Necessary equipment for the production of aerated concrete. Business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks

Modern construction rates require special materials. Recently, cellular concrete (aerated concrete) has become most popular. The production of aerated concrete is a profitable and in-demand business. Moreover, this material stands out among others for its qualities. So, it is aerated concrete that has the best heat transfer compared to others. In addition, it is also energy-saving and lightweight. This makes it indispensable in construction, and therefore in sale. Demand is unusually high. However, the competition for it is high. In almost every region there are several companies engaged in such production.

Investments in business

Of course, the production of aerated concrete cannot happen without investments. First of all, this is documentation. All permits and registration will cost approximately 5-18 thousand. The exact cost depends on the region and the appetites of officials involved in registering activities.

Secondly, the premises. It should be spacious. In addition to the workshop where the building material will be produced, a warehouse for finished products and premises for personnel are needed.

Thirdly, we have our own fleet of special equipment. Of course, you can hire cars that will deliver your products to customers, but renting will ultimately cost a little more. At first, you may want to save money by not providing delivery services. This is not entirely correct, because then your customers can run to those companies that provide delivery. It’s better to think in advance about your own fleet of equipment, especially since you can also make money on it. Set a delivery rate, and then your fleet will pay for itself.

Fourthly, equipment for the production of aerated concrete. There are two options. If the start-up capital is not constrained, then you can buy a fully automatic line, which can be operated by only a couple of people. Its cost starts from 3.5 million rubles. In total, such a line produces about 100 cubic meters of material per shift. If the starting capital is limited, then you can purchase a semi-automatic line. Its cost starts from 150 thousand rubles. True, the productivity is less - only 2-3 cubic meters per shift. What exactly to choose is up to you. If you are planning a large-scale production, then you cannot do without an automatic machine. If your plans include average sales and deliveries, a semi-automatic machine will suffice.

In addition to all of the above, you need to hire staff. In addition to workers monitoring the lines, loaders and drivers are needed. The number of employees is individual, depending on the scale of production.

And of course this consumables. Without it, your production is impossible. It can be purchased both from domestic manufacturers and abroad. The first option is more budget-friendly, especially since its quality is no different from the foreign one.

Payback, income, profitability

The production of aerated concrete pays off quite quickly. If your production is medium-sized, with a semi-automatic line, then the payback will come in a year and a half. If the scale of productivity is large, then it will pay off much faster. From 250 cubic meters of material per month, net profit can earn about 200 thousand rubles.

From large-scale production, accordingly, more. Monthly net income brings stability. Moreover, business is in demand. Experts also predict that a significant increase in demand for this type of building materials is expected. Over the next few years, demand for products will grow. According to marketers, aerated concrete is displacing other building materials of its type from the market. In a few years it will become absolutely indispensable in the construction of buildings.

Your own business: aerated concrete production

The profitability of aerated concrete production can exceed 100%. An important condition for success is careful study of the market. If there are already more than 5 similar production facilities in your region, then yours should be unique in some way. Whether it is price, quality or timing is up to you. Competition in business is high, but nevertheless, this does not mean that you will “burn out”. Important point– demand is seasonal. So, when starting a business, calculate everything in detail. The opening of your workshop should occur in March or April. This will give you a chance to accumulate a certain amount of product that people will buy from you in May. The warehouse should never be empty. Otherwise, with an urgent order, you may lose your customers.

Business Features

Any production requires the presence special conditions and aspects. Thus, the production of aerated concrete requires compliance with certain factors. Your consumable material means what the concrete is made from and the actual substances that will produce gas in it.

The technology for producing aerated concrete is simple: special substances are added to the finished mixed concrete. Those, forming gas, create pores in the material. If we draw an analogy, the material looks like dough with yeast. Concrete “wanders”, increasing its size. The weight of one block does not exceed 25 kg. Holes of equal diameter are visible on the surface.

Aerated concrete is most popular in the construction of main walls. This material is the strongest and most durable among its competitors. The price is a little higher than others, but it's worth it. Demand for it begins when the construction season approaches (April-May). The abundant demand ends closer to winter.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of aerated concrete production:

  1. quick payback;
  2. demand;
  3. small investments (depending on the scale of the workshop);
  4. profitability;
  5. good profitability.

Among everything, you can find only one drawback - competition. Manufacturers of building materials have long come to the conclusion that it is possible and necessary to produce such material. That's why you need utmost care.

Study the market supply and demand not only in your region, but also in the neighboring one. So, it may turn out that opening a workshop in a neighboring region will be more profitable. You don't have to always be present when the plant is running. Competent management staff will do this for you.

Thanks to autoclaving, immediately after its completion, aerated concrete has the appropriate strength, durability and frost resistance. Autoclaving eliminates the possibility of shrinkage and also ensures the durability of aerated concrete.

