Magical plants and their properties. The magical properties of indoor flowers

Home wizards

Indoor flowers are long-standing and beloved inhabitants of our apartments. However, not everyone grows equally well. In some houses flowers grow magnificently, but in others they do not take root. Do you know why? Because flowers are living beings, like everything in nature created by God.

Flowers do not like dull, indifferent people who treat them indifferently. It was also noted long ago that if there is a fight in the house, the flowers die.

It’s a different matter when a person loves them! Then the flowers, reciprocating your feelings, grow magnificently, bloom and... protect your home.

Yes, they do, because indoor plants can not only purify the air in the room, they also neutralize bad energy of various origins, for example, that coming from a computer and other household appliances.

It has now been proven that plants also react to unfavorable places in the apartment. Therefore, it is recommended to place a well-growing flower near the bed for a month or desk and monitor his condition. If, with the same care and amount of light, it begins to wither, it means that you spend most of your time in an unfavorable zone. It makes sense to think about this and, perhaps, move the bed to another place.

Magic and enchantment can be viewed in different ways, but the fact that flowers in the home give joy and improve health is undeniable.

Ficus, geranium, Japanese maple, tradescantia and many other plants have healing abilities. We will now remember some of them.

But first, here is a conspiracy aimed at preventing your pets from dying. They say it when watering flowers:

“My Garden of Eden is small before God, so that with God’s help it does not disappear. Amen".


Azalea is one of the most beautiful indoor plants. She has the ability to sense the energy of her owners and adapt to it. If you are tired, it will nourish you, and if you are tired or irritated, it will remove excess energy and allow you to dump it on yourself.


Ficus is the best helper in strengthening a family; it promotes the conception and birth of children. Apparently, it was not in vain that earlier, before the ficus was for some reason declared a bourgeois flower, these lacquered beauties stood in almost every apartment.

Ficus, absorbing unfavorable radiation, is able to maintain a stable atmosphere in the family and prevents irritability. Just don't put it in the sun; it prefers shaded corners.

Let us note here that when you plant a flower in your house, pay less attention to the opinions of other people. Do not keep plants that cause you antipathy, no matter what. beneficial properties they didn't have it. And, conversely, if you like the plant, feel free to bring it home.


It is believed that the cactus is able to neutralize bad energy, including computer radiation.

It is quite possible, because holly and thorny plants most resistant to any adverse effects. In any case, cacti feel great near the computer.

Someone even calculated that next to the computer there should be not a lot, not a few, but 30 pieces of thorny plants.

Just deciding to decorate your computer desk cacti, keep in mind that they should be small (they can be placed all together in a special box).

You shouldn't plant large cacti. Esotericists claim that old, decent-sized cacti are very popular with inhabitants of subtle planes who need to be recharged with someone else’s bioenergy.

By the way, the same invisible entity can settle in the Mexican palm tree - yucca, a fairly common indoor plant today.

If you really like palm trees, get some traditional type; it’s even good to have them in your home - just like in nature, they will give you vital energy.


In which house will you not see a climbing branch of Tradescantia? This unpretentious plant brings great benefits to its owners.

The presence of this simple flower improves a person’s well-being; they even say that Tradescantia protects against cancer. The plant with large and thick glossy green leaves has the greatest power.

In addition, Tradescantia is a wonderful indicator of the situation in your home. If suddenly when good care the plant has withered, its leaves began to shrink and turn yellow, which means a vampiric energy entity has appeared in the house, the source of which must be found and neutralized.



The long-time residents of our apartments, chlorophytum and asparagus, are also unpretentious, accessible and very harmonious from an energetic point of view.


Crassula is also called the money tree - it brings wealth to the house. The flower needs to be planted in a beautiful pot, placed in the sunniest place and properly cared for, because the more magnificent your Crassula grows, the greater the income.

There are many types of Crassula - any will do. All of them belong to the genus of succulents, i.e. to plants with fleshy leaves and stems in which moisture can be stored. Caring for fat cats is easy; nothing will happen to them if you forget about them for a while or handle them incorrectly.

