Descaling a kettle. How to clean a kettle with citric acid. Removing large layers of scale

Someone noticed that the kettle, like the stove, by the way, is the face of the hostess. Therefore, each of us should know how to descale a kettle.

Where does scale come from?

Drinking water contains a huge amount of minerals and salts. No matter what folk methods or modern filters you use to clean it, even a small percentage of various impurities still remains. When heated, sodium and magnesium salts form limescale, which eats into the walls of the dishes and does not want to leave it voluntarily.

This plaque covers any type of material, so all housewives have to clean their teapots.

Why get rid of scale

  • Limescale has low thermal conductivity, causing water to boil more slowly.
  • If the kettle is electric and you are too lazy to clean it, the deposit will quickly damage the heating element.
  • Due to scale, water becomes tasteless. And if it boils for a long time, it will also become cloudy.

Effective ways to combat scale

How to clean a kettle using simple means, which can be found in every home.

Hit the scale with citric acid

  1. Fill a full kettle of water, add 1-2 sachets of citric acid (depending on its volume and thickness of the scale). Boil it.
  2. Let the solution cool slightly, in the meantime the acid will have time to eat away the plaque as much as possible. Drain the liquid.
  3. Boil the water again with citric acid. Drain the liquid again and rinse the kettle thoroughly.
  4. You can replace citric acid with vinegar - 100 grams per liter of water.

Removing a thick layer of scale

If the citric acid solution does not give the expected result, try another method:

  1. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 liter of water. Pour this solution into a kettle and boil for about half an hour.
  2. Drain the resulting liquid. Pour water and add a tablespoon of citric acid, boil.
  3. Pour water with vinegar a third time (the thicker the layer, the more vinegar), boil for 30 minutes.
  4. After such triple treatment, the scale becomes soft and easily comes off the walls. Remove it with either a kitchen sponge or a wooden spatula. Rinse the kettle thoroughly, to be safe, boil clean water and pour it out.

Trying to clean with Coca-Cola

  1. Before use, release all gas from the drink.
  2. Fill half the kettle with Coca-Cola and boil.
  3. Pour out the contents and rinse.
  4. Some claim that Fanta and Sprite are also suitable for this purpose.

Is your kettle sparkling clean again? Isn't it time to drink some fragrant tea? Have a nice tea party and pleasant conversation!

Every housewife is faced with the problem of how to remove scale from household appliances. The cause of this problem is the use of hard water. in which there is enough a large number of soluble calcium and magnesium salts.

It is thanks to them that cloudy stains appear on dishes after washing. There are several solution options: either install a special filter that works to soften it, or use a purchased distilled one, or deal with an existing problem.

The harder the water, the faster our appliances become dirty, and if we allow severe contamination, as experts say, drinking this kind of water will have a rather detrimental effect on your health over time. There are several fairly common and cheap methods for removing these troubles from surfaces.


This is probably the most common household appliance that is susceptible to dirt appearing on the inside due to constant contact with liquid. The methods below are good not only for cleansing of this device, but also for descaling pots.

So 6 inexpensive ways, the effectiveness of which is probably not the same as that of dry cleaning, but still deserves attention and testing.

  • Vinegar. A well-known product that came to us from ancient times. You can find it in any store at a ridiculous price. Dilute 500 ml of water in one glass of 9% vinegar. Then there are several options for use: bring water to a boil and then pour in the vinegar solution, or immediately pour in the mixture and boil it for about half an hour. After this, boil clean water several times. This method is great when a thick layer of scale has formed.
  • Lemon acid. The method is similar to the first, only you add a couple of tablespoons of acid to the same amount of water. We also boil everything, and the time can be increased depending on the severity of the case, and let it cool. Finally, boil clean water several times to get rid of any remaining citric acid. To get rid of odors, you can add sugar or Bay leaf.
  • Soda. Grandma’s well-known method, she probably cleaned everything. You can also try it as an option. Dilute half a liter of water with a few tablespoons of powder. Pour in the entire resulting mixture and boil for half an hour. If necessary, rinse the device with clean water several times until it disappears completely. unpleasant odors.
  • Sprite, Coca-Cola or mineral water. The method is only suitable for stainless steel kitchen utensils and electric kettles. It is necessary to release unnecessary gas, pour liquid inside and boil for 30 minutes.
  • Descaling using potato peels or apple skins. Peel the peel, put it in a kettle, fill it with water and boil for two hours. Let it cool. This method is more suitable for prevention than for effective deliverance.
  • Brine. Boil for a short time inside the device and let cool.

