Flowers-amulets: magical properties of plants for luck, love and money. Magical properties of indoor plants



Strong energetic, protector, cleanses the astral plane. Removes local inflammatory processes, resolves foci of inflammation both externally on the skin and internally. Not a removing, but an extinguishing, resolving, crushing antiseptic. Softens, resolves inflammatory processes, at the same time disinfects and kills pathogenic microbes.

Asparagus pinnate

It emits not scattering energy, not relaxing energy, but concentrating energy. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep asparagus in rest areas and bedrooms. Good for workstations and offices.


This amazing plant. Has magical powers. Expels evil spirits, cleanses the astral plane of low entities. Can be grown in a pot in the kitchen or on the balcony.


Begonia standing in partial shade, or after flowering, partially loses its reddish color. Begonia in medicinal purposes not used. Its vibrations do not heal, but influence.

Activates the human hematopoietic system, the functioning of its internal organs, and normalizes a person’s energy potential. Activates intuitive abilities, inclines to memories of the family past, ancestors, connects with the karma of the family, which enhances protective forces and gives a hint of the type on an intuitive level. This is the magical power of begonia.

It is useful for begonia to be in offices where creative, scientific, research papers. Begonia will help you catch the hint on an intuitive level and find the necessary information.


This plant is not magical or medicinal, but resting in its radiation and surprisingly beautiful. Its soft vibrations encourage relaxation and a good mood.

Softens, relaxes a person, relieves nervous tension working day, takes you away from heavy thoughts, inclines you to rest. And for active rest. Creates an atmosphere of healthy energy in your home. That is, under the influence of vallota, a person can usefully engage in any business. For example, while relaxing in a chair, simultaneously knit socks or an openwork napkin. In addition, by resting, a person gradually gains strength. Vallota charges him with healthy vitality and readiness to continue working.


This plant is medicinal and protective. The phytoncides secreted by geranium kill pathogenic microbes in the room, it drives away moths. Geranium tinctures are used against fungi on the feet.

The petals are used to fumigate a room for a good mood. Calms, calms, relieves stress.

It is useful for weak, weak-willed, inert people to grow in their apartment the beloved scented geranium. Its energies will awaken a person to action, drive away melancholy and despondency, and give a good mood and optimism.


It’s good to rest under these plants, not passively, but mentally. It’s good to sit under a rose, think, read a book or newspaper, and do crossword puzzles. While resting, you gain strength at the same time. These plants are good energy drinks.


This lily is distinguished by beauty and lightness, it gives a feeling of a mother's touch. Conducive to rest. Therefore, lily is good in bedrooms, relaxation areas, and in a children's room. Contemplation of blooming lilies, for example, hymenocallis, their beautiful snow-white flowers will give you a feeling of lightness and relaxation.


Hippeastrum disposes a person to dreams and fantasies, often illusory. However, it is useful to keep a flower on the desktop for poets and science fiction writers, for whom a flight of fancy is simply necessary due to the nature of their professional activities.

This flower is very useful in kindergartens or in your child’s nursery, where the baby plays and sleeps. The vibrations of this lily will help young children develop their creative and artistic thinking when practicing drawing or modeling in kindergarten groups. If the plant is in your child's room at home, your child can successfully build a magnificent palace for Cinderella out of cubes or color a beautiful outfit for a cardboard Barbie with colored pencils. In an ordinary coloring book with the help of colored pencils, your little dreamer can turn an ordinary chicken Ryaba into a beautiful Firebird. And without special works, calling on his wild imagination to help, in one fell swoop he will paint Ryaba’s tail blue and wings red. And immediately the chicken will turn into an extraordinary fairy-tale bird.

This plant is not magical, but is medicinal for psychological disorders of a person. Therefore, it is a good idea to place it on the windowsills of clinics and other places of isolation and imprisonment: hospitals, prisons, and also in recreational areas.

In your home, it is good to place the hippeastrum near the chairs where your family rests, where you need to relax after a busy day. Therefore, this flower is also useful in the bedroom. It is easier for a person who suffers from insomnia to fall asleep with the help of the soft, relaxing, enveloping calm vibrations of this plant.

But it is strictly not recommended to keep it in offices, commercial or other production organizations.

The only exception is if you work, for example, as a fashion designer and your office is filled with samples of your models of clothes, shoes or hats. When your work is connected with creative imagination, then the beautiful hippeastrum flower will be your friend.


Hypoestes will push a person to work, and not just ordinary work, but to creative work. Stimulates a person to poetic perception of beauty, to artistic creativity, artistic perception, to the ability to say beautifully, beautifully present a word, beautifully convey beauty itself.

A talented, creative person: poet, writer, musician, actor, sculptor, etc., i.e. For a person of a creative profession, choosing a plant allows you to notice the beautiful in life and beautifully, correctly convey this beauty, for example, the beauty of nature, the beauty of human relationships in the form of poetry, drawing or painting.

