Is it possible to give away ficus from home? Is it possible to keep a ficus in the house: folk signs and superstitions

Legend of fig tree, whose leaves are often decorated intimate parts on sculptural copies of humans, contributed to the development fashion trend have a ficus in the house. Signs associated with evergreen, encourage flower growers to purchase it.

About ficus and its varieties

Growing indoor flowers can be called one of the most popular ways to improve the aura of a home. They not only please the eye, but also contribute to the harmonization of the energy balance in space.

Among the plants that you can keep at home is ficus. Associated with it only strengthens confidence in the correctness of the choice. The plant goes by many names, there are about 20 species and two thousand varieties.

Grows in tropical and subtropical climates. Be sure to look at these ficuses, their varieties with photos and names:

  • Starlay - with an amazing white-green color;
  • Rubber-bearing;
  • Ampelous and rooting;
  • Bottle ficus;
  • Variegated or deltoid;
  • Lyre-shaped with unique leaves;
  • Daniel - with a shiny, glossy crown;
  • Benjamin - with small leaves that have a kind of sting at the tips.

Superstitions say about Ficus Benjamin as magical plant, which has powerful energy and an inexplicable ability to influence the fate of its owners. An interesting fact is that the ficus has become a symbol of Thailand. The Chinese, as representatives of the most ancient civilization, classify it as a form of incarnation of spirits.

This beautiful shrub is easy to care for; many of its species love partial shade. Great choice beginners to master the intricacies of floriculture.

How to care for ficus:

  • It is enough to water the plant as needed about twice a week (less often in winter);
  • The darker the leaves of a plant, the less sun it needs. Partial shade is suitable for such species. Variegated specimens love light.
  • replanting is required annually. The new pot should be 1 cm wider than the previous one;
  • The bush can be given any shape using scissors, the tree will not suffer from this. Several trunks are intertwined to create unusual shapes. It is often used in modern bonsai art, and makes an excellent decoration for the home or office;
  • propagation is very easy to do by cuttings, which quickly take root in water;
  • like most plants, it does not like frequent relocation to a new location;
  • At night it absorbs oxygen and during the day it saturates it. A flower that does the opposite when placed next to it will help compensate for the deficiency;
  • ficus trees bloom, but this happens rarely. Often due to improper care.

One of the most important properties of ficus is its ability to absorb heavy and harmful substances: formaldehyde and nitrogen oxides.

When planning to buy a pet, you need to carefully study the information about ficus trees. Varieties with photos and names, signs and superstitions, care features and choice of location. Pay attention to your inner sensations: when touching a plant, you need to feel the energy of nature and hear its response in your heart.

To strengthen magical properties Ficus plants can be placed in a special place on the windowsill and decorated with ribbons, the color of which should be selected depending on the purpose of the purchase. Red has a good effect on relationships, green helps with stress, and blue is considered a healing color.

The list of beliefs about the tree from the mulberry family is quite diverse. Here are the most interesting of them:

  • ficus harmonizes the energy of the house, making it cozy and balanced;
  • figs in the kitchen - to prosperity in the family;
  • a fig tree in the bedroom helps with infertility and improves relationships between partners;
  • ficus eliminates accumulations of bad energy in the house, which could be brought from the street or left by guests who came in a bad mood;
  • figs grown in the workplace help you become more proactive and efficient;
  • wine berry relieves stress and gives a fresh perspective on what is happening.

Where should the legendary plant be placed so that it benefits the inhabitants of its refuge?

To protect the house from damage and the evil eye, you need to place the plant in a high place, as if above the heads of people entering the home. An excellent choice would be a cabinet in the hallway or a shelf specially equipped for a plant. You should not forget about regularly wiping it from dust.

Couples who want children should place a pot of ficus in their bedroom or hang a flowerpot decorated with dry rose petals with a drop of lavender oil.

Ficus and pregnancy have long been on the radar of many women. Healers and sorcerers use the fig tree as a remedy to help not only conceive, but also feel great during pregnancy.

Adhering to the tenets of Feng Shui, a ficus pot should be placed on the eastern side of the home. This will help regulate the flow of natural energy in the home. In Taoist practice, the east is responsible for the sphere of parenthood and family. Therefore, those who want to have children should place the ficus there. This side of the world bears the imprint of past events that follow a person throughout his life.

After listening to real stories about how a small miracle caused changes in the destinies of others in better side, decide for yourself the main thing.

Plants such as ficus rightfully deserve a place in offices, institutions and living rooms. And not only because it is quite simple, but also because useful properties this plant.

