Renovation of a small-sized kitchen of 6 sq. m. Techniques for visually increasing space. Corner kitchen layout

Kitchen 6 square meters ideas for the kitchen, interiors, photos and much more can be found on our website. Create original design in 6 sq.m. When repairing, the task is not an easy one, but nothing is impossible.

Which style should you choose?

Kitchen design 6 sq.m. in modern style

A universal choice for any space, which will highlight the advantages of a small kitchen. Focuses on smooth lines, aesthetics of geometric shapes, functionality and practicality. Involves the use of modular furniture or transformable furniture. The main criteria: laconicism, lack of clutter with details.

Kitchen design 6 sq.m. in classic style

Classic style originated in the luxurious houses of noble families, where the spaciousness of the premises played a key role. If you follow the canons of this direction, then 6 sq.m. may not be enough for the kitchen.

Kitchen design 6 sq.m. in Provence style

The situation is intertwined with the previous style. Provence loves light, space and freedom. The small kitchen has 6 sq.m. aged fittings, an abundance of textiles or patterns may look out of place. But if you balance these elements and combine them with a single pastel palette, you can get a very cozy and also touching interior. In this situation, with proper design, a small area becomes an advantage.

Which color should I choose?

White kitchen 6 sq.m.

A traditional, light kitchen, predominantly white with a few contrasting details. A room with such a palette always looks cozy and clean, but the latter will have to be constantly monitored. It is recommended to use furniture or trim with an interesting texture to add variety. appearance.

Red kitchen 6 sq.m.

If the usual color schemes seem boring to you, then what about a red kitchen? This does not mean that the entire space should be painted in a “bloody” color. For example, red kitchen furniture looks great against a white or gray background, creating a modern and bold composition.

This shade goes well with wood, emphasizing its deep texture. By giving preference to matte surfaces, you can avoid the effect of narrowing the space.

Beige kitchen 6 sq.m.

Beige color can be used with other warm shades, bringing a light and sophisticated atmosphere to the interior. Suitable for minimalism, classic, modern style, as well as Provence. Pairs well with light wood furniture. At the same time, the kitchen decoration is 6 sq.m. maybe a few shades lighter or darker - this will not affect the feeling of space in the room.

Blue kitchen 6 sq.m.

Blue color has a calming effect on people and harmonizes space. His bright hues can create a feeling of coolness in the room. In the kitchen, where something is constantly being cooked and fried, this is especially true!

Pairs best with white. IN blue color You can decorate not only kitchen furniture, but also, for example, textiles - curtains or tablecloths.

Repair errors

A successful design solution in a small kitchen would be to create the space in the same style, with correctly placed accents. Kitchen appliances, sink, and other work surfaces are located nearby, at a distance of about one and a half meters from each other. The room is not cluttered with furniture and is well lit.

  • poorly thought out installation of sockets for electrical appliances;
  • excessively large working surface;
  • hood with massive air vent;
  • lack of free space

It is not successful when the room is burdened by the wrong selection of colors in the interior, there is a mixture of styles, and there is no unity. An abundance of cabinets and shelves will significantly narrow the space.

How to visually expand the space?

In a Khrushchev house with 6 squares, it is recommended to place furniture and household appliances in the letter “G” or in the form of a linear layout. When choosing furniture, preference is given not to hinged doors, but to sliding or folding doors. Folding tables and chairs will help free up space. It is better to choose a round or oval table. Convenient - furniture that can be easily transformed, for example, a pull-out section; it can be used not only for storage, but also as a work surface.

Oddly enough, the presence of large decorative elements visually increases the space. Using mirrors when decorating an apron will optically increase the space. An excessive number of hanging shelves and cabinets reduces space. Horizontal parts should be used as little as possible. It is advisable to fill vertically. Tall, narrow cabinets will look lighter and more appropriate than low, but wide ones.

Kitchen with window sill table

Window sill-tabletop - an excellent solution for a small kitchen of 6 square meters. Masks the heating radiator, provides storage space, and serves as additional space for work. Tabletops of this type eliminate the need to purchase and place a dining table, and, therefore, significantly save space.

The table top-window sill can be combined into a single unit with the surface kitchen set. Whether it will be a bar counter, a tabletop with rounded shapes or a rectangular one depends on the interior of the kitchen.

Place for a washing machine

A kitchen equipped with a washing machine becomes more functional and allows the housewife to cook and wash at the same time. In Khrushchev, the washing machine is built into a specially designated niche, next to the sink. Some people do not install a door; some housewives, on the contrary, prefer the door to disguise the equipment. The modern market allows you to choose the color of the machine to match the kitchen set or purchase a ready-made set with a built-in washing machine, already made in a single ensemble.

Kitchen 6 square meters design photo with refrigerator

IN small room Khrushchev 6 sq. every centimeter is precious, so if possible, in planning, place the refrigerator nearby, for example, in the corridor, hallway or balcony room. There will always be a use for the free space. For example, expand the dining area, or install more necessary household appliances.

Article kitchen 6 square meters ideas for kitchen interiors photo prepared by the author – nazar2292

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Small kitchen 6 sq m: design, photos, layout features. Decorating a small kitchen is one of the most difficult tasks that owners have to face. small apartments. But if desired, even the tiniest room can become cozy and functional. Let's consider what the design of a small kitchen of 6 sq.m should be: photo examples, tips on choosing a style and layout, as well as the specifics of choosing a color scheme.

Decorating a small kitchen is not an easy task; expert advice and photo examples of interiors will help you cope with it.

