Types of insulation. Warm or cold: insulation for the walls of a house outside - price, types and review of manufacturers

A very real situation - an efficient heating system is installed and running in a private house, but it is not possible to achieve comfortable conditions residence if the building itself does not have good thermal insulation. The consumption of any energy carriers in such a situation jumps to completely unimaginable limits, but the generated heat is completely uselessly spent on “warming up the street.”

All main elements and structures of the building must be insulated. But against the general background, external walls lead in terms of heat loss, and it is necessary to think about their reliable thermal insulation first of all. Insulation materials for the external walls of a house are now available for sale in a very wide range, and you need to be able to navigate this variety, since not all materials are equally good for certain conditions.

The main methods of insulating the external walls of a house

The main task of wall insulation is to bring the total value of their resistance to heat transfer to the calculated value, which is determined for a given area. We will definitely dwell on the calculation method below, after considering the physical and operational characteristics of the main types of insulation. First, you should consider existing technologies for thermal insulation of external walls.

  • Most often they resort to external insulation of already erected walls of a building. This approach is able to solve to the maximum extent all the main problems of thermal insulation and saving walls from freezing and the accompanying negative phenomena of damage, dampness, and erosion of building materials .

There are many methods for external insulation, but in private construction they most often resort to two technologies.

— The first is plastering the walls on top of the thermal insulation layer.

1 – external wall of the building.

2 – assembly adhesive onto which the thermal insulating material is attached tightly, without gaps (item 3). Reliable fixation is also ensured by special dowels - “fungi” (item 4).

5 – base plaster layer with fiberglass mesh reinforcement inside (item 6).

7 – layer of decorative plaster. Facade paint can also be used.

— The second is the cladding of externally insulated walls decorative materials(siding, panels, " block house", etc.) according to the ventilated facade system.

1 – main wall of the house.

2 - frame (sheathing). Can be executed from wooden beam or from galvanized metal profiles.

3 – slabs (blocks, mats) of thermal insulation material laid between the sheathing guides.

4 – waterproofing diffuse steam-permeable a membrane that simultaneously performs the role of wind protection.

5 – a structural element of the frame (in this case, a counter batten), creating a ventilated air gap with a thickness of about 30 ÷ 60 mm.

6 – external decorative cladding of the facade.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Thus, a plastered insulated surface (it is often called a “thermal fur coat”) is quite difficult to independent execution, if the owner of the house does not have stable plastering skills. This process is quite “dirty” and labor-intensive, but in terms of the total costs of materials, such insulation is usually cheaper.

There is also an “integrated approach” to such external wall insulation - this is the use of facade cladding panels, the design of which already provides for a layer of thermal insulation. In this case, plastering work is not expected - after installation, all that remains is to fill the seams between the tiles.

Installation of a ventilated facade practically does not involve “wet” work. But the total labor costs are very significant, and the cost of the entire set of materials will be very considerable. But the insulation qualities and the effectiveness of protecting walls from various external influences in this case are significantly higher.

  • Insulation of the walls of the house from the inside, from the side of the premises.

This approach to thermal insulation of walls causes a lot of criticism. Here there is a significant loss of living space, and difficulties in creating a full-fledged insulated layer without “cold bridges” - they usually remain in the area where the walls adjoin the floors and ceilings, and a violation of the optimal balance of humidity and temperatures in such a “pie”.

Of course, placing thermal insulation on the inner surface sometimes becomes almost the only available way to insulate walls, but whenever possible it is still worth giving preference to external insulation.

Is it worth insulating walls from the inside?

All the shortcomings and, without exaggeration, dangers are described in great detail in a special publication on our portal.

  • Insulation of walls by creating a “sandwich structure” »

Typically, this technology for insulating external walls is used during the construction of a building. Several different approaches can be used here as well.

A. The walls are laid out according to the “well” principle, and as they rise into the resulting cavity, dry or liquid (foaming and hardening) is poured. thermal insulator. This method has been used by architects for a long time, when natural materials were used for insulation - dry leaves and pine needles, sawdust, discarded wool, etc. Nowadays, of course, special thermal insulation materials adapted for such use are more often used.

As an option, large aerated concrete can be used for laying the walls. blocks with large cavities that during construction, they are immediately filled with thermal insulation material (expanded clay, vermiculite, perlite sand, etc.)

B. We will omit another option both during the initial construction of the house and, if necessary, to create thermal insulation in an already erected previously building. The bottom line is that the main wall is insulated with one or another material, which is then covered with brickwork of one or ½ brick.

Usually in such cases, the external masonry is done “under jointing” and becomes the finishing cladding of the facade.

A significant drawback of this method, if you have to carry out such insulation in an already erected house, is that it is necessary to expand and strengthen the foundation, since the thickness of the wall becomes significantly greater, and the load from the additional brick clutches will increase noticeably.

IN. An insulated multilayer structure is also obtained when using polystyrene foam permanent formwork for the construction of walls.

Blocks of such polystyrene foam formwork are somewhat reminiscent of the famous children's construction set "LEGO" - they have tongues and grooves for quickly assembling a wall structure, into which, as it is raised, a reinforcing belt is installed and concrete mortar is poured. The result is reinforced concrete walls that immediately have two – outer and inner – insulating layers. Then along the front side of the wall you can make thin brickwork, tiled cladding or just a plaster coating. Almost all types of finishes are also applicable inside.

This technology is gaining popularity, although in fairness, it should be noted that she also has many opponents. The main arguments are the disadvantages of expanded polystyrene from the point of view of environmental and fire safety. There are certain problems with the vapor permeability of the walls and the shift of the dew point towards the premises due to the layer internal insulation. But apparently everyone agrees that the walls do receive reliable thermal insulation.

What other requirements must the insulation of external walls meet?

It is clear that the thermal insulation layer on the wall should first of all reduce the building’s heat loss to an acceptable minimum. But, fulfilling its main function, it should not allow negative aspects - a threat to the health of people living in the house, increased fire danger, the spread of pathogenic microflora, dampening of structures with the onset of destructive processes in wall material and so on .

So, from the point of view of environmental safety, synthetic-based insulation raises a lot of questions. If you read manufacturers' brochures, you can almost always come across assurances about the absence of any threat. However, practice shows that most foamed polymers tend to degrade over time, and the decomposition products are not always harmless.

The situation with flammability looks even more alarming - a low flammability class (G1 or G2) does not at all mean that the material is completely safe. But more often than not, it’s not even the transfer of an open flame that is scary (most modern materials are extinguished), but the products of combustion. A sad story shows that it is toxic smoke poisoning resulting from the combustion of, for example, polystyrene foam that most often causes human casualties. And you should think carefully about what the owner risks by arranging, for example, such thermal insulation indoors.

A terrible picture - the burning of an insulated facade

The specific advantages and disadvantages of the main thermal insulation materials will be discussed in more detail in the corresponding section of the article.

The next important factor that must be taken into account when planning insulation. Thermal insulation of walls should bring the “dew point” as close as possible to the outer surface of the wall, and ideally to the outer layer of the insulating material.

The “dew point” is not a linearly changing boundary in a wall “pie”, at which the transition of water from one state of aggregation to another occurs - steam turns into liquid condensate. And the accumulation of moisture means wetting of the walls, destruction of the building material, swelling and loss of insulation qualities, a direct path to the formation and development of mold or mildew, insect nests, etc.

Where can water vapor come from in the wall? Yes, it’s very simple - even in the process of normal life, a person releases at least 100 g of moisture per hour through breathing. Add here wet cleaning, washing and drying clothes, bathing or showering, cooking or simply boiling water. It turns out that during the cold season, the saturated vapor pressure indoors is always significantly higher than outdoors. And if measures for effective air ventilation are not taken in the house, moisture seeks its way through building structures, including through walls.

This is a completely normal process, which will not cause any harm if the insulation is planned and implemented correctly. But in cases where the “dew point” is shifted towards the rooms ( this is a typical drawback insulation of walls from the inside), the balance may be upset, and the wall with insulation will begin to become saturated with moisture.

To minimize or completely eliminate the consequences of condensation, you should adhere to the rule - the vapor permeability of the wall “pie” should ideally increase from layer to layer towards their placement outside. Then, with natural evaporation, excess moisture will be released into the atmosphere.

For example, the table below shows the values steam-permeable abilities of basic construction, insulation and finishing materials. This should help with the initial planning of thermal insulation.

MaterialVapor permeability coefficient, mg/(m*h*Pa)
Reinforced concrete0.03
Cement-sand mortar (or plaster)0.09
Cement-sand-lime mortar (or plaster)0,098
Lime-sand mortar with lime (or plaster)0.12
Expanded clay concrete, density 800 kg/m30.19
Clay brick, masonry0.11
Brick, silicate, masonry0.11
Hollow ceramic brick (1400 kg/m3 gross)0.14
Hollow ceramic brick (1000 kg/m3 gross)0.17
Large format ceramic block(warm ceramics)0.14
Foam concrete and aerated concrete, density 800 kg/m30.140
Fiberboard and wood concrete slabs, 500-450 kg/m30,11
Arbolit, 600 kg/m30.18
Granite, gneiss, basalt0,008
Limestone, 1600 kg/m30.09
Limestone, 1400 kg/m30.11
Pine, spruce across the grain0.06
Pine, spruce along the grain0.32
Oak across the grain0.05
Oak along the grain0.3
Chipboard and fibreboard, 600 kg/m30.13
Gypsum slabs (gypsum slabs), 1350 kg/m30,098
Gypsum slabs (gypsum slabs), 1100 kg/m30.11
Mineral wool, depending on density 0.3 ÷ 0.370.3 ÷ 0.37
Glass mineral wool, depending on density0.5 ÷ 0.54
Extruded polystyrene foam (EPS, XPS)0,005 ; 0,013; 0,004
Expanded polystyrene (foam), plate, density from 10 to 38 kg/m30.05
Cellulose ecowool (depending on density)0.30 ÷ 0.67
Polyurethane foam, at any density0.05
Bulk expanded clay - gravel, depending on density0.21 ÷ 0.27
Ruberoid, glassine0 - 0,001
Polyethylene0.00002 (virtually impenetrable)
Linoleum PVC2E-3
Block foam glass0 (rarely 0.02)
Bulk foam glass0.02 ÷ 0.03
Bulk foam glass, density 200 kg/m30.03
Glazed ceramic tiles≈ 0
OSB (OSB-3, OSB-4)0,0033-0,0040

For example, let's look at the diagram:

1 – main wall of the building;

2 – layer of thermal insulation material;

3 – layer of external façade finishing.

