How to properly glue ceiling tiles: features of creating an unusual ceiling. Different ways to glue ceiling tiles with your own hands, what kind of glue is best for gluing

Expanded polystyrene ceiling tiles are the most common, affordable way to update the ceiling. Everyone tries to approach this responsibly and individually. Before gluing ceiling tiles, must be carried out preparatory work for a beautiful ceiling covering, with original finish for many years it was pleasing to the eye. When choosing a finishing option, everyone tries to approach it responsibly and individually. He tries to familiarize himself with the varieties of this material, the rules for calculating the required quantity, what kind of glue to use, as well as some of the nuances of combining tiles with the interior of the room.

Types of Ceiling Tiles

On the construction market, ceiling tiles are presented in the following varieties, differing in their production methods:

  1. Pressed ceiling tiles are made using the stamping method from polystyrene blocks. Thickness of the finished product min – 6 mm, max – 8 mm.
  2. Extruded blocks are made from polystyrene strip by pressing. They have a shiny smooth surface. The plates can be structured to resemble a marble slab, a section of a tree trunk and other natural materials.
  3. To produce injected ceiling tiles, a method is used in which the raw materials are sintered. As a result, the product correct form with a deep pattern. Its thickness is from 9, but not more than 14 mm.

Selecting ceiling tiles based on physical parameters

To properly glue ceiling tiles, at the time of purchase you must Special attention pay attention to the geometry of the product. If a tile is selected in squares, then all its angles must meet the required parameters, that is, equal 90º. The slightest deviation will lead to the formation of uneven seams in the future. The corners of ceiling tiles must not be rounded or folded.

Another indicator when choosing ceiling tiles is the material from which they are made. When buying polystyrene tiles, you need to make sure that the edges do not crumble and that all grains are the same size. The one with a particularly fine grain size is considered to be of higher quality. Polystyrene foam plates should not break under their own weight if it is held by any of the corners in weight. The selected ceiling tile should have a clear pattern. No flaws are allowed; any minor inaccuracy or dent will immediately attract attention.

Calculation of the required amount of material and choice of glue

After selecting the type of ceiling tile according to its physical parameters and external design, it is necessary to determine how many tiles will be required for the entire ceiling area. More experienced owners immediately buy 10-15% more, in case of rejection due to broken corners or mistakes during pruning. In general, the calculation is not difficult. You need to know the ceiling area and the size of each element. Typically, ceiling tiles are produced with side edges of 50-50 cm. If the dimensions of the ceiling are not a multiple of the side length of the tile, then during finishing there will be gaps along the edges of the ceiling. Therefore, when calculating this nuance must be taken into account.

Advice from an experienced professional: if you want to save on glue, instead of liquid nails it is better to use transparent glue with a more liquid “rubber” base. Its consumption is significantly lower. But for a strong fixation, be sure to slightly dry the adhesive already applied to the tiles.

Having calculated the required number of tiles, you need to decide what glue to use. Many people use “Titan”, “Econaset”, “Liquid Nails”, “Moment”. They adhere well to any surface and dry quickly. After gluing, the tile holds tightly. Only for this you need to press it to the ceiling for a few seconds.

Work order

Many owners of apartments and private houses prefer to glue ceiling tiles with their own hands. Therefore, it is important for them to know that work must begin by marking the center of the finishing area. To do this, you need to stretch two threads from diagonally located corners. Their intersection is the desired center. If there is a chandelier hanging in the room, then you can start work from this point. In this case, the joining angles of the lamp wire are slightly cut off. As a result, they will be covered with the figured glass of the chandelier rod.

Many people start working from one of the walls and lay tiles row by row. This option is the simplest and fastest. But there is a small nuance here too. It is better to lay the first row from the wall opposite the window or front door. Then the gaps that are closed by partial fragments will not be so noticeable.

Before you start gluing, the castings along the edges of the product must be carefully cut off. In this case, the surface of the ceiling will be perfectly smooth, without seams. It is also necessary to strictly observe the symmetry of the pattern at the joints of the tiles. The slightest deviation violates the entire integrity and beauty of the finish.

There are relatively many options for the location of ceiling tiles relative to the walls of the room. The most common are parallel and diagonal relative to the intersection of walls and ceiling. You can choose plain, colored or combined tiles. From combined options The most commonly practiced installations are:

  • alternating or intersecting diagonals,
  • in a checkerboard pattern
  • like a snake
  • along the perimeter of the ceiling or in its center, etc.

At the end of the work, skirting boards are installed around the entire perimeter. They are glued with the same glue as the tile itself.

Options for gluing ceiling tiles to whitewash

We will glue directly onto the whitewash, so you should choose one of two methods:

  • The first is to apply a primer over the old whitewash. It is absorbed into the layer of old coating and adheres to the main surface of the ceiling. Then you need to wait for the primer to dry completely and begin finishing.
  • The second method involves partially scraping off the falling off whitened layer with a spatula. Subsequently, a thicker layer of glue is applied to the back surface of the tile, and it is pressed against the gluing site for several minutes. The glue is absorbed through a thin layer of whitewash remaining on the ceiling and adheres to the ceiling.

