Decorate the vase with your own. Painting wine bottles. DIY glass bottle vase: decoupage

For those who want to change the interior of their home, we provide good opportunity– DIY vase decor. Every home has dishes, tall glasses, old vases, any suitable containers that you want to update and make more interesting. If you look through the various options, you will certainly find an interesting master class made from accessible, inexpensive materials. We have several master classes - the choice is yours!

Today we will create and decorate a vase. The new vase will be in nautical style, such original products make the house unique and cozy. Despite the storms outside your windows, there will always be peace and a warm atmosphere in your home.

To work you will need:

  1. Any suitable containers (glasses, vases, glass and iron jars, and so on).
  2. Rope or thick string.
  3. Fabric dye (you can use dyes for Easter eggs or simple green dye).
  4. PVA glue.
  5. Scissors.

Let's start decorating with a round vase. To do this we need ropes of the same length. Draw a glue line in the middle of the container and glue the ends of the ropes. The ropes should completely cover the vase, leaving no gaps. We wait for the glue to harden and begin to weave a “braid”, as in the photo. We finish weaving and cut off the excess. Glue the ends of the “braid” onto the vase. To neatly hide the ends of the braid, you can glue additional decor made of rope.

Next, we will decorate the glass cylinder. To do this, you need to glue the ends of the ropes to our vase. They should be longer than the container (then we’ll cut off the excess). Pieces of rope in length slightly higher than the vase, and one long rope for decoration. Thread the rope in a staggered pattern through the 4 ropes. Glue is used at the bottom, middle, and top. We glue 1 rope at the top and bottom.

And the last option is decor with coloring. Take a similar container and apply glue to the surface, try to apply more at the top and bottom. We wind the rope around the vase, pulling it harder. Next, dilute the paint, or a drop of brilliant green, in a jar of water. First, the coloring liquid should cover ⅓ of our vase. We lower the vase into the water and hold it for a short time. You will see for yourself how ⅓ of the vase will be painted. We take it out, wait for the product to dry a little, add water to ⅔. We lower the vase again. The tone on top will be lighter. So I'm ready beautiful thing for interior.

These are the stylish vases for the interior.

A great idea for decorating glass glasses is to make a vintage flower vase out of the glass. Using a hot-melt gun with silicone glue, we will make a three-dimensional design on the vase. The master class is very simple, in this way you can decorate not only a vase, but also flower pots, bottles, decanters, and so on. And if you do everything in one color, you’ll get a cool ensemble for the interior.

To work you will need:

  1. Glass glass or vase.
  2. Light acrylic paint.
  3. PVA glue.
  4. Glue gun.
  5. Dark (black or gray) acrylic paint.
  6. Sponge or brush.
  7. Napkins or rice paper.
  8. First, we select a vintage stencil.

We transfer the desired design onto paper and secure the paper with the design inside the glass with tape. Drawing lines on outside glasses.

Take a glue gun and fill the entire inner surface of the picture with glue. Don’t be afraid to smear the glue; after drying, it can be easily removed with a regular knife. Next, take napkins or thin paper and tear them into pieces.

Then we glue pieces of paper or napkins onto the surface with PVA glue. Use a brush or sponge. After the surface has dried, we coat the top of our product with light acrylic paint.

At the end of the master class, for the final decoration, we paint over the vase with a dry brush and black or dark acrylic paint. We coat the top with varnish. The master class on interior decoration is over.

Making original vases for the interior with your own hands from ordinary simple products is tempting and interesting. The master class is very simple and inexpensive. If you don’t have glass containers of this type, you can decorate any jar or bottle in this way. Vases decorated in this way are light and embossed.

To work you will need:

  1. Glass or plastic containers.
  2. Glue gun.
  3. Spray paint.

Before work, you need to degrease the surface of the vases; we do this with any alcohol-containing liquid. Let's do it with a glue gun geometric figures: triangles, squares, lines. They shouldn't be correct form, this is handmade. After the glue has dried, we begin painting the products with spray paint. If necessary, repeat painting after drying.

Next, we place round vases on top of long containers. Glue the vases together with a glue gun. These vases are perfect for decorating a living room. The combination of vases of different shapes will look very interesting in the interior. The master class is over.

And finally, the most complex decor, but very interesting - dot painting of vases. We offer a small master class. This is done with contour or acrylic paints. Dots are placed using a contour, a toothpick, a needle, or a cotton swab. Paints for painting can be bought in art stores or online stores.