Blue wide arrows indicate the direction of diffusion of water vapor from the room towards the street.

On the fragment "A" shown in a camp that, with a very high degree of probability, will always remain damp. The vapor permeability of the materials used decreases towards the street, and the free diffusion of vapor will be very limited, if not stop altogether.

Fragment "b"- an insulated and finished wall, in which the principle of increase is observed steam-permeable ability of layers - excess moisture evaporates freely into the atmosphere.

Of course, not in all cases, for one reason or another, it is possible to achieve such ideal conditions. In such situations, it is necessary to try to provide for the release of moisture as much as possible, but what if external finishing walls are planned to be made of material whose vapor permeability is close to zero, then it would be best to install so-called “ventilated façade”(item 4 on fragment "V"), which was already mentioned in the article.

If thermal insulation is installed from steam-proof materials, the situation here is more complicated. It will be necessary to provide a reliable vapor barrier that will eliminate or minimize the likelihood of vapors entering the wall structure from inside the room (some insulation materials themselves are a reliable barrier to the penetration of vapors). And yet, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely prevent the “preservation” of moisture in the wall.

Natural questions may arise - what about summer time when the water vapor pressure outside often exceeds that inside the house? Will there be reverse diffusion?

Yes, such a process will occur to a certain extent, but there is no need to be afraid of it - in conditions of elevated summer temperatures, active evaporation of moisture occurs, and the wall will not be able to become saturated with water. When the moisture balance is normalized, the wall structure will return to its normal dry state. And temporarily high humidity does not pose a particular threat - it is more dangerous at low temperatures and freezing of walls - that’s when condensation reaches its peak. In addition, in the summer, in most houses, windows or vents are constantly open, and there will simply not be any significant difference in vapor pressure for abundant reverse diffusion.

In any case, no matter how high-quality the thermal insulation is, and no matter how optimally it is located, it is still the most effective measure Effective ventilation of rooms is necessary to normalize the humidity balance. The outlet that is located in the kitchen or bathroom cannot cope with such a task on its own!

It is interesting that the issue of ventilation began to arise with such urgency relatively recently - with the beginning of mass installation by apartment owners metal-plastic windows with double-glazed windows and doors with hermetic seals around the perimeter. In old houses wooden windows and the doors were peculiar " ventilation duct", and together with the vents, they to some extent coped with the task of air exchange.

Ventilation issues - special attention!

Clear signs of insufficient ventilation in the apartment are abundant condensation on the glass and damp spots in the corners window slopes. and how to deal with it - in a separate publication on our portal.

What materials are used to insulate external walls?

Now let's move on to, in fact, consider the main materials that are used to insulate the external walls of the house. The main technical and operational parameters will, as a rule, be presented in the form of tables. And attention in the text will be focused on the features of the material in terms of its use in this particular area.

Bulk materials

To insulate walls, subject to certain conditions, materials can be used to fill cavities inside the wall structure, or they can be used to create lightweight solutions that have thermal insulating qualities.

Expanded clay

Of all the materials of this type, the most famous is expanded clay. It is obtained by special preparation of special types of clay and subsequent firing of clay pellets at temperatures above 1100 degrees. This thermal effect leads to the phenomenon of pyroplasty - avalanche-like gas formation due to the water present in the raw material and the decomposition products of the components. The result is a porous structure that provides good thermal insulation qualities, and sintering of the clay gives the granules high surface strength.

After receiving the finished product, it is sorted by size - fraction. Each fraction has its own indicators of bulk density and, accordingly, thermal conductivity.

Material parameters Expanded clay gravel 20 ÷ 40 mm Expanded clay crushed stone 5 ÷ 10 mm Expanded clay sand or sand-crushed stone mixture 0 ÷ 10 mm
Bulk density, kg/m³240 ÷ 450400 ÷ 500500 ÷ 800
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m×°С0.07 ÷ 0.090.09 ÷ 0.110.12 ÷ 0.16
Water absorption,% of volume10 ÷ 1515 ÷ 20no more than 25
Weight loss, %, during freezing cycles (with standard frost resistance grade F15)no more than 8no more than 8not regulated

What are the advantages of expanded clay as an insulating material:

  • Ceramite is highly environmentally friendly - no chemical compounds are used in its production .
  • An important quality is the fire resistance of the material. It does not burn on its own, does not spread flame, and when exposed to high temperatures does not emit substances harmful to human health .
  • Expanded clay will never become a breeding ground for any form of life, and besides, rodents and insects avoid it .
  • Despite the hygroscopicity, rotting processes in the material will not develop .
  • Prices for the material are quite reasonable, affordable for most consumers.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • High-quality insulation will require a fairly thick layer of backfill .
  • Insulation of walls is only possible by creating a multi-layer structure with cavities inside or using large hollow blocks in construction. Insulating the walls of a previously built house in this way - uh This is a very large-scale and costly undertaking that is unlikely to be profitable.

Expanded clay is poured into the cavity dry or poured in the form of a lightweight concrete solution ( expanded clay concrete).


A very interesting and promising insulation material is vermiculite. Get it by heat treatment a special rock - hydromica. The high moisture content in the raw materials leads to the effect of pyroplasty, the material rapidly increases in volume (swells), forming porous and layered granules of various fractions.

This structural structure predetermines high heat transfer resistance. The main characteristics of the material are given in the table:

Densitykg/m³65 ÷ 150
Coefficient of thermal conductivityW/m ×° K0.048 ÷ 0.06
Melting temperature°C1350
Thermal expansion coefficient 0,000014
Toxicity non-toxic
Color Silver, golden, yellow
Application temperature°C-260 to +1200
Sound absorption coefficient (at sound frequency 1000 Hz) 0.7 ÷ 0.8

Along with a lot of advantages, vermiculite has one very significant drawback - too high a price. Thus, one cubic meter of dry material can cost 7 thousand or more rubles (you can find offers exceeding even 10 thousand). Naturally, using it in its pure form to fill a cavity is extremely wasteful. Therefore, the optimal solution seems to be to use vermiculite as a component in the manufacture of “warm plaster”.

Often, “warm plaster” is enough for high-quality thermal insulation.

Such a plaster layer gives the walls good thermal insulation qualities, and in some cases such insulation will even be quite sufficient.

By the way, the material has high vapor permeability, so such “warm plasters” can be used on any wall surfaces with almost no restrictions.

They are also quite applicable for interior decoration. Thus, warm plasters with vermiculite can be prepared both on the basis of cement and on the basis of gypsum - depending on the specific conditions of their use. Moreover, such wall covering will also give them increased fire resistance - even a wooden wall covered with vermiculite plaster will be able to withstand the “pressure” of an open flame for a certain time.

Another material obtained by heat treatment of rock. The raw material in this case is perlite - volcanic glass. When exposed to high temperatures, particles of this rock swell and become porous, forming extremely light porous sand with a specific gravity of only about 50 kg/m³.

Low density and gas filling perlite sand is what is required for effective thermal insulation. The main properties of the material, depending on the grade by bulk density, are given in the table;

The name of indicatorsSand grade by bulk density
75 100 150 200
Bulk density, kg/m3Up to 75 inclusiveOver 75 and up to 100 inclusiveOver 100 and up to 150 inclusiveOver 150 and up to 200 inclusive
Thermal conductivity at temperature (20 ± 5) °С, W/m ×°С, no more0,047 0,051 0,058 0,07
Humidity, % by mass, no more2, 0 2 2.0 2.0
Compressive strength in a cylinder (determined by fraction 1.3-2.5 mm), MPa (kgf/cm2), not lessNot standardized0.1

What makes this material popular is its relatively low price, which cannot be compared with the same vermiculite. True, both the technological and operational qualities here are worse.

One of the disadvantages of perlite when used in dry form is its extremely high moisture absorption– it’s not for nothing that it is often used as an adsorbent. The second drawback is that sand always contains extremely fine fractions, almost powder, and working with the material, especially in open conditions, even with a very weak breeze - extremely difficult. However, there will be enough trouble indoors, since it produces a lot of dust.

A common application for perlite sand is the manufacture of lightweight concrete solutions with thermal insulation qualities. Another typical use is mixing masonry compounds. The use of such solutions when laying walls minimizes the effect of cold bridges along the seams between bricks or blocks.

Perlite expanded sand is also used in the production of ready-made dry mixes - “warm plasters”. These construction and finishing compounds are rapidly gaining popularity, since at the same time as adding additional insulation to the walls, they also immediately perform a decorative function.

Video - Review of “warm plaster” THERMOVER

Mineral wool

Of all the insulation materials used, mineral wool will most likely take first place in the “availability – quality” category. This is not to say that the material is without drawbacks - there are many of them, but for thermal insulation of walls it often becomes the best option.

In residential construction, as a rule, two types are used mineral wool– glass wool and basalt (stone). Their comparative characteristics are indicated in the table, and a more detailed description of the advantages and disadvantages follows it.

