Holes from moles. Modern methods of fighting moles. Description of ultrasonic and electronic repellers

Many summer residents and owners of private houses with gardens and vegetable gardens have encountered the problem of moles appearing on their plots. They are easy to detect; tubercles and loosened and raised soil appear on the beds, indicating passages.

It causes significant damage to garden beauty, beds and lawns, and every summer resident strives to fight moles by any means. In addition, it may be necessary to expel moles from the cellar; they appear in greenhouses and destroy vegetable stores.

To succeed, you need to know these animals well, their lifestyle, preferences, and also become familiar with all sorts of methods.

Types of moles and other digging animals

Garden (country) mole is a fluffy little animal with beautiful, soft, shiny fur that grows straight and has no direction. This allows the mole to move underground in any direction without feeling discomfort.

The body is elongated, elongated, measuring 10-12 cm, sometimes 16-18 cm, weight 75-120 g. With this size, the animal is very gluttonous, consuming food twice its weight. Therefore, he is constantly in search of food.

This quality is useful because the mole feeds on garden pests:

Depending on their habitat, moles have several varieties. They differ in color, size and dietary preferences.

Types of moles:

  1. European black mole. Widespread, found in Europe, Asia, America, Canada, Mexico, Ukraine, Polesie, and the Carpathians. The animal chooses fertile lands, with rich vegetation and an abundance of insects. The mole can also feast on lizards, small mice, and frogs. The animals do not hibernate, they are active all year round, only in winter they go into deeper layers. Burrows are dug at a depth of 5 to 50 cm, and the nest is made between the roots large trees or stumps at a depth of 1.5 meters. Life expectancy is 5 years.
  2. There are two species of moles in the Caucasus: Caucasian and small Caucasian mole. Their sizes are small, about 11 cm, and their weight is 30-100 g. Otherwise, they are similar to the European one.
  3. forest mole(Altai) lives in Western and middle parts of Siberia, Yakutia, and Altai. It is scarce because until 1960 it was mined for its beautiful skin. It feeds on shoots, seedlings, buds of trees and shrubs.
  4. field mole It is unique, has a gray color, feeds on shoots and root crops and is a rodent, not a mole. In Scandinavian countries it is called a mole, although it is more like a mouse with a blunter muzzle, short legs and tail. Lives 1-2 years.

Who else digs holes in their summer cottage?

Often it is not the mole that digs in the area, but other rodents. You can determine which animal has worked in the garden by the shape of the dug passages. Mole burrows are distinguished by the presence of a hill of earth - a molehill. The passages for searching for food break through at a depth of 5-10 cm and form a loosened furrow on the surface. All other animals have their own characteristics.

Rodent name Description
similar to a mole, but much larger in size. Some individuals reach a weight of 1 kg, and its burrow can be determined by its size. The mole rat is a rodent and destroys all root crops: bulbs, beets, flowers. Along with the fruits, he drags stems and leaves into the hole.
Vole- this refers to rodents, feeds on roots, shoots, leaves, seeds. Breeds offspring 5-7 times a year.

In winter, the vole harms shrubs such as: by gnawing bark and buds. You can distinguish it from a mole by its passages without mounds. Moreover, they can use mole tunnels. A good cat will help you get rid of voles.

- looks like a vole, only with an elongated muzzle and a long tail. The fight must be carried out, because it breeds 4 offspring per year and can destroy the entire crop.
– large mammals (much larger than moles) with small ears and pouches behind the cheeks. They feed on roots, digging holes deeply and without grooves. Their presence on the site can be determined by hills that have the shape of a horseshoe and are larger in size than those left by moles. Traps and burrowing hunting dogs trained to hunt help in the fight.

Why do moles appear?

The presence of moles on the site indicates that:

  1. The land is fertile, fertilized, contains many earthworms. If the land is scarce, then there is no food for moles and they will not live in such a place.
  2. Often animals can move from a neighboring area, where it becomes uncomfortable for him to live (there is a struggle, scarers have been installed, construction is underway, and various mechanisms and devices are often working, creating noise).
  3. Moles can move from an empty plot or from nearby forests and fields.

The benefits and harms of moles on the site

Before you start fighting moles, you need to weigh the pros and cons, evaluate the harm and benefits of their habitat. They cause irreparable harm. Lawns, lawns, plantings of young seedlings, greenery die irrevocably after this animal passes to feed.

In this case, a whole furrow of earth, several meters long, rises, and when watering is carried out, it all falls into these dug trenches. It is painful for the owners to watch the dying crop.

The mole does not eat plants, does not gnaw root crops, but by breaking through tunnels, it destroys the root system.

Adult plants, shrubs, and trees are not very susceptible, but all young seedlings die.

