What color to combine with turquoise. Fashionable turquoise color in clothes: beautiful shades and combinations

Combinations with turquoise color- a very rewarding topic for designers, since the turquoise color combines with almost all interior colors and can give very beautiful and sophisticated combinations. Today we will look at some of them.

Chocolate color

So, what colors does turquoise pair best with?

In the photo above you see one of best combinations with turquoise color. This is a beautiful, contrasting and at the same time soft combination with chocolate color.

The combination of turquoise and chocolate has proven itself in clothing. It suits almost everyone, looks very beautiful, bright and not flashy.

The same can be said about this combination in the interior.

Wallpapers in which turquoise elements are combined with chocolate ones, as in the photo, look very impressive. But there is a catch in this spectacularity - it is better to combine such wallpapers with neutral companion wallpapers; there is no need to cover the entire room with such spectacular wallpapers - they will significantly reduce its size.

Don't forget to support the elements on the wallpaper with at least one, but noticeable accessory of the same color in accordance with the rules of interior decor.

Grey colour

A very beautiful and sophisticated combination - turquoise and gray. It is practically not used in our interiors, simply because turquoise and gray are not popular with us at all. This is understandable - if you base the entire interior on this combination, as in the photo on the right, then it will turn out to be quite cold. But if your windows face the sunny side, then you can afford it.

Please note that colors combine better if they have the same characteristics: brightness, saturation, purity, dustiness, depth, etc.

The photographs above illustrate this rule well. The bright, rich turquoise in the photo on the left looks great against the background of rich gray. The delicate, powdery color pairs just as well with an equally elegant gray.

The turquoise color goes well together with all shades of silver, steel, aluminum and other white and gray metals.

Purple and blue

Another cool color that pairs beautifully with turquoise is purple. All shades of purple, from deep blue, as in the photo on the right, to dark pink, as in the next photo, combine very well with turquoise.

Light lilac shades, like the rugs in the photo on the right, greatly lighten and refresh the interior.

Purple, which is closer to pink, also goes well with turquoise, and the darker the purple (from dark cyclamen to the color of a thick solution of potassium permanganate), the more dramatic and cool the interior looks, as in the photo on the left. Complement this combination with gray, silver, anthracite-black.

If you want more color, then add grass green, blue, yellow.


In Western design, the color combination of turquoise and pink is very common.

Please note that even bright shades of turquoise go well not only with bright, but also with pastel shades of pink.

Notice how rough the brown chair looks in the photo on the right. The turquoise color itself is light, so if you combine it with pink (especially pastel pink), the interior turns out to be light and delicate, so dark inclusions will always look too intrusive and rough.

Green shades

Turquoise goes well with pistachio, mustard, olive and other yellow-green shades.

Notice how the pattern on the bedspread invigorates this seasoned but rather boring interior. Mentally replace it with the same blue that was used for the head of the bed - and you will understand the difference.

The combination of turquoise and pistachio, mustard, olive looks very cheerful and always gives energy to the interior, especially if pure shades of these colors are used.


Let's take a closer look at the combination of turquoise and blue.

As you can see, the combination of turquoise and blue gives an incredibly beautiful, very “marine” picture. This interior has a brilliant color scheme - different shades on the wall, blue-blue bedspread, beige curtains and accessories in each basic colors. The overall picture turns out to be very harmonious and tireless.

Or if you just want shade turquoise object(sofa, wall, panel, curtains, carpet), place dark blue accessories against its background, as in the photo.

Dark blue color shows the play of shades very well.

The combination of turquoise with blue, light blue and green can be used to build very beautiful tint interiors.

The most suitable background for this color schemewhite, milky white, cream, creamy, light light gray, pearl, ecru, soft beige.

The combination of turquoise and blue can be not only as delicate as in the previous photos, but also energetic if you use the most saturated shades of these colors and complement them with bright yellow.

Please note, however, that if the interior contains many small objects in these colors, as in the photo, then the overall picture turns out to be very colorful and intense. Such an interior is perceived not as energetic and cheerful, but as hectic and intrusive.