Name of parametersStone (basalt) wool
Limit temperature of use, °Cfrom -60 to +450up to 1000°
Average fiber diameter, µmfrom 5 to 15from 4 to 12
Hygroscopicity of the material in 24 hours (no more),%1.7 0,095
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/(m ×° K)0.038 ÷ 0.0460.035 ÷ 0.042
Sound absorption coefficientfrom 0.8 to 92from 0.75 to 95
Presence of binder, %from 2.5 to 10from 2.5 to 10
Flammability of the materialNG - non-flammableNG - non-flammable
Release of harmful substances during combustionYesYes
Heat capacity, J/kg ×° K1050 1050
Vibration resistanceNomoderate
Elasticity, %no data75
Sintering temperature, °C350 ÷ 450600
Fiber length, mm15 ÷ 5016
Chemical stability (weight loss), % in water6.2 4.5
Chemical stability (weight loss), % in alkaline environment6 6.4
Chemical stability (weight loss), % in acidic environment38.9 24

This material is obtained from quartz sand and broken glass. The raw material is melted, and thin and fairly long fibers are formed from this semi-liquid mass. Next, sheets, mats or blocks of various densities (from 10 to 30 kg/m³) are formed, and in this form the glass wool is supplied to the consumer.

  • it is very plastic, and when packaging it is easily compressed to small volumes - this simplifies both transportation and delivery of the material to the work site. After removing the packaging, the mats or blocks are straightened to their intended dimensions. Low density and, accordingly, low weight - this means ease of installation, no need to reinforce walls or ceilings - the additional load on them will be insignificant .
  • is not afraid of chemical exposure, it does not rot or rot. Rodents don’t really “like” it, and it won’t become a breeding ground for home microflora either. .
  • It is convenient to place glass wool between the frame guides, and the elasticity of the material opens up the possibility of thermal insulation of complex, including curved surfaces .
  • The abundance of raw materials and the comparative ease of manufacturing glass wool make this material one of the most affordable in terms of cost.

Disadvantages of glass wool:

  • The fibers of the material are long, thin and brittle, and, as is typical for any glass, they have sharp cutting edges. They certainly won’t be able to cause a cut, but they will certainly cause persistent skin irritation. Even more dangerous is the contact of these small fragments with the eyes, mucous membranes or respiratory tract. When working with such mineral wool, compliance with increased safety rules is required - protection of the skin of the hands and face, eyes, and respiratory organs .

The very high probability of fine glass dust getting into the room, where it can be transported in a suspended state with air currents, makes the use of glass wool for interior work very undesirable.

  • absorbs water quite strongly and, when saturated with moisture, partially loses its insulating properties. Either hydro-vapor barrier of the insulation or the possibility of its free ventilation must be provided. .
  • Over time, glass wool fibers can sinter and stick together - nothing unusual, since glass is an amorphous material. The mats become thinner and denser, losing their thermal insulation properties .
  • Formaldehyde resins are used as a binding material that holds thin fibers in a single mass. No matter how much manufacturers assure that their products are completely environmentally safe, the release of free formaldehyde, which is extremely harmful to human health, occurs constantly throughout the entire period of operation of the material.

Of course, there are certain standards of sanitary compliance, and conscientious manufacturers try to adhere to them. On quality material there must be appropriate certificates - it will never be superfluous to ask for them. But still, the presence of formaldehyde is another reason not to use glass wool indoors.

Basalt wool

This insulation is made from molten rocks of the basalt group - hence the name “stone wool”. After the fibers are drawn out, they are formed into mats, creating not a layered, but rather a chaotic structure. After processing, the blocks and mats are further pressed under certain thermal conditions. This determines the density and clear “geometry” of the manufactured products.

  • Even in appearance, basalt wool looks denser. Its structure, especially for high-density brands, is sometimes even closer to felt. But the increased density does not at all mean a decrease in thermal insulation qualities - basalt wool is not inferior to glass wool in this, and often even surpasses it .
  • The situation with hygroscopicity is much better. Some brands of basalt wool, thanks to special processing, are even close to hydrophobicity .
  • Clear the shapes of the blocks and panels make installation of such mineral wool a fairly simple task. If necessary, the material can be easily cut to the required size. True, it will be difficult to work with it on surfaces of complex configurations. .
  • Stone wool has excellent vapor permeability, and with proper installation of thermal insulation, the wall will remain “breathable”.
  • The density of basalt mineral wool blocks makes it possible to install it on construction adhesive, ensuring maximum adherence to the insulated surface - this is extremely important for high-quality thermal insulation. In addition, such wool can be used to lay a plaster layer immediately after reinforcement. .

  • The fibers of basalt wool are not so brittle and thorny, and in this regard it is much easier to work with it. True, security measures will not be superfluous.

The disadvantages include:

  • Although basalt insulation, of course, will not become a breeding ground for rodents, they will not build their nests in it with great pleasure.
  • There is no escape from the presence of formaldehyde - everything is exactly the same as in glass wool, maybe to a slightly lesser extent.
  • The cost of such insulation is significantly higher than glass wool.
Video - Useful information about basalt mineral wool " TechnoNIKOL»

What's the conclusion? Both mineral wool is quite suitable for thermal insulation of walls, if all conditions are met so that it is not actively saturated with moisture and has the opportunity to “ventilate”. The optimal location for its placement is outer side walls, where it will create effective insulation and will not cause much harm to the people living in the house.

The use of mineral wool for internal insulation should be avoided if possible.

It may be noted that there is another type of mineral wool - slag. But it was deliberately not included in the detailed review, since it is of little use for insulating a residential building. Of all types, it is most prone to moisture absorption and shrinkage. High residual acidity of slag wool leads to activation of corrosion processes in materials covered with it. And the purity of the feedstock – blast furnace slag – also raises a lot of doubts.

Polystyrene group insulation materials

Polystyrene-based thermal insulation materials can also be classified as the most commonly used. But if you take a closer look at them, they will raise a lot of questions.

Expanded polystyrene comes in two main types. The first one is unpressed foamed polystyrene, which is more often called polystyrene foam (PBS). The second one is more modern version, a material obtained using extrusion technology (EPS). First, a comparison table of materials.

Material parametersExtruded polystyrene foam (EPS)Styrofoam
Thermal conductivity coefficient (W/m ×° C)0.028 ÷ 0.0340.036 ÷ 0.050
Water absorption over 24 hours in % of volume0.2 0.4
Ultimate strength at static bending MPa (kg/cm²)0.4 ÷ 10.07 ÷ 0.20
Compressive strength 10% linear deformation, not less than MPa (kgf/cm²)0.25 ÷ 0.50.05 ÷ 0.2
Density (kg/m³)28 ÷ 4515 ÷ 35
Operating temperatures-50 to +75

It would seem that the familiar white polystyrene foam is an excellent material for wall insulation. Low coefficient of thermal conductivity, lightweight and fairly durable blocks of clear shapes, ease of installation, a wide range of thicknesses, affordable price - all these are undeniable advantages that attract many consumers.

The most controversial material is foam

However, before deciding to insulate walls with foam plastic, you need to think very carefully and evaluate the dangers of this approach. There are many reasons for this:

  • Coefficient T The thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam is truly “enviable”. But this is only in the original dry state. The structure of the foam itself is air-filled balls glued together, suggesting the possibility of significant moisture absorption. So, if you immerse a piece of foam plastic in water for a certain time, it can absorb 300% or more of its mass of water. Of course, the thermal insulation qualities are sharply reduced. .

And with all this, the vapor permeability of PBS is low, and walls insulated with it will not have normal vapor exchange.

  • You should not believe that polystyrene foam is a very durable insulation. The practice of its use shows that after a few years destructive processes begin - the appearance of cavities, cavities, cracks, an increase in density and a decrease in volume. Laboratory studies of fragments damaged by this kind of “corrosion” showed that the overall heat transfer resistance decreased by almost eight times! Is it worth it to start such insulation, which will have to be changed after 5 - 7 years?
  • Polystyrene foam cannot be called safe from a sanitary point of view. This material belongs to the group of equilibrium polymers, which, even under favorable conditions, can undergo depolymerization - decomposition into components. At the same time, free styrene is released into the atmosphere, a substance that poses a danger to human health. Exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of styrene causes heart failure, affects the condition of the liver, and leads to the occurrence and development of gynecological diseases.

This depolymerization process is activated as temperature and humidity increase. So using polystyrene foam for indoor insulation is an extremely risky proposition.

  • And finally, the main danger is the instability of the material to fire. It is impossible to call polystyrene foam a non-flammable material; under certain conditions it actively burns, releasing extremely toxic smoke. Even a few breaths can lead to thermal and chemical burns of the respiratory system, toxic damage to the nervous system and death. Unfortunately, there is a lot of sad evidence of this.

It is for this reason that foam plastic has long been no longer used in the production of railway cars and other vehicles. In many countries it is simply prohibited in construction, and in any form - ordinary insulating boards, sandwich panels or even permanent formwork. A house insulated with polystyrene can turn into a “fire trap” with almost zero chance of saving the people remaining in it.

Extruded polystyrene foam

A number of shortcomings of polystyrene foam were eliminated by the development of more modern variety expanded polystyrene. It is obtained by completely melting the feedstock with the addition of certain components, followed by foaming the mass and pressing it through molding nozzles. The result is a finely porous, homogeneous structure, with each air bubble completely isolated from its neighbors.

This material is distinguished by increased mechanical strength in compression and bending, which significantly expands the scope of its application. Thermal insulation qualities are much higher than those of polystyrene foam, plus EPS practically does not absorb moisture, and its thermal conductivity does not change.

Use as a foaming component carbon dioxide or inert gases sharply reduces the possibility of ignition under the influence of a flame. However, there is still no need to talk about complete safety in this matter.

Such expanded polystyrene has greater chemical stability and “poisons the atmosphere” to a lesser extent. Its service life is estimated at several decades.