Aerated concrete can be easily processed with the simplest tools: sawed, drilled, planed. Nails and staples are easily hammered into it. Over time, aerated concrete becomes harder. Houses made of aerated concrete are very popular in Russia today. In addition, designs of houses made of aerated concrete and the price for it are available to everyone.

Autoclave processing of aerated concrete is carried out not only to speed up the hardening process of the mixture. The main idea is that in an autoclave at a temperature of +180 ° C and a pressure of up to 14 bar, a new mineral is formed in aerated concrete - dobermorite. This increases the strength of the material and, most importantly, reduces shrinkage several times. Due to its characteristics, autoclaved concrete has many more uses. It can be used, for example, in reinforced structures - lintels, panels, etc. Autoclaved cellular concrete has reduced crack resistance and frost resistance. Autoclave processing makes it possible to obtain products with sufficiently high strength in a shorter time with reduced binder consumption. Autoclave processing also has disadvantages: expensive equipment, the specifics of its operation, requiring highly qualified service personnel, high metal consumption of autoclaves, low utilization rate of the internal volume of the autoclave. Small-scale production using the autoclave method turns out to be economically unprofitable.

Autoclaved aerated concrete is produced in large factories and arrives at the construction site in the form of finished blocks. Manufacturing this material in small production or making autoclaved aerated concrete with your own hands is impossible.

The main components of this material are cement, quartz sand (or fly ash), gas-forming agents, and it is also possible to add gypsum and lime. Aluminum pastes and powders are used as specialized gas generators. The raw material is mixed with water, poured into a mold and a reaction between water and a gas-forming agent occurs, leading to the release of hydrogen, which forms pores, the mixture rises like dough. After gaining plastic strength, the array is cut into blocks, slabs and panels. The use of high-tech cutting equipment allows you to cut the resulting mass with high precision into blocks and slabs.

After this, the products are subjected to steam hardening in an autoclave, where they acquire the necessary rigidity, or are dried under electrical heating conditions.

The process of producing cellular concrete is reminiscent of baking bread: water, cement, ground quartz sand, carefully crushed lime and gypsum (not in all industries) are mixed in a mixer, and a gas-forming agent is added. In a warm, humid chamber, the mixture rises.

The gas formation process occurs due to a chemical reaction between calcium oxide hydrate and aluminum; The hydrogen released in this case causes swelling of the solution, which, when hardened, retains its porous structure.

When determining the composition of aerated concrete, it is necessary to ensure a given volumetric mass and its greatest strength with minimal consumption of binder. In this case, the structure of aerated concrete should be characterized by evenly distributed small pores of a regular spherical shape.

The volumetric mass of aerated concrete and its porosity depend mainly on the consumption of the blowing agent and the degree of use of its blowing ability. They are somewhat influenced by the temperature of the mixture and the amount of water taken to mix the mixture, i.e. water-solid ratio W/T. An increase in W/T increases the fluidity of the mixture, and therefore improves the conditions for the formation of a porous structure, if sufficient plastic strength of the mixture is ensured by the end of the gas formation process.

The strength of aerated concrete also depends on the nature of its porosity, the size and structure of the pores and the strength of the interpore shells. With increasing H/T to optimal value, providing best conditions formation of the structure of the mixture, the strength of aerated concrete increases. The strength of the shells, in turn, depends on the optimal ratio of the main binder and silica component, W/T, as well as the conditions of heat and moisture treatment. It follows from this that the use of mixtures with a minimum W/T value, subject to the formation of a high-quality structure (for example, by vibration expansion), makes it possible to obtain aerated concrete of higher strength.

For the production of aerated concrete, grades 300, 400, 500 are used, which meet the requirements of GOST 970-61. The production of aerated concrete places special demands on Portland cement regarding the alkalinity of the cement paste - the pH of the test should not be lower than 12. The alkalinity of cement is determined by the amount of free CaO and the sum of Na2O and K2O. According to the work of aerated concrete plants, the content of alkalis (Na2O, K20) in 1 liter of cement solution should not be less than 75 mg. In case of insufficient alkalinity of the solution, additional lime or alkali in the form of caustic soda (NaOH) should be added to the aerated concrete mass.

When used as a main binder, lime Special attention are given a significant amount of active calcium oxide (CaO) and magnesium (MgO). The total activity of lime should not be less than 75%, the amount of MgO should not be more than 1.5%. Lime can be used in production. The lime should be evenly burned.

The introduction of lime as an additive to cement reduces cement consumption and at the same time increases the alkalinity of the solution, ensuring the vigorous occurrence of the gas formation reaction:

3 Ca(OH)2 + 2 Al + 6 H2O 3 CaO Al2O3 6H2O + 3 H2

River or mountain quartz, fly ash from thermal power plants, marshalite and other materials are used as a siliceous component in the production of aerated concrete. Quartz sand for the production of aerated concrete and gas silicate must be pure, without admixtures of clay and organic substances, with a SiO2 content of at least 80%. The presence of clay slows down the hardening of aerated concrete and reduces its strength. Organic impurities have a detrimental effect on the gas evolution reaction; swelling of aerated concrete in the presence of organic impurities worsens. Fly ash can be used in the production of gas-ash concrete with a SiO2 content of more than 55%. Fly ash should contain negligible amounts of sulfur compounds, unburned coal particles and calcium carbonates.