How to glue ceiling tiles with your own hands: video instructions

Renewing the ceiling covering is labor-intensive and costly. In addition to tiles, you can arrange tension and suspended structures, mirror panels of various configurations and sizes. Here everything is decided by the financial capabilities and imagination of the owner.

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    Andrey said:

    I simply cleaned off the whitewash from the areas where the glue will be applied. I bought superglue (the putty glue sold by sellers has proven to be very reliable in use). I only smeared it on the sticker areas at five points, pressed it to the ceiling and that’s it. The tile is holding. I did not seal the seams - there was no great need. Then the ceiling plinth - and that’s it. The ceiling is pleasing to the eye. Better than any whitewash. And faster and cheaper than suspended and suspended ceilings.

    Svetlana said:

    My husband and I glued tiles to the ceiling in the living room ourselves. Now I already know what to pay attention to. An important note: it is important to treat the seams with the correct material. We should have taken silicone right away, but we got confused and used white glue. As a result, our seams turned yellow after drying, and the ceiling looked terrible. The only solution was to paint the ceiling to cover the seams.

Among the numerous options for ceiling finishes, gluing foam tiles is distinguished by its simplicity and speed of implementation. The decorative qualities of the finished coating can be assessed as average, which is suitable for most apartments.

Types of material

Ceiling tiles are available for sale in several varieties. The differences relate not only to the pattern or texture, but also to such material characteristics as density, resistance to mechanical stress, thickness, colorability, etc.

Products are classified according to manufacturing method:

  • Extruded. It has a smooth, non-grainy surface. Good density of the material allows you to reduce the thickness of individual elements to 2-3 mm. Extruded tiles other than traditional white, can be decorated in various shades. Imitations of natural materials such as marble or wood look especially beautiful. Painting of elements is carried out in factory conditions: if you try to do it yourself, the paint begins to “roll off”. Foamed polystyrene is used as the manufacturing material. Due to their light weight, products of this type are easy to install and care for. The price for extruded products is quite high.
  • Foam or stamped. It has a looser structure with clearly visible grains. Due to the presence of pores on the surface, it becomes dirty quite quickly. In order to create an additional barrier to dirt, paint with acrylic dispersion is used. Stamped plates have a thickness of 6-12 mm. To apply a pattern to a foam surface, a pressing method is used. The fragility of products must be taken into account before gluing ceiling tiles. Considering possible losses, when purchasing material it is recommended to make a reserve of at least 10%. Stamped ceiling panels are considered the cheapest.
  • Injection. During manufacturing, polystyrene foam is baked in special matrices. This type of material is distinguished by a well-defined pattern. The cost of injection products is average. It's easy to work with.

For a beginner with no experience construction work, for gluing the ceiling with foam tiles, it is better to choose extruded polystyrene products. Next in terms of quality are injection panels. In last place are stamped tiles.

The following can be said about the appearance: all ceiling tiles most often look like 50x50 cm squares. Rectangular elements are less common. Based on the type of joining, products are divided into seamless and with seams. Concerning decorative design elements, they can be geometric, floral, without a pattern, with a variety of textures.

How to calculate the required amount of material

Before covering the ceiling with tiles, it is necessary to accurately determine the required amount of material. The task is simple, given the fixed dimensions and square configuration of the elements. A simple calculation shows that to cover 1 m2 of flooring you will need 4 tiles. Knowing the total area of ​​the ceiling, you can determine the amount finishing material, simply multiplying the area by 4.

For example, you can calculate how many ceiling tiles are needed for a room measuring 3.2 x 2.8 m. Multiplying the width and length, we get an area indicator of 8.96 m 2. You need to round up: it comes out to 9 m2. Next, determine the number of ceiling elements - 4 pcs x 9 m2 = 36 pcs. It is recommended to always take a little more material, taking into account pruning and unplanned losses. The specific number of spare elements depends on the installation scheme, but usually it is 10-20% of the total quantity.

To achieve the external aesthetics of foam ceilings, you need to pay attention not only to the external design. Another important point– product geometry. All elements must have same sizes, thick and even at 90 degree angles. The drawing should have good clarity, without any layers on the side ends. When purchasing pressed slabs, it is recommended to choose models with the smallest grains possible.

Glue selection

The following agents are used as a fixing agent for gluing ceiling tiles:

  • Glue. We are talking about such compositions as “Titan”, “Naset”, “Moment” or liquid nails. The holding properties of these compounds are very good. The speed of gluing is limited by the need to maintain a pause of 10-15 seconds after laying each element. The Moment is “grabbed” a little faster.”
  • Adhesive mastics for ceiling tiles. They have a pasty consistency and are packaged in small plastic buckets. These compositions are more convenient: they are odorless and ensure instant adhesion of the smeared element. As a result, the process of finishing the ceiling is carried out without any hitches.
  • Gypsum putty. This option installation material usually used in cases where the surface to be finished contains noticeable defects (for example, differences at the joints between ceiling tiles). If the irregularities are small (up to 5 mm), finishing putty is used; if they are significant, starting material is used.