Avoid this mistake! Shade the object with two or three fairly large objects, and place one yellow object somewhere next to them. But don't create a cacophony of small details.


A successful combination of turquoise and yellow in the photo above. One rather large yellow object (lamp) next to a large turquoise object (chest of drawers) - it turns out very stylish.

Or vice versa - a yellow background and one large turquoise accessory, as in the photo above on the left. It also looks very beautiful and stylish, and without any fuss.

Where there is yellow, there is orange - and indeed, turquoise and orange go well together.

Red color

An unusual and really interesting combination of turquoise and red. I wouldn't call it as crazy beautiful as the combination with blue, but at least it looks uncluttered.

The more complex and interesting the shade of turquoise and red, the stronger the claim for originality and individuality of the interior, as you can see in the photo on the left.

The same rules apply to the combination as with the combination of blue and red - muted shades to muted, saturated and bright to saturated and bright.

Metal colors

The next combination that I would like to talk about is the combination of turquoise color with metal colors: gold, bronze, copper, etc.

Turquoise goes great with these colors! Personally, I love the combination of turquoise and copper, it looks so interesting and out of date in a good way.

Selection of furniture and flooring to match turquoise

You are probably wondering what color furniture and flooring to choose if there is turquoise in the interior. Fortunately, the answer is simple - almost anyone. This is a very, very combinable color and goes well with almost all wood colors. But, in my opinion, she especially loves copper and golden shades.

Muted shades of turquoise love caramel and chocolate wood colors:

Turquoise loves alder, walnut, anegri and other brown shades of wood, as in the photo on the left.

Pure shades really love dark wenge, as you can see in the photo below.

Finally, if you want to create a gentle and airy interior using turquoise, white, soft gray, soft blue, soft lilac and other light colors, then the most suitable wood species for flooring and furniture are: beech, regular ash and bleached ash , maple, light birch (the kind used, for example, by Ikea - not golden honey, but a soft and delicate slightly grayish tint), bleached oak with a yellowish and beige tint, as well as milky oak for furniture.

The photo above is a wonderful illustration - a wonderfully airy interior with beech floors and white furniture. In general, white is turquoise’s best friend, so if you don’t know what color to make the second base, calmly choose white - you can’t go wrong.

Black color

The same cannot be said about black. No doubt, the combination of turquoise and black is very impressive, but in large quantities it is too intense. Therefore, it is better to use black not as a second base color, but as an accent color, as in the photo on the right.

This is not the first season that turquoise items have attracted our attention on all the world's catwalks. Resulting from the fusion of blue and green, it emits not only natural brightness, but also a unique harmony of color, revealed in several shades. Not a single true fashionista can pass it by, but a lack of understanding of what the turquoise color goes with in clothes can keep her from buying it. And the presence of several of its main shades, different in mood and warmth, can simply be confusing, so it’s worth understanding this topic in more detail.

What color types is turquoise suitable for?

This question is the easiest to answer, since girls of all types of appearance can safely afford an outfit in this color without fear of looking pale and exhausted. The main thing in this is to choose “your” shade.

If it is difficult for you to accurately determine the color type, try taking an indicator such as the contrast of appearance as a starting point. It is determined by identifying the degree of difference between hair and skin tone. The richest shades of turquoise will harmonize perfectly with a contrasting appearance.

In addition, this color has the ability to give the skin a warmer color, so even if, despite the height of the beach season, you have not yet seen the sun, you can not hesitate to wear such an outfit, since it will only emphasize the aristocratic whiteness of the skin, the only thing is that it is better to choose a cooler shade colors. Girls who have managed to soak up the warm rays should not worry at all, since absolutely all variations of turquoise suit them.

The charm of monochrome

Monochrome outfits are not always considered a good option, however, in the case of turquoise, you can safely go for such experiments. Contributes to this wide range shades, from dominant blue to pronounced green. Such diversity allows you to create unique images in which the shades do not merge, but smoothly transition into each other, creating a gradient effect.

