Choosing wall color for an office space. Interior of an office study: style and fashion trends

– this is the heart of the company, the place where all key decisions on important and pressing issues are made.

It can convey the character of the boss, emphasize his qualities, and indicate the type of activity of the enterprise. Being well decorated, tasteful and following the latest design trends, the office will become not just a cozy work space, but also an excellent place for entertaining guests.

Stream visitors to the company can only get acquainted with the style of the reception area, and only business partners enter the director’s abode. The design of the manager's office, which they will certainly turn their attention to, plays a significant role in this case. Every little detail, every touch should be thoughtful and appropriate. The furniture placed must not only be practical, but also convey the status of its owner.

That is why it would be a smart idea to entrust the arrangement of the room to professionals - people who have the necessary knowledge and can always suggest a more profitable option or offer a number of their own ideas. And also reduce costs. The design of the office of the head of a technical company and the owner of a public catering chain must be different. A hired specialist will always help highlight the difference between them; the director only needs to clearly formulate his wishes.

Stylistic solutions for cabinet design Often, conservative management gives preference to the classical style. The walls of the room are decorated with veneer panels, there is a director's desk in the middle, and the floor is decorated with a good-quality carpet. Such rooms also have tall cabinets to the ceiling, hanging lamps, a coffee table and a couple of soft chairs for visitors. To decorate the interior of the office, only leather and expensive materials of the same type are used..

color range In turn, the management that oversees modern trends

, prefers a completely different interior. The room in their understanding excludes the presence of classical furniture and feigned pathos. It must be technically equipped taking into account the latest innovations.

Office zoning rules

The spectacular appearance of an office directly depends on its zoning. There are three key types:

An area equipped for rest;

The work area is the place where the manager spends most of the day. It should be equipped with a comfortable wide chair with the ability to adjust it, a table and cabinets in which documents are stored at an acceptable distance, and other practical things that contribute to fruitful work. The manager's seat is placed near the window to reduce eye strain and make it as well lit as possible.

The part intended for relaxation can be visually separated, sometimes even due to small partitions. Functional interior not inherent in her. The place is equipped with comfortable, slightly lowered chairs with armrests, allowing you to relax and retire for a while, reclining in it. A light designer stand for coffee and other drinks would be useful.

The meeting area can be designed in different ways. It is placed right next to the director’s desk and just as successfully taken separately to another part of the room. However, in both cases it includes a long table and the required number of chairs.

The space should be zoned taking into account the lighting in the room. Above the workspace, despite the windows and daylight, place a lamp, or, alternatively, a bright table lamp. The negotiation area is not so demanding; pinpoint spots will be enough. Sconces and lamps with dim, relaxing light are popular in areas intended for relaxation.

How to decorate a small office

The manager's office in not all companies is large. Sometimes the director is forced to huddle in quite small room, the correct arrangement of which is a more complex process. At the same time, the room should remain multifunctional. If a place to rest can be excluded, then negotiations cannot be abandoned. Great solution there will be a combination of two tables. One will serve for work, the second, adjacent to the first to save space, will help to receive guests.

It may be necessary to abandon large cabinets, replacing them with more compact cabinets reserved for documentation. The interior of the office is successfully emphasized by photographs, figurines and other accessories placed on them. The best option for lighting would be spot spots.

The developing loft style for small spaces will become one of best options. Its decorative elements are minimized, elegantly executed and do not have unnecessary details. Style will provide an opportunity even with the most minimum sizes room, place a chair or corner sofa in it for relaxation. Don't forget about the color scheme. The predominant white tones in the interior will visually make the place more spacious.

Office design for a male executive

Decorating the office of a male manager does not require a large number of accessories. On the contrary, their number should be reduced. Men's style is always strict, and the room needs to convey this spirit. It should also reflect the status of the owner and his prestige. On the walls, as decoration, it is better to place diplomas and certificates indicating high level knowledge of the leader and his achievements. Weapons and various collectibles that do not in any way come into contact with the affairs of the enterprise will be inappropriate in the business and work space. store them better at home or in a country mansion.

The atmosphere on the table at the head of the company is restrained. Business papers, a small amount of stationery, a phone, a computer or laptop, and perhaps a photo of the family. Other less practical things will only serve as distractions. What will immediately indicate that the owner of the company is a man is the last technical solutions. The latest lighting, a multifunctional chair or a smart climate control system will certainly make guests think that the owner is following the development of technology and is not standing still.

