. It is at this time that cabbage contains the most vitamins and nutrients.

As soon as broccoli enters the flowering stage, its leaves become bitter and the stems become tough and fibrous. The plant directs all its forces to the production of offspring (seeds).

This is not to say that cabbage becomes unsuitable for consumption, just that its nutritional value is significantly reduced and its taste deteriorates. However, in some countries there are even recipes for broccoli flower soups.

Broccoli is a healthy vegetable that is low in calories and therefore suitable for everyone. It is very good if you start introducing broccoli into your child’s complementary foods; it is best if the cabbage is prepared in the form of a puree. Broccoli is rich in vitamins such as potassium, magnesium, sodium. By the way, there is much more vitamin C in broccoli than in lemon.

In addition, broccoli can be added to soups, or simply boiled and served as a side dish.

Broccoli is very useful for those who adhere to proper nutrition.

It is best to pick broccoli before it blooms; cabbage at this moment contains the most beneficial vitamins for our body. It is important to monitor the growth of broccoli so as not to miss this moment.

During the flowering of broccoli, the leaves become tougher, the broccoli may taste bitter, but in principle, broccoli can be used for food even when it is blooming. Just boil the broccoli first and then fry it in butter; broccoli cooked this way will not taste bitter.

Broccoli, or cabbage, is a unique product with high nutritional value. But farmers complain that it often fades and becomes unsuitable for consumption. That is why it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with the peculiarities of growing a plant, the main reasons for the vegetable to fade into color, as well as the rules of selection that will help to avoid such troubles in the future.

Why does broccoli fade?

Broccoli florets used for cooking may bloom prematurely.

Let's look at the main reasons why broccoli began to bloom without gaining its mass:

Signs of flowering

When growing cabbage, it is necessary to constantly monitor the appearance of the head of cabbage, by the condition of which you can determine the time of harvest. When ripe, the head of cabbage has a dense shape with green buds.

As soon as the heads of cabbage change their color, the plant must be picked immediately. The cabbage heads should not be allowed to loosen, as they will subsequently begin to bloom. It is recommended to harvest cabbage before the inflorescences open, when it contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins.

To avoid flowering of broccoli, special attention should be paid to the weight of the head. You should not wait for the fruit to become large, but cut the plant when its weight is slightly less than the recommended weight on the package. Then the vegetable will not have time to outgrow and certainly will not bloom. On a personal plot it is necessary to plant varieties that are resistant to flowering, for example, Marathon F1, Calabrese.

What to do if it blooms

Let's take a closer look at what to do with cabbage that has bloomed and find out whether it can be eaten.

Is it necessary to fight color?

Broccoli loses color in any case - this is its natural property. If the plant has already bloomed, you should not cut it down. In many varieties, after cutting off the central head, new young large shoots are formed. But if it is clear that there will be no result, it is better to remove the vegetable from the garden and make room for other crops.

Proper care of cabbage

Broccoli is very demanding when it comes to fertilizing with organic and inorganic fertilizers. Particular attention should be paid to potassium and phosphorus fertilizing, since they directly affect the growth of cabbage. It is also influenced by minerals such as molybdenum, magnesium, boron.

The first fertilizing must be done after the seedlings take root. This is done with a solution of chicken manure (1:20) or mullein infusion (1:10). After 14 days, this procedure should be repeated. It is recommended to carry out the third feeding after the formation of the first young inflorescences.

To do this, you need to mix the following ingredients in 10 liters of clean water:

  • superphosphate - 40 g;
  • ammonium nitrate - 20 g;
  • Potassium sulfate - 10 g.

When growing this vegetable, special attention should be paid to the watering regime. The soil under the plant should be constantly moist. If the soil is too dry when tying the head, the cabbage will definitely go into color.

Is it possible to eat broccoli if it blooms?

During the flowering stage, it is recommended to use it for cooking, since all nutritional and vitamin complexes are preserved in it, only the presentation of the plant deteriorates and the taste deteriorates slightly. Flowering cabbage does not accumulate any poisons or substances harmful to humans.

During flowering, cabbage leaves will become bitter and the stems will become fibrous and tough. During this period, the vegetable directs all its energy to the formation of seeds. In some countries of the world, flowering broccoli is used to prepare first courses.


