Unpretentious shefflera: rules for caring for a houseplant at home. Exotic shefflera: care and reproduction

Schefflera, Schefflera belongs to the Araliaceae family and is considered one of the largest of this genus.

This genus has up to 200 species. Schefflera refers to shrubs, or small trees, habitat tropical forests of Australia, Asia, China, Japan, Pacific Islands.

At home and in greenhouses, only some species are used.

Description: The bush forms a fairly large rosette at the base, up to 2-2.5 m high. natural environment, its height exceeds by an order of magnitude.

The leaves resemble an umbrella, where the leathery, lanceolate-shaped petals evenly extend in different directions from one point.
Externally, the leaves resemble a palm with fingers spread apart. The leaf blades are cut in pairs into several parts 4-12.

There are variegated forms of petals, the surface of which is covered with yellow or white spots and stripes along. These species are very popular among gardeners.

This genus is distinguished by the feature of a paniculate or racemose inflorescence.

Flowering at home is practically absent and occurs only in the natural environment. Schefflera is grown only for its beautiful umbrella-like leaves. The flower prefers spacious rooms with high ceilings at home.

Often, some species are planted several times in one pot, intertwining with each other, thereby forming a thick and beautiful trunk. For taller specimens, additional support must be installed.

Care is not very difficult, but there are a number of features and rules. It should be remembered that shefflera contains substances that, if it comes into contact with the skin, provoke itching and redness.

Schefflera - types

Schefflera - care and maintenance at home

Lighting: Depending on the variety, shefflers choose a place where the plant feels comfortable. For sheffleras with solid green leaves, windows on the east or west side are suitable; variegated varieties are preferred a large number of sunlight. But both of them should be afraid of direct sunlight, especially during the hot period, or lunchtime.

Temperature: Since in their natural environment, Schefflera grows in northern tropical forests, they do not tolerate high temperatures and can drop their leaves.

A comfortable temperature is considered to be 16-20 degrees C. On hot summer days, it is better to move the pot to the open air, protecting it from direct sunlight and rain. They overwinter at fairly low temperatures of 12-16 degrees. Variegated species in winter they are kept at a temperature slightly higher - 18 degrees.

Be especially careful of drafts and do not place near heating appliances.

Air humidity: TO high humidity Schefflera treats well. It is necessary to place the pot on a tray with respectable pebbles or expanded clay, and also regularly spray the plant. The leaves also need to be wiped with a damp cloth from time to time. For spraying, use soft or distilled water. When spraying tap water, spots will appear on the surface of the leaves.

Watering: Watering must be carefully monitored. During hot periods, the earthen ball should always be kept moist. Next watering carried out after the top layer of soil has dried. Excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system.
If the plant overwinters in a cold room at low temperatures, watering is significantly reduced, otherwise the flower will die. Use soft or rainy water at room temperature, or 2-3 degrees higher.

Soil: Schefflera prefers slightly acidic soil that drains water and air well. pH=5-5.5.

You can use purchased soil for ornamental plants, or palm trees, as well as cook it yourself. For this you will need: turf soil (2 parts), humus or humus (1 part), river sand (1 part).

Sand, peat and humus, taken in equal quantities, are also used.

Transplantation: Young plants are replanted once every 2 years. Adults, as needed, once every 3-4 years. For this, a mixture of turf soil (2 parts), leaf soil (1 part), sand (1 hour), humus (1 hour) is used.

Purchased soils are often used for tropical plants, ficus, and palm trees.
Expanded clay drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, approximately 1/5 of the part.
Grows well in hydroponics.

Feeding: Fertilizers are applied from spring to late autumn once every two weeks. Use purchased fertilizers on a mineral and organic basis, alternating consistently once every 2 weeks. You can also use an all-purpose fertilizer for indoor plants. During the dormant period, Schefflera does not need additional feeding.

Reproduction: The plant is quite picky about propagation. Several methods are used: seeds, air taps, cuttings.