Office design for a female executive

Women head companies no less often than men, and the office of a female leader must stand out clearly among others. If a man's office is austerity, then a business woman's office is sophistication and elegance. It is worth eliminating the red color, replacing it with a range of pastel shades. The presence of a twist will immediately make it clear who is in charge in the company. Among the basic rules for designing a workspace for a woman are the following:

Although soft, warm colors should prevail in the office, not everyone adheres to this. The workplace is brightened up with a dark palette or bright, catchy colors. If the head of the organization is a lady, then this is acceptable. The main thing is that the overall interior of the room is organized within the same tone, the furniture is combined not only with each other, but also with the walls, lamps, and everything looks harmonious.

A massive wooden table would be unusual for a woman’s interior. classic type. A bureau table that is closer to innovation, compact and more sophisticated in appearance, will look better. Furniture in general should not be oppressive and have a pretentious appearance.

Feng Shui manager's office

Following the rules of Feng Shui, workplace in the manager's office it should look at the door, but at the same time be placed close to the wall. If a company has two or more directors, it is incorrect to place them facing each other. This will distract you from your work. Chairs intended for guests, on the contrary, should be positioned so that visitors have their backs to the entrance. Initially, the legs of the chair represent four spirits that protect the one who sits on the chair. Based on this, the use of rocking chairs by the science of arranging things is not permissible. You should also avoid large seating areas, shelving without glass doors, and wall shelves.

The office can contain any interior elements. Shades and color palette are not so significant in Feng Shui. More attention needs to be paid to the details of the furniture. Partitions between employees in offices are fashionable, and now they are often created in directors’ offices to zone space. A reasonable solution would be to exclude them completely, but if this is not possible, then it is necessary to minimize their size. If the head of a company spends a lot of time at the computer, then, following the rules, the furniture surrounding him must not have sharp corners. Their presence will not bring anything good to the abode of any leader.

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Head office - business card companies. Therefore, the interior should be both comfortable and status. A corporate style is usually chosen to decorate an office, but there may be options depending on the boss’s tastes.

The way the boss's office is arranged speaks volumes. Firstly, about the type of business of the company, as well as the business qualities and stylistic preferences of its leader. Of course, the office of a bank manager and the editor-in-chief of a fashion publication will be radically different from each other. But the interior also depends on the personality of the owner. Thus, managers who adhere to conservative views, as a rule, choose a classic style. And then their offices are furnished like the traditional home offices of the Russian and European nobility with wall panels made of dark wood and high-quality furniture of classical shapes made of precious wood and genuine leather. In addition, the gentleman's set includes carpets on the floor, heavy window curtains, and paintings and even small sculptures as decorations. Today such pretentious interior fades into the background. Increasingly, bosses want to work in a completely different environment. And when arranging their office, they are guided by modern design trends and technical innovations. For example, today it has become fashionable to place offices in the open spaces of former industrial buildings; architectural workshops and design bureaus especially like to locate there. In such large open lofts with brick and concrete walls, beamed ceilings and industrial light, all employees, including the manager, are in the same space and, at best, their places are separated by light partitions, and the manager’s office can be separated into separate room, but also with glass walls, equipped with blinds. Such offices are usually furnished with designer furniture made of plastic in combination with metal and glass. But still, most often the manager’s office is located in a separate room and is organized according to certain rules. It is important that the office is spacious; there should be enough space to organize the necessary functional areas. Firstly, a work area with a large table and a boss’s chair. There may be another table nearby for meetings with employees. It can be adjacent to the manager’s desk or located at a distance and represent a separate meeting area. And, of course, the office should have a relaxation area with soft furniture, where the boss can relax and take a break from work. In spacious offices, they can be used to separate these zones. mobile partitions, many managers prefer to allocate a separate room for a relaxation room. This super private space is furnished exclusively according to the tastes of the owner. Here the desire of the leader is the law!

  • Author of the project: Five Stars ">

    The office is decorated in the spirit of the good old classics. Faux stucco ceilings, wall pilasters, Empire style solid wood furniture with brass fittings, chandeliers and carpets. The picture is complemented by rich dark cherry-colored curtains with gold patterns; they are echoed by the woven finishes of the wall panels.

    The office is decorated in the spirit of the good old classics. Faux stucco ceilings, wall pilasters, Empire style solid wood furniture with brass fittings, chandeliers and carpets. The picture is complemented by rich dark cherry-colored curtains with gold patterns; they are echoed by the woven finishes of the wall panels.

