Eggplants are contraindications. Eggplants: benefits and harm to human health. Beneficial properties of your favorite blue ones

Eggplants are popularly called blue, taking into account the special shade of the vegetable. In terms of the content of nutrients, the fruit is superior to its counterparts, and this is not surprising. A valuable chemical list allows the use of eggplant for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. This is why people are so interested in the benefits and harms of vegetables. Let's talk about everything in detail.

Composition and benefits of eggplant

It is difficult to list the massive chemical list of elements included in the basis of the fruit. The benefits of the product are determined by the presence of all vitamins, minerals, and acids necessary for humans.

  1. Retinol, also known as vitamin A, is responsible for the functioning of the eye muscles, strengthening them. The substance increases visual acuity and prevents many ailments in this area. Vitamin A is necessary for humans to maintain the natural beauty of skin and hair.
  2. The included group of B vitamins takes responsibility for the activity of the central nervous system. Riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, pyridoxine, folic and pantothenic acids - all these compounds normalize the psycho-emotional background of a person. Eating stewed or boiled eggplant helps cope with insomnia, and also speeds up all metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP, cleanses blood channels of toxins, tightens vascular walls and accelerates cellular regeneration. All these properties prevent the formation of thrombosis, varicose veins, and atherosclerosis.
  4. Tocopherol is a natural antioxidant that acts as a “broom”, ridding the internal organs of all debris. Systematic intake of eggplants removes even old waste, cleanses the liver of radionuclides, and facilitates the functioning of the kidneys. Tocopherol tidies up the skin and whitens nails.
  5. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is necessary for the human body to maintain immunity during colds. Even 1 eggplant consumed per week will compensate for the lack of this element. This will increase the body's resistance to viral infections.
  6. Vitamins of group K are necessary for the structure of cells, as well as the formation of bone tissue. Substances are needed to maintain healthy teeth and the entire oral cavity. Eggplants prevent many diseases, such as periodontal disease, stomatitis, etc. The product also helps get rid of bleeding gums.
  7. Potassium provides correct work heart, accelerates blood circulation, fights viral infections.
  8. Sodium regulates the balance of fluid that occurs in the space between cells. With a lack of this element, internal organs begin to wither. With excess, swelling appears.
  9. Chlorine is responsible for water, salt and alkaline balance. In combination with potassium, the elements increase the liver's resistance to toxins.
  10. Magnesium accelerates metabolic processes and takes an active part in building muscle tissue. Acts as amino acids for athletes.
  11. Calcium strengthens and whitens nail plates and teeth (in particular enamel). The substance is necessary for building bones and muscles.
  12. Fiber refers to coarse dietary fiber, which is needed to normalize intestinal motility. Fiber eliminates old waste and increases metabolism.
  13. Pectin is a serious prevention of arthritis and arthrosis, as well as other ailments associated with joints and bones. Pectin removes excess bile and prevents it from stagnating.

In addition to the above components, eggplant is rich in copper, phosphorus, aluminum, boron, iodine, fluorine, sulfur, molybdenum, and cobalt. The vegetable contains ash, starch, mono- and polysaccharides, dietary fiber, organic acids.

Despite such an abundance of valuable substances, 100 grams of calories. eggplant is only 36 kcal. For this reason, many include vegetables in their diet menu. For these purposes, the fruits are stewed, boiled and steamed, but not fried.

Properties of eggplant

The valuable qualities of eggplant are reflected in the human body. The vegetable has the following actions:

  • fights intestinal obstruction, including chronic;
  • increases the elasticity of the walls of blood channels;
  • helps to lose weight;
  • improves heart function by accelerating blood flow;
  • stabilizes the activity of the kidneys and liver;
  • fights tissue swelling;
  • removes bad cholesterol from the blood;
  • strengthens bones, teeth and nails;
  • improves hair condition;
  • prevent the deposition of sand and stones in the kidneys and bladder;
  • cleanses the intestines and biliary system;
  • prevent cancer.

  1. Vegetable pulp removes excess bile, providing serious prevention of diseases of the excretory system. Eggplant eliminates excess fluid, thereby fighting swelling.
  2. Experts recommend creating a diet that includes eggplant to cope with osteochondrosis, arrhythmia, osteoporosis, and atherosclerosis.
  3. If you are planning to quit smoking, prepare light eggplant dishes. It's all about the substances contained in eggplant - nicotine and solanine. This amount is not enough to cause harm to health, but it will make it easier to quit smoking.
  4. The value of eggplants also extends to pregnant girls. Incoming micro- and macroelements are responsible for the mother’s hematopoietic function. As a result of this, the fetus is formed correctly, eliminating the possibility of congenital abnormalities.
  5. Nasunin controls the functioning of the brain. Flavonoids protect cells from the action of free radicals, thereby providing serious prevention of cancer. Eating eggplant will prolong your life and help you maintain a clear mind.
  6. Eggplant contains more than 12 phenolic compounds that destroy existing cancer cells. Substances block blood access to malignant tumors, killing them.
  7. Traditional healers use blueberries to treat arthritis, gout, and inflammatory processes on the skin. Eggplant juice acts as an antiseptic and antibiotic; it quickly kills bacteria and fungus.

The benefits of eggplant for pregnant and lactating women

  1. Eggplants are considered low-calorie vegetables, so it makes sense to include them in the diet of pregnant girls. This makes it possible to combat swelling and toxicosis, which often appears in the early stages.
  2. A woman carrying a child is often constipated. Stewed or boiled vegetables will help eliminate this delicate problem. In addition, intestinal motility will increase and the digestive tract will be cleansed.
  3. If there are no contraindications, you can eat eggplants during breastfeeding(lactation). However, the introduction to the daily menu is carried out gradually so as not to harm the child.
  4. If you consumed eggplants during lactation and your baby developed a rash, remove the product from the diet. It is advisable to start consumption after the child turns 3 months old.

