White magic spells. How dangerous is black and white magic?

Practical Book of White Magic. How to manage people and money Zachary

Magic white and black

Magic white and black

Before we begin the magical practices contained in this book, you and I need to agree on what type of magic - white or black - we will use. It may seem strange to you that a white magician suddenly started talking about black magic. Since the title of the book contains the word “white,” it means that all the magical methods in it are also white. However, everything is far from being as simple as it seems at first glance. Magic itself is neither white nor black. It is a person who makes it white or black, and most often – unconsciously. He may be sure that he is resorting to the help of light forces, but in fact he is in captivity of the dark force, which deceives him, creating the illusion of power over himself.

By the way, many magicians and sorcerers, those who call themselves “white,” actually practice real black magic. True, they do not suspect this, and are very offended if someone calls them black magicians. These grievances only prove that a person does not know what dangerous path he has stepped on, or with what forces he is playing. A true magician will never be offended by such an accusation. On the contrary, he will thank the one who said it. After all, such words are a reason to think about whether he is doing the right thing, whether he is engaged in the right type of magic? The magician must constantly check himself: after all, magic is a slippery slope on which it is very easy to stumble. The magician needs continuous self-control, only in this case his magic will be white.

The problem is that the very concept of “magic” has many interpretations, most of which are completely wrong. People always judge by what lies on the surface. It seems to them that magic is what is described in fairy tales: they waved a magic wand, pulled out a hair from their beard, read a spell - and a miracle happened. But this is only an appearance. If you dig deeper, it becomes clear that magic is a very complex concept. This is an entire science, or even a complex of several sciences, such as physics, chemistry, mathematics... However, magic is the ancestor of modern science (although scientists have long ago banished magic to the area of ​​superstition and obscurantism). Think about it, what does science do? She studies the laws in force in the world and puts them at the service of man. Magic does everything the same! Only magicians, unlike scientists, know that the range of these laws is limitless, because the world itself is limitless. However, the understanding of the boundlessness of the world and its laws little by little comes to secular science. Much of what used to be the domain of magic has now passed into science. Weather prediction, disease diagnosis, rejuvenation, life extension, moving a person over long distances in a short time - previously only magic did all this. And now much of the above is considered to be in the order of things.

And science, like magic, can be white or black! When nuclear energy is used to generate electricity in power plants or to break ice in icebreakers, this is white science. And when the same energy destroys hundreds of thousands of lives, this is black science. As you can see, everything depends only on the purpose for which science is used. I’ll add on my own – and magic.

So first decide on your goals. Think about this carefully. After all, it often seems to people that they are pursuing only noble and pure goals, although in reality they are striving for evil. For example: an abandoned wife tries to use magic to return her husband to the family. Is it a good goal? Undoubtedly. But at the same time she... casts a spell on her rival, as a result of which she falls ill and dies. It turns out that the woman who resorted to magic did not so much want to restore the family as to harm the homewrecker. And harm, no matter who it is caused, is always evil. So, when using magical recipes, carefully analyze your true goals and intentions. I, of course, cannot monitor each of my readers and control your magical practices. But I want to warn you: this book is charged with achieving only good goals. If you try to use my magic for evil, it will immediately come back to you. And only you will be to blame for this!

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White and black magic Before we begin the magical practices contained in this book, you and I need to agree on what type of magic - white or black - we will use. It may seem strange to you that a white magician suddenly started talking about black magic. Once every

Magic- these are certain actions performed in a certain sequence with an appeal to supernatural forces in order to achieve the desired result. In our world there is white and black magic, and few people know what the main difference is.

The first magicians were shamans (tribal elders) who their actions affected the environment , causing long-awaited rain or sunny weather. Very often their rituals were accompanied by sacrifices and ritual dances.

Now, magical rituals have changed and are used for completely different purposes. Depending on the current situation, we resort to black or white magic. In this article we will talk about what advantages and differences each has.

White magic is described as “good”, in contrast to black magic, which attracts the forces of evil. There are varying opinions regarding the differences between black and white, ranging from the idea that the two names mean the same thing to the belief that they are completely different, especially in purpose and intent. The Bible makes no distinction between " good" And " bad» in magic. Scripture does not discriminate, as is intended, whether magic will be used for good or for evil; all this is prohibited , because it appeals to another source of power other than God.

