Design of an attic bedroom in lilac color. Purple bedrooms: harmony and comfort for a good rest

Violet is considered the last color of the rainbow, but is extremely rare in nature. in kind. Perhaps this is why people associate this tone as a symbol of mystery and mysticism. How to use purple, lilac and similar colors in bedroom design to make you feel comfortable and cozy?

Juicy purple for creative people and more

Psychologists often advise using soft shades of purple in bedrooms. This color is wonderfully relaxing and equally good for both men and women. Therefore, purple is often preferred in bedrooms, because this is the habitat of two sexes, and it is necessary to make it comfortable for two.

Why you should choose purple for your bedroom:

  1. It has a wide color palette from bright saturated tones to calm pastel shades.
  2. We combine it with almost the colors of the rainbow from black to white.
  3. Self-sufficient: looks great both in combination with other colors and when used independently.
  4. Relevant over recent seasons: fashion designers are happy to use all shades of purple, combining them in various style directions.
  5. At making the right choice shade, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps create a relaxing environment conducive to rest and relaxation.
  6. Neutral and universal, comfortable for both women and men.

When not to take risks:

  • Psychologists usually do not recommend using bright, cold shades purple people aged, as they are more susceptible to depression and fatigue when staying in such a room for a long time
  • Having chosen the bedroom interior based only on fashion trends, without taking into account your own preferences, you risk ending up in an imbalance with environment(sleep disturbance, insomnia, lethargy, bad mood, etc.).
  • In large and cold bedrooms, you should not actively use purple shades of cold tones; you can make the room unsuitable for comfortable rest.

In any case, when choosing the main color for the bedroom, you should take into account your individual feelings. You shouldn’t even choose a trendy shade if you feel uncomfortable being in such a room. Keep in mind that the dimensions of your bedroom will differ from the salon brochures. Pay attention to what paint and wallpaper sellers offer you. Don't take my word for it, it's better to take samples home and see how they look there. Remember that lighting in stores is very different from real lighting.

Go to furniture stores and showrooms - they often make miniatures of rooms. Find purple bedroom, sofa, bed with the right bed linen, accessories and “try this color on yourself.” Don’t rush into choosing, because you can use and live with this color for more than one day.

Combining incongruous or color harmony

So, we decided “I want a purple bedroom.” Great, now you just need to decide on the shade. But don’t rush to relax, there are many more shades of this color than it might seem at first glance.

It is worth considering the “temperature” of the shade when choosing. If the predominant pigment is red, then the shade is warm, otherwise, when there is more blue, it is cold.

The original purple color is considered neutral, or rather, some of its shades: bright purple, thistle color and lilac. The usual tone of purple is rather cold due to the dominance of blue. However, the deeper the red hue, the “warmer” the purple tone becomes.

Warm and cool shades of purple popular in bedroom interiors

Depending on the application and paint formulation, shades can change their “temperature” and transform especially well pastel shades.

Warm shades:

  • amethyst (purple with a reddish tint)
  • beetroot (rich burgundy-purple color)
  • primrose color (warm purple with indigo undertones)
  • fuchsia (purple-red with pink)
  • cyclamen (dark red with a pink tint)
  • purple (red-violet)
  • crimson (red with a purple tint)

Cool shades:

  • lilac (violet with blue)
  • orchid color (pale purple with pink)
  • violet (pale purple with blue)
  • heliotrope (dark purple)
  • lilac (violet and red saturations)
  • iris (light blue with purple)
  • plum (dark purple with blue)
  • eggplant (deep purple)
  • mallow (cool light pink with blue)
  • lavender (cool deep purple)

When choosing a color, remember about the “variation” of colors. All manufacturers mix paints using their own technology and in their own proportions, known only to them. Even different batches from the same manufacturer can differ in shade, sometimes significantly. Therefore, when purchasing building materials, carefully study the information on the packaging (series, article number, color, etc.). This is especially true for such products as paints, enamels, wallpaper, etc.

Hidden possibilities of shades and halftones

Use the versatility of purple to your advantage. Using cool pastel shades you can give the room volume and freshness, and using a warm contrasting tone as a basis, fill the room with coziness.

In fact, even the most famous designers do not have an algorithm for the correct combinations of tones and colors, selection color palette premises are always an individual moment. It is necessary to rely on the characteristics of a particular room (high ceilings, large windows, etc.), and also be sure to take into account the personalities of their owners (gender, age, taste preferences and habits, requirements for a specific room, actions performed in it daily).

Purple color can be safely combined with cold and warm shades, contrasting and related colors. It is important to choose the “golden mean” in these combinations. If you choose a bold combination of bright contrasting colors, let them be no more than 3-5, and it is better to make the walls monochromatic.

