Complex riddles about household items for adults. Riddles about things

A steeplejack stands on the roof
And catches news for us.

Not a house, but not a street either.
High, but not scary.

I'm from home to the doorstep
Only one step was taken -
The door closed behind me,
There is no way in front of me.

I'm both at home and not at home,
Between heaven and earth,
Guess what, friends,
Where am I?
(on the balcony)

Home is like home
A hundred pockets in it.
In every pocket -
Beds with flowers.

Look under the window -
There is an accordion stretched out there,
But he doesn’t play the harmonica -
It warms our apartment.

There's an accordion under the window,
Hot like fire.

Stretched out like an accordion
Miracle stove under the window.

A warm wave splashes
There is whiteness under the wave.
Guess, remember,
What kind of sea is in the room?

I carry water in me,
We'll need some water.
We can swim without any hassle,
If there is?...
(water pipes)

If there is a river through a pipe,
Comes running to your house
And he rules it -
What do we call it?...
(water pipes)

I am related to Moydodyr,
Turn me away quickly:
AND cold water
I'll wash you quickly.
(water tap)

To everyone who comes
To everyone who leaves
Hands over the pen.
(Door knob)

I'll let you into my house anytime,
If you knock, I'm glad to knock.
But I won’t forgive one thing -
If you don't give me your hand.
(Door knob)

He walks and walks, but does not enter the hut.

Will walk two hundred times a day,
Although it always stands still.

I'll let you into anyone's house,
If you knock, I'm glad to knock.
But I won’t forgive one thing -
If you don't give me your hand.

Greets everyone with one hand,
With the other hand he escorts you off.
Who comes, who goes -
Everyone leads her by the hand.

My friends are in darkness,
I can't count them myself
Because who will pass
He will shake my hand.

My relatives live there,
I can't live a day without her.
I strive for it always and everywhere,
I won’t forget the way to him.
I can hardly breathe without him,
My home, dear, is warm.

He stands, simple and strict,
In a plain jacket
He has a lot of pockets
Wires in his hand
And his eyes are like saucers
They either go out or blink.
And reach the sky
He tries with his hands.
(house with balconies)

The rain is warm and thick,
This rain is not easy.
He is without clouds, without clouds,
Ready to go all day!...

And what happened! What happened?
Mom let a river into the house.
The river gurgled merrily,
Mom washed clothes in it.
And then, and then
I swam in the rain.

Little black dog
Lies curled up:
Doesn't bark, doesn't bite,
But he won’t let me into the house.

What kind of button? Pressed
I waited at the threshold,
And the door was opened for you:
Come in, you are a guest now.

Sometimes they take it out of me
Rivers have their source,
And in your hands I will open
I am any castle.

I'm all iron
I climbed into the crack.
You're in the house for no reason
You won't come in without me.

Tail in the yard
Nose in the kennel.
Who will turn his tail,
He will enter the house too.

He will lie there without attention
All day in your pocket.
You'll come home without him -
You won't get into the house.

With a short beard
With a hole in the middle
I lie quietly
Ringing in my pocket.

The gnome moved his beard,
And the owner entered the house.

The tail is in the yard,
The nose is in the kennel.
Who will turn his tail -
He will enter the house.
(lock key)

I'm at the door, I'm in the castle,
I'm in the musical line too,
I'll even unscrew the nut
I can if I want
Send a telegram
And solve the riddle...

Riddles about household appliances and household items with answers

Author of the selection: Khvostikova Elena Aleksandrovna, teacher-organizer of the yard club “Ak Zhelken” of DDT, Aksu, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Description of work: Riddles for primary and secondary children school age. The material will be useful to teachers additional education, primary school teachers to organize interesting leisure time for children.
Target: develop attention, logic, intelligence, quick thinking, imagination; Expand words knowledge.

I bring to your attention a selection of riddles about household appliances and some household items. There are many ways to use riddles in teaching. You can hold a themed Riddle Hour, arrange a thematic or general Mystery Quiz, use riddles in some qualifying rounds to recruit a team, as an independent competitive task... Maybe some riddles will seem old to you, the choice is yours.