    The classic style prevails in the design of the office. It is expressed in such elements as dark wood wall panels, parquet floors, built-in furniture, and a massive desk. At the same time, the designers also introduced modern details here, for example, armchairs in fashionable, stylized classics made of light green leather or panoramic windows with translucent draperies, filling the interior with beautiful diffused light.

    The manager's office is decorated in a modern style, a strict monochrome palette and at the same time very interestingly decorated. The panoramic windows are draped with beige organza, the floor is laid with laminate like deck boards, and the wall, which is the backdrop for the large boss’s desk, is painted to resemble stonework. The large area of ​​the room made it possible to separate functional areas: next to the boss’s desk there is a round table for meetings.

    The spacious office is decorated in a modern style and in monochrome gray and beige tones. Against the background of gray “concrete” walls and a colorful textured “wooden plank” floor, designer furniture and a variety of lamps look very impressive. Main character this story - desk lamp from Louis Poulsen by the famous Danish designer Poul Henningsen - a true icon of modernism.

    The manager's office looks stylish and prestigious! It is decorated in the style of European modernism with Art Deco elements. Used in the interior natural finishes: wooden and stone panels on the walls, parquet flooring with original masonry. IN large space combines a work area with a large T-shaped table and a seating area, including a table and a pair of luxurious armchairs made of black capitonated leather.

    The spacious office has convenient layout, interesting finishes and original lighting design. The work area is organized along panoramic windows, equipped with a system of wooden blinds. The seating area is highlighted by a designer chandelier and wall paintings in the style of French cubism. Against the background of colored abstraction, a leather furniture group and an original coffee table, reminiscent of a vintage suitcase, look impressive.

    The office is located in a modern office building and decorated in accordance with the architecture. The room is organized along panoramic windows, so it has excellent natural light. The interior is built on a bright contrast of white and brown finishes made of plastic and glass. The set looks impressive against this background designer furniture made of snow-white leather. Color accent They bring in bright blue textile rolls on the windows; without them, working in the summer would be problematic.

    The office is decorated in a fashionable and prestigious modern Art Deco style using expensive natural facings, combining stone, wood, chrome and glass. With the help of furniture and decor, a spectacular symmetrical composition was created in the interior, the central axis of which was a large T-shaped executive desk. Bright red leather chairs play the dominant color role here.

    The interior of the office combines modern and classic features. Fashionable floor finishes (ceramics) and walls (brick and plaster) are responsible for modernity here. And the classics are an authentic Empire table and a traditional oriental carpet. The interior is decorated with other iconic details - Soviet cast iron battery and a textbook sculptural bust of Voltaire. Fashionable and cultural!

Let's talk about what the interior of a workroom in an office should be like. The manager's office is the business card of the organization and the first impression of its owner. And therefore, you need to “put your soul into the design of your office”, think about everything carefully, reconsider various options, and with special effort to create status and comfort in it.

Of course, the furnishings of an official's office municipality and the head of a kindergarten will be radically different. But, in any case, the interior of the manager’s office, its design, must necessarily give an idea of ​​the type of activity of the organization and the business qualities of its leader.

The surrounding space has a great influence both on performance and on what kind of internal situation will develop between the manager and his subordinates. This means that if the furniture is correctly selected and arranged, and the interior is calm and not oversaturated with decorative elements, it will be easier to work.

A manager's office is a place where important decisions are thought through and made, as well as an area where you can relieve stress and take a break.

  1. An office is a work area. It cannot and should not be here unnecessary furniture and objects that will distract, scatter and switch attention. Do not turn your office into a warehouse for expensive items;
  2. This is your office, add your own personality to it. It would be nice if it had some reflection of your personality. Think about what you would like to see, who to remember. These could be family photos, some trinkets, something personal - just don’t go too far, everything is good in moderation;
  3. Try to simplify your work life as much as possible. Provide yourself, with minimal movement, access to everything you often need for work. Try to have everything at hand, arrange the necessary office equipment functionally;
  4. Select furniture based on the size of your office. A small office should not be overloaded with massive furniture;
  5. Try to create comfort in your workplace. After a stressful working day you just need rest. And you will agree that it is more pleasant to relax and immerse yourself in your thoughts in comfort;
  6. Of course, your status and the type of activity of the organization you manage must be guessed. The office of the head of an energy company reflects its serious and responsible specificity, and in the office of the director of a theater a young viewer may find, for example, a collection of dolls.