Seeds. Seeds, as a rule, are purchased and sown in the soil in early spring, late February. To do this, take a mixture of peat and sand in equal proportions. For successful and rapid germination, the seeds are first soaked in warm water, diluted with epin or zirconium.

Until the seeds sprout, cover the container with plastic wrap or a glass flask. The temperature is maintained at 23-25 ​​degrees. After germination, the flask is removed and the temperature is lowered by 5 degrees. As soon as 3 new leaves appear, the seedlings dive into separate containers.

Reproduction by air layering. In early spring, a small incision is made on the trunk. This place is wrapped in moss, having previously moistened it, and wrapped with plastic film on top. It is necessary to ensure that the moss is constantly moist.

After two months, roots form, the top is cut off along with the roots and placed in a separate pot.

The remainder of the plant is also used. The trunk is cut off almost completely, and the root continues to be watered and kept moist. After some time, shoots will appear.

Propagation by cuttings. It is best to use semi-lignified cuttings. They are pre-treated with growth simulators. The cuttings are rooted in a mixture of sand and peat, taken in equal proportions.

Cover the container with a glass flask until roots appear, periodically removing and ventilating. The temperature is maintained at 22-24 degrees.
You can also plant them in small mini greenhouses.

Diseases and pests: At improper care, Schefflera is affected by scale insects, spider mites, and thrips. They can be seen on both sides of the leaf blade, or on the trunk.

With the appearance of pests, plant growth slows down significantly, color and decorativeness are lost. The leaves curl into a tube, turn yellow and then fall off. If measures are not taken in time, the plant itself dies.

If you notice similar symptoms, firstly, the sheffler needs to be separated from other plants, and secondly, the temperature must be reduced to 12-14 degrees. Pests at the initial stage are eliminated using a cloth or swab dipped in soapy water.

In case of severe damage, use Actellik solution in a ratio of 20 drops per 1 liter. water.

There are solutions made from natural mustard-based products. 60 grams of dry powder are poured into one liter. water, bring to a boil, cover tightly and let steep for 2-3 days. Then this concentrate is diluted in 20 liters. water and regularly spray the plant until the pests completely disappear.

Difficulties in care

  • The plant sheds its leaves- low or too high temperature conditions contents, drafts may also occur.
  • The edges of the leaf blade turn black- plants are exposed to drafts, dry earthen lump. Choose a more comfortable place and monitor the watering schedule.
  • White spots on the surface of the leaves- burns, too much sunlight.
  • Dull leaf color and elongated shape - the shefflera does not have enough lighting. Change the location and add diffused light.
  • Root system rotting- excess moisture, too intense watering. This often happens when kept at low temperatures, or there is no drainage system.
  • The tips of the leaves dry out, the color fades - low humidity air, heat, perhaps insufficient spraying, or insufficient watering.

Schefflera or Schefflera(Schefflera) from the Araliaceae family unites more than 150 species of evergreen trees, shrubs and vines. Breeders have bred decorative deciduous miniature trees and lush shrubs, adapted for growing at home, as well as in a greenhouse, winter garden and in open ground for decorating gardens or personal plots. The decorative value of the plant lies in the special beauty of its large leaves, the complex plates of which are dissected into lobes diverging in different directions from one point on a long petiole. This finger-dissected shape of the leaf blade is very reminiscent of an open palm, and in some countries the schefflera is still called the gnome's umbrella, umbrella tree or umbrella tree. Caring for the unpretentious sheflera at home is quite simple, provided you follow certain rules for growing indoor decorative foliage plants. Photos of popular indoor varieties You will find these miniature trees or shrubs below in this material.

At home, Schefflera blooms extremely rarely. But some decorative deciduous varieties bloom quite regularly in greenhouses. Small flowers white collected in elongated racemes or paniculate inflorescences.