And yet remember that fat girls love light and fresh air. Water them as the soil dries; in winter, watering is reduced to a minimum. Crassulas reproduce by cuttings and even leaves.


Some indoor plants have the amazing ability to wither and even die if an unfavorable situation arises in the family. Such a barometer of trouble is a flower popular in Bulgaria, the name of which speaks for itself.

If everything is not in order in the relationship between people, the health begins to quickly fade. If peace and harmony reign between household members, it grows wildly, and in the spring it blooms with small, deep crimson flowers.


It’s funny to talk about the benefits of geranium, who doesn’t know that there are no best medicine for ear pain? But geranium is good not only for its anesthetic properties. It perfectly collects energy dirt and cleanses it. It gives off good energy less well, but its use as a filter is quite justified.

Pink geranium promotes love, white - the birth of children. But red has special power. blooming geranium. Its bright flowers radiate vitality and strength, which will help you in case of feeling unwell. Therefore, during illness, keep geranium in your room.


The rose is rightfully considered the queen of flowers. All roses are endowed with the ability to excite love and create harmony in personal relationships, but this is especially true of pink and red flowers.

It is very good when a real rose grows in the house. But only one. And not in the bedroom. Because many roses give off an ocean of sweet aroma that can turn into a dope that is destructive to humans. It is known that medieval beauties committed suicide by placing baskets of roses in their bedrooms at night. Rosaries are good only in the open air.

They fit in well in a city apartment dwarf varieties roses, in no way inferior to garden ones.

But keeping a Chinese rose in the house is not very good - it can “suck” energy from a person. They say that if there is an appearance in the apartment Chinese rose- expect trouble.

(Well, well! I read elsewhere that this is a flower of love and passion!)

The main rule: pay less attention to the opinions of other people. Do not keep plants that cause you antipathy, no matter how beneficial they may be. And, conversely, if you like the plant, feel free to bring it home.


Peperomia, like tradescantia, protects home residents from cancer. It is not for nothing that this plant has become a favorite in many homes.

The larger the specimen, the stronger the effect of piperomy, so upright varieties are the most effective.


Cyclamen - very energetic strong flower. In the old days, cyclamen was called “moly” in honor of Moliona, one of the ancient goddesses of the Moon. And the moth flower was a sure remedy against lunar magic. Even the spell of the sorceress Circe, who tried to bewitch Odysseus, turned out to be powerless against the moth.

Cyclamen takes away negative energy and transforms it into positive energy, thus harmonizing the bioenergetic atmosphere in the house.

This flower is an ancient remedy against the evil eye and hex. A love potion is prepared from it. They say that it enhances potency in men. And blooming specimens of cyclamen will help get rid of nightmares, obsessive fears and insomnia.


This very delicate, thin, scrupulous plant is an indicator of the situation in the house.

In an atmosphere of scandals, and sometimes simply from rude words, the violet dies. Therefore, in the house of nervous, rude, careless people it will be very difficult for her.


Fern is one of the most amazing plants. This is a real energy vampire, since it needs a lot of energy to exist.

He can even live on TV. And, in general, that’s where it belongs: by absorbing the radiation from the TV, the fern removes some of the energy harmful to humans.

In different folk traditions and by different authors, either light or dark witchcraft powers are attributed to the fern.

There are people who believe that the appearance of a fern in the house can bring bad luck. But in fact, its power helps people get rid of inner evil.

It perfectly protects the house from evil spirits. Therefore, another ideal place for a fern is the hall, where it will control the energy of those entering and will not allow evil spirits into the home.


Rosemary is a light-hearted plant with a faint pine scent. Its aroma calms hot-tempered people, relieves fear and anxiety, and helps with insomnia.

Rosemary is good for all people, so it can be grown in every home.


This plant with strong-smelling leaves emits essential oils and no worse than garlic it protects the house from evil spirits.

So the window sill or balcony is buried in bright colors chrysanthemums are not just a pleasant sight, but also a reliable barrier for uninvited guests.

In addition, chrysanthemums prolong feelings and prevent unhappiness in love. Therefore, as soon as a new hero of your dreams appears, invite him into the house and give him tea in which chrysanthemum petals will float. And then only for you the happy moments will stop.