It cannot be said, for example, that purple does not go well with blue. All you have to do is change the shade, and the interior will be transformed and “sparkle with new colors.”

Photo gallery: Color combinations with purple in the bedroom

Rich lilac in gray interior looks fresh and breaks up the monochrome of the room
Pastel violet shades look feminine and gentle in the bedroom
The Moulin Rouge-style boudoir effect is enhanced by glossy crystal surfaces, silver and, of course, rich purple velvet.

A green accent in the interior always adds a touch of freshness, and in tandem with a purple shade of cool tones the effect doubles
This color combination will add volume and improve insolation of the room. Corral in this case adds sophistication and oriental motifs to the interior

A yellow accent will add sunshine and spontaneity to a lavender bedroom.

As you can see, you can mix purple with any color. The main task when searching for color solutions is to imagine exactly what effect you expect to get. Do you want to expand the space or, on the contrary, give the room a more intimate feel, make a laconic background accent, or decorate the entire room in your favorite color. There is a suitable purple shade for every idea you have.

Photo gallery: Good shades of purple for your bedroom

Scandinavian style with an oriental touch
Modern bedroom style with large window
Bright purple color gives the room a spacious and creative touch.

Restrained neoclassicism in pastel colors Rich brown color gives the interior a serious tone
The lilac is beautifully complemented by gold details and pure white.

Eclecticism in warm shades of purple is a win-win option for creative individuals
The floor and bed with violet print make the room more spacious and give it dynamism.
Light green harmonizes perfectly with berry shades of curtains and bedspreads

Black and lavender in calm shades perfectly complement pure white.
A bedroom in this shade of purple is perfect for an older couple
It will be easy to wake up in such a sunny bedroom

Color of mustard is more relevant than ever, and in combination with rich purple it also becomes incredibly juicy
Rich shades of dark chocolate and warm raspberry color make the interior sensual and passionate.
The bedroom turned out to be both gentle and strict at the same time due to an interesting combination of colors
Brown color and accessories “gold” are the ideal solution for the eggplant background of the walls
This bold combination is ideal for creative people.
Colorful interior, quite complex in the design of the premises, but all the tones are selected in one warm palette and combine perfectly

Green is a good contrasting background for the color violet, enlivening and saturating the latter
Delicate “girlish” interior

How to decorate the bedroom of your “dreams”?

Did you know where the slang expression “everything is purple” came from? Incredibly, we were taught this at school! In the school chemistry curriculum, students received a violet color from litmus paper when it was placed in a neutral environment (blue was obtained in an alkaline environment, and red in an acidic environment). Therefore, probably, first schoolchildren, and then adults, began to use the expression “I’m violet,” implying their neutral attitude towards the ongoing event.

For most of us, the bedroom is not just a place to sleep. IN modern apartments the bedroom became multifunctional room, in which we relax, sleep, communicate, read books and watch films. Often the bedroom is also a wardrobe and dressing room for a girl, and children's rooms are a whole play world.

How to decorate a room with purple color that must fulfill many functional requirements and at the same time look harmonious?

Photo gallery: 10 ideas for decorating a room based on interests

Functional bedroom for a young man Quiet seating area for country house Bedroom for a young guy

Ascetic space for youth For a married couple who prefers modernism
Bedroom for little girls

Children's room for an active boy
Bedroom for a teenager with neon lighting
The laconic comfort zone of a young woman

Discreet bedroom for a respectable family
Luxurious bedroom for accomplished people
Cozy family bedroom

A calm place to sleep and relax A retro bedroom with a reading area will appeal to an adult lady

Choosing a style solution for a purple bedroom

The entire existing purple color palette can be used in any interior style, but if its diversity is intimidating, find yourself a “role model.” By gradually narrowing your search, you will be able to determine perfect color for your bedroom.

Photo gallery: Purple bedrooms in different interior styles

Beautiful functional accent table in fuchsia color
Traditional shades of spices will add realism to the interior
Example perfect combination pastel shades in the bedroom interior
The boho style, new to us, is replete with colors and shades - feel free to add all related shades of purple
An example of a delicate interior in Scandinavian style, pastel colors and good insolation
Choose classic English prints, matte surfaces and calm aristocratic colors

It is in this style that the boundaries are most blurred both in details and colors Gothic in any form is the predominant black and dark shades
This style is perhaps the only one where the presence pastel shade is almost a mandatory rule

The cornflower lavender color of the walls fits perfectly into this style, as do other natural shades (violet, plum, grape, etc.)
In a bedroom of this style it is better to use dark but warm shades of purple
Feel free to use any combination of purple shades in eclecticism

A classic bedroom in a romantic style requires soft warm undertones of floral shades
To the shade natural wood rich purple, plum tones and bright color fuchsia

The bedroom is the cradle of peace and tranquility; here we rest our soul and body. The atmosphere and general perception of the room is largely determined by the color scheme of the interior. Today, discreet and faded colors are fading into the background, designers are experimenting and implementing bright, bold projects. One of the non-standard and interesting solutions is an elegant bedroom in purple tones.