Features of a 6 sq.m kitchen layout: how to fit everything you need

The best solution to the problem of lack of free space is to use furniture for built-in appliances. Such kitchen sets can be found on sale or ordered custom production, having previously taken accurate measurements. It is also important to think about how the drawers and doors will open.

Even in a small kitchen, you can conveniently arrange both a work area and a relaxation area by correctly selecting and arranging furniture and appliances

One of the secrets of a successful layout is the placement of all kitchen furniture along one wall. And the most important thing is to determine where the refrigerator and stove will be located, so it’s worth thinking about the placement of the furniture in advance.

Another popular option is a corner kitchen of 6 square meters. m. It is equipped with wall cabinets or corner shelves. It is believed that a corner kitchen for a small kitchen of 6 m is a less convenient option than the first, but this way you can place more pieces of furniture.

If you wish to decorate the kitchen in black and white colors, it is necessary to correctly maintain the balance between contrasting shades

If it is necessary to equip such a small kitchen, it is advisable to place the dining room in another room so as not to further clutter the space. Although, as practice shows, if this is not possible, everything you need can be compactly placed in such a small kitchen.

If the kitchen is small, some items or appliances can be moved to other rooms, for example, a refrigerator in the hallway, and the dining area can be partially combined with a loggia

Helpful advice! Another technique that will allow you to save, although small, but very important, useful space in a small kitchen is to combine furniture with a single tabletop.

You can also effectively use the U-shaped placement of kitchen units. In this case, all the necessary furniture is placed against three walls, which, on the one hand, reduces the amount of free space for movement, but on the other, increases the working surface. With this layout, the kitchen can accommodate the maximum amount of small items. household appliances, as well as dishes.

With proper planning small kitchen, you can not only cook comfortably, but also relax

Another interesting option placement of furniture in a small kitchen - two-row layout. In this case, the furniture is located along opposite walls, most often dividing them according to their purpose: on one side there are surfaces for cooking, and on the other there is a dining and relaxation area.

For a small kitchen in modern style good decision will choose glossy metallic furniture

Design of a small kitchen 6 sq.m.: photo examples of successful furniture arrangement

Since the main contents of the kitchen are furniture and household appliances, it is worth thinking in advance about which options are really suitable for a room of such a modest size. Standard furnishings will most likely take up too much space, since they were originally designed for a room larger than 8 square meters. m. That is why custom-made furniture for small-sized kitchens is very popular. And this gives another very important advantage– such kitchens turn out to be truly unique.

An example of a rectilinear arrangement of a set in a kitchen combined with a living room

Let's consider a few basic rules that need to be followed in the process of selecting and arranging furniture:

  • the main requirement for kitchen furniture is the absence of small parts and its functionality;
  • cabinets and surfaces should be quite narrow. It is advisable that their width does not exceed 80 cm;

Modern manufacturers ceramic tiles offer a wide selection color solutions For kitchen apron

  • if necessary, you can arrange more storage spaces by increasing the height of the headset;
  • In arranging a small kitchen, modern pull-out systems and folding countertops will come to the rescue.

If there is a niche in the kitchen, this a great opportunity install a kitchen unit or at least a refrigerator in it. It is unlikely that you will be able to place all the necessary pieces of furniture in a small niche, however, you can try to use this space to at least partially unload the kitchen.

Corner set is considered one of best solutions for small kitchens

Another great solution for renovating a 6-meter kitchen is installing a bar counter instead of a traditional kitchen table. This solution allows you to optimize the use of space, and at the same time have the surface necessary for daily meals.

Kitchen remodeling must be coordinated with the responsible services

How to create the perfect kitchen design of 6 square meters

One way or another, in the process of renovating a kitchen of 6 square meters. m, it will not be possible to avoid the conflict between your own dreams and real ones. Indeed, in the overwhelming majority of cases, interesting and unusual interiors– this is the lot of spacious kitchens.

Here are a few tips to help you avoid frustration and get the best out of your task:

  • When creating an interior, be guided by the general style, without focusing on small details interior Initially, decide on a stylistic direction, and then act within its framework. It is not necessary to painfully find exactly the same elements as you saw in the photo. It is quite acceptable to replace them with any others, but in a similar style;

The most simple solution expand the space of a small kitchen - combine it with the living room

  • The main thing is the overall impression, so you shouldn’t pay much attention to the details. Of course, a small kitchen is initially a difficult platform for creativity, however, it is quite possible to ensure that it makes a pleasant impression;
  • pay attention to the placement of accents. For example, if you decide to stick to the Provence style, then you can use beautiful picture in a light frame depicting a landscape. Naturally, in a small kitchen accents such as a huge bright sofa or photo wallpaper are unacceptable;

It is worth considering that in an apartment with open plan It is prohibited to move the kitchen to another place not designated by the documentation

In order to understand how you can give the room a general appearance, it is worth looking at photos of 6 sq.m kitchens, decorated in various styles and using a variety of techniques.

Helpful advice! E If the kitchen has access to the balcony, you can demolish the wall and thus expand the space. At the same time, in such an extension you can place a refrigerator or a dining area.

Kitchen design 6 sq.m.: how to choose the appropriate design style

As numerous photos demonstrate, kitchen renovations can be done in almost any style. But for small spaces, the following design options are popular:

Classic style. This option is perfect for a small kitchen, provided that too large and bulky elements are not used. For example, massive window frames or there simply isn’t room for chandeliers. It is best to give preference to compact pieces of furniture, with not too pretentious design.