Along with harm, moles bring benefits:

  • By eating insects and larvae, it rids the garden of a number of pests such as chafer beetles, mole crickets, wireworms, and snails.
  • By loosening the soil, it saturates it with oxygen.
  • In the area where these animals are disposed of, insect pests appear and destroy the garden.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest With large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

How to prevent moles from appearing?

It's harder to fight than to carry out preventive measures. To prevent moles from migrating from neighboring or abandoned areas to a fertilized and landscaped garden, repellent measures can be carried out.

If an animal has tried the abundance of food in the garden beds, it is difficult to expel it from such a place. But you can scare them away by treating the perimeter of the fence with substances whose smell the mole does not like.

Tips on how to protect your area from moles:

Folk remedies for controlling moles in a summer cottage

For many years, gardeners and summer residents have been using mole control methods that have been tested in practice. Sometimes such methods look funny, but when the fight reaches a dead end, they try to use everything possible.

Homemade sound repellers

It is believed that devices that make continuous sounds scare away the animals.

To do this, summer residents make simple sound repellers from scrap materials:

Windmills (turntables) are installed according to this principle:

  • the lower end of the pole is buried in the ground to a depth of 1 meter;
  • when the weather vane rotates, vibration is transmitted to the soil and scares away moles.

In addition, they try to insert cut reeds into buried tubes or directly into holes, which make sounds through the upper hollow part of the stem when the wind blows.

To create a stronger sound, use an alarm clock installed in a tube dug into the ground. At certain intervals, a sound signal occurs, spreading underground through a pipe.

The idea to make ratchets and windmills arose from the knowledge gained that moles are afraid of soil landslides and react to any vibration. Another theory is that they are afraid of birds of prey, and the sounds they create resemble the sound of their wings. But it will not be possible to recreate an exact copy of the rustle of wings, so such methods are ineffective.

Often a molehill appears next to a buried rattle, which means that the mole is not afraid of these sounds. The advantages of such methods are that they are cheap, but the result is zero. After all, animals are accustomed to living in conditions of constant noise from cars, construction equipment, and lawn mowers and are not afraid of them.

It is not difficult to make your own repellers. They work on the same principle, but various modifications can be invented.

An example of a homemade repeller:

  • The structure will consist of a 1.5-meter pin, dug or driven into the ground (to a depth of at least 30 cm), and an upper part simulating a propeller.
  • It is made from a plastic bottle by making cuts and bending the blades outward.
  • Having placed the bottle on the pin, it will rotate from the wind and create vibration that is transmitted along the pin to the ground.
  • You can also use several bottles and aluminum cans for the propeller.
  • The method is cheap, but ineffective. If there is no wind, the repeller does not work.

Video: How to make a sound repeller with your own hands?

Smell repellent

Moles have a well-developed sense of smell; they sense prey at a great distance. The following method of removing moles is based on this property.

Many substances have a pungent, unpleasant, repellent odor:

  • Kerosene is often used as a liquid to combat. You need to push a rag or rag soaked in kerosene deeper into a freshly dug molehill and bury the exit. The smell of kerosene will scare away the mole. He will not appear in this place for at least 1-2 weeks. The smell of kerosene quickly spreads through underground passages, but the animal quickly blocks unnecessary passages and buries them. Over time, new passages will appear, and the old one will be buried.
  • You can also use vinegar, white spirit, creolin. The principle of use is the same as with kerosene, the effect is short-term, requiring regular repetition. These odors are unpleasant to the animal and it will leave the place, but will dig new passages in another. This way you can scare him away from the beds, flower beds, and lawns, but you will need to periodically update the smells to block the mole’s movement towards the beds.
  • Carbide repels well. Throw several pieces into the molehill and seal the exit hermetically. When interacting with moisture, the release of gas begins, which is unpleasant for the mole. It is better to do it in several places at once so that the mole cannot bury one passage and live in peace. When the gas begins to act from different directions, the animal will be forced to leave. Carbide helps well with autumn digging, the smell in the ground will be almost everywhere and the mole will not enter the area.
  • Some gardeners try to bury rotten herring in holes, supposedly moles cannot stand this smell and will definitely leave. When all methods have been tried, but there are no results, out of despair and for one’s own peace of mind, this is also used. But if there is a lot of food in the area, he will not leave, he will walk where there is no smell from the substances.

Homemade traps

Moles are very sensitive and careful. Catch them in homemade trap difficult and it will take a lot of time.

