What is mate tea? Beneficial features mate tea and contraindications for use. What is mate tea made from?

- This is a very tasty tonic drink containing a large amount of caffeine, prepared from the dried crushed leaves of the Paraguayan holly, which is also called “grass”. That's why the drink has this name.

The plant itself, the leaves of which are the main ingredient of this tea, is an evergreen shrub that reaches a height of 15 meters and has a high distribution area in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Holly usually grows wild or is grown on special plantations.

Meaning of the word "Mate" has interesting story. It originates from the language of the ancient Quechua tribe and means "gourd jug for drinks or food" The Guarani Indians, who inhabited what is now Paraguay and Brazil, used mate to treat heartburn and many other diseases, and also used sweet stevia leaves as a sweetener.

Beneficial properties of mate tea

In general, this drink is used as a means of helping to reduce the effects of depression and neuroses, and in turn, relieving such familiar symptoms as insomnia, fussiness, anxiety, nervousness and emotional imbalance. In fact, mate tea helps suppress the release of the hormone adrenaline. By drinking this drink, a person does not disrupt the sleep cycle.

Most people note that after drinking mate, they spend less time sleeping and get enough sleep faster. And this is due to the fact that the body simply plunges into the stage of deep sleep, relieving fatigue and tension. Tea is also recommended as an excellent tonic that improves digestion and liver function, as well as having a positive effect on the human cardiovascular system and making our blood vessels clean and elastic.

If you use mate during a cold, you can get better faster, as it stimulates the immune system and resists diseases. This tea is a kind of “pantry of beneficial properties”, because it contains a huge variety of beneficial vitamins A and B, but are especially prevalent B1 and B2, as well as microelements, which are magnesium, sulfur, manganese, potassium and iron. Mate, in its composition, can be compared to ordinary tea. Although, when brewed strongly, this drink has a bitter taste.

Contraindications for Mate tea

Speaking about the benefits of this wonderful tea, I would like to note that it also has contraindications. For example, people with high acidity and kidney disease, and especially those prone to salt deposits (stones, sand), are not recommended to drink mate. Including children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

How should you drink this unusual drink correctly?

Firstly, you need special dishes. The traditional utensil for preparing mate is called calabaza. It is a small vessel in which mate is brewed and drunk. And one more an indispensable attribute for drinking tea is BOMBILLA. If translated literally, this is a “straw” through which mate is drunk (length 15-25 cm).

Secondly, the correct brewing of tea, consisting of 6 rather painstaking steps. And finally, thirdly, the tradition of drinking this tea. They drink mate slowly, trying to sip in small sips the very thick of the remaining tea from the bottom of the jug.

The infusion time for tea is from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, and it is during this time that you need to drink it, otherwise the mate begins to become very bitter. Mate is a tasty and unique drink with undoubted healing properties. Everyone should definitely try this wonderful Paraguayan tea and enjoy its extraordinary taste!

Hello everyone!

I decided to write a post about mate tea.

Today it can be found in almost every supermarket in packages with flashy names that it surpasses tea and coffee combined in its medicinal properties!

You just need to purchase additional sausage and bombilla, and then you can enjoy this delicious Paraguayan drink without leaving your home.

In general, I decided to figure out whether it’s worth buying all these “miracle things” with funny names, and why is mate tea so beneficial?

From this article you will learn:

Mate tea - beneficial properties and recipes for use

They say that this exotic mate tea has not only an amazing taste, but also a large number of beneficial properties.

True lovers of this unconventional drink know exactly how positively it affects the body.

What is this exotic tea and how to drink it?

What is mate tea?

Mate, also in Spanish-Russian dictionaries sometimes there is an emphasis on the first syllable, due to pronunciation in Spanish) - a tonic drink prepared from dried crushed leaves and young shoots of the Paraguayan holly wiki

Many scientists claim that Paraguayan tea is one of the most ancient drinks in the world. Mate tea was consumed by the Indians in the 7th century BC. e.