Classic style involves not using ivory-colored furniture and accessories

Examples of classical style elements suitable for a small kitchen include stucco molding, mirrors, and paintings. As for the color scheme, it is better to give preference to light tones. In addition, it is worth taking care of a sufficient number of spotlights.

Modern. This is undoubtedly the ideal style for decorating a small kitchen. Thanks to the minimalism that is characteristic of this trend, the space remains as free as possible even if all the necessary pieces of furniture are located.

An example of zoning a kitchen in a studio apartment using shelving units

The main requirement for decorative elements used in the design of a kitchen in the Art Nouveau style is practicality. With proper arrangement of furniture, you can fit everything you need. And if you use bright accents, for example, household appliances, then the room will also be original.

Additional storage space in a small kitchen can be provided by installing a pot and pan holder above the countertop

Modernism in general has been very popular in recent years, and when it comes to the interiors of a 6 sq.m kitchen, it is the one that is most often preferred. But with such a decision, it is worth paying special attention to the location of light sources, since in such an interior it is of great importance.

High tech. It cannot be said that the high-tech style initially has anything to do with the design of small spaces. Nevertheless, this direction has gained enormous popularity and is often used for non- large kitchens. Main distinguishing feature this style - a large number of household appliances, mainly built-in.

A high-tech kitchen requires a minimum amount color accents and accessories

It is best to choose glossy coatings for such a kitchen. In addition, glass and metal are used. In this case, decorative elements are abandoned, giving preference to straight lines and simplicity. This is exactly what allows you to use this style to decorate a 6-square kitchen.

When decorating a kitchen in such an ascetic style as high-tech, monochrome contrasting colors are often used, which, in general, is not very typical for small kitchens. In addition, for such an interior it is considered quite normal to display ventilation and plumbing pipes for everyone to see, making them the subject of decoration. Another one characteristic of this style - metal windows the simplest possible design, covered with plain roller blinds.

What colors are best to use for renovating a 6 sq.m kitchen?

Considering the limited space of a 6-meter kitchen, color design will play a significant role, because the visual perception of space is very much determined by what colors were used in the interior.

Mobile furniture is very convenient in a small kitchen, as it allows you to use it where necessary

So, light colors, as well as oval and round shapes, are best for decorating a small kitchen. Lack of clear color lines in in this case will have a positive impact because it will make the space visually more spacious. If you give preference to cool shades, this will further expand the room, but warm colors will add coziness, which can also be of particular importance.

As photos of kitchen renovation options presented on the Internet demonstrate, the design will look best in pastel colors: yellow, beige, blue, white, etc.

An example of using a bar counter instead of a dining table

By the way, the design of a 6-meter kitchen in white is one of the most fashionable solutions today. Especially if you use light glass cabinets as an addition.

Helpful advice! Use dark colors in the design of a kitchen of such a small area - not too good idea. But if you really want to, you can use them as small accents, which are best placed at the bottom of the headset.

Tips for visually expanding a 6-meter kitchen: photo examples

In addition to the basic techniques that have already been discussed, there are some other recommendations that, if followed, will allow you to influence the visual perception of the space and make even the smallest kitchen cozy and functional:

  • the folding design will be an excellent alternative to a dining table, and will also allow you to use it as an additional surface for preparing food if necessary;

By placing a work surface instead of a window sill, you can increase the usable area in a small kitchen

  • to free up space in the kitchen, the refrigerator can be moved to the hallway, corridor, or loggia, although this option is only suitable if you do not cook too often;
  • The door is another element that takes up space in the kitchen. As a solution to this problem, you can install the door so that it opens outward or choose a sliding structure;
  • if you use a material that has the same texture or color to decorate the walls and floor, you can expand the space somewhat;

A large open window is a guarantee good lighting in a small kitchen

  • use the space under the window by making the window sill an extension of the tabletop or placing the work surface directly on top of it;
  • for a kitchen apron it is best to use small mosaics, which will look both stylish and compact;
  • even if the kitchen is 6 sq. meters, you need to make sure that the working surface area is large enough;
  • Built-in household appliances will help save space and avoid clutter, and for small household appliances it is worth thinking about storage locations in advance.

Glossy tiles have reflective properties, so the kitchen space appears larger

Important! The small size of the kitchen is not a reason to refuse full communications. For example, you should make sure there is a chimney above the stove, otherwise there is a risk that in such a small room it will be very smoky and hot during cooking.

And again returning to the rules for arranging furniture in such a modest area, it is worth noting that the main goal is to use the maximum amount of free space. There are a huge number of different techniques for this. But it is worth considering that the kitchen design is 6 square meters. meters does not provide for the presence of useless gaps between pieces of furniture.

You can visually expand the space of a small kitchen by using light-colored furniture

By the way, it was precisely for the design of small-sized kitchens that sets were originally created, the upper cabinets of which opened not to the sides, but upwards. This eliminates dangerous situations where you could be injured by an open door during cooking.

Combining space as a way to increase kitchen area

Combining a room and a kitchen is a fairly common phenomenon when it comes to Khrushchev kitchen design. 5 sq. meters that are usually available initially. Sometimes it is simply impossible to arrange this space in such a way as to accommodate everything you need, and then they resort to this method.

An example of visual expansion of the kitchen space due to a small arch acting as a bar counter

By combining the living room and kitchen, you can get a number of advantages:

  • at the same time, both the kitchen area and the living room area increase;
  • arises more possibilities to implement any design ideas;
  • the capacity of the combined room increases significantly, which means there is no need to give up certain pieces of furniture.