Let's look at a few examples:

Psychology of color in the manager’s office

We'll start decorating your office by choosing a style and talk about how to choose the right color for the walls.

Psychologists have proven that all colors, without exception, have:

  • its influence on our mood;
  • modify the perception of the surrounding reality;
  • can concentrate or, conversely, disperse attention;
  • mask flaws and shortcomings in the interior;
  • with the help of color, interior design can be brought to perfection;
  • optimize the internal atmosphere;
  • has a significant impact on mental and physical well-being.

Of course, there are a great variety of shades of color. But before choosing the color of the interior in the manager’s office, let’s first get acquainted with the characteristics of each of the options using the video in this article:

Although the color red stimulates the nervous system, it reduces performance because it is associated with prohibitions, anxiety, failure, and the approach of danger.

This color is often used in advertising. food products, in the design of cafes, in the emblems of restaurants, as it increases appetite. So, if you want to choose a red interior, place a refrigerator with food somewhere in a secluded place.

Color makes a warm impression on visitors, clients, guests, so if the style of your work suggests this, you can use it successfully. But on the color spectrum, the color is close to red; it is used, for example, as a warning about danger on the road.

This color also increases appetite, so we don’t put the refrigerator away just yet. If you like this color, then it is better to use an orange shade: it is softer and not irritating.

This sunny color brightens the office, increases energy and provides you with an invigorating effect. But these cheerful shades must be used extremely carefully: they strain your eyesight, which means your eyes will get tired very quickly. If you want to choose yellow, then you do not need to use bright colors as a basis, but rather use softer shades.

Note: If you have small children, choose a different color because studies have shown that yellow provokes children's whims and tearfulness; in a yellow room, children cry more often.

We associate the color “green” with money. Researchers recommend using this color in both children's and adult rooms. It has a calming effect on the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on well-being. In green rooms, headaches and stomach pains are less likely. Color helps you recover quickly after stressful situations, therefore, if your work involves nervous tension, this color will come in handy.
Blue is often used in office interior design. Labor productivity with this color increases, fatigue is relieved, the nervous system calms down, and creative people inspiration never runs out. Now we can clean the refrigerator, because Blue colour reduces appetite.
The color of a clear, cloudless sky symbolizes coolness, seems transparent, welcoming and kind. After a busy day of work, mental, mental, emotional and physical stress, you can fully relax in it. It normalizes heart function and relieves muscle tension.
This color is associated with prosperity, wealth and success. Lilac or lavender color has a calming effect on the nervous system and easily relaxes. So, if the nature of your work involves stress, lavender and lilac are your shades.

Note: Very beautiful combination it turns out if purple paint three walls, place lavender or lilac flowers on the fourth wall. This combination will sparkle with new colors and show itself to the maximum.

The color pink and its shades are not at all suitable for office interior design. This is a calm, warm, soothing color that is more suitable for decorating the interior of a little girl’s room. If you really like this color, then it is better to use coral.
Turquoise is the color of coolness. In large quantities it slows down, interferes with concentration, cools, and calms. Dark turquoise can depress and cause depression. But turquoise in small quantities calms the nervous system, relieves stress and helps to focus attention. Light turquoise looks very good where there is a lot of bright sunlight. The office will seem overly bright.
White is freshness and purity, freedom and lightness. Visually creates the illusion of spaciousness and expands the space. Glass furniture would be a good addition. However, it is better to use it in a small office - in a large room it will be associated with a hospital ward.
Solid, wooden, reliable, practical and stable Brown color consciously connects you to home. Best used in combination with other colors, this color is a good addition to almost any color scheme.
As a rule, walls are not painted black, with the exception of contrast with white. For most people, color has negative associations.
But a contrasting combination, skillfully selected furniture, folders, and accessories will bring aesthetic pleasure to both the manager and his visitors.
Sad melancholic color of gray. Reminds me of late autumn with gray clouds and drizzling rain. But if you are a hyperactive leader and emotions overflow, then this is your color. He will calm you down and set you up for positive work.
The color resembles New Year, evokes associations of holiday, relaxation in the mountains with snow-white caps. Of course, no one makes a completely silver interior, but in the design of details this color looks impressive.

A few words about cabinet decoration

Decorating the executive's office should be cost-effective, so we will use the simplest, most natural and noble materials possible. You should immediately expect long-term use.