I stand on the roof all day and broadcast movies into the house. (antenna)
I’m standing on the roof - higher than all the pipes. (antenna)
Day and night this miracle guard stands on the roof: he will see everything, hear everything, share everything with me! (antenna)
A steeplejack stands on the roof and catches news for us. (antenna)
Day and night I stand on the roof, I have no ears, but I hear everything, I look into the distance, although without eyes, my story is on the screen. (antenna)
A voice is heard through the field and forest. He runs along the wires - you can say it here, but you can hear it there. (telephone)
I'll turn the magic circle and my friend will hear me. (telephone)
It's not an alarm clock, it's ringing, it's not a receiver - it's talking. Guess who he is? Well, of course, … (telephone)

Let's point the glass eye, click once and remember you. (camera)
Whatever this eye looks at, it will convey everything in the picture. (camera)

In our kitchen all year round Santa Claus lives in the closet. (fridge)
In this chest we store food on the shelves. It’s hot outside, but it’s cold in the chest. (fridge)
Admire, look! The North Pole is inside, snow and ice sparkle there, winter itself lives there. This winter was always brought to us from the store. (fridge)
In the summer, dad brought us frost in a white box, and now the gray frost is with us in summer and winter, protecting our food: meat, fish, fruits. (fridge)
Even in the July heat it is frosty, like winter. (fridge)

The neat robot pulls dust and dirt from the carpet into its trunk. (vacuum cleaner)
Just work with him - he inhales dust willingly. (vacuum cleaner)
It buzzes, but does not fly, and saves the house from dust. (vacuum cleaner)
He has a rubber trunk, a canvas stomach, and when his engine hums, he swallows dust and debris. (vacuum cleaner)
He willingly inhales dust, does not get sick, does not sneeze. (vacuum cleaner)
If I see dust, I will grumble, grumble and swallow it. (vacuum cleaner)

Laughing Egorka started cleaning, danced around the room, looked around - the floor was clean. (broom)
Close relative brooms in the house will sweep the corners. He's certainly not a slacker. It will help to remove litter... (broom)
Born in the forest, but runs the house. (broom)
Twisted, tied, belted with a bast. I rustle under the window, circle around the yard, shuffle, shuffle at my hot work! (broom)

Looking at the screen in the apartment, we see what is happening in the world. (TV)
A miracle box, there is a window in it, in that window there is a movie. (TV)
The whole universe lives in it, but it is an ordinary thing. (TV)
In the small window there is a blue sun. I sit by the window, looking out at the whole world. (TV)
There is one magic window in our room. That window is full of miracles, what kind of window is it? (TV)

My friend lives with me in an apartment, does not travel around the country, but he will tell me everything that is happening in the world before anyone else. He’ll get me up for exercise in the morning, then he’ll sing me a song, he’ll ask me a riddle and wait for an answer from me. (radio)
He lives without a tongue, does not eat or drink, but speaks and sings. (radio)
On wave, wave, wave the music floats towards me. (radio)
There is a beautiful chest, you can’t touch it - it’s silent, but if you turn the handles, it will talk and sing. (radio)

A warm accordion heats the whole house. (battery)
The miracle stove stretched out like an accordion under the window. (battery)
In our house there is a hot harmonica under the window: it doesn’t sing or play – it heats the house. (battery)

The tailed dragon released steam and smoothed out the crumpled scarf. (iron)
The steamer walks and wanders back and forth. If you stop, woe! You'll make a hole in the sea! (iron)
He strokes everything he touches, and if you touch it, he bites. (iron)
I will say without bragging: I will make all my friends younger! They come to me sad - With wrinkles, with folds, They leave very nice, Cheerful and smooth! So, I'm a reliable friend - Electric... (iron).
He floats on the sheet like a boat on a wave. He is a good electric friend to housewives... (iron).