This type of tea is different from the usual traditional drinks.

We are used to brewing the leaves of the plant, and this drink is prepared from the leaves and stems of the Paraguayan holly - an evergreen shrub with a whitish bark, similar to small tree, which are not fermented for use, but are very finely ground, sometimes almost into dust.

Therefore, if you don’t know how to choose mate, make sure that there are small grains in the dry mixture, as confirmation of its naturalness and high quality.

How is mate tea made?

The leaves and stems of tree holly are collected in large plantations, and after collection the plant is dried under high temperatures.

The resulting dry branches are crushed into powder, after which it is ready for further use.

Interesting fact: when processing the leaves, fermentation is not carried out, therefore, when infused for a long time, the drink acquires a bitter taste.

Brewing tea also requires compliance with special rules. Usually it is prepared not in our usual cup, but in a special vessel called “calabas” (calabash).

This extraordinary tea is drunk from it through a straw, at the end of which there is a mouthpiece, and on the other side there is a strainer - this is a bombilla.

Calabash, also calabash, calabash, mate, is a common name for vessels for drinking a hot infusion of Paraguayan holly leaves, better known as mate (yerba mate). The vessels were made by the Indians from the woody gourd (Lagenaria siceraria).

Mate tea - Chemical composition

The rich chemical composition is the reason large quantity beneficial properties of this rare exotic tea. Scientists agree that this drink combines about 190 components.

The composition of the leaves and stems of Paraguayan holly is varied, they contain the following components:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E (they improve metabolism and help in the absorption of iron);
  • organic acids;
  • bioflavonoids (reduce cell oxidation);
  • saponins (relieve inflammation);
  • tannins (have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects);
  • antioxidants (remove free radicals);
  • useful minerals.

An important distinctive feature of mate tea

The composition of tea is rich in antioxidants and alkaloids, including matein. Its properties are similar to caffeine, but it acts more gently, without affecting the functioning of the heart and without stimulating the body as a whole.

In addition, the effect of caffeine lasts no more than 3 hours, and mateine ​​tones and refreshes the body more long time. The advantage of the drink, along with coffee, is that it does not disturb sleep.

It is also worth noting that mate, unlike coffee, is not addictive.

The healing properties of mate tea

The healing effects of the drink have been known since ancient times, when the Indians used mate as a remedy for various diseases, in particular from infectious ones.

However, Paraguayan tea will be more than useful for other diagnoses.

Mate tea has the following effects:

  • stimulates the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves spasms;
  • improves the immune-protective function of the body;
  • helps cleanse blood vessels;
  • reduces appetite, improving metabolism;
  • helps with depression and mental disorders.

Mate is also very low in calories. There are only 30 calories per 1 liter of ready-made tea, which allows you to use this healing drink for weight loss.

In addition, this tea allows you to burn fats and carbohydrates in the body, due to the high content of various acids.

Mate also has a diuretic effect, improves metabolic processes in the body and increases energy expenditure, which allows you to burn extra calories with great intensity.

Mate removes and breaks down fats, and therefore helps to lose weight.

How to brew and drink correctly?

The process of preparing and steeping mate tea should not be rushed.

The container for tea in which it is prepared is of great importance. The drink must be brewed only in calabash.

  1. First, the required amount of dry powder is poured in a small amount cold water, in which the drink should swell.
  2. After that, a tube is inserted into the resulting slurry and hot water, at a temperature of no more than 80 C, is added to the vessel.
  3. Drink mate immediately after brewing.
  4. As soon as the liquid in the tea runs out, you can add more water and drink this healthy and tasty drink again.

It is worth remembering that if the mate has stood for some time, it can ferment and acquire a bitter and unpleasant taste. This bitterness is usually absorbed into the walls of the calabash and the tea becomes unfit for consumption.

