How to decorate a room in style for a party. Sea party: children's photo session. Paper products for table setting

If you decide to organize a child's birthday or an adult party in nautical style, you will definitely have to think about how to decorate the room, table, invitation cards. Of course, you can purchase ready-made kits on thematic websites. But believe me, DIY decor will be no worse.

To simplify the task, the Zatusim website has prepared several ideas for decorating a holiday in a nautical style, as well as step by step wizard classes that will help you make your own jewelry. Ready-made thematic templates will also come in handy - the pictures are clickable and you can enlarge them and print them for your crafts.

The simplest and affordable way decorating a room or table means making different boats.

They can also be used for place cards or for wishes for the hero of the occasion. Many people remember how to make paper boats from childhood. Let us remind those who have forgotten their origami skills.

Party in a nautical style: DIY decoration with a grid of corrugated paper

A fishing net will make a wonderful background or decoration. It can be used to drape a ceiling or a candy bar, or be used for a photo shoot.

Blue paper or turquoise color remove from packaging and do not unwrap. Make deep cuts on both sides, cutting the paper all the way through. The distance between the cuts should be equal to the desired thickness of the mesh cells. This is approximately 2-3 cm. If this distance is reduced, the mesh will be finer.

You can first practice on a regular sheet of paper.

Make these cuts along the entire length of the corrugated paper roll.

Carefully unfold the finished template.

Stretch the resulting mesh and attach it to the wall or ceiling.

Accessories for a nautical party: festive pinwheels

Pinwheels made of paper will be a cool decoration for a party and entertainment for kids.

All you have to do is print out the template, cut and cut it along the dotted lines and staple the edges in the middle of the sheet.

This whole structure is attached to a stick using a beautiful pin.

Holiday in a nautical style: invitation templates

Make bottle themed invitations by printing out templates and filling in the blanks. And such invitations can be placed in a box with a cool toy like a crab or fish.

To do this you will need directly:

  • box;
  • small towel;
  • ready-made invitations;
  • toy.

Lay the towel out on a flat surface.

Fold in the edges. Moreover, there is more on the upper side than on the lower side.

Position the invitation so that its edge is higher than the edge of the towel.

Fold the bottom side over again, covering the invitation halfway up.

Carefully turn the structure over and fold the side edges back.

Place an invitation towel and a small compliment toy in the box.

Close the box and make a personal inscription on top of who this invitation gift is intended for.

Sea party for little pirates: DIY decoration

For a holiday with pirates, we suggest making a cool garland with themed flags with your own hands. An interesting poster with the inscription “No Pirates Allowed” can be hung at the entrance. And what would it be without a pirate flag with a skull and a dashing cocked hat.

Decorating a children's party in a nautical style: ready-made templates for birthdays

Hang a banner in front of the door inviting kids to the party.

And on the walls hang portholes depicting ships and seascapes. Dolphins and seagulls watching the holiday through the portholes will delight the eye. Print the finished portholes on thick paper measuring 300x300 mm and attach them to the walls in the room where the holiday will take place.

If a seaside celebration is being held in honor of a child’s birthday, you can make a congratulatory banner with waves.

Set of templates in nautical style for cabin boy's birthday

For the little cabin boy's birthday, we suggest making a garland with your own hands.

To do this, print ready-made templates on paper. It is better to use a laser printer for this so that the paint does not bleed if it comes into contact with moisture.

Using a hole punch, make holes along the top edge of each flag and thread the string through the holes. You can also use a ribbon that matches the flags, that is, yellow, blue or turquoise.

Make some cool caps for your guests. To do this, print the finished templates on A3 paper.

Using scissors, cut along the contour and coat the area to be glued with glue or a pencil. Glue to back side template. You can already attach a ribbon to the finished cap.

To do this, use a needle to place holes on opposite sides of the cases, thread thin ribbons through them, and secure them. For packaging cupcakes or cupcakes, we suggest making original stands or baskets.

No less interesting are the boxes for packaging sweets.

Set up a candy bar “Yunga”, and use original toners to decorate dishes.

Print our templates and cut out along the outline. Apply a little glue to a skewer or toothpick and attach to the back of the topper.

Sea party: children's photo session

For an unforgettable photo session in a marine style, you don’t have to go to the sea coast. Can be arranged original photo area right on the street or even in the house.