The most important technological feature obtaining high-quality aerated concrete products with maximum porosity and sufficient strength is the creation optimal conditions for two simultaneously occurring processes of gas release and gas retention. It is necessary to ensure correspondence between the rate of gas release reaction and the rate of increase in the structural viscosity of the cement paste or mortar. In this case, gas evolution should end as completely as possible by the beginning of setting of the cement-water system. The course of the gas formation process is determined by a large amount various factors. The greatest influence on the speed of this process is the type, quantity and properties of the gas-forming agent, alkalinity and temperature of the medium, etc.

The production of aerated concrete is carried out using a wet or dry method. It is more economically feasible wet method, in which the grinding of the silica component or its mixture with lime is carried out in the presence of water to produce sludge. With the dry method, grinding and mixing of components is carried out in dry form in ball mills. Sand is ground in ball mills. To carry out wet grinding, heated water is introduced into the mill. When used in the production of lime, the latter is introduced into the mill for joint grinding with sand. From the mill, the sludge is passed through a sieve to separate it from large inclusions. Next, the sludge is collected in a collector and, using a membrane pump or by pressing with compressed air, is fed into a sludge pool or sludge silo. To prevent sludge separation, i.e. sedimentation of sand particles, sludge in basins and silos is subjected to continuous mixing. At the same time, the sludge is bubbling.

Sludge dosing, heating and pre-mixing are carried out in a dosing bath. Hot steam is used to heat the sludge to 40-45°. Cement dosage is by weight. The gas-forming agent is weighed and fed into a tank with glue rosin emulsion, equipped with a propeller mixer.

The final intensive mixing of all components of the aerated concrete mass occurs in a mobile self-propelled propeller aerated concrete mixer. Materials are loaded into the aerated concrete mixer in a certain sequence. Sand slurry is poured first, then unground sand (if necessary) and lastly cement. After this, the entire mass is mixed for 2-3 minutes. The introduction of the aluminum suspension determines the beginning of mixing of the aerated concrete mass. At the same time, the aerated concrete mixer begins to move. Mixing of the aerated concrete mass should continue for 2-3 minutes. Thorough mixing of the mass ensures homogeneity of the mixture and uniform expansion. Excessive mixing time is harmful, since intense gas formation may begin in the aerated concrete mixer. In this case, part of the released gas is lost and the aerated concrete mass once poured into molds will not give the desired swelling. The mixture is poured into molds through the holes in the bottom of the mixer using flexible rubber-fabric sleeves. Before pouring aerated concrete, molds are lubricated with mineral oil or special emulsions to prevent adhesion of aerated concrete to the metal of the molds. The aerated concrete mass is poured taking into account swelling to 2/3 or 3/4 of the height of the form.

After pouring the aerated concrete mass, swelling begins. the swelling process lasts 30-40 minutes. After swelling, aerated concrete sets and hardens. To accelerate the setting and hardening of aerated concrete, as well as to accelerate the process of gas release in a workshop for the production of aerated concrete ton products, the air temperature must be maintained at least +25°. The forms in which aerated concrete swells and hardens must not be moved or subjected to shocks or impacts, since the swelled but not hardened mass may settle. When swelling, the aerated concrete mass forms a so-called hump, which, after hardening, is cut off with manual or mechanical knives. Then the frozen mass is cut into products the right size, the forms are installed on autoclave trolleys in 2-3 tiers in height and driven into the autoclave for accelerated hardening.

On the website you can find information:video about aerated concrete, building walls, cost of aerated concrete, aerated concrete manufacturers, which is better - aerated concrete or foam concrete, reviews, and also buy aerated concrete.

The technology for producing aerated concrete is simple; given its demand, launching your own block production line is considered worthwhile. The standard complex includes crushers, a vibrating sieve, dispensers, mixers, conveyors, molds for filling and a cutting machine; if it is desired to manufacture autoclaved gas blocks, a heat treatment unit is added to the circuit. The main criteria when choosing lines are productivity, space occupied, labor requirements, and energy consumption. The amount of investment depends on these same factors, the minimum price of equipment without an autoclave is 400,000 rubles (without molds), a mini-plant is 2,400,000, when purchasing used machines, costs are reduced by 10-20%.