It should be understood that it is impossible to smooth out too large differences with ceiling tiles. In such cases, it is better to fully level the ceiling, or use hanging systems (plasterboard, tension, Armstrong).

Preparatory activities

The durability of the finish largely depends on the quality of the procedure, how to prepare the ceiling for gluing tiles. Before covering the ceiling with ceiling tiles, the surface of the ceiling must be completely cleaned of the previous finish - wallpaper, whitewash, paint, putty, etc. To make it stick better, pre-wet the entire surface with water. In cases where old paint or the putty holds tightly, you can leave it. It is also necessary to knock down all protruding areas using a pick or hatchet.

All cavities found during the preparation of the ceiling for tiles are sealed with starting putty. To fill the seams between individual floor slabs, use a special composition “Perfix” or glue for tiles. The cleaned surface must be impregnated with a primer: it washes away any remaining dust and helps improve the adhesion of the base. Concrete plates It is recommended to treat with “concrete contact”, gypsum bases - with any deep penetration impregnation. At this stage, there is a pause in the work to allow the primer to dry completely.

Layout diagram

There are two ways of gluing ceiling tiles - regular and diagonal. Diagonal placement is more beautiful, but requires more material. The fact is that the remaining trimmings cannot be used anywhere. However, the finish obtained in this way does not have pronounced seams.

It is most convenient to start gluing from the chandelier. This makes it possible to fit it organically into the skin: the holder is placed at the intersection of 4 elements that only need a little trimming. If the room has lighting without a main central chandelier, gluing begins from one of the walls of the room. It is recommended to choose the one opposite the front door. This will make it possible to place the last cut row above the head of the person entering the room, which will somewhat hide the discrepancy in size.

Gluing a chandelier will require preliminary marking. It's easiest with square room: the center is determined and work begins from there. This is done using a painting cord stretched between opposite corners. The intersection point of the broken lines will be the place where the first slab is laid. If a parallel placement scheme is used, two guides are also driven through the center to opposite walls.

Two other marking lines connect the installation start point with the nearest walls. Taking this parameter as a guide, a drawing of squares is made. To obtain guides for gluing squares, you need to draw diagonal lines. It is along them that the side of the first row will be aligned. If you position the first strip of tile as correctly as possible, further finishing will not encounter any obstacles.

Gluing technique

The main advantage of foam tiles is the speed of their installation, without the use of special lathing or frames. Unlike a conventional ceiling screed, this type of finishing can be completed in one working day. Smooth bases can be covered with a special glue, applying it in a thin layer.

If there are individual differences on the base, then ordinary mounting adhesive will not help here: the tiles simply will not stick to the surface of uneven areas. There is not always time and energy to carry out labor-intensive leveling activities. Moreover, ceiling tiles are often used when carrying out cosmetic repairs in rented apartments or at various social facilities. Therefore, it is not very wise to invest large resources in finishing.

Paste the ceiling tiles onto flat ceiling Putty or drywall adhesive usually helps. These solutions have good adhesive characteristics. When starting to implement the procedure of how to properly glue ceiling tiles, you need to check all purchased products for the same color and size. Sagging and defects found on the edges are cut off using a stationery knife.

Installation on a flat base

The procedure for how to properly glue foam ceiling tiles onto a flat surface:

  1. Glue is spread on the tile in a thin strip around the perimeter and diagonally. There is no need to spread it too close to the edge.
  2. The part is laid according to the markings.
  3. The attached tile must be suspended for a while until the glue sets.
  4. Install the next panel in the same way. It must be attached to the side of the first element. If there is a drawing, it is combined. When docking, it is important to maintain precision and accuracy, avoiding the formation of differences.
  5. The same algorithm is repeated when working with other parts.
  6. If there is a need for adjustment, tile cutting is carried out on a stable table.

The whole procedure of gluing tiles to the ceiling is very quick and simple. The main thing is to achieve precise joining and immediately wipe off any glue that comes out at the seams. To make the joints as tight as possible, it is recommended to use a wooden plank when moving the next tile. If you do this by hand, dents may remain on the surface of the squares.

Gluing foam tiles on a crooked ceiling

Curved surfaces cannot be shaped in the usual way. As a rule, in such cases, plasterboard glue or putty helps to glue the ceiling tiles. It is prepared in such a way that a paste-like mixture is obtained. To apply it to the ceiling, you will need a notched trowel to create grooves. The volume of solution applied depends on the degree of curvature, but it is better to use as small a layer as possible. It is recommended to apply no more than 1 m2 of ceiling at a time (for gluing 4 tiles).