- photo: inflorescence with small flowers

Some indoor plant lovers grow Schefflera in the form lush bush or a tree similar to home topiary. With regular pruning, this solitaire plant can be easily transformed, forming a trunk and crown as easily as the popular Ficus Benjamin. For example, Schefflera arboricola, Heptapleurum arboricola will fit perfectly into the interior modern office, as well as living space, as a floor (tub) or even tabletop plant. Bonsai is easily formed from Schefflera arborescens. In addition, this miniature tree is not as whimsical as a bonsai from a domestic azalea or from a blooming fuchsia. Non-lignified shoots begin to be formed using thin wire, then branching shoots are regularly trimmed so that the trunk of the tree is decorated with a lush crown. To make the bonsai trunk look thicker, it is formed from several intertwined stems. Phytodesigners often use shefflera to create home floral compositions along with such popular indoor plants as Dracaena Marghinata, flowering Kalanchoe, Money tree (Crassula), Dollar tree (Zamioculcas), tree-like yucca, Hamedorea palm, Monstera with pinnately dissected leaves.

- photo: shefflera bonsai

Another popular type for home grown- Schefflera octophylla with luxurious elliptical palmate leaves on drooping petioles, which consist of 5-16 “fingers” lobes. The color of the leaves can be either uniformly green or variegated - with yellowish or white streaks, streaks and spots. When forming a floral composition against the background of these lush bush-like plants, unpretentious flowering indoor plants will look interesting - phalaenopsis or dendrobium orchid, Saintpaulia house violets, geranium pelargonium, tuberous begonia, hibiscus Chinese rose, gerbera, hydrangea.


Location and lighting.

The best option is to place the pot with the plant on the window sill on the east or west side. If the shefflera is already tall enough, then you can place the pot next to the window on a wooden stand. Variegated varieties can be placed on south-facing windows so that the pattern on the leaves is more pronounced. But be sure to protect the plant from direct sunlight and shade window glass in spring and summer. In autumn and winter it is advisable to place it next to room cheflera phyto-lamps for artificial lighting to preserve decorative look leaves.

Temperature conditions.

In autumn and winter, the comfortable temperature for shefflera is 16-19°C, but lowering the temperature to 12°C will not harm the plant. In spring and summer, the plant will feel comfortable at a temperature of 17-24°C. Small temperature changes during the day are quite acceptable and even have a beneficial effect on the development of indoor plants. But be sure to protect the sheflera from drafts, and also keep it away from heated heating devices.

Air humidity.

The optimal air humidity is high (50-60%). But sheflera quickly adapts to moderate humidity levels. Spray the plant with warm, settled water once every 3-4 days, and on hot summer days - every day, additionally wiping the leaves with a damp soft sponge. At the end of spring and summer, you can place a pot of shefflera on a tray with wet expanded clay, and place a container filled with water next to it to maintain an optimal humidity level.


Water for irrigation is soft, well-settled and warm. In autumn and winter, water the plant very sparingly, avoiding overwatering. In spring and summer, water regularly, not allowing the earthen ball to dry out, but also not over-moistening the soil. Pour out all excess water that flows into the tray to prevent moisture from stagnating around the roots.

Earth mixture and fertilizing.

Slightly acidic earth mixture You can do it yourself by mixing humus, turf soil and clean sand in equal parts. For variegated varieties, you can make a mixture of humus soil, fibrous peat and river sand (3:1:1)

Fertilizing should be done once every two weeks. growing season. You can feed with a solution universal fertilizer for decorative indoor plants.


Choose a pot for transplanting shefflera that is spacious enough, adding a drainage layer of broken brick or expanded clay to the bottom. Up to three years, replant Schefflera annually, and mature plant- once every 2-3 years. The best time for transplantation is mid-spring.


Indoor Schefflera varieties can be propagated by seeds, air layering and cuttings.

To sow seeds, use a mixture of peat and sand in a wide container. Before the procedure, you can soak the seeds in water with dissolved Epin. Optimal time for sowing - mid-winter. We moisten the substrate from a spray bottle with warm, settled water and cover with a glass container or cellophane. Spray and ventilate the substrate with water once a day. Pick into separate pots only after several leaves appear on the seedlings.

