How to properly drill a hole in glass. Prices for drilling holes on glass and mirrors

Glass shelves, tables, boards for the kitchen are not only beautiful, but also practical. However, to make this shelf or table, you need to attach the glass to the other parts using self-tapping screws. Not every person is able to correctly make holes in a transparent surface without damaging the glass itself.

Watch our video on how to drill glass at home and try decorating your home with original glass shelves.

To make holes in the glass, we will need:
- a special drill, we will use a diamond-coated crown with a diameter of 8 millimeters;
- drill or screwdriver;
- glass;
- glass blank;
- scotch;
- masking tape;
- a container of water to cool the surface to be cooled.

We insert the drill into the drill and firmly clamp it there so that the drill does not dangle while drilling, but is exactly in the center.

Before we start drilling our main element, we must first prepare our workpiece. To do this, we attach tape to one side of it; it is needed so that when we drill a hole in the glass, small fragments do not fly off or lie on the table, but are glued to the tape.

We moisten the place that we will drill with water. This is necessary in order to cool the surface of the glass and the drill itself.

It is impossible to immediately drill a hole in the glass; the drill will crawl along the surface. For this, we need a template, so that by inserting a drill into it, we can easily drill a hole in the material we need.

To avoid damaging the table, place a small piece of cardboard or a regular board.

Everything is ready, remove the tape and wipe with a damp cloth.

Now you can start drilling through the main glass blank.

We glue the workpiece to the place where we will drill the hole and secure it with masking tape so that it does not move.

Water the workpiece with water.

The workpiece can be removed when the drill fits tightly into the main glass and does not slip off to the side.

It is better to drill glass from both sides. For the second side we will also need a template to go a few mm deeper inside.

Then we remove all excess from the glass with a cloth so that there is no dirt or smudges.

In life you often come across such moments that you need to drill a hole in glass and you don’t know how to do it. It seems that there must be special skills here, because glass is expensive and it is a very fragile item. It turns out there is nothing complicated, this procedure can be done at home, the main thing is to know how. This is what the story will be about.

Small hole in glass

If you need to make a small hole in glass, you can use a regular wood drill. But this drill must first be hardened. You need to harden it as follows: heat the tip of the drill until it turns white, then press the sealing wax to it and hold it until the sealing wax stops melting. And now you can safely start drilling. But do it very carefully to avoid any troubles (for example, to avoid cracking the glass). To avoid these very troubles, you need to moisten the drill with turpentine, and if the glass is small, then it is better to drill in water.

But if you don’t have a drill, and you urgently need to drill a hole, then you can use copper wire. For this you will need: coarse sandpaper, camphor and turpentine. Mix one part camphor with two parts turpentine and four parts emery. You should end up with something resembling a paste. Then apply this paste to the glass, in the place where the intended hole should be. Place a piece of plywood on the glass with a drilled hole in the place where it should be near the glass. Clamp the copper wire into the grooves of the drill and start drilling. Do not forget that the glass must lie on a hard, level and stationary surface so that it does not break.

Drilling thick glass

If you need to drill through thick glass, then you need to take a copper tube with a slightly smaller diameter than the intended hole and fix it on the drilling machine. Then, around the place where the hole should be, make a small pool with approximate dimensions: 40-50 millimeters in diameter and 8-10 millimeters in height (can be made using plasticine or putty). Next we prepare corundum powder from an unnecessary emery wheel. Pour water into the powder to make a paste. We put this mixture into the basin and start drilling.

Another simple way to make a hole in your glass. To do this, wipe the glass with acetone, alcohol or gasoline to degrease. Then pour slightly moistened sand onto the glass. Using a sharp stick, we make a hole in the shape of a cone in the place where the intended hole should be and clean it of sand. Pour molten solder into the resulting mold at a temperature of 200-300 degrees. After the solder has cooled and hardened, we remove the sand with the solder, and the glass hole stuck to it will come out along with the solder.

Make a small hole in the center of the glass

And the last method that I would like to tell you. To do this, make a small hole in the center of your intended hole. Take a wire and place one end in this hole, and attach a diamond or glass cutter to the other. And like a compass, cut a circle of the diameter you need in it. Then, from the center to the line of the circle, draw several straight lines around the entire circle. When everything is done, take a wooden object and gently hit the hole, and it should successfully fall out. But it’s better to do all this in water to make it more accurate. Finally, take pliers and trim the edges (break off the protruding edges of the glass). Do not forget about accuracy; all this must be done with the edge of pliers, pressing and crumbling the edges of the glass.