White and black magic are very different. When you come across spells that work, it is important to note that the spells are an example of one or the other magic.

The definitions of white magic and black magic differ slightly depending on the magician's point of view. But in general, dark magic is considered harmful or the source of evil, while white magic is considered benevolent or good. In addition to differences in results, they differ in intentions.

Black or White magic - intention

Black magic comes from malicious intentions, while white magic comes from good-hearted intentions. Magical spells that are used to harm another person will be classified as "black", and the one that is used to help others belongs to the white category. Dark magic is more aggressive, since black magicians usually do not adhere to ethics and have no moral principles.

White magic spells rely primarily on benevolent spirits, while black magic may involve necromancy to harness the power of evil spirits or Satanism.

Great white magic relies on spells, prayers, incense, talismans, amulets, and meditation.

Magic and responsibility

Each person must decide for himself whether he will practice dark magic. When making this decision, it is important to consider the role of karma, which is a universal law that ensures that everything returns to normal.

When you intend to harm someone, the Universe ensures that the harm is intended for you. This is a metaphysical law.

Think very carefully before working with black magic. Even if someone has harmed you and you feel that its use is justified.

Remember, the universe and karma will ensure that they get what they deserve. You don't have to take matters into your own hands.

Black magic should not be used as retribution or punishment for someone's actions.

Which magic is more powerful?

Each person has an energy body, and a certain amount of energy. It depends on the emotional state of a person. The better a person’s mood and the more positive emotions, the stronger he will be in white magic. And as you may have guessed, the same principle applies to black magic. The more anger and malice a person harbors, the stronger he will be. But such a person, imbued with anger and hatred, is by nature unhappy. He resorts to black magic spells and various conspiracies to take away the energy from other people and make them unhappy.

Happy people do not need to resort to white magic or spells. Such a person is imbued with light energy and is strong enough that he can do without outside help. Having a pure heart, with a sufficient amount of internal energy, his words become spells.

White magicians use their powers to help other people, heal someone, cleanse the aura and protect against dark forces. As a rule, white magic is harmless and cannot harm an inexperienced magician.

But with the dark one it’s the other way around. An inexperienced magician can harm both himself and his loved ones.

This is the reason why gray magicians exist. They learned (or this knowledge was passed on from generation to generation) to direct their energy and use higher powers to perform the desired ritual. Gray magicians can use both white and black magic, depending on the client's needs. Such rituals, in most cases, use both white and black power. These rituals take a lot of energy and are usually not cheap. Only charlatans and novice magicians ask for small money for their services. The pay for an experienced magician will be serious. By turning to dark forces, he takes great risks, because all spells and diseases can pass to him. Therefore, not everyone will start practicing white and black magic

Abilities of white and black magic

Rituals of black and white magic can be found in the book of magical content. As we have already said, magic spells are used for different purposes. For example, many people believe that with the help of dark magic you can quickly get rich, become famous, succeed in business and much more. But is this really so? Performing a ritual for wealth and waiting for the money to flow to you like a river is not enough. With the help of the ritual you can concentrate a lot of energy around you, however, she needs help to get on track.

There must be an opportunity through which this energy accumulates and turns into wealth . Otherwise, not finding an opportunity, it flows to another person.

With white, everything is much simpler. Sometimes there are situations when a person cannot cope with them on his own and even prayers do not help. For example, a woman cannot find a husband or a good job. Then they carry out special rituals and try to correct the current situation. But in order to achieve the desired result, the ritual must be performed by an experienced and trained person.

The desire to solve difficulties in a “magical” way is common to almost all people, although not everyone manages to overcome the wall of skepticism and really believe in a “fairy tale.” But magic exists. And there are many ways to learn how to use it for your own purposes. True, first you need to become at least a little familiar with the theory.

What is magic

In dry language, magic is verbal and physical manipulation aimed at changing the situation. There are no restrictions as such: the sorcerer is free to influence the world in any way he wants, if only he manages to find a suitable method for this. Magic techniques can be divided into two complementary groups:

  • Conspiracies. These are spells, special witchcraft words, the utterance of which activates the energy program.
  • Actions. They involve performing certain procedures, such as visiting a cemetery, burning candles, making special dolls, etc.