This decor is one of the most complex and time-consuming. The most important thing is to try not to merge the dots. Very beautiful products are obtained on a black background. That is, a vase or bottle made of dark glass is the best option for work. But look at how beautiful and unique the products are.

How else can you use glass or other containers for decoration? An interesting option: using twigs, pencils, or cocktail straws. All this can be secured with glue or double tape.

This is why needlewomen are attracted to vases that you can make yourself, a master class from a craftswoman nika-ethnica how to create a vase from a jar with your own hands.

To make such an original vase we will need:

– a glass jar of baby food (such jars can be of various types) different sizes and forms);
- Double-sided tape;
- scissors;
– paper and pencil;
– a piece of foam rubber;
– gold outline on glass;
– matte and transparent stained glass paint;
– “Iris” threads (preferably melange).

Before starting work, you need to think over the pattern and draw its elements on paper with a pencil. The example uses a variety of leaves, but you can come up with your own version of the design. Butterflies, various flowers or berries will look very beautiful.

We glue the paper decorative elements onto tape and cut them out.

We place the cut out elements on the baby food jar and apply stained glass paint using foam rubber.

Since the paper elements peel off easily, we cover the jar with a continuous layer, not forgetting about its bottom.

When the paint dries, remove the glued elements. As a result, we get a painted jar with transparent curly “windows”.

Now we take the golden outline for the glass and draw a strip along the edge of the transparent “window”. We complete the missing details of the drawing on the painted part.

When the outline is dry, take transparent green stained glass paint and paint the areas that remain transparent. Contrasting bright autumn colors will also look beautiful.

Using a contour, we apply leaf veins or other elements (depending on the chosen pattern) onto the dried transparent paint.
All that remains is to decorate the neck of our vase. To do this, you need to wrap a thread around the neck of the bottle in the place where the cap was screwed on. The thread must be laid in dense and even turns.
In the same way, we make a bend at the base of the jar, and continue to wind even turns until we cover the entire part protruding at the base.

A homemade vase from a baby food jar combined with a bouquet of wildflowers looks much more impressive than any ready-made vase. Since children often give their mothers just such simple, but very valuable bouquets, such vases will definitely find use in your home.

The second method is extremely simple and allows you to quickly turn a glass bottle into a spectacular vase:

Minimum costs and maximum effect - in this master class!

Materials and tools for work: empty glass bottle, masking tape, white acrylic paint (in a tube or can), acrylic varnish, brush or kitchen sponge, scissors.

How to make a vase from glass bottle?

The first and very important step is to wash and degrease the bottle. Otherwise, if fingerprints or dirt remain on it, the paint may lie unevenly or peel off over time.

Cut the masking tape into strips of the desired length and width. For example, the width of the strip will be 2 cm, no more.

Glue the tape in the places where you want to create a pattern. Special attention Pay attention to the neck: right under the ledge you can paste it with a thin strip. Or even seal the neck so that in the end it turns out to be unpainted.

This master class shows geometric patterns on bottles that are suitable for simple interiors and high-tech rooms. However, you can make other designs: for example, cut out hearts or flowers from masking tape and glue them to the bottle.

Cover the bottle with acrylic paint. If you have it in a can, then you need to spray the paint, holding the can at a distance of about 50 cm from the bottle. At home, it is better to use paint in a tube: in this case, fewer harmful substances will enter the air.

The paint from the tube can be applied with a kitchen sponge or a regular brush. When painting a bottle, hold it by the neck. Then place the bottle upside down and wait for the paint to dry. After that, place it bottom down and paint the neck.

Thus, you need to apply two or three layers of paint so that there are no gaps.

It turns out that the entire bottle is colored, except for those places that are sealed masking tape. If you are sure that the paint has already dried, you can move on to the next step - removing the masking tape.
After this, you should cover the bottle with acrylic varnish 2-3 times so that the vase acquires a beautiful shine.

The vase is ready! Now you can put a bouquet of fresh flowers or a floral arrangement made from dried natural material in it!

Master class on dot painting of glass using a template Yulia Yu.

How to paint glass using a template.

To make such a bottle you will need: the bottle itself, dotted stained glass paints (they are sold in tubes with a pointed spout), checkered paper, scissors, a compass, double-sided tape.

Painting with dots according to a template: job description.