How to make a trap with your own hands:

Plants against moles

Summer residents and gardeners use special plants that moles don’t like:

  • One of these plants there is a narcissus where it grows, moles usually do not go on a rampage. You can plant these flowers around the perimeter; they are unpretentious and grow quickly. But they don't give a 100% guarantee.
  • Believed to repel moles imperial, spurge, castor bean. It should be borne in mind that the fruits of castor beans and milkweed are poisonous, and if there are small children in the family who may accidentally eat these fruits, then it is better not to plant such plants.
  • Marigolds have a specific smell, moles do not dig next to them, but at a distance of 1.5-2 meters they can easily make their move.
  • and does not repel moles, they are not vegetarians, they do not eat root vegetables, so they calmly dig their tunnels past the garlic and onion heads, bypassing them.

Narcissus yellow

Imperial hazel grouse


Castor bean

Stories from our readers!
“Ants appeared in the bathhouse. I was thinking about how to fight them, a friend advised me to use a modern ultrasonic repeller. I installed the device and began to wait for the result. I got rid of the insects.

Now I have ordered for country house to prevent mice from running around. But my neighbor was unlucky; she bought a fake, but of course there was no result. Be careful, order on the official website!"

How to catch a mole alive?

The mole is a cautious, fast, sensitive animal.

It is difficult to catch him, it will take a lot of time:

  • View schedule the life of the animal and its main permanent passages, where it passes several times.
  • Set a trap in a surface passage that is located under the upturned ground, it is useless. These passages are for feeding and there the mole passes through to eat once.
  • Find a constant move, carefully open it and insert a trap there. It is a tube with doors located on both sides and opening only inward.
  • If a mole gets there, then he will no longer be able to open the door from the inside.

The disadvantage of this method is that the tubes inside are smooth, and the mole cannot move on a smooth surface, the claws do not hook and it will not go into the trap, but most likely will dig a new hole. You can purchase special traps with a rough inner surface, but they are more expensive.

You can try to dig out the mole with a shovel when he is digging his way and the earth is moving. You have to be quick to get ahead of the mole before he sneaks into one of his moves. If it is not intended to be killed, then you need to have a container on hand, otherwise the mole may scratch or bite.

Ultrasonic and electronic repellers

Except folk remedies, quite a lot of devices are produced to help in the fight against moles. These new inventions do not always bring the desired result, but the reason is not only poor devices, but also improper use or site features. All ultrasonic and electronic repellers have a number of requirements for their use.

Tips for choosing repellers:

  • characteristics;
  • ways of working;
  • coverage area;
  • price;
  • reviews.

Then calculate the required number of devices per site, determine the installation locations, purchase them, read the instructions and install them. Almost all repellers are a long pin that is dug into the ground, with a small thickening on top where the device and batteries are installed.

Review of the best repellers

Description of ultrasonic and electronic repellers:

Name of the frightener Description
Antikrot– ultrasonic repeller for 6 acres. There are varieties of models with solar batteries or with 2 batteries. The rod is dug into the ground and vibrates several times a minute, creating vibrations in the soil.

RemiLing– this device may have several modifications. "RemiLing 6 acres" is one of the 5 best mole repellers. The set includes 4 devices, ultrasonic frequency 400 Hz with periods of 35-45 seconds, powered by 2 elements and a solar battery.
Tornado– this repeller has the largest the lineup. They may have a woofer or a buzzer with scary sounds; ultrasonic; vibration, with different frequencies of influence; solar powered; with a plastic or metal body. Repels moles, shrews, mice on an area of ​​1000 sq.m. Models Tornado-200; 400 are used to repel rodents in appropriate areas. Powerful model – Tornado OZV-03.
hail– a device with ultrasonic influence, the sound source creates noise. The device is used in granaries, vegetable stores, country houses, dachas. It differs from other devices in that it is not dug in.
Chiston– repeller with a vibration signal with a frequency of 400 Hz every 30-40 seconds. This frequency of vibration means a landslide or mudflow, which affects the psyche of moles and forces them to leave the area.

Scat- one of the inexpensive devices, with vibration of 400-1000 Hz, changing at intervals of 15-60 seconds. The changing frequency and duration do not allow animals to get used to the vibration. This model has built-in lighting, so it can be used in the garden as a decorative lamp.
Ecosniper– is a vibration motor with a displaced center of gravity, which creates vibrations from 1.5 to 3.5 seconds with pauses of 15-75 seconds. The device operates from 4 elements and affects an area of ​​1500 sq.m. It is installed in the ground and distributes vibrations in the upper layers of the soil. The body is metal and must fit tightly to the ground for good vibration distribution.
Space– a Russian-developed device, impact radius 20-30 meters, ultrasonic radiation frequency 300-400 Hz. Material of manufacture: metal and plastic. These products can be produced in several countries that have received a production license. Therefore, you may come across a repeller made not in Russia, but in China.