Broccoli is an extremely healthy vegetable. The calorie content of 100 g of fresh asparagus cabbage is 28 kcal, boiled - 34 kcal, fried - 46 kcal. The vegetable is considered to be a low-calorie product, so nutritionists recommend using it to normalize body weight.

  • proteins - 2.8 g (3.41%);
  • fats - 0.4 g (0.62%);
  • carbohydrates - 6.6 g (5.16%);
  • dietary fiber - 2.6 g (13.0%);
  • water - 89.3 g (3.49%).
  • The beneficial qualities of broccoli depend on its chemical composition and are as follows:
  • normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder;
  • promotes the removal of toxins, carcinogens and heavy metals from the body;
  • protects the body from the formation of malignant (cancerous) tumors;
  • reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke by strengthening blood vessels;
  • normalizes intestinal motility, relieves chronic obstruction;
  • restores the functioning of the nervous system;
  • due to the content of vitamin B9, it has a positive effect on the body of pregnant women;
  • normalizes metabolism and also helps reduce excess weight;
  • Regular consumption prevents the development of atherosclerosis and the onset of premature aging of the body.

Broccoli is also called petiole cabbage because the side leaves (petioles) are suitable for consumption.

Despite all the benefits, broccoli can also cause harm to the human body.

  • Cabbage, raw or fried, should not be eaten by people who:
  • suffer from increased stomach acidity;
  • have stomach ulcers, as well as acute gastritis and pancreatitis;
  • have individual intolerance to the product.

Storage Features

There are several ways to ensure that a vegetable lasts as long as possible. First, you need to pay more attention to the nuances of harvesting techniques. It is advisable to cut the head of cabbage for storage with a petiole 8–10 cm long, and not under the inflorescence itself.

The shelf life of broccoli is affected by temperature, air humidity and the quality of the cabbage itself. Before storing cabbage, you should not wash it under running water, as this will significantly reduce its shelf life.

Short term

Fresh cut heads of cabbage are stored for a short time. To do this, you need to place them in the refrigerator in a plastic bag with small holes for ventilation or in a special container. In the refrigerator, cut heads of broccoli are stored for no more than 3 weeks at a temperature of +4. +7°C. Optimal humidity is 95%.

Freshly cut broccoli can be stored at room temperature, but no more than 2-3 hours, otherwise the healthy vegetable may wither and spoil.

Long-term in the refrigerator

For longer storage, the vegetable is frozen; in this form it can be stored in the freezer for 6 to 10 months.

Method for cooking broccoli that has bloomed

This vegetable can be consumed both raw and after heat treatment. Broccoli can be boiled and baked in the oven. It is added to omelettes, pizzas, puree soups, salads, pies, etc. But it should be remembered that frying the vegetable is not recommended, since harmful carcinogens are released under the influence of high temperature. The ideal cooking option is steamed.

Every summer resident dreams of getting a good harvest of broccoli. By studying the basic rules of selection, as well as growing conditions, you can achieve the desired result.

Broccoli contains more carotene, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, vitamins and microelements than cauliflower. White cabbage also contains fewer nutrients. Broccoli contains components that prevent the occurrence of cancer. It is useful to eat it fresh or slightly boiled.

There are 2 types of broccoli: calabrese (forms a strong head on a powerful stem), asparagus broccoli - they eat stems that taste similar to asparagus.

Early varieties

Emperor F1 - 75–80 days pass from the growth of the first shoots to harvest.

Comanche - the heads are cut off 3 months after planting the seeds. The bushes tolerate low and high temperatures well.

Laser F1 - broccoli heads, dense and emerald green, are removed after 75 days.

Samme King is a variety that can easily withstand heat. They reap a high yield, regardless of planting time.

Tone - from the appearance of sprouts to the growth of heads, 75–90 days pass. The harvest ripens together. The head of cabbage is dark green, medium density, weight 0.15 - 0.25 kg, has an excellent taste. If the weather is too cool or hot, it may have a brownish-brown color.

Mid-season varieties

Arcadia F1 is a hybrid of medium ripening, produces a large harvest, the growing season is 110 days. The culture is strong and high. The head is large, phthalocyanine green, weighing up to 400 g. Cabbage can be eaten fresh or processed.