A small kitchen can be combined with a living room, thereby increasing the space of both rooms

This solution also has some disadvantages, for example, you simply won’t be able to have privacy in the kitchen or living room. This problem is especially relevant if the apartment is initially one-room. The issue of ventilation becomes even more pressing, since all the smells from cooking will be in the room.

An example of a successful location for a small kitchen in an attic space

Important! Having decided to combine the kitchen and living room space, you should understand that now you will have to constantly maintain the proper level of cleanliness in the room, because all guests and visitors will see your kitchen, and you most likely will not be able to put off washing the dishes “for later.”

What should be the lighting for a 6 square meter kitchen?

Lighting is very important element kitchen design is 6 meters and largely determines how the space will be perceived. In addition, with the help of light you can zone the space, thus separating the cooking area from the dining area. With a lot of cabinets, surfaces and drawers to fit into such a small space, it can all feel cluttered. And only proper lighting will bring order to this chaos.

When choosing a kitchen set, you should pay attention to the possibility of installing additional LED lighting under cabinets

The first rule of decorating a small kitchen is to use spotlights for emphasis and zoning. It is important that the lighting is of high quality and that there is no lack of light in the room.

6 square halogen lamps are perfect for kitchen design. In addition, glossy coatings and mirrors can be used as auxiliary elements to improve lighting. You shouldn’t cover the windows too much with heavy curtains, because daylight is also of great importance.

The use of mirrors and glass furniture visually lightens the space of a small kitchen

Helpful advice! An excellent solution, which is demonstrated by many photos of a 6 sq.m kitchen renovation, is the use of decorative lighting for individual pieces of furniture.

What techniques should not be used in the interior of a 6 sq.m kitchen: photo illustration

It often happens that apartment owners like some idea, but turning it into reality takes a while own kitchen, they understand that it doesn’t look at all as they would like. Let's look at what solutions are categorically not recommended for use in the kitchen, and what will obviously look like a loser:

  • bright flashy photo wallpaper with large patterns;
  • dark and heavy color of the walls;
  • massive and heavy pieces of furniture;

When choosing bright, saturated colors for a small kitchen, it is important to consider the personality types of those living in the house

  • floor-length curtains, as well as multi-layer curtains;
  • bright colors in the ceiling design;
  • dividing the wall surface vertically using combined wallpaper.

All these techniques are permissible only when decorating a sufficiently large room and are categorically not recommended in the design of a 6 sq. m kitchen. m. The photos perfectly demonstrate how one inappropriate technique can ruin the entire picture and change the visual perception of space for the worse.

For a small kitchen it is better not to use dark-colored finishes and furniture

Perhaps everyone will agree that it is extremely difficult to make the interior interesting if you are dealing with a room with only 6 square meters. Photos of a kitchen renovation of 6 sq.m. demonstrate that everything depends on the imagination, as well as the sense of style of the owners, since There are various options. Some demonstrate surprisingly successful and rational use of available data, while others, on the contrary, show what not to do. So, when deciding on repairs, you need to take into account not only your own wishes, but also the recommendations of specialists and also successful examples finished interiors.

It is rare to meet a person who is satisfied with the size of his kitchen. Most often, residents rack their brains about how to organize the space so that the room is both stylish and roomy to the required extent. With a skillful approach, you can create an interior that will not only save space, but will also be as functional and unique as possible.

Choosing a kitchen design of 6 sq.m.

In cases where the kitchen is extremely cramped, there is no choice but to carry out a radical redevelopment, combining the room with the living room. However, if this is not possible or the problem does not seem so serious, you will have to transform the kitchen through the use of design tricks.

A tabletop along the window instead of a window sill is an excellent replacement for a table

The decorating process always starts with the selection of a style, and choosing a truly harmonious one is a difficult task. Carefulness here is especially important, since a miniature room requires a more careful approach; it must be equipped so that not a single centimeter is wasted. For kitchens 6 sq. meters that do not please the owners with their parameters, the following interior styles may be suitable.

Classic style

Classics would be quite appropriate in such a room, but the appropriate attributes should be used correctly. You cannot overload the decor with heavy window decor, massive chandeliers, and so on; details should be laconic, without being particularly pretentious.

Small kitchen in an eclectic style with classic elements - a cozy space in pastel colors

It is worth noting that a classic is still luxury style for spacious rooms. There is no way to fully realize the idea of ​​a classic style in a six-meter room. You can only try to create the appropriate atmosphere by adding suitable touches and elements.

Such elements can be: wooden furniture, decorative stucco, paintings on the walls, for example, classic still lifes, mirrors in elaborate frames, as well as light colors as the main background.

Modern style in kitchen design 6 square meters

One of the favorites in small kitchens is the Modern style. Characteristic features of such a finish will be minimalism, the absence of unnecessary details, modern furniture, composed of modules, bright colors. Any small room will be a great platform for implementing the above principles.

In modern modernity, technological materials allow you to create maximum comfort in the smallest kitchen

The main idea modern modern practicality is important, it is important to foresee what arrangement of furniture and equipment the housewife will need in order to make all manipulations as convenient and easy as possible.

Kitchen design in the Art Nouveau style is filled with a large number of built-in appliances, carefully selected and placed lighting so that each functional area had its own special atmosphere.

The kitchen contains all the necessary equipment and even has room for a small table.