All of the above, of course, also applies to chrysanthemums growing in your garden.


Astrologers call arrowroot the green talisman of Aquarius. They claim that it is exquisite plant stimulates people to search for new, unconventional solutions.

The magical properties of arrowroot also include a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of the house, the emotional state of the residents, and their health. It seems to absorb the energy of aggression and prevent home pollution negative energy. Arrowroot calms the nerves, relieves stress, fatigue, and insomnia.

In addition, arrowroot is very beautiful, but you should not place it in direct sunlight, but you need to spray it more often.

monstera philodendron

Some authors consider these rather large and very impressive climbing plants to be real energy vampires, capable of pumping vital energy out of their owners. Their energy cycle is built on daytime absorption of bad information and nighttime cleansing - the release of negative energy coupled with a large amount of carbon dioxide, the result of which can be a complete loss of strength and weakening of cardiac activity.

Other experts, on the contrary, believe that monsteras and philodendrons do not accumulate collected energy clots, but transform them and release energy favorable to humans into space.

Ivy and passionflower

Ivy, especially wax ivy, and passionflower also have their fans and their opponents. Someone is counting wax ivy a “cemetery” flower and a vampire, while others claim that it, like other vines, protects well from the evil eye, since it is “fueled” by easily accessible excesses of raw energy. Intangible gross entities will become prey to ivy and passionflower and will not be able to enter your home.


Scindapus (pothos) is one of the most common indoor plants. This vine with heart-shaped green leaves yellow spots often called "devil's ivy", for which they treat it with suspicion.

Cypress and thuja

Cypress symbolizes sadness, grief, and in Ancient Greece it was a symbol of death due to the dark color of the leaves. Cypress was depicted on graves by both pagans and Christians because of the belief that it protected the body from decay.

Therefore, cypress is considered a dangerous plant for the home. It brings heavy energy into the house and should never be placed in the bedroom or living room.

Another tree dedicated to death, the thuja, has a similar effect on us. And it should also not be placed in places where you relax, eat and sleep.

Of course, everything you have just read is just generalized information. And, perhaps, only one conclusion can be drawn here: the decision of which flower to plant at home should be influenced only by your attitude towards the plant.

Never keep a flower in your apartment that causes you antipathy, no matter what beneficial properties it may have. And if you feel good next to a fern, dracaena or monstera, feel free to go to a flower shop!

The impact that they have flowers amulets per person, for his home and family, very much. But each individual plant has its own energy, and therefore their influence is different.

Since ancient times, amulets have been created that they always carried with them in order to attract good luck, love, and happiness.

Home energy is protected by indoor amulets plants, which are real protectors, always standing guard.

They attract positive vibrations, transform negative energy, thereby harmonizing the overall home atmosphere.

This reliable way protect yourself, your family and your home from everything bad and evil that exists in the world. To understand how to choose a talisman and not make a mistake, you need to know the meaning of each of them.

How are amulets used?

You can use the magical properties of amulets flowers in different ways:

  • as a personal amulet
  • to protect your home, office
  • during rituals
  • for healing (dried herbs are widely used)

You need to know which flowers are suitable for each specific occasion - to improve health, to protect against negativity, to attract love, money, good luck, to find peace in your home.

Amulet for health


Serves as a real home healer aloe. A plant known to almost everyone, aloe is not particularly bright or spectacular, but its beneficial effect on the human body can truly be called magical.

Energy vibrations constantly penetrate into the house through the front doors - some of them are pathogenic.

And if protective field If the housing is not strong enough, then such energy affects every member of the family.

In this situation, aloe will help - it will perfectly cleanse your home, strengthen spatial energy, and attract health.

Amulet against evil spirits


To prevent evil energy entities from having access to the house and to every living person in it, use the power asparagus .

It will close all the holes that have arisen in the biofield, cleanse your aura of astral entities that have stuck, and strengthen the action of the chakras.

In addition, asparagus gives confidence in own strength, and a person is able to independently repel the attack of an unclean spirit.

Amulet for love


If you cannot meet a person with a kindred spirit and a kind heart, then take the advice of esotericists - place it in your bedroom hibiscus or oxalis .

