How to clean an outdoor air conditioner. How to clean the air conditioner at home yourself: preparing climate control equipment for the summer season

During operation of the air conditioner, a layer of dust inevitably settles on its internal elements. Over time, this not only leads to deterioration in the performance of the device, but also increases the likelihood of its failure. You can remove debris and perform cleaning work yourself, without the involvement of specialists. But for this you need to know the procedure and the requirements for the technology for carrying them out.

The question arises: is it necessary to clean the air conditioner yourself, if you have one? whole line specialized companies? Every housewife is able to clean a vacuum cleaner from accumulated debris, be it a model with a receiving package or a built-in filter. The situation is the same with the air conditioner - the only difference is the somewhat labor-intensive process of removing the outer cover. Otherwise, the technology is similar to cleaning a household vacuum cleaner, but with some specifics.

Let’s imagine that preventative work has not been carried out for a long time. The accumulated layer of dust can lead to the following problems in the operation of the device:

  • Deterioration of sanitary conditions in the premises. Dust particles will constantly spread throughout the room. The appearance of an unpleasant odor indicates the growth of colonies of harmful bacteria.
  • Deterioration in the performance of the air conditioner. A natural obstruction in the air filter in the form of a layer of contamination impairs the volume of cooled air flow. A layer of dust on the heat exchanger reduces the efficiency of the entire system.
  • Increased risk of breakdown climate system. As a result of the increase in fan air resistance, the load on the electric motor increases significantly.

Having determined that periodic cleaning of the air conditioner is necessary, you can begin this procedure. But how often should it be done? Depending on the system load, experts recommend adhering to the following time intervals:

  1. Household air conditioner – once every 6 months.
  2. Office – once a quarter.
  3. Climate system in places with high traffic (restaurants, cafes, public institutions) - once a month.

Let's look at the cleaning procedure indoor unit The most common type of air conditioners is .

Air filter maintenance

When cleaning the air conditioner, it is necessary to remove accumulated dust using a vacuum cleaner or a long-haired brush. You should work very carefully so as not to damage the internal elements of the device. If there are rusty deposits on the surface of the heat exchanger, you need to call specialists to repair it.

All other work on servicing air conditioners can only be performed by professionals - adjusting the refrigerant level, checking the outdoor unit. This requires special equipment and skills in conducting such events.

Surely every person strives to create comfort in his apartment, and therefore often installs an air conditioner that can cool or heat the air and create a favorable temperature inside the room. But installation is one thing, and quite another thing is not to forget that the air conditioner requires cleaning and ongoing care. This process is not very difficult if you follow some recommendations.

Sooner or later, this cooling device will have to be thoroughly cleaned, since a lot of dust and dirt from the house gets into it. It’s time to clean when the following nuances are observed when turned on:

  1. The nose began to pick up unpleasant odors while the equipment is operating.
  2. Extraneous sounds are heard that were not noticed before.
  3. Power is lost.
  4. Energy costs are increasing.

But it is worth noting that before disassembling and cleaning the air conditioner, you must disconnect it from the power supply. Otherwise, you can seriously damage not only the equipment, but also yourself.

Possible problems during self-disassembly

Before you start disassembling your air conditioner, you need to familiarize yourself with some information that will help you understand what can happen in the event of an error:

If the question arises about how to disassemble the air conditioner, then this indicates that the user has never done this before. In this case, it is advisable to start cleaning exclusively simple details, which do not require a thorough analysis of the entire system, and entrust all the complex work to a professional.

Cleaning various components

To produce proper care for an air conditioner or split system, you will need to learn about the components of the equipment. This is how you can do quality cleaning without making mistakes.

External block processing

The device will overheat greatly if water begins to accumulate on the external unit. large quantities natural debris such as fluff or feathers, as well as dust. The power of the air conditioner may drop greatly as a result, and energy consumption will increase. These signs indicate that that the housing must be thoroughly cleaned.

There are several ways to clean the air conditioner unit:

Users are wondering how often they need to clean their air conditioners. This will depend on the height of the device:

  1. Those people who live in the area of ​​the first four floors need to wash them before each start-up of the equipment during the season.
  2. Residents of upper floors can be cleaned once every 2-3 years, since there will be less pollution and dust at height.
  3. For those who live above the 10th floor, cleaning can be limited to once every 3-4 years.

