Emergency stop of the boiler. Emergency stop of the boiler: how to start it yourself


Stopping the boiler in all cases, except for an emergency stop, should be carried out only upon receipt of a written order from the administration.

When stopping the boiler you must:

Maintain the water level in the boiler above the average operating position;

Stop fuel supply to the firebox;

Disconnect the boiler from the steam lines after combustion in the furnace has completely stopped and steam extraction has stopped, and if there is a superheater, open the purge.

If, after disconnecting the boiler from the steam line, the pressure in the boiler increases, the blowing of the superheater boiler should be increased; it is also allowed to blow out the boiler and fill it with water.

Cool down the boiler and drain water from it in the manner established by the administration.

When stopping a boiler operating on solid fuel, you should:

Partially covering the draft and blast dampers, burn out the remaining fuel on the grate. Do not add fresh fuel to the burning fuel or fill it with water.

Turn on the fan and close the damper behind the boiler;

Clean the firebox and bunkers;

Turn off the smoke exhauster, close the smoke damper, combustion and ash doors (with a mechanical firebox, completely stop the draft after the grate has cooled).

Cool the boiler slowly due to natural cooling: keep doors, peepholes, and hatches closed. If the boiler is stopped for repairs, after 3-4 hours you can open the doors and manholes of the gas ducts and the gate behind the boiler.

The driver (stoker) can leave the boiler only when the pressure in it drops to zero, making sure that the pressure does not rise within 0.5 hours (due to the heat accumulated by the lining).

It is prohibited to drain water from the boiler without the order of the person in charge of the boiler room. Descent slowly and with the safety valve.

Before placing the boiler for dry preservation, thoroughly clean all internal surfaces from deposits.

The boiler is securely disconnected from all pipelines using plugs.

Dry the internal surfaces of the boiler by passing hot air through it. At the same time, open the drain valve on the superheated steam collector (to remove the remaining water in it) and the safety valve on the drum (to remove water vapor).

After thoroughly drying the boiler, place prepared baking sheets filled with quicklime or calcined calcium chloride (CaCI 2). After installing the trays, close the drum openings with lids. Chemicals must not come into contact with the surface of the boiler.

The consumption of quicklime or calcium chloride when preserving stakes is given in table. 7


1. Place the quantity of reagents indicated in the table in both drums.

2. The introduction of reagents is intended to reduce rusting of the internal surfaces of the boiler.

If you stop for a long time, it becomes necessary to replace the desiccant with a fresh one.

Conservation wet method accompany by filling the boiler feed water while maintaining excess pressure.

When putting a working boiler into reserve, disconnect it from all steam lines and blow through the lowest points to remove sludge. Then, without allowing the pressure in the boiler to drop below 0.15 MPa (1.5 kgf/cm2), connect it to the deaerator, fill it with deaerated water and leave it under pressure in the deaerator.

When putting the boiler into reserve after repairs, before conservation, fill it with deaerated water until normal level, melt and at a pressure of 0.2-0.4 MPa (2-4 kgf/cm2) keep the air vents open until oxygen is completely removed from the water. After this, put the boiler into conservation according to the specified scheme.

When lighting a boiler that is in reserve, after a slight rise in pressure, purge the superheater with its own steam to remove possible sludge accumulations.


6.1. Stopping the boiler unit in all cases, with the exception of an emergency stop, must be carried out only by written order of the administration.

Responsible for the good condition and safe operation before stopping the boiler, it must:

a) make an entry in the shift (watch) log about stopping the boiler unit, indicating the date and time (hours, minutes) and sign;

b) if necessary, provide instructions on the safe conduct of work both to the personnel who are to shut down the boiler unit, and to the personnel servicing nearby boilers operating nearby.

6.2. The boiler unit stops:

a) short-term (boiler operation in one or two shifts);

b) long-term (taking the boiler out for cleaning, repair or conservation).

6.3. If the boiler operation is stopped for a short time, measures should be taken to ensure that during the break the steam pressure does not rise above the permitted operating level.

For this:

a) stop the supply of fuel to the firebox in advance;

b) cover the damper and ash pan doors (or stop the blowing);

c) pump water into the boiler until top level;

d) close the steam shut-off valve;

e) continue to monitor the water level, steam pressure, and the general condition of the boiler unit and furnace;

f) turn off the water economizer and air heater from the flue gas flow and monitor the temperature of the water behind the economizer.