Let's look at the basic rules for using “violet” shades in the interior and give the main recommendations of specialists for arranging a purple bedroom.

Purple bedroom: psychological perception of color

Violet is a complex, strong color with special energy and extraordinary sensuality. Purple color is a combination of the properties of blue and red, receptivity and desire. “Harmony of contradictions” is what psychologists call this color. According to legends, Queen Cleopatra preferred the color purple and its shades. Many great people preferred to fill the space around them with this magical color, believing that it tunes in the creative process and fills the room with beauty and grandeur.

Psychologists prescribe the following properties for the purple color in interiors:

  1. Relaxing, hypnotic effect - especially important for bedrooms.
  2. Stimulation and development of creative potential. This property explains the active use of purple in the interior of a children's bedroom.
  3. An excess of bright purple color in the interior can irritate the nervous system and have a depressing effect on some people.

The emotional perception of the color purple depends on its shade. The predominance of rich, dark tones in the interior can cause sadness, bright shades stimulate creative activity, and faded, light lilac creates a feeling of peace and joy

You need to work with purple thoughtfully and carefully. You shouldn’t just copy the purple interior of the bedroom you like; it must be adapted for a specific person. Staying in a purple room for a long time is not comfortable for everyone and can cause negative emotions.

Professional designers advise using purple not on its own, but as a shade option

Choosing a shade of purple for your bedroom decor

The color purple has many interpretations that need to be understood before making a final decision on choosing a shade.

Among all the tones of purple, the basic shades are distinguished:

  • light purple;
  • medium intensity purple;
  • dark purple;
  • violet;
  • lavender;
  • lilac color.

Light purple And lilac color associated with spring flowers, gives the atmosphere of the room vigor and freshness. In many colorful palettes, such shades have the poetic names “haze”, “fog”. Designers claim that it is light purple that adds additional volume to a small bedroom and creates an atmosphere of cleanliness in the room.

Elements violet And lavender color They bring a sense of tranquility and a spirit of romance to the bedroom interior.

Dark purple- cold, rich and quite aggressive color. It is not advisable to use it as a background image on a monitor screen. In the bedroom interior, the amount of dark purple must be dosed. This shade is usually used as color accent in the men's bedroom - photo frames, sofa cushions, rug decorations, pillows and curtains.

Purple with a predominance of blue evokes emotions such as passion, rudeness and authority. The perception of the room changes dramatically with the addition of light tones of violet, lilac and lavender - the interior radiates calm and harmony.

Harmonious combination of purple with other colors

Purple goes harmoniously with many color schemes. The most successful combinations are with the following colors:

  • white;
  • black;
  • green;
  • silver;
  • gold.

Purple and white- this combination is in first place in terms of polarity. A delicate bedroom in white tones will not be boring if it is diluted with accessories in purple tones. In the room with purple walls, ceiling, floor or textile frame should preferably be made white. The interior of a white and purple bedroom creates an atmosphere of peace, quiet and promotes sound sleep.

Purple and black- a difficult but solvable task. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of black elements, otherwise the bedroom will be gloomy and dreary. If you stand it correct proportions two colors, you can get very interesting solution bedrooms - luxurious interior. They will add aristocracy and chic to the room glossy surfaces and a crystal chandelier.

Purple with monochrome flowers. The combination of purple shades with gray, cream, beige, silver can make the room design somewhat blurry and unfinished. To avoid this effect, you need to add bright accents of contrasting shades to the interior.

Purple and gold- harmonious and expressive bedroom. With this combination, you need to use not only pale shades, but also more saturated ones. The golden palette successfully complements the purple tones, and at the same time creates the necessary contrasts.

Purple and green in tandem they add naturalness and naturalness to the design. The play of contrasts evokes joy and a summer mood.

The bedroom design looks stylish when combining several shades of purple. Smooth transitions between tones connect the elements of the room into a single composition: furniture, walls, window drapery and accessories. Gray, white and beige can be used as a diluent for the purple mix.

Bedroom design in purple tones: choosing a style

Despite the specificity and complexity of the color, the purple bedroom interior can be implemented in different style directions.

First of all, the color purple, or rather its lavender hue, is associated with French style Provence. The province in the south of France is rich in lavender plantations, which inspired the main characteristics of the style: airiness, freshness and simplicity. Lavender shade in combination with white, beige and light gray fits all of the above criteria perfectly.