Internal unit of the device

It is worth noting that the indoor unit should be cleaned needed much more often than external. Some nodes should be treated once every two weeks, others less frequently. This will depend on how quickly they become dirty and what task they perform.

Main tasks The internal filter filters air and retains dust and other contaminants. It is this simple device that can make the air much cleaner, and therefore you need to regularly take care of it. Manufacturers recommend cleaning the filter approximately once every two weeks. This operation is quite simple, but many people forget about it, and as a result they end up with unpleasant odors in the room or even breakdown of the entire system.

Cleaning procedure:

  1. The cover of the indoor unit is removed. Get a filter. This must be done very carefully.
  2. Place the filter element in a container with soapy water for about 3 minutes.
  3. Afterwards, rinse it with warm water.
  4. The filter needs to dry naturally. Under no circumstances should you use a hair dryer that produces hot air.
  5. The device is put into place.

The filter is a very fragile part, and therefore should never be used for cleaning hot water, abrasives, bleach or solvent. These substances will very easily cause deformation and damage the part. Filters can be pocket or mesh. Pocket has an expiration date. And the mesh can be washed and dried repeatedly. In the case when the filter begins to work poorly even after the cleaning process , then you just need to change it.

Rotary turbine machining

It is enough to wash the rotary turbine once a year in the fall or at the moment when it simply becomes dirty.


Processing the evaporator grille

The evaporator grille is a system of tubes through which freon passes. If during cleaning you notice rust on metal parts, you must immediately take the air conditioner to a service center for repairs, since you will not be able to properly fix the problem yourself.

It is best to clean the grill once a year before starting the air conditioner or split system. Under no circumstances should you use metal brushes or any other objects that could damage the part.

Cleaning sequence:

  1. The air conditioner cover opens.
  2. The front grille, which covers the heat exchanger, is removed.
  3. A soft brush and vacuum cleaner should be used. Dust and dirt are cleaned off very carefully with a brush, and everything else is collected with a vacuum cleaner.

If you follow the cleaning instructions, then the heat exchanger will be quite easy to clean. But if there is very strong pollution, then it will be impossible to do without a steam generator.

Cleaning the drainage split system

If you ignore cleaning the drainage system, mold will form as a result. Clogging of pipes and drains will lead to breakdown of the entire unit. That is why you need to periodically wash the drainage pan and clean it of dirt and moisture. Mold can easily spread along the walls and fins of the radiator, causing a bad odor.

The drainage system can be cleaned using several options:

When the device is completely in order, it is also necessary to perform antibacterial cleaning. With it you can remove unpleasant odors and get rid of fungi, germs and mold. To do this, the air conditioner must be turned on at full power in cooling mode, and an air conditioner cleaner must be sprayed inside.

Choosing a Cleaning Product

You can purchase special preparations for cleaning air conditioners and split systems. They are presented in a large assortment on store shelves. This is mainly foam in cans or aerosols. They are usually used to clean the drainage system or heat exchanger.

Sprays and aerosols for equipment


The downside of such funds is the high cost. Usually a spray is enough for two times, and if there is severe contamination, then using an aerosol may not cope with the task at all.

Cleaning foam

In most cases, foam is used to clean the heat exchanger. Cleaning sequence:

Regardless of which cleaning method you choose, the external unit and filter cleaning can be done easily with your own hands. Regarding deep washing internal system, then it is best to turn to a professional for this, since if you make the slightest violation, it can lead to failure of the entire equipment.

When cleaning is done on your own, you need to create all the conditions for work, remove everything unnecessary from under your feet, and it is advisable to call a second person for help.

If you have never deep cleaned a cooling unit before, you can start by watching the video instructions on how to remove the air conditioner yourself. Such reviews will provide visual information and simplify the work process. Eat different models cooling systems (Samsung, Philips, Electrolux), but the components are the same for all, and therefore the video will help you figure it out.

Cleaning your home air conditioner is a responsible task in which you cannot make mistakes.

Attention, TODAY only!

An air conditioner is a device that allows you to create the most comfortable conditions for a person to stay in a room. But if you don’t regularly take care of cleanliness, the benefits will be much less than the harm. Therefore, the question of how to clean the air conditioner must be resolved in a timely manner.