This will make it possible to avoid premature setting of the solution: in this case, leveling the elements will not encounter any particular difficulties. Plates are mounted on top of the spread mortar: they quickly stick and can be easily moved. After aligning the sides of the laid fragments, they are leveled on a plane using a rule or a building level. To do this, you need to press the square into in the right place.

Having sealed the first area, smear the second, proceeding in the same way. When orienting the next slabs along the plane, you need to take the first section as a basis. If complete horizontality cannot be achieved, then you need to at least avoid sudden changes. If possible, it is better to avoid rapid growth of the adhesive layer: if its thickness exceeds 3-5 mm, there is a real threat of the structure’s finishing falling. If adhesive gets on the surface of the tile, it should be immediately wiped with a soft sponge. Upon completion of the procedure for gluing tiles to the ceiling, they go through the seams separately, filling them with the same putty.

Nowadays, if it is necessary to quickly and inexpensively repair the surface of the ceiling, tiles made of polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene are often used. With the help of this finishing material you can literally transform appearance premises for various functional purposes.

The tiles on the ceiling are fixed by gluing. It is quite possible to do the gluing of facing ceiling tiles yourself, you just need to follow some technological subtleties and rules for performing the work. In this case, the original coating will delight its owners with an attractive appearance for many years without losing its performance.

Probably, only tiles will help make the ceiling beautiful so quickly and inexpensively

Ceiling tiles vary

Ceiling tiles, although their varieties are externally similar, vary in density, surface smoothness and other parameters, which largely determine performance characteristics and time for trouble-free enjoyment of the coating. Depending on the manufacturing technology, the following types of ceiling tiles are produced:

  • Tiles made from extruded polystyrene foam have good density and a smooth surface. It is characterized by the highest price, but it is the easiest to glue and care for.
  • The cheapest foam tiles produced by stamping. Its surface has a porous structure, into which dirt gets clogged during long-term use. The material has low mechanical strength and breaks easily under bending loads, so before gluing it, you should ensure a margin of at least twenty percent.
  • The so-called injection tiles, which belong to the middle price category. During manufacturing, it is placed in a special mold and exposed to high temperatures. As a result, a clear pattern appears on the surface, the performance characteristics of the product are also average, and such material is easy to glue.
  • The most common shape is square tiles, with the edges being straight or wave-shaped. In any case, the gluing method does not change, only the appearance becomes varied. In terms of external design, there are many various options the finishing material in question.

Options for polystyrene foam tiles for ceiling finishing

Select a tile and count the quantity

Let's consider a few points that will help you choose the right material. When we choose a tile, we should take into account the totality of it technical characteristics and the specific conditions under which the latter will be used. In addition, you need to pay attention to the accuracy of the geometric dimensions and good drawing of the pattern on the surface.

There should be no burrs or uneven edges on the side cuts; the edges must be located at a strictly right angle. An indispensable condition is the uniformity of the entire batch in size, thickness and surface tone.

The number of tiles needed to glue it is easy to calculate. The standard shape of the facing material is a square, the side length of which is half a meter. To finish one square meter of surface you will need four tiles.

By determining the area of ​​the ceiling and multiplying it by four, we get the desired result. As a result, we know how many pieces of tiles will be needed to cover the entire surface.

In the process of performing the work, it is necessary to trim and adjust the material for its high-quality installation. During installation, mechanical damage to some products is also possible.

As a result, when purchasing, a reserve of about twenty percent should be provided so that there is no need to urgently go to the construction market in search of the same batch of material.

What kind of glue will we use to glue it?

Of course, you need to know what glue to use to glue ceiling tiles. Most often, Titan glue or its analogues are used to fix the tiles; they can also be glued with liquid nails. The inconvenience of using these compounds is that the tiles coated with them have to be pressed against the surface for some time until the glue sets. This creates certain difficulties when working on the ceiling with your arms constantly raised.

The range of adhesives for gluing tiles is quite wide.

More convenient to use produced industrially special mastics for laying ceiling tiles. They have a paste-like sticky consistency that holds facing material Without prolonged pressing, gluing is greatly facilitated.

Similar compositions are used in the absence of height differences on the ceiling surface. If it is uneven, gypsum-based putty or special Perlfix glue is used to lay the tiles. They allow you to simultaneously level the base and glue the facing material.

Preparing the surface for the sticker

After visual inspection Once the surface has been cleaned, any irregularities found are repaired using putty. After it dries, a layer of primer is applied to the base. The surface prepared in this way is ready for gluing ceiling tiles.

Several steps to prepare the ceiling for tiling

Marking scheme along the wall or diagonally

You can glue tiles in a variety of ways - placing them in a checkerboard pattern, diagonally or with edges along the walls, but its careful installation requires precise markings. Let's figure out how to properly mark the ceiling. First of all, the geometric center of the ceiling is determined, which is the intersection of lines. drawn from diagonally opposite corners. Through the intersection point along the walls and in the transverse direction, two more lines are drawn, located exactly at right angles to each other. This marking is universal for any laying scheme of facing material.