It is forbidden to leave the boiler without constant supervision by maintenance personnel after it is stopped until the pressure in it is reduced to atmospheric pressure.

6.4. Before carrying out a long shutdown of the boiler unit, it is necessary to clean (blow off) the heating surfaces of the boiler, superheater, water economizer, air heater and gas ducts from ash and soot, as they slow down the cooling of the boiler unit.

6.5. If the boiler unit is not operating for a long time, the following work must be performed:

a) the intensity of fuel combustion in the boiler furnace decreases, until the fuel supply stops;

b) with reduced water circulation, the boiler is purged in order to greatest removal from it sludge and other contaminants;

c) continuous monitoring is carried out using instruments of the water level in the boiler, the decrease in steam pressure, the temperature of superheated steam at the outlet of the superheater, as well as the temperature of the water at the inlet to the economizer and especially at the outlet from it;

d) the supply of fuel to the boiler furnace is stopped;

e) the boiler unit is disconnected from the steam pipelines, supply, purge, drainage and drain pipelines with the installation of plugs on them, as well as the boiler unit is disconnected from the boiler room hog (removal from the flue gas flow of other operating boilers);

f) cooling the boiler and draining water from it.

6.6. When stopping a boiler operating on solid fuel, you should:

a) stop the supply of fuel to the furnace in advance and burn out the remaining fuel in the furnace with reduced blast and draft. It is prohibited to extinguish burning fuel by filling it with fresh fuel or pouring water, except in emergency cases or other cases provided for by the production instructions;

b) stop blowing and reduce cravings;

c) clean the firebox, ash pans and bunkers from slag and ash;

d) stop the draft by closing the smoke damper (damper), combustion and ash doors (with a mechanical firebox, stop the draft after the grate has cooled).

6.7. When stopping a boiler operating on gaseous fuel with forced air supply, it is necessary to reduce and then completely stop the supply of gas to the burners, and then air. With injection burners, you should first stop the air supply and then the gas supply.

After turning off all burners, it is necessary to disconnect the boiler gas pipeline from the general gas pipeline in the boiler room, open the purge candle on the outlet, and also ventilate the firebox, gas ducts and air ducts.

When stopping all boilers for a long period without leaving maintenance personnel in the boiler room, close the valve or tap at the gas inlet into the boiler room.

Stopping of gasified boilers with automatic control of the combustion process and automatic safety and with complex automation is carried out in accordance with the production instructions approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

6.8. When stopping a boiler operating on liquid (oil) fuel, you should:

a) close the fuel supply to the oil furnace;

b) stop supplying steam (for steam nozzles) or air (for air nozzles);

c) turn off the injectors sequentially (if there are several of them), reducing the blast and draft;

d) remove the nozzles from the firebox and set them to the non-working position;

e) ventilate the furnace and gas ducts of the boiler, then close the blast and draft (stop the blower fan and smoke exhauster, close the dampers and dampers).

6.9. After the fuel has stopped burning and the steam extraction has stopped, the water level in the boiler is monitored using water indicators, and the steam pressure is monitored using a pressure gauge, then the boiler is disconnected from the outlet steam line by closing the main steam shut-off valve (gate) of the boiler and the valve in front of the common steam line.

Preliminarily close the dampers of the superheater (if any), as well as dampers (vanes) before and after the economizer, before and after the air heater, directing the flow of flue gases through the bypass flues into the common hog of the boiler room, after which they open 0.5-1 turns valve on the superheater purge line to prevent its temperature from rising.

If it is necessary to perform any work inside the drum, chamber, collector, or sump tank, the stopped boiler must be separated from all active pipelines by plugs or disconnected; disconnected pipelines must also be plugged.

The thickness of the plugs used to shut off the boiler must be determined by strength calculations and have a protruding part (shank), by which the presence of a plug is determined. When installing gaskets between the flanges and the plug, they must be without shanks. It is allowed to turn off the boiler with a pressure above 4 MPa (40 kgf/cm2) with two shut-off valves if there is a drainage device with a nominal diameter of at least 32 mm, connected to the atmosphere. In this case, the valve drives, as well as the valves of open drains, must be locked with a lock so that the possibility of their tightness weakening when the lock is locked is excluded. The keys to the lock must be kept by the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boiler.

If, after disconnecting the boiler from the steam line and directing the flue gases bypassing the superheater, economizer and air heater, the steam pressure in the boiler increases, increase the blowing of the superheater. It is also allowed to carry out a small purging of the boiler and replenish it with water to a level slightly above average (3/4 of the water indicator glass).