Provence style in a lavender bedroom is emphasized by the following interior elements:

  • vintage furniture (wrought iron or wood), painted white/beige;
  • textiles with numerous frills;
  • transparent curtain;
  • vintage accessories.

Application different shades purple color is typical for Arabic style. Despite the fact that the eastern direction implies the use of “hot” colors (red, orange), bedrooms are often decorated in purple tones. An Arabian-style room, decorated in lilac, lavender, violet or light purple colors, turns out to be calm and “cool”. The Arabian bedroom style is a desire for oriental fairy tales, and purple is one of the most magical and mysterious shades.

Bedroom designs in style cannot do without the sensuality and magic of purple glamor, baroque And neo-baroque. Most shades of purple and lilac harmonize perfectly with lacquered and glossy surfaces, crystal and mirrors. Dark purple, eggplant and plum colors fill the room with luxury and notes of aristocracy.

The color purple in the bedroom is also suitable for creating an elegant modern interior. At the same time, it is important to correctly combine the base tone with partner colors (white, gray, green).

Laconic style high tech can be conveyed by using a rich palette of purple shades in the interior. Conservatism and clarity of lines are emphasized by splashes of steel, white and black. A purple high-tech bedroom is usually preferred by men.

Room in classic style can be made in purple-brown tones. In this design, the purple color rather plays a secondary role - in textiles, decor and accessories. The main emphasis is on high-quality, solid furniture made from high-quality wood.

Options for using purple

Wall decoration

The overall mood of the room is set by the decoration of the walls: wallpaper, painting or decorative plaster.

Important! When choosing a shade for the walls, be sure to take into account the size of the bedroom and its lighting

Here are the rules that will help you choose the best wallpaper for decorating a purple bedroom:

  • patterns of contrasting color on a purple background should be graceful and light;
  • for a small bedroom it is better to choose wallpaper that is not too colorful and bright;
  • For a room in a classic style, wallpaper with a geometric pattern or floral print is suitable;
  • the presence of a golden ornament obliges the use of expensive, refined furniture in the interior;
  • bedroom with low ceiling visually you can “lift” it by using wallpaper with vertical purple and white stripes;
  • a stunning effect can be achieved by combining matte tones, gloss and mother-of-pearl;
  • the dark purple hue of the walls looks stylish with dark wood furniture or a snow-white bed decorated with contrasting pillows;
  • you should not try to create a purely purple bedroom - it is better to set off rich colors with wallpaper in more delicate tones;
  • In a purple bedroom, photo wallpapers depicting landscapes, flowers, abstract and surreal drawings will look beautiful.

Important! Photo wallpaper should be in harmony with the overall composition of the bedroom, and not be an incoherent spot on the wall. The placement of photo wallpaper is largely determined by the arrangement of furniture

Bedroom furnishings

The delicacy and lightness of purple color will be most favorably emphasized by white, pearl, light beige, gray or transparent furniture. Wood tones with reddish, yellow and red conflict with purple shades - they look awkward and rough. In the purple bedroom, furniture with glossy surfaces, as well as mirror and glass objects, looks interesting.

Designers note that the furnishing of a purple bedroom should, first of all, be based on the style of the room, the layout of the room and the quality of lighting

Window decoration

If the room is large and the windows face south or southeast, then creating a comfortable environment in the bedroom will not be difficult. It is enough to keep the curtains in the same style with the overall interior of the room. But what should owners of bedrooms with small windows do? In this case, designers recommend:

  1. Do not use dark, heavy curtains. Such window drapery gives the bedroom softness and creates coziness, but in a dimly lit room their use is highly undesirable.
  2. It is better to hang white tulle on the window. Translucent fabric will solve several problems: firstly, it will make a compact bedroom more spacious and bright, and secondly, it will eliminate the feeling of enclosed space and give the room coziness.

Accessories for a “purple” bedroom

An accent method of decorating a bedroom is quite common and popular, when the interior is complemented with purple decorative elements and accessories. Any detail of the room can become an accent item: a panel on the wall, a lampshade on a floor lamp, pillows on the bed or a floor carpet.

Options for decorating a bedroom with “purple” details:

  • Blanket on the bed. A warm, soft blanket of soft purple color will give you a feeling of comfort and coziness. In addition, it is the simplest, most accessible and quick way“refresh” the bedroom interior.
  • Flowers and photo frames. Decorative flowerpots, vase with flowers or other details with purple ornaments and patterns.
  • Photopanel. An artistic painting would look appropriate in the bedroom. Bright flowers of violet or lilac shade with green leaves create a spectacular composition on a white background.

Interspersed with light purple in various interior details create unusual visual effects, making the room more airy, spacious and elegant.