Rexant– electronic ultrasonic repeller with a range of 20 meters. Ultrasound frequency 400 Hz. The device is inexpensive, with a 1-year warranty.
Ecosniper Ls 997 mr– ultrasonic model, range of 25 meters. The random order of vibration with mechanical amplification of vibrations makes this device the most effective. For 6 acres you need 3-4 pieces. The device is connected to the network.
Sitetek– a device with an ultrasonic buzzer and vibration vibrations, intended for use on an area of ​​700 sq.m. Powered by batteries and solar panels.

Ecotec– similar in characteristics to the Skat model. Ultrasonic radiation with the same frequency: 400-1000 Hz, powered by a solar battery. The weight of the device is 520 g, the depth of immersion in the ground is 9 cm, and the height is 30 cm.
Klaus– this is a concentrate with an ejector. A hose for watering is connected to a bottle with an ejector, the level of consumption of the drug is adjusted and the ground is watered in the spring or when moles first appear. Then the treatment is carried out every 2-3 weeks on the ground, without touching the leaves of the plants. 300 ml. the drug is consumed per 100 sq.m. This device has no analogues on the Russian market.

And also good reviews from the models:

  • Krotogon– a device with an ultrasonic signal changing every 30 seconds. Weight is 1 kg, which is much heavier than any models. It looks like a nail with a head; the sharpened lower part is immersed in the soil. There is an electrical circuit and a speaker located there, and in the cap - solar battery. The operating area is 350 sq.m., so large areas it is necessary to install several devices that cover the range of action.
  • Molepoug(10 acres) - the most efficient model, having 2 independent emitters for different frequencies: 300 and 400 Hz. The frequency changes automatically, the animal does not get used to it. To get started, you need to insert the battery and dig the device into the ground so that only the cover protrudes above the surface. After 3-6 weeks of continuous action, moles begin to leave the area. If there are a lot of pests, you need to install the devices 20-30 meters apart. The batteries last for 3-4 months. Molepoug BIO is a biological repeller.
  • Grinda– a device with a low-frequency sound wave operating over an area of ​​1200 sq.m. range of action 12 meters. The model is available in a metal or plastic case, weight 300g. Made in China.

In addition to those listed, there are other repellers on sale: biobed, uniel udr, weitech, mole trap from swissinno, green belt, bros, space koc kr101, thunder pro and others.

All repellers are installed strictly according to the instructions. The quality of the device does not always allow for use throughout the entire season. The disadvantages include the need to frequently change batteries, the possibility of moisture ingress and damage to the device.

Inhumane ways of fighting

The owner of the dacha, who has invested effort and money into arranging the site, is sometimes in despair at the actions of this small animal, destroying his work.

Then all deterrent means are replaced by a fierce struggle.

Methods for killing the animal are beginning to be used:

  1. When a moving part of a molehill is detected or move, some try to catch the mole with a shovel. This rarely leads to success - the animal is fast, its moves go in several directions, and it is impossible to determine where it will run.
  2. There are still attempts to fill the hole with water. This is generally an ineffective way. The mole can swim and is not afraid of water. But there is a danger of flooding the area with water and destroying the plants, as well as wasting a lot of water, which will affect the payment.
  3. Filling a hole with gas from a car- an effective method, but to implement it, you need to carry out complex preparations. First you need to find the main passage leading to the hole or nest. Then close or bury any exits through which gas may escape, and then run a hose from the car exhaust pipe to the hole and wait for the mole to jump out (or suffocate). The cost of wasted gasoline may be greater than the profit from the “smoked” mole.

Traps and mole traps

Before using traps and mole traps, keep in mind that moles bring not only harm, but also benefit.

Traps instantly destroy the animal, and it will not be possible to release it into the wild.

Such devices are sold ready-made; it is quite difficult to make them yourself:

  • Scissor trap: it is installed in the mole passage, cocked, and when the animal moves, a spring mechanism is triggered, which instantly interrupts the mole’s body. The most important thing is that no pieces of earth get into the mechanism.
  • Tunnel trap: It is a metal tube with a mechanism inside. It is installed in a hole, sprinkled with earth on top, the working parts do not jam, it works instantly and kills the mole.
  • Plunger trap It is triggered not by the movement of the animal, but by the movement of the earth that it is raking. Therefore, even if the mole decides to bypass the move, he will still get caught.

When using traps, use bait with strong odor. But if there are pets, they may fall into the trap, so using this method is not recommended.

Poison and poisons

There are chemical poisons and mole poisons on sale. Before use, please note that it is very dangerous if you have pets. Not only their own, but also neighbors' cats and dogs can find poison and die.

The drugs are used according to the instructions, but the mole has a good sense of smell, so most often these baits will be thrown out of the hole. After all, he feeds on insects, larvae, which are alive and moving, and granules with poison will not attract him. So you won't be able to deceive him.