We glue tiles with our own hands in different ways

You can glue tiles with your own hands in different ways. Picking up different colors, you can create the most daring geometric patterns, bringing to life design projects, but the basic installation methods are as follows:

Starting from the geometric center of the ceiling, the tiles are installed with the side edges placed parallel to the walls. You can use two colors of material and arrange the square slabs in a checkerboard pattern. The surface lined in this way hides defects in the ceiling well.

The option of laying tiles diagonally can be very interesting

The coating made of elements located along the applied diagonal marking lines looks beautiful. In this case, material consumption increases, since accurate installation will require cutting the tiles, not all of which can be used.

Using two colors of tiles, you can lay out a coiled snake on the surface. Gluing also begins from the geometric center of the ceiling.

How to glue tiles to a flat ceiling

You can fix the tiles on a flat ceiling using Titanium glue or its analogues. The technology for doing the work is not particularly complicated. The following sequence of actions will be correct:

  • a thin layer of glue is applied to the inner surface of the tile diagonally and perimeter;
  • then it is installed in its place and pressed against the surface until initial curing adhesive composition;
  • each subsequent tile is laid with the most accurate alignment of the pattern applied to the surface, while increased attention pays attention to a good fit of the side surfaces;
  • In places difficult to install, the tiles are trimmed.

Sticking tiles to a flat ceiling using regular glue

The side surfaces should fit as closely as possible to each other. If a gap is formed between the tiles during installation, do not move them with your hands, as the material may break. To perform this manipulation, you need to use a wooden plank; it is applied to the side surface of the cladding element and the latter is moved into place.

How to glue correctly if the ceiling is uneven

If the ceiling is uneven, laying the tiles on an ordinary adhesive base is very problematic. To perform this work, putty compounds or special glue are used to fix plasterboard elements. The compositions are diluted to the consistency of kneaded dough and applied to the surface in the place of the smallest height difference, covering an area on which approximately four tiles can be laid. This is done to level the coating before the initial curing of the adhesive mixture.

After laying four tiles, the resulting surface is leveled using a sufficiently long building level. The tool is applied to the coating, and pressure is applied to the surface in the right place to bring it into equilibrium.

Sticker with mastic helps to ignore unevenness

Then the next fragment of four elements is glued and again placed in the same plane. In this case, you should not increase the thickness of the adhesive composition by more than five millimeters, in which case the facing coating may fall off.

Cleaning and sealing seams

To obtain an impeccable appearance of the tiled surface, certain technological details must be observed when installing tiles.

Quite often it happens that the adhesive gets onto the outer surface of the tile. It should be removed immediately.

Immediately after installing the tile in place, its surface is cleared of all traces of glue, otherwise in the future it will be impossible to wipe off the drips and they will spoil the appearance of the coating. To do this, keep a container with clean water of sufficient volume and cleaning material near the place of work.
Sealing gaps with sealant after gluing tiles

The gaps remaining between the side surfaces of the tiles after laying the tiles are filled with white putty and smoothed with a rubber spatula. Excess is wiped off immediately. Excellent results are obtained by using a special acrylic-based sealant. It has good adhesion to the material from which the facing tiles are made and perfectly masks surface defects.

Ceiling tiles can be painted

Most simple method decorative finishing coating is its coloring. Seamless tiles cannot be processed in this way: the joints will clearly appear on the surface. The painting material must have water-repellent properties, prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, and not attract dust pollution. These requirements are best met acrylic paints on a water-based basis. Before applying them, the surface of the tile is covered with a layer of primer.

The paint adheres very well to the tiles

Painting is best done with a paint roller made of foam rubber; using such a tool makes it possible to obtain the most uniform layer of coating. The technology for performing the work is no different from painting walls covered with wallpaper - the painting material is applied in two layers. Thus, you can bring unique design ideas to life - create a unique pattern on the finishing of the ceiling.

Rules for caring for ceiling tiles

In order to maintain the tiled ceiling surface in good condition, it must be maintained regularly. Over time, dust contaminants are deposited on the coating, which gives it a dark color.

Leaks water pipes or a neighbor's flood forms rust-colored spots on the surface. If you do not remove them in a timely manner, it will be impossible to do so later.

To prevent such consequences, you must follow the following rules for caring for ceiling tiles:

  • Use a vacuum cleaner to dry clean the coating at least once a month;
  • Every two months, wet clean the cladding;
  • Detergents should not contain aggressive chemical substances and solvents;
  • The patterns embossed on the surface are treated with a soft sponge moistened with a cleaning solution.

Water is retained in the recesses of ceiling tiles after wet cleaning. It should be removed with an absorbent cleaning material, without leaving unsightly marks. Particular care should be taken to dry the surface of geometric decorative elements. The following video has been carefully selected and will certainly help you understand what is presented.