Purple color is very multifaceted. Using a wide range of shades you can create a feeling of coolness and freshness, luxury and wealth, creativity and sophisticated romance, mystery and mysticism. The strong energy of color requires skillful and thoughtful handling.

Bedroom in purple tones: photo

After a hard day, it’s nice to come home and relax in a secluded room, furnished with style and taste. In your personal space, everything should be filled with peace and tranquility. If these are matrimonial rooms, you need to add a romantic touch to the bedroom design in lilac tones. The entire interior should be filled with an intimate atmosphere, promote spiritual communication and be conducive to complete relaxation. These are the properties that this delightful color has, which is considered complex in spectral classification and the most extravagant among aesthetic connoisseurs.

The bedroom should be a cozy and calm place to relax

Lilac color will give the room an intimate atmosphere

This color is the most extravagant among aesthetic connoisseurs

Each room in the house has its own purpose, but the bedroom is a multifunctional room. It reflects to the greatest extent the real “face” of its owner - here each owner (or hostess) seems to take off all masks for the outside world. For lovers of non-standard design solutions, as in the photo, it is recommended elegant room in violet-lilac tones.

A delicate lilac bedroom is an extraordinary choice; such a preference says a lot about its owner. But men rarely choose this color in the room good rest and deep sleep. It is considered "feminine", perhaps due to the "flowery" name. However, having given the right of choice to their woman, men soon agree that a light lilac or delicate lavender background is an excellent solution.

Regardless of where you live, it’s worth starting renovations in order to decorate your bedroom in lilac tones. Colorists note its specific feature in the interior. In the evenings, especially when artificial lighting“cold” spectrum, the room is filled with some kind of mystical glow, where you want to admire the situation and get closer to the person next to you. In the morning, when the sun rises, on the contrary, you don’t want to linger here for long; you feel a surge of strength and filling with the desire to “move mountains.”

Lilac color is perfect for non-standard people

Colorists note a specific feature in the lilac color interior

Why choose lilac bedrooms?

If you like this mysterious tone, do not rush to start repairs; it is better to first become familiar with the perceptual properties of the purple palette. The fact is that lilac itself is not a completely independent tone, but the lightest version of the purple range.

While studying its features, try to understand and understand how comfortable it will be for you personally. This is important because renovations are not done every year, and every evening you will need to immerse yourself in the special atmosphere of violet shades. But you can’t do everything with the same color and equal saturation - it will be boring. Floral shades soften the obvious coldness and detachment of the deep tone of the cosmic and oceanic depths. But for most people, everything purple is associated with mysticism, unsolved mysteries and a mysterious atmosphere.

Immature teenagers, especially girls, are more likely to choose this color scheme for arranging their personal space, often combining it with pink or blue. Subconscious choice speaks of the vanity of an immature personality. And in adulthood, lilac and lavender colors are chosen by extravagant, dreamy women who are prone to loneliness, but need recognition and admiration.

Before you start renovating, plan the color scheme of the room in advance.

Lilac color will create a special atmosphere in the room

It is not advisable to do everything in one color

Men rarely agree to such a design decision, but the design purple room often speaks of their inner strength, capable of swimming against the tide, contrary to the opinions of the crowd. In the “masculine” choice, the lilac color harmonizes well with chrome parts and fittings, silver wallpaper patterns and the gloss of the stretch fabric on the ceiling.

Psychologists say that married women who choose a bedroom interior in lilac tones are distinguished by their craving for their things. For them, the material is higher than the spiritual; they are prone to creativity and mysticism. Admirers of violet shades do not like to radically change anything in their lives. Even parting with their beloved cat or purebred dog is “like death” for them. But such ladies are not capable of deceit and outright evil. And women often choose lilac wallpaper for the bedroom for the sake of their collection of orchids by the window.

Men very rarely choose this color for the bedroom

Natural light will give the room a beautiful glow

The embodiment of a design concept for a bedroom in purple and lilac tones

Experts say that violet and lilac are “active” colors, although they belong to the cold part of the spectrum. Their birth is at the junction of blue and red, blue and pink, hence the inconsistency and complexity of perceiving such a choice. But, you see, white and lilac furniture for a purple bedroom is luxurious and extravagant. It’s hard to refuse such an interior, especially if it’s Art Nouveau or Art Deco style.

The color is so multifaceted, but it does not tolerate careless proximity to shades that do not harmonize with it or drown out its charm. Therefore, you need experience and good taste when designing a room in lilac tones. This complex color contains several simple tones mixed in a certain proportion:

  • white;
  • violet;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • pink.

Perception design idea depends on the choice of shade. Lilac-violet colors always look different if you change companion colors.

The ideal classic tandem is a combination of soft lilac with white and black to dilute the correct monochrome. Recommended for creative people, especially if it is a room with a musical instrument.