As with any other glass, you must first make sure the surface is clean. Before coating with any paint, the bottle must be degreased and dried. Only after this can you cut out a strip of checkered paper and use double-sided tape to glue it to the bottle. You need to make a wide belt out of paper that will mark the area of ​​decoration.

Now the pasted paper can be used as a template. At the top and bottom of the paper, you should write dots using stained glass paint, making, as it were, rims for a “ruler”. Along with the upper rim, you can immediately draw additional upper dots.

Now you need to measure the circumference of the bottle where the paper strip is located. Next, if the volume is a multiple of five, divide it by five, and if it is four, then divide it by four. This is exactly how many semicircular designs you can fit along the rim of the design. Meanwhile, the first dots applied have dried: peel off the paper and throw it away. Well, using a compass, draw a semicircle on paper, the base of which is equal to the circumference of the bottle divided by a multiple. Let's say the volume of the bottle is 24 cm, then divide this number by 4 and make a semicircle with a base of 6 cm. Cut out this semicircle, glue it to the bottle with tape and circle it with dots.

You can lightly touch up the dots with another coat of paint if it turns out weak.

So, you can paint as many semicircles as will fit on the bottle.

In some places you can make dots in two rows to make it more elegant.

Between small semicircles you can write small dots. In general, this painting is very reminiscent of Indian “temporary tattoos” called mehendi, when graceful lace is depicted with dots on the body.

Fill large semicircles with smaller elements - figure eights, bows or curls. Do not forget to dry the drawing well so that it does not smudge.

There are no strict rules in dot painting: you simply draw what is easiest to depict. Elementary details (circle, triangle, curl, zigzag) are welcome here, because you can assemble charming lace from them.

You can also draw quite voluminous flowers.

You can use additional templates if we are talking about shapes that would be difficult to repeat by hand. For example, this is a rhombus and an oval. If you want to draw these details small, cut out small templates from paper and also tape them to the bottle.

Circle these patterns with dots.

It turns out to be a very beautiful part of the painting.

You can first draw a “draft” of dots with large distances, and then trace with larger dots.

The good thing about paint in tubes is that with the help of a spout you can make both barely noticeable dots and bold marks.

Very tiny dots will help you make veins.

This method works great for vases, candlesticks and cups, try it!

A vase is not just an object where you can put donated or purchased flowers, it can also become a wonderful interior decoration, and there are many various options its use. In small tabletop vases you can put bouquets of fresh or dried flowers, beautiful plant branches. Flat options You can fill them with decorative pebbles, shells, put knitting in them or put candles. Large floor vases, even empty ones, can become bright and original decoration interior – you just need to choose a model suitable size and made from suitable material. We offer you several lessons telling you how you can make them yourself or decorate store-bought ones.

Lesson #1

You will need:

  • tin or plastic cans for powdered milk, cereal, etc. How tall and wide the floor vase will be depends on their number and size;
  • raffia palm fiber;
  • glue.

Remove the plastic cover and tear off the label - you won't need them. Using a knife or scissors, cut off the bottom of all the cans except one - you should end up with cardboard (or tin) cylinders. Place the jars one on top of the other (the jar with the bottom should be located at the very bottom) and use tape to glue them together from the inside.

If you use lightweight plastic or cardboard jars, they should be “weighted” so that it does not tip over - to do this, fill a plastic bag with pebbles and place them on the bottom. Wrap our blank from cans.

Now you can put bamboo, reeds or any other ornamental plants in it.

Master class No. 2

Instead of palm fiber, you can use twine, and instead of cardboard or tin cylinders, choose a vase of the shape you like. Start wrapping the vase from the bottom, and glue the twine using a hot glue gun.

Lesson #3

The finished vase can also be decorated using branches cut into “washers”. For this you will need:

  • tree branches (diameter from 0.5 cm to 3 cm);
  • saw;
  • sandpaper;
  • a ceramic vase onto which you will glue wooden “washers”;
  • wood glue;
  • oil or stain for wood processing.

We recommend that you use this technique to decorate a tall square vase or a cylindrical vessel - this way the wooden “washers” will be easier to glue, they will stick better and there will be no empty spaces left on the surface. In addition, it is easier to sand wood if it is glued to a flat surface without bends.

Using a saw, cut a branch (one or several, depending on the size of the vase) into washers approximately 0.5 cm thick. Their number also depends on the size of the vase. You can use washers of the same diameter or different ones - at your discretion.