6.10. The boiler is cooled down and water is drained from it in the manner established by the production instructions approved by the head (chief engineer) of the enterprise. Draining water from the boiler should be done when the water temperature in the boiler drops to 40-60 °C, since emptying a boiler that has not cooled down causes large internal stresses in the metal and can lead to a violation of the tightness of rolling and other joints. The water is drained slowly with the safety valve open (wedged) or the air vent open to allow air into the boiler.

6.11. In order to protect the stopped long time to protect the boiler from corrosion, it is preserved in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer's instructions for installation and operation of the boiler. In the absence of such instructions, the boiler is preserved in one of the following ways:

a) after cleaning, the boiler is filled with chemically purified water to the highest point and heated to a boil to remove air; After this, close the boiler tightly. This method is used in cases where the water in the boiler cannot freeze;

b) after cleaning, place baking trays with quicklime, calcium chloride, sodium hydroxide and similar substances that absorb moisture in the boiler, and close the boiler tightly.


7.1. Maintenance personnel are obliged to immediately stop and turn off the boiler by closing the main steam shut-off device (valve, valve) and inform the boiler room manager (responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boiler) or the person replacing him about this in the following cases:

a) there is a loss of water from the boiler (when the steam valve of the water indicator device is closed, water does not rise from the lower nut and does not appear in the glass), refilling the boiler with water is strictly prohibited in order to avoid a possible explosion of the boiler and subsequent destruction;

b) the water level is rapidly decreasing, despite the increased supply of water to the boiler;

c) the water level has risen above the top point of the water indicator glass (or above the top water test valve), and it is not possible to quickly reduce it by blowing the boiler;

d) the pressure has risen above the permitted limit by more than 10% and continues to rise, despite the measures taken (cutting off the fuel supply, reducing draft and blast, increasing the supply of water to the boiler);

e) malfunctions of the safety valve or pulse safety device (ISU) are detected;

f) all water indicating devices ceased to function;

g) all nutritional devices (pumps, injectors) stopped working;

h) if in the main elements of the boiler unit (drum, manifold, chamber, mud pan, fire tube, fire box, furnace casing, tube sheet, external separator, steam and water bypass pipes, steam pipelines and supply pipelines, boiler heating surface pipes, superheater and water economizer etc.) cracks, bulges, gaps in welds, pipe ruptures, breakage anchor bolt or communications;

i) the boiler control plug is melted;

j) the power supply is stopped during artificial draft (the smoke exhauster and fan have stopped);

k) voltage has disappeared on all control and measuring instruments, remote and automatic control;

l) if the lining and lining of the boiler are damaged with the threat of their collapse when the elements of the boiler, its frame or casing are heated red-hot;

m) ignition of soot and fuel particles deposited in the flue ducts and the tail section of the boiler unit (economizer, air heater) occurred;

o) if the gas pressure at the burners has dropped below the permissible limit, established by the instructions, or the supply of gas or air has completely stopped (the regulator has failed, the shut-off safety valve has tripped, the disks in the gas valves have broken, there is an accident on the gas pipeline);

n) the gas pressure at the burners has sharply and strongly increased (malfunction of the regulator, safety shut-off valve);

p) damage to gas pipelines and gas fittings, leading to gas leaks and gas contamination of the boiler room;

c) there are significant abnormalities in the operation of the boiler or malfunctions that are dangerous for the boiler and operating personnel (vibration, knocking, noise, explosions in gas ducts, damage to fittings, etc.);

t) when the torches in the furnace go out during chamber combustion of fuel;

y) if a fire occurs in the boiler room, threatening the operating personnel or the boiler.


8.1. The driver (fireman, operator) taking over the shift must report to work 15-20 minutes before the start of the shift and find out how many boilers are in operation, what changes have occurred in the load of the boilers and in the situation with the steam supply or hot water consumers. Familiarize yourself with the condition of all boiler installation equipment.

8.2. Before starting a shift, the driver (fireman, operator) must clean the firebox, remove slag and ash, and hand over the boiler installation in complete cleanliness and order.