  1. Due to their unique taste, eggplants are no less loved by men. If you are prone to obesity, the vegetable must be included in your daily diet. Systematic consumption of fruits will help maintain normal weight.
  2. Eggplants effectively cleanse blood vessels of toxins and cholesterol plaques. The vegetable prevents the development of sexual dysfunction. Regular consumption of the product in various variations significantly improves a person’s general condition.
  3. Eastern legends say that eggplant is considered a vegetable that prolongs life. Constant use delays old age through tissue rejuvenation at the cellular level and global cleansing of the body from toxins.

Benefits of eggplant for blood

  1. Copper and manganese in eggplant are actively involved in hematopoiesis. For a simple reason, doctors recommend including fruits in the daily diet of pregnant girls.
  2. The high content of folic acid in eggplants ensures the body’s stable production of formed elements. In this way, platelets, leukocytes and red blood cells are formed in sufficient quantities in the blood.

Benefits of eggplants for the cardiovascular system

  1. To strengthen and rid the cardiovascular system of any diseases, experts recommend regular consumption of eggplants. Minerals and special salts stabilize cardiac activity.
  2. Pectin and coarse fiber are poorly absorbed by the body. In this case, enzymes act as antioxidants and efficiently cleanse the organs of toxic substances and waste. Studies have shown that the product cleanses tissue better than targeted medications.
  3. From a medical point of view, juice from fresh eggplants has proven itself well. The drink perfectly cleanses the body of cholesterol, increases blood flow, relaxing blood vessels. The composition is considered an excellent prevention against cardiac ischemia and atherosclerosis.

Benefits of eggplants for immunity and central nervous system

  1. Eggplant juice showed a high content of bactericidal enzymes, which qualitatively suppress harmful microorganisms. It is worth noting that the fruits strengthen protective functions.
  2. The enzymes contained in eggplants (nasunin and flavonoids) bring invaluable benefits to humans. The substances belong to the category of strong antioxidants that can protect and restore membranes.
  3. Nasunin protects brain cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Hence the name among people that eggplant is a food for the brain. Regular consumption of vegetables will help strengthen the activity of the central nervous system.

Harm of eggplants

  1. It is worth knowing that eggplants are not recommended to be included in the diet of children under 3 years of age. The problem with vegetables is the presence of coarse fibers that the child’s body is not able to process.
  2. People with acute or chronic diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis) should not eat eggplants.
  3. Be careful in case of acute inflammation of the pancreas. Eating fruits can have dire consequences.
  4. It is forbidden to eat eggplants in any form if you have intestinal disorders of any form. Exacerbation of gout falls into the same category.

We can confidently say that eggplants will make an invaluable contribution to the development and strengthening of body tissues. Take into account the nuances that may cause complications associated with the presence of chronic diseases that occur in an acute form. During pregnancy, the product is introduced into the diet of the expectant mother only after the approval of a specialist.

Video: benefits of eggplant

Favorite eggplants... Many people look forward to summer to enjoy these wonderful fruits. The abundance of dishes that can be prepared with this wonderful vegetable is simply amazing: fried and stewed, steamed, in the form of snacks and caviar. In any form they retain an unforgettable, amazing taste. Today we will take a closer look at the harm and benefits of eggplants for the body. Based on this, we can conclude how often you can eat them. Eggplant is a completely unique vegetable, which has not only its characteristic purple and oblong shape, but also many useful microelements, which we will talk about today.

How to choose eggplants

The harm and benefits of eggplants primarily depend on the quality of the fruits themselves. These vegetables are different types, so color and shape are not always reliable indicators. There are round and oblong, white and green types. But most often in our market we find ordinary oblong purple vegetables. Be sure to pay attention to the color. Fresh young eggplant is dark, dry and shiny. Moreover, the younger the vegetable, the darker it is. Therefore, you should not buy light, gray, or brown eggplants - they will most likely be overripe. Don’t forget to feel the fruit carefully: due to the dark surface, you can easily miss rotten places.

As already mentioned, the harm and benefits of eggplant depend on how fresh the vegetables are. They have not proven themselves to be the best when stored, so buy as much as you plan to eat right away. Then it’s better to buy fresh ones.

What does eggplant contain?

Let's see what your body gets when you eat eggplant. This is an amazingly tasty and healthy vegetable of the nightshade family, so in the summer you need to cook it as often as possible, unless there are contraindications. The harm and benefits of eggplants also depend on how they are prepared, but we will talk about this a little later. Ripe vegetables contain fiber and organic acids, pectin. In addition, they are rich in various vitamins. These are primarily vitamins A, P, C, and the entire group B. But the set is not limited to this. Eggplant contains a variety of tannins, natural sugars, proteins and fats. Eggplants contain calcium and magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, sodium and iron, manganese and copper, as well as zinc, aluminum and cobalt.

Such an amazing variety of microelements and vitamins determines the popularity that eggplants have. Health benefits and harm are determined quite easily: if you have no serious contraindications, then this vegetable must be eaten regularly. This will not only provide the body with the necessary nutrients, but also normalize metabolism.

Benefits of blue vegetables

We have already looked at what eggplants are rich in. The benefits and harm to the body are explained by the presence of biologically active substances, and only in exceptional cases can they cause harm. Normally, they benefit all organs and systems of the body. It is eggplants that gently regulate blood cholesterol levels. Thanks to this property, they prevent the development of atherosclerosis, which means they have a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system. The health of blood vessels is the length of our life, so we can’t help but use the chance to prolong their youth.

Eggplant is extremely useful for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. This is due to the fact that vegetables have a mild diuretic effect. In addition, eggplant has a slight laxative effect, that is, it helps cleanse the intestines and bile ducts. Eating this product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, so if everything is not in order with this important organ, then you should eat eggplant daily. At the same time, eating a lot of vegetables is not at all necessary - just 1 tablespoon of stewed product per day is enough.

Red bone marrow, immunity and eggplant

Surprisingly, the properties of eggplants are truly limitless. The benefits and harms of this product depend, first of all, on the method of preparation, but correct use Purple vegetables are extremely beneficial for the bone marrow and spleen. They quickly normalize hematopoietic processes and blood composition. Eating eggplant daily helps increase hemoglobin and the formation of red blood cells. If you have anemia, then eggplant is just what the doctor ordered.