Cleaning the water heater

Experts recommend cleaning the water heater approximately once every 2 years. Since the water supplied is hard, over time the heating element also becomes “overgrown” with scale. Accordingly, the larger the scale layer, the more difficult it is to heat the water in the tank. More time is needed, which means more electricity. There are two cleaning methods:

  • Mechanical. It is necessary to take out the heating element and clean it manually from scale using a knife, a brush with metal bristles, a wooden spatula or other means. After this, go over it with sandpaper.
  • Chemical. You can also clean the heating element, like a kettle, using vinegar or citric acid. However, it is necessary to ensure that the rubber seals are not immersed in water.

Cleaning the iron from scale

Almost all modern irons include a steam function. After a certain time, the holes through which steam or water enters become covered with a layer of scale. And probably almost everyone is familiar with the unpleasant moment when, when steam or water is supplied, pieces of rust are sprayed out.

The thing can no longer be cleaned. Therefore, in order to avoid such surprises, the soleplate of the iron must also be periodically descaled.

There are several stages to cleaning an iron:

  • Cleansing from the inside. It is necessary to dilute a small amount of water with one packet of citric acid (or cut the lemon into small slices). Pour this mixture into the hole and let it heat up. With a burst of steam, all channels will be well cleared of scale.
  • Iron sole. Can be cleaned with a surface cleaning pencil. If you don’t have it at hand, then wet a soft sponge with vinegar essence and thoroughly wipe the deposits off the iron. Alternatives include baking soda, regular toothpaste, hydrogen peroxide, and so on.

Cleaning the washing machine from scale

Like all devices that interact with water, we cannot leave washing machine without attention. Professionals recommend descaling your machine once every 2-3 months.

Of course, there are now quite a large number of cleaning products on the market. But not everyone can afford them, and why spend extra money? If you can use all the same methods that will perfectly get rid of scale.

To do this, you still need to take citric acid, about 100-200 grams; products already known to us like 9% vinegar or baking soda will do. Having chosen the product that you like, you need to pour it into the powder compartment. Having set it to any long program at 90-95 degrees, turn on the machine for washing without laundry. And the scale is gone! Simple manipulation with minimal costs.

Descaling your coffee machine

Technologies do not stand still; modern coffee machines already have a descaling function. But what to do if your car does not have a function or is an older model?

In this case, citric acid or vinegar will still come to our aid. For cleaning or prevention, you need to pour the solution into the tank of the coffee machine and run it “idle”. After completing the program, leave it inside for 2-3 hours, then pour it out and run the car several more times, but with clean water.


Summarizing all of the above, it is quite possible to replace expensive means for getting rid of scale with simple and affordable means for every housewife. Which will clean all surfaces just as well.

But still, advice from professionals is that it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive maintenance of devices. In order to prevent old scale from forming into a thick layer. At the very least, this promises you the failure of the equipment and the purchase of a new one.

Agree that everyone loves to drink tea or coffee. It is an incomparable pleasure to drink a cup of hot, delicious tea; it soothes like nothing else and all worries and adversity go away. And chatting over a cup of tea... we all love that. Of course, the taste of tea depends on the water, and the water depends on the teapot. Because scale often appears in teapots, which impairs the taste of tea and is harmful to health. Therefore we will talk about 7 effective ways how to remove scale from a kettle. All of them are effective, choose the one you like best.

Now in stores you can find a huge number of shapes and types of teapots. They can be made of metal, enameled or electric. But during operation, scale appears on them. It will not be possible to avoid its occurrence, even by installing expensive filters. Scale always appears, although sometimes it forms a very thin layer.

Therefore, descaling a kettle is a regular activity for every housewife. After all, its thick layer not only harms the electrical appliance. Its particles will get into drinks. And that means into the human body. There is nothing useful in this.

It is worth remembering that after the kettle has been effectively descaled, it will have to be thoroughly rinsed. And then boil it, with the goal of pouring out this water. Since after treatment, another 1-2 boilings are characterized by the fact that the water contains scale particles with the used product.

How often should you descale your kettle at home?