The interweaving of shades of turquoise will look impressive regardless of the age, type or build of the lady, since correctly selected and harmoniously combined tones will always be effective. The same applies to hair color: fair-haired ladies will perfectly be able to create a light and incredibly romantic look by wearing a pale turquoise outfit, while sizzling brunettes simply need to emphasize their brightness with rich shades of turquoise, which highlight their natural showiness.

Win-win combinations

One of the absolute options for what color turquoise goes with is, of course, white. This duet is one of the most spectacular, since both colors perfectly complement and add depth to each other. Any options are appropriate here: a white top in combination with a turquoise floor-length skirt or such fashionable bright trousers, or vice versa - white pants with a turquoise top or blouse. A snow-white dress, complemented with turquoise accessories: jewelry, belt or clutch, will look very elegant. In general, there are no restrictions, so feel free to experiment!

A combination with yellow and similar colors will be very natural, and therefore incredibly successful, because they are the colors with which turquoise in clothes is most harmoniously combined. Rich shades of turquoise, combined with the same yellow, will create a unique image in a retro style, since this duet was at the peak of demand in the middle of the last century. More muted and closer to pastel colors - perfect option for a romantic look. The ensemble will be no less harmonious with brown. The main thing is not to forget about the compatibility of shades, since lighter ones will always look more impressive with the same ones, and rich shades can create an incredibly impressive image.

No less organic would be the combination of turquoise with cold tones, close to its nature. For example, blue. Any of its variations in denim will be perceived with a bang with turquoise, and it can be not only a jeans-top combination, but also a great addition to a turquoise dress would be, for example, a denim vest or a short jacket. A set of turquoise pants with a denim shirt would also look good.

A combination with purple will be quite unusual, but no less effective. If we talk about what color is combined with turquoise in clothes in the most eccentric way, then this is exactly the case. Such a duet simply cannot fail to attract attention, since the brightness and richness of the tones speaks for itself. Therefore, such images are chosen by quite bold and extraordinary people who are not afraid to stand out from the crowd.

Turquoise will also be close in spirit to the emerald color, which also has a common “ancestor” with it. This combination will be very gentle and at the same time quite contrasting. It would also go well with all shades of turquoise and coral, which, despite its opposite, will highlight turquoise, adding depth and sophistication to it.

How to combine shades?

If so, what colors go with turquoise in clothes? , It’s already clear, how to choose the right combinations for its shades still remains a mystery. Thus, there are five main tones of turquoise: pale, dark and bright turquoise, turquoise blue and green, sometimes topaz blue is also added to them. Already from the names it becomes clear that each of them requires a separate approach, since perfect combinations they will produce with completely different tones.

So, for pale turquoise, the best “partners” will be silver, muted shades of coral, golden or similar yellow, woody, burgundy or burgundy. Softer tones are suitable for a dark shade: lilac, lavender, cream, beige, pastel yellow, bronze. Combinations with bright turquoise are best built according to the type of contrast, combining it with the same rich and eye-catching colors: blue, rich pink, purple, bright yellow.

Turquoise blue is a classic shade that most people refer to as turquoise. It's incredibly deep and distinctive, yet it doesn't have any overpowering notes. Its combination with almost any color will be beneficial, but some duets are especially impressive. These will be deep pink, fuchsia, pale light green, all other shades of turquoise, aquamarine and yellow.

But turquoise with greenery will blend very organically with muted and pastel colors. An ensemble with lilac, pink, sand, and shades of blue will be beautiful.

Sometimes, in order to create a spectacular image, it is enough to add only turquoise-colored details: jewelry, belts or a handbag. This addition will make your look complete and simply unforgettable!

Whatever you call this shade - turquoise, blue-green or green-blue, peacock eye, sea wave - you can see it everywhere. It is especially popular in summer season, reminiscent of the freshness of the sea breeze. But the question often arises about what goes with the turquoise color in clothes. Stylists are of the same opinion about its versatility. Turquoise is one of the few colors that will suit everyone, it is only important to decide on the shade and the range that complements it.