EPPS is practically impermeable to water vapor and moisture. This is not a very good quality for walls. True, with some caution it can be used for internal insulation - in this case, with proper installation, it simply will not allow saturated vapors to penetrate the wall structure. If EPS is mounted outside, then this should be done on adhesive composition so as not to leave a gap between it and the wall, and perform the external cladding according to the principle of a ventilated facade.

The material is actively used for thermal insulation of loaded structures. It is perfect for insulating a foundation or basement - its strength will help cope with the load of the soil, and water resistance in such conditions is an absolutely invaluable advantage.

The foundation does not require insulation!

Many people forget about this, and to some it seems like some kind of whim. Why and how to do this using EPS - in a special publication on the portal.

But from the general chemical composition there is no escape, and it was not possible to get rid of the highest toxicity during combustion. Therefore, all warnings regarding the danger of polystyrene foam in a fire fully apply to EPS.

Polyurethane foam

Insulating walls with sprayed polyurethane foam (PPU) is considered one of the most promising areas in construction. In its thermal insulation qualities, polyurethane foam is significantly superior to most other materials. Even a very small layer of 20 30 mm m can give a noticeable effect.

Material characteristicsIndicators
compressive strength (N/mm²)0.18
Flexural strength (N/mm²)0.59
Water absorption (% volume)1
Thermal conductivity (W/m ×° K)0,019-0,035
Closed cell content (%)96
Foaming agentCO2
Flammability classB2
Fire resistance classG2
Application temperature from+10
Application temperature from-150oС to +220oС
Application areaHeat-hydro-cold insulation of residential and industrial buildings, tanks, ships, cars
Effective service life30-50 years
Moisture, aggressive environmentsStable
Ecological cleanlinessSafe. Approved for use in residential buildings. Used in the production of food refrigerators
Loss of flow time (seconds)25-75
Vapor permeability (%)0.1
Density (kg/m3)40-120

Polyurethane foam is formed by mixing several components - as a result of the interaction with each other and with oxygen in the air, the material foams and increases in volume. The applied polyurethane foam quickly hardens, forming a durable waterproof shell. The highest adhesion rates allow spraying on almost any surface. The foam fills even minor cracks and depressions, creating a monolithic seamless “fur coat”.

The initial components themselves are quite toxic, and working with them requires increased precautions. However, after the reaction and subsequent hardening, within a few days all dangerous substances completely disappear, and the polyurethane foam will no longer pose any danger.

Polyurethane foam has a fairly high fire resistance. Even during thermal decomposition, it does not release products that can cause toxic damage. For these reasons, it was he who replaced expanded polystyrene in mechanical engineering and in the production of household appliances.

It would seem that this is an ideal option, but again the problem comes down to complete absence vapor permeability. For example, spraying polyurethane foam on a wall made of natural wood can “kill” it within a few years - moisture that has no outlet will inevitably lead to processes of decomposition of organic matter. But it will be almost impossible to get rid of the applied layer. In any case, if polyurethane foam spraying is used for insulation, the requirements for effective ventilation of premises increase.

Among the disadvantages, one more circumstance can be noted - during the process of applying the material it is impossible to achieve an even surface. This will create certain problems if contact finishing is planned on top - plaster, cladding, etc. Leveling the surface of hardened foam to the required level is a complex and time-consuming task.

And one more conditional disadvantage of insulating PPU walls is the impossibility independent conduct similar works. It necessarily requires special equipment and equipment, stable technological skills. In any case, you will have to resort to calling a team of specialists. The material itself is not cheap, plus the production of work - the total can result in very serious costs.

Video - An example of spraying polyurethane foam on the external walls of a house


Many people have not even heard about this insulation and do not consider it as an option for thermal insulation of external walls. And completely in vain! In a number of positions, ecowool is ahead of other materials, becoming almost an ideal solution to the problem.

Ecowool is made from cellulose fibers - wood waste and waste paper are used. The raw materials undergo high-quality pre-treatment - fire retardants for fire resistance and boric acid - to give the material pronounced antiseptic qualities.

CharacteristicsParameter values
Compoundcellulose, mineral anipirent and antiseptic
Density, kg/m³35 ÷ 75
Thermal conductivity, W/m×°K0.032 ÷ 0.041
Vapor permeabilitythe walls "breathe"
Fire safetyflame-retardant, no smoke formation, combustion products are harmless
Filling voidsfills all the cracks

Ecowool is usually applied to walls by spraying - for this, in a special installation, the material is mixed with an adhesive mass, and then fed into a sprayer under pressure. As a result, a coating is formed on the walls that has very good heat transfer resistance. Ecowool can be applied in several layers to achieve the required thickness. The process itself goes very quickly. At the same time, certain protective equipment is certainly needed, but it is not as “categorical” as, say, when working with glass wool or when spraying polyurethane foam.

Ecowool itself does not pose a danger to people. Included in it boric acid can cause skin irritation only with prolonged direct contact. But it becomes an insurmountable barrier to mold or mildew, and to the appearance of nests of insects or rodents.

Ecowool has excellent vapor permeability and “preservation” will not occur in the walls. True, the material is quite hygroscopic, and requires reliable protection from direct contact with water - for this it must be covered with a diffuse membrane.

Ecowool is also used using “dry” technology - it is poured into the cavity building structures. True, experts note that in this case it will have a tendency to caking and loss in volume and insulating qualities. For walls optimal choice There will still be spraying.

What can you say about the disadvantages?

  • A surface insulated with ecowool cannot be immediately plastered or painted; the top must be covered with one material or another.
  • Spraying ecowool will require special equipment. The material itself is quite inexpensive, but with the involvement of specialists, the cost of such insulation will increase.
Video - Insulating walls with ecowool

Based on the totality of all its positive and negative qualities, ecowool is seen as the most promising option for insulating external walls.

What thickness of insulation will be required?

If the owners of the house have decided on insulation, then it’s time to find out what thickness of thermal insulation will be optimal. A layer that is too thin will not be able to eliminate significant heat loss. Excessively thick - not very useful for the building itself, and will entail unnecessary costs.

The calculation method with acceptable simplification can be expressed by the following formula:

Rsum= R1+ R2+ … + Rn

Rsum– total heat transfer resistance of a multilayer wall structure. This parameter is calculated for each region. There are special tables, but you can use the map diagram below. In our case, the upper value is taken - for the walls.

Resistance value Rn- this is the ratio of the thickness of the layer to the thermal conductivity coefficient of the material from which it is made.

Rn= δn/λn

δn– layer thickness in meters.

λn- coefficient of thermal conductivity.

As a result, the formula for calculating the thickness of the insulation appears as follows:

δth= (Rsum– 0.16 – δ1/ λ1– δ2/ λ2– … – δn/λn) × λut

0,16 - this is an averaged account of the thermal resistance of air on both sides of the wall.

Knowing the parameters of the wall, measuring the thickness of the layers and taking into account the thermal conductivity coefficient of the selected insulation, it is easy to carry out independent calculations. BUT to make the task easier for the reader, below is a special calculator that already contains this formula.

In order for the house to retain heat, it is necessary to create good thermal insulation using various insulation materials. It is recommended to insulate the house inside only in cases where there is no access to the external walls or the owner does not want to spoil it external view. In some cases, it is simply impossible to carry out external thermal insulation when outer wall borders the elevator shaft.

All materials used to insulate walls must have a number of properties:

  • high resistance to temperature changes;
  • high heat resistance and non-flammability;
  • durability;
  • low heat transfer and thermal conductivity (this will make it possible not to use a large number of insulation);
  • moisture resistance;
  • vapor tightness, etc.

There are a large number of insulation materials on the market, but due to their quality, the following insulation materials are most often used: mineral wool, polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool has a low cost and has a number of positive qualities. The only disadvantage of insulation can be considered that the walls that will be insulated with its help will have to be covered with plasterboard or other material (to create a false wall) to give it an aesthetic appearance. You can buy mineral wool in slabs or in rolls. Plates are well suited for small spaces, and rolls are suitable for large ones.

How to insulate walls with mineral wool?

The entire insulation process can be divided into several stages: preparing the components, attaching them to the wall, insulating and hiding the layer.

On initial stage A basement cornice is mounted on the wall, and its lower part is secured with dowels or self-tapping screws. You need to lay the cotton wool in several layers (three, and if possible four). If you use slabs, then secure them with glue; if you use rolls, use self-tapping screws or press washers.

The next step is to create a vapor barrier. This will prevent mineral dust from getting on people and prevent moisture from negatively affecting the insulation. The best material for vapor barrier is a vapor barrier. It is designed in such a way that it can only allow air to pass outside, and if moisture does get on the mineral wool, it will erode or evaporate over time.

At the last stage, the insulation can be hidden using drywall or other materials used for finishing.

Insulation of walls using polystyrene foam

The next type of insulation is polystyrene foam, the great advantage of which is its low weight, and when compared with mineral wool, its greater moisture resistance. Expanded polystyrene is divided into two types: foamed and extruded. They differ only in the manufacturing method, but have the same properties. Another advantage of this material is that when attaching it to the wall, there is no need to use a frame or other fastening structures. You can attach it using glue or dowels. A small minus is the need to insulate the joints between the insulation sheets. Typically this is done using foam.

At the first stage, you need to level the walls to the maximum, and also treat the wall with a special coating that will protect against the formation of fungus and mold. After applying the coating, you need to wait at least a day. Next you need to prepare the fastening materials. If it is glue, then it should be quite thick. Using a ruler, measure and cut off the required portion of polystyrene foam.

At the next stage, we move on to the fastening process. Using a roller (or other object), you need to carefully apply it to the walls. Apply glue from bottom to top. Next, we attach the polystyrene foam plates to the walls so that a T-shaped joint is formed between them. After the insulation is attached, you need to close the room and let the structure settle for at least 2 days.