If the walls of the kettle are made of transparent material, then even the thinnest layer of scale immediately becomes noticeable on them. Therefore, such equipment will have to be cleaned more often than metal or enameled ones. The latter may only require treatment once a month. But this is only when the water is of good quality.

Sometimes something flows from the tap that after two or three boilings a noticeable mark has already formed on the walls. yellow plaque. Therefore, you need to descale your kettle at home as quickly as possible. And do this procedure as often as possible.

To prevent the formation of a thick layer of harmful scale, you need to:
pour soft water into the kettle;
do not leave water in the kettle;
Carry out preventive cleaning every 2-4 weeks.

Folk remedies for descaling a kettle

Craftsmen have discovered that liquids such as carbonated drinks (Sprite, Cola or Fanta) and marinade from preparations successfully deal with scale. The procedure is simple: pour in the drink, boil, let cool and wash the dishes.

The next method was probably discovered by summer residents who cooked livestock cleanings in old dishes. It turned out that they also help to remove scale from the walls. The peelings left over from potatoes, apples or pears are suitable. But they can only cope with a small white coating of salt.

How to remove scale from a kettle?

Many stores across the country sell all kinds of chemicals, which successfully cope with the task of removing scale. Most often they give quick and noticeable results. The range of such products is quite wide. Therefore, in the store you need to carefully read the labels. It may be that something cannot be used in a metal kettle or
it is prohibited to be used in electrical equipment.

If you don’t want to buy chemicals, they will help traditional methods How to get rid of scale in a kettle. A simple and affordable solution is citric acid. This substance can be used in all teapots.

For prevention, citric acid is used without boiling. In a kettle filled with water, you will have to dilute 1-2 bags of lemon. Then you need to leave it so that the acid dissolves the salt deposits. It is better to maximize the exposure time so that the exposure lasts several hours. Now you need to rinse the container, boil the water, and pour it out. It is recommended to do this once every 4 weeks.

If the plaque is many months old, then simple soaking will not help. The solution to the problem of how to remove scale from a kettle is boiling. The procedure looks the same as when soaking. You just don’t need to insist, but turn on the electric kettle or put the boiling utensils on the stove. Then rinse and boil “idle”.

How to descale a kettle if it is not electric?

The following methods are not recommended for electric kettles that have a thick deposit of sediment on them. This is due to the fact that the substances require prolonged exposure during boiling, which cannot be achieved in an electrical appliance.

The first remedy is food vinegar. For a kettle with a capacity of 1.75 liters, you will need to prepare a solution of 1.5 liters of water and 150 ml of table vinegar. Now the dishes with this solution need to be placed on medium heat and brought to a boil. At this point, you should look under the lid to evaluate the process of scale removal. If necessary, the boiling time of the vinegar solution can be extended by 15 minutes. Then the kettle will have to be thoroughly cleaned.

Cleaning a kettle from scale with vinegar is not the only substance at hand. The second remedy is baking soda. Only one spoon of baking soda should be poured into a kettle filled with water. Bring it to a boil, then reduce the heat and continue heating for another half an hour. After washing the dishes, you must not forget about idling boiling.

To the question of how to remove scale from an electric kettle, if it has not yet grown very large, the answer will be: “Use acid and soda, but without prolonged boiling.” It is worth mentioning that hot water There is no need to immediately pour it out of the dish. Let it cool there. You will need to wash it later. Moreover, the effect of the product will last for some time.

The shock way to remove old scale

For the reason mentioned a little earlier, it is not suitable for electric kettles. You are supposed to use three products in turn at once.

  • Pour a tablespoon of soda into a full kettle. Boil this solution and drain it.
  • Refill the kettle. Add the same amount of citric acid to the water. After boiling, reduce heat. Boil the solution in a kettle for 30 minutes. Now you need to drain the water.
  • Fill it a third time by pouring in half a glass of 9% vinegar. And boil again for half an hour.

There are situations when scale remains on the dishes, but it has already become loose. Therefore, it can be easily removed mechanically. For this purpose, it is best to use a soft dishwashing sponge. Cleaning kettles with hard brushes or metal sponges is prohibited.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of tricks on how to remove scale from a kettle and prevent scale from appearing. I am sure that each of you will choose for yourself suitable way combating plaque, which not only spoils the appearance of your favorite dishes, but can also harm our body. And here are some more experiments on how folk remedies help in the fight against scale.