About shades

Turquoise color is obtained by mixing blue and green. This mix gave rise to a very rich range of shades, which are divided into six groups:

  • Pale or light turquoise. It is light, like a haze, clean and soft. Looks especially impressive in bright light, in the rays of sunlight. However, stylists advise using it in small quantities.
  • Turquoise blue is the brightest shade of the range. Lively, dynamic and very expressive. Therefore, it is recommended to use it as an accent. For example, choose bright turquoise shoes with a more “calm” suit or dress.
  • Bright turquoise. Despite the name, this shade, unlike the previous one, is not as blinding. It is rich, but does not cause eye fatigue or irritation.
  • Classic turquoise. This is the color of natural turquoise. It has not only blue, but also yellow undertones. The color gives peace and a feeling of coolness. It looks especially impressive on dark and tanned skin. By the way, this is already part of the answer to the question of what goes with the turquoise color in clothes. Shades of brown will complement it perfectly.
  • Turquoise Medium. The shade is rich and calm at the same time. It is in it that the blue undertone is most pronounced. Depending on the lighting, it “plays” with different edges. In the bright sun he strives for blue color, and with a lack of light it resembles a shade of sea wave.
  • Dark turquoise is a shade that conceals the freshness and coolness of the ocean, the deepest in the palette we have indicated. It can be used without restrictions when creating a wardrobe; it performs exceptionally well in contrasting combinations.

Turquoise and white

The classic combination of white and turquoise colors can most often be found in summer sets. This duet looks especially advantageous on the beach, at a seaside resort. White color shades turquoise, makes it more saturated and bright, attracts attention. Stylists are of the opinion that such an ensemble will look most advantageous on women of the winter color type. The white blouse is great option what to wear with a turquoise skirt or trousers to the office.

Pay attention to the photo; images with a balance of white and turquoise look most impressive. However, depending on the shade of the latter, it can act as bright accent(spectacular beads in ethnic style, patent leather turquoise shoes, etc.).

Turquoise and black

At first glance, this combination may not seem the most successful. In this case, it is important to decide on the shade and proportions of the set so that it does not become too gloomy. Then the turquoise color will dilute the conservatism and severity of black. If desired, you can add a third color - white. This option answers the question of what goes with turquoise in office clothes. The most optimal time for such an alliance is the cool season.

Turquoise and beige

The combination of turquoise is dictated by nature itself. To be convinced of this, just look at the sea waves and sandy beach. The milky or beige shade is softer than white. It shows itself best in the spring color type. As opposed to the cold boiling white, beige color warm and it reduces the level of freshness and “coolness” of the turquoise hue.

In the photo above: a white blouse, a turquoise jacket, combined with sand-colored trousers and a bag.

Turquoise and red

The combination is controversial and provocative, but effective when done correctly. Firstly, you should avoid equal color proportions when “assembling” an image. Stylists recommend making one of the colors dominant and the second additional, or adding white for balance. Secondly, you should be careful with bright and saturated variations of red. It is best to give preference to coral and tomato shades.

This color combination became popular in the 50s of the last century. Try using it to create retro looks.

Turquoise and yellow

This is one of the brightest and most vibrant combinations of turquoise with other colors. This set will certainly add positivity to your image and make you stand out from the crowd. Yellow softens the pronounced coolness of the turquoise hue and complements it with warm colors. Pay attention to the photo, the image carries a charge of energy and cheerfulness.

At the same time, the combination is difficult, since it is not always possible to choose the right shade of yellow. Women with bright appearance should give preference to rich tones, and fair-haired women, on the contrary, should prefer pastel, light ones. In the first case it can be canary yellow, in the second it can be pale lemon.

Turquoise and blue

Colors are related in nature. This is the reason for their harmonious combination with each other. The blue color enhances the “cool” effect of turquoise. Ensembles made in this range are bright and fresh. Most spectacular contrast observed when turquoise color is complemented with the most bright shade of blue color- ultramarine. This technique adds aristocracy and nobility to the image.