Don’t be upset if suddenly, while making a hole, the glass cracks or breaks. Even professionals don't always succeed. And just don’t be nervous, take another piece of glass and try to do everything again. I wish you success.

Drilling glass is a process that requires special equipment, which can only be done safely in a factory. Tools help you calculate permissible pressure on glass, drill rotation speed, etc.

Even fairly thick glass is a fragile material. Unprepared drilling of holes on your own can easily destroy it.

Why drill glass at all? This is usually done to install fasteners and fittings, depending on the specifics of a particular product - for decorative purposes or for functional needs, if we are talking, for example, about showcases.

Another important point– This is the processing of the edges of holes after drilling. To make them safe, they are countersinked (chamfered at the drilling site). In addition to its functional purpose (countersinking is required to install flush-mounted fasteners), countersinking has another purpose - protecting the glass.

After drilling holes, the glass becomes more vulnerable, but the countersink will prevent cracks from appearing and the glass will last longer.

Cost of holes of different diameters:

from 70 rub. Diameter up to 8 mm

from 130 rub. Diameter from 8 to 25 mm

from 160 rub. Diameter up to 25 to 37 mm

from 400 rub Diameter from 37 to 50 mm

The price depends on the thickness of the material, the diameter of the holes and their number per unit area of ​​the product.

Precise hole drilling

There are several restrictions:

  • the holes should not be too small - not less than the thickness of the glass
  • they should not be located too close to the edge - the distance from the edge of the product to the edge of the hole is not less than the radius of the hole

This is especially important if the product will be hardened.

Drilling glass at a factory is safe, fast and cheap. Thanks to well-established, precise work and the availability of everything necessary equipment, the craftsmen will process the glass in record time, drill the necessary holes of the required diameter and in the required quantity.

At the factory, it is possible to drill in glass of any thickness in the range from 4 mm to 19 mm or more. In this case, the diameter of the hole itself can be either very tiny - from 4 mm, or more impressive, up to 100 mm.

At home, it is almost impossible to create such holes without damaging the glass or creating cracks in it.

Used during drilling water cooling, which does not allow the glass to overheat, is one of the secrets of the absence of microcracks at the drilling site. The glass is subjected to minimal stress, drilling occurs on both sides at once - this ensures an even load.

When placing an order, you can specifically indicate the purpose of drilling: this could be the installation of a hinge, lock, fastener, etc. The maximum error when drilling using special equipment can be 1 mm - this is truly a piece of jewelry work. Any glass, except tempered glass, can be processed. Hardened material will immediately crumble into fragments under any impact, even if the best equipment is used.

The fragile, capricious and brittle structure of household glass introduces very significant difficulties into the processing of this material. Glass It’s quite difficult to cut into shaped canvases, but to make them through holes even more difficult. Still, sometimes it is simply necessary to sample the material in the glass sheet. However, in order to successfully drill glass V living conditions you need to know a few specific tricks.

Before you start drilling holes in glass it needs to be prepared for work. Initially, it needs to be dismantled or released from the frame, if any. Then you need to remove all external decorative elements, such as corners, decorative rivets, suction cups and other materials. After that, it is necessary to remove stickers and transfers, and then the front sides of the glass sheet should be treated with degreasing agents.

You can drill glass either manually or by drilling, but experts recommend sampling material from glass sheets using an electric drill. This recommendation is explained by the density of the glass structure, because its removal requires high drill speeds with minimal load on the material being drilled. During the drilling process, the glass sheet must be located on a perfectly flat, smooth surface; the material must lie flat against the working base, otherwise the glass may simply crack.

Also, before starting to drill glass with any of the point drills, it is advisable to seal the drilling site. To do this, you need to place a roller glass cutter in the center of the future hole, lightly press on it and turn the tool one turn along its longitudinal axis. This creates a tiny depression on the glass sheet, and from the very beginning of drilling, the drill bit will not float on the surface of the glass. You can also stick 2-3 layers of transparent tape onto the drilling site.

You can drill glass using traditionally hardened drills; this tool, unlike conventional ones, has a more durable material for the cutting part, which allows you to slowly but surely drill out the glass structure. Hardened drills can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can make them yourself.