How to determine when it's time to clean your air conditioner

It is difficult to give a definite answer to the question of how often your air conditioner needs to be cleaned. As a rule, owners make a decision on their own by carefully inspecting the device and finding contamination not only outside, but also inside on the fan blades. However, there are a number of signs by which you can determine that it is time to clean the device:

  • unpleasant odors are felt, most often damp;
  • it was discovered that the air conditioner began to consume more energy than before;
  • the indoor unit is leaking;
  • cooling power has become noticeably lower;
  • When you turn on the device, you hear a crackling or other noise.

You cannot ignore at least one of the above signs, otherwise the mechanism may break down and you will need to replace some parts, and sometimes the entire device. Frequency preventative cleaning air conditioning depends on many factors. It is necessary to take into account not only the area of ​​​​the room and the number of people living, but also the location of the building.

  • The higher the floor where the air conditioner is located, the less often cleaning will be required. In the upper layers of air, the concentration of dust is much less than below.
  • If the building is located in an industrial part of a populated area or close to a road, then disinfection of the heating and cooling system will be required more often.
  • When the poplars growing near the house begin to bloom, fluff can quickly clog the external filters of the device, so in the summer, cleaning your home air conditioner with your own hands or with the help of a professional may even be necessary more than once during the season.

Possible consequences of air conditioner contamination

Even if the room with the air conditioning system is regularly cleaned, small particles of dust still settle both outside and inside the device, and accordingly, it also needs to be cleaned. If measures are not taken, pollution can result in the following negative consequences:

  • decrease functionality devices;
  • overheating of the heat exchanger, increasing the load on the compressor and, as a result, compressor failure;
  • the proliferation of mold, bacteria, and dust mites inside the device, which can lead to diseases of the lungs and other organs of all household members;
  • foul odor emitted by the device.

How to clean an air conditioner yourself

Before starting cleaning, you should carefully read the instructions for the device. Be sure to find information not only about the procedure for removing dirt and dust, but also about the design of the system.


Even if you don’t understand the structure of an air conditioner, you don’t need any special skills to clean the filters yourself.

  1. Open the cover of the indoor unit and carefully remove the mesh parts;
  2. Place the filters in a bowl of soapy water;
  3. After 30 minutes, check to see if any dirt remains;
  4. In hard-to-reach places it is easiest to clean with a toothbrush, but this must be done carefully, without pressure;
  5. Rinse the filters in running water;
  6. Gently wipe clean parts with a dry cloth, and in case of sunny weather, it will be enough to simply place them on the windowsill until completely dry.

Attention! Some air conditioners have carbon filters (based on activated carbon). They are not cleaned, but completely replaced approximately every four months.


Cleaning the radiator involves removing dust between the thin plates. Doing this yourself is not so difficult if you have a vacuum cleaner on your household. If you do not have this household appliance, you will have to use a brush or a brush with long bristles.


Let the unit run for a short time before cleaning the fan. Then open the lid of the device and clean the blades with a toothbrush dipped in soapy water. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Drainage system

To clean the drainage antibacterially, you first need to find the entrance to the system. As a rule, it is located under the cover on the side. And then you can go in two ways:

  • wash the entire system and spray a special antibacterial substance containing alcohol from a spray bottle;
  • use a steam generator, that is, blow steam into the body of the unit.

Cleaning the outdoor unit

If how to clean an air conditioner at home usually does not raise any additional questions, serious difficulties may arise with the external unit, especially if it is located at a height of several floors. In this case, you shouldn’t risk balancing with a brush on the windowsill; you need to call specialists who have all the necessary equipment.

Even if you live on the ground floor, you should still contact a professional if the air conditioner is not working well, is leaking, and the contamination is quite serious. If you decide to clean the device yourself, you need to be extremely careful. It is most convenient to use a vacuum cleaner by first unscrewing the lid. After completing the procedure, all parts must be returned to their place.

  • avoid drafts in the room where the air conditioner is installed in order to reduce the load on the device;
  • the operating life of the device will be longer if you do not often use the blowing function at maximum power;
  • before turning on the air conditioner, make sure that the temperature outside is appropriate for your device (most models are allowed to be used from 0 to -5 degrees);
  • maintenance should be regular, 1–2 times a year, in addition, you need to carry out independent cleaning as needed;
  • Make sure that the indoor unit is not exposed to direct sunlight and is also protected from precipitation;
  • if you have not used the device for a long time, you first need to turn on the ventilation mode;
  • Provide free space and unhindered movement for the air flow leaving the air conditioner;
  • It is a good idea to install an anti-vandal grille on the external unit.