Eggplant for weight loss

Indeed, if you are planning a long-term diet, be sure to include these wonderful vegetables in it. They are low-calorie and very nutritious, which means you'll quickly feel full and won't have to reach for more. The only exception is fried eggplant. The benefits and harms of this dish are obvious: the vegetable itself is a storehouse of useful substances and microelements, but, soaked in oil, it turns into the complete opposite. If you cannot refuse this method of preparing blue vegetables, then cut them into pieces and add salt before frying. After about 30 minutes you can start frying. There is another way: before cooking, put the pieces in cold water for 10 minutes - this way they will also absorb less oil. Don't forget to use disposable paper towel which will absorb excess fat. But still, this cooking method cannot be called the healthiest, so let's talk about how else you can prepare this vegetable.

How to cook them correctly

The healthiest way to eat eggplant is baked or stewed. Baked in the oven with tomato sauce and spices, it will successfully replace fried in a frying pan. Even everyone’s favorite eggplant caviar can be prepared without oil by simply simmering the vegetables over low heat. It will turn out no less tasty and very healthy. An excellent and bright appetizer is made from grilled eggplants. Eggplant can be salted and dried, pickled. There is even eggplant jam with a slight sourness and bitterness.

Indications for eating eggplants

Almost everyone can eat eggplant. It is recommended for healthy and sick people, pregnant women and the elderly. But it should not be given to children under 3 years of age. Eggplant contains solanine, and even though it is pre-soaked, it does not a large number of may be preserved. In addition, eggplant contains a lot of hard-to-digest fiber and very few calories. And children need calories and energy. Therefore, this vegetable is more suitable for weight loss or as side dishes and snacks than as a full meal. Otherwise, it is the characteristics of your body that determine the benefits and harms of eggplant. The benefits and harms of food are generally ambiguous - it all depends on the quantity and method of cooking.

Traditional medicine recipes

Like many other gifts of nature, this vegetable is used not only for food. Eggplant peel is used to treat certain ailments. The benefits and harms of this product are questionable among adherents official medicine, however traditional healers They claim that with its help you can get rid of hypertension. To do this, grind the peel in a coffee grinder and take a teaspoon before bed. Want to quit smoking? And here eggplant will help. The nicotinic acid contained in the fruits will help overcome discomfort, without harm to health.


People with disabilities should use eggplant with caution. various diseases gastrointestinal tract. Fiber, which eggplants are rich in, can cause exacerbation of gastritis, intestinal upset, and exacerbation of peptic ulcers. If you have liver and gallbladder diseases, you should also consult a doctor or eat the vegetable little by little, listening to your feelings. It must be remembered that any contraindication is relative, and even if by medical standards you are absolutely healthy, but after consuming this product you feel discomfort, you should consult a doctor or completely stop eating eggplants.

Let's sum it up

Eggplant is an extremely healthy vegetable. Learn to cook it properly. First of all, stop frying it in oil - and you will get a product with amazing properties. It not only supplies your body useful microelements, but at the same time it treats and puts in order the metabolism and the functioning of internal organs. In addition, this vegetable is quite cheap, especially in season. It’s quite possible to see it on your desk every day.

Humanity has been cultivating vegetables for centuries. They enrich the diet with vitamins and make the daily menu varied. The abundance of vegetables allows you to choose to eat those that suit your taste. Eggplants are deservedly popular among housewives. You can use them to prepare a delicious dinner and appetizing snacks that are probably familiar to everyone. In addition, they perfectly diversify the winter diet, since they are good when salted and pickled, combined with other vegetables and used as country preparations. We will talk about the benefits and harms of eggplants for human health in this article.

More about eggplants

These vegetables are native to Southeast Asia.. In the tropics of India they are found wild. The Indians of South America used eggplants for food long before the discovery of the continent by Europeans.

In Europe they began to be eaten only in the Middle Ages. Before this, the plant was credited with strange properties, such as causing madness, and was not eaten.

In the history of Russia, the first mentions of this vegetable date back to the 18th century. At the beginning of the twentieth century. they were successfully grown in southern regions countries.

Today, thanks to the work of breeders and climate change, these vegetables grow well in middle lane and more northern areas.

Large oblong fruits, depending on the variety, can reach a length of 70 cm. In addition to the usual purple plants bred With different shades fruits: white, burgundy, almost black.

Eggplant is rich in vitamins and minerals, a berry belonging to the nightshade family. Due to its low calorie content (24 kcal per 100 g), it is often used in various diets for those wishing to lose weight.

Eggplant is a berry rich in vitamins and minerals that belongs to the nightshade family.

Composition and beneficial properties for the human body

The little blue ones, as they affectionately call him in the southern regions of Russia, are very rich:

  • various minerals (iron, calcium, potassium, iodine, molybdenum, manganese, magnesium and others);
  • organic acids, they contain a high content of nicotinic acid, which helps conduct nerve impulses, folic and ascorbic acids;
  • vitamins of group B, A, P;
  • sugars and tannins;
  • pectin and fiber.

High potassium and zinc content causes a diuretic effect and popularity in the diet of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Relieves swelling, strengthens heart muscles, removes cholesterol.

Helps overcome nicotine addiction. Due to the high content of nicotinic acid, eggplant dishes reduce the desire to smoke and help break the habit.

Low calorie helps to actively use the vegetable during weight correction. Folic acid is responsible for normalizing hematopoietic processes.

The antioxidants it contains protect against the development of cancer. Due to the fiber contained in the fruit, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gall bladder improves.

The “Live Healthy!” program will tell you about the benefits of eggplants:

Possible health hazards and contraindications

For all its usefulness Don't use "blue":

  • with exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers;
  • in case of problems with the pancreas;
  • for arthrosis or gout attack;
  • presence of allergic reactions;
  • serious kidney diseases.

There are few contraindications. As part of vegetable stews, steamed eggplant will benefit almost everyone.

Benefits of vegetables

For women

Useful for pregnant women Due to the high content of folic acid, consumption helps to cope with swelling that often accompanies pregnancy.

Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract during lactation. Helps diversify your diet and allows you to quickly lose weight.

The vegetable is indispensable for women during menopause, useful for pregnant and lactating women

For men

Since men are the most susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, they need to consume eggplants, which enrich the body with essential zinc and potassium.

In addition, during high physical activity, “little blue” ones exhibit a general strengthening effect.

Due to their high content of nicotinic acid, these vegetables are one of the main products during the smoking cessation period.

Low calorie meals allows you to control weight, this is true for both men and women.

For children

Until one and a half years, it is better not to include eggplants in the children's menu. For iron deficiency and low hemoglobin purple berries will help make up for the deficiency.

They will relieve the baby from constipation and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The unique taste of dishes with this vegetable will surely please your baby.

Important: Eggplants are not eaten raw. Cooking in large quantities of oil will bring nothing but harm to the body.

Until one and a half years of age, it is better not to include eggplants in the children's menu, do not eat them raw

How to select and store

Choose slightly under-ripe, smooth and shiny specimens. Wrinkled, overripe berries are of no value.

Fruits with thin skin are tastier. The darker the fruit, the better the taste. Stores well frozen or dried.

Tip: To remove bitterness, soak them in water for 2-4 hours or chop and blanch (dip in boiling water) for 1-2 minutes.

Blot the chopped blanched vegetables with a napkin, put them in a container and place them in the refrigerator. This way they are stored for up to six months. There is no need to defrost before cooking.

Choose slightly unripe, smooth and shiny fruits with thin skin

Dry outdoors, ensuring air circulation and protecting from direct sunlight. You can cut fresh eggplants and dry them in the oven or fruit dehydrator.

When used in dietary nutrition, it is more useful to cut off the peel from the vegetable.

They are used to prepare vegetable stews. Simmer over low heat, adding carrots, bell pepper, onions, herbs and potatoes. Use 1-2 tablespoons to prepare the dish. vegetable oil.

Remember: when frying, the “blue” ones absorb a lot of oil. It is better to bake or stew. They can be pickled, salted, prepared as popular caviar, stewed or fried.

They go great with meat or vegetables.. Eggplant stuffed with meat or vegetables is a tasty and nutritious dish.

Eggplants with nuts and eggplants with garlic and herbs, video recipe:

Eggplants have long been on our table. Benefits and a bright, unique taste, made them in demand on holidays and weekdays. They found admirers in different countries Oh.

Cheap and tasty When properly prepared, these vegetables can bring significant benefits to the body.

Recently, a healthy lifestyle has begun to play an important role in our lives. More and more people are trying to eat right and devote more time to exercise. They give up flour, fatty, sweet foods and include more fruits and vegetables in their diet. There is a certain range of vegetables that customers often purchase, and this range includes eggplants. In our article we want to talk about what vitamins are in eggplants, as well as the benefits and harms of eggplants.

What vitamins are contained in eggplants?

Beneficial features eggplant are determined by its composition. It contains fiber, soluble sugars, pectin, proteins, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, PP.

Eggplants are an indispensable product for those who want to lose weight. 100 g of eggplant contains 28 kcal. Eggplants contain a large amount of fiber, which helps the body remove excess fluid along with toxins. If you decide to lose weight with the help of eggplants, you must take into account one more fact: during frying, eggplants absorb a lot of oil. To avoid this, soak the sliced ​​eggplants in water before cooking. cold water for 10 minutes. But baked and stewed eggplants are the healthiest.

Eggplants - benefits and harms

Eggplants are valued because they contain all the microelements necessary for the human body. And this value does not decrease if they are used for cooking or simply canning. Pectin, which is contained in eggplants, helps stimulate digestion and prevents bile from stagnating. Thanks to pectin, excess cholesterol is eliminated.

Many find it difficult to answer the question of whether eggplants are harmful. The wrong answer would be to say yes, but a negative answer would not explain the whole situation either. The main thing to remember is that overripe fruits should not be consumed, as they contain the alkaloid solanine. This is a toxic substance, poisoning with which causes diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, intestinal colic, cramps and shortness of breath.

For solanine poisoning, the best antidote is milk, egg whites, and mucus soups. This substance can be destroyed if the vegetable is subjected to the correct heat treatment. And remember that excessive consumption of any vitamin can harm your body.

What are the benefits of eggplants?

Despite the fact that eggplant cannot boast of a large amount of vitamins in it, it is low in calories and is a good helper in the fight against obesity. It contains pectin and many other valuable microelements that remove toxins from the body and prevent cholesterol from being absorbed.

They are indispensable in dietary nutrition. Potassium, which is contained in eggplants, improves heart function and removes fluid from the body. It is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, anemia and gout.

Elderly people should include this vegetable in their diet. It helps fight atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis, and also strengthens bones.

Eggplant calories and nutritional value

If you are wondering how many calories are in eggplants, then 100 grams of raw vegetable contains only 24 calories. More details about nutritional value and the composition of eggplants, see the table below.

Eggplant juice

IN folk medicine Eggplant juice is highly valued. It contains B vitamins, vitamin C, PP, and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus. It is recommended for use by people suffering from atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

To make eggplant juice, you need to peel fresh young eggplants and use a juicer to squeeze out the juice.

It helps well with intestinal and stomach diseases. Eggplant infusion is also used as a choleretic agent, for this you need one medium eggplant Peel and cut into small squares and pour a glass of boiling water. Then place the steamed eggplant on a water bar for 30 minutes and then strain. Take this infusion three times a day half an hour before meals.


It is not recommended to consume overripe fruits, as they contain large amounts of solanine. As you know, solanine can cause poisoning. In case of poisoning, shortness of breath, colic, nausea and vomiting appear. To cleanse the body of solanine, you need to constantly drink clean water.

If you do get eggplants that are not very fresh, place them in salted water to extract solanine from them.

Please note that eggplants have the peel white There is practically no corned beef, and the taste is delicate and pleasant.