Genoa - perfect for dense planting.

Greenbelt - growing season 105 days. The heads of cabbage are medium-sized, excellent quality, with medium-sized flowers.

Calabrese - 90 days pass from the first sprouts to technical ripeness. The heads are average in density. The weight of the central head of cabbage is up to 400 g, after which 6 - 7 heads grow on the side weighing up to 100 g.

Konpakta - 100 days pass from sowing the seeds to harvesting the heads of cabbage. The crop grows very compactly and can be planted in heaps. The head is dome-shaped, large, with small flower buds.

Monton F1 - has an average ripening period and a raised rosette of foliage. The heads are large, weighing up to 800 g, greenish-gray, medium density, good taste.

Senshi - growing season 110 days. The head of cabbage is large, dome-shaped, with medium-sized flower buds; the cabbage lies for a long time after harvesting.

Fortuna - the variety has an average ripening period and a raised rosette of foliage. The head of cabbage is greenish-gray, medium density, weight up to 150 g, good taste.

Caesar - has large, hard, greenish-purple heads.

Late varieties

Varnishes F1 - has a late ripening period. The heads are large, strong, their weight is 300 – 500 g.

Marathon F1 - has a raised rosette of foliage. The head of cabbage is large, weighing up to 700 g, green, strong, but with a delicate texture, and tastes good.

How to choose the right site and prepare seeds

How to plant broccoli so that the heads start to form?

Plant broccoli in the area where mustard, carrots, beans, potatoes, phacelia, oats, onions, lupines, beans, peas, wheat, and cucumbers previously grew. You should not plant in the same bed where cabbage, tomatoes, beets, radishes, turnips, and radishes grew.

Dry seeds are poured into water at a temperature of +50 ° C for a quarter of an hour, then washed in water. Place on a damp cotton cloth and refrigerate for 24 hours. Then the seeds are dried and sown.

Sowing seeds

How to sow seeds correctly so that when transplanted into the ground, cabbage heads immediately begin to set?

The substrate is made by mixing equal parts of turf, peat soil and sand. After sowing, water the plantings with a spray bottle. Place in a warm place with an air temperature of +20 °C. When the first shoots appear, set the air temperature to +10 °C for 7 days. Then increase the temperature to +14 – 16 °C, at night - +9 °C. If the room is too warm, above +20 °C, this will contribute to the accelerated formation of the head.

Excessive watering will provoke a disease called “black leg”, and a lack of moisture and light will lead to the growth of dwarf heads.

2 weeks after sowing, the seedlings are planted. After this, the air temperature should be +21 °C, and then it is reduced to +17 °C during the day and +9 °C at night.

2 weeks before transplanting to a summer cottage, the seedlings are hardened by taking them out onto the balcony: first for a quarter of an hour, then for a longer time.

Planting seedlings on the site

The seedlings are transplanted to the site when 5–6 true leaves have grown, at the age of 35–45 days. This is done several times from May 1 until the end of June, then it will be possible to harvest cabbage from July 15 until almost frost.

You can sow seeds on your summer cottage in early May. When planting seeds, dig holes, pour ash, pour out water and sprinkle seeds. Dusting with ash protects against insect attacks.


Broccoli prefers well-moistened soil that has neutral characteristics - this can be achieved by mulching the soil. It is recommended to plant broccoli together with beets, dill, peas, cucumbers, carrots, celery, spinach, tomatoes, and marigolds. It is not recommended to plant broccoli together with watercress and onions.

Why does broccoli fade? To prevent the cabbage from blooming, monitor the weight of the head, look at the inscription on the bag of seeds: if the recommended weight of the head is 0.4 kg, then do not expect a large head, cut it off when it weighs 0.35 kg, then the cabbage will not bloom. Cut the head of cabbage with a knife, do not touch the side foliage. Fertilize the crop, and after a while side shoots will grow.

Why are the heads not forming? If the heads do not set, then you need to remember that they grow at air temperatures up to +18 ° C. That is, late-ripening broccoli varieties should be sown so that the heads form when the air temperature is not too high. In September, with fairly cool nights, the head of cabbage develops more slowly, but as a result grows larger.