Let's look at what materials are most often used to decorate different areas of an executive's office:

  • Walls plastered (you can use relief, decorative plaster), paint, paste over wallpaper (preferably plain), use Wall panels, wood, lined with artificial or natural stone;
  • On the floor lay laminate, linoleum or parquet; self-leveling flooring will look nice;
  • Ceiling can be suspended evenly, can be made at different levels (additional light sources look good on such a ceiling), tensioned (allows for spot lighting).

Let's look at the options for decorating the manager's office using these photos as an example:

Let's talk about lighting

Tip: Don't place direct light above your head. For example, a lampshade weakens the harsh light, and from a floor lamp the light is directed upward and, reflected from the walls and ceiling, falls on you. When working at a computer, a table lamp is a good choice as a separate light source. Glowing paintings and decorative lamps on the walls are pleasing to the eye.

In the office, the lighting should be correct and facilitate efficient work. It is better if it is multi-level and diffuse. The lighting should not be too bright; it should not create unnecessary shadows.

That's why:

  • Avoid direct overhead light;
  • Consider additional lighting sources;
  • When placing lamps, consider the location of the windows;
  • Natural things have a pleasant effect on a person, solar lighting, but it may have to be shaded at certain times, think about it;
  • Bring a distracting, relaxing source of light (such as a fireplace) into your interior.

Choosing furniture

Tip: To ensure that ornate furniture does not interfere or distract from work, it is better to opt for simple, strict forms. It is better to equip small offices with built-in furniture, or purchase compact furniture of small dimensions. In large offices, massive furniture will look good. Ideally, it would be wood or glass.

The main requirement is that the furniture in the office be functional: documents, stationery, office equipment, and some personal items should always be within reach.

What designer accessories should be

Your office should be the ideal place to work and think. It should not look like an office; a touch of individuality must be present.

Accessories will help us with this:

  • Both fabric and roller blinds . You can use blinds. If the office is located in an office, then it is better to use vertical or horizontal blinds. Very beautiful, environmentally friendly. Wooden or Venetian blinds are durable, however, there is a negative point - the high price;
  • A painting would be a good accessory: it can be a landscape, a portrait, a modular painting, posters. The painting will look beautiful against a neutral wall background, with the right lighting. If you have creative imagination and artistic talent, then you can draw a picture or embroider it with your own hands. But there should be only one picture in the office;
  • Photo of loved ones on the table you will be reminded of your family and loved ones;
  • Figurines and figurines harmoniously complement the interior.

Note: According to Feng Shui, for example, the pyramid is one of the most powerful amulets. It carries positive energy and increases performance. You can also safely place in your office a figurine of the Indian elephant god - Ganesha, which personifies the help of higher powers and leads to an increase in income. The dragon figurine concentrates good luck in business. The figurine of Hotei (an old man with a money bag) will attract capital.

Office zoning

Since in the office we will not only work, but also receive guests and relax, it is advisable to divide this office into three zones: work, relaxation, and an area for receiving guests.

  • To avoid distractions, try to separate your workspace at least visually. IN work area everything should be clearly distributed, arranged functionally: everything you need is at hand.
  • If space allows, it is better to move the recreation area so as to escape from work moments (you can use the balcony). Create cozy comfort: let there be a comfortable chair, or even a sofa, or a TV. After making important decisions, you need to relax, rest, maybe even sleep.
  • The area for receiving guests should be conducive to communication. Your workplace should be located opposite a separate area for guests. A sofa or armchairs should be provided for visitors so that they can sit comfortably and tune in to business communication. You can divide zones using color.

Modern office design styles

The choice of design style depends on what type of activity the company or company you manage performs. The preferences of the owner of the office play a big role. To make it easier to navigate choosing the perfect interior for you, let's look at several interesting styles.

Office design in classic style

Tip: place your desk so that there is a blank wall behind you, which will symbolize support. For greater effect, you can hang a picture of a mountain landscape or open meadows and lakes on the wall. Do not place your desk close to the door, this reduces the authority of the manager, and the position “with your back to the door” causes discomfort, and you lose faith in your own strength.

