How and from what to make roller blinds with your own hands: step-by-step instructions for making roller blinds. Correct measurements are the key to success. How to install roller blinds on plastic windows without drilling the frame profile

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Types of roller blinds


We offer big choice fabrics of any color and texture, so you can easily choose a model for any room. If none of the proposed options suits you, you can order roller blinds with photo printing. In this case, the image is applied to the fabric from any source - a child’s drawing or a photo from a personal archive.

Blackout fabrics are often used to decorate windows, which completely block light. All materials are treated with a special compound, which makes them waterproof and dust-repellent, so they can be installed in the kitchen - they are not afraid of such operating conditions.


Roller blinds are installed as on window frame, and on the opening. They can also be installed in the toilet as a door for the plumbing box.

Such products are secured in one of the following ways:

  • on self-tapping screws - the system holds very firmly, but if you remove the product, holes will remain on the window;
  • without drilling - using very reliable construction double-sided tape, this option is suitable for both permanent installation and temporary installation.

Any mounting method is reliable and allows you to mount sun protection systems of any size.

IN modern house Interior textiles, or more precisely, tulle and curtains, are being used less and less for window decoration. Their time passes along with the popularity of Baroque and Rococo, as well as others decorative styles. Fashion has focused attention on more practical areas, so the focus is on roller blinds for windows that meet all modern requirements. At the same time, on the market you can see a fairly wide variety of models and colors for window decoration.

What are roller blinds?

This is a type of blinds lifting mechanism which works like this: the covering glass sheet is wound onto a shaft, which is located in the upper part of the window. The canvas can be anything. There are several mechanisms for raising roller blinds, as well as mounting options.

To set the interior style direction you need to use roller blinds in several places at home, for example, to decorate a glass door or Wall panels the same material as the windows.

The advantages of roller blinds that distinguish them from other window designs.

  • Practicality and durability.
  • They have varying degrees of light transmission.
  • Presence limitless space for choosing patterns, textures, materials.
  • Compatible with any interior.

First you need to determine the style of the room in which the curtain will be attached. Then look for your own option, choosing the color, texture, level of light transmission and other parameters that the roller blinds will have. It should be taken into account that the products will attract close attention and will play a dominant role among the finishing elements in the interior of the house. Therefore, they should pay close attention.

Parameters influencing the choice when purchasing roller blinds plastic windows:

Beautiful examples of curtains for the home

The decorator has practically no restrictions in choosing the material for roller blinds on the windows; look at the photo below. The main thing you should pay attention to is the implementation of unhindered winding onto the shaft. Standard curtain options for plastic windows are made from the following materials:

  • Fabrics, tulle, thin PVC slats, aluminum.

More exotic materials used for making roller blinds are:

  • Wicker wicker, wooden slats, artificial or genuine leather.

Most cheap material The material from which such curtains are made is cotton-jute. If you decide to install it, make sure that it is impregnated with a dust-repellent agent - this will simplify maintenance.

Mounting methods

Roller blinds can be installed in several ways.

  • On the upper slope inside the window space,
  • Above window frame inside the window space,
  • On the wall,
  • Rama,
  • The ceiling.

The installation method depends on the interior design and operating conditions. For example, if you have two modes of window operation - ventilation and swinging open, then your only option will be to install roller blinds on the frame.

What types of roller blinds are there?

They are divided into free-hanging and cassette. Free-hanging curtains move without guides, their mechanism is open. Cassette cameras have a masking box located on top, and are also equipped (not all models) with side decorative panels, which cover the "runners".

Lifting mechanism.

Lifting mechanisms are also different. The most common option is a chain one, thanks to which lifting is carried out by pulling a rope. The rotary one is considered more difficult. An exotic way to attach roller blinds is a combo. This is a system in which several canvases can be used. For example, you can create a day-night model using a transparent fabric during the day and an opaque one in the evening. The shafts in this design are located not only at the top of the window, but also at the bottom. Almost all models of roller blinds can be equipped with an electric drive, with which the lifting system is controlled remotely.


If you have certain construction skills and have already decided on the method of installing roller blinds on plastic windows, then you can certainly cope with this task yourself. Any kit is supplied with assembly instructions, so it will not be difficult, but the difficulty can be caused by drilling holes for fasteners, as well as wiring electricity to the lifting mechanism.