Four blue suns in grandma’s kitchen, four blue suns burned and went out. The cabbage soup is ripe, the pancakes are sizzling, the sun is not needed until tomorrow. (gas stove)

The house is a glass bubble, and a light lives in it! During the day he sleeps, and when he wakes up, he lights up with a bright flame. (bulb)
I put the sun outside my window, hung it from the ceiling, and it became fun at home. (bulb)
It looks like a pear outside, hangs idle during the day, and lights up the house at night. (bulb)
From a distance it looks like a ball, hanging from the ceiling, but like a ball, it does not gallop, but shines with a light. (bulb)
We know how to light this sun above us ourselves. (bulb)
The house is a glass bubble, and a light lives in it. During the day he sleeps, and when he wakes up, he lights up with a bright flame. (bulb)
And in the center of the ceiling the sun hangs; when darkness comes, a light bulb is lit. (chandelier)
At night, if I want, I’ll click it once and turn it on during the day. (switch)
Whoever passes, whoever leaves - everyone leads her by the hand. (door)
Walks back and forth, never gets tired. (door)
She doesn’t offend anyone, but everyone pushes her. (door) He will walk back and forth two hundred times, although he stands still all day. (door)
I have tons of friends, I can’t count them myself, because whoever passes by will shake my hand. (door knob)
The door will not open on its own - it remains closed. What do you need to grab onto to make the door open? (by the door handle)

We walk at night, we walk during the day, but we will not go anywhere. We strike regularly every hour, and you, friends, do not beat us. (watch)
No legs, but I walk, no mouth, but I’ll tell you when to sleep, when to get up, when to start work. (watch)
Their mustaches are not for show, they show the time and are called... (watch)
They go around the clock, they don’t stand still for a minute, but everyone is in one place. (watch)
When we walk, we stand, but we can stand lying down, even if we run away, we don’t move either. (watch)
They don’t get angry, but they twirl their mustaches, they don’t remain silent, but they don’t say a word, they walk, but they don’t budge. (watch)
On the hand and on the wall, and on the tower on high they walk, they walk evenly from sunrise to sunrise. (watch)
They knock, they knock, they don’t tell you to shout; They go, they go, and everyone is here and there. (watch)
They always walk, but never leave their place. (watch)
On the hand and on the wall, and on the tower on high they walk with and without fight, everyone needs you and me. (watch)
He knocks, strums, spins, is not afraid of anyone, counts his age, and yet he is not a man. (watch)
Two sisters run lap after lap after each other. The short one - only once, the taller one - every hour. (clock hands)
A slender beauty is hiding in the dial. It circles around and around all day long, counting down time. (clock hand)
Every day at seven in the morning he shouts: “It’s time to get up!” (alarm)

The tail is made of bone, and there are bristles on the back. (toothbrush)
It looks like a hedgehog, but doesn't ask for food. It will run through your clothes and your clothes will become cleaner. (clothes brush)
Our dancer is happy to dance on the floor all day long. Where he dances, where he waves, not a speck can be found. (floor brush)
I've had a hedgehog living in my room for years. If you apply wax to the floor, it will rub it until it's shiny. (electric polisher)
If I want to, I’ll fly to the twelfth floor. If you want, I’ll rush you and your luggage there. (elevator)
When they go on a hike, they take a house where they don’t live at home. (tent)
Two belts hang on me, there are pockets on the back. If you go on a hike with me, I’ll hang on your back. (backpack)
This box is not simple - it has traveled around the globe, it contains shirts and pants - they travel. (suitcase)
When I lie in place, without opening my mouth, there is, to be honest, such emptiness inside me! Hurry up, let it be summer! And people will put travel items in my big mouth. Apparently, I was given such a character from birth that I love movement, that’s why I... (suitcase).