The basis is Portland cement with a grade of at least M400, filler, water, blowing agent and plasticizing additives. Various components can be used as inert: dolomite flour, ash, screenings of non-metallic rocks, lime, grinding of metallurgy waste, sand. Their share determines the porosity and density of the products; in thermal insulating aerated concrete blocks it is minimal. To ensure the process of gas formation, aluminum powder (PAP-1 or PAP-2) is in maximum demand - a powder with a layered structure, supplied in metal barrels. There are no special requirements for water; ordinary tap water or from an open source without large particles of silt will do; the only condition is its heating ( optimal temperature– this is +42°C).

Consumption depends on the purpose of aerated concrete blocks and their expected strength grade. On average, it takes to produce 1 m3:

Component name Approximate consumption per 1 m3, kg
For the production of aerated concrete M500 Same, M600
When using Portland cement M400
PC M400 300 342
Inert filler 200 228
Water 295 330
Aluminum powder 0,6-0,75 0,55-0,75
The same when using Portland cement M500
PC M500 276 316
Inert filler 180 210
Water 285 316
Aluminum powder 0,6-0,75 0,55-0,75

The volume fraction of the total binder for the dry components reaches 60%, the filler - 40. Of these, 15% is sand, another 15 is limestone or dolomite flour, 10 is crushed and mixed in water, cut off excess from products (the so-called hump). Thanks to this, the production of aerated concrete blocks is waste-free. If there is any doubt about the freshness and activity of the cement, the proportion of the blowing agent is increased by 200 g per 1 m3. The choice of filler material often depends on the availability of specific raw materials; each manufacturer of aerated blocks has its own proportions. If the requirements for strength or other characteristics are too high, plasticizers are added to the composition; in conventional brands they are not necessary.

Features of aerated concrete production technology

The manufacturing process before autoclaving begins consists of the following steps:

  • Prepare and dose all components except the blowing agent and mix them thoroughly in mixers for 5 minutes.
  • Adding aluminum powder and final mixing – 1 min.
  • Pouring the resulting liquid mixture into pre-prepared molds: from 1/3 to 2/3 of their volume. No more than 20 minutes are allocated for this stage.
  • Exposure in molds: from 2 to 4 hours until the end of the gas formation process.
  • Removing molds, trimming excess with string cutting tools, and, if appropriate equipment is available, making groove holes.

Further steps depend on the possibility of autoclaving. When produced at home (or close to it), the blocks are simply kept on pallets for at least two days at an ambient temperature of +20 °C, then another 21-28 days at normal humidity. After a month, such products are ready for use, inferior in strength to factory ones, they are quite suitable as insulation or for filling the space between rigid frames. Their performance characteristics directly depend on the activity and proportion of binder.

The main material for the manufacture of structural blocks is autoclaved aerated concrete. In this case, the cut workpieces are placed in special chambers and treated with hot steam under high pressure. Approximate parameters of the environment inside the autoclave: +200 °C, at least 10 atm; it is impossible to achieve them at home without the appropriate equipment. During the processing, the cell walls are strengthened and gas formation is successfully completed, as a result, the blocks improve their insulating and strength properties. Autoclaved aerated concrete can withstand moisture loads better and has higher frost resistance.

This technology increases the cost of the units even when purchasing used heat treatment equipment: it is most often stationary, requires a reliable foundation and the inclusion of a boiler to generate steam into the production scheme. In order to save money, many entrepreneurs first launch a production line for non-autoclaved gas blocks, with plans to install an autoclave in the future. This step can be avoided when molding products intended for thermal insulation.

Review of lines and methods for manufacturing aerated blocks

Depending on the volume of products produced and placement conditions, all equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks can be divided into the following categories:

  • Stationary lines used to produce from 10 to 60 m3 of blocks per day with minimal use of human resources (1-2 workers).
  • Conveyor – producing up to 150 m3, optimal when it is necessary to provide large volumes.
  • Mobile equipment - for making aerated blocks with your own hands directly on a construction site or at home, powered by 220 V.
  • The mini-line is an automated complex for high-quality gas blocks with a volume of up to 15 m3 per day with compact placement (occupies no more than 150 m2) and maintenance by 3 people.
  • Mini-plant - a similar line, but superior in capacity; up to 25 m3 of aerated concrete is produced per day.

Stationary equipment is considered the most profitable in the long term; thanks to the automated filling of forms, it works almost independently; manual labor is eliminated at difficult stages. Characteristic feature These lines include the presence of a mobile mixer, a complex for the preparation and storage of raw materials, heating of water and conveyor supply to the dispenser. Their advantage is considered to be significant production capacity (without heat treatment - up to 60 m3 of gas blocks), the disadvantage is the need for large areas (up to 500 m2) and the high cost of machines and installations (from 900,000 rubles and above, it is more difficult to buy used).

Conveyor lines also take up a lot of space (from 600 m2), but they implement a different production technology: the aerated concrete dispenser and mixer remain stationary, but the molds move. The process of such a complex is also fully automated, but due to the increased volumes of products produced, it is not recommended to carry out maintenance yourself; 4-8 people will be required. It is more expensive than others; the minimum price of conveyor complexes with a capacity of 100 m3/day is 3,000,000 rubles.