“Lilac fog” with the addition of silver or chrome parts - great option for a men's bedroom that combines the functions of an office or library.

A room in lilac color is perfect for girls

White and lilac furniture for a purple bedroom is luxurious and extravagant

Ideally, it is better to combine lilac and white colors

A children's room with floral shades such as tea rose and fuchsia is a delightful solution for a little princess's boudoir.

The lilac color in the interior of a married bedroom goes well with notes of delicate greenery and astringency herbs. A floral ornament or photo wallpaper with a large flower is a symbol of romantic relationships and the celebration of life. But it should be one bright accent that attracts attention.

The emotional and subconscious perception of the violet range largely depends on its saturation. You can’t make the whole bedroom purple, combined with black lines - it’s depressing and puts pressure on the brain. But a blurred tone in combination with white - best combination in the design of a romantic bedroom in lilac color for newlyweds.

In the distant past, purple robes were only worn by the aristocracy because it was a very expensive shellfish dye. “Amethyst” or “violet” color, as it was called then, was a mandatory attribute in the bedchambers of emperors and kings, in rings on the index finger and in the outfits of their favorites. Today, anyone who likes this royal favorite can afford the royal luxury of violet chambers.

The perception of the violet range often depends on saturation

The best combination of lilac color will be with white color

Choosing shades for the interior

Nowadays, many new names have appeared in the palette of lilac-violet shades, associated with natural analogues. These are lavender and eggplant, indigo and fuchsia, charoite (mineral) and orchid.

In its pure form, this color is rarely found, mainly in flower petals. But the plant itself, which gave its name, has more than 30 shades - from the purple “Persian” lilac terry varieties to the wild pale blue “Russian”. The entire violet-lilac palette is used for the interior, but the most popular shades are:

  • cyclamen;
  • amethyst;
  • fuchsia;
  • orchid;
  • bluish;
  • pinkish;
  • lavender;
  • classic lilac;
  • lavender;
  • violet;
  • blurred purple;
  • grayish (“lilac fog”);
  • lilac blue.

Light and blurry shades are preferred; they do not strain perception or overload general range. The walls seem to push the space apart, especially with neon or LED backlight. The room seems cleaned, filled with fresh spring aromas. In a small room, the addition of purple textiles (curtains and bedspreads) or elegant accessories looks great.

In its pure form, lilac color is very rare.

Lilac color has more than 30 shades

Light and blurry shades are preferred, they do not strain perception

Room interior in purple-lilac tones will successfully complement white furniture and window textiles, black linear contrasts in decoration. But there may be options with decor and accessories, for example, a purple bedspread, painting or photo wallpaper in purple tones.

Attention! The “four” is considered a classic, consisting of two “duets” - lilac plus violet (or lilac) and black plus white. But there should be much more light shades in proportion!

The background dark purple is a deep, rich and “bottomless” color. Its excess is depressing, but it is quite acceptable in the form of a self-leveling polymer floor, which will look elegant and extravagant.

Lilac color will fill the room with warmth and comfort

A room in lilac color will be perfectly complemented by white furniture.

The classic combination (purple, lilac and white with black) is used by famous designers and lovers of experimental interiors in their apartments. With the right choice of shades, you can complement this quartet, vary it, adding the most appropriate shades:

  • grey;
  • silver;
  • beige;
  • blue;
  • red;
  • pink;
  • blue;
  • chocolate;
  • mustard;
  • turquoise;
  • light green;
  • olive (with lavender).

Just don’t overdo it with the choice of palette; you can only use 1-2 contrasting colors, otherwise you will end up with too much perception. Black can be replaced with blueberry or eggplant. Beige, brown and all warm colors should be used in doses.

The romantic atmosphere is complemented by floral decor or elements in lavender and violet tones. A favorite design feature for decorating a matrimonial bedroom is pale lilac or white walls and glossy suspended ceiling as in the photo.

Usually combine lilac, white and black colors

A light tone of lilac will fill the room with light

Don't use more than two bright shades

Choice of style

Complex specific tones look good in interiors of different stylistic orientations.

Arabic, other oriental styles

A riot of colors and patterns, the range is used in embroidery sofa cushions, expensive textiles.

Pure purple and its variations look great against the soft blue background of the walls and ceiling.

Lavender – association with spice fields. French chic style is realized with elegant white bedroom furniture, which is available in most specialized catalogs.

Modern, both types (modern and historical)

Both directions play with the transitional shades of the spectrum. The distinctive style is emphasized by wrought-iron furniture with an elegant headboard and folding wardrobe doors. Furniture in this style is widely presented in various catalogs.


A style where you can’t do without floral elements in decor, wallpaper colors and textiles.

Shabby chic and boho

Different directions, but their typical elements often run parallel in bedroom interiors in purple tones.