When preparing mate, sugar is usually not added, but its pleasant taste can be supplemented with a small amount of milk or lemon juice.

Mate tea - contraindications for use

A large set of useful active substances certainly plays in favor of this tea.

But today you can find information that low-quality mate tea, if not prepared correctly, can provoke the development of cancer, which makes you think about its use, and when purchasing a drink, you need to be 100% sure that it does not contain flavorings, that when it was collected used a lot of agrochemicals and defoliants, and it was never gas dried.

And mate tea should never be consumed at an infusion temperature above 80C!!!

Mate also has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account.

  • has increased stomach acidity;
  • suffers from kidney disease;
  • prone to the formation of salts in the body.

It is also worth adding to the contraindications that yerba mate is forbidden to drink for children and nursing mothers; it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy. For these categories of people, mate poses a particular danger.

This is the information, friends!

Do you drink mate tea?

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

Yerba mate is a drink of South American Indians. Despite the fact that it has been known in Europe since the 16th century, tea still remains exotic for most. The unusual tart taste and non-standard brewing method make it popular only in a narrow circle.

Description of tea, history

Written sources are silent about when the history of mate began. But when the Spanish conquistadors arrived on the shores of America, the Indians were already drinking this unusual drink. Mate tea is a product made from the dried and ground leaves of the Paraguayan holly tree. This is a beautiful low tree native to South America. It is also found in Europe, as it was brought by the Spaniards, who recognized it the best remedy from scurvy.

Paraguayan tea differs from traditional green or black tea both in taste and production technology. Holly leaves are not fermented, they are dried in natural conditions and crushed after drying. The drink tastes like herbal, bitter tea with an unusual aroma.

Mate tea is also brewed and consumed in an unusual way. The main attributes of the process are a special vessel made of pumpkin, called kolebas. To make it, take a small pumpkin with a thick skin, cut off the top part and scoop out all the pulp from it to the crust. Dry until hardened.

Classic sausage with copper tube

The sausages come in different sizes and decorations. Some samples are decorated with silver, embossing, and painting. The sausage is complemented by a bombilla - a tube with a mouthpiece and a strainer at the base. It is through it that mate is eaten. To brew the drink, you also need a kettle with hot water. Most often, tea is prepared for one person in a small sausage. They drink it slowly, stretching out the process for an hour or more, since hot water is added to the vessel several times during the brewing process. The photo above shows a traditional mate sausage.

So, what is mate tea? This is the national tonic drink of the Paraguayans, made from dry, unfermented holly leaves. Europeans who are not accustomed to its taste are not yet in a hurry to get carried away with such exoticism, although mate is much more popular today than just a few decades ago.

Beneficial features

The composition of mate tea is similar to that of green tea, which is also almost not fermented. It is due to this that most of the health-promoting components are retained in dry holly leaves.

Dried tea leaves contain:

  • vitamins A, C, E, PP, group B;
  • sodium, magnesium, iron, manganese, potassium, sulfur, iron;
  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • chlorophyll;
  • theophylline;
  • matein, etc.

Mateine, a type of xanthine compound, was discovered by French researchers. So far, no other plant can boast of such valuable components. It is a natural stimulant with unique properties. On the one hand, matein increases endurance and general physical activity, on the other hand, it does not excite the nervous system and does not lead to insomnia.

Only holly leaves contain a harmless analogue of caffeine - mateine.

Hypertensive patients and heart patients can safely drink mate tea to increase their overall tone, which cannot be said about coffee, which provokes a rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure. The effect of mateine, unlike caffeine, lasts up to 8-10 hours.

Beneficial features mate tea:

  • normalizes blood pressure levels;
  • stimulates blood supply to the brain;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • increases the level of adrenaline in the blood;
  • lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  • promotes active digestion;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • tones.

Mate can be used as an antidepressant. It stimulates the passive activity of the nervous system, improves mood, and increases the body's ability to cope with stress. Tea has a positive effect on the digestive system. It contains a lot of tannins that help cope with disorders. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, the drink relieves stomach pain, heals the mucous membrane, and normalizes stool.