Any equipment needs careful care, and the air conditioner is no exception. The operating rules include the removal of contamination; this should be done regularly. Now you know how to clean the air conditioner at home yourself, however, in some cases it is more advisable to invite specialists.

By taking proper care of your household air conditioning equipment, you can maintain operating efficiency, high level reliability, extend service life. Initially, this concerns cleaning the home split system from dirt and dust. It is not at all necessary to call cleaning service specialists. Let's look at how to clean the air conditioner yourself, using a minimum of funds and financial costs.

Why is cleaning necessary?

Cleaning the home climate system is necessary, first of all, to preserve the health of the residents, and only then for the quality operation of the equipment. The influence of cool air, but saturated with pathogenic microorganisms, does not manifest itself as quickly as a breakdown of climate control equipment, an unusual odor, a leak, or the appearance of mold on the module.

The decision to clean the air conditioner is made precisely after the above signs of a malfunction of the climate control system appear. But this is just an extreme degree of pollution, which has accumulated for a long time, poisoning the air being passed through.

If the residents are relatively healthy, the impact of a damaged split system will not be felt immediately. It will be more difficult for asthmatics, people who have problems with the respiratory system, cardiovascular diseases - they will quickly feel the difference in the operation of dirty equipment.

To prevent an extreme situation, it is necessary to regularly clean the entire climate system. This will help preserve the health of people living in the apartment, extend the life of electrical mechanisms, and create optimal microclimatic conditions every day.

How often should you clean your home air conditioner?

The frequency of cleaning the split system is determined by many factors. If we talk about the external module, once a year is enough for the normal functioning of the entire system.

Various elements of the internal module require a specific processing time for them. Thus, the most frequently cleaned parts are air filters, which absorb the bulk of all debris that comes with the air. They need to be cleaned once every 1-3 months, which depends on the degree of contamination of the room itself, the characteristics of its location, etc.

The fan and heat exchanger can be cleaned less frequently - twice a year is enough. As a rule, experts recommend carrying out treatment in the spring before starting active use. in summer and late autumn, before the onset of winter frosts.

If the air conditioner is used under conditions of increased pollution, cleaning procedures are carried out even more often as dust settles on the elements of the device. You need to monitor this yourself, carry out timely maintenance of the climate control installation, then cleaning the air conditioner at home will not be difficult.

What needs to be cleaned?

Household climate control equipment must be cleaned almost completely, to one degree or another. The internal module must be treated with a fan, evaporator, drainage group, air filters, internal and external surfaces of the plastic housing.

Treatment of the outdoor unit - washing the metal casing, filters, fan, condenser. Particular attention is paid to the equipment located under the canopy. Birds like to settle under it, thereby clogging the outer element of the system with fluff, small feathers, leftover food, and other waste products.

Let's take a closer look at how to clean an air conditioner in a living space with your own hands.

How to clean the external unit of the air conditioner?

Most often, the outer element becomes clogged with fluff during poplar flowering, street dust, and sand blown there by the wind. If the house is located near a highway, on a street with heavy traffic, the outer casing of the unit and internal parts become covered with soot and soot.

Over time, these contaminants adhere to the blades of a fan, compressor, or condenser in a dense layer, complicating their operation. The heat exchange process is disrupted, since adhered dirt does not allow the refrigerant to cool effectively. This leads to an increase in energy consumption during normalization of heat transfer work and wear of the internal parts of the device.

Mechanical flushing of the outdoor module of the split system is sufficient to maintain cleanliness and proper operation. Let's define a few recommendations on how to clean the outdoor unit:

  • Disconnect the equipment from the power supply before starting cleaning work.
  • Remove the outer metal casing.
  • Remove large debris (feathers, fluff, leaves, small branches) with a brush or an autonomous compressor unit.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to clean fine dust deposits from hard-to-reach parts, or blow them out with a compressor.
  • Clean the fan blades.
  • Use a strong water pressure and use a steam generator to rinse the plate condenser from dirt.
  • After drying all the elements, put the module body back.
  • During cleaning work, ensure that no moisture gets into the electrical unit.

How to clean the indoor unit of an air conditioner?