As a rule, the ritual includes both reading the conspiracy and carrying out “field” work, although there are exceptions. For example, for some easy love spells it is enough to speak the text. But you need to focus on the instructions for the ritual, since it is created taking into account all the important subtleties.

Why does modern man need magic?

Today's magicians do not wear long robes and wave staffs causing thunder and lightning (at least not in public). Most of today's sorcerers are ordinary people with the ability and desire to create magic. And since humanity always suffers from the same problems, magic is traditionally used for the following purposes:

  • Casting love spells. Love spells allow you to start a relationship even with someone who has not previously expressed the slightest interest in it. Such rituals make it possible to persuade a loved one to be faithful, harmonize relationships, make them more passionate, etc.
  • Causing harm. To punish an enemy, to humiliate a rival, to avenge an insult - such desires were kindled in the heart of every person at least once. The magical arsenal for this is very wide: evil eyes, damage, curses are excellent options to annoy the enemy.
  • Cleansing from negativity. Over the years of life, a person becomes overgrown with all sorts of “garbage” that blocks the chakras. Magical cleansing is designed to eliminate negativity, thereby returning physical and emotional well-being to normal.
  • Attracting benefits. There are many rituals specially designed to attract good luck, money, and love. You can also improve your health, improve your situation at work, and establish social contacts. There is not a single area in which magic is powerless.
  • Getting rid of troubles. The easiest way to remove unnecessary things from your life is to transfer them to another object. Translations help to give your troubles to a person, a plant, an animal, an inanimate object. The caster's former problems become the object's new problems.
  • Almost anyone interested can learn witchcraft. The main thing is to find a suitable path for yourself that will allow you to encounter dangers as little as possible and make it possible to achieve your plans in the shortest possible time.

White magic: witchcraft for good

Light magic is that which is aimed at good. Its main characteristics: cleanliness; sincerity; kindness. The white magician heals, helps, harmonizes. He will never cause harm because he considers it unacceptable. Light enchantments are used to:

  • Bewitch your loved one.
  • Protect yourself and your home from negativity.
  • Heal and cleanse.
  • Make dream comes true.
  • Awaken hidden talents.
  • Attract good luck in any area of ​​life.

Almost everyone is familiar with white magic. A mother’s lullaby, words of love from a spouse, a wish for happiness from a close friend - all this is an unconscious manifestation of light witchcraft that is natural to people.

Black magic: spells that cause harm

Black magic is that which requires an appeal to dark forces. It suppresses the will of the victim, forcing the person to obey the wishes of the caster. The charm demonstrates the following properties: aggressiveness; cold; soreness. A true black magician does not worry about harming anyone: he puts his own interests first. And it bears fruit. When the sorcerer does not worry about the actions he performs, the results of the rituals are truly surprising: the absence of pity and doubt is the key to success in this work.

Classic dark rituals:

  • Strong love spells (demonic, cemetery, blood).
  • Damage (to death, to illness, to poverty, to loneliness, to loss of beauty, to alcoholism).
  • Curses (often generic).
  • Protective rituals from enemies.
  • Stealing any goods from another (stealers) or getting what you want with the help of dark entities.

Black magic that people encounter in everyday life is always associated with the manifestation of negativity. This is a curse thrown after; an accidental evil eye from a stranger; wishes for all sorts of troubles from an angry friend. Even without a person understanding what is happening, such actions are very dangerous, since they activate a destructive program.

Difference between white and black magic

Every practitioner sooner or later faces the question of what is closer to him - dark or light energies? Depending on the answer, a choice is made in favor of either black or white magic. What is the difference between the two witchcraft movements?

  • Light magic. It is distinguished by its naturalness: in this tradition, sorcerers work with natural energies. White magic does not suppress a person’s will, it only pushes him in the right direction. Light rituals are simple, safe and harmless, since they are extremely compatible with the forces operating in the universe.
  • Dark magic. Her assistants are the spirits of the dead, demons, demons. Contact with such “assistants” always poses a danger: there is never a guarantee that the summoned entities will exactly complete the assigned task and not profit from the sorcerer himself. Rituals are very effective and break even powerful wills, but you have to pay dearly for their effectiveness.

Many rituals can be performed in both white and black “style”. For example, it is quite possible to attract a person you like both by turning to light energies and through contact with the inhabitants of hell. The main role is played by the magician’s intention, in accordance with which the ritual is selected. But damage, curses and other malicious programs are an extremely dark area.