A person who does not possess any of the listed artistic talents is inclined, under the influence of vibrations of hypoesthesia, to be romantic and dreamy. Such a person suddenly wants to read poetry, enjoy beautiful picture or, without leaving his apartment in a city high-rise building, just admire the sunset, or maybe the blooming chestnut trees growing along the alley near his house.

A young man in love, under the influence of this elegant plant, will suddenly take and compose poems for his beloved, which will surprise him a lot. The elderly head of the family, after a hearty dinner, will sit in a chair to relax and read the newspaper, admire the hypoesthes growing nearby, its spotted, elegant leaves and, unexpectedly for himself, will become emotional and explain his tender feelings to his wife, also surprised by an unexpectedly similar youthful impulse. But how many pleasant minutes will his graying wife, who has long forgotten tender words love.

I will not say that this will be the case, but I will not deny that hypoesthes is truly an amazing plant if it is capable of awakening good poetic emotions in a person.

Therefore, it is useful to keep it on the desktop for people of creative professions or in any other place in the office, at home, but not where a person relaxes.

The vibrations of the hypoestes do not encourage rest, so it is not recommended to keep it in the children's room and bedroom. Well, perhaps in exceptional cases it can be placed for some time near the newlyweds’ bed.


A good energy drink fills a person with strength and energy, retains these energies in a person, and prevents them from being wasted. Inclines towards pleasant, friendly conversations. There is a desire to express your feelings, to declare your love.


Unique hanging plant, which can be grown in any room: in the bedroom, in the office, in the children's room, in the foyer. Zebrina lifts the mood, softens aggression, relaxes, helps relieve tension, and gives rest to a tired body.

During occult activities, it can influence the increase in intuitive insight and the receipt of information on an intuitive level. Charges with strength and energy.

In the office, zebrina is especially useful for people engaged in mental work. Stimulates mental and intellectual activity, encourages friendly communication and pleasant conversation.


Zephyrantes encourage relaxation, help you relax, relieve stress and make it easier to fall asleep. You can keep this lily anywhere, but it is best to place pots with this plant in the bedroom, in relaxation areas, and in the children's room.


Versatile plant. Protector plant, good energy drink. It is good to meditate with him. Directs meditation in the right direction, helps to maintain the image. Zygocactus is unique in that it fits everywhere and can be grown in any room.

Echinopsis cactus

Breaks up the energies of ill will of family members towards each other, quarrels, envy, torn dirty energies left over from alcohol, etc. And also destroys harmful radiation, coming from the TV and computer.


This plant is successfully used for medicinal purposes. When instilled, there is a strong “tear” in the nose, which allows you to knock out all the nasties from the nose and clear the maxillary sinuses.

All Kalanchoe species used in inhalations where mucus needs to be removed. Kalanchoe juice is good for lubricating abrasions, cracks in the skin, and hangnails. A living, crushed leaf can be applied to festering wounds. Kalanchoe is also used as a cosmetic. Its fresh juice removes pimples on the face.

You can keep Kalanchoe indoors anywhere except the bedroom and children's room, as its vibrations will excite the nervous system.


Induces thinking and solitary work. Collects and concentrates a person’s strength, attunes to the beautiful. Strict, solemn beauty. It has the magical power to help with meditation, collects and deepens intuition, which does not get scattered and ultimately gives results. Such intuitive concentration can provide insight.


It's not only beautiful plant, which pleases us with bright orange and red gramophones of wonderful flowers, but it also has a kind and inviting soft character.

This plant, from its long, strap-like leaves to its delicate scarlet petal, radiates love, inclines toward love, toward light, pleasant, non-attaching love.

Love and kindness are what clivia is.

It's easy to relax next to her. At the same time, distracting yourself from heavy thoughts and oppressive life problems, you are saturated with vibrations of kindness. Therefore, this plant can essentially be kept anywhere, but best of all, of course, in bedrooms, children's rooms and recreation areas.

In work rooms, clivia may not always be useful. It can incline an employee not to fulfill the production plan, not to immerse him in the atmosphere of a business environment, but, on the contrary, to a light flirtation. Imagine the head of an institution surrounded on all sides with pots of clivia. Of course, a frivolous and pretty secretary should loom nearby, shooting her eyes.

One thing consoles me. Since clivia is not energetically strong, its influence on the boss will not be so significant and dangerous for work, as well as for his family relationships.


Coleus gives energy, but weak. Disposes to goodwill, but sluggishly. Can be placed anywhere.

Noble laurel

An excellent energy plant. Gives a person great energy potential, charges him with strength and health. Laurel symbolizes achievements and victory. Laurel wreaths were used to decorate the heads of victorious warriors, favorite poets and songwriters who delighted the ears of the rich nobility.


The plant is tenacious; where there is a fern, nothing grows there; it crushes other plants with its strong vibrations.