8.3. The driver (fireman, operator) taking over duty must:

a) obtain information from the driver (fireman) being replaced about the operation of the equipment during the previous shift, operational problems, operating mode of the boiler units, shift assignments and management comments;

c) read the log with all the orders of the boiler house management regarding its maintenance (boiler load schedule, steam pressure or water temperature depending on the outside air temperature, etc.);

d) find out the availability of the necessary water supply in the feed tanks;

d) find out the availability of stock solid fuel in bunkers and trolleys, liquid - in fuel tanks;

f) check the availability of tools, lubricants, cleaning materials and spare parts necessary for servicing the boiler unit (water indicator glasses, fittings, etc.);

g) regarding the boiler and furnace, find out:

whether there are any bulges, bulges, cracks, leaks or other damage on visible parts of the boiler, especially those in contact with fire, as well as the serviceability of the furnace lining, lining and boiler fittings;

condition of the grate, threshold and other parts of the combustion device (for solid fuel);

state combustion chamber, dust preparation device and mechanisms, the presence of lubricant in the bearings of mills and other equipment (for pulverized fuel);

serviceability gas burners, paying special attention to the pressure of gas and air in front of them and to the completeness of its combustion (with liquid fuel);

by operating mode - draft, blast, position of all dampers, ease of their movement;

when the last boiler blowdown was performed and the time assigned for the next one;

time of the last blow-off of the boiler, superheater, water economizer and air heater, as well as the time of subsequent blow-off;

condition of the water economizer and air heater;

readings of control and measuring instruments (thermometers, pressure gauges, gas analyzers, draft meters, etc.), if there are any deviations from the norm in their readings, find out the reasons.

8.4. The driver (fireman, operator), after inspecting the equipment and familiarizing himself with the working diagram of the communications of steam, water, gas and fuel oil, must check:

a) the water level in the boiler by opening test taps and purging water indicating devices;

b) steam pressure in the boiler using a pressure gauge, having first ensured that it is in good condition;

c) the safety valves are in good working order by carefully lifting the load;

d) the serviceable condition and degree of opening of the supply water shut-off valves, as well as the absence of boiler water leaks in the check valves;

e) the serviceability of the drain and purge valves by probing the pipes behind the shut-off valves (during the purge);

f) the serviceability and position (open, closed, half-open) of all steam and water valves (valves, taps) and whether all handwheels and handles are in place;

g) good condition of all feeding devices (pumps, injectors) by briefly putting them into operation;

h) the condition and position of valves, taps and gate valves on the gas pipeline for boilers that are operating and in reserve or under repair, paying special attention to the absence of gas leaks;

i) the condition of the equipment of the gas control point (GRP) or gas control unit (GRU) - if available;

j) the condition of fans supplying air to gas burners, fuel nozzles and ventilation systems, paying attention to the absence of knocks and noises during their operation and the absence of overheating of the bearings;

k) the condition and position of valves and taps on the fuel oil pipeline for boilers operating and in reserve or repair, paying special attention to the absence of fuel oil leaks;

l) good condition of automatic safety and automatic control systems;

m) serviceability of emergency lighting and signaling devices for urgently calling the administration;

o) availability good lighting control and measuring instruments and fittings (pressure gauges, thermometers, water indicating devices, purge and control valves, etc.).

8.5. The driver (fireman, operator) taking over the shift must write down in the shift (watch) log all the malfunctions he discovered when going on duty and sign in the log together with the driver (fireman) handing over the shift.

In case of detection of defects and malfunctions that prevent further safe work the boiler unit taking over the shift is obliged to immediately notify the management of the boiler house about this.

8.6. It is prohibited to accept and hand over shifts during the liquidation of an accident and during critical switching operations.

8.7. In boiler houses of medium power, where the work of servicing boiler units is distributed among the senior fireman, stokers, blowers, mechanics on duty and other workers, each of them takes a shift to the extent of the duties assigned to him by the production instructions approved by the management of the enterprise. The reception and delivery of shifts by the duty personnel are documented in the shift (watch) log by the persons responsible for the shift.


9.1. Personnel servicing the boiler unit (boiler, superheater, water economizer, air heater) and auxiliary equipment(feed and circulation pumps, fans, smoke exhausters, compressors, etc.), as well as steam and hot water, gas pipelines, fuel oil pipelines and pressure vessels is responsible for violation of the requirements production instructions and this Standard Instruction relating to the work he performs, in accordance with the internal labor regulations of the enterprise and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Unofficial edition

Instruction No. ___

for boiler room personnel

steam boiler maintenance,

operating on liquid fuel.


1.1 This instruction contains requirements for ensuring the safe operation of steam and hot water boilers and is compiled on the basis standard instructions Gosgortekhnadzor R.F.

1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special training, a medical examination, and have a certificate with a photo for the right to service liquid fuel boilers are allowed to service boilers.