The world of witchcraft is accessible to everyone. You just need to decide and enter into it. When it seems that difficulties are invincible, magic proves that they are not. And although beginners are usually advised to start with white rituals, you should not ignore your inclination towards black rituals: success can only be achieved where the soul strives.

They say that magic is a way, with minimal effort, to change your destiny or the destiny of others.

Indeed, sorcerers promise that just one simple and quick ritual will bring good luck, bring love and family happiness, and even help you get rich quickly.

Is this really so and how do white magic conspiracies work?

White magic: what are its main advantages?

Many people, even those not familiar with esotericism, have heard that there are two types of magic: white and black.

At the same time, “bad” sorcerers practice black magic, and “good” ones practice white magic. What are the differences between the two magical directions?

Black magic is a method of witchcraft in which the sorcerer seeks the support of dark forces and the other world.

At the same time, black magic conspiracies can influence a person’s will, that is, they are, in essence, psychological and energetic violence against a person.

It is believed that black magicians can have almost unlimited power, although the price for this power is very high: any black magician goes to hell after death, because many of them, according to rumors, sell their souls to dark forces during their lifetime.

White magic does not allow you to achieve such impressive results as black magic. The white magician uses the forces of light and his conspiracies are based on the energy of light, goodness and love.

At the same time, practices will not bring quick results - they only “push” fate in the right direction. At the same time, it is important for a person to make efforts himself in order to achieve his goals.

For example, a black magician uses a love spell to achieve love, as a result of which a person will literally become obsessed with the object of his passion. A white magician is not capable of this: he can only make sure that an interest in someone who thirsts for love appears in a person’s soul.

White magic has its limits: thanks to it, you can only get what you really need and no more. The powers of a black magician are limitless, but the price for such opportunities is very high.

At the same time, you have to pay with your health and the health (or even the lives) of your loved ones, happiness and luck. White magic is devoid of such “side effects”. For black magicians, people are just a tool, for white magicians they are the most valuable thing in the world.

Naturally, if you decide to use any conspiracies in order to achieve your goals, it is advisable to use those used by white magicians. By the way, in the arsenal of white magicians there are not only conspiracies, but also special prayers that help achieve what you want. After all, the white magician uses the help of angels who are not capable of causing harm.

Why do conspiracies work?

Surprisingly, even the most desperate skeptics note that conspiracies and prayers can indeed bring the desired result. Why is this happening?

Psychologists say that any conspiracy has several main characteristics:

  • you need to fully concentrate on it;
  • the plot has a certain rhythm that must be observed when reading;
  • conspiracies are read in a certain environment: twilight, candlelight and complete silence are required.

Under such conditions, conspiracies turn into statements that penetrate directly into a person’s subconscious. Rhythm, flickering candles, complete silence, a meditative state that occurs when reading a spell or prayer...

All this sets the stage for future changes. Affirmations or positive statements, which psychologists recommend regularly repeating out loud or to yourself, work in a similar way.

Affirmations tune the subconscious in a certain way, which affects behavior and even appearance. For example, if a woman regularly reads beauty spells, she begins to believe that she really looks great and is admired by everyone. And sooner or later the people around you will begin to share this confidence.

What are the conspiracies in white magic?

Almost any conspiracies can be found. There are conspiracies and prayers for success in work, financial well-being, health, happiness in family life...

The list can be almost endless. By the way, if you believe that you can become an object of damage, white magic will also come to your aid: some conspiracies are aimed at protecting yourself from any influence of black magicians.

You need to repeat such conspiracies regularly before leaving the house. Interestingly, white magic never seeks to harm other people. And any spells or damage cannot just disappear: they must be redirected to another person.

If a black magician, defending himself from hostile spells, can literally direct them at the first person he meets, then the white magician always “returns” evil to the one who created it.

White magic and love spells

Love spell...

This word scares many, because it is known that a bewitched person loses his own will, turning into an obedient puppet in the hands of a sorcerer. In addition, people who have been bewitched, as a rule, do not live long: they become drunkards and begin to suffer from terrible physical and mental illnesses.

A love spell does not bring happiness, especially if it is performed according to the rituals of black magic.