Eggplant diet

If you think for a moment about how many healthy products there are in the world with which you can easily lose weight and enrich your body with useful vitamins and minerals. One of these wonderful foods is eggplant. If this product is properly prepared and introduced into your diet, then a person can lose from 3 to 5 kilograms. And if you go on an eggplant diet, you will likely lose 6 to 8 kilograms per month.

Dietary value of eggplants. Why are eggplants used for weight loss? Eggplant has many beneficial qualities that help remove cholesterol from the body. Eggplants contain a large amount of potassium, which improves heart function and helps remove fluid from the body. It also contains iron and copper, which will replenish your body with vitamins during your diet.

The eggplant diet is very simple, you just need to replace dinner with eggplant dishes. And it is advisable to introduce this vegetable as a main dish at lunch. Eggplants need to be boiled or cooked in a double boiler. This method of preparation will preserve all the vitamins, and the dish will be low in calories.

Eggplant for pregnant women

Eggplants are of great benefit to pregnant women, as they contain iron and copper, which improve the process of hematopoiesis and increase immunity. It is best to stew or bake eggplants, this way they retain all the beneficial substances. It is better not to eat fried eggplants for pregnant women, because they are difficult to digest. Potassium, which is contained in eggplants, improves heart function and restores water balance in a woman’s body.

Eggplants for nursing mothers

A nursing mother can safely introduce eggplants into her diet, the main thing is to take into account several nuances. If the expectant mother did not eat eggplants during pregnancy, then she needs to introduce eggplant into her diet with caution, while observing the child’s reaction. If you notice an allergic reaction, then you should stop using this product. And the second thing you need to pay attention to is the quality of the eggplants themselves.

Adhering to this scheme for introducing new foods, by the age of 3 months the mother can eat any food without harming the baby.

Recipe for eggplants with walnuts. Peel the eggplants and cut into small pieces. Grease the mold with vegetable oil and place the eggplants. For the sauce you will need 3 tomatoes, a handful of finely chopped nuts, 1 clove of garlic, grind all this in a blender until homogeneous mass. Pour the sauce over the eggplants and bake.

How to cook eggplants correctly

Most housewives love to please their relatives with a deliciously prepared dish, forgetting about its usefulness. And improperly prepared eggplants not only lose all their beneficial qualities, but can also be harmful to health. Cookbooks contain many recipes for fried and pickled eggplant, although preparing this vegetable this way makes it difficult to digest and does not bring any benefits.

To preserve all the beneficial properties of eggplant and at the same time get a delicious-tasting dish, before cooking you need to salt the sliced ​​eggplants and leave for 30 minutes. Then drain the juice and rinse the eggplants. This way, all the bitterness is removed from the eggplants.

Cold caviar is considered the best eggplant dish. The preparation is very simple, you just need to peel and cut the eggplants into small pieces, add herbs to them: parsley, dill, tomatoes, garlic. During baking, all useful substances are preserved. Eggplants are also recommended to be steamed and added to various dishes, such as pilaf, dumplings, salads, and stews.

Freezing eggplants - preparations for the winter

Freezing is considered one of the the best ways preserving foods with all their vitamins. For example, when canning, only 60% of nutrients are retained, while when freezing, 70-80%.

To properly freeze eggplants, first wash them and cut them into slices. Then sprinkle the eggplants with salt and leave for 30 minutes, rinse off the released juice with water - this will help get rid of the bitterness. To prevent the eggplants from becoming rubbery, use a colander to place them in boiling water for 3 minutes, then in cold water. Leave the eggplants on the towel for a couple of minutes to dry. Place them on a tray and cover with cling film. It will take about 4 hours for the eggplants to freeze completely.

For freezing, it is best to use airtight containers or freezer bags. Don't forget that eggplants are recommended to be stored frozen for 4 to 6 months.

Defrosting eggplants. In this matter, you also need to know some of the nuances of defrosting eggplants. It is recommended to defrost quickly, for example using microwave oven. And it’s best to start cooking them without defrosting.

About the beneficial properties of eggplant Video

Video about the benefits and harms of eggplants, to whom they are contraindicated and what myths exist about eggplants.

Usually we don’t think much when using eggplants when preparing dishes, whether they will bring harm or benefit to our body. Many people like the “little blue ones” fried as a cold appetizer or a hot dish; others prefer to bake eggplants in the oven, stew them, or cook eggplant caviar. Those who are watching their weight try to eat eggplants only when they are boiled, because these vegetables absorb a lot of oil when fried, which significantly reduces the usefulness of eggplants.

Vitamin composition of eggplants

So, are eggplants healthy, and what are their healing properties? Can these harmless-looking purple vegetables cause harm to our body? Let's take a closer look at what eggplants are - their properties and composition, as well as possible contraindications for consumption.

The beneficial properties of eggplant will come in handy during dietary nutrition.

Like other vegetables from the garden, eggplants are not deprived of vitamins. They contain B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and relieve insomnia. The amount of vitamin C in one eggplant is enough to prevent flu and colds. In addition, “little blue” contains vitamin PP, which makes it easier for smokers to quit cigarettes, as well as numerous micro- and macroelements: potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese.

Video about the beneficial properties of eggplant

Thanks to folic acid, eggplants are recommended to be included in the diet of pregnant women. In addition, these not very popular vegetables contain a lot of iron, which is necessary during pregnancy and anemia. And due to manganese and zinc, adding eggplants to food can improve your condition after a stroke.

Separately, it is worth noting the substance that is found in the eggplant skin - nazunin. This element of plant origin provides protection to nerve cells and has powerful antioxidant properties, so eggplant can be used as an excellent prophylactic against cancer and for additional nutrition of the brain.

The beneficial properties of eggplant will come in handy when dietary nutrition, because one hundred grams of this vegetable contains only 23 kilocalories! Of course, fried eggplants are not taken into account, but boiled or baked, you can safely eat them without fear for your figure. Moreover, eggplants help the digestion process thanks to fiber, and also effectively break down fat, helping to lower cholesterol levels in the body. In return, the body receives healthy unsaturated fatty acids.

Eggplants help the digestion process thanks to their fiber and also effectively break down fat.