So, for example, in the rooms where it is installed, the total number of bacteria decreases by 40%. In addition, ficuses filter the air well and absorb some substances harmful to humans (for example, phenol, benzene, trichlorethylene, formaldehyde), binding them and processing them into sugars and amino acids. Therefore, rumors about the harmful ecology that ficus allegedly breeds at home are completely unjustified.

If a ficus lives at home... What are the signs?

Ficus is passed down from generation to generation. folk signs and beliefs, in most of which it is considered family plant. For example, in Ayurvedic practice it is stated that this plant harmonizes the energy in the house. And in Thailand, ficus benjamina is considered a symbol of the country and is revered as a plant endowed with enormous power.

The Chinese believe that if there is a ficus in the house, it will help solve problems and bring comfort to the house. They also believe that this plant will purify the air from negative energy. And they are right, since ficus purifies the air in the room, saturating it with oxygen and absorbing harmful substances.

But the Slavic peoples have an ambiguous opinion about keeping ficus at home. So, for example, according to some signs, like all plants that have “ wax leaves", ficus in the house - to envy, gossip and scandals. There is also a sign that ficus drives men away from home and changes their character for the worse, which is why many women are afraid to grow this amazing plant.

Other signs give the ficus only positive properties. For example, it has long been believed that if you put it in the kitchen, the family will always have wealth and will never go hungry. Also, folk signs give ficus the ability to bring good luck to the house and maintain a good and calm atmosphere between family members.

Signs about ficus: expecting a baby

One of the most common signs gives house ficus almost the abilities of a stork plant, since it claims that if you place a ficus in the bedroom, you can soon expect offspring. Many couples who could not have a child for a long time, but really wanted it, talk about the magical properties of the ficus and that it helps conception.

However, some say that folk signs about ficus come true in such situations if you buy a plant in a flower shop and wait for new shoots to appear on it. Others say that in order to make the dream of having a baby come true, it is advisable to take a sprout from friends who have children, or “steal” it from them. But everyone agrees that to make your dream come true, careful care of your ficus is necessary. Some even suggest communicating with the plant as with a small child.

There is a sign for those who want to get pregnant, but do not want to grow ficus. According to it, it is necessary to walk around the ficus tree several times in the nude.

The most important thing is to believe in the wonderful properties of this unique plant - and it will definitely help you.

Anna Greskova specifically for the site All about flowers

Plants, like any living beings, tend to express themselves in different ways: to get sick, to bloom, to grow, and even to give birth to offspring. By comparing this with events in their lives, people perceive patterns. This is how superstitions are born, associated with this or that flower.

It is not surprising that many signs are associated with the Benjamin ficus. After all, this plant, named after the famous English botanist Benjamin Daydon Jackson, is easy to care for with proper lighting and temperature and has lush green leaves. This makes it popular in floriculture and phytodesign. Thus, a lot of experience in observing the flower was accumulated.

The so-called language of flowers (when certain meanings are assigned to them) was born in Asia. Therefore, the signs that exist among eastern peoples regarding our hero are especially interesting.

In China, it is considered good form to present a Benjamin ficus for a birthday to an elderly person, since asthenia gives vigor, stimulates the circulation of positive energy and prolongs life.

In Thailand, ficus is generally depicted on the state emblem. According to Thais, the plant brings good luck and wards off evil spirits. Moreover, the last sign has a completely prosaic basis: Benjamin’s ficus cleanses the air of harmful substances, including ammonia, benzene and formaldehyde.

Before the revolution, Ficus Benjamin was present in almost every home. He was credited with all possible virtues: from the ability to beneficially influence relationships between household members to help in moving up the career ladder.

After the events of 1917, they began to treat the plant cooler, considering it a relic of the bourgeoisie, but they continued to be bred.

After the war, someone noticed: in the house where the ficus was, the men did not return from the front. Considering that the tragedy affected every family, it is clear: the plant has nothing to do with it. But the attitude towards him changed for some time.

Here's what they say about Ficus Benjamin today:

  • The plant improves relationships between family members, but is itself sensitive to stress and gets sick from negativity. Therefore, it should be planted and replanted in a good mood. If you are not in a good mood, it is better to postpone the event.
  • Ficus Benjamin, placed in the kitchen, will not only decorate the interior, but also bring prosperity and abundance.
  • In a house where pregnancy is eagerly awaited, Ficus Benjamin should be placed in the western part of the bedroom. As soon as it sprouts, plant it and wait for more.

Signs and superstitions are as much a part of folk cultures as folklore. Therefore, you should at least treat them with interest and borrow the main idea: a plant is a living being. Therefore, you need to choose and care for it carefully and kindly.