However, white magic also has its own love spells. True, they are not so strong and effective: a person will not run after you, being obsessed with his passion. Yes, and the result will have to wait. However, after a love spell performed according to the canons of white magic, no one will suffer.

There is one “but”: love spells and prayers will only work if you do not want to harm anyone, your intentions are pure, and your desire is sincere. Conspiracies will not help you take your spouse away from your family or separate lovers. But you will be quite able to help push fate in the right direction.

Love spells and prayers from white magic will work only under the following conditions:

  • fulfilling your desire will not cause grief to anyone;
  • you actually want to be with the person you represent during the ceremony: this is not your momentary whim;
  • your goal is not only to find happiness, but also to make another person happy.

Protective spells

White magic has many spells to protect yourself, your family and your home. Moreover, we are talking not only about magical interventions, but also about thefts, health problems and other misfortunes.

By the way, some white magic conspiracies allow you to get rid of various diseases. It is believed that the greatest effect is achieved by conspiracies and prayers read by a mother at the bedside of a sick child. After all, the power of maternal love and a sincere desire to quickly rid the baby of a tormenting illness will increase the power of any spell tenfold.

Often, medicinal herbs are used simultaneously with spells. Any white magician must be well versed in herbal medicine: the forces of nature are one of the main resources of white magic, so you should never neglect them.

Do not think that magic is a panacea for any disease. Even if you have been practicing white magic for several years and believe that you are quite capable of healing your household using prayers and spells, you should not abandon official medicine.

How to make conspiracies work?

They say that in order to become a strong black magician, you need to study a lot, comprehend the secrets of the “dark” sciences and esotericism, practice and even perform bloody rituals that will replenish your own resources. White magic does not require such sacrifices.

In order for prayers and conspiracies to work, several main conditions must be met.

  1. Lack of desire to harm anyone. Conspiracies will not allow you to take revenge or cause pain under any circumstances: they will only work if your intentions and thoughts are absolutely pure.
  2. Belief in your capabilities. You must remember that the universe is sensitive to our requests: if you really want something, then higher powers will hear your prayers and do everything the way you want.
  3. You must set achievable goals. Conspiracies and prayers cannot change the laws of nature. Reading a wealth plot and hoping that tomorrow you will find a suitcase with a million dollars on the street is a pointless idea. But regularly repeating conspiracies for career growth and successful work is a much more effective method of improving your financial condition.
  4. Conspiracies and prayers that belong to the arsenal of white magic cannot be read “from sight” - they should be memorized. Otherwise, the ritual will not bring any results: after all, the universe does not like lazy people who are not able to memorize a few lines to achieve their goal.
  5. Visualization of the result. You should always know clearly what you want. You cannot wish for some kind of abstract happiness: when reading prayers or conspiracies, you need to imagine what happiness is in your understanding. This works not only in relation to white magic, but also to psychotherapy: if a person does not have a specific goal, then it will not be possible to achieve a result. After all, how can you get what you want if you don’t know what you want?

White magic spells and prayers will help you change your life for the better. Study the texts of conspiracies, find those that seem most suitable to you, and get to work.

If you believe that the impossible is possible, then any of your dreams will sooner or later become a reality.

This video describes conspiracies used in white magic.

Many people believe that black magic is bad and punishable, while white magic is kind of from God and good.

First we need to understand the question, what is magic?

Actually, white and black magic is more of a myth. Now there are a lot of different techniques and knowledge. And the knowledge that was once possessed only by the “chosen ones” is becoming widely available today and acquiring scientific justification.

Of course, there are certain mechanisms that allow consciousness to shape reality. A person has a natural ability, by the power of his will, thoughts and desires, to change the future and the present in the right direction. This is what the so-called magicians use.

Translated from ancient Persian, a magician is a priest. And the priest is a conductor of certain forces into the physical world, which is true for any person. After all, we were created as guides. This is stated in the Bible and in almost all esoteric sources. Then we can draw an absolutely fair logical conclusion that every person is a potential magician. All that remains is to acquire certain knowledge and skills.
But the very thought of the desired changes means little in our physical world. Only when your desire is supported by word and action is it possible to translate it into reality. So, in everyday life, in order to acquire any benefits, it is necessary to perform certain actions and actions. Magic, according to magicians, implies the imitation of these actions, combined with work on the astral and mental plane. Anyone can do this, and visualization techniques are based on this, dream collages, mandala dance and so on are made. There is nothing supernatural about this.