If you want to secure the insulation with dowels, you need to make 6 holes in one plate: two in the center, and the rest in the corners. Dowels are driven into the holes, and plastic nails into the latter. If the resulting joints between the plates are more than 4 centimeters, they need to be sealed with strips of polystyrene foam. Smaller joints are filled with polyurethane foam, which does not contain toluene, so as not to damage the material. The remaining foam needs to be cut off, and the remains should be soaked with glue to protect against mold and mildew.
At the next stage, a reinforcing mesh must be glued along the entire height of the room. A thick layer of glue is applied to the insulation, after which the mesh is placed on it. It is important that the mesh joints do not coincide with the polystyrene foam joints. The top of the mesh also needs to be treated with glue, and after drying, leveled with sandpaper.

At the final stage, putty is applied to the wall, and if you plan to glue wallpaper, a primer is applied. You can also install a frame for wall cladding with various wall panels.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is considered the most reliable material for insulating the inside of walls. It is applied using a special apparatus in which polyol and polyisocyanate are mixed. During mixing, foam is formed, which is then applied to the walls using a sprayer and hardens. To apply it, as in the case of mineral wool, you also need to install a frame on the walls.

The big advantage of this type of insulation is that there is no need to fix it, and also that in a short period of time you can cover a large area and the thickness of the layer can be adjusted. Polyurethane foam does not leave cracks after application and also retains moisture well.

Before carrying out Finishing work, the insulation layer must be plastered using a nylon mesh.

After hardening, polyurethane foam has a number of positive characteristics: it will last for decades without additional maintenance, increases fire safety in wooden houses, and also withstands thermal and mechanical loads, temperature changes.

What to choose?

In order for the insulation to be of high quality, this procedure must be carried out in the warm season. It is necessary that the wall is as dry as possible. To reduce humidity, the walls are dried with heaters or heat guns.

When using a frame, you can insulate uneven walls or walls with coatings. You can hide communication pipes or electrical wiring behind the frame. To fill the frame, it is better to use mineral wool, since due to its elasticity, it adheres more tightly. Gluing foam is cheaper than installing a frame.

Mineral wool does not burn. In case of exposure to fire, it does not emit dangerous gases. Polystyrene foam can withstand flooding; it almost does not absorb water.

To prevent the outer wall from freezing, the wallpaper peeling off, condensation from falling out and mold from appearing, liquid thermal insulation is used from the inside of the room.

You can use foam glass - it does not get wet, is vapor-tight and easy to saw. Polystyrene foam is inferior in quality. Foam glass does not burn and is durable compared to foam plastic. And sealing and surface finishing are performed in the same way as for foam plastic.

The issue of building insulation is particularly relevant today. On the one side, big problems There is no problem with purchasing thermal insulation material - the construction market offers many options. On the other hand, it is this diversity that gives rise to the problem - which insulation to choose?

What it is?

The problem of thermal insulation of modern buildings (especially urban new buildings) is especially acute today. Thermal insulation is a design element that allows you to reduce the heat transfer rates of materials and the structure (unit) as a whole.

Thermal insulation also refers to a process that prevents the thermal energy of a structure from mixing ( refrigeration equipment, heating mains, etc.) and buildings with the external environment. In other words, the thermal insulation layer has the effect of a thermos.

Thermal insulation ensures a comfortable indoor climate, keeping it warm during the cold season and protecting it from excessive heating on hot days.

Using insulation, you can reduce electricity costs by up to 30-40%. In addition, most modern thermal insulation materials have soundproofing properties. A fairly common practice in the construction of a private house is the use of materials that are both insulating and structural elements of walls and ceilings.

Depending on thermal conductivity, the following classes are distinguished: thermal insulation materials:

  • class A– materials with low thermal conductivity within 0.06 W/m kV. and below;
  • class B– materials with average thermal conductivity, the values ​​of which are 0.06 – 0.115 W/m kV;
  • class C– materials with high thermal conductivity equal to 0.115 -0.175 W/m kV.

There are many ways to install insulation, but they all belong to one of these technologies:

  • Monolithic wall– is a brick or wooden partition, the thickness of which for thermal efficiency must be at least 40 cm (depending on the region).
  • Multilayer “pie”- a method in which the insulation is located inside the wall, between the external and external partitions. The implementation of this method is possible only at the construction stage or when facing the facade with brickwork (if the strength of the foundation allows or there is a separate foundation for the masonry).

  • External insulation- one of the most popular methods due to its effectiveness, which involves covering external walls with insulation, after which they are closed facade materials. The organization of a ventilated façade, when an air gap is maintained between the wall with insulation and the façade finishing, can improve thermal insulation performance. The method necessarily involves the use of vapor-permeable and waterproof coatings and films.
  • Internal insulation- one of the most complex and less effective methods of insulation compared to external ones. It involves insulating surfaces from inside the building.


All types of insulation are characterized by certain properties. The common ones are the following:

  • Low thermal conductivity. Thermal efficiency indicators are the main ones when choosing insulation. The lower the thermal conductivity coefficient (measured in W/ (m×K) shows the amount of thermal energy passing through 1 m3 of dry insulation at a temperature difference of 10C), the less heat loss the material has. Polyurethane foam is considered the warmest, having a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.03. The average indicators are about 0.047 (thermal conductivity index of polystyrene foam, P-75 mineral wool).
  • Hygroscopicity. That is, the ability of insulation to absorb moisture. High-quality insulation does not absorb moisture or absorbs a minimal amount of it. Otherwise, wetting of the material cannot be avoided, which means loss of the main property (thermal efficiency).
  • Vapor barrier. The ability to transmit water vapor, thereby ensuring an optimal level of humidity in the room and keeping walls or other work surfaces dry.

  • Fire resistance. Another important characteristic of thermal insulation material is resistance to fire. Some materials have a high fire hazard, their combustion temperature can reach 1000 degrees (for example, basalt wool), while others are extremely unstable to high temperatures (expanded polystyrene). Modern insulation materials are mostly self-extinguishing materials. The appearance of open fire on their surface is almost impossible, and if it does occur, the burning time does not exceed 10 seconds. During combustion, no toxins are released; the mass of the material during combustion is reduced by at least 50%.

When talking about fire resistance, combustion toxicity is usually mentioned. The optimal material is one that, even when heated, does not emit dangerous toxic compounds.

  • Environmental friendliness. Environmental safety is especially important for materials used indoors. The key to environmental friendliness is usually the naturalness of the composition. For example, basalt insulation, which is considered safe from an environmental point of view, is made from processed rocks, expanded clay is made from sintered clay.
  • Soundproofing characteristics. Not all thermal insulation materials can be used for sound insulation. However, most of them have both of these properties, for example, mineral wool insulation, polyurethane foam. But the widely used polystyrene foam does not provide sound insulation.
  • Biostability. Another criterion important for the buyer is biostability, that is, the material’s resistance to mold, mildew, and the appearance of other microorganisms and rodents. The strength and integrity of the material, and therefore its durability, directly depends on biostability.

  • Resistant to deformation. The insulation must withstand loads, since it can be located on the surface of the floor, loaded structural elements, between partitions. All this dictates the requirements for its resistance to loads and deformations. Durability largely depends on the density and thickness of the material.
  • Durability. The service life largely depends on the thermal efficiency, moisture resistance, vapor permeability and biostability of the material. Quality products (for example, polyurethane foam, basalt wool) are given a fairly long guarantee, up to 50 years. Another factor of durability is compliance with installation technology and operating conditions.

  • Easy to lay and install. Most insulation materials have a convenient release form - in mats, rolls, sheets. Some of them are easily fixed on the insulated surface, without requiring special skills and equipment (foam sheets), while others require compliance with certain installation conditions (for example, when working with mineral wool insulation, it is necessary to protect the respiratory system and hands).

There are also types of insulation, the installation of which is possible only by specialists who have special equipment (for example, polyurethane foam is sprayed with a special unit, the employee must use a protective suit, goggles and a respirator).

Types of jobs

Thermal insulation refers to the process of reducing heat loss to calculated values ​​(individual for each region and objects). This term is similar to the concept of “thermal insulation,” which means protecting an object from the negative exchange of thermal energy with the air. In other words, The task of thermal insulation work is to maintain the specified temperature parameters of the object.

The object can be understood as residential and administrative buildings, industrial and engineering structures, medical and refrigeration equipment.

If we talk about thermal insulation of residential and industrial premises, then it can be external (another name is facade insulation) and internal.

Insulation of the external walls of residential buildings is always preferable to thermal insulation of the internal parts. This is due to the fact that external thermal insulation is more effective; internal insulation always leaves 8-15% of heat loss.

In addition, the “dew point” during internal insulation shifts inside the insulation, which is fraught with dampness, an increase in the level of humidity in the room, the appearance of mold on the walls, destruction of the wall surface, finishing. In other words, the room is still cold (since damp insulation cannot prevent heat loss), but damp.

Finally, installing insulation from the inside takes up space, reducing the usable area of ​​the room.

At the same time, there are situations when internal thermal insulation remains the only possible way to normalize the temperature. Strict adherence to installation technologies allows you to avoid the unpleasant consequences of thermal insulation. Be sure to take care of vapor and waterproofing of surfaces, as well as high-quality ventilation. Standard supply system usually it is not enough; it is necessary to install a forced air circulation system or use windows with special valves that provide air exchange.

To increase the efficiency of external insulation, they resort to organizing a ventilated facade system or a three-layer system. In the first case, between the insulation and the one mounted on a special frame facing material an air gap is maintained. The three-layer system consists of wall coverings constructed using the well method, between which insulation (expanded clay, perlite, ecowool) is poured.

As for finishing, both a “wet” (building mixtures are used) and a “dry” facade (fastening elements are used) facade can be insulated.

Often a room requires not only insulation, but also sound insulation. In this case, it is more convenient to use materials that have both heat and sound insulation properties.

When talking about insulating a house inside or outside, it is important to understand that walls are far from the only source of heat loss. In this regard, it is necessary to insulate unheated attics and basements. When using an attic, you should consider a multi-layer insulated roofing system.