The benefits of mate tea include reducing the craving for smoking and alcohol. For men, the drink is useful because it increases potency and prevents diseases of the genitourinary system.

Yerba mate tea is also recommended for insomnia. It contains theobromine, which reduces the excitability of certain parts of the nervous system, due to which a person calms down and the deep sleep phase increases, when a person really rests.

The properties of mate tea can be used by people who want to lose weight. The drink reduces appetite, stimulates digestion and helps break down fats. In addition, it is rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements, which is important in dietary conditions.

Harm and contraindications

The rich composition of the drink also has contraindications for use. It is not advisable to drink it for people who take theophylline and theobromine in dosage form and for those for whom these substances are contraindicated.

People with stones and sand in the kidneys and gall bladder can expect harm from mate tea. It is also not advisable for children and nursing mothers. In Uruguay, studies were conducted on the relationship between the appearance of neoplasms and mate tea. Scientists have concluded that holly leaves can provoke the development of tumors of the esophagus and other organs. This connection was observed in people who regularly drink large quantities of tea.

Despite the many beneficial properties, this fact speaks in favor of more familiar teas, especially green teas, which are distinguished by antioxidant and antitumor properties. But sometimes, for fun, you can drink this iconic drink.

Cooking recipes

Classic way Brewing Paraguayan tea is called sevar. The person who performs the procedure is called a sevador. The procedure requires a sausage or several if there is a group gathering, metal bombillas, a teapot with boiled water, the temperature of which varies from 70 to 80°C.

Mate is a strong and rich tea. Fill the sausage 1/3 with dried holly leaves. Next, tilt the vessel to the side and pour in a little water. room temperature. The holly should be slightly soggy. After this, the sausage is filled with hot water and infused for no more than 2 minutes, drunk through a hot straw, periodically adding hot water another 3-4 times, diluting the concentrated tea.

If you brew mate longer, it will acquire a pronounced bitterish and tart taste, which you need to get used to.

Mate loses its bitterness with milk

How to brew mate with milk? For 1 glass of hot milk take 1 tbsp. l. holly leaves. Place the container on the fire and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Mix thoroughly, pour into cups through a strainer and add honey.

Paraguayan tea can be prepared cold in the European style. For this purpose in regular kettle put 2 tbsp. l. tea leaves, pour 500 ml hot water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Place honey, a little fruit juice, and ice in a glass goblet and pour mate through a strainer. Allow the drink to cool completely and drink through a straw.

Yerba mate tea is offered by many tea brands, such as Greenfield, which combines holly leaves with lemon in a bag for individual brewing. You can buy pure mate, with additives and flavorings, in loose or bagged form.

Mate is an ancient drink that is far from classic tea. For a long time it was considered a sacred elixir that bestows physical strength and insight. At first glance, it may seem tasteless or completely tasteless to a European, but it is worth trying even for the sake of general interest.

Among the variety of teas, herbal infusions occupy a special place. Most of traditional recipes belongs to any nationality: for example, honeybush and rooibos came to us from Africa, catuaba from Brazil, and lapacho from Argentina. The homeland of the increasingly popular mate (mate), which is made from holly leaves, is Paraguay. Read about the beneficial properties of “green gold” - an ethnic drink of the indigenous population of Latin America - and contraindications to its use.

Useful properties of mate

Experts call the drink something between tea and coffee. Mate acquires the tea “mood” and taste due to the fact that the technology for collecting and fermenting holly leaves is practically no different from the preparation green varieties tea. And it owes its stimulating and invigorating properties to matein, which is a chemical analogue of caffeine.