The main advantage of mobile equipment is the ability to produce aerated concrete in any convenient place, including at home; it takes up only 2 m2. The standard kit includes a compact mixer, compressor and connecting hoses about 2 m long (for filling several forms at once). Mobile installations cost no more than 60,000 rubles, and consume no more than 1.5 kW per hour (using the example of Aerated Concrete-500 B Plus); in order to save money, you can buy them used. To make aerated blocks at home using them, the strength of 1 person is enough, but if you involve 2 people, the work will go faster.

Mini-lines and factories for the production of aerated concrete blocks can be both stationary and conveyor. A number of domestic factories offer to buy them, good feedback Inntekhgroup and Kirovstroyindustry have, the best include the production lines of Altaystroymash. The complexity of mini-lines can be different, but the main equipment (mixer, molds and machine for cutting gas blocks) is always included in them, this is enough to start production even at home. The devices themselves will take up little space (depending on the power - from 10 to 150 m2), but we should not forget about organizing a platform for drying gas blocks.

Mini-factories are optimal if you need to make aerated blocks with your own hands for sale; they can be used as a starting point. The main difference from automated stationary and conveyor lines is the need for manual labor in such labor-intensive technology processes as preparing components, pouring molds and cutting. At least 3-4 people will be needed for maintenance.

Almost all domestic production lines offered do not include autoclaves as standard. Automated mini-factories with them are being sold in China, the cost of the equipment will increase by at least 1,000,000 rubles. Purchasing an industrial autoclave is advisable if you already have an established sales line or if you want to displace competitors. With the inevitable increase in energy consumption, their installation makes it possible to reduce the cycle time (there is no need to dry aerated concrete blocks on pallets for 3 days). Almost all modern autoclaves are automated, including feeding products into the oven and unloading.

Concrete is one of the most popular materials in construction. But in recent years, not just concrete, but concrete blocks with various additives. One of these “hybrids” is aerated concrete. Therefore, in this article, using the example business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks We will consider the prospects for creating such an enterprise.

Aerated concrete is actively used in the construction of residential buildings, administrative buildings, shopping complexes, etc. Typically, aerated concrete is used to make load-bearing walls because the material is highly durable. Demand aerated concrete blocks continues to grow, which makes this business very promising. But during the process of launching an aerated concrete production enterprise, a number of issues may arise that should be considered at the planning stage.

Key features of a business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks with calculations

Production planning

When deciding to launch a new business, you should carefully analyze all aspects of the matter. Before we move on to actual production, we first need to do some development. business plan For aerated concrete production.

It is important to assess the presence of competitors in the regional market, since opening such a production will be most profitable if there are no direct competitors in the region, since transportation costs are one of the few items in production on which savings are possible in this business.

IN business plan it will be important to carefully carry out all the calculations associated with the beginning production of aerated concrete. All collected information must be structured into sections, drawing appropriate conclusions.



Main activities within the production of aerated concrete

Within the framework of the project under consideration, the main activity will be the production of aerated concrete blocks, which are made by introducing certain substances into the cement mortar, calling the process gas formation (usually aluminum powder).

Simplified all processes within the framework of the considered business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks will look like this:

  • Purchase of raw materials;
  • Block production;
  • Sales of products.

The technological solution (adding gas-forming substances to cement) is due to the fact that concrete blocks simply have worse performance characteristics than concrete structures with various additives. In turn, aerated concrete has high thermal insulation and soundproofing properties.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Volume of investments to launch the production of aerated concrete blocks

1.3. Work results

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. 5 year goals

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan for the development of production of aerated concrete blocks

5.4. Spending Plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. Finance Analysis

6.3. Risks of producing aerated concrete blocks

7 – Conclusions

A business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks with calculations is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


Reviews from our clients

Feedback on the production business plan paving slabs

The purpose of planning was, on the one hand, to attract funding, and on the other hand, we also wanted to have a clear picture of how we would develop. In the end, I liked the plan. In the business plan for a workshop for the production of paving slabs, I liked the financial model, I liked that it was easy to use, easy to adjust to your needs, and there were no questions about it in the bank either. At the moment, a loan of 19 million has been received. rubles Thank you! This result was obtained, including with your help. Good luck!

Maksimov K.O., Nizhny Novgorod,

Feedback on the business plan for developing a sand quarry for sand extraction

To expand production, we needed to attract investors. More precisely, we had “our own” investor, but in order to work with him we needed a business plan. Representatives of the company site provided us with invaluable assistance in drawing up this document, as a result of which the investor was satisfied with the quality of the business plan. We received investments worth 40 million rubles for the purchase of new equipment.

Egor Valerievich, Kostroma, General Director

Feedback on a business plan for a concrete plant

We were satisfied with the business plan for the concrete plant. All formulas are easy to use and very simple, all explanations are clear, and any changes can be made to the finished model.