Thanks to them, someone you will never want to part with will very soon appear on your life horizon. Your relationship will be harmonious: to the extent of romance, to the extent of passion.

And it will help with tightness in bed avocado, the seed of which can also be planted in a pot near your bed.

How to attract material wealth


About the beautiful Crassula Everyone knows that it can enrich any home if it receives love and proper care. Its second name (folk) is Money Tree or tree of luck.

In addition to attracting money to the house, the fat woman has the ability to cleanse the room in which she is located from the negativity and negative energy that has accumulated in it.

In addition to the Crassula, they are also attracted to the house palm , bamboo And dracaena.

How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye

  • Geranium. It has the strongest magical effect on human housing. Its specific smell is known to absolutely everyone - it is it that serves as a reflector of any external negativity.
  • Rose. A great option that can lift your spirits, help you feel better, and even attract love. But not everyone knows that the thorns on its stem also serve as excellent protection against thoughts sent by ill-wishers.
  • Tradescantia. Suitable for the kitchen - ward off unkind words and scare away enemies. They also update the entire energy system in the house.

How to protect yourself from envy


Azalea repels the thoughts of envious people. It helps you figure out where the truth is and where the lies are hidden. The world full of unkind people - that's a fact.

Some people simply need to know about other people’s failures and be fueled by the inner strengths of their friends.

To protect yourself from such negativity, you should use the miraculous effects of azalea. In addition to protection from external evil, it helps to achieve internal balance, get rid of fatigue and nervousness. If you decorate your home with a cute azalea, you will forever forget about uncertainty and fear.

Tradescantia It will open your eyes to your surroundings and help you understand who is a real friend and who is just pretending. This magic flower helps to “weed out” your surroundings and leave only devoted and true friends around you.

Flowers for peace and well-being in the home


Around begonias Harmony and eternal balance always reign - she will cope with all family problems, help reach a compromise, and calm tense nerves.

With its influence, it changes all negative vibrations to positive ones. In your home, they will forget about bad moods and tears.

Also affect the emotional atmosphere calla lilies. They fill the family corner with love, mutual understanding, kindness and respect for each other.

Geranium neutralizes negative emotions such as anger, rage. In a house where geraniums grow, people never raise their voices and know how to negotiate.

Plants-amulets for the garden

Not only the house needs protection, the garden also needs to be protected from negative external influences. They cope well with this task:

  • Mint. The pleasantly smelling branches of this plant create a protective layer around the yard. It also attracts happiness, luck, and financial well-being.
  • Kalina. In the old days, viburnum was planted in every yard - this is the strongest amulet. But she needs to be looked after carefully. The more love you show to a beautiful tree, the better it will protect you from the evil eye.
  • Poppy. The peculiarity of poppy seeds is that they are collected in peculiar boxes. In ancient times, people believed that all evil intentions were trapped in these boxes, as if in a prison. Does not allow evil to reach home, but all negative energy intercepts.