To do this, purchase styrofoam balls different sizes. This prop is made from regular foam. It can be purchased at craft stores. You will also need paints. We will paint some of the balls turquoise and Blue colour, and some are in sea green color. We set aside large balls for making jellyfish.

Cut the pieces in half and slightly round the edges. We paint the resulting hemispheres in bright colors. We paint the tissue paper from which we will cut out the tentacles with the same shade. Glue the finished tentacles to the base. We string the finished balls and jellyfish onto fishing line or ribbons. All that remains is to hang it up and the area for the photo session is ready.

Props for children in the form of masks, octopuses and starfish cut out of cardboard and attach to sticks.

If you liked our ideas for organizing a seaside party, leave a comment or share your decor options.

Lydia Simonova

Lid's Eventhouse has hundreds of completed design projects for events of various sizes: birthdays, weddings, corporate and social events and much more. In our work, we strive to ensure that the decor concept reflects something very personal associated with the hero of the occasion. Theme party ideas can come from any detail, so first of all, we recommend starting your theme search with your own hobbies and favorite items. Today, decorators are able to realize almost any idea, so you can take as a basis the plots of films and books, symbols and dates and numbers that are important to you, the main thing is to show your imagination and not be afraid of bold decisions.

Egyptian party

Was popular in 2016 East style decoration, and one of the projects of Lid’s Eventhouse was the development and implementation of the Egypt Party decor concept. To create a special ethnic ambiance, we used racks with golden oriental vessels, and turned the photo zone into a real “treasury of the pharaohs.” A bright visual accent was the malachite walls, which whimsically set off the bright colors of the decor and made it possible to create a charming atmosphere.

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If you have chosen such a theme for the party, then all sorts of mysterious decorations in the form of pyramids, sphinxes, luxurious tombs and, of course, the outfits of beautiful Egyptian queens and majestic pharaohs will help bring it to life. Gilded frames will look great, and different textures, such as sand, satin or old papyrus, will enhance the atmosphere of one of the world's oldest civilizations. Decorate the room with palm trees: they can be either real or artificial. Create the illusion of a real oasis. By decorating the space with textiles, you can create something like a tent over your head.

Hang vines, golden ivy garlands and oil lamps on the walls. And so that the evening leaves not only pleasant memories, but also vivid photographs, warn guests in advance about the dress code of the party.

Fashion Party

Often a women's party reflects the hobbies of the hero of the occasion, so for girls who cannot imagine their life without social events, glossy magazines and shopping, their own fashion show will be a bright and stylish event.

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The scenario of a “fashion party” can be very diverse: formal and strict, light and free, involving guests in what is happening. For a decor idea, just take characteristic styles and elements from famous fashion designers and favorite brands. In the decoration of the hall you can use an abundance of floristry and flower arrangements, a luxurious palette of colors, a curtain and a catwalk inviting guests to plunge into a unique fashion space. Interesting solution will be the use of mannequins to demonstrate clothing models. But the most important accent is red handbags and clutches and other fashion accessories, which can be conceptually placed in large cages, thereby attracting the attention of guests.

The next station is…

Romantics and lovers of train travel will definitely love the romantic decor in the “station” style. In one of our projects, we laid a small railway along which a small train ran throughout the evening. This beautiful train became a highlight in the decoration of a huge table for 90 people. The crystal “cargo” sparkled in the trailers, and real steam poured out of the chimney.

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The decor of such a party can be done in cool white or gray tones, and the appropriate texture will be white brick walls loft spaces. A contrast to such a restrained background will be created by bright pieces of furniture and floristry. In the welcome zone, evening guests can enter a real waiting room. The atmosphere will be created by elements of stained glass windows of ancient French stations, platform arches, images of European cities, and large clocks.

"Angels and Demons"

Many people are attracted to opposites and contrasts. White and black, fire and water, good and evil - and all this can be together at a party of angels and demons! The main accent of the decor was the installation “Wings”, against which different heights there was a swing.

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The key idea on which the decor of such an angelic-devil party is based is two incompatible components within one venue. Another design option for such an event is the creation of two zones, “heavenly” and “hell” halves, each of which will have a special surroundings. And if on the light side light shades and smooth lines will prevail, and the interior will feel airy and light, then the “dark side” is designed to attract attention to the stylish design in black and red, often using sharp textures and attributes.

