How to drill concrete walls without dust. Drilling and cutting of openings without dust

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Why does the question arise, how to drill concrete? Have you bought a new mirror or decided to hang a shelf in the hallway? Or maybe your child is a talented painter, and you want to put all his works in a frame and on the wall? Or another reason appeared to drive a nail into the wall of a panel or brick house? In general, everything is going to the point that you can’t do without drilling the wall.

Every owner knows how to drill concrete. If you have a drill and a drill bit, there shouldn't be a problem.

Clean drilling using a paper funnel

This method is great for drilling a ceiling, but is completely useless when drilling a wall. You can, of course, ask someone at home to hold some kind of homemade dust collector under the drill, like a wide candy box, but this will be of little use.

Another problem is that if the drill rotates at high speeds, dust will fly out according to the laws of physics, it will be pushed out by centrifugal force. It may also fly out when you remove the drill from the hole. In general, without certain skills you cannot collect dust in this way.

Rotary hammer with vacuum dust collector

Much more productive and modern way drilling concrete without dust - using a hammer drill with a vacuum dust collector.

This new product was released by various well-known companies, for example, Bosch. The device works on the principle of a vacuum cleaner. During drilling, a vacuum dust collector sucks up all the dust.

Using the paper funnel method, you will never achieve this result, because some of the dust will still fly out over the edges of the funnel. This will not happen when using a hammer drill. If you do not want to overpay for a new product in the world of construction equipment, you will have to bear other costs - time for cleaning the premises.

Now you won’t have any questions about how to properly drill concrete with a drill. Using a hammer drill with a vacuum dust collector, you can calmly, without worrying about future cleaning, drill a hole in the wall and floor, not to mention the ceiling.

When you drill into concrete or brick walls with a hammer drill or hammer drill, you usually end up covered in concrete or brick dust, but there is a very simple way to significantly reduce the damage to the surrounding area.

Take a sheet of paper, bend it almost in half, then fold it over and fold the strips on the sides to make an envelope. We glue it to the wall with masking tape under the place where we will drill.

Almost all the concrete dust during drilling is poured into an envelope. Very little gets past. One envelope can be used to drill all the necessary holes, and then simply thrown away along with the concrete dust.

From the comments to the post:

- My husband glues the bags)
Or carton boxes from breakfast cereals)

- What about devices from Bosch like a wall-mounted vacuum cleaner?
Envelopes are too papery.))

- this option is ridiculous and ineffective... this envelope does not save you from clouds of dust in the air and from dusting the entire space of the room;

to avoid DUST IN THE AIR AT ALL, I always do this: I take an ordinary synthetic sponge, 3-4 cm thick, make a hole in the middle for a drill, moisten it with a little excess water, then tape it to the wall on both sides with the hole pointing to the point drilling and drilling; The dust doesn't fly away AT ALL.

If you can’t spoil the surface with tape, you’ll have to get someone to help and he will carefully hold this sponge with his fingers on both sides.

- and if you put your wife next to her with a vacuum cleaner, it will be completely clean! :)

- Should I substitute a vacuum cleaner?

- He will die from the very dust that does not fall into the envelope. If we mean a home vacuum cleaner.

- We made a closed envelope right on the hole, and drilled through the top of the envelope, through the paper. In this case, the back wall of the envelope (which is closest to the wall) should be made of masking tape. So there are no traces left on the wallpaper or around it at all. This is critical when all the repairs have already been done, and expensive wallpaper have a texture. This is especially critical for bricks. Among other things, this method allows you to avoid leaving marks on the wallpaper from marking holes.

- Yeah, it’s always more convenient to apply markings on masking tape, and it’s very important when you drill a tile, the pen doesn’t come off.

- Even easier - spray shaving foam on the wall.

- Everyone knows that.
They also put all sorts of attachments from a plastic bottle on the drill.

- I usually use a suitable box, for example, I cut off the top half of a milk carton at an angle, and also glue it to the wall using the high side.

- use your wife with a rag, and this problem will cease to exist

- No...that's not how planes fly. Dust, that's why it's dust, to float in the air. And it’s not dust that will fall into the envelope, but sand. That sand that can be easily removed from the floor with anything. But the dust will remain in the air for years (I’m not afraid of this word) and will gradually settle on all surfaces in the apartment.

- and most importantly, do not forget to place a small plastic mayonnaise jar on the drill when chiseling ceilings!

- Something similar was published in the journal Science and Life *twenty years ago.

- From the old Soviet book “1000 tips for tinkering enthusiasts.”