You need to start gluing the ceiling before covering the walls, since glue can stain the wallpaper. However, if there are no plans to replace the finish on the walls, but the ceiling needs to be covered, then the wallpaper can be covered with plastic film. You can cover almost any type of surface (wood, concrete) with foam ceiling tiles.

To ensure reliable fixation and durability of the coating, we prepare the ceiling:

  1. We remove the chandelier and insulate the ends of the wires.
  2. We get rid of the old finish. At the same stage, we tap the surface for the presence of unreliably fixed elements. It is more convenient to do this in corners and at joints with a screwdriver.
  3. We remove stains of rust, mold, mildew, soot and grease with special antiseptic solutions. If you skip this stage, then all traces will appear on the new cladding over time.
  4. We make a thick mixture of cement-based putty and cover large cracks, if any.
  5. We prime the ceiling with a deep penetration compound with antifungal components. Please note that a deep penetration primer can be prepared at home by diluting PVA glue in water in a ratio of one to three.
  6. At the same stage, we evaluate the evenness of the coating. If the difference and potholes are significant, then we level them with a layer of starting putty. Then we rub off the roughness with sanding paper and prime acrylic composition. If the unevenness is insignificant, then the tile itself will mask them.

The tiles can even be glued to whitewash if the ceiling is smooth, but it is important that the whitewash layer does not crumble or crumble. In addition, the whitewash will need to be primed before gluing to improve adhesion to the adhesive.

Types of ceiling tiles for the ceiling

In the process, we will need the ceiling tile itself and the glue with which we will fix it to the surface.

According to the production method, tiles are:

  • Pressed. This polystyrene foam ceiling tile is made by stamping. Its thickness is usually from 6 to 8 mm. Elements of this type are most often found to be defective.
  • Extruded. Issued in blocks. During the manufacturing process, a film-coated polystyrene strip is used, which is intensively pressed. The products are distinguished by greater density compared to pressed tiles, a smooth and shiny surface, and their thickness is usually 2.5 mm. There are models that imitate wood, marble and others natural materials. Such tiles can be used to cover the ceiling in the bathroom, since they have increased moisture-resistant characteristics.
  • Injection. Products are produced by sintering raw materials in special molds. During production, the granules are not destroyed. Therefore, the end result is a tile of the correct geometric shape with a deep pattern. Thickness - from 9 to 14 mm.
  • Seamless. This coating looks as aesthetically pleasing as possible because it has no visible seams. This material will cost more, but it looks more aesthetically pleasing.
Having decided on the type of ceiling tile, pay special attention to its quality. To do this, when purchasing, consider the following features:
  1. Each element must be geometrically correct, the sides are even, the angles are 90 degrees. Otherwise, when gluing there will be uneven seams and rows.
  2. The finer the grains in polystyrene foam tiles, the better quality they are. However, make sure that the product does not crumble or crumble at the edges.
  3. The pattern should be uniform, without defects, and the design should be clear and symmetrical.
  4. Traditionally, tiles are produced in sizes 50*50, so it is not difficult to calculate the required number of elements, knowing the area of ​​the ceiling. Rectangular models of extruded tiles measuring 100*16.5 cm are much less common.

Please note that it is important to purchase material with a 10-15% reserve. Otherwise, you will have to buy more from the next batch, and it may differ in shade or other details.

Choosing an adhesive for ceiling tiles

As for the adhesive for ceiling tiles, its selection should be taken no less seriously than the choice of tiles, because the durability of the finish, the reliability of fastening, and ease of use depend on it. It is important that it has not too thick and not too liquid structure. Only in this case will it lie in both a thick and thin layer, which is very important if the ceiling has slight unevenness.

To tile the ceiling, different compositions are used: putty, drywall glue, liquid nails, polyurethane or acrylic glue.

First of all, the choice of composition depends on the type of surface. Tiles can be fixed to a leveled ceiling using liquid nails, polyurethane and acrylic glue. But if the surface is uneven, then it is better to use putty. It will be evenly distributed over the surface and ensure secure fastening.

When purchasing materials, do not forget about ceiling skirting boards for masking joints with walls, chandelier sockets and other decorative elements.

Creating a drawing and marking the ceiling for tiles

Before starting work, you need to draw up a diagram according to which the tiles will be fixed. The most common arrangement options are: parallel, diagonal, combined (checkerboard, snake, around the perimeter).

Depending on the chosen method of placing tiles, you need to mark the ceiling. To do this you will need a tape measure, a laser level and a chop cord.

We carry out work according to the following instructions:

  • For parallel fastening, marking lines are applied from opposite corners. They should intersect in the center.
  • For diagonal fastening in the center of the ceiling, use a painter's cord to mark off the lines connecting the centers of opposite walls.
  • We draw lines parallel to the two axial lines along the entire surface in increments of 0.5 meters (standard size of ceiling tiles).
You should not rely on your eye and start gluing without markings, since uneven gaps will completely ruin the result.