When organizing a party, there are many things to consider and take care of. About content, entertainment, music, drinks and so on. And last but not least, you need to think about the good and effective design of the room. After all, one of the most important factors for a successful and fun party is the atmosphere. And if the atmosphere is created in the style of the event and every element is selected with love and taste, your party will be talked about for a long time.

It is very important to pay attention to what guests see immediately upon arrival. Enter the room and look around. What first impression does the designed space create? Maybe it’s worth rearranging something or decorating the entrance.

A little about lighting

Bright light is not the best solution for a party. But guests won’t really like searching for their glass by touch and bumping into objects. Subdued, unobtrusive lighting would be ideal. You can use several small light sources and decorate something with garlands of light bulbs. If the party is for a narrow circle, then candles will be appropriate - they will create a more comfortable, intimate atmosphere.

If there are a lot of guests at the party, try not to use candles or other sources of fire. Never place candles near curtains or other flammable objects.

It is important to illuminate strategically important objects - a bar, a table with snacks, a stage (if there is one), passages to technical premises. If there are steps or high thresholds in the room, they also need to be illuminated so that no one trips. It is enough to simply shine the light of small lamps on them.

What are we celebrating?

The room can be decorated with balloons, colored garlands, lanterns, whatever. But, of course, the style and design elements largely depend on what the event is dedicated to. Whether it's a themed party or a celebration.

To create the right mood, it is very important to get into the theme, select the appropriate decorative elements, dishes, and choose the right colors.

For any holiday, you can decorate a beautiful candy bar with colorful sweets. To do this, you need to cover a small table with a bright tablecloth, place sweets and stick small signs with funny captions in them.

For example, passionate red and hot pink shades are suitable for celebrating Valentine's Day. You can inflate heart-shaped balloons with helium, cut out hearts from red paper and make a garland out of them. The entrance to the room can be draped with translucent fabric or a heavy velvet curtain. Place bouquets of scarlet roses on the tables.

If it's a birthday, you can hang colored balloons and flags and use bright colors. You can decorate cups and glasses with bright figures and pour small candies into festive caps.

For a Hawaiian party, you'll need paper flower garlands, tropical fruits, and brightly colored tableware. Glasses can be decorated with umbrellas and fruits, tropical straw skirts can be put on tables, snacks can be poured into coconut shells.

But the most important thing at a party is, of course, a cheerful, warm company of friends. Think about those for whom you are throwing this holiday, and your party will be unforgettable!

A party is always great, it's laughter, positivity, smiles and joy. This is a festive atmosphere, and what holiday would be complete without decorations? Anyone can invite guests and prepare snacks, but the one who transforms can create a mood that sparkles like a glass of champagne. an ordinary apartment to a disco bar or a dacha in the jungle, full of secrets and wonders. Maybe you can work as a wizard and decorate your party in an unusual way?

You will need

  • - cards for names;
  • - bright dishes;
  • - decorative ornaments for glasses;
  • - fruits;
  • - clotheslines;
  • - braid;
  • - ribbons and fabric;
  • - Garlands;
  • - neon lamps;
  • - net;
  • - cans of paint and balloons;
  • - wigs, noses, caps and other tinsel.


Plan where the table will be located. If you are sticking to a specific seating arrangement, you should make name cards. You can make them yourself, or you can buy ready-made ones and simply sign them.

Dishes can be unusual and bright. Scatter tangerines on the table between dishes - it looks amazing. Decorate cocktails with fancy umbrellas and canapes with glowing skewers with sparkles. Available in stores big choice wine glasses and glasses made of colored glass with decor.

Another way to decorate a stage is through scenery. For example, theatrical sets are drawings or landscapes made on canvas oil paints. Draw themed decorations on cardboard or plywood and attach them to the back of the stage - this is one way to create a festive mood in the hall. Most often, all methods are used to decorate the stage: balloons, drapery, and decorations. Balls can be used to lay out pictures and figures. The fabric will beautifully drape the imperfections of the stage, and the scenery will benefit the performance. The key to success is imagination and resourcefulness. They will help decorate stage literally with improvised materials.