Cleaning the indoor unit requires more attention, time, and a set of tools. The main points of the process are the cleaning of air filters, fans, evaporators, drainage systems, and the inner surface of the housing. Let's look at each separately.

Air purification filters

They are processed most often because they become contaminated with dust faster than other parts. They are a fine mesh with a plastic partition, they are a primary system, rough cleaning incoming air. How to clean the filter in your air conditioner:

  • Turn off the power supply.
  • Open top plastic panel housing, fix in this position.
  • Carefully remove the air filters.
  • Remove dust with a brush or vacuum cleaner.
  • Rinse under running water. If necessary, soak in soapy water and rinse under the tap after some time.
  • Dry completely.
  • Reinstall after complete cleaning of the indoor unit (if done).


Most modifications of climate control equipment include a removable drum with fan blades. This allows you to wash it separately if necessary. Sequence of cleaning actions:

  • Make sure that the installation is disabled.
  • Remove the front panel of the case.
  • Remove the drainage container after first disconnecting the electrical unit.
  • Find the fan retaining screw connecting it to the motor.
  • Carefully unscrew the screw so as not to damage the evaporator.
  • Clean the fan blades from dirty deposits with a soap solution and disinfectant.
  • Dry the part.
  • Treat fan blades with an antibacterial agent that inhibits the spread of germs.
  • After completing all cleaning work, reinstall using the reverse order.


Deep cleaning of the heat exchanger is carried out only by employees of a special cleaning service with removal of the indoor unit. At home, it can only be treated superficially. Therefore, you should not clog the air conditioner; you need to clean it in a timely manner to avoid large financial expenses. Cleaning process:

  • Check if the equipment is disconnected from the power supply.
  • If the front panel and filters have been previously removed, proceed with processing. If not, carefully dismantle the elements.
  • Using a long-haired brush, carefully clean the evaporator from top to bottom to remove any dust deposits, being careful not to damage the thin plates.
  • Use the purchased antimicrobial agent according to the instructions specified by the manufacturer. This could be a foamy substance, an antiseptic spray, etc.
  • Dry the heat exchanger.
  • Carry out fixative disinfection treatment of parts.

Drainage system

It is very important to clean this part of the split system. It accumulates a lot of moisture, which subsequently combines with dust and becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and fungal colonies. Contaminants and mucus form a plug that prevents the outflow of condensate, which leads to leakage from the climate control module. Cleaning sequence:

  • Checking that there is no power connection is mandatory.
  • If the panel and filters are removed, disconnect the drainage from the electrical unit.
  • The drainage container is treated with soapy water, an antiseptic, and washed with running water.
  • Rinse the drainage pipe under pressure with water and an antiseptic solution.
  • Dry.
  • Place the parts in place.
  • It is recommended to place an antibacterial agent in the form of a tablet inside the container, which inhibits the further activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

The process of cleaning the air conditioner can be seen in the video.

The process of cleaning the air conditioner is not complicated, but it requires care and precision. You can do it yourself, or you can entrust it to professional workers. The frequency of processing must be observed to avoid unpleasant consequences and unexpected financial expenses. Any climate system, even one equipped with a self-cleaning option, must be cleaned.

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How to clean an air conditioner at home, without resorting to service centers and other “jack of all trades”? After all, sooner or later, such a need arises for everyone who uses such equipment. Any equipment becomes dirty over time, and climate control equipment is no exception. Cleaning in service centers costs some money, so there is always a temptation to save hard-earned shekels and do everything at home yourself. And we will help you with this in any way we can.

How to determine when it's time to clean your air conditioner

Any operating instructions will tell you how often to clean the air conditioner in your apartment and indicate the recommended period for preventative cleaning. However, not all users read these instructions (this is our mentality), and they begin to study them in detail only when something has already broken. In addition, some instructions are sometimes written in broken English-Chinese with a Caucasian accent, so it is often not even possible for an Orthodox person to read them, much less understand them.

Therefore, such moments often have to be determined by indirect signs, such as:

  • When turned on it feels bad smell, which did not exist before.
  • Excessively loud operation of your air conditioner, which was not previously typical for it.
  • Extraneous sounds, such as popping, humming, crackling, gurgling, rumbling, etc.