Mate is useful not so much due to wealth chemical composition, how much due to unusual effects on the body. Tea can simultaneously calm a person and help him concentrate, putting him in a working mood. But first things first. TO positive properties drinks include:

  • ability to act as an antioxidant: by blocking free radicals, mate fights premature aging;
  • increasing immunity and fighting viruses and bacteria;
  • positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system and the liver in particular;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and waste;
  • reducing the level of bad cholesterol, preventing atherosclerosis;
  • stimulation of thinking processes, concentration and memory due to the content of large amounts of phosphorus;
  • activation of the central nervous system in general: increased endurance and performance;
  • mild diuretic effect.

In addition, the drink normalizes the level of adrenaline (stress hormone) in the blood and is recommended for those who suffer from a nervous disorder, insomnia, or have experienced a traumatic situation.

For men, mate is natural remedy for increase muscle mass and even stimulation of potency. Beautiful half Humanity often uses the drink for the purpose of losing weight and rejuvenating the body.

Table: Comparison of the chemical composition of mate and pu-erh

Energy value
Calorie content152 kcal136.7 kcal
Squirrels20 g20 g
Fats5.1 g5.1 g
Carbohydrates7.4 g7.1 g
Vitamin A50 mcg50 mcg
Vitamin B10.02 mg0.07 mg
Vitamin B20.21 mg1 mg
Vitamin C130 mg10 mg
Vitamin PP3.6 mg11.32 mg
Potassium21 mg2480 mg
Calcium22 mg495 mg
Magnesium19 mg440 mg
Sodium38.4 mg82 mg
Phosphorus4 mg824 mg
Iron23 mg83 mg

From the table it is noticeable that despite the identical energy value drink, mate is superior to pu-erh tea in terms of the amount of vitamins, macroelements and iron in its composition. The only thing in which the Latin American drink is inferior to its Chinese “relative” is the vitamin C content.

You can purchase high-quality mate tea using this link - https://elitnie-chai.ru/travyanie-chai/mate.html

Video: Where did tea come from and what are the benefits of it?

Contraindications and possible harm

Since mate contains a sufficient amount of the stimulating substance matein, the drink is contraindicated for people with hypertension in the acute stage, those in the acute period of a heart attack or stroke, and those with diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Due to the diuretic effect, it is undesirable to drink tea when urolithiasis, kidney failure and acid-base balance disorders in the body. Also, removing fluid from the body is dangerous during fever: consuming mate during this period can lead to dehydration.

During research into the effects of mate on the body, a dangerous pattern was discovered. In regions where this tea is preferred over all others, an increase in cases of cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus and bladder has been detected. Scientists attribute this fact not to harmful influence drink, and with the lifestyle of Latin Americans who eat fatty meat foods, often drink alcohol and drink tea very hot. This creates the preconditions for the formation of cancer in these locations.

The indigenous people of Paraguay have many rules for brewing holly leaves. For example, the traditional utensil for preparing the drink is calabash (or calabash) - a small gourd with a peeled core, and it is drunk using a special reed straw - a bombilla. In modern conditions, the calabash is made of ceramics, wood or porcelain, and a bombilla can be replaced by a metal tube. And, of course, to get to know the drink, you can simply drink it from a cup. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of doctors:

  • Do not make Paraguayan tea a drink for daily use. Without harm to your health, you can drink this natural stimulant one cup 3-4 times a week;
  • do not drink mate too hot - its temperature should be comfortable for the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat - 60–65 degrees;
  • drinking a drink before bed is a bad idea, unless, of course, your goal is to stay awake all night;
  • It is not advisable to drink tea on an empty stomach: the active components will negatively affect the gastric mucosa;
  • It was not for nothing that the Indians used bombilla during tea drinking: the active components of the drink can destroy tooth enamel. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to use a straw, drink mate in small sips and do not let it linger in your mouth for a long time.

You can add milk, honey, sugar, jam and other sweeteners to tea. But to enjoy the traditional taste of mate, drink it without additives, slowly, savoring every sip.

Mate during pregnancy: is it possible?