But fern is good for a business environment: it gives work activity, perseverance in achievement, and makes it possible to remember and complete a large amount of work. It is good to have a fern in your study or office.

It can be grown indoors when a person lives alone or works at home. The plant is useful for stimulating business activity, and not for relaxation. Therefore, ferns should not be kept in the bedroom. At worst, a pot of fern can be placed in the kitchen.


Poisonous. However, oleander is a protective plant. Oleander is a heavy plant. Nothing grows next to it. Therefore, it must be placed separately from other plants.

Oleander cannot be placed in bedrooms, children's rooms, or recreation areas. This plant looks good in office premises, in the corner of the room, especially in the accounting department, that is, where a lot of small routine work is required.


Activates to work. The plant is good to keep as workers and play areas, in offices, shops, banks. That is, where the vibrations of this plant will stimulate active activity, composure, vigilance, and attentiveness in a person.

Cannot be kept in children's rooms, bedrooms, or recreation areas.

Pandanus cannot persuade its owner to have a romantic relationship, but it is able to give her the strength to work, repel negative energies accumulated in the house, and protect her from witchcraft.

Later, it will become clear to you why pandanus has such properties when you study its vibrations and find out which planets are in an active state in this plant.

It is useful for weak, weak-willed, inert people to grow a pandanus in their apartment, the vibrations of which will awaken a person to action, drive away melancholy and despondency, and give a good mood and optimism.


If you put a pot of pedilanthus on your desk at work, you have a lot of professional concerns and business activity.


Protects against aggression, repels dirty vibrations. This plant is good to keep on your desk; it is indispensable at work. Relieves stress. Can be used in recreation areas where there is an opportunity to actively relax mentally, take a break from your main work, read magazines, newspapers, and solve crossword puzzles. Stimulates mental activity.


This charming plant can be kept in the bedroom or any recreational area. Relaxes, inclines to a pleasant conversation, charges with optimism, fills the resting body with strength and health. Where ivy grows, you can have a good rest and gain strength. I want to lie on the ivy carpet. Therefore, pots with this plant can be placed in rooms intended for relaxation, in the foyer, in the bedroom and in the nursery. Helps with meditation, it is easier to relax and receive the necessary information.


Guardian and protector. But, in addition, it activates mental activity and business activity. If you are tired or discouraged, place a pot of this plant by the window and you will be in a working mood.

It can be placed in the newlyweds’ bedroom to encourage them to communicate with each other. Reo is also suitable in playrooms and office spaces. It is not recommended to place it in children's rooms.


Does not take root well, but can grow in partial shade. Loves space and curls.

The plant is neutral, creates a light, non-disturbing environment, and encourages easy perception of each other. Therefore, roycissus is good for both home and office premises.


This is a social plant. She cannot grow in the country. Rose, like a flirtatious beauty, will wither without fans. She should be where there are a lot of people, she needs love, admiration; in the care and protection of man.

And for this, as a sign of gratitude, the rose gives people wonderful flowers.

If a rose is unkempt, it may begin to degenerate and run wild. Rosehip branches appear instead of rose shoots.

Ruellia is beautiful

Good in relaxation areas, in the bedroom, in the children's room. The person next to her feels comfortable and at ease.

A friendly plant, cozy and comfortable. Velvety leaves feel soft to the touch sofa cushion.


It holds back emotions, does not allow them to be splashed out, gives hidden sympathy, so it is quite difficult to express your love. Only when feelings have already been identified does this combination strengthen love and sympathy.

A versatile plant. Can be kept anywhere. Well - at work, if there are secret feelings, then they will be kept secret from everyone and not outwardly manifested.

Saintpaulia (Uzumbara violet)

A kind, sweet plant that everyone loves. Therefore, you can place it absolutely everywhere: in bedrooms, children’s rooms, kitchens, offices.

Setcreasia purpurea

This plant can be grown in work areas and offices where frequent scandals occur.


Good to place in bedrooms and relaxation areas. A resting plant, it relaxes, takes you away from heavy thoughts, creates peace in the soul, goodwill, and is conducive to daydreaming and romanticism.


Indicator plant. This is amazing and dangerous vine able to accumulate both negative and positive energy and live with it for a long time. At a certain moment, this energy is released into space, and several times stronger.

If there was a quarrel in the family and the vine absorbed it negative energy, then she will throw out 20 times more negativity than she took in.

If there is a hot-tempered husband in the family, these vibrations will linger in the house for a long time, which does not bring anything good. If there is peace and prosperity in the family, the vine activates good energies and promotes further prosperity.

Therefore, the vine can be grown either in a prosperous family, or in institutions, away from workplaces: in the foyer, in the hall, where they do not linger for a long time. At home, it is better to keep it in the kitchen and away from the bedroom, nursery and rest areas. You can do it in the living room, but not near the sofa or armchairs.