Despite the ease of installation, it is not always advisable to attach roller blinds to double-glazed windows yourself. Since errors in calculations can damage the package or the reinforcing filling of the frame. Ultimately, everything can end in expensive repairs.

Roller blinds - prices

The role of curtains on plastic windows, as well as on aluminum and wooden ones, is a worthy answer to ordinary curtains and blinds. They are convenient, practical to use and at the same time solve wide range design tasks.

Roller blinds are a popular interior solution in the field of window decoration. This type of window curtains is used everywhere today and is technically a textile fabric that is wound on a roller shaft fixed above the transparent part window opening.

Assembly and installation of modern roller blinds on plastic windows is not the same difficult task, especially if you don't need to drill into the wall. Thus, thanks to successful assembly and installation, curtaining the window occurs in the most comfortable way, and the curtains themselves, when rolled up, are located in a compact box and take up virtually no space. The process of opening and closing roller blinds occurs in an extremely simple manner.

Instructions for installing roller blinds at home

There are several types of mechanisms implemented in the designs of roller blinds; in addition, there are Various types fastenings.

In this article we will talk about how to assemble and hang roller blinds yourself without drilling and using a drill. This procedure, although it requires some skill, does not require special technical skills, and almost anyone can install roller blinds if desired.

Installation with clamp mount (no drilling)

Roller blinds with such fastening are most often in demand; they can always be found in stores, because anyone can handle such a simple installation:

1. Make sure that the dimensions of the structure match the dimensions of the window. Otherwise, unwind the roll completely, take a hacksaw and saw off the base. Carefully cut off the excess part of the roll with scissors. (see photo).

2. Take the screws from the kit and assemble both fasteners.

3. Connect the mount to the main structure - the roller blind:

4. All that remains is to attach the assembled structure to the window using fastening clips, see photo:

That's all, I must say that this type fastening does not require drilling, is easy to remove and is quite strong. The windows close tightly, so you won’t feel any discomfort.

Let's start installing roller blinds using drilling

Before you hang your roller blinds, you should make sure that you have chosen the correct size that fits the dimensions of your window. To do this, it is enough to remove the canvas from the box and attach it to the window for the purpose of experimental testing.

Once you are sure that you have made no mistake with the size of the curtain, feel free to open the package. Take out the roller blind itself, as well as all fasteners and other components present in the package.

To hang your roller blinds correctly, you will need all the components included in the box. To install these products you will need a certain arsenal of tools:

  • powerful screwdriver or electric drill;
  • metal drill with a diameter of 3 mm for working with an aluminum curtain frame;
  • Phillips screwdriver for screws (self-tapping screws);
  • construction “level” to determine the horizontal;
  • marker for preliminary marking.

Installation procedure

Position the curtain rod symmetrically so that it ensures complete closure of the window opening when the curtain is lowered. Position it strictly horizontally, using a “level” to achieve the required accuracy. However, you can get by with geometric measurements and mark the horizontal with a marker by identifying two points equidistant from the window opening.

The next important step is to mark the mounting holes. They are present in the amount of two pieces symmetrically on each side of the roller blind box. To hang roller blinds, you need to use a 3-mm metal drill to make mounting holes in the aluminum frame that will be used during installation.

Then the box is securely attached to the window sash using the self-tapping screws that come with the roller blind. The screws are screwed in through the holes in the side inserts of the box. The position of the latch must be marked on the side flap. Then you need to drill holes and attach the limiter itself with screws.

All that remains is to attach the guides. Measure according to length and cut off the excess. We glue it parallel to the glazing bead (see video).
We check and adjust the curtain.
After successfully completing these manipulations, you need to check the roller blind in action. If the mechanism is functioning normally, proceed to the final stage of assembly. It is necessary to install decorative covers of the lifting mechanism, and also use the control chain lock to adjust the limit positions of the roller blind fabric.

How to hang roller blinds video

An alternative or addition to the usual window decoration can be beautiful and practical roller blinds for plastic windows. These are those that are fixed directly on the window sash and protect the room from sunlight or create twilight in the room. At the same time, roller blinds are quite decorative and can act as a complete replacement for ordinary curtains.