Classic style is always relevant - this is great option for a business person. Features of the classic style:

  • Wood or wood-like materials are used for finishing;
  • Expensive parquet is laid on the floor, and “wicker” and “Swedish” patterns are used. The “additional frieze” looks great;
  • The furniture is selected in strict forms;
  • The upholstery of upholstered furniture is leather, or expensive plain textiles: jacquard, faux suede, tapestry;
  • There is a chandelier on the ceiling, additional strict lamps in the work area;
  • Decorative jewelry made of glass, metal, porcelain. The original paintings add high status to the room.

Office design in art deco style

Tip: Try to reduce the number of angles directed towards the table as much as possible. According to Feng Shui, these angles not only worsen your well-being, but also reduce productivity. Their influence can be neutralized by placing opposite them houseplants: this is how geranium and azalea symbolize movement around career ladder, cyclamen gives confidence, fern encourages friendly conversation.

Art Deco style involves a lot of creativity. This is an unusual layout with round and concave shapes; in the decoration you can combine unusual materials and add exquisite ornaments.

This style is suitable for the head of an organization related to creative activities:

  • Editorial staff of newspapers and magazines;
  • Museum;
  • Creative workshop;
  • Advertising companies;
  • Art Gallery.

Office design in English style

Tip: Organize your workspace so that there is enough free space between your desk and the opposite wall. Firstly, it stimulates career growth, and secondly, in this situation, your plans for the future will grow, and the development of the enterprise will proceed without any problems.

Design of the manager's office in english style differ chic luxury. Deep tones predominate.

Features of the design of the manager's office in the English style:

  • On the walls expensive wallpaper with gilding: they can have original patterns or a vertical stripe;
  • On the floor parquet board, a luxurious carpet adds coziness;
  • The office has a library, bookshelves are arranged symmetrically;
  • The fireplace perfectly adds an atmosphere of comfort and warmth;
  • The walls are decorated with paintings by impressionist artists.

Address: St. Petersburg
Area: 30 m²
Implementation period: 2 months
Customer: deputy director of a large industrial plant, a young girl

The office design project was commissioned for a young girl, deputy director of a large industrial enterprise. Initially, the room consisted of two small offices - for the director and the secretary. However, it was decided to combine both parts into one spacious office, allocating a separate workplace for the secretary. To illuminate the secretary's small office, windows were provided in the wall separating the main and additional rooms.

Our manager will call this number to clarify details.

Get Layout

An application for a plan does not obligate you to anything. You can cancel at any time

The peculiarity of the project was that the office area was initially small, only 30 square meters. m. The office was located directly in one of the buildings on the territory of the industrial zone and was a rather gloomy room. The task was set to transform the original object into a presentable and cozy office.

Pull the slider to compare the "Before" and "After" layout

Features of organizing an office on the attic floor

The attic room has a number of features compared to the standard one. As a rule, it is concentrated here a large number of communications. In our case, there was a slight slope along the roof and a structure of beams on the ceiling (caissons). On top of that, there was a communication pipe along the window, which was impossible to remove or hide from prying eyes. Beating her without losing the airiness of the space was not an easy task. In the visualization of the project, you can see that the difficulties that seemed at first in the project later became its highlight.

Painted in White color pipe – why not the highlight of the new interior?

The slopes along the ceiling were also painted white, thus visually expanding the entire space. The beams on the ceiling were covered with polyurethane cornices and painted white, which gave the room lightness and airiness.

There is not a hint of the gray concrete walls left

Let there be light! The task of creating the background of the future office has been completed.

The “correct” office for a female executive

A work office is a place where a person spends a considerable part of his life. A comfortable environment encourages a positive work attitude, which means making the right decisions.

On the other hand, the office of the deputy director of a large plant is intended for serious business negotiations with customers and, to a certain extent, is also the face of the enterprise. The office should also be modern interesting design, which implies the success and prosperity of the enterprise in the eyes of potential partners.

Taking into account all the listed requirements and wishes of the future owner of the office, we achieved a balance between the presentable rigor of the office and the girl’s inner worldview.

The main task of creating a bright, spacious room was completed. The starting point was a light laminate (Quick Step) “bleached oak”. Modern white furniture was chosen to match it. IN new interior The light chairs of a laconic design fit perfectly. Two small comfortable sofas are conducive to conversation in an informal setting.

Exquisite rigor and lightness of a modern office

The furniture was made to order, because the quality of the finished samples did not suit the customer. Upholstered furniture chose and ordered on the DEFO company website. When choosing doors, we were guided by the color of the furniture. We settled on the usual ones - white glossy Fineza Puerta.