The surfaces of modular furniture are most often glossy. According to general rule design here, as in any room that is not spacious enough, light-colored coatings would be appropriate. The corresponding effect can be enhanced by expanding window openings, which will bring additional natural light.

The brighter the room, the larger it appears to any visitor. Translucent window decor will also help, instead of multi-layer curtains or heavy drapes, which are contraindicated in this case.

We can say that modernism represents a certain border between the ideas of classical style and high-tech, so those who do not want to completely abandon elegance, but also like to follow the market for new products, will choose it.

High-tech style for kitchen design 6 sq. m. with photo

It is logical that the next style to focus on is high-tech. The popularity of this area is constantly increasing, because technology does not stand still. The choice of equipment every year amazes more and more with its breadth, and not only the characteristics, but also the appearance of the goods pleases with continuous development.

Designers are looking for new ideas, creating truly cosmic kitchen devices. A high-tech kitchen should please the eye with an abundance of the latest developments in the field of household appliances, mainly built-in ones.

Just like in modernity, there must be present glossy surfaces, a lot of glass, metal, minimalist approach to decor, laconic lines.

As for colors, high-tech is often based on contrasts; the basis is usually chosen bright color, for example, rich red. Some especially loyal fans of this design leave various communications visible ( water pipes, ventilation) to use the parts as decoration.

Windows in modern interior should be in harmony with other components, that is, there should not be any romantic motives here - ruffles and flowers as a pattern will not work.

Stylish roller blinds or blinds look most appropriate, preferably plain ones. By color scheme they must match the kitchen furniture.

High-tech also allows for the absence of any materials on the windows, and if you live in the lower part of the house, special tinting films or frosted glass will help you get rid of unwanted glances.

A small room is ideal for realizing creative fantasies in a high-tech style, because there are no unnecessary elements, and laconicism and restraint are what is required when there is insufficient space.

Finally, let's consider country style as a possible alternative for room decoration. This interior will be chosen by those who value, above all, naturalness and comfort.

There is a natural atmosphere everywhere natural materials– textiles without excessively rich ornaments, wooden or wicker furniture, not conspicuous equipment, hidden as much as possible by doors or curtains.

The interior in the Provence style will look similar. Here the emphasis shifts in favor of sophistication: plenty floral patterns, light colors, elegance of furniture, forged decorative elements, dishes and curtains in the spirit of France.

From considering specific styles, let's move on to general councils in matters of color in a small kitchen. Since the selected background will become the vector for the design of the room as a whole, the defining moment in its mood - restraint or brightness, the choice of the main tone must be approached quite carefully.

As already mentioned, the solution to the problem will be a light palette, which will visually expand the boundaries. Colors should be neutral; tranquility is encouraged here.

Glossy surfaces will look especially great in such a small kitchen of six squares, acting similarly to mirrors, which will again lead to the expansion of the room.

With all this, the room should not turn out dull; calmness should not be confused with the concept of boredom; color accents, for example, dishes and textiles, will add brightness to the interior.

How to choose furniture for a kitchen of 6 square meters. m.

The most important question is to choose the right furniture so as not to make the design of a small kitchen cumbersome. Pieces of furniture, like equipment, should be placed compactly and at the same time conveniently and functionally. Designers are constantly developing new and new features that allow any small room to be equipped no worse, and sometimes even more spectacularly, than a spacious one.

The basic principles to remember are the absence of sharp corners, the smoothest possible transitions, durable furniture and easy-to-use equipment. Many already ready-made solutions exists for the competent organization of a small space. Here you won’t get by with a standard set designed for a spacious kitchen.

To prevent the space from looking overloaded, it is preferable to make custom-made furniture. When the modules are created according to individual requests, you don’t have to worry that their sizes will not fit perfectly into the free niches. Therefore, it is worth thinking about this convenient approach to selecting furniture.

Kitchen design 6 sq. m. photo

A folding table can replace a regular table, and some even make do with a stylish bar counter, which significantly saves space. How convenient this type of meal option is for you is up to you to decide.

Install a fairly wide window sill, which will serve not only as a stand for pots of plants, but also as a place to store some electrical appliances and other utensils. Moreover, under such a tabletop you can install drawers, which will also solve the problem of lack of space for placing things.

Meets the set goals and corner furniture, which will not allow free centimeters to disappear. Corner cabinets have increased capacity, corner sinks are also often chosen by owners of small kitchens.

Retractable modules are another necessary thing when decorating such a room, because they can be easily moved if desired. Some resort to such a secret as reducing the width of the bottom row of cabinets so that each module does not exceed 40 cm in size, which also helps save space.

Open shelves and cabinets will decorate the room, unloading the kitchen furniture a little. The main thing is that the products do not look massive; narrow, long pieces of furniture will look more advantageous. As for colors - like wall coverings, cabinets are preferable in light colors.

Remember the basic principle - due to the fact that the kitchen parameters are 6 square meters. m. does not allow you to expand, fill it with a large amount of furniture, one goal must be pursued - maximum functionality.

Of course, no kitchen can exist without three basic elements - appliances such as the refrigerator and stove, as well as the sink. Their placement relative to each other is always in doubt.

IN small room It’s more logical to purchase a hob instead of a stove, as well as a separate oven that is built into the module, and you choose the sizes of these parts to suit your individual needs.

The refrigerator can also be replaced with a built-in analogue, even a horizontal one, which will add additional originality.

Some people move the refrigerator to other spaces in their home, for example, to the hallway, which, with a thoughtful approach, can look harmonious. Many people prefer to install either a washing room or dishwasher.