To propagate by cuttings, you need to cut off a slightly woody cutting with a sharp knife and keep it in a solution with a root formation stimulator. Root in a mixture of peat and sand. The container must be covered with a translucent plastic bag.

Schefflera, this unusual plant with large leaves resembling the palm of a person, was cultivated not so long ago, but despite this, its decorativeness and ease of care have managed to fall in love with flower growers who give preference to unusual pets from the world of flora.

General information

There are more than 200 species in the Schefflera genus. Not all representatives of Schefflera are suitable for growing at home, since many of them in nature can grow up to 40 meters. House plants are much more miniature, but good care they can easily grow to the ceiling.

The flower tolerates shaping pruning well, so the gardener can give his plant absolutely any shape. Caring for shefflera is quite simple, so even novice gardeners can cope with it. unusual plant, having grown a beautiful specimen to the envy of everyone.

Schefflera types and varieties

– is a cultivated form of tree-like schefflera, grown as home plant. The homeland of this species of shefflera is Southeast Asia. The plant is a small tree with a straight trunk that resembles a palm tree. The height of the flower reaches 120 centimeters. It has lush, bright green foliage with golden spots.

- is an indoor variety of plant, which is distinguished by its elegant foliage and ease of care. The flower has long and narrow sheet plates green in color with bright yellow specks. The edges of the leaves are decorated with even teeth. Schefflera has a lush crown and dense foliage.

– has all the advantages of its species and is as easy to care for as other shefflers. Among others, it is distinguished by its elegant, variegated foliage. Dark green leaf plates are diluted with light speckles and streaks. Janine tolerates shade normally and does not lose the variegated color of her leaves.

– is easy to care for. The plant will be comfortable on a windowsill with diffused lighting. It reaches a height of 50 centimeters to 2.5 meters. It needs moist and fertile soil. The leaf blades of the plant are variegated, pale green or yellow-green in color.

- the most graceful representative of her kind. It has openwork, leathery, shiny leaf plates that have an extraordinary decorative effect and a variegated green-yellow hue.

This variety differs from the others in having shorter leaves, which reach up to 8 centimeters in length. Each leaf blade has a white edge and beige patches at the base. Due to the contrast of dark and light shades, the decorative notches decorating the edges of the leaves become almost invisible.

Schefflera arborescens (Schefflera arboricola ) - is flowering bush, whose homeland is considered to be China. In nature, it has a straight trunk and reaches a height of up to 4 meters. The plant has complex, palmate, large leaf blades of a light green hue.

– the plant has decorative dimensions, so it will become ideal option for growing in an apartment. It reaches a height of up to 120 centimeters and has dark green, leathery, shiny leaf plates of medium size.

Schefflera radiata (Schefflera starifolia ) - is the most common type of plant. In nature, shefflera reaches a height of 15 meters and can have one or two trunks. When growing a tree at home, it will grow up to 2.5 meters in height. It has dark green, leathery, shiny, large leaf blades with jagged ends. Schefflera blooms with small red inflorescences.

It is one of the smallest species. Its homeland is Asia, China and Australia. The plant has several trunks on which are palmate-compound leaves with a green color and yellowish or white spots.

– the plant can grow up to 2.5 meters in length and has shiny, large, feathery, waxy leaf blades of a dark green hue. The flower is resistant to pests and tolerates shade well, so it is suitable for apartments with windows facing north.

- belongs to the genus Schefflera. It can reach a height of up to 1.5 meters. It has a lush crown with olive, shiny, large leaf plates with dark green streaks. The plant is easy to care for, so it is suitable for novice gardeners.

this plant grows up to 1.5 meters in length and has dark green pinnate leaf plates with olive streaks and inclusions. It is unpretentious in care and is practically not susceptible to attack by pests.

The plant of this variety is distinguished by its unusual decorative leaves, which are large in size and have a dark green tint with yellow spots and jagged edges. The flower is easy to care for and is suitable for growing in apartments and offices.