Retro style, vintage and grunge

Stylistics with their antique furniture and textiles and printed patterns can be worthily presented in rooms for sleeping and relaxing.


(modern, Japanese, Scandinavian)

Laconic lines without decorations and excessive decor benefit in the interiors of lilac bedrooms due to the delicate palette and white furniture. The painting (another element) will emphasize the choice of style.

Examples of bedroom design in lilac color can be viewed on the Internet.

Complex specific tones look good in interiors of different stylistic orientations

The list is not limited to this; if desired, this palette can be adequately presented in neo-baroque and classic, in a glamorous bedroom and a high-tech studio apartment. A bedroom design with purple wallpaper looks good in a modern design, but needs to be complemented with light furniture and textiles.

Lilac is a friendlier shade than deep violet. But it can be used tastefully, for example, in the idea of ​​additions, accessories, in textile designs or wallpaper. Don't forget that the bedroom interior is also influenced by the choice of bed linen - choose large floral prints. Perception largely depends on lighting, especially artificial lighting; it is better to choose diodes and lamps of the “cold” spectrum. Successful options bedroom design in purple color are widely represented in our photo gallery.

Video: Bedroom design in lilac color

A design project for a future bedroom renovation begins with a choice color scheme. The main color, which occupies the main place in the room, should meet the taste preferences of the owner and help create an appropriate atmosphere in the room for sleeping. Here it is important to achieve a relaxing, calming effect, to exclude irritating and aggressive colors, so that a person feels comfortable and is surrounded by the comfort of home.

Many people believe that lilac is more relevant for girls and women, but correct design and selection of tone combinations, with its help you can get an original, non-boring room design for a married couple. Successful ideas will allow you to realize a gentle, romantic interior; the main thing is to find a competent solution for bedroom set, textiles, wall decoration, as well as the correct color scheme. You can learn more about these factors below.

Color meaning

Experts in the field of psychology and color therapists say that lilac shades are preferred by creative, imaginative people who meet the world with new ideas and romance in their souls. This choice indicates that a person strives for harmony, elegant aesthetics, and hopes for a bright future. Lovers of lilac quickly become attached to what is dear to them. At the same time, the presence of blue in this color is characterized by a certain coolness and nostalgic notes, which is why despondency and stressful situations sometimes arise in human behavior.

An excess of lilac can disrupt harmony, develop vanity and tire. Be especially careful with deep, rich palettes and not be confused with purple.

Lilac color in the interior

In color schemes, lilac is a complex combination that combines warm red and cool blue, so there are many shades, each of which is perceived differently. When giving preference to a wayward tone, be sure to consider the following features of working with it:

  • Do plain room not recommended, better choice combined options, which will fit neatly and harmoniously with each other. Try to avoid deep purple and dark blue companion flowers.
  • Don't get too carried away by mixing many bright shades. For lilac, another bright color is appropriate; choose other colors that are neutral or universal.
  • Initially, determine what kind of room you want - cold or warm. This will influence the further choice of paint combinations, and will also create the desired effect in the room. In a cool room, delicate lilac will add warming notes. Southern rooms can be cooled by using a color close to purple as a basis.
  • Any tone of lilac will be more appropriate in spacious bedrooms and living rooms. In a small room, you should choose pale palettes, or make decorative accents with lilac, since saturated colors visually compress the space.
  • It is better if this shade is also used in other rooms of the apartment in order to preserve overall design interior To do this, you can use lilac in the living room, kitchen, or bath.

Guided by these principles, you can confidently design your interior. You will be comfortable in it, because the color can soothe and promote relaxation. It is not for nothing that it is chosen for procedures in Eastern meditations. This tone is especially suitable for organizing a children's bedroom for a teenage girl, as you can see if you look at photos of completed projects.


To make a bedroom design in lilac tones look modern, elegant and presentable, attention should be paid to choosing suitable furniture. She must emphasize style direction classic or modern, harmonize the texture of the material with the decoration of the walls, ceiling, and floor covering.

If the decoration contains a large percentage of purple, the furniture should not clutter up the space or stand out dark spot in composition. A minimal set of white or light-colored furniture will fit better into the decor. To balance the combination, suitable textiles are used. For example, on a white wide bed you can lay a soft white and purple blanket or put bright pillows.

If the main element is chosen in a dark material, the surrounding finish should not merge with it. A white ceiling and light walls are ideal for this purpose. Will help add warmth to the room soft chairs and ottomans. For classics, you can include an antique beige chest of drawers, but in modern style Sliding wardrobes with glossy surfaces and mirrors will fit in.