Redevelopment can be a radical solution to the problem of lack of space. Removing partitions, for example, between the kitchen and living room, can not only visually, but actually help increase space.

Thus, you will actually get a studio apartment, which corresponds to fashion trends, and the problem of food odor spreading can be solved with the help of a powerful hood. You can combine the kitchen with a balcony, but here you will have to worry about the issue of insulating it. A less radical solution would be to abandon doors or install a special accordion-type door.

Lighting for a small kitchen (6 sq.m.)

So, the last fundamental question is the organization of lighting in a six-meter kitchen. It is important to understand the functional division of your room here, because work zone and the corner where residents will eat food require different approaches to this process.

A miniature room is always decorated with small lamps that can effectively highlight a table or a picture on the wall. A small room requires warm spot lighting, which should be uniform.

Halogen lamps, reflective surfaces, for example, glossy ones, as well as mirrors and original furniture lighting can create the desired atmosphere. Sunlight should also penetrate into the kitchen in large quantities, therefore, as already mentioned, there is no place for heavy curtains or gloomy thick fabrics.

Don't give up if you don't have a spacious cooking area at your disposal, even six meters can be a wonderful, stylish area. All creative ideas can be implemented, you just need to be more careful about their implementation.

All your manipulations - from choosing colors to organizing lighting - should be aimed at creating a functional and cozy corner that does not give the impression of a cramped closet.

If you approach the design of your small kitchen with all your heart, you can achieve a truly unique result that will make you forget about your initial doubts.

A small room always puts difficult task, since in such a situation it is necessary to place everything as compactly as possible. This is especially true for the kitchen, where you need to place many different kitchen utensils, furniture, and appliances.

Often a kitchen of 6 square meters leads to a difficult situation experienced designer. The article will further describe the subtleties and tricks for arranging such a small space.

The first step is to figure out which layout is best for your kitchen. After all, the correct placement of the set makes the kitchen beautiful and cozy, and at the same time functional, according to the rules of ergonomics.

Certain factors should be taken into account:

  • Room shape.
  • Location of communication systems that are not subject to transfer.
  • Sizes and location of windows and doors.
  • The need for a refrigerator in the kitchen.
  • Determining the location of the dining area.
  • Number of family members.
  • The need to install a washing machine.
  • Number of household appliances.

So, based on these criteria, you need to choose one of the options, namely an L-shaped, U-shaped, linear shape, or a two-row kitchen. The linear layout will become great solution for elongated rooms, quite narrow. In this case, the entire kitchen set is installed along a long wall.

The corner layout is the most versatile and can be suitable for any kitchen. Here the set is installed perpendicularly along two walls. It is very convenient when using a wall with a doorway for one of the sides. This will leave more space for the dining area, especially in a square-shaped room.

With a U-shape, three walls are occupied; most often the wall with the doorway remains free. This placement will allow you to install the maximum number of cabinets and equipment.

However, with such a layout there is unlikely to be room for a dining group. Therefore, it is ideal for a small kitchen if dinner table located in the living room.

The parallel layout involves placing the headset along two more long walls. It also allows you to make maximum use of the space for arranging furniture and appliances, while on 6 square meters there is hardly any room left for a dining table.

Advice: with a U-shaped or parallel layout, you can use a window sill instead of a full-fledged table. By installing it a little higher and wider, you will have an excellent cozy place for a food consumption area.

Choosing a kitchen set

For a kitchen of 6 square meters, it is very important to choose the right furniture so that such small sizes do not look bulky and visually reduce the space even more.

It is imperative to arrange all the elements compactly, functionally and as conveniently as possible. Design solutions can help with this thanks to the developed special features that save space.

When choosing furniture, it is important to focus on smooth lines, without sharp corners. It is better not to choose an intricate technique, but to make do with simplicity, while focusing on strength.

It is worth remembering that a ready-made kitchen set is most often designed for large or medium-sized kitchens. Therefore for so small space It’s worth purchasing a custom-made kitchen.

This will not only allow you to buy a headset exactly according to the required measurements, but will also allow you to make certain design solutions into the interior according to preferences.

Alternative to the kitchen table

The kitchen is 6 square meters and so very small. I want to fit as much kitchen equipment into it as possible so that cooking is convenient, comfortable, and most importantly functional.

Therefore, it is not always possible to fit a dining table, especially a large one, into such an area. It is very good when, instead of a small kitchen, there is a large living room in which you can place a dining area for a comfortable meal.

However, what if this is not possible? In this situation there is great alternative- bar counter. It is quite compact, so it can fit even in a small area.

It can be used not only for eating, but also as a work surface. Again, if space is limited, absolutely any place can be used, including the window sill.

Kitchen corner for 6 square meters of kitchen

In such a small kitchen it is very difficult to install a kitchen corner. It is usually bulky and takes up a lot of space. It can become relevant in a square room using L-shaped headset. Then the corner opposite will be free and it is quite possible to choose a compact corner.

In other cases, it would be better to use chairs. They will take up less space, especially when they are not in use, they can be moved under the table, freeing up space for cooking.

Moreover, chairs will be an excellent solution when installing a bar counter, which will serve as an alternative to a dining table. The main thing here is to determine the required height and match them to the interior.

Refrigerator location

Very often, to save space, a refrigerator is not placed in the kitchen at all due to its large dimensions. The location is carried out nearby in the corridor or installed in the hallway.