It is better to buy young fruits of rich lilac or dark purple color. Brown and gray-green color indicates that the vegetable is already overripe - there will be no benefit from it. Also make sure that there are no scratches or dents on the skin of the vegetable.

Vegetables against diseases - what are the benefits of eggplants

If you previously had a cool attitude towards the “little blue ones”, we recommend that you reconsider your attitude and include eggplant in your diet - medicinal properties it will help you significantly improve your health and quickly cope with existing diseases.

Here is a list of health problems for which eggplants will be especially beneficial:

  • anemia,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • diabetes,
  • gout,
  • cardiac ischemia,
  • liver and kidney diseases,
  • problems with blood vessels,
  • gastrointestinal diseases,
  • constipation,
  • metabolic disease,
  • insomnia,
  • constant stress.

The benefits of eggplants for the blood are great: they lower the level of sugar and bad cholesterol in the blood

Even one tablespoon of stewed eggplant per day will benefit your kidneys and liver, improve digestion and have a mild diuretic effect.

The benefits of eggplants for the blood are great: they lower the level of sugar and bad cholesterol in the blood, increase hemoglobin, promote the production of red blood cells, thereby improving the composition of the blood, in addition, they keep blood pressure at the desired level.

In the East, where eggplants themselves come from, they are considered a vegetable of longevity. In addition to its healing effects on the body, this vegetable is valued by Eastern women for its ability to have a rejuvenating effect, improve skin color, smooth out wrinkles and give skin elasticity.

Overripe eggplants are dangerous to eat.

Who are eggplants contraindicated for?

Despite all the listed medicinal properties, eggplants are not so harmless - the benefits and harms depend on the method of their preparation, as well as on the degree of ripeness of the vegetable. Thus, fried eggplants will not bring any benefit to the body, since the fiber in them is destroyed, and the pulp is saturated with toxins released from vegetable oil during frying. In addition, the calorie content of fried eggplants, completely soaked in oil, increases significantly compared to boiled or oven-baked eggplants. Such fatty foods will be especially harmful for people who have gastrointestinal pathologies.

Overripe eggplants are dangerous to eat because they accumulate solanine, a toxic substance that can lead to poisoning (colic, diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions and confusion may occur). Overripe vegetables can be identified not only by the brown color of the peel, but also by a large number of seeds and a stale-looking stalk. Therefore, you should choose only young, firm, almost black eggplants for consumption. To avoid poisoning, it is recommended that before using any eggplants, cut them into slices and leave them in water with added salt for half an hour - this will also eliminate the bitterness inherent in some varieties.

White eggplants contain practically no solanine and are in no way inferior in taste to their purple “brothers”.

Eggplants have contraindications for consumption in cases of gastritis, indigestion and stomach ulcers. And those who suffer from diabetes should not get too carried away with eggplants due to the fact that they contain very few carbohydrates - such a diet can lead to hypoglycemia.

In autumn, the choice of vegetables, fruits and berries on Ukrainian shelves becomes more limited, but there is still something to diversify your diet. For example, on the shelves you can still find them, which vary greatly in shape and color.

Eggplants are the most common in Ukraine elongated shape and dark purple in color, but their shape can vary from ovoid to oblong, and color from white to dark purple.

Eggplant: beneficial properties

100 grams of eggplant contain only 25 kcal, and therefore nutritionists unanimously declare its benefits and inclusion in the diet, especially during weight loss. Due to the fact that eggplants are tasty, low in calories and easy to digest, they are included in therapeutic diets and diets for weight loss.

In addition, the berries contain a huge amount of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for normal heart function, for example, potassium, vitamins PP, group B, C, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, copper and iron. Also, during the research, scientists found that eggplants are also useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system of the body.

At the same time, scientists note that vitamin C, which is contained in berries, helps the body in the prevention of colds, and vitamins C have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system.

Eggplants: harm

However, despite all the advantages of the berry, it also has its pitfalls. For example, overripe eggplant can cause harm to the body - such fruits contain poisonous solanine, which can cause food poisoning.

Doctors also do not advise people with gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis, digestive disorders) to include eggplant in their diet, as well as people with diabetes and those undergoing insulin therapy. The fact is that in the latter, consumption of this berry can provoke hypoglycemia.

Symptoms of such poisoning:

  • colic
  • dyspnea
  • vomit
  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • confusion
  • convulsions.

How to choose eggplants

To prevent the fruits from harming the body, you should choose eggplants responsibly. Thus, the overripeness of the fruit is indicated by a stale-looking stalk and a large number of seeds.

Experts advise giving preference when choosing to younger fruits, oblong in shape with a shiny and elastic surface without spots.

By the way, white eggplants are considered no less tasty. At the same time, scientists note that such fruits are safer - they contain less dangerous solanine.

Photo: Social networks

How to remove bitterness from eggplants

There are several simple tips, which will help housewives rid eggplants of bitterness. To do this, cut the fruits must be soaked in salted water for 30 minutes.

By the way, eggplants are perishable foods, and therefore they should be cooked immediately after purchase. If you still need to save the eggplants for later, you should store them in a plastic or paper bag in the refrigerator.

You can freeze eggplants in several ways, while their beneficial properties will be preserved. First you need to find out how bitter your eggplants are - the freezing method depends on this. Large, dense and young fruits can be frozen without pre-processing and with the skin on, but for more bitter berries it is recommended to first remove the skin and boil them.

Eggplant - useful product nutrition that can diversify any dish, vegetable salad, soup, as part of a side dish or in its cooked form. It is capable of bringing both benefit and harm due to its properties, which differ from other vegetables. What are the benefits of eggplants, and are they harmful? How to properly prepare dishes from this amazing vegetable, how to choose it correctly at the market? More on all this later in our article!

Eggplant is the basis for many healthy and healthy dishes

What are the benefits of eating eggplant?