Video about caring for ficus Benjamin at home

Also, if you are interested in ficus Benjamin, we recommend that you watch a video about care at home.

There are many folk signs and superstitions associated with indoor plants. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to keep ficus benjamina and other varieties of this genus at home. After all, this is the most popular green pet that can be found in almost any house or apartment.

Folk signs and superstitions about the plant

Among all the signs and superstitions associated with the ficus benjamina, only a few have gained the greatest popularity. Their meaning appeared in old times when our ancestors bred this flower. There are also modern signs about growing ficus in the house. Let's consider all the meanings that exist not only among our people, but also came to us from other countries.

What do Chinese omens say about the flower?

In distant China, this flower is a symbol of holiness and has been revered for more than one generation. The Chinese give this plant to their relatives on some significant date. Chinese folk signs associated with this flower say that such a plant fills the new owner’s house with comfort, warmth, and gives him vigor and energy.

Thai beliefs and superstitions

In Thailand, this plant is generally a symbol of the country, as it is depicted on the coat of arms of Thailand. Among the Thais, the ficus benjamina signs and superstitions associated with it are considered excellent protection for a person, his family and home from any evil spirits and evil. sacred plant Charges any living space with positive energy. Therefore, keep ficus at home - good omens among the people of distant countries.

Old Slavonic folk signs

Among the Slavs, the sign about ficus in the house has a different meaning. Our ancestors were convinced that this flower that grows in the house brings only sorrows and sorrows. Some believed that it could cause sudden death in a person.

Popular Old Slavic superstitions, which developed in ancient times, also say that this is a witchcraft plant. This is because it has waxy leaves. According to popular belief, this plant has a negative effect on its owners and their home:

  • contributes to the development of discord, quarrels and constant nagging between family members;
  • generates gossip and rumors;
  • enhances the effect of negativity, if any is present in the house.

You can check the effect of the ficus sign later long time growing a flower in the house. Signs say that rubber ficus really dangerous to the health of people suffering from bronchial asthma. Its leaves emit toxic substances. This plant is also contraindicated to keep in the house during pregnancy.

Is it possible to grow this flower at home?

Contrary to Old Slavonic beliefs, according to modern signs about ficus benjamina, it can be said that it brings benefit to a person rather than harm. And this has already been proven by the experience of many amateur gardeners. Ficus in the house creates not only a unique and chic decoration. This flower quite effectively cleanses the room of pathogenic microflora and saturates it with oxygen. As mentioned above, green pet is contraindicated only for those who have asthma and allergies to its leaves.

Equally important is taking care of it exotic flower. Often a plant can shed its foliage, and not only due to improper care. Ficus benjamina signs and superstitions say that a plant that suddenly drops its leaves warns its owners of impending troubles both at home and in public life. Often this phenomenon is a sign of large financial losses and a waste of money.

Signs and superstitions among people say that it is best to buy a Benjamin flower during the waxing moon phase. Moreover, it is recommended to pay for the purchase of a green pet with an odd number of bills. Well, if you were given a flower, you need to pay for it with an odd number of coins.

Signs about the benefits of plants in the home

Today, old beliefs about this flower are a thing of the past. Timely signs about ficus in a house or other living space are only positive. Exotic plants of this kind - Robusta, Elastica, Rubber and Benjamina - are not only an integral part of the decor, but are also capable of bringing success and good luck to a person. For married couples who cannot have children, the sign of the presence of Ficus Benjamin in the house indicates the birth of a child in the near future.

Keeping a plant in the kitchen is evidence that such a family will never experience hunger or poverty. The more magnificent the crown of the green pet is, the greater the wealth and well-being in this home.

Flower in the house during pregnancy

You won't believe it! But if you keep this decorative flower at home, you can get pregnant. Therefore, spouses who have simply stopped believing in miracles can and even need to acquire this plant.

How to properly TRANSPLANT Ficus Benjamin at home!

Ficus Robusta - fresh air and wisdom!

Superstitions and signs claim that the rubber-bearing ficus, like other species - robusta, elastica, Benjamin, require careful care and good conditions content. Such flowers need to be treated like children - looked after and given due attention. Then the desired pregnancy will come.


Whether to believe folk signs and superstitions about this plant is up to you to decide. But do not forget that this plant at least brings beauty to your home, purifies the air and saturates the room with oxygen. Therefore, growing it and keeping it in the house is necessary and very useful. Contrary to all signs and superstitions, modern flower growers continue to landscape their homes with these beautiful exotic flowers.