When carrying out internal thermal insulation work, great attention should be paid to the joints between the floor and wall, wall and ceiling, wall and partitions. It is in these places that “cold bridges” most often form.

In other words, regardless of the type of work performed, it is important to remember that thermal insulation requires an integrated approach.

Variety of materials

All insulation materials, depending on the raw materials used, are divided into:

  • organic(have an environmentally friendly composition - waste from agricultural and woodworking industries, the presence of cement and some types of polymers is acceptable);
  • inorganic.

There are also products of mixed type.

Depending on the principle of operation, insulation materials are:

  • reflective type– reduces heat consumption by directing thermal energy back to the room (for this, the insulation is equipped with a metallized or foil element);
  • warning type– characterized by low thermal conductivity, preventing a large amount of thermal energy from escaping beyond the insulated surface.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular types of organic insulation:


Considered cellulose insulation, it consists of 80% recycled cellulose. Is environmentally friendly safe material with low thermal conductivity, good vapor permeability and sound insulation.

The flammability of the material can be reduced and its biostability increased by adding fire retardants and antiseptics to the raw materials.

The material is poured into the spaces between the walls; it can be sprayed onto flat surfaces using a dry or wet method.


A modern substitute for tow, traditionally used to reduce heat loss from inter-crown cracks in timber buildings. Available in the form of tapes or ropes, in addition to high thermal efficiency, it does not require replacement even after the walls shrink.


Insulation, 80-90% consisting of small chips. The remaining components are resins, fire retardants, water repellents. It has not only good heat but also sound insulation properties, is environmentally friendly, and durable.

Despite treatment with water repellents, it still does not have high wet strength.


Thermal insulator based on cork oak bark, produced in the form of rolls or sheets. It is used only as internal insulation. Serves as a base for wallpaper, laminate and other floor coverings. Can be used as an independent finishing coating due to the unusual but noble appearance. They are often insulated with it panel houses from the inside.

In addition to thermal efficiency, it provides sound insulation and decorative effect. The material is hygroscopic, so it can only be mounted on dry surfaces.


It is made of wood-chip concrete blocks. Thanks to the wood in the composition, it has heat and sound insulating abilities, while the presence of concrete ensures moisture resistance, damage resistance and strength of the material. It is used both as insulation and as independent building blocks. It is widely used as a material for frame-panel buildings.

The modern market of inorganic thermal insulation materials is somewhat wider:

Expanded polystyrene

There are 2 known modifications of it: foamed (otherwise known as polystyrene foam) and extruded. It is a set of united bubbles filled with air. The material undergoing extrusion is distinguished by the fact that each air cavity is isolated from the neighboring one.

Polyfoam is suitable for external and internal insulation, characterized by high thermal insulation properties. It is not vapor permeable, so it requires reliable vapor barrier. It is worth noting the low moisture resistance of polystyrene foam, which makes the installation of waterproofing mandatory.

In general, the material is affordable, lightweight, easy to cut and install (glue). To suit the needs of the buyer, plates of material are produced in various sizes and thicknesses. The latter directly affects thermal conductivity.

At first glance, polystyrene foam is a worthy insulation option. However, it should be remembered that during operation it releases toxic styrene. The most dangerous thing is that the material is subject to combustion. Moreover, the fire quickly engulfs the foam, and as temperatures rise, compounds hazardous to human health are released. This became the reason for the ban on the use of polystyrene foam for finishing residential premises in some European countries.

Polystyrene foam is not durable. Already 5-7 years after its use, destructive changes in the structure are detected - cracks and cavities appear. Naturally, even minor damage causes significant heat loss.

Finally, this material is quite loved by mice - they chew it, which is also not conducive to long-term use.

Extruded polystyrene foam is an improved version of polystyrene foam. And, although its thermal conductivity is slightly higher, the material demonstrates better indicators of moisture strength and fire resistance.

Polyurethane foam

Thermal insulating material sprayed on the surface. It has the best thermal efficiency indicators, thanks to the installation method it forms a homogeneous sealed layer on the surface, filling all cracks and seams. This becomes a guarantee of the absence of “cold bridges”.

During the spraying process, the material releases toxic components, so it is applied only in a protective suit and a respirator. As it hardens, toxins evaporate, so during operation the material demonstrates complete environmental safety.

Another advantage is non-flammability; even when exposed to high temperatures, the material does not emit hazardous compounds.

Disadvantages include low vapor permeability values, which is why the material is not even recommended for use on wooden bases.

This method of application does not allow achieving a perfectly flat surface, so the use of contact finishing (painting, plastering) is almost always excluded. Leveling (as well as removing a layer of polyurethane foam) is a rather complex and time-consuming process. The solution would be to use hanging structures.


Universal insulation based on foamed polyethylene. The air chambers from which the material is formed provide low thermal conductivity. The main difference between penofol is the presence of a foil layer on one side, which reflects up to 97% of thermal energy without heating up.

In addition to high thermal insulation values, it demonstrates sound insulation properties. Finally, it does not require the use of vapor barrier or waterproof coatings and is easy to install.

The disadvantage is the higher cost, but this is offset by the impressive heat resistance of the product. Its use allows you to reduce heating costs by a third.

Despite the strength of the material, it is not intended for wallpapering or applying plaster over it. Penofol will not withstand the load and will collapse, so the walls treated with it are covered with plasterboard. The final finishing is carried out already on it. It can act as insulation not only for walls, but also for ceilings and floors.

Penofol is an excellent substrate for most floor coverings, as well as a heated floor system.


It is a wood-based slab bonded with cement. Typically used for exterior decoration, they can act as an independent building material.

They are characterized by heat and sound insulation properties, but have considerable weight (strengthening the foundation and supporting structures is necessary), as well as low moisture resistance.

Liquid ceramic insulation

Relatively new insulating material. Outwardly, it resembles acrylic paint (it is applied in the same way, by the way), which contains vacuumized bubbles. Thanks to them, a thermal insulation effect becomes possible (according to manufacturers, a layer of 1 mm replaces brickwork one and a half bricks thick).

Ceramic insulation does not require a subsequent layer of finishing and copes well with the function of also a finishing material. It is used mainly indoors, since it does not take up useful space.

The moisture-resistant layer extends the service life of the coating and makes it possible to clean it wet. The material is fire-resistant, non-flammable, and moreover, it prevents the spread of flame.

Mineral wool insulation

This type The insulation is distinguished by its fibrous structure - the material consists of fibers arranged in a chaotic manner. Air bubbles accumulate between the latter, the presence of which provides a heat-insulating effect.

Available in the form of mats, rolls, sheets. Thanks to the ability to easily restore and retain its shape, the material is easy to transport and store– it is rolled up and packed into compact boxes, and then easily takes on the desired shape and size. The sheet material is usually thinner than other options.

Tile is usually used as a façade covering. Wall panels, siding, corrugated board for external cladding and lining or plasterboard (as cladding) for internal.

When working, you must ensure that you have a respirator. During installation, particles of material are released into the air. Once in the lungs, they irritate the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

Depending on the raw materials used, there are 3 types of mineral wool - based on slag, glass and basalt fibers.

The first type of insulation has high thermal conductivity and the ability to absorb moisture, it is flammable and short-lived, and therefore is rarely used for insulation.

Fiberglass demonstrates the best thermal insulation characteristics; the combustion temperature is 500 degrees. The material does not burn, but decreases in volume under the influence of temperatures above those specified.

The material, as described by users, is bioresistant and has an affordable price. Due to its elasticity, it is suitable for finishing buildings and structures of complex shapes and configurations. Among the disadvantages are low water resistance (high-quality waterproofing is required), the ability to release toxic compounds (because of this, it is used mainly for external insulation or requires reliable protection).

Thin and long fibers of glass wool dig under the skin, causing irritation. Finally, having an amorphous component (glass), glass wool shrinks, gradually thinning during use, which causes a decrease in thermal insulation properties.

Basalt wool is obtained by melting rocks (basalt, dolomite). Fibers are drawn from semi-liquid raw materials, which are then pressed and briefly heated. The result is a durable, vapor-permeable insulation with low thermal conductivity.

Stone wool is treated with special impregnations, making it resistant to moisture. This is an environmentally friendly, non-flammable material with a wide range of applications.

Warm plaster

A plaster and finishing mixture containing particles of heat-insulating materials such as perlite and vermiculite.

It has good adhesion, fills cracks and joints, and takes the desired shape. Performs 2 functions at once - thermal insulation and decorative. Depending on the place of use, it can be on a cement (for exterior decoration) or gypsum (for interior decoration) base.

Foam glass

The material is based on recycled glass, which is fired in high-temperature furnaces to a sintering state. The result is insulation characterized by moisture resistance, high fire safety and biostability.

Possessing record strength indicators among other insulation materials, the material is easy to cut, install, and plaster. Release form: blocks.


It is a bulk insulation on a natural basis (processed rocks - mica). They are distinguished by fire resistance (melting point - at least 1000 degrees), vapor permeability and moisture resistance, do not deform and do not settle during operation. Even when wet up to 15% is able to retain its thermal insulation properties.

It is poured into spaces between walls or onto flat surfaces (for example, an attic) for thermal insulation. Considering the high cost of vermiculite, such a method of insulation will not be cheap, so it can often be found as part of warm plasters. This way it is possible to reduce the cost of raw materials for thermal insulation, but without losing the brilliant technical properties of the material.

Expanded clay

Bulk insulation, known since ancient times. It is based on special clay, which is sintered during high-temperature firing. The result is extremely light “pebbles” (as well as crushed stone and sand) with high thermal insulation qualities. The material does not deform, is bioresistant, but is extremely hygroscopic.