An exception may be the premises of a church, places near icons where a person prays, as well as an apartment where a spiritually aspiring person lives.

But don’t overestimate yourself: it’s not only envy and anger that causes negative energies. Dejection, a feeling of loneliness, melancholy, grief, resentment, laziness also carry negative energies. If a person is lazy, let him not increase his laziness through this plant. And so on.

Crassula (money tree)

Crassula Crassula, which is popularly called both " money tree" and the "tree of happiness", has protective power.

Can be used in medical purposes for external use. Crassula juice is good for rubbing on tired feet, cracked, sore soles.

Good to keep in an apartment on the window. This will be a protector tree for the house.

Softens the atmosphere in the family, stabilizes emotions, relieves aggression, tension, normalizes family relationships, calms nerves, activates mental activity, and encourages friendly business contacts.

A pot of Crassula can be successfully placed in the office near the desk. A fat one in the bedroom will not hurt, it will calm the nervous system, bring emotions back to normal, and induce a restful sleep.

The fat woman is not only a good protector of the home, not only knows how to relieve the fatigue of the past day, but also will place all family members in a friendly manner.


I usually like ficus, it makes me want to have this plant. The plant is not aggressive, has beautiful shape which attracts a person.

Ficus cannot be placed in the bedroom, as it causes heavy sleep, headaches, and fatigue. The vibrations oppress him and prevent him from relaxing.

Ficus should not be placed near the coffee table, near the bed, or in any place intended for relaxation.

The plant should not be placed near the desktop. The plant causes outbursts of emotions, aggression, although it extinguishes these outbursts, and the person keeps the unexpressed aggression within himself.

It is best to keep the ficus in the foyer, where you look at the plant and pass by. Either in a room, or in a workroom in a corner where no one is.


The plant is not magical, but no less useful for that. Nice flower, kind in character and attractive in personality appearance.

Admiring the charming blooming fuchsia, you are involuntarily charged with a feeling of joy.

It charges a person with optimism, gives a lift in good mood, vitality and a feeling of joy. Joy, in turn, gives rise to sublime feelings that manifest themselves in combination.

It may cause a person to be somewhat pompous in his explanations, but this is very good when a person writes poetry or reads it in front of an audience.

This combination is especially useful for actors, politicians, lawyers, when you need to make a brilliant speech in public and make a favorable impression on it.

For medical purposes as medicinal plant fuchsia is not used, except for the healing power of its vibrations for the emotional state of a person. The bright, cheerful radiation of the flower will help a person overcome fatigue more easily, quickly get out of a sluggish state, and be charged with joyful strength and the desire to live and create.

This plant can be kept anywhere; it is equally useful both on the desktop and in the children's room.

Everyone: both a serious scientist engaged in important research problems and small child, employed at least important matters in understanding the world, it will bring satisfaction from its activities.


Protective plant. Energy plant. Gives his positive energy environment.

Haworthia not only protects and protects good vibrations in the house, but also strengthens them and prevents energy from being scattered.

If such a plant grows poorly, it means it gives up a large flow of energy to combat negative influences. These bad energies can be emitted by the person himself, his silent envy, fear, ill will, and also accumulate in the process of open struggle, conflicts, quarrels that can occur in the family or in the work team.

The plant does not have enough strength to grow on its own. This amazing plant shows a vivid example of selfless self-sacrifice for the sake of one's neighbor. Haworthia is good to place on the desktop or in the kitchen. It gives strength and energy, work and mental activity. A person can work easily and productively both at his desk and in the kitchen. Haworthia should not be placed in the bedroom or children's room.


The plant is not magical, but it is a strong energy drink. Next to him you are saturated with energy, you feel more confident and stronger, you receive a charge of vivacity and optimism. Therefore, you can keep it wherever energy is required: in any workplace, in offices, in the kitchen. In bedrooms - not recommended.


The plant is not magical and, one might say, not medicinal. Although one can argue about this, since its strong radiations can successfully raise a person’s vitality, endow him with favorable energy, and make communication between family members pleasant.

But it does not activate a person’s mental activity, although it can give him the joy of creative work, good potential for a healthy mood, and work will undoubtedly give a person great pleasure.

By spreading life force around itself, it small plant brings a person the joy of life. That's what joy is all about healing power this plant. Therefore, the main purpose of this beautiful flower- bring JOY to a person.

Therefore, it is very useful to keep the essay in your office and on any desktop.

It is perfect for our cramped kitchen spaces, where the housewife will happily bake pies and prepare delicious dinners to the general pleasure of her family.

A good episode for a hall where family members and their guests will find communication with each other pleasant.

You can place this plant in the bedroom, where the relationship between the spouses will become mutually attractive.

This flower is useful in a children's room. The baby, perceiving its good vibrations, will undoubtedly become more cheerful and cheerful. Although during sleep the epitome can be removed from the nursery.