Flowers-amulets according to the signs of the Zodiac

  • Aries. It is better to choose green friends that have long leaves and tall stems. Plants with red flowers will bring good luck.
  • Taurus. But non-flowering seedlings are suitable for this zodiac sign. For example, a cactus will do its job perfectly.
  • Twins. In apartments you need to place as many climbing varieties as possible. If you live in a private house, then you should plant a sufficient number of such flowers in the yard flowerbed.
  • Cancer. This is a sign patronized by the water element, which means water-loving flowers suit it. For example, a lily or an orchid. In addition to decorating the interior, they will attract happiness to your home. A small pond with growing water lilies would be nice in the yard.
  • a lion. Representatives of this zodiac sign do not know how to properly care for green pets - they either forget to water it or accidentally touch the pot and break it. Therefore, bouquets containing bright, catchy colors (roses or peonies) are suitable for them.
  • Virgo. The tenderness of snowdrops harmonizes perfectly with the character of the virgins. Also lemon tree or fig tree will be a great addition to the positive atmosphere. The floristic influence of correctly selected seedlings can inspire representatives of the zodiac sign and awaken their talents.
  • Scales. These people are connected with nature very closely, so they subtly sense all natural processes. They are also great at admiring the colors of the world around them, and they know how to appreciate everything around them. Edelweiss and gladioli have a beneficial effect.
  • Scorpion. Scorpios not only love flowers, they know how to care for them. They know how to give off heat and protect. Even the most capricious species listen to them. Working in the garden helps representatives of this sign calm down and relax. Monstera or oleander are suitable for an apartment or house.
  • Sagittarius. Tall subspecies with a strong trunk have a positive effect on the zodiac sign. You can decorate your home with a beautiful outdoor pot and plant a palm tree in it. Even decorative reeds will fit perfectly into the interior.
  • Capricorn. Will attract positive energy into the house and create a cozy atmosphere, dim options, even inconspicuous ones. “Mother-in-law’s tongue” cactus is an excellent choice. They are also suitable for work - placing them near the computer, you will always be safe.
  • Aquarius. Plants will protect you from danger if you use them correctly. And, of course, love for every flower is important - after all, without it, it will dry up and take away your energy. A best choice will become a violet, narcissus or dracaena.
  • Fish. Representatives of Pisces need energy, both from unpretentious flowers and those that require daily attention and care. For example, forget-me-nots or poppies will enrich the atmosphere of your home. And the orchid will attract happiness.

Magical properties of indoor plants

Houseplants: magical properties. Photo:

Not all house flowers are harmless. If you dream of getting married, you don’t need to keep violets in your apartment, but definitely buy cyclamen and amaryllis. It is not recommended to breed vampire plants that can take energy. If you still want to grow them, do not place them in the bedroom or children's room.

If I dream about family life It just doesn’t come true, think, maybe the violet doesn’t want a man to live in the house? Like camellia, which is also considered a flower of loneliness. For married couples with children, these flowers will bring more happiness. Violets, thanks to their magical energy, will not let a depressive mood into the house. Specimens in bloom lilac shades, can cleanse the house by removing negative energy from it.

Closed and shy people need to be put in flower pot camellia, it will help you get rid of complexes, become more confident, and believe in your attractiveness. To attract the opposite sex like a magnet, place a Chinese rose in your home.

An orchid will improve your mood and cleanse the energy at home. Photo:

Place spathiphyllum in your bedroom; it’s not called the plant of love for nothing. If a single woman wants to find a soul mate, let her place an anthurium in her bedchamber. It is believed to attract men, just like the Chinese rose. Therefore, be sure to place these flowers in your home.

The orchid is also classified as a flower of love. This graceful plant It will improve your mood and cleanse the energy of the house, just like balsam, which is popularly nicknamed Vanka wet. It will help the home atmosphere to be positive and will purify the air.

Violets, thanks to their magical energy, will not let a depressive mood into the house.

Indoor white lily also has magical properties. It must be positioned so that the light from the moon falls on the buds. Then he will feed them at night, and during the day the plant will begin to give its magical powers to the woman who is the owner of the plant.

In addition to domestic plants that are useful from an energy point of view, there are also harmful ones. Thus, the majestic monstera is a powerful vampire, like Dieffenbachia. These indoor vines are capable of taking energy from people. Their negativity is especially evident in small rooms, where it is extremely undesirable to place these indoor plants. It is better to place it in large offices, medical institutions, where many people pass daily. Here these plants can even become useful, as they will cleanse the space.

For your home, choose plants with positive energy. Photo:

It is also not advisable to place ferns at home; if you have a strong desire to grow such plants, do not place them in the bedroom, nursery, or where family members spend a lot of time. It's better to take them out winter Garden or place it on a glassed-in balcony, heated in winter.

It is better to grow cacti for those who have a calm character. Overly active people can become aggressive when in the vicinity of indoor needle plants.