Glue the wooden "washers" one by one, applying glue to the wood and then pressing the washer firmly into the vase. Don’t be afraid to apply 2-3 mm of glue - it should be evenly distributed over the entire surface to be glued.

Once the glue has completely dried, you can begin sanding down any protruding pieces of wood. Also lightly sand the surface of the washers until they are smooth and free of saw nicks. After this, brush off the wood dust and apply stain, varnish or protective oil in 1 layer.

Lesson #4

You will need:

  • cylinders made of birch bark (their diameter should be slightly larger than the diameter of the vase that you will insert inside the flowerpot);
  • yarn;
  • container with warm water;
  • scissors, hot glue gun.

If the cylinders are too wide or tall, we recommend that you unfold them and, after marking them with a pencil, cut them to the desired size using scissors.

Now you can roll the birch bark into a cylinder. We recommend that you pre-soak the birch bark in warm water to soften it. Fold the bark overlapping, overlapping one edge over the other. Apply hot glue, glue the cylinder together and tie it with thread or decorative tape. You can also glue a cardboard cylinder, wrap it in birch bark and glue it.

Lesson #5

The “birch bark” effect can also be achieved using paint and rubber bands.

You will need:

  • glass vase;
  • household rubber bands;
  • spray paint in three colors (dark brown, light brown and white paints were used in the lesson).

Paint the vase in Brown color using two shades - light and dark. After the paint is completely dry, put rubber bands on it, arranging them the way you like. However, remember that the areas covered with rubber bands will remain brown. Now paint the vase in White color, spraying the paint evenly. To prevent the brown base from showing through, apply several layers of paint. Leave the vase to dry for about 24 hours, then carefully remove the rubber bands.

Lesson #6

In such a vase, decorated “like wood”, bouquets of autumn leaves and berries.

You will need:

  • glass vase;
  • transparent sealant;
  • spray paint with the effect of frozen glass;
  • white spray paint.

First of all, clean the vase from dust using glass washing liquid. Apply sealant to the vase, trying to create a pattern that resembles the texture of wood. Make sure that the sealant adheres tightly to the glass surface.

Once the image is ready, leave the vase to dry for 24 hours. After the sealant has dried, you can begin painting. First, apply one coat of frosted glass paint.

Wait for the paint to dry, then apply one or two coats of white paint.

Master class No. 7

You will need:

  • wooden block 2.5 cm thick and 5 cm wide;
  • wood glue;
  • nails.

Saw the block into planks 20 cm long (32 planks in total). It's okay if some planks are longer and others shorter.

Fold 8 squares, fastening the bars together with glue. Additionally, you can nail the planks to each other using nails. Stack the squares one on top of the other and fasten them together using glue and nails. Place the squares, slightly shifting them relative to each other.

After the glue has dried, coat the workpiece with paint or stain.

Vases are an excellent home decoration element. Connoisseurs know that beautiful vases- This is an expensive pleasure, so many people try to create the design of this accessory themselves. To decorate vases you can use the most different materials: it all depends on your desire.

You will need:

  1. Glue gun;
  2. Glass vase;
  3. Paints;
  4. Brushes.


  • To decorate a vase using a glue gun, take a regular glass vase of any shape. Apply the pattern you like best to it with a pistol.
  • Wait until it dries, then paint with different colored paints.
  • You can also completely paint the surface: the design will be in relief and the vase will be colored.

You will need:

  1. Glass vase;
  2. PVA glue;
  3. Brushes;
  4. Newspapers or sheet music;
  5. Clear nail polish.


  • Cut newspapers or sheet music into small pieces. Coat each piece of paper with glue and paste it over the vase in any order (do not forget to step back 0.5 - 1 cm from the edge so that the paper does not get wet during the process of pouring water).
  • Using a brush, smooth out creases and wrinkles. Make sure there are no gaps.
  • When the glue dries and the paper sticks tightly, coat the vase with clear varnish.

Mastering the quilling technique

You will need:

  1. Old vase;
  2. Newspapers, craft or parchment paper;
  3. PVA glue;
  4. Glue "Moment";
  5. Acrylic lacquer;
  6. Water based stain.


  • Cut long strips of paper and roll them into tubes (there should be a sufficient number of tubes). Take the first one and use Moment glue to glue it to the very bottom of the vase.
  • As you build up the tubes, wrap the vase in a circle, pressing them tightly together. Thus, decorate the entire surface. Then apply PVA glue in a thick layer and let it dry.
  • When the glue has dried, cover the vase with stain, wait until it dries again, and seal the work with varnish.