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Among the electrical appliances used in the kitchen, the electric kettle occupies an important place. One day there comes a time when plaque appears in the kettle. After this, work is disrupted heating element, there is a smell. To prevent this phenomenon, the internal surface of the electric kettle is regularly cleaned. How to descale an electric kettle accessible ways, let's discuss in more detail.

What is scale?

Usually boiled in an electric kettle tap water, which has high hardness due to salts. When water boils, it forms carbon dioxide and calcined mixture. It creates a coating on internal surfaces. Even water that has passed through a filter produces sediment because it is impossible to remove salts 100%.

If deposits are not removed in a timely manner, the following consequences are possible:

  • The thermal output of the heating element decreases - the water will take longer to heat up, and energy costs will increase;
  • Drinking water with sediment leads to exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Housewives use methods known for a long time. However, there are some special features for electric kettles. It is important to remember that if you use an untested method, the effect will be the opposite, and the kettle will have to be disposed of. Before proceeding with the removal of limescale deposits, the internal condition of the kettle is inspected. Models made of plastic are not treated with chemical solutions. When cleaned, an open spiral will lose its protective layer and begin to rust.

  • Family members are warned about cleaning;
  • Before cleaning, water is poured in, and then the cleaning composition is added;
  • Cleaning is completed by thorough rinsing with running water;
  • Deposits must not be removed with sharp objects or abrasive powders;
  • In case of heavy precipitation, several cleaning methods are used.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Cleaning is carried out regularly, since it is impossible to get rid of deposits once and for all, because this is a natural process of heating water.
  2. There will be less scale if you soften it tap water, for example, filter before filling the kettle.
  3. For cleaning, compositions with less side effects, for example, citric acid.

How to clean an electric kettle using folk remedies (including glass)

As a rule, deposits appear on the bottom and walls of an electric kettle. Experienced housewives know how to reduce their appearance, and if they appear, how to get rid of them (glass models are no exception). First of all, it is not recommended to use sharp objects for scraping. Here are some of the ways to clean an electric kettle from limescale at home.

How to clean an electric kettle with lemon and citric acid

The snow-white, crystalline powder intended for culinary purposes is known as citric acid. The powder is sold in the form of bags weighing up to 50 grams. It is known that calcium deposits are destroyed in an acidic environment. Cleaning an electric kettle is based on this principle.

It is done this way:

  • The container is thoroughly washed to remove delamination;
  • Fill 2/3 of the volume with water, add a bag of powder;
  • The solution begins to boil. After boiling, the water boils and large particles of sediment flake off. With a small layer, 15 minutes are enough to clean the internal surfaces;
  • The boiled solution is drained, the surfaces are wiped with a soft sponge;
  • At the final stage, the water is boiled twice without powder.


  1. Do not pour the powder into boiling water, as foam will form due to the reaction.
  2. The quality of cleaning will improve if the solution is left overnight.

If you don’t have citric acid powder, then freshly squeezed juice will do. In this case, the sediment is removed using the method described earlier.

Cleaning using lemon slices is easier:

  • The lemon is cut into slices, which are placed on the bottom of the teapot;
  • The water should boil for up to half an hour and then cool;
  • The cooled water is drained, and the removed scale is removed with a soft sponge.

Flaw This method is that it is effective only with minor scale.

Baking soda

Drinking or baking soda is found in every housewife's kitchen cabinet. It is used not only as food supplement for cooking, but also how medicine. Its special property is associated with its effect on sediment.

Cleaning is performed in the following sequence:

  • A liter of water is poured in, soda is added. Three tablespoons are enough;
  • The solution is boiled for half an hour and then cools;
  • The cooled water is removed, the internal surfaces are wiped with a sponge;
  • The kettle is washed, filled with water, and heated.

Vinegar and essence

Fermented raw materials are distilled into acetic acid. After diluting with water, the acid produces vinegar essence with a concentration of up to 80%. Table vinegar the desired concentration is obtained after diluting the essence.

Removal of sediments with solutions is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Half a glass of 6% vinegar or 2 tablespoons of essence is poured into a filled kettle;
  • After boiling, the solution cools down for 4 hours. If the scale is very large, then it is better to leave the solution overnight;
  • The vinegar solution is removed and the kettle is thoroughly washed. Unpleasant smell goes away after prolonged airing.

Is it possible to clean an electric kettle with carbonated drinks?