Ficus benjamina or robusta can be found in every second home or office space. However, not everyone knows that this plant not simple, it has a special energy. For this reason, the question often arises about whether it is worth keeping a ficus at home at all and whether it carries negative energy. Let's find out in more detail what is known about this indoor flower, is it possible to keep it at home without fear and is it possible to associate ficus benjamina with signs and superstitions.

What does it mean to keep a ficus at home?

If you believe the research of biologists, then the rubber ficus in the house, or ficus elastica, is a plant that effectively purifies the atmosphere of the apartment and also helps to ensure that the production of oxygen is more significant. It was also noted that ficus benjamina can absorb some harmful substances. This is due to the fact that its leaves contain special enzymes that, like a sponge, absorb some volatile poisons and chemicals.

It has long been known that this indoor plant used in procedures traditional medicine. So, in oriental medicine Almost the entire plant is used:

  • leaves;
  • fruit;
  • stems.

There are cases where, with the help of ficus, a person could get rid of gastrointestinal diseases and even cancer pathologies, but only in the initial stages. But you need to be aware that there is no official evidence of such facts, so you need to take your health seriously and not conduct experiments where they can end in failure.

Does ficus cause harm?

Despite the fact that a number of positive functions of the rubber flower have been identified, there is an opinion that it has a negative effect on human body. The fact is that during the process of growth, the plant releases rubber into the air, which settles on the walls of the larynx and lower respiratory tract and in some cases can cause an asthmatic attack.

It is also worth mentioning about the juice of the plant, it is considered unsafe, for this reason it cannot be tasted, and it is also not allowed to apply it to the skin. For all the above reasons, you should be extremely careful if there are children or animals in the house.

What folk signs are associated with ficus

As long as a person lives in the world, there are folk signs about various plants and household items. The described flower is no exception. If we talk about Ficus Benjamin, the signs and superstitions associated with it are fickle. They vary depending on the region of residence, cultural customs and traditions. For example, the Chinese believe that ficus is a symbol of coziness and comfort, it restores normal energy and normalizes family relationships. Residents of Thailand have elevated the ficus flower to the rank of a symbol of the state, because of its beauty and tenderness.

In Slavic culture this flowering plant have not been assigned an unambiguous role, so the signs vary.

For example, some promise the owner of a ficus tree misfortune, quarrels and bad weather. On the other hand, there is an opinion that ficus is a catcher of positive energy in the house, so many people strive to acquire it. Such people believe that ficus can drive away negativity, which will create a favorable atmosphere in the house.

What can you learn from ficus

There are signs about ficus at home that everyone knows. Among them are the following:

  • if the rubber ficus stands in big room, then this promises happiness in the house;
  • a plant standing in the kitchen means money;
  • a tree in the bedroom - to the appearance of children;
  • the plant in the corridor protects the energy of the family;
  • if ficus benjamina is in the workplace, it increases productivity.

Ficus and pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, ficus has long been considered a plant that attracts the possibility of getting pregnant, so there are many signs about ficus and the magic of pregnancy. If a girl wants to give birth to a child, but all her attempts are unsuccessful, she is ready for anything, even absurd actions that may seem crazy to someone. For example, on forums you can find advice for women to run around the ficus tree three times clockwise, but always without clothes. Judging by the reviews of the female sex, this funny process has helped more than one representative of the fairer sex find happiness.

There is also a more acceptable sign about ficus in the house, which recommends placing a pot with a plant near the place where the woman sleeps. If you see new young leaves or shoots growing, you will soon have an addition to the family, after which you need to plant the shoot in a separate container and care for it as if it were the personification of your unborn baby.

Where is the best place to place a ficus?

This is probably the most exciting question for anyone who is planning to get a plant, or for someone who has been given a flower. Superstitions and signs say that the rubber-bearing ficus must be placed in a special way, but the rules of Feng Shui apply here to a greater extent. According to Eastern beliefs, the pot should be placed so that the leaves are turned to the west. It is believed that in this way you accumulate positive energy and turn it in the right direction. It is noted that the atmosphere in the house becomes softer, calmer and more conducive to positive thoughts.

As for the room, everything will depend on what goals you are pursuing.

  • If you want to get rid of fatigue at work, place a pot of ficus near your desk.
  • If you want to attract the attention of others so that guests visit the house more often, the ficus should be in the corridor.
  • If you need to improve intimate relationships between husband and wife, best place there will be a bedroom.
  • If the flower is not a tribute to superstitions and signs about ficus benjamina, you can put it where you want, for example, in the living room, where it will become an excellent interior decoration.

Despite the fact that there are no clear rules for placing a flower, there are several recommendations on where it should definitely not be placed. Among such places the following are distinguished.