This is of course a good idea to increase the space for a kitchen unit, but this arrangement is not entirely convenient.

If you choose a narrow refrigerator, it can easily fit in the kitchen. There is a huge selection on the market. It can be narrow and tall, which will not at all reduce its internal volume.

Therefore, using the height of the room is very important in this situation. Regardless of the layout, it is best to place the refrigerator near the cutting surface.

Equipment placement

Of course, appliances have become an indispensable attribute of any kitchen. At the same time, it is quite difficult to place it all in a small area.

Small appliances such as an electric kettle, blender, mixer can be hidden in cabinets and taken out as needed. In a kitchen with an area of ​​6 square meters, it is better to refuse to purchase a stove and use a hob that can be built into the countertop.

Regarding the microwave oven, it is better to place it on a hanging shelf or use brackets. It’s easier to find space on the wall than to replace an already small work surface.

The situation is more difficult with a dishwasher. Often you have to abandon it altogether. However, you can also choose fairly compact dishwashers, which are best placed near the sink.

How to place a geyser and hood

One of the main problems in a small kitchen is geyser. Often it is an eyesore and does not fit into the interior at all. The solution for this is quite simple. It can be hidden in wall cabinet, which will be the same as the entire interior around.

At the same time, it is important to remember fire safety. The cabinet should contain many holes for pipes, ventilation, and corrugations. Therefore, it is best to make such a cabinet to order, taking into account the characteristics of your particular geyser.

It’s even easier to install it in a corner. There she will be barely noticeable.

A range hood is absolutely indispensable in a small kitchen. However, it also takes up a certain space. First of all, you should choose narrow hoods.

The second nuance is the possibility of replacing cartridges, since in small rooms they become dirty faster. In addition, high power is important, otherwise it simply will not be able to draw in all the odors and steam.

Secrets of saving space

It is very important to use absolutely all the space in a small room. Therefore, it is worth applying the entire surface of the walls to the very top. On upper shelves You can put rarely used things that you don’t need to climb into to get out often.

An excellent option would be a variety of retractable systems, such as multi-level drawers, a retractable cutting board, and corner modular cabinets.

They are very roomy and can store many items. kitchen utensils, due to which working surface will be released.

Advice! One of the options for saving space would be roof rails on which various small items are stored. However, when using them, you need to remember that not every style accepts a lot of objects in sight, so it is important not to overdo it with them.

What style should you use for a 6 square meter kitchen?

Choosing a style is one of the main tasks when decorating a kitchen, especially such a small one. Classic style is always in fashion, but it is not entirely appropriate for a small room.

If you adhere to it completely, then the room can be overloaded, which is why it will look rough, and the area will only visually decrease.

Moreover, if you use some elements, for example, wooden furniture, paintings, ornate shapes of mirrors, then this idea will look pretty good.

Minimalism is ideal for a small room. Already from the name you can understand that in such an interior everything will be simple and functional, only the main elements, without unnecessary accessories and contrast.

Practicality is important here, so that everything is in a convenient location. Built-in appliances and systems will be relevant for minimalism.

The high-tech style is becoming popular, since technology does not stand still, the choice of equipment is growing every year. This kitchen features the latest developments in household appliances, which in addition to functionality have a wonderful design.

There is no abundance of accessories in this style, and the emphasis is on contrast. At the same time, the main thing is not to overdo it, since light colors increase the space more.

Choice of colors

In any small room, you can expand the space with light colors. Dark colors on the contrary, they make the room more cramped, which is why it will be uncomfortable to be in it.

Not best choice there will be contrast. The transition should be smooth. This will make the kitchen more comfortable and warm.

Of course, bright accessories will also come in handy, which can make the atmosphere more lively and not boring.

You can also highlight the apron. Bright or dark horizontal stripe will expand the room and make it more spacious.

Unfortunately, some apartments do not have spacious and large kitchen. But, despite all this, any interior specialist can argue that in matters of kitchen design, the key is not the number of square meters, but correct use total area. The design of the same small kitchen can be both comfortable and beautiful, but for this it is worth taking into account some exceptions to the layout, as well as the basic rules for the design of rooms with a small area. Every housewife eventually understands that their small kitchen is uncomfortable and cramped. In this situation, it’s time to change something, and this cannot be done without changing the design. After all, the kitchen is the place where every housewife feels like a culinary master, and if the mood is bad, this will directly affect the prepared food.

Currently, there are a large number of various options for optimal modification of a small kitchen area.

Kitchen interior layout 6 sq. m.

Having an idea of ​​a small kitchen area, you can understand that its area is less than even 8 square meters. meters. In particular, there are kitchens of this size that are either rectangular or square in shape. In a situation where you are preparing to perform major renovation work, then you can increase the kitchen area by connecting it with another room, for example, with the living room. This move implies the absence of a kitchen door: a sophisticated opening in the form of an arch will add beauty. By the way, the absence of a door greatly increases visual space kitchen, and it will also be easy to move individual items to another room.

If you don't want to combine the two different rooms, but the apartment has a balcony, then a different layout is allowed. To increase the kitchen area, you can remove balcony windows and a door, and the remaining lintel can be used as a table in the form of a bar counter. But remember, to make such changes, you must make sure that the balcony is well insulated and glazed.

It is allowed to use several options for a varied layout of a small kitchen. The likelihood of choosing one or another layout depends on the following factors:

  • kitchen shapes;
  • the presence of a dining area or its absence;
  • sizes and characteristics of kitchen furniture;
  • location of sockets.