Magical plant. Energy plant and protector. Strengthens vigorous activity. Keep in work areas. Not allowed - in recreation areas, in bedrooms.


The slogan of this plant, wherever it grows, is comfort and coziness. Attracts attention, creates a cozy, friendly atmosphere at home and at work, softens and relieves tense situations in the team and family, provides an opportunity to relax, maintains this comfortable state and does not allow one to completely relax, and encourages hard work. Develops intuitive perception in a person. Therefore, eucharis is indispensable both at home and at work. You can keep it anywhere: in the bedroom, in the office, etc.

Indoor plants are very good in the living room.

They not only enliven and decorate the house, attract beneficial energy and brighten up the dull view from the window, but also bring natural magic into the home, bestowing power on everything that is adjacent to them.

While long time next to plants, we replenish our supply of vitality! Below I provide a list of the most common house plants and their magical properties.

AVOCADO brings love into the home and increases sexual desire. Place the avocado seed in water, wait for it to sprout, plant in flower pot: A delightful tree will grow from it!

AGAVA calms and gives tenderness, therefore it is recommended for families where children suffer from constant quarrels between parents.

ALOE protects the house from uninvited guests, accidents and negative energy, and also improves health.

PINEAPPLE promotes the establishment of friendly relations.

ANTHURIUM gives beauty and love to the home.

ORANGE, POMEGRANATE and MYRTLE bring wealth to the home.

ARAUCARIA guarantees protection from poverty and evil.

BEGONIA is good for those who like to receive guests. It makes communication more interesting and orderly.

BONSAI make their owners wiser, help to foresee the future and guess the thoughts of others, awaken spirituality and put them in an elevated mood. It is good to meditate next to these plants.

GERANIUM (pelargonium) creates an energetic curtain against the “evil eye”, attracts love into the house, extinguishes anger, helps people who are under great pressure life circumstances. Bright red geranium radiates vitality and energy, heals, protects from evil forces; pink - favors love and protects from evil; white - promotes childbirth.

DRACENA helps not to fall into pessimism and despair, brings love, protects the house from evil, and enhances sexual potency.

JASMINE brings love and mutual understanding to the home, helps to build friendly relationships.

CACTi are protective plants. They neutralize negative energy, including that generated by outbursts of anger. If you live in country house and your windows face all four cardinal directions, place one cactus on the windows on each side. They will protect the house from robbers and burglars.

CALLA protects the family unit and makes a person more confident. It is the source of cheerfulness and the enemy of despondency. She gives her owner the ability to speak.

SAXIFRAG protects the house from evil.

CARDAMON brings loving people closer together.

Cypress brings money, success in career and business.

CHINESE ROSE relieves laziness, resists aggressiveness, extinguishes quarrels and brings love.

KROTON calms an overloaded head, especially if a person is not confident in his abilities.

LEMON radiates vibrations of love, cleanses the house of pathogenic energy and improves health.

MARANTA regulates the rhythm of life of night owls, helps those who have lost the meaning of life to find it again, and in the bedroom saves them from insomnia.

JUNIPER has protective properties and eliminates energy anomalies in the house.

MONSTER organizes your thoughts, helps you learn to formulate them clearly, and gets the “terry” conservatives off the ground. The plant is also a protector of the home.

FERNES freshen the air.

PEPEROMIA and TRADESCANTIA reduce the risk of cancer. And what? larger plant, the greater his magical power. Peperomia with erect stems are especially effective, and among Tradescantia, varieties with large, fleshy leaves are the most powerful. Tradescantia, among other things, prevents problems from “inflating” and protects against evil and negative energy.

IVIES, LIANAS and PASSIONFLORA are destroyed negative energy, brought into the house from the outside, help with nervous disorders and quell quarrels. The whimsical leaves of ivy drive away evil and negative energy from the place where it grows.

PRIMULA is a perfectly energetically balanced plant, and it conveys this balance to people. Recommended for families where quarrels often break out.

SANSEVIERIA relieves rudeness and slander.

SUCCULENTS (plants with thick, fleshy leaves) bring an abundance of love and money.

TULIPS drive away poverty and despair. They are also plants of love. Grow a tulip, save the bulb and plant it next year for even more love and money.

VIOLET (Saintpaulia) evokes vibrations of spirituality and peace. Its flowers have protective properties. White violets calm emotions, cleanse the house of negative energies and sometimes even household insects. Blue violets develop creative abilities. Purple violets are needed for families where there is no mutual understanding: they help to look at problems philosophically.

FICUS brings good luck and all kinds of well-being, relieves tearfulness. In the bedroom it will provide you with a restful sleep, and in the kitchen it will protect you from poverty.

PHILODENDRON is a protective plant.

CHLOROPHYTUUM purifies the air.

CHRYSANTHEMUM radiates vibrations of love and joy, brings wealth.