Expanded polystyrene granules

The same air capsules that form the basis of polystyrene foam boards. True, here they are not fastened together and are supplied in bags. They have the same characteristics as polystyrene foam boards - low thermal conductivity, light weight, high fire hazard, lack of vapor permeability.

To insulate, the material should not be poured into voids, but sprayed using a compressor. This is the only way to increase the density of the material, and therefore increase its insulating ability.


Outwardly it looks like small flakes (the material has a finer fraction compared to polystyrene foam granules, it is softer). The basis is natural resins. The main advantages are low thermal conductivity, moisture resistance and vapor permeability, fire resistance. Usually used for walls and ceilings, which are sprayed using special equipment.


Today there are a large number of thermal insulation materials on the market. Choosing the best products is not easy, especially if you are not at all familiar with the brands offered.

However, there are manufacturers whose products are a priori of high quality. Among these is the Danish stone wool manufacturer Rockwool. The product line is quite wide - many materials of different release forms, dimensions and densities. The most popular is 10 cm cotton wool for exterior finishing.

Among the most famous lines:

  • "Light Batts"– material for insulation of private wooden houses;
  • "Light Batts Scandik"– material for insulation of private houses made of stone, concrete, brick;
  • "Acustik Batts"– a material with improved sound insulation properties, used for insulation of administrative buildings, shopping and entertainment establishments, and industrial facilities.

The rating of manufacturers of mineral wool materials is also invariably topped by the French company Isover. In the product line you can find a fairly rigid material that is laid on flat horizontal surfaces and does not require fasteners, as well as two-layer façade analogues. Universal insulation materials, options for pitched roofs, as well as mats with improved sound insulation characteristics are in demand.

Most of the products are supplied in 7 and 14 meter rolls, the thickness of which is 5-10 cm.

High-quality heat- and, at the same time, sound-proofing materials are produced under the brand name Ursa. The following types of insulation can be found on sale:

  • "Ursa Geo" a series of mats and rolls of varying hardness for thermal insulation of all areas of the house, including basements and attics;
  • "Ursa Tetra"– slabs characterized by high strength and the presence of additional hydrophobic impregnation;
  • "Ursa Pure One"– soft fiberglass, the binding component of which is acrylic. Due to the environmental friendliness of the material, it is suitable for use in hospitals and children's institutions;
  • "Ursa XPS" is a polystyrene foam board of increased rigidity.

The well-known German quality is demonstrated by German-made Knauf products. The entire variety of manufactured products can be attributed to one of the series - “Knauf Insulation” (materials for professional insulation of multi-storey residential buildings, hospitals, administrative institutions) or “Knauf Heat” (materials for insulation of private houses).

Brand insulation products are considered an excellent solution for organizing a ventilated façade. Izovol. The plates have sufficient rigidity to withstand loads, have a moisture-resistant impregnation, and are additionally reinforced with fiberglass. The most popular product lines are:

  • general technical thermal insulation (universal insulation for the attic and roof, walls, floor);
  • technological cylinders and mats with a moisture-resistant foil layer for pipeline insulation;
  • slab insulation for the manufacture of sandwich panels;
  • heat-insulating mats with improved sound insulation properties.

The leading domestic manufacturer of insulation materials is the TechnoNIKOL company. The main direction of production is the production of basalt wool and polystyrene foam insulation. The material does not deform, can withstand heavy loads, and has increased sound insulation properties.

Depending on the type of product, the density and thermal conductivity of the material changes. The following types of TechnoNIKOL products are distinguished:

  • "Rocklight"– slabs that have increased strength characteristics and are intended for insulation of a private house;
  • "Technoblock"– a material suitable for the installation of facades acts simultaneously as a structural element and insulation;
  • "Heatroll"– elongated rectangular mats with a reduced content of phenol in the composition;
  • "Technoacoustic"– a heat insulator with improved sound insulation performance (reduces noise by up to 60 dB), used for sound insulation of offices and entertainment venues.

A worthy place in the ranking of manufacturers of insulation materials is occupied by the Belarusian company Beltep. The products are only slightly inferior in quality to their European counterparts, but have a more affordable price. Among the advantages are special hydrophobic impregnation and increased sound insulation qualities.

If you are looking for high-quality and relatively environmentally friendly polystyrene foam, then you should pay attention to the brand’s products "Europlex". The manufacturer's product line includes both foamed and extruded polystyrene foam. The density of the material ranges from 30 to 45 kg/m³ depending on the type of product.

There are several size options for the buyer to choose from. Thus, the length of the products can be 240, 180 and 120 cm, width - 50 or 60 cm, thickness - 3-5 cm.

Great strength Extruded polystyrene foam also has higher wet strength properties. "Penoplex". The experiments carried out demonstrate the frost resistance of the material. Even after 1000 freezing/defrosting cycles, the thermal efficiency of the material decreases by no more than 5%.

As you know, foam styrene is the cheapest insulation, and since both companies are domestic, we can talk about significant savings.

How to choose?

When choosing a thermal insulation material, it is important to focus on the material from which the walls or other surfaces to be insulated are made.

  • For wooden walls related cellulose insulation, fiberglass or rock wool will do. True, it is necessary to carefully consider the waterproofing system. Jute will help close the crown gaps. For frame-panel buildings, you can use fiber cement slabs or wood concrete blocks, which will act as structural elements of the walls. Between them you can fill up loose insulation materials (expanded clay, ecowool).
  • Foam insulation and mineral wool insulation are well suited for external insulation. When facing such buildings with brick, it is permissible to pour expanded clay, perlite, and ecowool into the space formed between the facade and the main wall. Polyurethane foam has proven itself well.

Preservation of heat and indoor microclimate is one of the priorities in the construction and renovation of residential premises. A set of insulation measures, in particular insulation, helps to achieve this. For effective work, you need to choose the right insulation. To decide which insulation is better, we need to decide on the criteria by which we will navigate the market.

Criterias of choice

Firstly, this is the price. Some people need a budget option, while others can afford luxury insulation. Secondly, the features of the insulated room. The amount of material is influenced by the base of the walls, the number of windows, the degree of ventilation, etc.

Thirdly, most insulation materials perform additional functions. Along with heat retention, they also prevent the penetration of extraneous sounds or have a vapor barrier layer, which allows you to save on materials without losing quality.

Today, the most popular thermal insulation materials on the market are mineral (or basalt) wool, liquid insulation, extruded polystyrene, polystyrene foam and foil-based material. Today we will look at their qualities.

Mineral wool

Thermal conductivity and vapor permeability indicators make stone wool one of the most effective thermal insulation materials. At the same time, it is subject to strong influence of water. Long service is guaranteed only by reliable hydro- and vapor barrier.

Stone wool is a non-flammable thermal insulation made from basalt fibers, which are held together by binders during baking in a special oven. The material can withstand temperatures above 1000°C, which allows it to be used in hazardous facilities.

Mineral wool is produced in different forms and textures that are convenient to use in construction. Slabs are suitable for cladding walls and roofs, mats are placed on the floor, and cylinders are used for technical insulation. Textures imitate natural ones Decoration Materials: sand, stone, shells, etc.


The average service life is 30 years, but some manufacturers have managed to improve its components, extending the life of the cotton wool by one, or even a decade and a half. The main advantages of basalt insulation:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • increased sound insulation characteristics;
  • withstands temperature range from -260 to +900°C;
  • chemical neutrality towards alkali, acids;
  • comfortable price for the consumer.


The main disadvantages of a heat insulator are the fear of moisture and increased cost. Under the influence of water, the material shrinks and loses functionality.

Take care of high-quality waterproofing to protect it from liquids!

The design features of buildings sometimes require the use of heavy mineral wool. However, in such cases it is better to use extruded polystyrene.

The material consumption will be approximately the same, but extrusion is cheaper, resulting in savings on the construction budget.

Polystyrene foam has earned the title of “people's insulation.” Affordable price, high performance characteristics and resistance to loads have made its use almost universal in housing and public construction.

High heat transfer is achieved due to the structure of the material: gas is contained between the layers of polystyrene foam. Thanks to this, the density of the feedstock increases significantly.


Polystyrene foam is used to insulate the interior walls of attics and other rooms sensitive to temperature changes. However, some owners want to insulate the internal walls of houses that face outside. However, it should not be considered inappropriate to purchase more expensive insulation for one or two walls - this is fraught with serious consequences. As a result of such insulation, the wall is deprived of natural heating from the central heating.

The dew point moves into the interlayer space. Over time, moisture will not only change the properties of the wall, but also lead to its destruction. The house will gradually become uninhabitable. In some cases, for example, when insulating foundations, it is not allowed to use foam plastic without additional protection - brickwork or wooden formwork. This is due to seasonal changes in loads created by the soil.


The main advantages of polystyrene foam:

  • does not absorb moisture;
  • resistance to the formation of fungus and mold;
  • light weight;
  • maintaining its properties regardless of the weather: in hot weather it creates coolness, and in winter it gives additional warmth.

This insulation cannot be chosen if the room to be insulated will have large mechanical loads or will be finished with nitro paints. In addition, it practically does not allow air to pass through.

Its counterpart differs from the polystyrene foam described above in its manufacturing method. The foaming consistency here is much higher. In addition, the material is subjected to additional processing through a die. Thanks to this, the result is a waterproof, durable insulation that can withstand higher loads than its direct competitors.

The operating temperature range from –500°С to +750°С allows its use in industrial, high-tech and scientific buildings. It is also used in road construction, thermal insulation of wells and roofs. Extruded polystyrene foam is indispensable in low-heating and hyper-humid rooms. When restoring such objects it is required optimal combination heat and waterproofing, which extrupenol can do.

However, it is banned in the European Union and the USA. The reason for this step was the main disadvantage of this material - high flammability. This factor has led to the death of newly renovated buildings in several EU countries. To protect their product, manufacturers began to add substances that prevent fire to the composition. This turned into even greater criticism - the smoldering began to release life-threatening toxins. Therefore, it is hardly appropriate to consider him the best.