Types of roller blinds

By type, all roller blinds can be divided into open and closed. The open ones are rolled into a roll above the glass, and for the closed ones this roll is hidden in a cassette box. The roller blind canvas can hang freely or move along the guides; there are also options in which the curtain is fixed with magnets when lowered.

Cassette model

Open model


  • textile;
  • natural straw or its imitation;
  • synthetic material, polyester.

The roller blind fabric is treated with special compounds that protect it from fading, as well as from dust and dirt. There are roller blinds, that is, completely blocking light and creating absolute darkness. It is possible to apply any design to roller blinds using photo printing, which means your curtains will be unique.


3 mounting methods

Roller blinds without guides are easy to install yourself, especially if they are mounted without drilling.

Control methods:

  • corded or chain (driven by a cord or chain);
  • spring (to close such a curtain, you need to pull the bottom edge);
  • automatic (roller blinds have a motor; they can be controlled by a remote control or a wall switch; there are also programmable timers or sensors that respond to sunlight).

The control mechanism can be located either on the left or on the right.

Advantages of roller blinds

Roller blinds are a quick and convenient way to decorate a plastic window and protect the room from excessively bright sunlight. Due to the different densities of the fabric from which such curtains can be made, you can choose curtains for rooms with varying degrees of illumination. If you need complete protection, you can choose black-out roller blinds. If you don’t need to hide from the light, then there are many options for translucent fabrics.

Roller blinds will protect the room from the sun's rays, hide you and everything in the house from prying eyes (this function is especially important for the first floors), and also provide access to the window sill, which can be used in this case as an additional place for storing decorative or any other things. The roller blinds themselves can be neutral or decorative. They can easily replace conventional curtains - this is a solution for people suffering from allergies to house dust. Windows with roller blinds can be freely opened for ventilation. This is a very practical and at the same time inexpensive solution for window decoration.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 14 minutes

Traditional curtains and blinds had to make room, giving way to a new type of window design - roller blinds, which are also called fabric roller blinds. They fit successfully into different interiors, concise, attractive and functional. To choose roller blinds for plastic windows for each room in the apartment, you need to take a closer look at their types, types of fastening and the properties of the materials from which they are made.

Roller products originated from the famous Roman blinds, but made from modern materials, with an improved mechanism, they have become a new phenomenon in design window openings. Built-in devices raise and lower the roller blinds to any position, allowing you to adjust the light intensity.

Roller blinds, placed strictly according to the dimensions of a window opening or a separate double-glazed window, as in the photo, evoke associations with colored inserts.

Mounting methods

The size of the curtain is directly related to the parameters of the window opening and the configuration of the double-glazed window, so before going to the store you need to measure the window. The length is universal, usually does not exceed 1.8 m and is suitable for any configuration of PVC windows.

Curtains can be attached to the entire window at once - above the window opening or inside it. This is done when the sash does not open or is rarely used. But more often they are connected to each window sash autonomously, and this is one of the main features of such curtains. Let's look at several options for installing fabric roller blinds.

"Open" mount

Everything is simple here:

  • a shaft with fabric wound around it;
  • mechanism that drives the shaft;
  • bottom bar that performs the leveling function.

The size of the curtain, the diameter of the shaft, the shape and thickness of the strip may vary, but the principle of operation is the same. In this case, the fabric is adjacent to window glass loose, but the weighting at the bottom of the curtain does not allow the material to sag.

Note! If the roller blind is attached over the window opening to avoid side gaps, it should be at least 10 cm wider than it.

The cost of such curtains in comparison with other varieties is relatively low.

Mini system

This is an improved and cheaper version of traditional roller blinds. Due to the compactness of the control unit and fixing components, such roller blinds are suitable for small windows. Controlled using a chain. Installation and dismantling takes literally a few minutes.

Cassette roller blinds

Cassette curtains are equipped with a decorative box, masking the shaft. The kit contains side rails that act as guides for the canvas. They help the curtain fit tightly to the window and prevent light from entering from the side cracks.

The main advantage: the window opens unhindered. An additional plus is the free surface of the window sill.

Some cassette roller blinds have a spring device that regulates the length of the panel. They are usually installed on roof windows to keep the canvas taut. The mechanism can be controlled either manually or using a remote control. This is especially convenient when the windows are located high.