Doctors are very wary of herbal drinks during pregnancy: their effect on the body of the expectant mother and the developing child has not been studied enough. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to drink mate during the happy nine months:

  • on early stages pregnancy (in the first trimester), exotic tea can be dangerous: it causes contraction of the uterine muscles and increases the risk of miscarriage, and also interferes with the normal absorption of iron, which is extremely important for the development of the fetus;
  • in the second and third trimesters, the drink is also undesirable, but those women who drank mate a lot and with pleasure before pregnancy can afford half a cup of tea once a week if they really want it.

An exotic drink in the diet of nursing mothers

Despite all the benefits, nursing mothers should also avoid mate - the high content of stimulants can have an unpredictable effect on the nervous system of the child who receives them along with mother's milk. Eliminate the drink from the diet at least until the baby is seven to eight months old, when he will receive complementary foods and begin to breastfeed less.

Then, if you really want to enjoy your favorite drink again, try it little by little: drink a quarter cup of mate in the morning for breakfast and observe your baby’s reaction throughout the day. If he behaves as usual, sleep and appetite remain at the same level, you can drink 1 cup of lightly brewed tea 1-2 times a week.

When can children try tea?

The stimulating effect of the drink also explains the fact that it is prohibited for children under 6–7 years of age: parents are unlikely to be happy if an already energetic baby refuses to sleep at night and turns the house upside down. Schoolchildren are allowed mate, but only in the first half of the day and no more than once a week.


In the acute stage of inflammation of the pancreas, it is not advisable to drink a stimulating drink - pain and nausea may increase. After a week, you can return to mate, but drink it warm, not hot. The maximum allowed dose is a cup of tea 1–2 times a week.


Scientists have proven that regular consumption of mate provides prevention. diabetes mellitus type 2 in obese patients, and also reduces blood glucose levels in pre-existing disease. It is recommended to drink tea in small sips in the morning 2-3 times a week. All sweet additives are, of course, excluded.


The stimulating effect of the drink is useful for cholecystitis. To improve the flow of bile and alleviate the condition, it is recommended to drink 40-50 ml of mate before lunch throughout the entire period of exacerbation.

Gastritis and peptic ulcer

Mate is strictly prohibited in case of exacerbation of inflammation of the gastric mucosa and peptic ulcer, as it causes vasospasm and an increase in the duration of the disease. During stable remission, enjoying your favorite drink, although undesirable, is still possible: drink half a cup of weakly brewed mate no more than once a week.

Mate for weight loss: fact or fiction?

Indeed, mate is often used as an assistant in gaining a slim figure. The biologically active substances and stimulants included in the drink can literally dissolve fatty deposits and remove them from the body. But this only works if you adhere to the principles proper nutrition and play sports . The nuances of drinking the drink for a beautiful figure:

  • do not exceed the recommended dosages of tea - drink no more than a glass 2-3 times a week;
  • half an hour after drinking tea, exercise is recommended: it will be more energetic, and you will be less tired;
  • Drink tea without added sugar or other sweeteners.

The South American herbal drink mate was considered a sacred elixir by the ancient Indians. It was used to uplift the spirit, strengthen the body, protect against various diseases, and even in cultural and religious rituals. The drink is similar to tea with a specific herbal bitterness; most often it is prepared with the addition of citrus zest. A special feature of Paraguayan tea is its powerful antioxidant effect. Read more about the beneficial properties of mate below.

What is mate and how is it obtained?

Warm invigorating drink, similar to tea, is made from a similar plant, holly, native to Central and South America. Paraguay is considered the birthplace of drinking. For brewing, young sprouts and leaves of the tree are collected, after which they are dried naturally without fermentation. high temperatures, crushed and stored. The process of drying raw materials is very painstaking and specific, and in order to obtain high-quality tea leaves, the leaves must be brought to a certain condition and not spoiled.

On sale you can find mate with additives - lemon, grapefruit or lime zest, mint or lemon balm, guava, feijoa and other spices.