Dishes are served on the festive table beautifully decorated and well heated or, on the contrary, chilled. Cold snacks and salads are placed on the table even before the banquet begins. Hot dishes are heated just before serving, and it is advisable to serve them in a sealed container. It is recommended that clean dishes be served on the table during the meal for new dishes, and dirty dishes and cutlery should be removed.


“Tulips” and “fans” are cut out of oblong radishes, and cones are cut out of round radishes. Using a curly knife, make stripes on the radishes - you get “”. Before it becomes a food decoration, keep it in cold water. A very garnish of radishes, sliced ​​or grated, heaped on green leaf salad

Both fresh and pickled cucumbers are suitable for this decoration. Cut the cucumbers lengthwise into thin slices and carefully roll them into rolls.

Greens not only make cooked dishes tastier, but are also decorative element. To decorate salads and sandwiches, celery, dill, parsley, and onions are used. Green onions Use a sharp knife to turn it into a brush or fan.

If you want to amaze your guests with a very unusual dish, make “cabbage”: place half of the cabbage, cut side down, on a flat plate. Place vegetables cut into slices or cubes along the edges of the plate around the cabbage. Garnish the side dish with torn herbs. Insert chopsticks (plastic or wooden) into the cabbage head. These sticks will be the hedgehog’s “needles.” Put a variety of sticks on the sticks snacks- pieces of meat, fish, sausage, cubes of cheese, and so on - everything you can find at home.

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Paper lamps have a number of advantages: they are not expensive, compact, lightweight and suitable for any modern interior. But many may find them boring and monotonous. However, there is a solution! With your own hands you can give them individuality, originality and at the same time fit them perfectly into your interior.

You will need

  • - paper lamp
  • - colored paper
  • - napkins
  • - scissors
  • - glue


Try stacking flowers one on top of the other to create interesting multi-layered flowers with different combinations of colors and shades. You can attach the resulting flowers to the lamp and see how they will look on its surface. When you like the result, glue the layers. To do this, you can use PVA glue, it dries quickly, but not too quickly, does not leave marks, and can be bought at any office supply store.

Now we glue the flowers to the lamp. If you are afraid of ruining everything, try first laying out the composition on a smooth surface or even drawing a sketch on paper.

When the flowers are glued and the glue has hardened, bend the petals a little. Hooray! You've finished decorating.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

You can use buttons, sequins, beads, ribbons, lace, artificial flowers, newspapers, tracing paper and much more for decoration, the only limit is your imagination.

Tip 6: How to decorate your apartment for the holiday with helium balloons

Balloons are the most affordable and popular element for decorating any room for the holiday. This constant design attribute is used at various events, regardless of their scale, be it a store opening, a birthday or a wedding.

Decorating rooms with helium balloons is a universal decoration option, which makes it possible to use cheap elements to create compositions that are in no way inferior to expensive analogues. This design of the interior of an apartment, office or cafe gives a feeling of celebration and brings joy to both adults and adults.

What are helium balloons

Helium balloons are simple balloons, familiar to everyone since childhood, but filled with helium. With their help, you can realize the most daring design ideas.

Filling a balloon with helium is not easy, so it is better to entrust this task to specialists. Companies providing such services can also apply an image to the surface of the ball in accordance with the customer’s wishes. In addition, they will offer a choice of balloons of any color, various shapes and configurations, which will allow you to create a special, unique decoration for the festive interior.

How to decorate an apartment with helium balloons

There are a lot of techniques for decorating rooms with helium balloons, and choosing the right option depends on the occasion for which the celebration is being held. The simplest solution for decorating the interior with their help is helium balloons hanging from the ceiling. They themselves already attract attention and look beautiful, and you can add individuality and originality to them by attaching funny cards or small souvenir toys to their strings.

If it is a child’s birthday, then you can tie an armful of balloons to a weight and place them in the center of the room or attach them to the birthday boy’s chair, and then give them to children as a prize for winning some competition.

For a youth party, you can place helium balloons under the ceiling by tying an ordinary streamer to them. Balls that are located at different heights from the floor will look unique and original, and this can be achieved by attaching weights of different weights to their ribbons.