1.3. Re-inspection of boiler room personnel is carried out at least once every 12 months.

1.4. When entering duty, personnel are required to familiarize themselves with the entries in the log, check the serviceability of the equipment and all boilers installed in the boiler room, gas equipment, serviceability of lighting and telephone.

Acceptance and delivery of duty must be documented by the senior operator with an entry in the shift log indicating the results of inspection of boilers and related equipment (pressure gauges, safety valves, power supply devices, automation equipment and gas equipment).

1.5. Acceptance and delivery of shifts during the liquidation of an accident is not permitted.

1.6. Unauthorized persons are allowed access to the boiler room by the head of the enterprise.

1.7. The boiler room, boilers and all equipment, passages must be kept in good condition and proper cleanliness.

1.8. Doors exiting the boiler room should open outward easily.

1.9. Repairs to boiler elements may only be carried out when complete absence pressure. Before opening hatches and hatches located within the water space, the water from the boiler elements must be drained.

1.10. Work inside the furnaces and flue ducts of the boiler may only be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 50 o C with the written permission of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers.

1.11. Before the beginning repair work the firebox and flues must be well ventilated, illuminated and reliably protected from possible penetration of gases and dust from gas ducts and operating boilers.

1.12. Before closing hatches and manholes, it is necessary to check whether there are people or foreign objects inside the boiler.

1.13. Before starting work, the firebox or flues must be well ventilated, illuminated and reliably protected from possible penetration of gases and dust from the flues of operating boilers.

1.14. Before allowing people for repair work, the boiler must be turned off along all lines through which it can be put under pressure (the main steam line and its drains, feed lines, fuel oil pipeline, periodic purge line).

1.15. A permit was issued in two copies indicating the following security measures:

· plugs installed;

· the fan electric motor is de-energized and a poster “Do not turn on - people are working!” is hung on the starter;

· lighting 12V;

· work in overalls and safety shoes.


2.1. Before lighting the boiler you should check:

· serviceability of the firebox and flues, shut-off and control devices;

· serviceability of K.I.P., fittings, nutritional devices, smoke exhausters and fans;

· serviceability of equipment for burning liquid fuels;

Filling the boiler with water by starting the feed and circulation pumps;

· absence of plugs on the fuel oil pipeline, feed materials, purge lines;

· absence of people and foreign objects in the firebox;

· Fill the boiler with water to the ignition level mark.

2.2. Using a pressure gauge, check the correspondence of the fuel oil and air pressure in front of the nozzles with the fan running.

2.3. Adjust the draft in the upper part of the firebox, setting the vacuum in the firebox to 2-3 mm of water column.

2.4. Ventilate the firebox and flues for 10-15 minutes by turning on the smoke exhauster and fan.


3.1. The boiler should be fired up only if there is a written order in the shift log of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers or the person replacing him. The order must indicate the duration of the kindling, the time, and who should carry out the kindling.

3.2. Ignition of the boiler must be carried out within the time set by the head of the boiler room, with low heat and reduced draft.

When lighting the boiler, ensure uniform heating of its parts.

3.3. The nozzle of a boiler operating on oil or other type of liquid fuel must be ignited in the following sequence:

· light the igniter and bring it into the mouth of the nozzle being turned on, supply liquid fuel, slowly opening the tap (valve) in front of the nozzle and making sure that it lights up immediately, adjust the air supply, the vacuum in the upper part of the firebox. The flame must be stable, without pulsation. Remove igniter;.

· if the flame goes out, stop the gas supply by closing the valves in front of the nozzle, ventilate the firebox and start kindling according to the instructions.

When lighting the nozzle, you should not stand against the peep hole, so as not to get burned from a flame accidentally thrown out of the firebox. The operator must be provided with safety glasses.

· ignite extinguished gas in the firebox without prior ventilation of the firebox and flues;

· light the torch from a nearby burner.

3.5. When lighting, it is necessary to control the movement of boiler elements during thermal expansion.

3.6. Monitor the water level in the upper drum of the boiler and the steam pressure using the pressure gauge.

3.7. When steam starts coming out of the open vent, you need to close it.

3.8. Tightening bolts and hatches during the heating of the boiler should be done with caution, using keys without using extension levers in the presence of the person responsible for the operation of the boilers. This operation should be carried out at a pressure not exceeding 3 kg/cm2.