In fact, this is the first business plan that has proven to be easy to use and clear to understand.

M. L. Ivanova, Financial Director, World of Construction JSC

Drawing up a business plan for aerated concrete production

Market analysis of aerated concrete blocks The relatively stable economic situation has caused positive development trends construction industry

, which led to the demand for building materials. The production of gas and foam concrete is one of the fastest growing industries in the construction market. In the market analysis section in aerated concrete business plan

Speaking about the competitive advantages of aerated concrete compared to other building materials, we note such characteristics as:

  • Lightness (due to the fact that the blocks have a porous structure);
  • High thermal conductivity;
  • Vapor permeability (this is a disadvantage - the material tends to accumulate moisture, so you have to cover the walls with special solutions);
  • Fire safety (aerated concrete is one of the safest (non-flammable) materials);
  • Ease of use (convenience during the construction of buildings).

A similar line of business with similar technology for production and sales of products is the production of foam blocks. also contains a descriptive part of the project and calculations.

Registration of production

When starting any activity, it is necessary to register it - that is, register as an individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company.

The business plan will also need to take into account the costs associated with providing all documents - to the tax office; to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund, open bank accounts, obtain other permits - conclusions from the labor safety inspectorate, fire safety and etc.

Planning the production of aerated concrete blocks

In this section, you need to choose the location of production and determine the characteristics of the necessary equipment.

Speaking about the location of production, we note that it is better to place it outside the city or in an industrial zone. The main thing is the availability of sufficient space to accommodate:

  • Workshop (possibly several workshops);
  • Raw materials warehouse;
  • Finished goods warehouse;
  • Garage;
  • Administrative premises;
  • Utility rooms.

IN business plan for each specific production aerated concrete the characteristics and cost of the equipment used will be given, which will vary depending on the production program. Let's present some approximate categories of equipment:

  • Dispensers for bulk materials and water;
  • Mixer for aerated concrete;
  • Forms;
  • Mobile pallets for molds;
  • Cutting device, etc.

When planning production, it is necessary to draw up a staffing table indicating all categories of personnel, their job responsibilities and wages.

On initial stage the following specialists need to be found:

  • Manager;
  • Technologist;
  • General workers;
  • Loaders;
  • Drivers;
  • Other auxiliary workers (as necessary).

Investment calculations in a business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks

Since most of the calculations depend on technological solutions and the production program of a particular enterprise, it is quite difficult to identify a single structure and provide specific figures for the required investments. But you can download a sample on our website business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks with calculations. The calculation methodology presented in this business plan will allow you to calculate all the necessary indicators depending on the characteristics of your project.

  • Equipment - xxx r.
  • Premises (rent) - xxx rub.
  • Working capital - xxx rub.
  • Marketing - xxx r.
  • Unforeseen expenses (10%) - xxx rub.

ABOUT The total investment amount will be approximately50 - 150 million rubles. Of course, everything depends on the scale of the planned activity, the characteristics of the equipment, etc. But in any case, significant financial investments will be required to launch serious production.

Operating costs in the production of aerated concrete

In addition to investment expenses in any business, there are also operating expenses associated, as a rule, with the purchase of raw materials and the payment of wages. Their approximate structure for a company producing aerated concrete blocks is as follows:

  • Rent – ​​xxx rub.
  • Salary – xxx rub.
  • Raw materials - xxx r.
  • Utility payments – xxx rub.
  • Depreciation – xxx rub.
  • Taxes – xxx r.
  • Other expenses (10%) – xxx rub.
  • Total operating expenses for the month - xxx rub.

Total expenses will consist of investment and operating expenses.

Income in the business plan of an enterprise for the production of aerated concrete

Enterprise income will also have different meanings depending on the specifics of a particular business. Let us only note that sales of aerated concrete blocks are seasonal. Peak sales occur in spring and summer months when construction is actively underway.

Sales of products are possible through different sales channels - retail sales from the enterprise warehouse, concluding contracts with construction companies and etc.

Income items in business plan for an enterprise producing aerated concrete will be generated by receiving income from the sale of the following assortment items:

  • structural aerated concrete blocks;
  • structural and thermal insulation aerated concrete blocks;
  • thermal insulating aerated concrete blocks.

Thus, based on the assortment categories and their cost, the planned revenue from the production of aerated concrete is calculated, which for the xxx period will amount to xxx thousand rubles. This value is calculated based on the average prices for aerated concrete blocks in Russia, which for the period xxx amounted to xxx rubles.

The average payback period for such production will be approximately 3 - 5 years.

The business plan has a clear structure, contains detailed financial calculations, and the financial model allows you to flexibly change any business parameter. This optimal solution for those who plan to attract investments, want to get a loan or have a ready-made template for developing their business plan.