My assistant will solve a million problems for me at once; he has one huge eye and a square head. (computer)
He can multiply two numbers faster than a human, a library could fit in it a hundred times over, only it can open a hundred windows in a minute. It’s not at all difficult to guess that the riddle is about... (computer)
They gave me a farsighted man, he brought him closer to me. (binoculars)
What a funny incident! A cloud settled in the bathroom. Rain pours from the ceiling onto my back and sides. How nice this is! The rain is warm, heated, and there are no visible puddles on the floor. All the guys love... (shower)
The rain is warm and thick, this rain is not easy, it is without clouds, without clouds, ready to go all day. (shower)
A warm wave splashes onto the cast iron shores. Guess, remember: what kind of sea is in the room? (bath)
The boundaries are wooden and the fields are glass. (window)
It is all made of iron, wires and microcircuits, and it will help a person in solving difficult matters. (robot)
You laid me on the floor in the apartment. The main thing is to remember to remove the dust in time. (palace)
I lay down to rest in a field of roses; I could not pick a single rose. The roses were blooming, but their secret was this: each flower had a hundred knots. (carpet)
A huge pipe is directed to where the stars and planets, rockets and comets are. (telescope)
The day has passed, it’s time to sleep, there’s someone waiting for me in the bedroom... (bed)
Two bellies, four ears. What is this? (pillow)
The first syllable is stressed - and the result is an ancient house; the second syllable is stressed - there is a barn lock on the door. (lock)

Tail in the yard, nose in the kennel. Whoever turns his tail will enter the house. (key)
They go for water and sing sonorous songs, but when they go back they shed tears. (buckets)
I serve in the locker room, holding my coat suspended. (hanger)
I am my kin, turn away, open me, and I will wash you quickly with cold water. (water pipes)
To prevent her trousers from falling off, she was ordered to hold them. It is tenaciously attached to the rope... (pin)

Our aunt was drawing a line across the field with a needle. Line by line, line by line, it will be a dress for your daughter. (sewing machine)
He will stitch like a machine gun and sew a new dress. (sewing machine)
The dry wind dries my mother's curls. (hairdryer)
This automatic laundress washes everything for us. (washing machine)
It boils from the inside and blows bubbles. (kettle)
The giant clenched his fist and juiced the orange. (juicer)

In our house under the window
There is a hot accordion:
Doesn't sing or play -
She heats the house.
(Heating battery)

Night. But if I want,
I'll click once -
And I’ll turn it on for the day.

Small bird:
Steel spout,
And the tail is flaxen.
(Needle and thread)

To the small house
The birds are flying up.
News, greetings
They will carry it around the world.
(Mailbox, letters)

We don't sleep during the day
We don't sleep at night.
Both day and night
We knock, we knock.

Two rings
Two ends
And in the middle there are carnations.

Two sisters next to each other
They run lap after lap.
Shorty - just once
The one above is every hour.
(Clock hands)

I'll sit under your arm
And I’ll tell you what to do:
Or I'll let you go for a walk,
Or I'll put you to bed.

I silently look at everyone
And everyone looks at me.
The merry ones see laughter
I cry with the sad.
Deep like a river
I'm at home, on your wall.
An old man sees an old man,
The child is the child in me.

Four blue suns
In grandma's kitchen
Four blue suns
They burned and went out.
The cabbage soup is ripe, the pancakes are sizzling.
No need for sun until tomorrow.
(Gas stove)

I'm puffing, puffing, puffing,
I don't want to get warm anymore.
The lid rang loudly:
“Drink tea, the water has boiled!

How to start
Talk, talk,
I need tea soon

From a hot well
Water flows through the nose.

This is a cramped, cramped house:
A hundred sisters huddle in it.
And any of the sisters
It might flare up
Like a fire!
Don't joke with your sisters
(With matches)

There are four legs under the roof,
And on the lid there is soup and spoons.

I don’t eat myself, but I feed people.

There's a hole at the top
There's a hole at the bottom
And in the middle -
Fire and water.

New vessel
And everything is full of holes.
(Sieve, sieve)

I myself am oak,
And my belt is willow.

Made from boards
And put on a belt.
And these dishes keep
Summer harvested from the garden.

Three brothers
Let's go to the river to swim.
Yes, they swim
The third one is lying on the shore.
We swam, went out,
On the third they hung.
(Buckets with rocker)

Slipping away like something alive
But I won't let him out.
Foams with white foam.
I'm not too lazy to wash my hands.

Bone tail
And on the back there are bristles.

The rain is warm and thick,
This rain is not easy,
He is without clouds, without clouds
Ready to go all day.