Remember that cabbage loves water, and drought will have a bad effect on the development of the head. The crop is especially demanding when it comes to watering when a rosette of foliage forms and a head of cabbage forms.

What to do if the broccoli head does not set? Heads of cabbage may not set due to fertilizing done late or too abundantly. If you feed the plant too intensively, the heads will not set.

Why does broccoli have no ovary? The reason why broccoli does not set a head is a lack of moisture. Another reason is lack of fertilizer. If the cabbage lacks something, then the culture “decides” that there is no point in forming heads of cabbage, and the cabbage will go into color.

The last reason is too hot. Cabbage does not like heat, so when purchasing seeds, read on the packaging whether it is recommended to plant this variety in a particular area. In the South, broccoli is planted in the fall and harvested in the spring.

Broccoli is fed three times: 14 days after planting the seedlings, then after another 2 weeks and when heads form. It is better to use vermicompost solution and herbal tea for fertilizer.

What can be done to make knotted heads grow well? Mulch the plantings with peat and dust the peat with ash. In order for the heads to be dense, it is necessary that they are not exposed to direct sunlight. That is, when tying a head of cabbage, break a rosette of leaves or tie the leaves above the head.

Remember that it is better to plant broccoli seedlings in the garden later, and in the greenhouse in April or May.

Broccoli, or cabbage, is a unique product with high nutritional value. But farmers complain that it often fades and becomes unsuitable for consumption. That is why it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with the peculiarities of growing a plant, the main reasons for the vegetable to fade into color, as well as the rules of selection that will help to avoid such troubles in the future.

Why does broccoli fade?

Broccoli florets used for cooking may bloom prematurely.

Let's look at the main reasons why broccoli began to bloom without gaining its mass:

Signs of flowering

When growing cabbage, it is necessary to constantly monitor the appearance of the head of cabbage, by the condition of which you can determine the time of harvest. When ripe, the head of cabbage has a dense shape with green buds.

As soon as the heads of cabbage change their color, the plant must be picked immediately. The cabbage heads should not be allowed to loosen, as they will subsequently begin to bloom. It is recommended to do this before the inflorescences open, when it contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins.

To avoid flowering of broccoli, special attention should be paid to the weight of the head. You should not wait for the fruit to become large, but cut the plant when its weight is slightly less than the recommended weight on the package. Then the vegetable will not have time to outgrow and certainly will not bloom. On a personal plot it is necessary to plant varieties that are resistant to flowering, for example, Marathon F1, Calabrese.

Important! If a vegetable in your garden begins to turn yellow, this is a signal that your plant does not have enough nitrogen nutrition.

Before flowering begins, slight spots of a yellowish tint appear on the head of the cabbage. If your plant blooms with yellow flowers, then this is the first sign that the cabbage is overripe and it is too late to cut it. Farmers use the overripe harvest only for technical purposes, for example, as feed for livestock.

What to do if it blooms

Let's take a closer look at what to do with cabbage that has bloomed and find out whether it can be eaten.

Is it necessary to fight color?

Broccoli loses color in any case - this is its natural property. If the plant has already bloomed, you should not cut it down. In many varieties, after cutting off the central head, new young large shoots are formed. But if it is clear that there will be no result, it is better to remove the vegetable from the garden and make room for other crops.

Proper care of cabbage

Broccoli is very demanding when it comes to fertilizing with organic and inorganic fertilizers. Particular attention should be paid to potassium and phosphorus fertilizing, since they directly affect the growth of cabbage. It is also influenced by minerals such as molybdenum, magnesium, boron.

The first fertilizing must be done after the seedlings take root. This is done with a solution of chicken manure (1:20) or mullein infusion (1:10). After 14 days, this procedure should be repeated. It is recommended to carry out the third feeding after the formation of the first young inflorescences.

To do this, you need to mix the following ingredients in 10 liters of clean water:

  • superphosphate - 40 g;
  • ammonium nitrate - 20 g;
  • Potassium sulfate - 10 g.
When growing this vegetable, special attention should be paid to the watering regime. The soil under the plant should be constantly moist. If the soil is too dry when tying the head, the cabbage will definitely go into color.

Important! The main secret of growing is that heads of cabbage are formed only at a temperature of +16...+18°C. To do this, it is advisable to sow late varieties in such a way that the setting of a head of cabbage occurs during a period with low temperature conditions.