Parallel fastening of ceiling tiles

You need to start gluing tiles using this method on the wall opposite the door. And even better - from the most visible angle.

We carry out the work in the following sequence:

  1. Apply glue around the perimeter of the back of the tile and in the middle with a cross. It is not recommended to lubricate with an excessively thick layer. Otherwise, sloppy marks will appear along the edges, and the seams between individual parts will become much more noticeable.
  2. Press the tile tightly to the surface and smooth it in one plane. This is necessary so that the adhesive composition adheres evenly.
  3. We first join the next element with the previous one and only then press it to the coating. Please note that you must pay attention to the symmetry of the pattern.
  4. We cover the entire ceiling to the edge in this way.
  5. Having reached the outermost row, measure the distance from the seam of the previous tile to the wall with a ruler and cut it off with a utility knife the required part. It is not recommended to cut off several at once. It is better to take a new measurement for each row, since the walls may be uneven.
Upon completion of the tile gluing process, it is necessary to close the gaps with decorative skirting boards. They are usually made of the same material and are mounted on the same glue.

Diagonal installation of ceiling tiles

It is more convenient to start diagonally fastening from the center of the ceiling. If installation is planned in this location lighting fixture, then the edges of the tile will have to be cut off. In the future, the hole can be closed with a decorative plug.

During the process, we adhere to the following instructions:

  • According to the markings made, we attach the first tile in the center so that there is a line in the middle at each corner.
  • We fix the second part along the axes marked on the ceiling.
  • We glue the tiles along both axes from the center to the walls.
  • Attach the remaining parts.
  • For installation on the outer row, we cut out a suitable element, having previously measured the required distance with a ruler.

After the ceiling is completely pasted over, you can use a damp cloth to remove excess glue near the seams and pencil marks, if any.

Block gluing of ceiling tiles

The essence of this method is to fasten four elements at once and align them on one plane. It is most often used when gluing uneven ceilings using putty.

We carry out the work in this order:

  1. Using a notched trowel, apply the adhesive composition to the ceiling under the area of ​​four slabs. Using this tool allows you to immediately apply a layer of the desired thickness.
  2. We attach four parts at once and join them to each other.
  3. Using a two-meter level or rule, we align all the elements relative to the ceiling and to each other.
  4. Along the marked line, we lay a row of two tiles to each wall in turn. In this case, the parts must be positioned so that their joint passes exactly along the axis.
  5. We attach the remaining elements according to the applied markings.
  6. We make the outer row from prepared segments.

Please note that during the process of pasting a ceiling with unevenness, you should definitely use a building level. This method is a little more complicated, so beginners are recommended to initially level the coating with putty, then proceed to gluing the ceiling tiles.

The technology for fixing tiles to the ceiling is not particularly complicated, and even a beginner can handle it with the right approach. However, some tricks will help you avoid mistakes and make your work much easier:
  • Before starting work, leave the tiles for some time in the room where installation is planned. This is necessary to adapt the material.
  • The combination of tiles of several colors looks original. This combination can be placed in a diamond pattern, in a checkerboard pattern, or in another pattern depending on your preferences.
  • A small arrow is usually placed on the back of the slabs. Make sure that on each part it looks in the same direction.
  • To prevent teeth from forming on the coating and the seam not breaking down, it is not recommended to interrupt the process in the middle of a row.
  • If it is necessary to fill the gaps in some places, then this should be done only after the adhesive composition has dried. It is better to do this using putty or sealant. If grout comes into contact with the tiles, remove it immediately with a wet brush.
  • The tile will be pressed more tightly to the ceiling if it is held not with your hands, but with a wooden block to evenly distribute the load.
  • To save money, you can use transparent compounds with a liquid “rubber” base for pasting. Their consumption is much less, however, in order for the part to be fixed securely, after applying the glue to the tile, you need to wait a little until it dries.
  • It is not recommended to install high-power lamps at a distance of less than 20 cm from the coating, since polystyrene foam can melt under high temperature.
  • If you prefer foam tiles, please note that water-based paint for her finishing will not work because it will begin to peel off after a year. The best option for these purposes is a dispersion composition based on acrylates.
Watch a video about installing ceiling tiles:

We figured out how to glue ceiling tiles using several methods. By using step by step instructions you can independently prepare the surface, choose the material and perform the fastening in any way you like. Correctly selected and fixed tiles will not look like budget finishing. Dyeing or combining several colors allows you to create original design ceiling.

Currently, there are many options that allow you to equip the ceiling covering. Everyone chooses for themselves the most best option. But the most common method is the use of foam products. In this regard, a logical question arises: how to glue such tiles to the ceiling. It may seem that the technology is quite simple, but the features of this material create many working nuances.