The path says -
Two embroidered ends:
- Wash yourself a little,
Wash the ink off your face!
Otherwise you're in half a day
You'll get me dirty!

He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn't eat anything.

I'm not wandering through forests,
And by the mustache, by the hair.
My teeth are longer
Than wolves and bears.

One-eyed old lady
Embroiders patterns.

Dresses the whole world, she herself is naked.

Covers everyone in the world,
Whatever he sews, he doesn’t put on.

One girlfriend
The other one fit into my ear.

She herself is short, but her tail is long.
(Needle with thread)

She dived and dived, but lost her tail.
(Needle with thread)

I'm small in stature
Thin and sharp.
I'm looking for a way with my nose,
I'm dragging my tail behind me.
(Needle with thread)

I'm fluffy, soft, round,
There is a tail, but I am not a cat,
I often jump elastically,
I'll swing under the chest of drawers.
(Ball of thread)

Small, round,
And you can’t lift it by the tail.
(Ball of thread)

On one finger
The bucket is upside down.

iron bug,
There is a worm on the tail.

Bows, bows,
When he comes home, he will stretch out.

Toothed animal
The oak tree gnaws with a whistle.

The fat one will beat the thin one
The thin one will hit something.
(Hammer and nail)

Without a head, but with a hat.
One leg and that one without a boot.

wooden river,
wooden boat,
And it flows over the boat
Wooden smoke.

Along the wooden river
A new boat is sailing.
Twisted into rings
Its smoke is pine.

The study of any school subject proceeds from simple to complex. And the simplest thing that is familiar to every junior schoolchild is what surrounds him every day. These are objects of his everyday life, things made by human hands. I wonder if your child will recognize what is encrypted in riddles about household items? Maybe he would like to know how people made this or that item...

We bring to your attention riddles about household items with answers for children in grades 3-4 of primary school.

Riddles about household things

And it shines and shines,
It doesn't flatter anyone
And he will tell anyone the truth -
Everything will be shown to him as it is. (Mirror)

There is a back, but it never lies.
Has four legs, but doesn't walk.
He always stands, but tells everyone to sit. (Chair)

There are four legs under the roof,
And on the roof there is soup and spoons.

answer (Desk)

Bone back,
Stiff bristles
Goes well with mint paste,
Serves us diligently. (Toothbrush)

We'd like to drink tea -
We will boil water in it.
answer (Kettle)

Mom hangs dresses in it,
Sweaters and trousers are brothers,
Dad - jacket, raincoat and scarf.
Did you guess it? This is... (closet).

Two rings, two ends, studs in the middle. (Scissors)

He will lie there without attention
All day in your pocket.
You'll come home without him -
You won't get into the house.


They wiggle their mustaches all day
And they tell us to find out the time. (Watch)

In the Linen Country
Along the Prostynya River
The steamer is sailing
Back and forth
And behind him there is such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle to be seen. (Iron)

If the folds of your trousers are wrinkled,
That will help us... (iron).

The pear is hanging, you can’t eat it.
answer (Lamp)

Looks like a hedgehog
But he doesn't ask for food.
It will run through the clothes -
And the clothes will become cleaner. (Clothes brush)

Dresses the whole world, she herself is naked. (Needle)

Every day at seven in the morning
I shout: “It’s time to get up!” (Alarm)

Walks and wanders on the carpets,
He moves his nose around the corners.
Where I went, there was no dust,
Dust and litter are his lunch. (Vacuum cleaner)

She hangs from the ceiling
Glass pendants ring,
We'll turn it on in the evening
And the room will become bright. (Chandelier)

Warms batteries better
It's warmer and more fun with him. (Fireplace)

During the day the pillow sleeps on it,
And at night - Andryushka. (Bed)

On my screen, friends.
Then the seas rustle in the fog,
The garden is shaking fruits.
There are programs for children. (TV)

He puffs like a locomotive,
It is important to keep your nose up.
Make some noise, calm down -
Invite the seagull to have a drink. (Kettle)

Behind the white door there is cold, ice,
Santa Claus, my friends, lives there. (Fridge)

Admire and look:
The North Pole is inside!
Snow and ice sparkle there,
Winter itself lives there. (Fridge)

There's a plate hanging on the wall,
An arrow moves across the plate.
This arrow is forward
Finds out the weather for us. (Barometer)

They filled us with feather and down,
May we be very soft.
We lie quietly under our cheeks,
May you have sound sleep and peace. (Pillows)

    I'm a helpful belly.
    I gladly treat everyone.
    I remain silent like an idol.
    And then I sing songs.