Liquid insulation

Liquid thermal insulation appeared not so long ago, but has already conquered the market with its practicality, along with the familiar liquid nails and cold welding. Unlike other insulation materials, liquid heat insulation does not take up valuable room space.

Liquid ceramic thermal insulation is a paste-like substance, usually white, which consists of sclospheres. It is prepared depending on the temperature on a water-acrylic basis. The thermal insulation effect is achieved due to the porous structure of the product. The discharged internal space provides a decent heat transfer coefficient. And the staggered arrangement of the spheres blocks heat from escaping outward, reflecting it inward.


Apply the mixture to the walls, previously cleaned of dirt, in 5-6 layers. The insulation should be of moderate consistency - not thick, but not liquid. For the procedure, a paint brush with thin soft bristles is used. Each layer should dry for up to 12 hours.

After completion of the work, the material will take on an elastic appearance. The service life of the gastrointestinal tract is at least 25 years. It serves as the basis for further wall finishing with any material.


The main advantage of the material is its adhesion to the wall. It is so strong that no draft or moisture will damage it. Ceramics will also prevent the formation of corrosion and rust. And the environmental friendliness of the components increases combustion resistance and allows the use of liquid ceramics in poorly ventilated areas.

Equally important is the flexibility of liquid ceramics to the addition of dyes. The finished coating is bright and eye-catching. Therefore, in some cases, insulation can become a finishing touch.

Experts advise using spray guns with an outlet opening of at least 2 mm for quick application of the gastrointestinal tract. Otherwise, there is a risk of reduced productivity and even knocking down the coating from the walls by the generated air flow.

The peculiarity of this insulation is that it not only insulates heat, but also reflects it back. One of the sides of the insulator is highly polished foil. back side is a foamed polyethylene. Thanks to the properties of the components, the reflection quality reaches 60%.

A bonus of foil insulation will be their excellent water-repellent properties. In addition, the cellular structure ensures air circulation and at the same time prevents the walls from freezing during the cold period. Additionally, the insulation dampens sounds.


Most often, foil is glued behind batteries. Helps extend service life correct installation insulation. It should be level and not snag on nails or other obstacles on the wall.

Also one of important conditions– a mandatory air gap between the wall and the foil covering. This will ensure internal ventilation and condensate removal.

Additional varieties

In addition to the above-mentioned insulation with a polyethylene backing, there are the following types of heat insulator:

  • environmentally friendly combination with mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene for underfloor heating systems;
  • basalt foil heat insulator.


We looked at the advantages and disadvantages of the five most common types of insulation. It is impossible to choose the best among them; each of them is good in its own way. Therefore, we will leave the last word to the readers.

Thermal insulation materials perform one of the most important functions that are necessary to ensure a comfortable existence of a person in his home.

They allow you to protect your home from freezing, heat loss, etc. Without insulation, we would have had a very hard time. It is not surprising that now all construction organizations have turned to this topic so seriously and are trying to popularize such materials wherever possible. By the way, we recommend it.

1 General information

Insulation materials, if you look at the special GOST, are materials for fencing load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures of a house.

Their main task is to cut off cold air flows and protect external structures Houses.

That is, thermal insulation materials are used to prevent hypothermia in the house. This applies to almost all of its parts. So, most often GOST recommends insulating external walls. The walls are in contact with outside temperature constantly? and their point of contact extends across the entire area.

If the temperature outside is too low, then no brick can withstand it. The wall will gradually begin to freeze and cool. At one point, its temperature will drop so low that the structure will already radiate cold into the room.

As a result, you will have to spend fabulous sums on heating, although all this could have been avoided if you used GOST and insulated the walls as it should be.

In a similar way, roofing structures also need thermal insulation materials, and it is best to install them here. Here the use of insulation is even more necessary. Indeed, unlike walls, the roof could never boast of high density.

These are simply slopes and a finishing coating stuffed onto the boardwalk. Cold penetrates through such structures much faster. It is not surprising that GOST recommends the use of thermal insulation materials for roof insulation, which are almost twice as thick as those that need to be installed for wall finishing.

Foundations, ceilings, balconies, and other similar structures are also insulated. That is, all elements of buildings that are in contact with the street, and therefore can freeze if the temperature drops.

If everything is done correctly and all the points pointed out by GOST have been taken into account, then the house will be protected by a kind of thermal cocoon.

The thermal characteristics and properties of the rooms inside it will increase sharply. It has been proven that proper insulation of walls alone increases the average temperature in the house by 2-3 degrees.

1.1 How does insulation work?

After all of the above, it may seem to you that insulation is some kind of super-expensive material with unknown thermal insulation properties, but in fact this is not the case.

The characteristics of insulation are quite trivial. These are just special materials that are almost half air. Not all thermal insulation representatives that are presented on this page have such a structure. modern market, but there are enough of them.

First of all, such high thermal insulation characteristics are possible due to thermal conductivity. Thermal conductivity of insulation is a parameter that is responsible for the ability of the material to interact with the environment, or rather, its temperature.

High thermal conductivity, as GOST specifies, is present in almost all building materials. This means that a material with this characteristic quickly equalizes the temperature with the environment. It quickly gains heat, but also quickly releases it.

Insulation materials have extremely low thermal conductivity. The average characteristics of all known types indicate that their thermal conductivity is at the level of 0.04-0.045 W/m, like that of. This indicator indicates that the material does not respond to external temperature at all.

That is why it will be very unpleasant to sit on concrete or brick in winter, but you can sit on foam plastic without any problems.

It is these properties that allow insulation materials to have such characteristics. Due to their low heat transfer, thermal insulation materials protect structures from external temperature, forming a protective barrier against the cold.

2 Types of insulation and their properties

Now we should consider the types of insulation. There is a whole table of thermal insulation materials. You can find it by looking at the current GOST, which is focused on insulation materials. Just remember that GOST may have its own separate number, and therefore is guided by different parameters.

One GOST will standardize the dimensions of thermal insulation materials and will also help to calculate the thickness of the insulation, while another document may focus on individual brands of insulation that are used in specialized areas.

Regulatory documentation should be selected very carefully so as not to make mistakes later when making calculations.

Types of thermal insulation can be divided into several subgroups. We will not indicate here all types of thermal insulation materials, but only the most popular ones. Each material has a whole list of its properties, which we will also consider, but only briefly.

So, most often insulation materials are divided into:

  • Organic like;
  • Inorganic.

2.1 Organic insulation materials

This group includes types of thermal insulation materials whose properties classify them as organic. Here there are both wood insulation and polymer insulation or other similar compositions based on recently invented chemical formulas.

Organics have different thermal insulation properties, but can burn in fire, and this is a serious nuance.

The following types are distinguished:

  • Arbolite;
  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • From chipboards;
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Penoizolny;
  • Polyethylene foam;
  • Made from ecowool like .

Arbolite materials are created from wood shavings, straw, lightweight fillers and other similar materials.

All these components are mixed in a mold and poured cement mortar with special additives. The output is a finished thermal insulation board, which has excellent thermal insulation properties.

Expanded polystyrene needs no introduction - it is a slab insulation made from polystyrene balls. Very cheap, with surprisingly low thermal conductivity, it is extremely popular in modern construction.

Insulation is rarely made from chipboard, as they are quite expensive, but such solutions do exist. For insulation, chipboards from waste chips are used, which slightly lightens the weight of the boards and improves their properties.

Polyurethane foam is a newly invented chemical formula. This material is applied to walls in liquid form, where it hardens, forming an elastic, soft form.

Penoizol is in many ways similar to polyurethane foam. Especially when it comes to application. It is first kneaded in the same way and then applied with sprinklers.

Only penoizol initially has foaming agents in its structure. And its properties bring this material closer to modern polyurethane foam.

Foamed polyethylene has unique properties. With extremely low weight and excellent thermal conductivity, the density of the insulation is too low to be used as capital materials.

But foamed polyethylene serves as reflective thermal insulation, in conjunction with foil, and is also an excellent vapor barrier.

Ecowool is produced from waste from paper and pulp production, as well as. The properties of ecowool cannot be called outstanding, but it is very cheap, completely safe for humans and weighs almost nothing. The dimensions of ecowool insulation materials allow them to be used almost everywhere.

2.2 Inorganic insulation materials

GOST classifies as inorganic materials all insulation materials that were created from glass, stone, rocks, etc. Inorganic materials are more expensive because their production requires more resources.

However, its characteristics are very high. Plus, inorganic materials practically do not burn in fire. It is also important to take into account that it does not matter what size of inorganic insulation boards will be used, it will in any case be vapor permeable, which is also extremely convenient.

The following samples are distinguished:

  • Mineral wool;
  • Glass wool.

Mineral wool is so popular in modern times that almost every second house is insulated with its help. This is possible due to a unique combination of favorable characteristics.

Low thermal conductivity, convenient sizes the final material, hydrophobicity, lightness, non-flammability - these are just some of the beneficial properties of mineral wool.

The only drawback of thermal insulation materials made from stone wool is their cost. To create insulation from basalt, and even high-quality one, you need to go through the complete process of melting and separating stone fibers, and this is not cheap at all.

Glass wool is in many ways similar to the previous sample, only it is produced from glass waste. It is also easy to manipulate; glass wool has good properties, and is not much inferior to other insulation materials, if you look solely at the characteristics table.

Moreover, the fiber sizes of glass wool are usually larger than the fiber sizes of the same mineral wool, which means that glass wool will better withstand tensile loads.

She just has one extremely unpleasant drawback. Glass wool, being a derivative of glass, can only be mounted in protective equipment.

During installation, fibers tend to break, which at the microscopic level leads to the formation of small glass particles. These particles can enter the skin, mucous membranes and even the lungs of a person, causing irritation and even illness.

2.3 Selecting stone wool insulation (video)