Structure of the financial model for the production of aerated concrete blocks

The financial model is a separate file in MS Excel format - essentially it is
a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its
indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.
There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the company's operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Why do you need professional development of a business plan for aerated concrete production?

Starting production in the construction industry is associated with large investments and risks. Correctly drawing up a business plan will allow you to develop a viable business development strategy, as well as attract investment and credit resources. In order not to waste your time and effort on developing such a document, we suggest you download a sample of a ready-made business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks with calculations. The financial model presented in this sample will allow you to calculate all investment indicators for your project. And a clear structure of all the necessary sections in this business plan will help to correctly convey the idea of ​​the project to an investor or bank. You can also order the development of an individual turnkey business plan, taking into account the characteristics of your business, by clicking on the link below.

Starting a business in the construction industry is both a responsible and time-consuming, but profitable endeavor. A promising direction in this industry is the production of aerated concrete blocks. It is only important to correctly draw up a business plan.

The modern construction industry is characterized by a combination traditional methods construction with the latest building construction technologies. The use of cellular concrete has significantly increased the efficiency of civil engineering and improved the quality of construction work. Widespread production of aerated concrete for the needs of private housing construction emphasizes the increased popularity among developers budget options wall materials with sufficiently high strength and thermal insulation properties.

Physical and mechanical properties of aerated concrete products

One of these popular building wall materials is aerated concrete, used in the construction of low-rise residential buildings and outbuildings. Due to its porous structure, it is cellular concrete and is an artificial porous stone-like formation.

Manufacturers of aerated concrete produce aerated concrete products in the form of blocks of various configurations that meet the requirements of the following standards:

  • GOST 31359-2007, establishing requirements for cellular concrete intended for the production of wall blocks and panels, slabs, lintels and others building elements;
  • GOST 31360-2007 regulating the requirements for wall products made of cellular concrete.

GOST 31359-2007 defines aerated concrete materials as a type of cellular concrete that differs from other cellular materials in the method of pore formation (clause 4.2). In its structure, the aerated concrete product resembles a kind of concrete “sponge”, consisting of small bubble-cells with a diameter of no more than 3 mm.

Thanks to the fine-porous structure, block products that can be produced modern equipment for the production of aerated blocks, have physical and mechanical properties that distinguish them favorably from similar products made from other concrete materials:

  • low specific gravity;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to fungi and mold;
  • ease of machining;
  • manufacturability and use.


The following aspects are noted as the technical and economic advantages of aerated concrete materials:

  1. The weight of building aerated concrete blocks is several times less weight similar products made of brick or concrete. An aerated block of standard dimensions 300x250x600 mm weighs only 30 kg, which is more than 3 times less than the weight of the same volume of bricks with dimensions 60x125x250 mm.
  2. The ease of processing products with conventional mechanical tools allows for the adjustment of blocks during the construction of buildings to improve the quality of assembly.
  3. The high heat and sound insulation qualities of walls made of aerated concrete blocks ensure comfortable living in residential buildings.
  4. Reliable fire resistance to open flame ensures the fire safety of the building.
  5. High technology of construction when using gas blocks increases the efficiency and quality of work.
  6. The affordable cost of gas blocks provides them with proper competitiveness in the building materials market.
  7. The possibility of organizing the production of aerated concrete products as a private business, since the real price of aerated concrete production, a mini-plant or conveyor-type line equipment is relatively affordable. The technological effectiveness of the production of aerated concrete materials creates the prerequisites for doing business with high profitability.

Aerated concrete manufacturing technology

The initial components used by manufacturers of aerated concrete blocks in the production of cellular aerated concrete material are:

  • Portland cement in proportions of 50 - 70% of the volume of the prepared mixture;
  • Lime - no more than 5% of the volume of the mixture;
  • quartz sand of a fraction not exceeding 2.1 mm, proportions in the mixture – 20-40%;
  • water – 0.8-1.0%;
  • complex gas-forming additives ranging from 0.04 to 0.09%.

The basic technology for producing aerated concrete consists of several stages:

  1. Stage 1 - dosing of the main components - cement, sand, lime - in accordance with the proportions of the given recipe for aerated concrete material.
  2. Stage 2 – supplying the main components and water to a special aerated concrete mixer. Thorough mixing of the components until a highly homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  3. Stage 3 – adding a blowing agent to the prepared mixture (most often the blowing agent is an aqueous suspension of aluminum powder). The process of porous mixture. It is important! In the process of chemical interaction of aluminum metal, which forms the basis of the powder, with lime and cement mortars Free hydrogen is released in the form of gas bubbles, which “swell” the cement paste. Equipment for aerated concrete must ensure uniform gas release throughout the volume of the mixture in order to obtain a uniform porous structure.
  4. Gas hardening concrete mixture in special forms, cutting blocks of the required configuration. Finished products can be given a wide variety of shapes - from traditional parallelepipeds to U-shaped or arched blocks.