The key task of effective kitchen layout (5, 6, 7 sq. meters) is the convenient arrangement of kitchen furniture and appliances, proper separation of small areas for storing dishes, cooking, etc. The table, stove and sink should be located at a distance of one and a half meters from the refrigerator and cabinets so as not to narrow the space.

The option with a sink at the entrance is one of the most convenient. In this case, a table and a refrigerator should follow the sink along the wall.

The triangle rule in kitchen design

If the sink is located in the corner of the room, then the set should be on both sides of it, supposedly forming a triangle. The work triangle includes three centers of activity - the refrigerator, sink and stove. In a correctly created triangle, the distance from one vertex to another should be minimal so that the housewife can use all the necessary items. If movements inside the triangle are difficult, then this option should be bypassed. The main question is: “What and where is it?” So, the sink is considered the epicenter of activity, so it is allowed to be located in the center of the triangle. It is convenient to place the stove closer to the kitchen table, but away from the refrigerator. The refrigerator is placed in the next corner of the room, but provided that it open door does not cover the available free space.

Location of household appliances

Just as in the case of room planning, there are a number of options for the arrangement of furniture and appliances in the kitchen - these are:

  1. The location of the refrigerator directly depends on its size, the number of cabinets and the location of the outlets;
  2. It is appropriate to replace a large stove that occupies a significant area in the kitchen hob, on which there are only 2 burners, and not as many as 4;
  3. If there is a convenient place to place the oven, then you need to do this, but it’s easier to replace this item with a modern one. microwave with a lot of various functions;
  4. The microwave oven can even sit well on hanging shelves to save space on horizontal surfaces;
  5. If the washing machine in the kitchen plays an important role for you, then hide it under the countertop;
  6. If you have a dishwashing machine, you can also move it under the countertop. By the way, there are professional services that can place a dishwasher above a washing machine in order to save space.

Kitchen furniture 6 sq.m. m.

The design of small kitchen spaces also has its own little secrets. Furniture is an integral part of any room, and it plays an important role in the kitchen. With the help of properly selected furniture you can create a practical and cozy design kitchens.

  1. One of the most popular pieces of furniture for small spaces is corner cupboard, since it takes up little space.
  2. A wide window sill can be used as a tabletop.
  3. Replacing conventional curtains with roller curtains.
  4. Drawers are an ideal place to store dishes and other small items. They are much more convenient to use than huge cabinets with hinged doors.
  5. To make optimal use of the available space, you should stock up on cabinets for the floor and ceiling, so that everything you need is stored nearby below, and the least necessary is placed upstairs.
  6. A regular dining table can be replaced with an elongated table in the form of a bar counter.

Color scheme for a small kitchen

Professional designers are ready to offer a large number various options colors for the kitchen. In any case, you should rely only on your personal tastes and preferences.

The choice of room shade depends on the properties of the room itself: its size, lighting parameters, general style and moods. It is important to remember that tones close to red are warm and always convey only coziness and comfort, but shades of blue are cold, so they are characterized by purity and a kind of practicality.

When you decide on the key shade of the room, you can move on to combinations. If you have a set made of wood, then the combination schemes must be created appropriately, using cream, coffee and dark green shades. Keep in mind that white in the design can visually enlarge the area, but also remember that white alone looks boring, so it’s worth diversifying it using shades of black, gold or silver. White combined with blue It will also look unique.

Playing with the proportions of shades of green and yellow you can give the kitchen individual look, adding a drop of mood.

In the design of small rooms, you should not overuse dark monochromatic and too bright contrasting colors, but rather rely on light combinations of shades.

Kitchen lighting

The interior design of a small kitchen area is both excellent functionality and, at the same time, convenience and beauty. Lighting plays an important role in this matter.

The central lighting source must be placed above the main table so that the dining area is not deprived of light. There must be additional lighting near work areas: near the stove, near the sink. You can install small comfortable lamps near the window.

Remember that the kitchen is a place for preparing food, and you cannot do without good lighting in this place.

How to expand the space of a small kitchen

Every housewife, literally, dreams of increasing the space in a small kitchen. It's possible! Exist different ways make this dream come true. And let’s say more, many have been using these methods for a long time and remain satisfied. So:

  1. A correctly selected color scheme will significantly expand the space. Such tricks include: painting walls in light colors, using beige and coffee colors in design, avoiding rich monochromatic contrasts, using decorative elements in bright colors, using flowing or roller blinds;
  2. Using curtains or special curtains instead of a door;
  3. Mirror located in the center. If the mirror vertical type, then the room will seem long, and if horizontal type, then wide and spacious;
  4. Longitudinal direction of the floor;
  5. The use of laconic facades, drawers and corner cabinets.

  1. Replacing a traditional sliding door or simply creating an arch.
  2. Glossy material of the kitchen set. The glare emanating from it will visually increase the space.
  3. A mirror above the main table or opposite the windows, for the purpose of figurative expansion territories.
  4. The space available under the sink can be used to store various useful little things.
  5. Wide placement cutting board above the sink. This move involves adding an additional workplace.
  6. Use of kitchen rails (hooks, shelves, baskets).

As you can see, creating a specific design in order to increase space in a small kitchen is not only a demanding job, but also a very interesting activity that requires creative approach, special attention to the smallest details and some knowledge in the field of decoration and interior design. And, of course, such an activity creates a love for one’s native cuisine!


An example of arranging a small kitchen with low ceilings

63 photos of kitchen design ideas 6 sq. m.