If you plan to decorate your apartment for a wedding celebration, then red heart-shaped balloons will do, and the more of them, the better. You can attach them anywhere: on the walls, on the floor, on the table, under the ceiling, the main thing is that they are scattered randomly. In combination with classic garlands and ordinary balls, such a decoration will look great.

For other festive occasions, you can buy mother-of-pearl balls same size or balls of pastel, soft colors. Using double-sided tape and shiny serpentine, they can be attached to the walls or “released” to the ceiling. The balls can be placed randomly, you can make an arch or some kind of inscription out of them, or assemble a bouquet or some shapes from them.


  • How to decorate an apartment with balloons in 2019
  • How to decorate a room with balloons in 2019

Decorating with balloons during various events and celebrations is very popular due to the relative cheapness and quite presentable appearance of the room. Design methods hall balls– there are a great many, but creating your own special version is always individual and depends on the specific situation. As a basis, you can take several basic elements that can be easily combined with each other, and can also lead to some new ones original ideas.

You will need

  • - latex or foil balloons;
  • - hand pump or a compressed air/helium cylinder;
  • - fishing line;
  • - paper or foil ribbons for tying balloons.


Consider the design of the room where the event will take place. The composition should correspond to the theme of the celebration: figures in rings will be relevant; will be appropriate for the day

Interior Design


28.09.15 15:31

Holding a celebration at home requires serious preparation, even if these are ordinary gatherings with close friends. If you know how to decorate an apartment for a party, you can special costs create the right atmosphere and set the tone for the holiday.

Decoration affects the first impression of guests, their mood, comfort and safety. A good owner must think through everything and take care even of little things that are unimportant at first glance. You need to decorate the entire apartment, not just one room, otherwise the image will turn out broken and incomplete.

  • Lighting. You need to find a compromise between twilight and bright light. The best option there will be soft diffused lighting, slightly dimmed and colored different colors. It is best to limit yourself to local lamps, wrapped in pieces of bright fabric and numerous garlands. If you plan to have only a few guests, you can use candles, otherwise it is very dangerous. When lighting the room, you need to highlight a dance area, a table with snacks, a bar, and transitions between rooms.
  • Serving. Especially important point, if you are planning a calm, quiet dinner with friends. For parties dedicated to dancing and other entertainment, you also need to think about glasses and dishes, even if it's just beer and chips. Each approach should have some zest.
  • If you are planning dances, you need to think about a sufficient amount of free space and light and music.
  • Nothing brings a party together like having similar decorations on all the guests. Wigs, luminescent bracelets or designs with special paints, beads, funny glasses or hats - all this lifts the mood and encourages fun.

How to decorate an apartment for a party depending on the theme

  • Valentine's Day. There should be distinctive shades, balloons, confetti, hearts and flowers. Draperies made of pink, red or white fabric with a gold pattern are appropriate. Garlands are decorated with flowers; petals can be scattered everywhere.
  • Birthday. Multi-colored balls, flags, paper lanterns, cheerful figures will create an atmosphere of unbridled fun. Despite such colorful decor, it is appropriate for any age of the birthday person.
  • Foam or beach party. You can install a decorative pool; if desired, you can even use foam from special installations. Uniform: swimsuits and sailor suits, vests.

  • Picnic in nature. The room is decorated with green plants, stumps instead of chairs, and a low table made of roughly hewn wood. The dishes are simple and convenient. The decor is used to a minimum; the sounds of nature are included without fail.
  • Social reception. Perfect table setting, name cards, overhead lights, and only flowers as accessories. The furniture can be covered with covers, then all attention will be focused on the beautifully decorated table.
  • Hawaiian. Tropical fruits, glowing lanterns, imitation fire and sand - character traits. The glasses are decorated with umbrellas, and the chairs are decorated with characteristic tropical straw decor. You can serve snacks in coconut shells.

As soon as the sun begins to warm the earth, chilled after a long winter, we begin to recharge with its energy and feel the approach of the long-awaited spring. And the onset of this wonderful time of year is not a sin to celebrate properly!

The Design Museum offers you an overview of the latest trends in party decoration, many of which are actually quite old, but they have acquired a new look and can now delight us with even greater success.

Use our tips and become a true expert in organizing the most fun events for friends and colleagues.