Depending on the type of treatment of the hardening aerated concrete mass There are two methods for making gas blocks:

  • non-autoclave method, in which the maturation of semi-finished products to a set of regulated strength occurs naturally without forced exposure to external factors;
  • autoclave method or autoclaving, in which products are exposed to pressure at elevated temperature in autoclave chambers.

Features of autoclaving of aerated concrete block products

If the equipment that the gas block plant is equipped with includes an autoclave chamber, then autoclave hardening products are much superior in terms of quality to products manufactured using non-autoclave methods. The shrinkage of autoclave blocks during operation does not exceed 0.5 mm/m, while the same figure for non-autoclave wall blocks reaches 5 mm/m. The compressive strength of autoclaved aerated concrete materials reaches 3.2 MPa, for non-autoclaved materials - no more than 1.0 MPa. Autoclave-cured gas blocks have a stable, homogeneous structure, which predetermined their performance properties as a universal building material. Wall buildings with a thickness of 375-400mm, built from aerated concrete products, have proven themselves well in Russian weather conditions without additional insulation.

The principle of autoclaving cellular building materials is to place already molded products in an autoclave, in which the blocks long time will be under the influence of high pressure (up to 1.2 MPa) and will be treated with water steam at a temperature of 190-191 degrees. C. Such conditions initiate reactions that strengthen the structural density of the material and increase its strength.

Technical equipment for aerated concrete production

To launch production activities for the production of aerated concrete products, a technological line for the production of aerated concrete is equipped, which includes the following functional elements:

  • dispensers of aerated concrete mixture components;
  • aerated concrete mixer (mixer-activator) for preparing aerated concrete foam mixture;
  • forms for pouring foamed aerated concrete mixture and subsequent hardening;
  • devices for cutting gas blocks;
  • trolleys for moving finished products to storage.

For work using autoclave technology, the line is equipped with an autoclave chamber and a system automatic control and regulation of autoclave operating modes.

Before organizing a mini-plant for the production of aerated concrete blocks or other aerated concrete products, it is necessary to determine the productivity of the production line. The technical equipment of the production site or plant and the degree of automation of regulated technological operations depend on this. To produce construction products on an industrial scale, you will need completely different equipment than for small production or for the production of gas blocks in artisanal conditions. Production and technological lines for the production of aerated concrete products are divided into three categories.

Mini lines

1.Mini lines, which are mini-factories with a production capacity of 15-25 cubic meters. m/day of aerated concrete products. They have a low degree of automation of technical processes. Service actuators 2-3 workers are involved. The production area of ​​mini-factories does not exceed 140-160 square meters. meters. The main equipment includes:

  • gas concrete mixer;
  • devices for cutting hardening mixtures;
  • molds, trays for maturing aerated blocks;
  • rail tracks and carts for transporting finished products.

Mini-plants use mobile type mixers, which, after mixing the aerated concrete mixture, are rolled to fixed stationary forms to fill them with the prepared mixture.

The price of equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks on such lines can increase significantly when equipped with additional options, for example, a compressor for supplying air for better mixing of the concrete mixture or automated dispensers.

Stationary lines

2. Stationary lines production capacity from 30 to 60 cubic meters. meters/day. An aerated concrete plant of this type is equipped with a stationary aerated concrete mixer, to which mobile trolley forms are driven up to be filled with foamed aerated concrete mass. The level of production automation is quite high, which allows one or two workers to be involved in the work. The production area of ​​stationary lines does not exceed 500 square meters. meters.

Conveyor type lines

3. Conveyor type lines production capacity from 75 to 150 cubic meters. meters/day. Despite the high degree of automation of process control, at least 8 service personnel are required to service the complex. The area occupied by the conveyor plant for the production of aerated concrete blocks exceeds 600 square meters. meters.

Organizational issues when opening aerated concrete production

Opening a plant for the production of aerated concrete will require the preparation of a number of documents related to the specifics of the manufacture and sale of aerated concrete blocks. If equipment is used for the production of aerated concrete in artisanal home conditions without the use of an autoclave, then no permits are required for such work. In the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 1997 No. 1013 and the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated October 8, 2001, which define the lists of products subject to mandatory certification, there are no blocks made of cellular concrete and equipment for their production. However, in the case of using autoclave technology, the manufacturer must obtain permission from the Gosgortekhnadzor authorities; the equipment is operated under high blood pressure. Separately, it is necessary to obtain permits from the fire service, since the electrical power of the autoclave unit is 5-10 kW. The city SES can give its comments, since the use of aluminum powder should provide for the possibility of recycling the gas-forming suspension based on it.
Not so long ago, only large specialized enterprises with expensive equipment could produce aerated concrete and other cellular concretes.

The introduction of new technological processes has significantly simplified the production of such in-demand materials, which has given impetus to the development of the production of aerated concrete products by small and medium-sized businesses.