Ceiling pasting foam tiles remains one of the most popular types finishing works. Indeed, such coating can be found in almost any house or apartment. In addition, a wide selection of materials allows you to find an option that will harmonize with overall design interior

According to the manufacturing method, the following types are distinguished:

It can be square, rectangular, hexagonal, or diamond-shaped in shape. Allocate and different kinds front surface, which can be smooth, embossed, imitating various natural materials.

Pros and cons of foam products

Foam tiles have many advantages. Among them are:

We must not forget that there are some disadvantages:

  • Cheap options are not durable. They fade quickly in sunlight.
  • Lack of vapor permeability. The indoor microclimate may be disrupted.
  • Fear of mechanical damage. Foam material is easy to spoil, even at the installation stage.

On a note! Some species are amenable to additional processing. They can be painted with water-based paints.

Foam ceiling tiles can be painted in any color

Calculating the required number of tiles

Gluing tiles to the ceiling begins with preliminary calculations. This is necessary to purchase the required number of products. Please note that trimming is often necessary. To get the most beautiful surface, it is better not to make the fragments very small.

Calculations are made in several ways:

  1. The room is measured. It is necessary to obtain the area of ​​the ceiling as well as the area of ​​the tiles. For example, a room with an area of ​​9 square meters (3*3). Standard size sheet material - 50*50 cm. That is, four such elements will equal one square meter. We get: 9*4= 36 pieces. The required stock is added (+ 10%), resulting in a total quantity of 40 pcs.
  2. A diagram is drawn up. To do this, take a sheet of paper in a box. The room plan is transferred to it. Each square will be equal to one tile. By simple calculations it is possible to find out the required quantity.

    On a note! You can glue the ceiling tiles diagonally. To make the calculation, draw the plan with diagonal lines. The number of undercuts is also taken into account.

  3. You can use computer programs, but they may produce erroneous calculations.

Glue selection

Special glue is required to glue the foam material

The material must be glued using special glue. It is designed to work with foam products. But you need to be very careful when choosing this composition. The fact is that there are a great many fakes that make the work extremely ineffective. The original glue is in a special bottle, which has a dosed cap.

You can also consider purchasing special mastic. It is sold in jars and is completely ready for use. Application is carried out with a spatula.

On a note! The main indicator that must be taken into account is the time during which gluing will occur. Otherwise, you will have to press the product against the ceiling for a long time.

The tile must be pressed tightly against the ceiling

Necessary tools and equipment

Gluing ceiling tiles is carried out with a tool that is available for purchase to everyone. You won't have to spend much on it.

The following is being prepared:

Of course, sometimes you have to use additional devices, but this happens extremely rarely.

Preliminary preparation

When starting to finish the ceiling with tiles, a number of necessary manipulations are carried out:

On a note! Glue ceiling tiles to uneven ceiling- an extremely reckless decision. The fact is that due to its small thickness and extreme flexibility, all defects will immediately become noticeable. Naturally, small defects can be hidden.

Detailed markings:

  • The center of the ceiling is located. To do this, draw diagonal lines from one corner to another.
  • Each wall is divided in half. Straight lines are drawn between parallel walls.
  • If the walls have different lengths, then the markings are adjusted.

Marking the ceiling for gluing tiles

All work is carried out with a simple pencil or a marker.

Gluing technology

To understand how to properly glue ceiling tiles, you must first decide on the work plan. So, you can glue the tiles to the ceiling diagonally or choose a parallel option. Of course, there are other methods, but they all follow similar rules.

On a note! It often happens that there are small sagging edges along the edges of the tiles. They need to be cut off immediately.

The general gluing technology is as follows:

  1. The scheme for covering the ceiling with ceiling tiles is determined.
  2. The glue is being prepared. If it is in jars, then stir it well.
  3. The solution must be applied to reverse side products. This can be done with lines or dotted. It's better to combine these options.
  4. The glue must be placed at some distance from the edge of the material, otherwise it will protrude and will have to be constantly removed. When it gets on the front side, it spoils the entire appearance.
  5. Standard installation starts from any of the corners that are formed at the intersection of lines directed from parallel walls.
  6. Each element must be pressed tightly to the surface and held in this form for some time. It is important to minimize effort; if you overdo it, you can easily damage the product.
  7. It turns out a pasted square. Next, sequential installation begins.

A well-glued fragment cannot be removed without damaging it. Therefore, the alignment of the product is carried out immediately.

When it comes to the walls, you will have to do the necessary trimming. To do this, the desired area is measured, and the indicators are transferred to the wrong side. Trimming is performed with a construction (stationery) knife.

Ceiling tiles are glued diagonally as follows:

  • The first fragment is glued in the center. This is done so that the corners of the material are exactly along the lines that are perpendicular.
  • Now the tiles are glued exclusively along these lines. It turns out that the elements touch only at the corners.
  • There should be four filled areas.
  • Next, you can begin gluing the remaining free surface.
  • Install skirting boards.

From all of the above, it becomes clear how to glue ceiling tiles. The main requirements that must be met in order to obtain a beautiful surface are the accuracy of marking and extreme accuracy.