The composition, effect on the body, properties, nutritional value and calorie content reveal the beneficial properties of the vegetable. Eggplant is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals and this is its main benefit. Eating eggplant can improve your well-being. One hundred grams of the product contains a significant amount of nutrients, which is the daily requirement for a person:

  • Vitamin B1;
  • Copper;
  • Magnesium;
  • Vitamin B3;
  • Potassium;
  • Cellulose;
  • Folic acid;
  • Vitamin K

The total calorie content of dishes prepared with it per 100 grams is 35 calories. Its benefits during the period of dieting are not appreciated for those losing weight. If a person includes eggplants in his diet, he will be able to lose a couple of extra pounds without harming the body. The vegetable has properties to strengthen the heart muscle, controls arterial pressure, prevent diabetes mellitus, obesity, replenish the vitamin fund. It is of particular benefit to those who have an increased amount of iron and inflammatory processes in the body. Research by scientists from different countries has proven that eating eggplants reduces cholesterol levels, and fruit juice reduces appetite.

The benefits of this vegetable as a dietary product during the period of combating smoking are mentioned all over the world. Eggplant contains a small dose of nicotine, the properties of which are most similar to the artificial nicotine of cigarettes. It's not enough to do any harm healthy person, but enough to alleviate the condition of someone who quits smoking and improve their well-being at least a little. The product also has special properties for pregnant women. Copper, phosphorus and iron in eggplants help strengthen the immune system and improve blood circulation. Potassium – improves heart function and promotes replenishment water balance body. These properties may be especially useful for the following types of diseases:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • insomnia;
  • heart diseases;
  • constant stress;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, inflammation;
  • constipation;
  • anemia.

Regular consumption of eggplants will help you quit smoking and prevent many diseases.

Are there many trace elements in eggplant?

Eggplants are known in many countries for their delicate taste, and the benefits for the body are especially appreciated by doctors and nutritionists. Due to the amount of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and other essential nutrients in the fruit, Far East it is classified as a “longevity” product. Let's look at some of them:

  • Potassium - removes excess water from the body, strengthens the heart and normalizes blood circulation;
  • Sodium – necessary for the entry of water into cells;
  • Calcium – responsible for the heart, bones, blood vessels, muscles, skeleton, etc.;
  • Magnesium is a key element in metabolism;
  • Sulfur – is part of many compounds and is important in metabolism;
  • Chlorine is an assistant and a link for the penetration of substances into cells, and also ensures the regularity of water exchange in the body;
  • Copper – promotes the growth of bone tissue (necessary for the restoration of damaged bones);
  • Phosphorus – forms nerve impulses, important element in bone tissue;
  • Zinc is needed for cell function.

It promotes healthy hair, stronger nails, stronger teeth thanks to fluorine, cobalt, aluminum, iodine and other substances contained in it. Among all vegetables, it contains a special substance - molybdenum. Daily norm there is 70 mcg of this substance, and in 100 grams of the product there is 10 mcg. Molybdenum is responsible for preventing and protecting against diseases in the joints (arthritis, arthrosis).

There is such a special element as nezunin, which is contained in the eggplant peel. It provides protection to nerve cells and brain tissue. Nezunin is necessary for preventive actions against cancer.

It is advisable to eat eggplants with the peel as it contains cancer-fighting substances.

Harm of eggplant and contraindications

In some cases, eggplants, in addition to being beneficial, can also cause harm; there are certain contraindications to eating this vegetable. So contraindications are dictated to those who have a lack of iron in the blood. If you have iron deficiency anemia, eating eggplant is completely prohibited, since its benefits will not outweigh the harm and risk of exacerbation. Also, it is not recommended to consume the vegetable for those who are allergic to it, even if the person likes the taste. The main thing is health! Also, oxalic acid in fruits can harm those with kidney disease. Fiber is harmful to those who have gastritis or intestinal diseases; they also have contraindications to such a dish. In addition to useful substances, eggplant contains solanine.

Solanine also dictates contraindications - it is a toxic, harmful alkaloid that can be adjusted in human body and poison him slowly. You can find out how much corned beef there is in a vegetable by paying attention to the color of the peel (the darker it is, the more there is).

You should not eat overripe fruits, as this will harm your health. Overripe eggplants contain a significant amount of toxic alkaloids and other oxalates, and this is no longer a benefit but a health risk. If you still purchased an overripe eggplant, but it’s a shame to throw it away, then it’s enough to cut off the peel (since the main part of the toxic substances accumulates in it). If you can’t tell if an eggplant is overripe or not by looking at it, just taste it and you’ll notice the bitterness. In order to remove corned beef, you should keep the eggplants in a salty solution, and then heat them. Do not remove eggplants from cooking if they are not yet cooked.

White eggplant contains minimal solanine

There are also some groups of people who have their own contraindications to such a vegetable. These include:

  • pregnant women who did not eat eggplant dishes before pregnancy;
  • anyone who has a negative reaction to any type of eggplant in the form of a rash, spots, feeling unwell(allergy);
  • patients with diseases of the stomach, kidneys (certain types of disease), poisoning (contraindications to such food in case of poisoning are especially strict);
  • patients with iron deficiency.

White eggplants do not contain harmful substances, and their taste is no worse than black ones, therefore, to limit the risk, it is worth trying the preparation of white eggplants.

Thus, you need to eat in moderation. You cannot limit your diet only to eggplant dishes, but sometimes it is recommended to eat them. If the human body is filled with useful substances, the immune system will be strong and the body will be healthy.

Concerns about eggplant consumption concern only certain diseases. It is better not to fry eggplant, but to bake it. When prepared correctly, all the necessary vitamins and minerals will find every cell of your body. It is important not to use eggplants as a means of losing weight, that is, not to eat only them. Those with diabetes should also not indulge in eggplants (there is a risk of hypoglycemia).

I bring to your attention an article about eggplants, the benefits and harms of this product for human health.

The eggplant season begins at the end of July. And now is the time not only to prepare eggplant dishes, but also to preserve them. But in this article we will not talk about recipes for cooking eggplants, but about their benefits and harms. Let's talk about whether eggplant is so beneficial for health, and who should not cook or eat it.