The taste of mate is herbaceous, has a sweetish and slightly tart taste, sometimes with bitterness. The color of the drink is golden-green. When brewing, foam usually forms.

The drink was brought to Europe by Spanish sailors, after which the “new product” quickly spread among the nobility, and later found its way into the kitchens of tea lovers. Today, anyone can enjoy mate by observing the canonical Indian ritual or brewing the fragrant plant in the usual way.

Composition of the drink

Mate has a high content of antioxidants, exceeding that of green and white teas. It contains about 200 types of vitamins, minerals, essential oils, natural resins, phytoncides and other beneficial substances that support the body. Mate is not considered a herbal tea; this group includes infusions of plants that do not contain caffeine, while Paraguayan tea contains a substance similar to caffeine, which has an invigorating and stimulating effect on the body.

The plant contains vitamins E, A and C, which support healthy skin, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stimulate brain activity and having an antioxidant effect. Also present are nicotinic acid, B vitamins, iron and copper, potassium, manganese, magnesium, sodium, as well as chlorine and sulfur.

It is noteworthy that the drink does not cause sleep disturbances. It invigorates several times more than coffee or tea, the effect of which is observed for 3-4 hours. The effect of mate lasts all day, so drink it little by little. At the same time, the drink does not cause arrhythmia, disturbances of consciousness, overexcitation and exhaustion of the body, like other stimulants.

What are the benefits of mate?

  1. The undeniable benefit of mate lies in its tonic properties. It helps cope with drowsiness and opens up a “second wind”. In this case, coffee usually invigorates the body artificially, awakening its reserve energy reserves. Mate, according to sources, nourishes the body with useful minerals, strengthening the nervous system, enhancing the conductivity of nervous tissue, due to which the body becomes more flexible and resilient. Mate improves thinking, stimulates memory and imagination, sharpens perception. The infusion also promotes concentration and perseverance.
  2. The drink has useful action on the digestive system, eliminating discomfort, dulling the feeling of hunger and removing excess fluid from the body. Drinking this “tea” will help you cope with your diet (but you need to be careful not to drink the drink on an empty stomach and not to exceed the norm). Optimally, drink a cup with your morning or lunchtime heavy meal. This will prolong your energy boost and help you feel full faster.
  3. The antioxidant effect of the drink plays a particularly important role. It helps fight the effects of free radicals, removes toxins, and also prevents oxidation and salt deposition in the body. Thanks to this, you can improve your complexion, normalize digestion and increase muscle tone. Paraguayan tea helps remove lactic acid from muscle tissue, thereby relieving fatigue and soreness after physical training.
  4. In addition, the substances contained in the drink participate in the process of hematopoiesis, remove cholesterol deposits from blood vessels, preventing the development of atherosclerosis, and also help saturate the body with oxygen.

Harmful properties of mate and warnings

Along with its healing effects, mate also has some insidious effects.

  1. Thus, the drink cannot be combined with alcohol and cigarettes, so as not to harm the nervous system and the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Mate is not recommended to drink if you have kidney problems, as it causes a diuretic effect. People with urolithiasis should be especially careful.
  3. Also, mate should not be consumed by children under 12 years of age and pregnant women. Since the drink has an effect on the nervous system, it is better for a fragile body to refrain from drinking it. Mate is contraindicated for people with nervous and hormonal disorders; the stimulating properties of “tea” can overstimulate an unstable nervous system.
  4. Researchers say that in large quantities, yerba mate can lead to memory loss and conditions such as intoxication. However, mate is not a hallucinogen. In addition, an overdose can cause nausea, stomach cramps, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms.
  5. With constant use, yerba mate can become addictive. Also, in South Americans, with constant active use in combination with alcohol and smoking, this “tea” caused cancer. That is why it is customary to drink mate cool and warm so that it acts less aggressively on the body.