You will need:

  1. Ordinary vase;
  2. Artificial flowers (preferably small ones);
  3. PVA glue or “Moment”.


  • Decorating a vase with flowers is quite simple. Imagine in your mind an approximate drawing that should turn out. For convenience, you can mark it on a vase and glue artificial flowers along this outline.
  • To make the vase beautiful, everything needs to be done carefully. This is a rather difficult and long process, but the result is worth it. As a result, you will receive an elegant vase that will decorate any room in the house.

Decorating a vase with glass pebbles

You will need:

  1. Multi-colored glass pebbles;
  2. Glue gun;
  3. Transparent vase.


  • Wash the vase thoroughly using detergent. Glue the glass pebbles to the vase as tightly as possible to each other. You can create some kind of pattern or just stick the stones in any order.
  • By the way, in addition to transparent stones, you can take regular pebbles or shells.

Striped vase - simple and tasteful!

You will need:

  1. Thin ribbons or elastic bands;
  2. Glass vase;
  3. Spray for coloring glass.


  • Randomly wrap the vessel with rubber bands or ribbons. Place the vase upside down and spray paint.
  • When the paint is dry, remove the ribbons.
  • You will get a spectacular striped vase.
  • These stripes look best on clear or very dark glass.

You will need:

  1. Old vase;
  2. Light brown twine;
  3. PVA glue.


  • Degrease the vase with detergent or alcohol. Generously coat the outside of the vessel with PVA glue. You should wrap the vase starting from the neck. Thus, wrap the entire vessel to the bottom.
  • Dried or artificial flowers look beautiful in such a vase decorated with twine.

You will need:

  1. Transparent vase of unusual shape;
  2. Acrylic paints in two colors;
  3. Thin and dense brush.


  • Thoroughly clean the vessel from dust, grease and other contaminants. Pour one color of paint into it. Twist the vase until the paint is evenly distributed inside the bottle over the entire surface.
  • Paint the outside of the vessel with paint of a different color. You can draw chaotic patterns or an elaborate design.
  • Let the paint dry. If desired, you can coat the vase with clear varnish to secure the result.

For those who like to make various crafts, there are many ways to make a vase with your own hands from ordinary bottles. Master classes allow even beginners to decorate things. What can be used in bottle design? Use the instructions below to create a unique vase at home.

How to make a vase from a glass bottle

To make a bottle vase with your own hands, you first need to create a base by cutting off the neck. You can leave the blank like this, but then the bouquet won’t fit in it. If you don't have a cutting tool on hand, to remove the neck you will need:

  • 0.5 m thick wool thread;
  • matches or lighter;
  • container with water;
  • solvent in the form of gasoline, acetone, kerosene or alcohol;
  • gloves with goggles for safety;
  • sharpening stone or sandpaper.

To cut the neck, use the following instructions:

  1. Mark a line on the bottle along which you will cut the neck.
  2. Soak the thread in solvent.
  3. Wrap the marked line 3 times with thread.
  4. Holding the bottle horizontally, light the thread.
  5. After the filament burns out, quickly lower the bottle into cold water– the glass will burst due to a sudden change in temperature at the heating site.
  6. Treat chips with a block or sandpaper.

Using decoupage technique

Today it is very fashionable different countries is decorating bottles using decoupage technique. Its essence lies in gluing some kind of design onto the surface and then securing it with varnish. Decoupage of the vase takes place in the following order:

  1. Degrease the surface of the bottle with alcohol.
  2. Cover the glass blank with white primer or acrylic paint of the same color in one layer. You can use paint to match the napkin.
  3. When the paint dries, apply PVA glue as the next layer.
  4. Apply a napkin or its cut-out part. Using a sponge, brush or sponge, smooth out from the center to the contours.
  5. Mask contours that are too noticeable with paint using a sponge or brush.
  6. Add details, glue rhinestones or beads, or look for a master class on drawing.
  7. Cover with 2-3 layers of varnish.

With dot painting

Spot painting of bottles requires tools such as:

  • acrylic paints;
  • thin felt-tip pen;
  • gold or silver outline on glass;
  • cotton swabs or cotton wool with matches;
  • brushes, preferably synthetic ones.