When breeding flowers, it is important to know what appearance plants can be grown in one room or another. Thus, Feng Shui does not recommend placing in the living room or bedroom those that have leaves and flowers with pointed and torn edges. It is believed that these representatives of the flora are capable of emitting negative energy. published

Today we’ll talk about plants in magic rituals. Since ancient times, flowers and herbs have been widely used in witchcraft. Magicians, using their properties, perform both rituals aimed at protection and positivity, and rituals for destructive purposes. What kind of damage can there be through plants, and how can damage be done using flowers? There is a powerful ritual called growing corruption. It is not for beginners, but I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will introduce you to it. In addition, let's talk about herbs that remove damage. And in particular, about the beneficial magical properties of such a seemingly simple herb as wormwood.

Wormwood herb against the evil eye and energy negativity

The seemingly ordinary herb was used and, of course, is still used to this day, for a variety of witchcraft purposes. It is used to summon and retain Dark spirits, to protect against curses and black witchcraft. This herb can be found in amulets to protect against the evil eye, damage and negative thoughts that are hostile to you.

Wormwood grass serves as a talisman for children, mothers and fathers. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you more about the magical properties of wormwood as a talisman against the evil eye and damage a little later. And now about magical influence through a flower, about what it is all about – growing corruption.

How they can cause damage to flowers and herbs - growing damage

Growing corruption is an old rite based on natural laws. Any impacts associated with the dark energy of demons are fleeting. Black damage caused by the power of the world of the dead lasts longer, but one day the power of the given program weakens. But, in the growing corruption, the algorithm of natural reproduction is taken as a basis - natural, powerful and irreversible. They work on this principle strongdamage to flowersand herbs, and protection. These rituals have been developed over centuries.

Growing is one of the most dangerous types of damage to human health.

It is difficult to clean, and, moreover, it has the property of being restored. Sometimes it is called "weed". They make their own spoilage through grass seeds. This effect lives up to its name. The only time the sorcerer’s hand will take a seed on the waning moon, the only time during the full moon it will plant weed seedlings with a spell, with witchcraft words, and it will be damage was done using flowers and witchcraft herbs.

The life of the target will begin to change. If the damned one was rich, he will become poor. If he had a sharp mind, he will become weak-minded. If he had good health, he will know what painful pain is. If you were lucky and successful, you will become an outsider. Through blood this black corruption passes on to other generations. Just as grass grows in a field year after year, so the descendants of the one who was originally its victim suffer from black corruption.

A sorcerer, in order to make damage through a flower and grass, does not just throw seeds, and not just any random ones. Seeds are taken depending on the task. They are soaked with the victim tied, planted in the ground, watered, and cared for. Then grown up, stronger, strong seedlings, charged with the black energy of corruption, is planted closer to the enemy. If, in this way, personal witchcraft protection is done, then the magician plants grass against the evil eye and damage near his home. But there are different conspiracies read there.

In the same way, you can damage indoor flowers and give a flower in a pot to your offender. You need to know which seeds to use. Because grass is different from grass. If health is cursed, seeds will do poisonous plants, such as hogweed, hemlock.

To ruin the enemy and bring disaster, it would be good to take quinoa seeds. Fescue is suitable, as well as ragwort seeds. This grass is incredibly tenacious, it is not afraid of drought or frost, it is a ubiquitous, indestructible weed. Thus, the damage renews itself, and after removal it grows and manifests itself again and again.

Seeds for spoilage are taken on the waning moon or on the full moon. By soaking flower seeds, they are enchanted. Different conspiracies are read independently, in accordance with the meaning and purpose of the damage. And they read on the water. Water stores information and will transmit it to grass sprouts. Bindings of the victim are placed in the water to inflict powerful damage on flowers and herbs. On the day chosen by the magician, he plants the sprouts in the ground. And at this stage, when transplanting plants, soil taken from special places is added.
So, if they spoil diseases, they conspire to take land from a hospital, for example, from an oncology clinic. If the magician sets the goal of causing damage to flowers, and such damage is caused by disasters, madness or death, then they add earth from a cemetery crossroads, or from the site of massacres. They pay for the land taken from such places - they give a blood sacrifice. And part of the sacrificial blood along with the soil - into the same soil, along with a plant that brings horror, disease and destruction to the enemy.