4.1. Before putting the boiler into operation, the following operations must be carried out:

· check the serviceability of the pressure gauge, safety valve (by forced opening), water indicating devices (by blowing them), with an entry in the logbook;

· check and put into operation automatic safety and automatic regulation;

· Blow out the lower points of the boiler.

4.2. The boiler must be connected to the steam line slowly, after thoroughly warming up and purging the steam line. When warming up, it is necessary to monitor the serviceability of the steam pipeline, its compensators, supports and hangers. If water hammer occurs, stop warming up and find out the cause.

4.3. Switching on is carried out at a pressure equal to the main steam line or lower by 0.5 atm.

4.4. Record the start time of lighting and turning on the boiler in the logbook.


5.1. While on duty, boiler room personnel must monitor the serviceability of the boiler(s) and all boiler room equipment and strictly adhere to set mode boiler operation according to the operating schedule. Malfunctions detected during equipment operation must be recorded in a shift log. Personnel must take corrective action. If the faults are corrected on our own is impossible, then it is necessary to inform the head of the boiler house or the person responsible for the gas supply of the boiler house.

5.2. Special attention need to pay attention:

· to maintain a normal water level in the boiler and uniform supply of water to it. At the same time, the water level must not be allowed to fall below the established value, and replenishment is strictly prohibited;

· to maintain normal steam pressure according to the pressure gauge (6-8 kg/cm2);

· for the operation of gas burners, maintaining normal gas and air parameters, according to the regime map;

· maintain the temperature of the fuel oil within 80-100 o C.

5.3. Checking the serviceability of the pressure gauge using three-way valves, checking the serviceability of the safety valve by forced opening, and purging the lower points must be carried out by the operator every shift and recorded in the logbook.

5.4. If all or part of the nozzles go out while the boiler is operating, you should immediately shut off the fuel supply to the nozzles and ventilate the firebox and burners. Find out and eliminate the cause of the violation of the combustion mode and begin kindling according to the established scheme.

5.5. While the boiler is operating, it is prohibited to tap seams or weld boiler elements.

5.6. All devices and devices for automatic control and safety of the boiler must be maintained in good condition and regularly checked within the established time frame by the administration.


6.1. If a fault is detected in one of the safety valves.

6.2. If the steam pressure has increased by 10%, exceeding the permitted pressure, and does not decrease despite the measures taken (increased water supply to the boiler, load reduction).

6.3. When the water level drops below the permissible level. Make-up is strictly prohibited, as this may lead to a boiler explosion.

6.4. When the level rises above the set point.

6.5. If all water indicating devices fail.

6.6. When they fail, all feed pumps fail.

6.7. If the main elements of the boiler (drums, collectors, screen and boiler pipes), ruptures, cracks, bulges are detected.

6.8. When the vacuum drops to less than 0.5 mm water. Art.

6.9. When the flame of one of the injectors goes out.

6.10. When the water flow through the boiler is below the set value.

6.11. When the water temperature behind the boiler rises above the set value.

6.12. When there is a power outage.

6.13. In the event of a fire that threatens operating personnel and the boiler.

In the event of an emergency stop of the boiler, you must:

· stop the supply of fuel and air, ventilate the firebox;

· monitor the water level in the boiler, close the main steam valve;

· make an entry in the logbook about the reasons and time of the boiler shutdown, and notify the boiler room manager about the emergency shutdown of the boiler.

In the event of a fire in the boiler room, personnel must call the fire department and take all measures to extinguish it, without ceasing to monitor the boilers.


7.1. It is carried out only by written order of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers.

7.2. Gradually reducing the supply of air and fuel, close the valve to the injector,

and close the valve on the fuel oil pipeline.

7.3. Close the main steam valve and open the drain.

7.4. Ventilate the firebox and gas pipelines.

7.5. Close the valve at the water inlet and outlet of the boiler.

7.6. If there is no other boiler in operation, stop the circulation pump.

7.7. Make an entry in the shift log when the boiler is stopped.


8.1. The enterprise administration should not give personnel instructions that contradict the instructions and could lead to an accident or accident.

8.2. Workers are responsible for violating instructions related to the work they perform in the manner established by the internal labor regulations and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Stopping the boiler in all cases, except for an emergency stop, should be carried out only upon receipt of a written order from the administration.

When stopping the boiler you must:

Maintain the water level in the boiler above the average operating position;
- stop supplying fuel to the firebox;
- blow out the water indicator glasses;
- turn off the phosphate input, stop continuous blowing;
- disconnect the boiler from the steam lines after combustion in the furnace has completely stopped and steam extraction has stopped, and if there is a superheater, open the purge.