Let there be light! Color, light and play of contrasts

The central coffers on the ceiling became the main light sources - custom-cut plexiglass with installed LEDs. Built-in spotlights, the most common ones, are mounted on the sides. Windows located on interior wall The office to the right of the desk allows enough light to pass through to the secretary’s work area.

Walls to be painted with Tikkurila (Euro 7 base) are in perfect harmony with the life-affirming orange, in which the wall directly behind the manager’s workplace is painted. Textiles in the form of bright turquoise curtains and sophisticated pop art style emphasize the individuality of the owner of the office. The TV area and modern painting add the necessary accents and comfort.

There can never be too many windows!

Modern office for the head of a large enterprise

When creating a design project, we took into account all the wishes of the Customer, not forgetting the purpose of the office and constructive architectural features premises. The result is a spacious, bright office in which comfortable conditions for work. At the same time, the office emphasizes the individuality of its owner and is designed in a modern style.

The director’s workplace is the “face” of the firm or company. Many factors directly depend on its environment and arrangement: successfully concluded contracts, effective negotiations, the emergence of new ideas for earning money, productive meetings of the workforce, etc. If the offices of ordinary employees are often equipped according to the standard principle - convenience, practicality, comfort and coziness, then The director's office should also be elegant, stylish and multifunctional. To equip the right room according to all modern requirements, you need to know just a few secrets. This article will help you turn an inconspicuous and gray room into a stylish executive office.

Features of the director's office

In order for the office to meet all the necessary characteristics and status of a manager, when arranging it, it is necessary to first think through several important details. These include:

  • color design of walls, ceiling, flooring, furniture;
  • interior furnishings;
  • lighting elements;
  • decorative elements and accessories.

Color design

Since the office is a place for making important decisions, its color scheme should be pleasing to the human eye. When choosing a color, you should not pay attention to bright or very dark colors or colorful wallpaper. Experts recommend using only natural shades and tones that will not stand out too much. The most popular of them:

  • brown;
  • gray;
  • terracotta;
  • beige.

Interior furnishings

Important! The office can be arranged in various styles: classic, French, Gatsby, minimalism, Scandinavian, with eco-style motifs, etc.

The best option for the director’s office is arrangement in classic style. With its help, a more favorable atmosphere is created, which puts you in a working mood, rather than relaxing. Natural colors and Decoration Materials, beautiful and massive pieces of furniture, classic chandeliers or lamps, stylish elements decor - all this is an irreplaceable and characteristic element of the classics.

Important! When choosing a stylistic setting, it is necessary to take into account the requirements or wishes of the manager.

Zoning of premises, principles of their arrangement

The office is conventionally divided into several zones: a place for relaxation, for conducting business meetings or negotiations, and a workspace. Each of them must be equipped according to a certain principle.

  • Work zone

The ideal option for placing a workspace is the central part or an area near the wall. In this place it is worth installing a massive desk made of natural materials, which will become a worthy decoration for the entire office. It should not only be beautiful and comfortable, but also spacious (with a large number of drawers) in order to accommodate all the documents (applications, orders, instructions) and some office equipment.

Important. For small offices, it is best to choose transformable desks, which can be converted into a place for negotiations in a few seconds.

Don't neglect the chair either. It is mandatory element director's office. This item must be made of leather (eco or natural), be comfortable, roomy and wide, and also have armrests and an adjustable back.

  • Negotiation area

Mandatory elements of this area are a long table with a large number of chairs to accommodate employees or business partners. This furniture, just like the desk, should be made from natural materials and fit harmoniously into the overall interior of the room.

Important! If the manager often holds informal meetings or negotiations in his office, then for such purposes you can install a comfortable leather sofa, several additional chairs with a small table.

  • Relaxation area

This place is not always equipped with a sofa or folding chair; some managers prefer mini golf courses, table football or hockey, chess or checkers.

Lighting elements and decor

To illuminate the study, you can use both classic ceiling chandeliers and additional lamps, sconces or. They should fit harmoniously into the interior of the room and complement it.

The best decor for such a room would be:

  • beautiful watch;
  • expensive stationery;
  • wall;
  • vases with fresh flowers.

Since the manager’s office is the business card of the company, its arrangement must be taken with the utmost seriousness and responsibility. You should not save on buying furniture or any other accessories, from them appearance And quality characteristics The overall impression of the boss’s workplace and the company as a whole will depend.

Interior of the manager's office: video

Manager's office: photo