Such a system is in many ways superior to an open one; it is more beautiful, more practical, but costs more.

Helpful advice. When buying cassette curtains, they look not only at the color of the curtains, but also at the color of the box. It’s good when it matches the tone of the window frame.

Lovolight system

Louvolite roller blinds are designed for large windows. They are fixed under the ceiling and unfolded to the floor. Reliable components allow you to decorate with such curtains panoramic windows up to 7 m wide and 6 m high. Lovolight roller blinds are sold with both an open shaft and one hidden in a box. Possible option remote control. They are most often installed in offices and store windows.

"Day Night"

Among the latest successful developments in the field of sun protection systems is a double roller blind, which harmoniously combines the advantages of roller blinds and blinds. It consists of 2 parallel canvases, in which transparent and opaque stripes of equal width alternate in succession.

Lightproof elements consist of dense natural and synthetic materials. Light-transmitting areas are made of tulle, organza, fine mesh or veil. The strips connect each other thermally, treated with Teflon impregnation, which provides dust-repellent and antistatic qualities. Such curtains can have both open and cassette roller systems.

When the control chain moves, the transparent and opaque strips change their position relative to each other:

  • when transparent areas coincide, the room is illuminated as much as possible;
  • if the coincidence is not complete, a pleasant twilight appears;
  • when covered with dense strips of transparent, the window ceases to be a source of street light.

How to hang: video

Hanging roller blinds is easy if you familiarize yourself with the simple technology. Before installation, the kit is pre-assembled and fasteners are prepared. The device is mounted with self-tapping screws or PVC brackets. Places for drilling are chosen carefully so as not to touch the important structures of the glass unit with the drill.

Or you can do without a drill: there are roller blinds that are secured with double-sided tape or special brackets. For the latter, you need to choose a model with corner hooks that are hung from above on the opening sash. The swing-out part is equipped with a magnetic system that ensures guaranteed fixation of the device.

But installation using self-tapping screws is, of course, more reliable. Usually, the purchase comes with instructions that will help you assemble and install a new roller blind without calling a technician. The following video will clearly introduce you to the process.

Materials for roller blinds

Roller blinds can be:

  • bamboo;
  • jute;
  • made of wood;
  • fabric.

Manufacturers use fabrics that are lightweight, stable in shape and resistant to sunlight. Most often used:

  • polyester;
  • nylon;
  • cotton;
  • fiberglass.

The main emphasis is on functionality, so these curtains are different:

  • antistatic;
  • durability;
  • dust-repellent properties;
  • ability to retain heat and prevent the penetration of cold air.

It is in roll structures that the most modern fabrics are used. According to light transmission they are divided into 4 classes:

  • blackout - curtains made of this material do not allow light to pass through (light reflection - 95%), cold and noise. Perfect for creating an atmosphere of calm, comfort, and safety;

  • dimout – decorative fabric with an original structure of complex satin weave, it has the ability to transmit diffused light, providing complete darkness at night;
  • “day-night” - the fabric consists of strips with different light transmittance;
  • transparent - their function is limited to window decoration. They are used together with regular curtains.

The colors and textures of materials can be very varied and depend only on the preferences of the owner of the room.


Although roller blinds are impregnated with a solution that maintains its original shape and protects from dirt, they also require care. It can’t be called complicated, but there are certain rules:

  • Regular washing is contraindicated, especially if the fabric is 100% natural. To avoid damaging the special impregnation, use soft sponges and neutral detergents.

  • A washing machine is categorically not acceptable.
  • Wet cleaning or washing should be the last resort when dry treatment does not help. Often, a regular eraser can remove stains.
  • Products must not be folded or bent.
  • Curtains are not hung to dry; this is the cause of creases.
  • Solvents, bleaches and other aggressive agents are prohibited.

When preparing food or doing any other work where there is a risk of contamination, it is preferable to roll up the curtain.

Roller blinds in the apartment

Designers use roller blinds to decorate a wide variety of rooms. Combining simplicity and sophistication, they are appropriate everywhere.