Most carbonated drinks contain acid. For example, lemonade contains phosphoric acid. To use it, you must choose a colorless drink, otherwise the internal surfaces will become colored.

To wash using this method, do the following:

  • A liter of soda is poured into the kettle;
  • The lemonade is brought to a boil and cooled;
  • After some time, the drink is drained and washed with clean water.

Advice! For light contamination, just pour lemonade in for a few hours and then clean the surfaces with a sponge.

Oxalic acid

Some plants (spinach, sorrel) contain an acid called oxalic acid. It is a colorless crystalline powder, almost completely soluble. It is sold in hardware stores. The powder is highly effective for cleaning deposits. When working, precautions must be taken.

Cleaning is carried out using the following method:

  • A little powder is poured in, water is poured in;
  • The solution is boiled and settled for several minutes;
  • Dissolved deposits are removed with a sponge, after which a thorough rinsing is performed.

Advice! Small scale can be washed off with fresh sorrel leaves. Due to the low percentage of oxalic acid, the solution is boiled several times.

How to clean limescale in an electric kettle using household chemicals

When folk remedies fail or you need to achieve a quick effect, household chemicals come to the rescue. Generally terms of use chemical compounds indicated on the packages.

However, what they all have in common is the following sequence:

  • The dose of the substance specified in the instructions is dissolved in the kettle;
  • The resulting solution is boiled for up to half an hour;
  • After a short settling, the dissolved scale is drained;
  • The inner surface is thoroughly washed, after which the water is boiled several times.

The most common household chemicals are Antinakipin and Cinderella. As a rule, when using chemicals for the first time, the scale flakes off and falls off in pieces. Cleaning ends after repeated rinsing of the inner container.


  1. Cleaning substances can be harmful to health, so it is better to avoid large deposits and deal with them using traditional methods.
  2. It is necessary to use household chemicals after carefully studying the instructions. Compliance with the dosage of the drug requires special attention.

Preventing scale formation

An electric kettle can be used long time protect against scale formation if simple rules are followed.

  1. Purchase a model with a closed spiral or with a disk, since in this option cleaning is simpler and more effective.
  2. Doesn't flood running water, which has high rigidity. Only settled, melted or spring water is boiled. In addition, the installed filter reliably protects against all impurities.
  3. The minimum required amount of water is boiled. Unused boiling water is drained and fresh water is collected.
  4. Rinsing is performed before and after boiling.
  5. Surfaces are wiped with a sponge daily.
  6. Cleaning is carried out regularly (regardless of the amount of scale).

So, you can protect your electric kettle from scale different ways. Each method has advantages and disadvantages.

Not all teapots are suitable for the same cleaning methods. Stainless steel cookware can be processed normally. It is better to wash an enameled or aluminum kettle using special household chemicals or gentle boiling. For cleaning, use soda, vinegar, citric acid, toothpaste, PVA glue or mustard powder.

Most housewives do not remove the kettle from the stove while cooking, which is why stains of grease and dirt appear on it over time. Therefore, the problem of removing such contaminants is quite relevant. But the question arises: how to clean the kettle from grease so that it looks like new.

How to clean kitchen utensils

There are a huge number of different household chemicals that can be used to clean a kettle and other utensils.

When choosing a cleaner, you need to purchase a product depending on the degree of soiling of the dishes.

Small stains of grease that have recently formed can be dealt with using a low-budget product:

  • Fairy;
  • Gala;
  • Naturell.

And strong and expensive chemicals will help deal with dirt that has already become ingrained and simply cannot be wiped off:

  • Mister Muscle;
  • Schumann;
  • Cillit;
  • Unicum Gold.

But it’s better not to let it get to this point.

Cleaning the kettle using household chemicals

All chemicals can be divided into two types:

  1. Abrasive. Sold in powder form. Most often used to clean stainless steel utensils. They clean well, are inexpensive and easy to use. It is enough to pour a small amount onto a damp sponge and rub the kettle with rotating movements until it is completely clean. Then rinse under running water.
  2. Gel products. Used for soft cleaning. The composition may contain acid, which promotes rapid cleansing. All safety precautions must be taken before use.

Important! Before using any product, you should read the instructions on the package.

How to remove fat from a kettle without chemicals

For those who are against the use of chemicals, there are traditional methods for combating pollution. But a kettle with a burnt bottom will have to take more time.