If, after disconnecting the boiler from the steam line, the pressure in the boiler increases, the blowing of the superheater boiler should be increased; it is also allowed to blow out the boiler and fill it with water.

When stopping a boiler operating on solid fuel, you should:

Partially covering the draft and blast dampers, burn out the remaining fuel on the grate. Do not add fresh fuel to the burning fuel or fill it with water.
- turn on the fan and close the damper behind the boiler;
- clean the firebox and bunkers;
- turn off the smoke exhauster, close the smoke damper, combustion and ash doors (with a mechanical firebox, completely stop the draft after the grate has cooled).

When stopping a boiler operating on gas, stop the gas supply and then the air supply; after all burners are turned off, the boiler gas pipeline must be disconnected from the common main, the purge plug at the outlet must be open, and the firebox, gas ducts and air ducts must be ventilated.

When stopping a boiler operating on fuel oil, close the fuel oil supply, stop the supply of steam or air to the nozzle (for steam or air atomization); Turn off individual injectors sequentially, reducing blast and draft. After this, ventilate the firebox and flues.

After stopping the fuel supply: blow out the water indicator windows;

Turn off the phosphate input, stop continuous purging;

By disconnecting the boiler from the main steam line and main own needs, it is necessary to feed it to the highest level on the glass, and then stop supplying water to it. In the future, as the level drops, periodically recharge the boiler. The water level in the drum must be monitored as long as there is pressure in the boiler.

Cool the boiler slowly due to natural cooling: keep doors, peepholes, and hatches closed. If the boiler is stopped for repairs, after 3-4 hours you can open the doors and manholes of the gas ducts and the gate behind the boiler.

The driver (stoker) can leave the boiler only when the pressure in it drops to zero, making sure that the pressure does not rise within 0.5 hours (due to the heat accumulated by the lining).

It is prohibited to drain water from the boiler without the order of the person in charge of the boiler room. Drain the water only after the pressure drops to zero, the water temperature drops to 70-80 C and the masonry cools down. Descent slowly and with the safety valve raised.

Before placing the boiler for dry preservation, thoroughly clean all internal surfaces from deposits.

The boiler is securely disconnected from all pipelines using plugs.

Dry the internal surfaces of the boiler by passing hot air through it. At the same time, open the drain valve on the superheated steam collector (to remove the water remaining in it) and the safety valve on the drum (to remove water vapor).

After thoroughly drying the boiler, place prepared baking sheets filled with quicklime or calcined calcium chloride (CaCl) into the lower and upper drums through the open holes. After installing the trays, close the drum openings with lids. Chemicals must not come into contact with the boiler surface.

If you stop for a long time, it becomes necessary to replace the desiccant with a fresh one.

Preservation by the wet method is accompanied by filling the boiler with feed water and maintaining excess pressure in it.

When putting a working boiler into reserve, disconnect it from all water and steam lines and blow through the lowest points to remove sludge. Then, without allowing the pressure in the boiler to drop below 0.15 MPa (1.5 kgf/cm2), connect it to the deaerator, fill it with deaerated water and leave it under pressure in the deaerator.

When putting the boiler into reserve after repair, before conservation, fill it with deaerated water to the normal level, melt it at a pressure of 0.2-0.4 MPa (2-4 kgf/cm2) and keep the air vents open until oxygen is completely removed from the water. After this, put the boiler into conservation according to the specified scheme.

When lighting a boiler that is in reserve, after a slight rise in pressure, purge the superheater with its own steam to remove possible sludge accumulations.

Performed according to a schedule or written order from the boiler room administration.

During normal shutdown of the boiler, gradually reduce its load, turn off automatic regulator power supply (if available) and, switching to manual control, feed the boiler with water to a level slightly above the average operating position.

When stopping a boiler operating on gaseous fuel with forced air supply, gradually reduce the gas pressure at the burners to the minimum allowed by local instructions, alternately reducing the amount of air and gas in several steps. After this, quickly close the air washer (for injection burners) and at the same time the valve on the gas pipeline in front of the burner. When stopping a boiler with IGK injection burners, the air washers are closed only after the furnace lining has cooled to ensure air is sucked through the stabilizer plates and to protect them from overheating and warping. With mixing (blown) burners, reduce the supply of air and gas in the same order, and then quickly completely shut off the air and gas in order to prevent the flame from leaking into the burner and to prevent gas from escaping through the burner into the firebox without the supply necessary for its combustion. air.