Drilling holes without dust will reduce the cleaning time in the house after renovation. There are several ways in which experienced craftsmen drill concrete and brick walls with a minimum amount of construction waste. To prepare holes in concrete and brick, a drill and a drill with a Pobedit tip are used, and when drilling to great depths, a drill up to 1 meter long is used. Work with the drill is carried out using a hammer drill.

Diamond cutting without dust

Using diamond cutting, window and door openings, channels for ventilation and other communications are cut out. It produces less noise than impact methods on concrete, and special technologies allow you to cut hard materials with a minimum amount of construction debris. Diamond cutting is used to prepare hatches and other openings in ceilings. Concrete crumb particles are removed in two ways:

  • Using construction vacuum cleaner. It draws in the smallest particles immediately after formation, so they do not pollute the air or settle on surfaces.
  • With the help of water. Liquid cools work surface disc and washes away small debris, leaving the room clean. The two technologies are often combined: the remaining smallest particles are removed with a vacuum cleaner.

These methods make it possible to quickly carry out a set of works to prepare technological openings, as well as reduce the cleaning time after repairs or construction. Diamond cutting has become widely popular in monolithic buildings, in which there is often a need to prepare holes during the renovation process. Dust-free technologies simplify and speed up the process.

Dust-free ceiling drilling

Special compressor nozzles for dust-free drilling are put on the working tool (drill, drill bit or hammer drill) and collect small particles of sand and cement. Professional craftsmen use factory-made devices with a compressor or attachments of a construction vacuum cleaner. They do not allow debris to spill onto the floor during the ceiling treatment process, as a result, the room is still clean after the operation.

Drilling concrete or, for example, brick is a simple matter. To do this you only need to have a good impact drill and a special drill with pobedite tips. Clearly, still necessary
noise and dust, because you can still survive the roar, but you can see dirty carpets, furniture and loved ones household appliances– it’s a difficult matter for the heart. But there is one dust-free drilling method. Its only drawback is that it only works when drilling the ceiling.
So. In order to drill concrete without dust, you need to make a paper funnel and attach it to the drill.
Everything is extremely simple. For this simple creation you need to take paper and tape.

A) Cut out the paper blank rectangular shape. There is no need to take any measurements, everything, as they say, is by eye. The action is simple and not difficult to repeat a couple of times so that everything fits perfectly into the drill.

B) We cut off strips of tape and carefully glue them to the edge of the table with one end to make it easier to work.
C) Then you need to take a drill, insert a drill into the chuck and wrap paper around the chuck so that you get the above-mentioned funnel. The bottom of the homemade funnel should be lower than the cartridge, so that when it rotates, the funnel remains fixed and not movable. Then we tape the edges of the paper together.

D) And the last moment. We glue ours with tape paper product to the drill using short strips of tape. We glue carefully so that there are no gaps, otherwise construction waste will fall onto the floor and all the above actions will be ineffective.

Let us remind you again. A paper funnel is not suitable for working with walls, only for working with the ceiling.

As people say: “Repairs cannot be completed - they can be suspended.” And rightly so. People are constantly trying to improve their home, equipping it, ennobling it, etc. This is due not only during repairs, but also when replacing furniture, purchasing various accessories and other equipment.

Many things, including interior solutions, require fastening to the walls, and this always involves drilling. And it’s good if the walls are wooden, and if it’s concrete or brick, and even red or with a black tint, which is a good dye. You start drilling the wall, you have light wallpaper after a recent renovation, and this paint dust flies out of the hole, leaving a mark on the wallpaper all the way to the floor, which is then very difficult to remove. The mood is temporarily ruined. Is the situation familiar?

This is where tips on how to drill a hole in a wall without dust will come in handy. This applies especially to those who do their own repairs and rarely encounter this - the craftsmen know this.

Methods for drilling walls without dust

Method 1:

This method is the easiest if you have a vacuum cleaner. You need to remove the brush and put on the narrowest nozzle - this will create the greatest suction pressure. Then mark the drilling location and place this nozzle under this location. Turn on the vacuum cleaner and then start drilling the hole. All dust flying out from under the hammer drill will be sucked up by a vacuum cleaner and the walls will remain clean. This work is best done with an assistant. One is holding a vacuum cleaner, the other is drilling. It's simple.

Method 2:

If you don't have a vacuum cleaner at hand. You can use a regular sheet of paper. Having slightly bent it, we press one edge against the wall under the future hole and begin to drill. We make sure that the dust flying out of the hole collects on the concave leaf, then we carefully take it to the garbage chute. A little more difficult to do, but it also helps keep the wall free from colored dust.

And if you spend a little time, you can make an envelope with a hole using a regular stapler, attach it to the wall with masking tape so that the dust collects directly into the envelope. In this case, you can freely work alone without an assistant. I hope these simple tips will be useful and beneficial during such a difficult task as