Turquoise and brown

If you think black is too gloomy a companion for turquoise shades, we recommend paying attention to the noble brown color. It gives an interesting and beautiful contrast with the sea wave. The combination is considered almost classic and is often used in clothing. Turquoise color is associated with freshness and lightness, brown is more conservative and down to earth. For example, a set of chocolate trousers and a turquoise blouse can become an excellent alternative office black and white suit.

Turquoise and the color of gold, silver

Natural turquoise in a gold or silver frame looks harmonious and luxurious. The turquoise color complemented by the sparkle of these precious metals is a truly delightful combination worthy of a queen. This option has long been recognized as a classic for evening wear. Moreover, the metal can manifest itself in different ways: belt or strap, decorative finishing hem of dresses, shoes, accessories or jewelry.


The simplest answer to the question of what the turquoise color goes with in clothes is: “With yourself.” Designers and stylists love to create images by playing with shades. Turquoise color is no exception; it is beautiful both in monochrome and in combinations. It is important to remember only one rule when creating such an image yourself: you cannot use warm and cold shades in one set. Clothes should be selected so as to create the impression of a smooth transition into each other.

As an example, we can give the simplest ensemble: dark turquoise dress, a light coat and a paler handbag and shoes.

Manicure under a turquoise dress

Covering your nails with varnish is no longer just a woman’s whim. Skilled craftsmen create stunning works that can become the highlight of an image. It is important to choose the appropriate clothes and makeup for them.

A turquoise dress can be a great base for an everyday look. Its style is selected taking into account the characteristics of the figure. Since the color itself is bright and active, it is worth giving preference to the model that is simplest in cut. The manicure for such an outfit should be appropriate: discreet, strict. For example, classic French.

A manicure for a turquoise dress, intended for an evening out, can be more daring, but elegant. Rhinestones, patterns, and metallic shine are allowed. When a dress is intended for a beach holiday, all boundaries are essentially erased for manicure. He can be bright and bold.

As for the choice of nail polish color, the same combination of colors works as for clothes: shades of beige, brown, yellow, red, gold, silver, blue, black and white.

So, now you know what to wear with a turquoise skirt, blouse or trousers, how to complement a light casual dress or a luxurious evening dress in aqua shade, and even what manicure to go with it. It could be like classic combinations, and extravagant, daring images. It all depends primarily on the shade of turquoise you choose.

Romantic girls were very happy when fashion began to dictate trends in gentle colors. These include lemon yellow, coral, turquoise. Looks truly feminine and elegant turquoise color in clothes, if you choose the right pair for it. We will talk about exactly how to do this.

It's surprising that turquoise, like red, suits all types of appearance. If you don’t agree with this, it means you simply haven’t found the current shade yet. Psychologists claim that turquoise promotes spiritual purity, harmony with the inner world, and creates a feeling of peace. By wearing clothes in turquoise colors, many people will consider you an interesting and confident person. Despite the fact that turquoise is not bright and catchy, it is very effective and perfectly emphasizes the beauty of a woman’s appearance. It doesn't need loud additions, but if you like contrasting additions, you don't have to give them up. However, it should be taken into account that opposite colors can make your skin look pale if you do not have a very impressive appearance.

Turquoise color is popular in everything: in interior design, fashion, where handbags, shoes, dresses, skirts, trousers and other wardrobe items can have turquoise color. The color turquoise was given its name by a gemstone that was valued by many European cultures and used as a talisman to bring good luck.

Turquoise can be defined as various shades of green and blue. this includes curacao, dark aquamarine, green-blue notes, thrush eggs, aqua, dark azure, Persian green, cyan, etc. Later we will tell you about the most popular shades of turquoise in clothing. Related to turquoise are shades such as olive, lime, yellow-green, asparagus, and chartreuse.