Garlands and hanging decorations

Garlands, banners and flags have been holiday decorations for decades, but we want to know what they represent today. In recent years, it has become fashionable to decorate rooms with ceiling garlands made of paper figures, templates for which can be downloaded on the Internet. The photo below shows an elegant garland made of multi-colored and foil paper boxes.

Paper ceiling garland from Thuss & Farrell

This is a pretty easy to make paper crystal garland from A Subtle Revelry. On the official website of the company there are instructions with step by step photos. It's hard to imagine a more stylish embodiment of two-tone geometry!

Party Garland by A Subtle Revelry

Patterned paper is great for making jewelry because you don't have to worry about decorating with glitter or paint. You can download templates for making these mini stars from the official Oh Happy Day website or other sources.

Paper stars using Oh Happy Day templates

Garlands of flags have never gone out of fashion, but in recent years they have begun to be used to decorate festive events all over the world. To be more original, try making your own fringed flags from craft paper. An ordinary electric garland with light bulbs will look much more interesting on the evening veranda if it is decorated with colored flags.

Multicolored fringed flags flutter in the wind


This is a classic. Nowadays there is a huge variety of types of confetti on sale, including foil squares, multi-colored stars and classic circles.

Confetti always gives a feeling of celebration

Fun idea: confetti throwers. After all, confetti is much more fun to throw than to collect. These throwers are very easy to make with your own hands, and thanks to them, any celebration will be simply unforgettable!

Confetti throwers

Paper products for table setting

Gone are the days when paper plates and tablecloths were disdainful. Of course, they were always used at children's parties, but parties for adults were only accompanied by classic tableware.

Modern paper plates can be so beautiful and stylish that many are happy to purchase them for their events.

Paper plates from Joe Cho

The world eagerly awaits each new product from Oh Joy. One of them - paper napkins with a geometric pattern - close-up in the photo below:

Halloween Party Napkins by Joe Cho

Yes, sometimes collaboration between designers and brands can bring very interesting results. Your party is the perfect place to display them.”]

Paper fans

It's hard to surprise anyone with a paper fan, but event organizers have learned to use them in unexpected ways. A popular way to use fans at modern celebrations is to paste over walls to create an original background. Pay attention to the exquisite tissue paper fans from Etsy shop Della Carta Decor:

The main thing is to choose the right colors

The next photo shows a wreath made of paper fans. And yes, this is another Oh Joy creation. It's very difficult not to become a fan of this brand.

An original wreath that you can make yourself from ready-made paper fans


Piñatas used to be huge and were purchased from party supply stores. Today people make their own papier-mâché toys, the idea of ​​which was given to the world by the Mexicans. Why not? If you spend a little time, you can decorate your party with a stunning piñata that no one else will have anywhere else.

What do you think of this funny donut-shaped specimen?

Homemade piñata by Studio DIY project

Mini piñatas are also quite popular. Thanks to them, every party participant will get their share of fun. By the way, about portions, or more precisely, about pieces. Try this idea of ​​making adorable candy boxes in the shape of birthday cake pieces. This is another Studio DIY project.

These piñatas don't have to be pounded with a stick.

Pinatas can be a decoration festive table, if they are made so miniature that each of them can be placed on a personal plate. Find out more about how to make these piñata boxes yourself on the official Lovely Indeed website.

Stunningly beautiful piñatas by Lovely Indeed

Sticks for stirring cocktails

Until recently, stirrer sticks were often decorated with tinsel in the shape of a small broom or fireworks. They are still quite popular, but designers have many other ideas for decorating these holiday attributes. Even clay is used. We present to your attention elegant bamboo cocktail sticks from the Paper & Stitch collection, studded with baked clay balls:

Decorate bamboo skewers with colorful modeling balls

Who would think of gluing feathers to cocktail skewers? The designers at Studio DIY did just that. It makes a great addition to any drink:

Try to securely secure the feathers so that they do not become part of the cocktail.


Party banners are now in trend, although we are used to thinking of them as attributes of large-scale events, such as award ceremonies or presentations. How do you like the idea of ​​decorating your wall with an enchanting indigo moon image to create a mysterious atmosphere at a themed party?

Lunar banner from Design Love Fest

You can download banner designs online or draw them yourself.

A few more banner design ideas from Design Love Fes