To paint a homemade vase, you can choose any design - flowers, tree branches, an intricate pattern, children's cartoon characters or, for example, a peacock. To apply them to your bottle, follow the instructions:

  1. Degrease the surface with alcohol.
  2. Sketch a sketch of a peacock and its tail on paper - make the details richer, emphasize the beauty of the bird.
  3. Using a felt-tip pen, transfer the design to the bottle, trace it along the glass, holding the tube at an angle, like a pencil or pen. Don't press it too hard to avoid smudges.
  4. Let the sketch dry and use a cotton swab to remove any remaining felt-tip pen.
  5. Start filling the space of the drawing with dots of paint, making them of different sizes and colors. It is desirable that some kind of pattern can be traced. Start painting with the body of the bird.
  6. Use the same technique to make the tail and wings. In the feathers, leave the central part empty.
  7. Glue a glass ball into the middle of each feather or fill the space with beads. The peacock is ready.

With ribbon decor

Mother of pearl ribbons are another idea for decorating a bottle vase. The simplest option involves just a few steps:

  1. Applying glue to a small area of ​​the bottle. Use a special composition for decoupage or PVA.
  2. Wrapping the workpiece with ribbon or threads, and both a plain vase and a colored one look beautiful. You can also take any width. Wind the tape or thread tightly so that there is no gap left.

The finished vase can be left as is or decorated with beads with bows, and also complemented with the kanzashi technique - accessories in the form of flowers from the same ribbons. Wrap the bottle either horizontally or diagonally. Besides, beautiful design is gluing the tape in the form of a kind of pigtail - when the ends cross in one direction to make the pattern even.

How to make a vase from a plastic bottle

Vases can be made from plastic bottles: take standard or large five-liter ones. Any size and shape will do. For the most simple option you only need a bottle, scissors and a utility knife:


The openwork vase is unusual and original. For this craft from plastic bottles you will need:

  • empty plastic bottle;
  • marker;
  • dye;
  • a nail on a wooden base or a regular metal one.

To create an openwork vase, use the following step by step instructions:

  1. Cut off the neck of the bottle and use a marker to apply the pattern you want. It is not necessary to make only round holes - chaotic ones look no less beautiful and unique.
  2. Heat a nail or soldering iron and make holes according to the picture. The main thing is not to connect the holes so that you don’t get large holes.
  3. Paint the vase with spray can or stained glass paints.
  4. Pour water and place the flowers - the vase is ready.


Simple, but very original version floor vase from plastic bottles and glass jar fits perfectly into the interior. The height of the finished product is about 95 cm. This item is easy to wash, because the hand can easily pass inside. Here's what you'll need to make a vase like this:

  • napkins, toilet paper;
  • PVA glue, tape;
  • 14 plastic milk bottles;
  • 3 liter jar.

Having collected all these simple materials, start making the vase itself:

  1. Secure the bottles in pairs with tape - 12 bottles bottom to bottom, and 2 bottles with their necks.
  2. Connect with tape - place a pair connected by the necks in the center, and place the remaining 6 pairs in a circle.
  3. Place a 3-liter jar on top and secure it to the base with tape.
  4. Next, decorate the vase using the papier-mâché technique - make the first layer from napkins and undiluted PVA, and the second from toilet paper with the same glue, only half diluted with water.
  5. Leave the product to dry and cover any unevenness with napkins.
  6. Use a glue gun to make a pattern, and use it to glue flowers or other accessories.
  7. Using a stencil, napkin and putty, apply an additional pattern.
  8. After applying the putty, remove the napkin immediately.
  9. Dry for 1-2 hours.
  10. Go over the pattern with sandpaper.
  11. Spray paint everything.

Small vases

To make small vases, you will need plastic bottles and a few more materials and tools:

  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • tape or glue.

The instructions for making such vases are very simple:

  1. Wash the bottles, cut off the necks and cut the top into petals.
  2. Bend the petals outward and attach them to the bottle itself using glue or tape.
  3. Paint the finished vases with any colors, complement the decor with beads, seed beads or other accessories. You can make holes at the bottom for water to flow out, but then you will need a stand.

Photos of original bottle vases

In addition to the above methods of making and decorating vases self made there are many more interesting options decor. The design can be applied using a stencil made from ordinary electrical tape, as shown in the photo - you will get a bottle with intricate stripes, both in one direction and in different ones. Good workout for kids fine motor skills there will be vases decorated with available bulk materials or pasta, pebbles or shells. In cases of wrapping with satin ribbons, the option of using rope instead looks very bold.

From glass and plastic bottles