CYCLAMEN has protective powers, dispels groundless fears and, according to ancient belief, protects the house from the effects of bad weather. This is one of the few plants that can be grown in the bedroom: cyclamen will protect you while you sleep, driving away bad dreams.

SAFFRON sends vibrations of love and peace to your home.

YUKKA extinguishes quarrels.

Before you get a plant, I advise you to buy an encyclopedia indoor plants and find out its biological characteristics.

Some house plants (for example, Dieffenbachia, azalea, alocasia, periwinkle) are poisonous. Poisonous plants breeding is not recommended: they emit such strong vibration that they can disrupt the energy balance in the house, bring chaos into it, negatively affect the circulation of qi, not to mention possible poisoning of children and pets.

Plants are an attribute of the Wood element, so their magical properties will manifest themselves in full force if you place them in the eastern, southeastern or southern part of the room.

North-west and west are neutral. Place plants to the west if there are small children in the family or you dream of having them: the element of Wood is associated with growth and development, and this is important for a child.

South-west and north-east - no the best place for plants, since there they will destroy the energy of the Earth. If you keep plants in these sectors, choose pots of “fiery” colors (red, orange, pink) for them to ease the conflict between Earth and Tree.

North is acceptable, but Wood will slightly weaken the energy of Water. Make sure that the attributes of Water are present in this sector of the room.

The impact that they have flowers amulets per person, for his home and family, very much. But each individual plant has its own energy, and therefore their influence is different.

Since ancient times, amulets have been created that they always carried with them in order to attract good luck, love, and happiness.

Home energy is protected by indoor amulets plants, which are real protectors, always standing guard.

They attract positive vibrations, transform negative energy, thereby harmonizing the overall home atmosphere.

This reliable way protect yourself, your family and your home from everything bad and evil that exists in the world. To understand how to choose a talisman and not make a mistake, you need to know the meaning of each of them.

How are amulets used?

You can use the magical properties of amulets flowers in different ways:

  • as a personal amulet
  • to protect your home, office
  • during rituals
  • for healing (dried herbs are widely used)

You need to know which flowers are suitable for each specific occasion - to improve health, to protect against negativity, to attract love, money, good luck, to find peace in your home.

Amulet for health


Serves as a real home healer aloe.

A plant known to almost everyone, aloe is not particularly bright or spectacular, but its beneficial effect on the human body can truly be called magical. To the house through entrance doors

energetic vibrations constantly penetrate – some of them are pathogenic. And if protective field

If the housing is not strong enough, then such energy affects every member of the family.

In this situation, aloe will help - it will perfectly cleanse your home, strengthen spatial energy, and attract health.

Amulet against evil spirits

Asparagus To prevent evil energy entities from having access to the house and to every living person in it, use the power .


It will close all the holes that have arisen in the biofield, cleanse your aura of astral entities that have stuck, and strengthen the action of the chakras. In addition, asparagus gives confidence in own strength

, and a person is able to independently repel the attack of an unclean spirit.


Amulet for love If you cannot meet a person with a kindred spirit and a kind heart, then take the advice of esotericists - place it in your bedroom hibiscus or .


Thanks to them, someone you will never want to part with will very soon appear on your life horizon. Your relationship will be harmonious: to the extent of romance, to the extent of passion. And it will help with tightness in bed avocado

, the seed of which can also be planted in a pot near your bed.

How to attract material wealth

Crassula About the beautiful Crassula

Everyone knows that it can enrich any home if it receives love and proper care. Its second name (popular) is the money tree or the tree of luck.

In addition to attracting money to the house, the fat woman has the ability to cleanse the room in which she is located from the negativity and negative energy that has accumulated in it. In addition to the Crassula, they are also attracted to the house , palm bamboo And.


  • Geranium How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye
  • Rose.
  • A great option that can lift your spirits, help you feel better, and even attract love. But not everyone knows that the thorns on its stem also serve as excellent protection against thoughts sent by ill-wishers.. Tradescantia

Suitable for the kitchen - ward off unkind words and scare away enemies. They also update the entire energy system in the house.

How to protect yourself from envy

How to protect yourself from envy Azalea repels the thoughts of envious people. It helps you figure out where the truth is and where the lies are hidden. The world

full of unkind people - that's a fact.

Some people simply need to know about other people’s failures and be fueled by the inner strengths of their friends.

A great option that can lift your spirits, help you feel better, and even attract love. But not everyone knows that the thorns on its stem also serve as excellent protection against thoughts sent by ill-wishers. To protect yourself from such negativity, you should use the miraculous effects of azalea. In addition to protection from external evil, it helps to achieve internal balance, get rid of fatigue and nervousness. If you decorate your home with a cute azalea, you will forever forget about uncertainty and fear. It will open your eyes to your surroundings and help you understand who is a real friend and who is just pretending. This magic flower

helps to “weed out” your surroundings and leave only devoted and true friends around you.