An unambiguous and universal answer on how to correctly remove a mole from personal plot, No. Each gardener decides for himself: leave the mole on the site and scare it away from the beds, but allow the pests to be destroyed in other parts of the garden, or destroy it.

Most gardeners consider moles to be beneficial, and in some countries they are listed in the Red Book and it is considered a violation to kill them.

Those who have fought moles know that defeating a pest invasion is a difficult, long task, and often fails. It is unlikely that it will be possible to drive away the animal forever. A mole will not leave an area rich in food and worms. From time to time it may go deeper, leave the beds and move to another part of the garden, but as soon as the influence of the repellent factors stops, it will return.

Before starting an active war against the problem, it is worth finding out how harmful the presence of such underground animals is to the site.

They quickly destroy well-kept areas. Having appeared in the garden, the “blind man” begins to actively look for spiders, insect larvae, earthworms, and slugs. The thing is that moles are not rodents. These are insectivorous animals, constantly in search of food. This is why root damage occurs unpurposefully.

Due to the dug passages root system planted plants dry out. Moles completely destroy earthworms, which aerate the soil. The harm from this manifests itself in summer cottage literally right away. At a minimum, in a well-kept garden, earthen hills immediately appear, which with their unattractive appearance can upset any gardener.

Indirect harm from the activities of underground inhabitants is also clearly expressed:

  • there is a removal of low-fertility substrate to the soil surface, which as a result leads to a significant deterioration in the quality of the land;
  • dug passages are often used for their own purposes by house rats and mice;
  • Newly planted, young trees dry out.

In addition, movement close to the soil surface leads to involuntary destruction of the root system. cultivated plants and bushes.

Note! Pests are never limited to one area. They constantly move in search of a food source.

If the harm from underground inhabitants is clearly visible, then what could be the benefit? In fact, the passages they dug contribute to:

  • increasing the nitrogen content in the soil;
  • destruction of larvae of harmful insects;
  • loosening the soil and saturating it with oxygen, due to which some crops begin to grow better.

How do moles behave in the country?

The behavior of moles in a summer cottage is especially active in early spring. The peculiarity of animal activity is that underground they create real mines, highways, and entire halls. They can extend up to several hundred meters and are located at a depth of no more than 5-20 cm. This is a fertile layer in which beetles, worms, and insects are found. It is not surprising that the entire coverage area suffers in the process of searching for them.

It is extremely rare that only one individual operates. As a rule, pests live on the territory in families ranging from several to a couple of dozen. That is why this factor should be taken into account when destroying.

On a note! If a mole appears on the territory, you should expect its relatives. It is quite possible that other members of the family operate in the neighboring dacha.

Animals usually make dens at higher elevations. They like areas where the snow melts most quickly and where the spring sun is especially active.

It is also worth considering that pests almost never abandon the created passages. They check the mine workers literally every hour.

Effective ways to combat moles: innovative methods

Many summer residents are interested in how to get rid of moles in the country in a simple way. Today there are several known effective methods. Chemical agents are often used. Such preparations are placed in the mines and pipelines of pests. Formulations released in gel and granule formats act especially quickly.

Note! The innovative product in the form of liquid concentrate Dr. works no less effectively. Klaus.

Traps are another popular solution. It helps get rid of animals in the garden very quickly. These unique traps are very simple to operate and work 100%. However, it is worth considering that this method is not suitable for those who love animals and cannot see their corpses.

The Swiss models SWISSINO and wire versions of SuperCat perform the task most effectively. When using such traps, it is recommended to use special identifiers that will help detect optimal zone for placing traps.

Ultrasonic and electronic repellers are another innovative solution that helps in the fight against moles. Such units are either stationary or portable. Models presented in the bayonet-rod format are very popular. They need to be immersed 20 cm into the ground. The devices destroy not only moles, but also:

  • gophers;
  • mice;
  • house rats.

On a note! Ultrasonic units are not audible to people, and therefore cannot cause them discomfort.

A unique feature of the equipment is that it does not cause the death of animals, but makes their life on the site unbearable.

Popular units of this plan are the RemiLing, Tornado and Sweeney’s models.

Traditional methods of fighting moles

In addition to modern chemicals and hardware methods, there are a huge number of effective folk methods for exterminating pests.

You can poison underground animals with odorous substances. It can be easy to drive away animals with rags soaked in:

  • mothballs;
  • kerosene;
  • ammonia;
  • rotten fish brine;
  • standing urine.

A piece of cloth soaked in one of these products is pushed into the digger's hole. He also won't like rotten eggs. The disadvantage of this principle of fighting a smart animal is that it can easily clog stinking passages and create even more new paths.