Thus, through the earth there is a binding of the spirits of the extreme, dangerous place, places of Power. And into the same soil along with the weed - the object is attached. Using this algorithm and principle of operation, you can direct a growing damage to indoor flowers as a gift to the enemy. Such things are not for beginners, that’s what you need to understand! A beginner will not cope with such a task, he will definitely harm himself and that’s all. If we are talking about the protective resources of the “growing” method described by me, the magician Sergei Artgrom, then we should take herbs such as St. John’s wort, basil, elderberry, verbena, and elecampane.

What flowers help against the evil eye - plants that protect against negative energies

Each plant has unique energy. If the energy of some plants is good for causing disease and destruction, then other plants come to the defense of humans.

About house flowers that protect against the evil eye and energy negativity.

  • Cactus. standing at front door, the cactus protects the house from damage, gossip, and envious slander. This plant protects the house and its inhabitants from the evil eye, blocking negativity, preventing it from penetrating and spreading into the home.
  • Tradescantia. This unpretentious plant will drive away imaginary friends and protect you from evil tongues and the malicious intent of enemies. In addition, Tradescantia cleanses and renews the energy of the house. This one is best flower from the evil eye keep in the kitchen or living room.
  • Geranium. One of the most powerful amulets against the evil eye and ritual damage. Neutralizes negative impacts, aimed at home and family. In general, anyone can save you from the evil eye indoor flower, blooming with red flowers.
  • Roses. Create an atmosphere of well-being and love. The rose has strong energy, it is a very useful functional flower against the evil eye and damage. But a beautiful rose also has thorns - a formidable weapon against evil words and harmful actions of ill-wishers.
  • Ficus. It is recommended to have at home - this is a plant against the evil eye. It neutralizes adverse radiation and cleanses the aura of the house.

All plants are sensitive to energies - negative and positive. Is it capable indoor plant protect a person from the evil eye and damage? Of course, it can, otherwise, on what would the magic of plants, which has existed for many centuries, be based?

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Removing damage using magical herbs

In witchcraft rituals there are many effective cleansing rituals that are widely used by magicians. Plants against the evil eye and damage have long been used in village witchcraft. And, I must say, with great efficiency. But all cleansing is so individual that each practicing magician has to select his own methods.

It is necessary to take into account the nature of the negative, the character traits and energy of the client from whom the negative is removed. And many more nuances. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, use various rituals in my practice to cleanse a person from the evil eye and black negativity. They are effective, but for each special occasion. In one case, I, Sergey Artgrom, use herbs that remove damage, in another I remove black energy with wax, in other cases I use knives, water, and anneal with fire.

In witchcraft everything is very individual. There are real magicians who have only been pouring wax for many years. And they have such a close and strong connection with this material that they even cast it. But wax is not a panacea, although the method itself is very good. Each practicing magician has his own experience and preferences. And if you use herbs for spoilage and get the desired result, then such methods are good for you.

Wormwood grass will protect from damage - a magical crown for the king

Wormwood is the number one herb against the evil eye. To remove negative energy from people, you need to wash your face with a decoction of wormwood. You can add it to your bath. This flushing method is good for children. People call wormwood a crown for a king. The main magical properties of the Wormwood plant are foresight, human protection from evil forces. This herb is used in incense to promote clairvoyance, as well as in mixtures for cleansing and protection from Dark spirits.

The herb Wormwood helps against damage, but it can be successfully used to restore personal energy, vitality and physical health. So, a warm bath with wormwood relieves fatigue from the body and restores lost strength. It will perfectly wash away the negativity accumulated during the day. However, in the water this herb that removes damage, loses some of its magical power, and therefore magicians more often use it in the form of incense.

A great way to regain healthy sleep and completely get rid of insomnia is to stuff your pillow with dry Wormwood and sleep on it. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that in this way you can not only normalize sleep, but also get rid of nightmares. And with proper practice, you can see prophetic dreams.

The herb Wormwood is one of the the best means For protection from the evil eye, negative energy, envy and evil of people, aimed at destroying the family nest, illness and loneliness. Its smell expels evil spirits from the house, keeps a person from accidents and other serious and not very serious troubles. Small twigs and dried wormwood flowers in a bag, worn at the level of the solar plexus, will be your shield against any negative energies.