Once upon a time, our distant ancestors did the same thing when, before a hunt, they drew their prey in the sand and threw spears at it. Thus, by imitating their success in hunting, they actually laid down a certain promise for the future and actually formed their success in hunting. These were not meaningless actions.

Regarding good, evil and God. To consider good as white and evil as black - well, we live in the 21st century. This division is very arbitrary. God created life from chaos and nothingness, and knows all its secrets. Modern science quite successfully reveals, uses and applies these secrets to improve the quality of people’s lives. And yet he cannot surpass God yet. But of all scientists, God is the greatest scientist. He created life and set the vast universe in motion. Life has its own forms and structures; it is not chaotic or random. Everything in the world is interconnected in such a way that all smaller structures fit organically into larger ones.

Traditionally, good is considered to be that which corresponds to the will of God and contributes to the development and increase of life, happiness, beauty and good luck, and evil is that which, on the contrary, destroys life leading to deformities, illness and death. But people, as usual, distort concepts due to their ignorance.

Good manifests itself through man’s embodiment of the will of God, and evil through self-will against the background of a complete disregard for God with all that he is. Good can be realized in a state of absolute love, inner freedom, boundless self-confidence, trust in the world and God, while evil is a product of fear, uncertainty and a sense of vulnerability.

Once again, I emphasize that good is not what, in your or someone else’s opinion, is good or bad, whether you like it or not, but what promotes or contradicts the will of God (universal development and prosperity).

Naturally, so-called magicians use certain symbols, words, actions, willpower, faith and imagination. But energy itself is neutral, the only question is what forms it takes and for what purposes it is used. As they say, with a knife you can cripple a person and cook a salad.

People can be “white” and “black,” just as magic can be white and black. As for the color, white and black and red and green and all other colors are from God, but what shade a person will give it is another matter.

If we talk about efficiency. Black magic seems to be effective in the short term. But it absorbs and eats up the resources of the future, often even those of others (based on the law of conservation of energy, nothing can appear from nowhere and go to nowhere). After all, without contact with God, and therefore with life, it is self-absorbing and self-destructive. Therefore, black witchcraft presupposes vampirism and worsening the situation in the future, since any action requires energy, and the source of all types of energy is God. Therefore, good people, believers, as a rule, are connected with God and receive elements of life from him, often becoming victims of black magicians. This can be compared to theft. Today I stole it, but tomorrow the grass won’t grow. Yes, and you can only steal what you have, you can’t steal what you don’t have. And, if everyone starts practicing “black” magic, they will only start stealing from each other and no one will create anything, how long will humanity last...

As for the so-called “white” magic, this is most likely certain knowledge. Again, these can be symbols, conspiracies (in a modern way, in a scientific way, affirmations), minerals, herbs. After all, it’s no longer a secret to anyone that certain things emit a certain type of energy, and a word is a wave that has its own physical and informational influence.

People who are healthy in the spiritual and physical sense of the word can develop clairvoyant abilities, they can heal themselves and others, often without even suspecting it. All this is inherent in the original nature of man. We should have been like this, but we fell into sin, acquired fear, became mortal and prone to self-will.

Now is the time to return to our original state and it is not surprising that so many people with all sorts of interesting abilities are appearing. Each of us is endowed with countless riches and abilities from birth, which rest under tons of distorted, crumpled energy and information, woven from mistakes or, in other words, sins due to our own fear and self-will and collected by many generations before us and inherited by us. They are waiting only for our intention to find them, given by the spark of God’s love, if we want to turn to him.

And in conclusion, let’s summarize all of the above.

Both white and black magic are based on almost the same principles. Only the so-called white magicians are either healers or holy people, while black ones turn to dark forces and their actions come from self-will, service to these dark forces, vampirism and consumerism. Turning to such a person for help is tantamount to turning to a criminal for help. You never know what is on his mind that will help or set him up.

White magicians practically do not exist; there are very few of them and they do not practice magic in the ordinary sense. People are simply healed and their problems are solved from simple interaction with such a holy person. Many blacks call themselves white to mislead people, take money from them and carry out their shady deeds.

And by and large, each of us is a magician of our own life. And it is highly undesirable to turn to anyone for this kind of help.