Sometimes calcium carbide comes to the rescue, which is recommended to be placed in a hole and filled with water. No less popular are checkers, which emit a foul smell. sulfur smoke. He is quite capable of driving away a mole.

Note! Checkers often help to destroy not only the pest. They often lead to the destruction of the crop. That is why they are recommended to be used only in early spring, before planting operations.

A very popular method among summer residents is to use a stick with a metal can at the end. The stake is stuck into the ground. A tin dangling in the wind rattles loudly and makes piercing sounds when the wind gusts. You can make a turntable based on the principle of a propeller. A regular plastic bottle will work for this. However, it is worth considering that the unbearable noise becomes unbearable not only for underground diggers, but also for the dacha owners themselves.

There is another way to get rid of moles in the garden. This is an extreme option, suggesting throwing firecrackers into dug passages. To maximize the effect, you can put explosives in all the holes at the same time.

Note! This is an unsafe option that requires strict adherence to safety precautions.

You can remove uninvited “guests” from your site by burying various means in the ground:

  • plastic;
  • reed tubular stems;
  • champagne bottles.

The folk way involves instilling the product at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, a well-ventilated area is selected. If reed stems are used, they need to be stuck into each hole. For this purpose, a material with a height of at least 1.5 m is selected. Only 70 cm will need to be left above the ground surface. The wind will howl in the pipes, which will make the presence of moles in the garden unbearable.

Folk method with shovels against moles in the garden

You can also get rid of moles on your site using a shovel. To destroy the pest, it is recommended to gradually follow the path of the animal. You need to move in small steps, crushing the earth and grass. Noise should be avoided, as “blind people” have acute hearing.

The shovel should be used as close to the fresh grooves as possible. The easiest time to find new “hills” is early in the morning, at sunset and at noon. If a lengthening of the trench is noticed, then the pest can be found at its very edge. You need to sneak up to the problem area and sharply stick the tool behind the part where the “blind man” is working. This will make it impossible for him to escape. The next shovel is stuck at the end of the path, before the intended placement of the mole. Then he will have to be killed with a hammer, if before that he does not fall under the tip of a shovel.

It is worth remembering that one procedure is not enough, since animals live in families. Every pest will have to be caught.

Presence of moles on garden plot– a headache for every summer resident and! Small rodents are capable of digging up the entire garden in one night and leaving the owners without a harvest. Moles live in packs, families in close proximity to humans in moist soils, which are easy to dig. With the beginning summer season, moles are becoming more active, and as practice has shown, getting rid of rodents is not so easy.

Moles are capable of reaching a speed of about 60 meters per minute in a finished “trench.” Therefore, it is worth arming yourself with ingenuity!

They have eyes and periodically come to the surface to catch a lizard or a vole.

They set up their “houses” at a depth of about 15 cm, and if there are several families on the site, then spheres of influence are divided.

The mole chose warm regions and ignored the northern regions and rocky terrain. He digs a tunnel up to 15 meters every day with his powerful paws. This rodent works constantly and lives in its favorite place 24 hours a day.

Using traps or traps

Most often, moles dig tunnels along fences, fences, foundations, paths, hedges and bushes. You need to find the “main” hole that the mole uses every day.

If a mole falls into a trap, it will remain alive, but if it falls into a trap, then not. This is the difference between the devices. The most common trap is a crossbow, which is based on a spring. A simple and convenient design, the reliability of which has been proven over the years. The trap is installed directly into the holes in places where moles move in two directions. Traps are placed in such a way that the exit is blocked. When moving, the mole touches the lever and presses it with wire. In the case of a crossbow, it is pierced by the sharp part of the trap.

Traps are more humane and are made to catch the animal without harming it. The system works as follows: the mole enters the container, the release valve is triggered behind it, and then the door slams. The mole can be released.

Baiting moles with dogs

The dog naturally has an excellent sense of smell and fighting qualities. For such purposes, it is best that the dog be a hunting dog.

The ideal option would be to get cats that are more compact in size and agility. Do not forget that moles are carriers of many diseases, including fatal ones. Before letting animals outside, be sure to get them vaccinated.

Planting plants that have an unpleasant odor for moles

Surprisingly, the simplest flowers and the most unpretentious marigolds can work wonders! Except their own medicinal properties, they also differ in their ability to eliminate rodents. The pungent odor repels other pests. Euphorbia and Castor bean have similar properties. These plants are poisonous, so you should not plant them in a place where there are children.

Siberian Scilla – beautiful plant having great effect in the fight against moles. It can be planted in and even in the garden. It is harmless for children. Legumes can be planted around the perimeter of the site; they cope well with many rodents and insects.

For this purpose, you can also use bulbous plants, such as garlic. When planting a decorative onion, you can also achieve good results. You can also beat up or very finely chop onion feathers or garlic cloves, and bury them around the perimeter of the garden or vegetable garden, or near the burrows.