    The pig is running
    The back is worn out.


    Say the magic words
    Just barely wave the object:
    The flowers will bloom instantly
    Between the snowdrifts here and there.
    Can you conjure rain?
    There are five cakes at once.
    And lemonade, and sweets...
    You name that item!

    (Magic wand)

    There are different girlfriends nearby,
    But they look alike.
    They all sit next to each other,
    And just one toy.


    Two twins, two brothers,
    They sit astride the nose.

    There will be delicious food
    With a golden crust,
    If you use...

    (with a frying pan!)

    Didn't look out the window -
    There was only Antoshka,
    I looked out the window -
    There's a second Antoshka!
    What kind of window is this?
    Where was Antoshka looking?


    This thing is functional:
    You can sweep with it.
    Well, it’s possible (it’s not a secret!)
    Fly on it under the clouds.
    There are Nimbus brands,
    Everyone plays Quidditch on it.

    From under the roof the roof
    I went out into the rain.

    I have legs, but I don’t walk,
    With a back, but not lying down,
    You sit down - I'm not sitting.

    Even though she doesn't look very good
    And she looks a little like a hedgehog,
    Loves it very much before I go to bed,
    Dance on my teeth for a minute.


    You hit the wall -
    And I'll jump back.
    You throw it on the ground -
    And I'll jump.
    I'm flying from palm to palm
    I don’t want to lie still.

    They sat on the bow,
    We looked at the world
    They held their ears.

    Among spoons I am a colonel.
    And my name is...


    Teapot girlfriend
    Has two ears
    He cooks porridge and soup for Yulia.
    And her name is...


    Where a sponge can't handle it,
    It won’t wash you away, it won’t wash you away,
    I take on the labor:
    I rub my heels and elbows with soap,
    And I rub my knees,
    I don't forget anything.


    Lots of neighbors
    Everyone lives nearby
    And they never see each other.

    She will fluff up her sides,
    Its four corners,
    And you, when night comes,
    It will still attract you.


    Soup, salad, mashed potatoes, cutlets
    Always served in... (Plate)
    And for tea and yogurt
    Submit, my friend...

    Wizards all use it.

    Five boys
    Five closets.
    The boys went their separate ways
    In dark closets.
    Every boy
    In your closet.

    (Fingers and gloves)

    I'm sitting on horseback
    I don’t know on whom.

    I have two horses, two horses.
    They carry me along the water.

    (Skates, ice)

    I'm for any girl
    I'll cover my hair
    I'll cover the boy too
    Short haircuts.
    I am protection from the sun -
    That's what it's made for.

    Fat, long-nosed...

    I ride it
    Until evening.
    But my horse is lazy
    Carries only from the mountain.
    And always up the hill
    I walk on my own
    And his horse
    I lead by the rope.

    Two braids, two sisters,
    From fine sheep yarn,
    How to walk - so to wear,
    So that five and five do not freeze.


    The whole Universe lives in it,
    But it's an ordinary thing.


    There are ears near the body, but no head.


    Strokes everything it touches
    And if you touch it, it bites.

    Even though we have four legs,
    We are neither mice nor cats,
    Although we all have backs,
    We are not sheep or pigs,
    We are not horses, even on us
    You sit down many times.

    Two bellies, four ears.


    The track says - two embroidered ends:
    "Wash yourself a little,
    Wash the ink off your face!
    Otherwise, you will dirty me in half a day."


    I know how to jump and roll, and if they throw me, I’ll fly. Laughing faces all around: Everyone is happy about the round...

    Sealed with glue firmly
    And they sent it to me urgently.
    I won't regret him
    I’ll receive it and post it up in no time.