To harden a regular steel drill, it must be heated red-hot on an alcohol burner or a regular kitchen stove. Then the heated drill must be sharply lowered into a container with sealing wax and the tool must be cooled. It is better to lubricate hardened drills with turpentine before direct use. But still best result can be achieved using a special diamond drill.

You can sample glass material using copper wire or a hollow copper tube. These tools are an alternative to hardened drill bits and are also used as attachments for electric drills.

Drilling glass with thick copper wire is only possible when a special composition is applied to the glass. The working mixture should consist of one part camphor, two parts turpentine and four parts emery powder. The prepared composition must be applied to the area of ​​the glass in which the material will be sampled.

Drilling glass with a hollow copper tube is only possible using corundum powder. To do this, the drilled area must be surrounded within a radius of two centimeters with a plasticine barrier one centimeter high. Then you need to pour corundum powder moistened with water into the formed cavity and you can start drilling.

The formation of large round holes in glass sheets can hardly be called drilling, since their implementation is based on cutting glass. Initially, exactly in the center of the future circle, you need to drill a small through hole. Then the glass must be placed on a flat wooden surface and through the formed hole, you need to drive a small nail into the wooden base. A nylon thread should be tied to the nail, and a glass cutter should be fixed to the end of the thread at a distance from the future radius of the hole. Using the tool, you need to draw a circle along the border of the stretched thread, and then knock out the unnecessary material by lightly tapping it. Sand the sharp edge with fine sandpaper.

You will need

  • - drill;
  • - diamond drill for glass;
  • - copper tube of the required diameter;
  • - sand;
  • - diesel fuel or gasoline.


The first way to do it is glass bottle hole - use a drill. Take a diamond drill of the same diameter as it should be. Wear safety glasses and gloves - tiny fragments can injure your eyes and hands. Secure the bottle in a vice. If you don't have them at home, have a helper hold the vessel tightly. Don't forget to equip him with protective equipment. Lubricate the drill bit with clean machine oil. Place the drill against the glass. Apply light pressure and press the power button. One to two seconds is enough for a hole to appear.

The second way to make a hole in came to us from those times when only a few lucky people owned drills and hammer drills. Everyone else made holes using a copper tube filled with sand. Take a metal gut of the required diameter. Fill it about halfway with sand. Wet the bottle and the tip of the tube with water. Have someone help you and hold the vessel firmly while you work with it. Press the copper gut very firmly onto the surface. Try to keep her from leaving the vessel throughout. Rotate the tube, holding it between your palms, until a hole appears. This usually takes from three to ten minutes.

The third way to make a hole is to carefully chop off the bottom. It is very important to be safe here and wear thick gloves made of non-flammable material, as you will have to deal with fire. The procedure cannot be carried out indoors, only outdoors! Prepare a bucket of water. She should be cold. Wrap the vessel with a cloth soaked in gasoline or diesel fuel. Place it on and set it on fire. Wait until the material burns out. With gloved hands, grab the bottle by the neck and dip into the liquid. The bottom will fall off on its own.

Glass is a very fragile material. Sometimes there is a need to do it hole. This requires knowledge of how to do it and skill with drilling equipment. The hole may be needed, for example, when making a lamp from wine bottle when it is necessary to bring the wire inside through its wall. There are currently several ways to create holes without damaging the glass.


Take a carbide pen drill and secure it in the electric drill chuck. Set the mode to medium speed. If you want to drill into non-flat glass, for example, the wall of a bottle, then first wrap it several times with masking tape in two or three turns around the location of the intended hole, marking it with a pencil. Depending on the thickness of the glass, the drilling process can take up to fifteen minutes. At the same time, keep the drill level, avoiding its beating. The process involves scraping out the material with the cone of a pen drill. Wet the drill regularly by dipping it, for example, in water or a mixture of equal proportions of camphor and turpentine, otherwise you will get overheating and cracking at the drilling site.

If you need to drill through flat glass, prepare a place for this on a flat surface, for example, on a table. Place under glass soft material, textile. The edges of the glass should not extend beyond the table. To degrease, treat the area of ​​the intended hole with alcohol or acetone and start drilling. The rotation speed of the drill is similar to the previous method. Periodically drip turpentine into the area being drilled.