You can also use daffodils. Some gardeners who have experience in expelling moles recommend planting imperial hazel grouse, which is a type of lily. It is believed that their bulbs have a smell similar to that of a fox. Moles get scared and change their habitat.

You can try mixing chopped elderberry, gooseberry and manure branches. The resulting mixture is buried around the perimeter of the site and in the places where the minks are located.

Create a draft for the mole!

For this method you need to be at the right time in the right place. The mole has no patience a large number of fresh air. Once he starts digging a tunnel, grab a small bucket and shovel. Dig open trenches along the path of the molehill, leaving open and large holes. You can catch the mole at the same time, use a shovel to transfer it to a bucket and throw it outside the site. You can also destroy a tunnel system with a shovel.

Flood simulation

Since moles are afraid of water, many summer residents fill the holes with water from a hose. Rodents move to drier places. This option is suitable if there are a small number of holes on your site. If there is already a mini-city underground, then this option can have a detrimental effect on the harvest.

Flooding of all molehills will destroy the passages inside, which will contribute to the appearance of holes in the area. If we analyze the reviews of people who have dachas, they often refuse this method, since a lot of water is needed, and its price in dacha cooperatives is very high.

Gas attack

On the market you can also find poison in the form of a spray can. There is a gas inside that is harmful not only to moles, but also to you. This method requires following all instructions to avoid poisoning. There are significant disadvantages - if the network of tunnels is extensive, then the mole, sensing something is wrong, will simply bury tunnels behind itself. Therefore, the use of gas is rational only if there are a small number of minks on your site.

Sometimes gardeners use sulfur smoke, but it is important to remember that everything around the treated area will die, within a radius of about 1 meter. With this method, the checker is lowered into the hole, and a bucket is put on top.

The surrounding soil becomes unsuitable for growing food. This option is ideal for lawns and open areas. Chemical treatment must be carried out in a gas mask to avoid poisoning. If the substance is poisonous, then back side packaging will have a red triangle icon with a black cross. Read the safety precautions carefully: wear gloves, closed clothing and a hat.

It is best to combine different methods: for example, install turntables, traps and plant useful plants. Moles are beneficial to the garden only if their numbers are not large. They don't eat flowers or vegetables. They eat wireworms that spoil potatoes, chafers, slugs and larvae. These insects are capable of bringing more problems than the biggest and most harmful mole.

In order to control the invasion of moles, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food, namely worms, by watering the ground with a 10% soap solution at the beginning and end of the season.

A simple orange peel can keep pests away. Just place it in the holes around the perimeter of the site.

It happens that a mole hole is located directly under the roots of trees and shrubs, causing the roots to hang in the air. For such a case, it is better not to use chemicals, but to resort to ultrasound or a noise repeller.

The site “I am a villager” is glad to welcome you, dear friends. No one likes it when someone ruins their work. And what can we say about our gardeners, who reverently cherish their “little flowers”. And now, the attack is moles. Nobody likes the appearance of these animals; how to get rid of moles in the garden is the topic of our conversation today.

Let's tell you a little about the hero of our story. Everyone knows that moles are blind and move underground, making long strings of tunnels in the soil, connecting them into bizarre labyrinths. Often these passages are located very close to the soil surface, and you can easily detect them in your summer cottage. And the molehill – the mole’s exit to the surface – cannot be confused with anything.

Many gardeners know that soil from molehills, cones formed where animals emerge to the surface, is very good for preparing seedling soil mixtures. This soil has an excellent fine-lumpy structure, thanks to which the roots of the seedlings breathe well.

But many people are confused about the nutrition of moles. An important role in this was played by the Soviet animated film about Thumbelina, in which moles counted grain. In fact, they are typical predators, and they are not interested in grain, as well as other plant foods.

Main mole food of animal origin:

  • earthworms;
  • beetle larvae, including pests;
  • mole crickets;
  • slugs

Vegetables found chewed indicate that this was the work of teeth, most likely from shrews or mice.

The harm from moles is not that they gnaw root crops or other plants, but that when making their underground passages, they do not consult with the owner of the site at all, causing damage to the beds, and therefore to the plants. Moreover, molehills can be found not only in the vegetable garden, but also in the garden and in the greenhouse.

Methods of fighting moles

Having studied the enemy, it is easier to fight him. Therefore, the main methods of combating rodents “floating” in the soil are based on their own habits.

People use various means against moles, even downright barbaric ones. However, we will not mention it on the pages of our lovely non-bloodthirsty site.

Basically, all methods of fighting moles can be divided according to two criteria:

  • by direction of action;
  • according to the type of funds used.