    Not a human,
    And he talks.

    Two birch horses
    They carry me through the snow.
    These red horses
    And their names are...

    So as not to freeze,
    Five guys
    Knitted in the oven
    They are sitting.


    Admire, look -
    The North Pole is inside!
    Snow and ice sparkle there,
    Winter itself lives there.
    Forever this winter for us
    Brought from the store.


    If he falls, he will jump,
    If you hit him, he won't cry.

    Your ponytail
    I held it in my hand
    You flew -
    I ran.


    Unapproachable, lonely,
    On a steep, high cliff,
    A gloomy block in appearance
    He is standing by the lake.
    Through ancient loopholes
    It looks into the surface of the lake.

    With a tail, but you can’t lift it by the tail

    I'm spinning, I'm spinning,
    And I'm not lazy
    Spin around even all day long.

    Not shoes, not boots,
    But they are also worn by legs.
    We run in them in winter:
    In the morning - to school, in the afternoon - home.

    (Felt boots)

    A new vessel, but it’s all full of holes.

    Dove is white
    Flew into the hut,
    What in the world have you seen?
    She told me everything.

    They go for water - they sing sonorous songs,
    And they go back - tears are shed.

    I walk in the rain and in the heat,
    This is my character.

    Four legs, but not a beast.
    There are feathers, but not a bird. What is this?

    (Bed and pillow)

    On one finger
    the bucket is upside down.


    It stands like a pillar, burning with fire, no heat, no steam, no coals.

    Downhill - a horse, uphill - a piece of wood.

    I was walking along the road
    I found two roads
    I went for both.

    At little Katyusha's
    Perched on top of my head
    Not a moth, not a bird -
    Holds two braids.

    They hang on the ears, not earrings.


    When it is needed, it is thrown away. When not needed, they raise it.

    You enter through one door and exit from three,
    You think you've left, but in fact you've entered.


    I serve in the locker room,
    I hold my coat by weight.


    If you turn it, it's a wedge,
    If you unfold it, damn it.

    What will the teeth reach the back of the head?


    Made from boards
    And put on a belt,
    And these dishes keep
    Summer harvested from the garden.

    Which year is it for me?
    a hedgehog lives in the room.
    If the floor is waxed,
    He will polish it to a shine.


    This eye is a special eye.
    He will quickly look at you,
    And will be born
    The most accurate portrait of you.


    If it goes down, it breaks the road, if it goes up, it builds.

    (Zip dog on jacket)

    Among spoons I am a colonel.
    And my name is...


    Teapot girlfriend
    Has two ears
    He cooks porridge and soup for Yulia.
    And her name is...


    Where a sponge can't handle it,
    It won’t wash you away, it won’t wash you away,
    I take on the labor:
    I rub my heels and elbows with soap,
    And I rub my knees,
    I don't forget anything.


    Lots of neighbors
    Everyone lives nearby
    And they never see each other.

    She will fluff up her sides,
    Its four corners,
    And you, when night comes,
    It will still attract you.


    Soup, salad, mashed potatoes, cutlets
    Always served in... (Plate)
    And for tea and yogurt
    Submit, my friend...

    This item is indispensable for predictions.
    Wizards all use it.
    It is round and transparent, like glass,
    It is quite easy to see the future in it.

    Five boys
    Five closets.
    The boys went their separate ways
    In dark closets.
    Every boy
    In your closet.

    (Fingers and gloves)

    I'm sitting on horseback
    I don’t know on whom.

    I have two horses, two horses.
    They carry me along the water.
    And the water is hard, like stone!

    (Skates, ice)

    I'm for any girl
    I'll cover my hair
    I'll cover the boy too
    Short haircuts.
    I am protection from the sun -
    That's what it's made for.

    On the stove is the boss of the pots.
    Fat, long-nosed...

    I ride it
    Until evening.
    But my horse is lazy
    Carries only from the mountain.
    And always up the hill
    I walk on my own
    And his horse
    I lead by the rope.

    We stood there all summer and waited for winter.
    When the time was right, they rushed down the mountain.