  • Condensate leak.
  • A decrease in the efficiency of the device, manifested in lower indicators, under the same modes in which it previously produced more significant efficiency.
  • Feeling of dustiness in the air in the room where the split system is operating.
  • Significant increase in the amount of electricity consumed.
  • Icing of connecting parts, or housing or fastenings.

Possible consequences of air conditioner contamination

If you notice at least one of the signs indicated in this list, immediately stop using the device until all necessary measures have been taken to eliminate contamination, or until the diagnosis of malfunctions has been clarified. Otherwise, your equipment may completely fail or suffer serious damage, which cannot be eliminated by cleaning the split system alone.

Therefore, read below how to wash the air conditioner, and whether it can be washed at all.

Cleaning your air conditioner yourself

Since an air conditioner is not a monolithic device, but consists of different parts, contamination in it can occur in each of the components separately. Consequently, the cleaning methods for different parts will vary from each other. Therefore, we will consider cleaning the most important parts separately.

External unit

Cleaning the external unit, for those who do not live on first-second floors (you can get there using a stepladder), is difficult because you have to look for safe ways reach it through a window or balcony without falling down. Therefore, if you don’t want to be later assembled using “spare parts” or scraped off the asphalt, then take care in advance of your safety at heights.

Although the concentration of dirt and dust on the upper floors high-rise buildings significantly lower than below, you will still have to clean the external unit, since it gets clogged from the street no less than from the room: there is street dust, poplar fluff, cobwebs, leaves, and God knows what other crap can accumulate .

So, you are securely secured and can quite comfortably reach the external unit. And you probably remember how the people who did the installation got there, so we do the following:

  • Unscrew all the bolts and remove the casing.
  • We sweep away all large debris with a brush or vacuum cleaner.
  • Wipe the cooler blades with a damp sponge soaked in soapy water.
  • We flush the radiator with strong pressure from the hose. It is important to ensure that water does not get into the power supply compartments.
  • We are waiting for all this trouble to dry thoroughly.
  • Screw the casing back into place.

This is a very superficial way to clean a split system from the outside. You won’t be able to do deeper cleaning on your own and it would be better to turn to specialists. But if you carry out such superficial cleaning quite often (once every six months, at least) for prevention, then you may not need deep cleaning very soon.

Attention: when cleaning the air conditioner, as well as with any other manipulations that involve penetration into the structure, be sure to first disconnect it from the network so as not to experience all the delights of the laws of electrophysics!


Now let's start cleaning the indoor unit, one of the components of which is the filter, or rather there are several of them. It is recommended to clean the filters at least once every two weeks.

How to clean an air conditioner filter that is clogged with dust? Yes, like two fingers, well, maybe just a little more complicated.

  • First, remove the case cover by unscrewing the bolts and disconnecting the batteries (on new models there are no bolts and the cover can be removed by hand). How to properly disassemble the condenser will be shown in detail in the attached video at the bottom of the article.
  • Carefully remove the filtration mesh. IN different designs This is done in different ways, so it is advisable to keep the instructions handy.
  • We blow the filter mesh with compressed air or clean it with a vacuum cleaner, and only then wash it.
  • You need to wash the filter by first soaking it in a soapy solution, or use a special cleaning agent for air conditioning, but it is not recommended to use any household cleaner. detergents, without analysis.
  • Rinse with running water.
  • Dry the filter naturally in the air, without using a hair dryer or any heaters, and insert it back in the same way you removed it.

Heat exchanger

To clean the heat exchange evaporator, do the following:

  • We disconnect the equipment from the network (it’s like “Our Father”).
  • According to the instructions, remove the mesh in front of the heat exchanger.
  • We clean all the freed available space with a vacuum cleaner.
  • We clean hard-to-reach places with a soft thin brush.
  • If this is not enough, then wipe it with a damp sponge and let it dry.
  • We don’t touch anything else and put the unit back to its original state.

Knowing how to care for your air conditioner, you can protect it from breakdowns for many years. Look for some wonderful special equipment, touching which, like with a magic wand, for any equipment, you can get rid of problems with its maintenance forever, perhaps it would be unwise. Regular cleaning and correct operation- these are the most important means of caring for your air conditioner.

Read and follow the operating instructions (if, of course, they are readable and available at all), and you will benefit. And use our advice only if you are sure that your hands are made of the right place grow and you won't mess anything up. Otherwise, it is better to contact specialists.

Video: how to properly disassemble and clean the air conditioner