Direction of action

Moles can be effectively overcome by several actions:

  • scare away;
  • poison;
  • destroy by physical action.

Tools used

For different areas of the fight against moles they use:

  • water;
  • mechanical repellers;
  • smelly substances;
  • traps.

How to scare away a mole?

Since we are humane people, let’s first try to drive away or prevent the mole from entering our territory. Various means are used for this. Let's start with the mechanical ones:

  1. Special repellent devices whose operating principle is based on acoustics. These devices produce sounds of different tones that are unpleasant for animals, which in an effective way excite the nervous system of moles, suppressing their desire to set foot on your territory. Such devices are sold in specialized gardening stores or on the Internet.
  2. A simple way to scare away a mole is to bury empty bottles necks up into the ground so that they rise slightly above the soil level. The action is based on the fact that the wind, entering the necks of the bottles, creates a turbulence with the propagation of not only a buzzing sound, but also soil vibration, a kind of micro-earthquake.
  3. A similar effect is achieved by surface devices made of plastic bottles or aluminum cans placed on rods stuck into the ground. First, special windows with blades are cut out in the containers, which are affected by the wind, causing them to spin and make noise.

Firstly, odors may not be liked not only by moles, but also by other inhabitants and guests of your site. Secondly, the use of some of these substances can destroy the microflora of your garden.

Anyway, let's list them:

  1. Petroleum products are considered very unpleasant for various rodents. Rags and other rags soaked in kerosene, fuel oil, antifreeze or other similar liquid are placed directly into molehills or passages of numerous labyrinths.
  2. Naphthalene repels not only moths, but, as it turns out, also rodents, led by moles.
  3. The same effect can be achieved by using castor oil - very bad smell.
  4. Bleach, including that found in bleaches, has a pungent odor; it can also be used to wet rags and then lay them out along molehills.
  5. Many animals do not like tobacco, both snuff and smoking. The easiest and cheapest way to use is a tincture of cigarette butts.
  6. Vinegar essence has a pungent odor, which unfortunately disappears quickly, but the use of this substance is very justified.
  7. Spicy aromatic herbs with a pungent odor are a simple, effective and practically harmless remedy. You can list such common plants as wormwood, peppermint, crushed bitter red pepper. Plant matter is also located near burrows and molehills.
  8. Moldy stuff of various origins will not only scare away moles from your site, but will also cause many unpleasant moments of communication with your neighbors in the country and your own household inhabitants. Rotten meat, fish, herring heads, rotten vegetables will force many to bypass your hacienda.
  9. It looks absolutely barbaric to use tear gas in a garden. It is enough to spray a spray can into the hole and the animal will run away, unless of course it suffocates.

At the end of the chapter about repelling moles, you need to add this important thought:

“These events must be carried out in collaboration with neighbors in the dacha or suburban area. What good is it if your animals go to your neighbor? After all, in a week the neighbor will scare off the mole, and it will return to its long-inhabited territory.


Video - how to effectively get rid of moles

What plants will repel moles?

For some reason, some plants are unpleasant to moles, and they prefer not to settle in places where they grow:

  • hazel;
  • elder;
  • beans;
  • beans;
  • garlic.

Planting flowers such as marigolds, marigolds, hazel grouse and daffodils can bring decorativeness to your site, and along with it some protection from pests. If you do not destroy some weeds on the site, for example, wormwood bushes, then you will get an additional barrier for moles.

Destruction of moles

As sad as it is to write about it, the time has come for a chapter on the physical destruction of animals. However, the gardener who is fed up with moles will seize on any method to put an end to the pest forever.

During the long-term confrontation with moles, people have developed several ways to destroy them:

  1. Poisons. IN modern world A lot of toxic substances are produced for pest control. We will not dwell on the product of any one brand, so as not to be accused of illegal advertising. Let’s just say that in stores you can find a similar product, as they say, “for every taste.”
  2. Water. Many in childhood, at least in Soviet time, were busy “pouring” gophers out of their holes. But if the gophers ran out and the children caught them, then flooding the mole tunnels with water leads to the death of their owners.
  3. Traps. Modern industry offers everything from simple mousetraps and traps to specialized mole traps in the fight against moles. And some Kulibins from gardening create such traps that it is time to receive a patent for murder.
  4. Burying jars in mole tunnels allows you to catch the mole alive. With paws similar to the flippers of waterfowl, it is sometimes difficult for the animal to get out of an iron or glass vessel.


Of course, moles cause a lot of trouble for property owners, especially if they have multiplied very much. But still, remember that it is easier to prevent any misfortune than to fight it courageously and selflessly.

Therefore, try not to bring the fight against moles to the point where their physical extermination is required. It is better to protect your site with plants that are useful for you and unpleasant for animals: hazel, elderberry or simple garlic.

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