    Two braids, two sisters,
    From fine sheep yarn,
    How to walk - so to wear,
    So that five and five do not freeze.


    The whole Universe lives in it,
    But it's an ordinary thing.


    Kuzma is knotty and impossible to untie.

    There are ears near the body, but no head.


    Strokes everything it touches
    And if you touch it, it bites.

    Even though we have four legs,
    We are neither mice nor cats,
    Although we all have backs,
    We are not sheep or pigs,
    We are not horses, even on us
    You sit down many times.

    Two bellies, four ears.


    He's a swing and a bed,
    It's good to lie on it,
    Is he in the garden or in the forest
    Will sway on the weight.

    Duck in the sea, tail on the fence.

    Who comes, who goes,
    Everyone leads her by the hand.

    He doesn't say who made me. Those who don't know me accept me. Who knows, he won’t let me into the yard.

    (Fake coin)

    Laughing Egorka took up cleaning,
    He started dancing around the room,
    I looked around - the floor was clean.

    The fat woman is standing -
    Wooden belly
    Iron belt.

    There are two sharp sticks at the edges,
    In the middle there is something
    What will all the kids exclaim,
    If they suddenly hear him.


    He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn't eat anything.


    What is it with Galochka?
    A thread on a stick
    Stick in hand
    And a thread in the river.

    A piece of paper in the morning
    They bring us to our apartment,
    On one such sheet
    a lot of different news.

    I held your tail in my hand,
    You flew, I ran.


    What kind of judge is without a tongue?

    He rides on someone else's back, but carries the load on his own.

    On the squares of the board
    The kings brought down the regiments.
    Not for battle near regiments
    No cartridges, no bayonets.


    Guys, I have
    Two silver horses.
    I ride both at once
    What kind of horses do I have?

    They love the young man very much, but they beat him and beat him endlessly.

    A small head sits on the finger.
    Hundreds of eyes looking in all directions.


    There is a bathhouse in the belly, a sieve in the nose, and a navel on the head. There is only one hand, and that one is on the back. What is this?

    Four blue suns
    In grandma's kitchen
    Four blue suns
    They burned and went out.
    The cabbage soup is ripe, the pancakes are sizzling.
    No need for sun until tomorrow.

    (Gas stove)

    There are four legs under the roof,
    Under the roof there is soup and spoons.

    They beat him with a hand and a stick -
    Nobody feels sorry for him.
    Why are they beating the poor guy?
    And for the fact that he is inflated.

    Come on guys, who can guess:
    Are two fur coats enough for ten brothers?


    Leaned over the river -
    Their agreement is this:
    The river will exchange for her
    Perch on a worm.

    A warm wave splashes
    There is whiteness under the wave.
    Guess, remember,
    What kind of sea is in the room?


    Two very fast horses
    They carry me through the snow -
    Through the meadow to the birch tree,
    Two stripes are drawn.

    In our house under the window
    There is a hot accordion:
    She doesn't sing or play - she heats the house.

    (Heating radiator)

    In Moscow they say it, but here we can hear it.

    I’ll sit under your arm and tell you what to do:
    Either I’ll put you to bed, or I’ll let you go for a walk.


    Blue house at the gate.
    Guess who lives in it.

    The door is narrow under the roof -
    Not for a squirrel, not for a mouse,
    Not for the outsider,
    Talkative starling.

    News is flying through this door,
    They spend half an hour together.
    News does not stay for a long time -
    They fly in all directions!


    There are no clouds on the horizon,
    But an umbrella opened in the sky.
    In a few minutes
    Got down...


    In linen country
    Along the river sheet
    The ship is sailing,
    Back and forth
    And behind him there is such a smooth surface,
    Not a wrinkle to be seen.

    House is a glass bubble,
    And a light lives in it.
    During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,
    It will light up with a bright flame.

    Small, round,
    But you can't catch it by the tail.

    On the wall, in a visible place,
    Gathers news together
    And then its tenants
    They will fly to all ends.


    Her whole soul is wide open,
    And even though there are buttons, it’s not a shirt,
    Not a turkey, but pouting,
    And it’s not a bird, but it’s flooding.