There is also a warning about drinking mate while fasting. Tea perfectly suppresses the feeling of hunger. This does not happen at the expense of nutritional components, but by influencing the areas of the brain responsible for hunger and satiety. Therefore, it is recommended to drink mate for obesity and bulimia in order to dull the nervous feeling of hunger. During the heyday of Indian civilization, mate helped withstand difficult hikes in the mountains and through the jungle, and also increased endurance during battles. However, when drinking Paraguayan tea, you must eat well and not keep your body “empty”.

Yerba mate should be introduced into food gradually, especially if the body is not accustomed to exotic foods. The plant usually does not cause allergies.

It is customary to drink mate from special containers. According to tradition, a special bowl with a lid, called a calabash, is made from a gourd. The fruit is cleaned of seeds and pulp, dried and fired, after which decor with cultural elements of the Indians is applied to the dishes. The ornaments were scraped out on the calabashes and decorated with silver. The bowl comes with a special straw - a bombilla; at one end there is a strainer so that the tea leaves do not clog the straw. They are made from wood, reed or silver. The noble metal keeps the bombilla clean and kills bacteria.

Mate is brewed individually. Passionate lovers of the drink always carry a mate kit with them, like a tobacco pipe.

In the homeland of mate, such dishes are made traditional way from original materials. But you can also find many analogues in the world, for example, clay or wooden cups for mate, repeating the original shape.

You can drink mate from the most ordinary glass and ceramic cups. This will not affect the beneficial properties of tea in any way. In addition, the brewing ritual can be repeated in a thermos or thermal mug.

How to cook

Mate is drunk cold or warm. “Tea” is not brewed with boiling water so as not to destroy all the beneficial components. Even the ancient Native Americans believed that this “kills the soul” of the drink, which was credited with divine powers.

Good to know! The mate brew opens gradually and can be poured several times. Optimally - 3-4, but you can do it up to 6 times, until the plant stops releasing its aromatic juice with oils.

Usually mate is not strained. According to tradition, dry tea leaves powder is placed on one, or even two-thirds of the vessel, after which it is gradually filled warm water and drinks almost immediately. The fact is that in Paraguay and Argentina they drink this drink throughout the day, adding fresh water to the vessel. For a person unaccustomed to mate, the drink may seem strong, so if you are just taking a sample of an exotic drink, it is recommended to use about 3 tablespoons of the raw material per 250 ml of water. If desired, you can always adjust the strength of the tea by adding tea leaves or diluting with water.

If you follow the ritual, the tea leaves are poured into the bottom of the cup, the vessel is tilted to one side and a straw is inserted so that it touches the bottom without touching the leaves of the drink. Then pour in a little warm (about 60°) water, steam the powder under the lid for about a minute and a half, then add hot water (about 80°). You can add to the brew lemon juice or honey, but then it will lose its freshness faster. It is better to add dry ingredients: zest, herbs and candied fruits.

But mate can also be brewed in the usual way, especially when tea drinking is planned for several people. 6-8 spoons of raw materials per half-liter teapot will give a pleasantly strong drink. And lemon slices, honey or fruit jam can be added to individual servings. The strained drink can be combined with milk, not only cow’s, but also goat’s or sheep’s. The specific aroma of Paraguayan tea allows you to improve taste qualities this useful product.

The authentic taste of mate makes it stand out as a separate dish. It is not customary to serve it with desserts or drink it at lunch. Mate is savored in small sips before or after meals.

How much mate can you drink?

The drink is strong and very invigorating; it quickly awakens and mobilizes the body, maintaining its active state throughout the day, so experts do not recommend drinking more than 1 cup per day. It is best to drink mate in the morning to wake up, or in the afternoon, when the body is already tired from work and requires recharging - then you will remain energetic in the evening.

To ensure that mate does not cause harm to the body and is not addictive, it is recommended to drink it no more than 2-3 times a week.

Video: properties of mate tea