Living room

Such curtains are popular with people who prefer simplicity in their design. However, they find application in any style:

  • a high-tech room looks organic with roller blinds the color of wet asphalt, as well as white and black;

  • minimalism will require only a hint of color;

  • Japanese style in the living room assumes natural tones of green and brown; bamboo roller blinds are organic here;

  • modern and pop art require bright roller blinds;

  • in the interior in classic or english style Roller blinds alone are not enough; they are supplemented with tulle or traditional thick curtains.

When the window is oriented to the north, curtains in warm pastel colors would be a suitable option. Northern windows are well decorated with golden, fawn, yellow colors. For a brightly lit room, curtains in cool shades are suitable.

A few more tips:

  • The size of the room influences the choice of curtain color. Roller blinds, the color of which matches the color of the walls, will help to visually expand the living room space.

  • Bright drawings can revive a dull interior. Products with photo printing are in demand.

  • A memorable design effect is achieved by matching patterns on curtains and sofa cushions.

According to light transmission criteria, day-night curtains are considered optimal in the living room, regulating daylight rooms.


In a place where everything is set up for productive relaxation, thick reflective curtains that can completely or partially shade the room will be suitable. Light-proof blackout curtains are indispensable in the bedrooms of people who, due to working at night, have to shift sleep to daytime.

Flashy colors are not desirable in the bedroom. Here it is better to choose a calm palette: pearl, sand, peach, golden tones.

When choosing a tone, you should pay attention to the shades of grass and summer foliage. Green is the color of peace; curtains of this color in the bedroom will be the right solution.

Children's room

The disadvantage of traditional fabric curtains in the nursery is the long ends, which, with restless inhabitants, sometimes even lead to the breakage of the cornice and other unpleasant consequences. They also collect dust.

Roller curtains do not have such disadvantages. Dirt-repellent impregnation reliably guards cleanliness. In addition, antistatic and even antibacterial impregnations are used for roller blinds. They also make it easy to adjust the light mode.

Another nuance: from an early age small man gets acquainted with the advantages of technological solutions, and by independently controlling the degree of opening of the blinds, he becomes familiar with the basics of choosing the right options.

For the nursery they choose a bright, positive palette that lifts the mood. It is recommended to avoid color dissonance: excessive diversity is tiring. It is better to choose a curtain color that matches the shade of the wallpaper.

You shouldn’t settle for blue or red: the first can cause a depressive mood, the second – aggression. Green, yellow, pink, blue tones, geometric or floral patterns are desirable. Children like curtains with cartoon characters, pets, and their own photographs. Now it is possible to order a roll of canvas with a self-selected image that will please the child.

Roller blinds in the kitchen

Housewives who have already tried it on their own kitchen windows Such curtains are unanimously noted that they are much less dirty and dusty. They are convenient to use, easy to care for, and at the same time, their ability to create cozy atmosphere they are not inferior to traditional curtains.

The most suitable fabrics here are synthetic fabrics, which are easier to maintain attractiveness in kitchen conditions, although cotton, linen and even silk are appropriate. The main thing is that the material has a special impregnation that repels dust and prevents fading.

Plus, fabrics for roller blinds are processed and fire-resistant compounds, and this is a serious advantage over flammable curtains. They are compact, so on small kitchen spaces This curtain is a real treasure.

The kitchen requires light and optimistic color solutions. When choosing, you must take into account the size of the room and the style in which the furniture is made. This is not difficult to do, since the range of roller blinds is designed for all occasions.

On the loggia

Curtains on the balcony prevent too much light and excessive heat. Rolled products fit well into the design of loggias, modest in size, but full of light and fresh air.

Advantages of roller blinds for loggias and balconies:

  • compactness - do not clutter up an already small space;
  • convenience - do not interfere with the use of window sashes;
  • minimal care - just wipe regularly with a damp cloth;
  • in models where the weight strip is fixed in the guides, the roller blind fabric is held in different positions of the sash;
  • Products equipped with an electric drive, photo and thermal sensors are controlled from a distance, taking into account the illumination and air temperature.

Due to the modest size of the loggia, it is preferable to use fabric roller blinds attached directly to the window frame.

Fans of dark tones should give preference to reflective materials, otherwise, absorbing solar energy, they will raise the temperature.

It is better to equip sunny balconies with roller blinds with a dense structure that protects from elevated temperature. The loggia space on the north side is protected only from prying eyes, so here they are limited to roller blinds made of light translucent fabric.