Turquoise is known as the color of air, water, sky and sea. It relaxes the body, so it can be used as a nightgown or dressing gown. Wearing a turquoise blouse to work, you will feel inner inspiration, and a similar tone will give freshness to your face. Successful individuals love turquoise, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with this color. Constant contact with turquoise can create a feeling of detachment.

Turquoise is so beautiful that it rarely goes out of style.. It is only used in large or small quantities, as a complement or leading color in the image. It doesn’t matter whether you are blonde, brunette or redhead, with pale and dark skin you can choose a good solution in turquoise tones. The best option There will be images where turquoise is complemented by the color of a honey or golden tan.

The most favorite shades of turquoise among designers are the following shades.

Let's look at what clothes turquoise colors can be harmonized with.

  • Gold, silver. These colors are best used in jewelry and accessories. They perfectly highlight the beauty of the delicate turquoise color.
  • Coral. A skirt, handbag, shoes, trousers can have this color. A coral dress complemented with ribbons, a scarf or turquoise jewelry will also look good.
  • Pastel shades. Various shades of beige, peach, and soft pink can complement a spectacular light turquoise dress. If you prefer a vintage style of clothing, you can pair your look with cork wedge sandals and a dark beige handbag decorated with lace.
  • Light shades. These can be various shades of white, for example, cream, milk, etc. A long turquoise floor-length skirt made of flowing fabric will go well with a white top or T-shirt. In cool weather, the ensemble can be complemented with a caramel-colored leather jacket. Shoes and jewelry can have the same color, but for a handbag you can try a coral envelope clutch.
  • Green. It can be emerald, grass color and other shades. A pale turquoise bodycon dress will be paired perfectly with emerald-colored high-heeled sandals decorated with satin ribbons at the ankle. An emerald handbag and a thin belt at the waist will balance the ensemble.
  • Blue. It could be indigo, denim or another stylish variation. You don't need to think long about your walking style. Short blue shorts and a turquoise V-neck top with three-quarter sleeves are enough. Beige beads and shoes will add calm and balance to the look.
  • Yellow. It is important to feel the temperature here to avoid contrast if the appearance is not very bright. Yellow shoes and a jacket will confidently complement the adjacent turquoise dress. The handbag in the ensemble can also be a shade of turquoise.
  • Brown. Turquoise can be paired with various shades of brown, but its pale petals add a special charm. Pair a pale turquoise pencil skirt with a fitted top with an abstract light brown pattern on a cream background. In light brown colors, you should choose high-heeled sandals and a belt.
  • Black. It will add contrast and shine to your evening look. You can try wearing a floor-length turquoise dress and complement it with black jewelry and earrings, a small black clutch and neat shoes.

The designers did not hesitate to create shoes, ankle boots, handbags, and clothes in sea green color. The most common turquoise notes are found in the following items.

  • Turquoise dress. It almost always corresponds to a simple cut, because turquoise is a self-sufficient color and does not require extravagant styles and accents. Outfits can be complemented with loose or fitted jackets.
  • Turquoise trousers. They look very flattering on slender young legs. But if you have minor problems in the hip area, it is better to refuse such an offer from designers. The trousers look impressive and harmonious with high heels, and the shade of the shoes can be either light, for example, in the color Ivory, and dark, for example, in the color of lush green or emerald.
  • Turquoise skirts. They are very relevant in a relaxed office dress code. A pencil skirt paired with a wrap blouse and slightly flared three-quarter sleeves is very good. Young fashionistas can also wear a seductive mini, complemented by an alcoholic T-shirt and white sneakers.
  • Shorts. They're great for summer and pair well with plain T-shirts and tanks, with or without a print. On shoes you can wear sneakers, sneakers, ballet flats or sandals, depending on the style of this wardrobe item.

When choosing a turquoise color, you do not need to chase fashion, because this shade is always relevant. It will easily fit into a relaxed dress code, an informal look and the style of a romantic person. In looks that contain turquoise, you can go for a walk, have a good rest, and perhaps move up the career ladder.