Choosing wallpaper

A fashionable interior for a delicate bedroom can be created with purple wallpaper. To select the material, you should analyze the size of the room and the degree of daylight and evening light. Naturally, in a small room only light options with a light, airy pattern can prevail, otherwise a compressed, uncomfortable atmosphere will be created.

As an additional pattern on the wallpaper, you can choose floral patterns or geometric shapes. Patterns can be contrasting with the background of the material, or create a soft, smooth composition with it.

Connoisseurs of oriental design can choose wallpapers with appropriate motifs, with a variety of curls and beautiful images. This option will create the illusion of a fairy tale. Wallpaper for a classic design can be plain or with strict geometry. A vertical stripe on the wallpaper is well suited for such an interior. various widths in gray-lilac tones. This will also visually add length to walls with low ceilings.

Golden and shiny inclusions look rich and chic, but they will require expensive furniture, gilded trim on the legs of the bed and table, and gold fittings.

Photo wallpaper

Great way to do spectacular interior bedrooms - use photo wallpaper. Modern printing on the material is of high quality, so images can look stunningly realistic. 3-D photo wallpapers deserve special attention, they blur the edges of space and make the room visually deeper.

It is advisable to focus attention on one of the walls with photo wallpaper; they are often glued to the head of the bed, or along the central wall, depending on the layout of the room. You can not cover the entire wall, but use the image in the form of an elegant panel on the wall. This finish serves as a bright decorative coating.

The motives of photo wallpapers can be varied, the main thing is to maintain the compatibility of the composition and color balance of the composition. Natural, breathtaking landscapes showing sunsets, sunrises, and open spaces are well suited for the room. Living vegetation and voluminous bouquets of young orchids will fit perfectly. For the high-tech style you can find abstract compositions with complex geometry. There are many options, you can even choose any print yourself and make custom wallpaper with the desired pattern.

Purple curtains and textiles

The final, but important elements in organizing a carefully thought-out interior are curtains and textiles. Incorrectly chosen design of a window opening can lead to bad taste and ruin the impression of the design. A win-win option would be curtains of a light, desaturated lavender or violet shade. Suitable materials include dense, natural fabrics without large contrasting designs and patterns.

If the walls of the room are designed in a neutral light tone, you can choose bold, bright solutions for decorative textiles. Cover the wide bed with a deep purple bedspread, matching the patterns with the curtains or carpet at the foot. Pillows that contrast with each other will look interesting, for example, white or pale gray-lilac, which will simultaneously emphasize the presence of these palettes in the interior.

For minimalism, you shouldn’t get too carried away with details; a couple of bright accents that attract attention will be enough.

Harmonious combination of purple with other colors

Crucial to creating a unique, colorful design depends on the right combination color range. Decide which color will take the predominant place in the room, and which will become a companion and emphasize your advantages. Let's consider successful duets for the bedroom that are popular in specialist projects:

  • A delicate combination is created with white, relevant for small room. The white tone will emphasize the complex lilac and reveal tenderness and romanticism. This interaction promotes comfort and coziness, relaxation before bed. The main tone can also be white.
  • With gray and beige you can create a balanced combination. Such a design will not be too flashy, balanced, and will indicate the excellent taste of the owner. As accents, you can choose lilac curtains, a blanket, or highlight one of the walls of the room with bright wallpaper.
  • A stunning harmony will be created with brown, because this tone will muffle the riot of colors. In this case, you can choose brown flooring, add furniture made of natural dark wood, place a neat table with a smooth textured tabletop.
  • With red you get a passionate, rich combination. More suitable for lovers of bright, flashy shades. The balance of red needs to be thought out with caution, correctly observing the proportions. You can purchase scarlet bedside lamps, or lay a carpet with scarlet patterns on the floor.
  • With gold you can make a truly royal design that will look chic in classic bedroom. You can emphasize the golden notes with the help of golden lamps, satin pillows, and a smooth blanket. It is advisable to include golden bed legs, a bedside table, and gold-plated jewelry in the decor.

Lilac bedroom in different styles

Lilac colors will fit well into traditional and modern design solutions and practically do not limit the imagination and wishes of the owner. For the specific style chosen, you should adhere to a certain range of shades, take into account the design and organization features. Also, each style has its own degree of lilac saturation. The overall interior of an apartment or house becomes an influencing factor; it is important to create rooms in the same solutions. Next, we will consider the popular options and their features in more detail.


Classic presupposes a cozy, calm atmosphere, not burdened with bright details and innovations. Expensive furniture made of natural wood with carved elements would be appropriate. It is better to make the ceiling snow-white or light beige; the presence of stucco is welcome. It is advisable to decorate the walls with light materials. In a traditional style, it is more beneficial to combine with brown or gold. You can cover the legs of a massive bed or the headboard with gold. Use golden candlesticks, shiny lamps, and sconces as decoration.