Flowers for peace and well-being in the home Around begonias

Harmony and eternal balance always reign - she will cope with all family problems, help reach a compromise, and calm tense nerves.

With its influence, it changes all negative vibrations to positive ones. In your home, they will forget about bad moods and tears. Also affect the emotional atmosphere calla lilies

Geranium. They fill the family corner with love, mutual understanding, kindness and respect for each other.

neutralizes negative emotions such as anger, rage. In a house where geraniums grow, people never raise their voices and know how to negotiate.

Plants-amulets for the garden

  • Not only does the house need protection, the garden also needs to be protected from negative external influences. They cope well with this task: Mint
  • . The pleasantly smelling branches of this plant create a protective layer around the yard. It also attracts happiness, luck, and financial well-being.
  • Kalina.

Flowers-amulets according to the signs of the Zodiac

  • Aries.
  • It is better to choose green friends that have long leaves and tall stems. Plants with red flowers will bring good luck. Taurus
  • . But non-flowering seedlings are suitable for this zodiac sign. For example, a cactus will do its job perfectly.
  • Twins.
  • In apartments you need to place as many climbing varieties as possible. If you live in a private house, then you should plant a sufficient number of such flowers in the yard flowerbed. Cancer
  • . The tenderness of snowdrops harmonizes perfectly with the character of the virgins. Also lemon tree or
  • fig tree will be a great addition to the positive atmosphere. The floristic influence of properly selected seedlings can inspire representatives
  • zodiac sign, awaken their talents.
  • . Scorpios not only love flowers, they know how to care for them. They know how to give off heat and protect. Even the most capricious species listen to them. Working in the garden helps representatives of this sign calm down and relax. Monstera or oleander are suitable for an apartment or house. Sagittarius will become a violet, narcissus or dracaena.
  • Fish.

Representatives of Pisces need energy, both from unpretentious flowers and those that require daily attention and care. For example, forget-me-nots or poppies will enrich the atmosphere of your home. And the orchid will attract happiness.

Magical properties of indoor plants

and how to use their power

Plants and flowers are designed not only to please the human eye and soul. They all have a certain energy potential and each have their own impact on one or another area of ​​life. Plant energy can be both positive and negative. They also have magical properties and are used in many rituals and ceremonies.

Flowers are magical helpers for women

Plants especially give strength to women. An energy exchange occurs between them. Therefore, it is important, when using, to love them and breed them with pleasure. So, it turns out that the woman will give them her love and care, and in return they will receive a good and powerful energy charge and great magical potential. Otherwise, they will only cause harm, simply absorbing energy and not giving anything in return. Therefore, it is better not to breed flowers if there is no attraction to them. Flowers can give a woman a great energy and magical charge white . These plants are protected by the moon. To use their energy, the flowers need to be charged with it. To do this, they need to be placed in the house so that moonlight falls on them at night. Magic properties

indoor plants and flowers are just as diverse and can help in various life situations.

How to choose flowers for your home so that they bring comfort and benefit?

For harmony and comfort in the house, the energy of indoor flowers is very important. You need to choose them correctly, since not all of them are positive.

First of all, you need to take into account that some flowers are female, and some are male. And their ratio must be observed. It would be best if there were an equal number of flowers in the house of both genders. Then they will really contribute to the harmonization of the general atmosphere in the house and the relationships of its inhabitants.

Flowers with rounded leaves are well suited to create a favorable atmosphere in the house. It is this form that can smooth out and eliminate all negativity.

What can the energy of house plants influence:

1. On the general atmosphere in the house. Flowers for cleansing can absorb negativity and all negative influences, thereby purifying the atmosphere of the home.

3. The magic of plants is used to attract various benefits.

4. There are flowers for love. Many have the ability to attract a soul mate and strengthen relationships between people.

5. There are flowers for protection. They can protect from a lot. For example, from theft, from illness, from evil forces, from witchcraft.

What plants are useful to have in the house?

Balsam. He is also simply called Vanka. This is a very positive flower. Its energy helps to avoid despondency and puts residents in a good and joyful mood.

Aloe. This is a medicinal plant. But, besides its practical use in folk medicine, it also has certain magical properties. His energy will protect him from diseases. It will also help you cope with separation from someone close to you and loneliness. Helps strengthen mental strength.

The energy of geranium will help in preventing and. She is able to absorb anger, calm and give strength in oppressive situations. The magical properties of flowers vary in their direction, depending on the color. So, pink geranium will protect you from dark forces and help you find love. And white will help in conceiving a child. In general, the energy of this flower is very useful for the home.

Hyacinth is also a good protector against evil forces. It will also help cope with insomnia and get rid of nightmares. Therefore, the best place for this plant is the bedroom. His energy will be just right there.