We learn that this product is dietary. About the fact that in eastern countries they are convinced that eggplants help achieve longevity. Let's talk about eggplants and their beneficial properties for strengthening and maintaining health. About how to cook them correctly. And is it possible to eat eggplants raw - without heat treatment? This article will also discuss contraindications for consuming foods made from eggplant fruits.

The health benefits and harms of eggplants

Did you know that until the mid-18th century in Europe herbaceous plant eggplant was considered ornamental plant and was recognized as a product harmful to health? But in the eastern countries of India, Japan and China, already in the 5th century, eggplant was one of the popular food products from plants of the nightshade family, because it is not only nutritious, but also has health benefits.

Eggplant. Benefit

Oddly enough, eggplant fruits are not vegetables, but, like watermelon, berries. The eggplants themselves range in color from light to purple, almost black-blue. By the way, the darker the eggplant skin, the more solanine it contains. Solanine is a harmful alkaloid - a toxin that, in large doses, poisons the human body.

100 g of eggplant contains

  • — carbohydrates — 5.7 g
  • — fat — 0.19 g
  • — proteins — 1.01 g
  • — fiber — 3.4 g
  • — kilocalories — 24

The health benefits of eggplants are not disputed by doctors. If they cannot be called a nourishing food product, then eggplants are certainly a “storehouse” of vitamins, macro- and microelements. Judge for yourself - eggplants include:


  • Vitamin B group (B1 – thiamine; B2 – riboflavin; B3 – niacin; B6 – pyridoxine; B9 – folic acid) - all of them are necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and hematopoiesis, improving metabolic processes
  • WITH– strengthens protective forces body or immunity
  • A– improves vision
  • RR(nicotinic acid) – strengthens the walls of blood vessels
  • E– antioxidant
  • K– ensures protein synthesis in cells


In the East, eggplants are called “the product of longevity.” Why? Because they contain a lot of potassium salts (238 mg), the daily norm of magnesium and other salts, which, when interacting with each other, ensure human vital functions

  • Potassium- necessary to improve blood circulation and stable heart function
  • Magnesium- needed for normal metabolism, the ability of muscles to contract
  • Sodium– regulates water balance and is found in the intercellular fluid
  • Copper– participates in the growth of bone tissue
  • Chlorine– participates in the regulation of water and salt metabolism – helps sodium and potassium ions penetrate through membranes into cells,
  • Phosphorus– participates in the construction of bone tissue, the formation of nerve impulses
  • Sulfur— together with B vitamins, participates in metabolic processes
  • Calcium - participates in the construction of the skeleton, the work of muscles, blood vessels, the heart, the process of blood clotting, removes radionuclides
  • Zinc– ensures normal cell function
  • Manganese- an antioxidant that normalizes blood lipids and cholesterol levels, as well as regulating blood glucose levels


They are good for healthy teeth, hair and nails, and also improve metabolic processes inside cells:

  • fluorine
  • aluminum
  • iodine
  • copper
  • cobalt
  • boron
  • iron
  • molybdenum

I would like to draw your attention to the microelement molybdenum, which is found in eggplant. Of all the foods containing molybdenum, eggplant is simply the champion. In 100 gr. its product is 10 µg, despite the fact that its daily dose is 70 µg. Thanks to molybdenum, we are protected from the occurrence of joint diseases - arthrosis and arthritis.

Cellulose – stimulates the intestines, cleanses it of deposits of waste and toxins

Pectin — stimulates digestion, removes excess cholesterol, prevents bile stagnation.

More details about the amount of vitamins and microelements in 150 grams of eggplant can be found in the table below:

Useful properties of eggplants

It has been proven that by regularly consuming eggplants, a person gains many advantages:

  1. The myocardium (heart muscle) is strengthened, which means the risk of developing heart disease is reduced
  2. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened and they become elastic. Eggplants are part of the diet for atherosclerosis, hypertension, arrhythmia
  3. Eggplant is a diuretic product, which means it helps improve kidney function and relieve swelling, normalize the body’s water balance
  4. The absorption of excess cholesterol in the intestines is prevented and therefore the level of “bad” cholesterol is inevitably reduced
  5. It is believed that eggplant is an antioxidant vegetable that prevents the development of cancer cells.
  6. Bone tissue is strengthened and cartilage is restored, which means that with the regular inclusion of eggplants in the diet, the fight against both osteochondrosis and osteoporosis occurs
  7. Eggplant fiber cleanses the bile ducts and intestines. Strengthens intestinal motility - helps with constipation
  8. Breaks down fat cells and thereby helps in weight loss. In addition, eggplant contains very few calories.
  9. Interestingly, eggplants, like all nightshades, for example old potatoes, although in small doses, contain a potent neurotoxin - nicotine. It is known that if, while quitting smoking, you include eggplant dishes in your diet every day, quitting smoking will become easier and faster.

Eggplant. Harm

Remember: You cannot cook food from overripe eggplants! It's bad for your health.

Overripe eggplants contain the alkaloid solanine, a toxic and poisonous element that can cause severe poisoning. Oxalates are also found in eggplants, which promote the crystallization of oxalic acid in the kidneys.

  • Solanine, contained in nightshades, in particular in eggplants (especially in its dark peel), belongs to the category of highly toxic alkaloids.
  • In raw and overripe eggplants, this toxin can be tasted and has a characteristic bitterness.
  • In young fruits, after washing in a saline solution and cooking, solanine practically disappears.

Eggplants are often an allergenic food for people.

Eggplant. Contraindications

Eating eggplants is contraindicated for a fairly large group of people:

  • Children under 3 years old - eggplants contain coarse fiber and solanine, which can cause an allergic reaction and poisoning
  • For patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - eggplants can cause a relapse of the disease
  • People who have an allergic reaction to eggplants
  • Patients with iron deficiency (for example, iron deficiency anemia) – Eggplants can actively remove iron from the body
  • Patients with kidney diseases, because Oxalic acid found in eggplants crystallizes in the kidneys and urinary tract.

How to cook eggplants so as not to lose their beneficial properties:

Eggplants contain mainly coarse dietary fiber. Therefore, they are not recommended to be consumed raw.