After all burners go out, close the control valve and the valve in front of the boiler and open the taps on the purge and discharge lines. 8 minutes after the combustion stops, the fan is stopped, and after 10 minutes, the smoke exhauster is stopped. 15-30 minutes after stopping the smoke exhauster, when the firebox has cooled down somewhat, the dampers in front of the smoke exhauster and all dampers on the air duct are closed.

Stopping gasified boilers with automatic control of the combustion process and automatic safety systems is carried out in accordance with the production instructions."

When stopping the oil furnace, the supply of fuel to the nozzles is stopped, and then steam or air (for steam or air nozzles). After this, the nozzles are removed from the furnace (if the design allows), the air supply through the combustion air registers is stopped, the fuel oil pipeline to this boiler is turned off, the fuel oil pump is stopped, the furnace and gas ducts are ventilated. 5 minutes after the nozzles are turned off, the blower fan is stopped, and after 10 minutes, the smoke exhauster is stopped.

With layered fireboxes, the fuel supply is stopped, the fuel is allowed to burn out on the grate, then the draft is stopped, the smoke damper, combustion and ash doors are closed, and with a mechanical fuel supply, the draft is stopped after the grate has cooled. For fireboxes with hammer mills, the fuel feeders are turned off, the supply of air to the mills is stopped and they are stopped, reduced accordingly, and then the supply of secondary air and draft are stopped.

After the complete cessation of fuel combustion and steam extraction, monitor the water level in the boiler using water indicator glasses and disconnect the boiler from the general steam line. First open (by 0.5-1 turns) the valve on the superheater purge line (if any) to avoid increasing the temperature of the pipe walls, and then disconnect the boiler from the superheated steam line. After the boiler is disconnected from the common steam line (in the event of an increase in pressure), the steam is diverted for some time to the auxiliary line, and when the pressure decreases, the boiler is disconnected from the common steam line of saturated steam.

If there is a bypass gas duct of the economizer, its dampers are opened, and the direct flow dampers are closed. The boiler is fed with water through the economizer. In non-switchable economizers, if there is a recirculation pipeline, open its valve. Boiler room maintenance personnel should pay special attention to the boiler cooling process. Cooling of the boiler should be carried out slowly, due to natural cooling, while the doors, hatches and manholes of the firebox and boiler are not opened for 4-6 hours after it is stopped. Air enters the furnace through the suction hole of the blower fan and the open guide vane and air dampers on the air path, with natural draft - bypassing the smoke exhauster or through it, with the guide vane and dampers open.

During unforced cooling of the boiler, after disconnecting it from the steam lines, sludge blowing is carried out. After 4-6 hours, purging can be repeated.

The duration of boiler cooling must be indicated in the production instructions.

If the boiler is stopped for urgent repairs, after 8-10 hours you can turn on the smoke exhauster and increase the ventilation of the flues by slightly opening the combustion doors.

Draining water from the boiler, if necessary, is carried out after the lining has cooled, the steam pressure has dropped to zero and the temperature of the boiler water has decreased to 70-80 °C.

As a rule, water is drained 24-30 hours after the boiler is stopped. The water should be drained slowly, with the safety valve raised or the air valves open.

When stopping the boiler in the hot reserve, the boiler is disconnected from the steam lines of superheated and saturated steam, the water is not drained from it, but is maintained at the upper permissible level. The hot standby mode of the boiler is established by order of the boss or manager of the boiler room.

There are two main methods for keeping boilers in hot reserve.

1. After stopping the operation of the firebox with hammer mills, carefully seal the boiler, covering the draft, air registers, and blowdowns. If the pressure in the boiler decreases to a predetermined level, for example, 50% of the nominal value, it is necessary to perform a short-term heating with purging of the superheater, top-up with water and increase the pressure to the nominal value, after which the operation of the furnace is stopped and the boiler is sealed.

When burning fuel in layers, due to the need to cool the grates and the superheater, this mode is not recommended.

2. Maintain the specified pressure in the boiler and combustion in the furnace with minimal draft, without artificial blast, with the minimum necessary purging of the superheater and water replenishment of the boiler. Chain screens are periodically run at low speed.

A boiler in hot standby must be under constant supervision of operating personnel.

Having stopped the boiler in cold reserve, remove water from the superheater. When stopping the boiler in cold reserve for a long time, its preservation is mandatory.