Note! To clean electric kettles from grease, it is better to use a special household chemicals so as not to render it unusable or spoil it appearance misuse folk remedies.

Vinegar with soda

A mixture of soda and vinegar is quite aggressive, so it is often used by housewives to clean heavy stains, including.

  1. Place the kettle in a large saucepan and add water until it completely covers the dishes.
  2. Add vinegar and soda to the pan in a 1:1 ratio. For minor stains, 3 tbsp will be sufficient. l. each component.
  3. Once the water boils, time it for 12-15 minutes.
  4. Then turn off the heat and let the water cool slightly.

The kettle can simply be wiped with a sponge under running water.


If you need to clean the kettle from grease not only outside, but also inside, you can use accessible means– food or.

Before using the powder, the kettle needs to be warmed up a little. Then apply soda to a damp sponge and rub the entire vessel with progressive movements.

It’s better to start from the bottom, where all the fumes and soot have collected, and only then rub the rest of the surface. To make a stainless steel kettle shine like new, you will have to put in a lot more effort than a regular dishwasher.

All that remains is to rinse the utensils with plain water. You can use the same method.

You can also make a paste of soda and peroxide in a 2:1 ratio. Rub the teapot well with the resulting mixture and leave for 12–15 minutes. All that remains is to wash it and continue to use it.

Important! It is better not to wash enamel teapots this way. Baking soda is a fine abrasive that can damage enamel.

For utensils with a delicate coating, there is a more gentle method:

  1. Pour water into a large saucepan and add soda in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. per liter of water.
  2. Place the kettle in the pan and let the water boil.
  3. Boil for half an hour.
  4. After the time has passed, turn off the heat and let the water cool.

All that remains is to wash the kettle. For more severe stains, you can add a little detergent to the water.


The toothpaste method is not strong. It can only help with faint grease stains on the outside of the kettle. But since the paste is always on hand, it can be used when stains appear or in emergency cases.

Toothpaste Apply to the brush and thoroughly rub the kettle, focusing Special attention the handle, spout and bottom, because all the soot has collected there. After rubbing all the places well, you can wash off the paste. warm water and then rinse with cold. Finally, wipe the teapot with a cloth to give it shine.

Important! Do not use paste with a bleaching effect for washing dishes with chrome and enamel coating. This paste contains a fine abrasive.

Lemon acid

Most safe method cleaning kitchen utensils.

To get rid of stains, dilute citric acid in a large saucepan of water and boil kitchen utensils in it. If the end result is not pleasing to the eye, then the procedure can be repeated. You can also use lemon juice instead of acid.

Non-standard cleaning methods

These methods are still used today experienced housewives, and they are great for cleaning the kettle of old grease from the outside.

Laundry soap and PVA glue

To prepare a miraculous solution, you need to finely chop or grate the soap and add a couple of tablespoons of glue. Fill all this with 4 liters warm water. To obtain a larger volume of solution, increase the amount of all components in equal proportions.

Boil all the dishes in this brine for 30 minutes and then rinse well with water.

Cucumber pickle

Who would have thought, but cucumber pickle can wash dishes. To do this, all the dishes need to be loaded into the boiler and filled with brine. Boil for about half an hour and rinse with water. Remaining salt can be washed off using a sponge with detergent. A simple and effective method.

Mustard powder

This cleaning method was used decades ago. Apply mustard to the heated dish and rub in well with a damp sponge. Wait 20 minutes and rinse in water.

The best way to clean a stainless steel kettle

Dishes made from this steel are very popular nowadays. But even the slightest dirt is immediately visible on it. It is better to clean a stainless steel metal kettle, both inside and out, by boiling it in a soda or soap solution.

How to get rid of grease and other contaminants on an enamel kettle

The enamel coating is very sensitive to mechanical stress. It is better to give preference to gentle traditional methods or special chemistry.

Important! To prevent the enamel from cracking, avoid sudden temperature changes.

Cleaning an aluminum kettle

Scraping or subjecting aluminum kettles to other mechanical stress is strictly prohibited. Such methods quickly lead to the unsuitability of utensils for cooking and the appearance of corrosion on the dishes. using folk remedies: vinegar, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

To prevent the kettle from having to be washed to remove heavy dirt, simply wash it regularly with a regular detergent and wipe with a cloth.

For even more interesting methods on how to clean a kettle from grease, watch the video:

Larisa, May 8, 2018.