In hot summers, cabbage should be irrigated at the root, to a depth of 12–15 cm, 2 times a day. To increase yield in dry weather, plants are sprayed leaf by leaf.

Is it possible to eat broccoli if it blooms?

During the flowering stage, it is recommended to use it for cooking, since all nutritional and vitamin complexes are preserved in it, only the presentation of the plant deteriorates and the taste deteriorates slightly. Flowering cabbage does not accumulate any poisons or substances harmful to humans.

During flowering, cabbage leaves will become bitter and the stems will become fibrous and tough. During this period, the vegetable directs all its energy to the formation of seeds. In some countries of the world, flowering broccoli is used to prepare first courses.


Broccoli is an extremely healthy vegetable. The calorie content of 100 g of fresh asparagus cabbage is 28 kcal, boiled - 34 kcal, fried - 46 kcal. The vegetable is considered to be a low-calorie product, so nutritionists recommend using it to normalize body weight.

The energy value of the vegetable per 100 g is:
  • proteins - 2.8 g (3.41%);
  • fats - 0.4 g (0.62%);
  • carbohydrates - 6.6 g (5.16%);
  • dietary fiber - 2.6 g (13.0%);
  • water - 89.3 g (3.49%).
  • The beneficial qualities of broccoli depend on its chemical composition and are as follows:
  • normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder;
  • promotes the removal of toxins, carcinogens and heavy metals from the body;
  • protects the body from the formation of malignant (cancerous) tumors;
  • reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke by strengthening blood vessels;
  • normalizes intestinal motility, relieves chronic obstruction;
  • restores the functioning of the nervous system;
  • due to the content of vitamin B9, it has a positive effect on the body of pregnant women;
  • normalizes metabolism and also helps reduce excess weight;
  • Regular consumption prevents the development of atherosclerosis and the onset of premature aging of the body.
Broccoli is also called petiole cabbage because the side leaves (petioles) are suitable for consumption.


Despite all the benefits, broccoli can also cause harm to the human body.

  • Cabbage, raw or fried, should not be eaten by people who:
  • suffer from increased stomach acidity;
  • have stomach ulcers, as well as acute gastritis and pancreatitis;
  • have individual intolerance to the product.

Storage Features

There are several ways to ensure that a vegetable lasts as long as possible. First, you need to pay more attention to the nuances of harvesting techniques. It is advisable to cut the head of cabbage for storage with a petiole 8–10 cm long, and not under the inflorescence itself.

Did you know? According to statistics, 79% of US residents eat broccoli. Every year Americans eat 76 thousand tons of this vegetable.

It is also necessary to remember that early-ripening varieties are not suitable for long-term storage, unlike late-ripening varieties.

The shelf life of broccoli is affected by temperature, air humidity and the quality of the cabbage itself. Before storing cabbage, you should not wash it under running water, as this will significantly reduce its shelf life.

Short term

Fresh cut heads of cabbage are stored for a short time. To do this, you need to place them in the refrigerator in a plastic bag with small holes for ventilation or in a special container. Cut heads of broccoli can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 weeks at a temperature of +4...+7°C. Optimal humidity is 95%.

Freshly cut broccoli can be stored at room temperature, but no more than 2-3 hours, otherwise the healthy vegetable may wither and spoil.

Long-term in the refrigerator

For longer storage, the vegetable is frozen; in this form it can be stored in the freezer for 6 to 10 months.

Did you know? American John Evans managed to grow the largest broccoli in the world. The weight of the vegetable was 15.8 kg.

Shock, which involves freezing in a very short period of time, preserves all the beneficial properties of the vegetable and helps preserve its presentation. This method will allow the broccoli to last as long as possible.

Method for cooking broccoli that has bloomed

This vegetable can be consumed both raw and after heat treatment. Broccoli can be boiled and baked in the oven. It is added to omelettes, pizzas, puree soups, salads, pies, etc. But it should be remembered that frying the vegetable is not recommended, since harmful carcinogens are released under the influence of high temperature. The ideal cooking option is steamed.

Every summer resident dreams of getting a good harvest of broccoli. By studying the basic rules of selection, as well as growing conditions, you can achieve the desired result.