Another protector from evil is dracaena. But she is very receptive. If you bring it into a house whose energy is unclean, the plant will die. Therefore, she is more suitable as a guard. The magical properties of this plant are also used for love purposes. For girls, a piece of dracaena will be a good talisman, giving attractiveness and helping to find happiness. It needs to be sewn into a small bag made of natural fabric and carried with you at all times. For men, this plant will help avoid sexual impotence. To do this, part of the plant is placed under the mattress.

The cactus will become the guardian of the house from thieves and uninvited guests.

Spathiphyllum is called the “flower of love.” The use of its magical properties can be enhanced if another plant is placed next to it - anthurium. The name of the first flower fully reflects the area of ​​​​use of its energy. And second - male flower. So, a composition of these plants will help attract a man to the house and maintain love and happiness. The energy of these plants is very strong.

Roses are always associated with something beautiful and are a symbol of love. These flowers will always help in finding mutual feelings. And women will be given beauty and attractiveness.

Crassula, called the “money tree,” can really bring financial stability. To use its magical properties there are special rituals and conspiracies. This plant should be located on the eastern side of the house or apartment.

Violets in the house are desirable. They, depending on their color, influence different areas. Energy properties of violets of different colors:

  • red will enhance positive energy in the house;
  • pink - will improve the love atmosphere;
  • blue promotes the discovery of creative forces and will stimulate inspiring aspects;
  • purple will promote spiritual growth and development;
  • white will have a cleansing effect.

What plants will harm the house?

Can't be kept in the house climbing plants. Their energy will contribute to quarrels between family members.

There are also vampire plants. They will drain their owners of their vitality and energy. If they are present in the house, people may experience a bad, dejected mood, fatigue, depression, and even poor health.

But you can use their energy by planting them in front of the house. There, vines and energy absorbers will be useful. They will not allow negativity from the outside to enter the house; they will act as guards.

The magical power of flowers and plants has been used by people since ancient times. These are real gifts of nature.

Love for plants is a wonderful feeling inherent in people all over the world. Surrounding yourself with representatives of the flora, quite often the energy of these living beings is not taken into account. We should not forget about the forces of nature that can influence humans. The magical properties of indoor plants have been known since ancient times.

Mistakes when choosing indoor plants

It is difficult to imagine a home without plants. But how do you choose plants that are placed in apartments and offices? Quite often they prefer bright and beautiful flowering plants. And sometimes more attention is paid to the pot in which the plant grows than to the characteristic features that it possesses. It would be a mistake to treat a living representative of the flora as a decorative component of the room.

First of all, we should not forget that any plant has its own special energy that can have an impact on others. And before you start landscaping your rooms, you need to clearly understand that indoor flowers can have a strong influence on the well-being of the home, on relationships and the health of household members. How to choose plants for your living space

Representatives of flora from all over the world can settle in a house or apartment. The decorative component of the apartment will purify the air and have a beneficial effect on the human biofield, provided correct selection plants. Plants with rounded leaves are better suited than others. They will not repel luck like those whose flowers and leaves have pointed shapes. Therefore, geraniums and Saintpaulias became frequent inhabitants of apartment windows. It is undesirable to grow all kinds of vines - harbingers of loneliness. Plants with upward-pointing foliage will help fill your home with positive energy.

How to achieve energy balance?

When choosing flowers for living quarters in which a family lives, you should know that, among other things, all plants can be divided into those that have masculine and masculine energy. For home comfort, the prosperity and tranquility of such plants should be equal. Plants with feminine energy include: Saintpaulias, begonias, crassulas and cyclomena. And it is possible to balance them with plants with masculine energy: lemon, asparagus, dracaena, chlorophytum. To maintain energy balance, the flower collection must have a mixed composition.

The energy of the house can be accurately determined by the state of the green pets. A positive atmosphere can be accurately determined by the beautiful healthy vegetation carefully placed in all rooms of the home. Rooms filled with negativity can destroy plants. And if suddenly previously beautiful and blooming flowers suddenly they begin to dry out, this is worth paying attention to. This, first of all, means a change in energy, which may be the first sign of impending problems.

Keepers of family happiness

The leader in the list of plants that have a beneficial effect on family relationships is considered to be spathiphyllum. People called him " women's happiness" Unpretentious perennial It will not only decorate the interior, but will also help in resolving family issues. The houses in which he grows will be filled with love and mutual understanding. The beautiful Saintpaulia will help you avoid quarrels. She's a little capricious. But if these flowers grow on the windows of the apartment, which will delight you with bright colorful flowers, love will settle in your home.

Donors and vampires

Plants can have not only positive, but also negative effects. Begonias, ficuses, Kalanchoe, spathiphyllum, Saintpaulia, etc. have a positive energetic effect. Monstera, fern and ivy may have an undesirable effect.

Houseplants carry a piece of their homeland. They can be unpretentious or capricious. For them it is necessary to create certain conditions for growth. And each of them is endowed with certain capabilities. Proper Use Indoor plants will help balance home energy.