– this species was bred relatively recently. The plant has unusual leaf plates, the outer part of which has a light shade, the edges are decorated with a dark green edging, and back side The leaf blades have a rich dark green hue. The plant is similar to a palm tree, is easy to care for and has high decorative qualities.

- This plant species grows wild in China, India and Japan. The height of the tree reaches up to 2 meters. Its leaves are covered with small, light-colored needles, which fall off over time. Each leaf has eight large oval-shaped green leaf blades.

– The birthplace of the plant is New Zealand. In nature, it grows in tropical forests, where it reaches a height of 8 meters. Its leaf plate is divided into 7 parts, which resemble the fingers of a human hand. The leaves have pointed edges and a dark green tint.

The inflorescences of this Schefflera variety have a paniculate shape. They are quite large and reach a diameter of up to 40 centimeters. After the plant fades, fruits appear in place of the flowers, which are eaten by tropical birds. Schefflera is listed in the Red Book because local residents they sell young bushes to tourists, thereby reducing their numbers.

Schefflera care at home

Schefflera is very light-loving. At the end of autumn, the plant should be moved to a windowsill facing the south side of the house. It should stay there until spring. In summer, the plant needs shading to avoid direct sunlight.

If there is not enough light in an apartment or house, then it is better to choose those varieties of shefflera that tolerate shade well and have green foliage. Variegated varieties are not suitable in this case, since they require a lot of light to maintain their decorative effect. In summer, the plant must be taken outside, placing it in a shaded area.

Schefflera will be comfortable if the florist in the room provides her with high humidity air, although it can adapt to normal humidity. The plant needs regular sprinkling, which is carried out with warm, settled water.

The tree will grow and develop well when room temperature. IN winter time year, temperatures should not drop below + 12 degrees. There should be no drafts in the room with the shefflera, and it should not be placed next to the battery. However, small temperature changes will benefit the plant.

Heptapleurum is also a member of the Araliaceae family. Grown with care at home without special troubles, if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. You can find all the necessary recommendations in this article.

Watering schefflera

The tree should be watered systematically, without over-moistening the soil. Settled water at room temperature is best suited for watering. It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out.

In winter, when the plant enters a dormant period, watering should be reduced. It is impossible to allow the mixture to become waterlogged, become sour, and water stagnate, otherwise the shefflera will die.

Soil for shefflera

The soil for the plant should be nutritious and light; only in such a substrate will it feel comfortable.

You can prepare the soil mixture yourself or purchase ready-made soil in the store, giving preference to soil for growing ficus. To prepare soil at home, you need to take turf, humus and river sand in a 2:1:1 ratio.

Shefflera pot

Having prepared the soil mixture, you should choose the right pot for the plant. Here everything will depend on the age of the plant. For example, small pots or even plastic cups are suitable for seedlings.

But when the roots grow, they should be transferred together with a lump of soil into pots with a diameter of 9 centimeters, and in the fall they should be transplanted into pots with a diameter of 12 centimeters. With each subsequent transplant, the diameter of the pot must be increased by 3–5 centimeters.

Shefflera transplant

A young tree should be replanted in the first year of its life. This is extremely important for correct height and development in the future. Before transplanting, you should select a pot of suitable size and prepare the soil.

Then you need to put a drainage layer of gravel or expanded clay on the bottom of the pot. A layer of soil should be poured on top of the drainage and the root system of the plant should be placed on it, lightly shaking it off the ground. After this, carefully fill the remaining space in the pot with soil and compact it lightly to eliminate the void formed in the pot. After transplanting, the Scheffler needs to be watered generously.

An adult tree should be replanted every five years. If the plant is very large, then replanting is carried out very carefully, by moving the shefflera into a new pot along with a lump of earth.

Fertilizer for Schefflera

In order for the plant to grow beautiful and healthy, it must be fertilized. Fertilizing is carried out with liquid fertilizers for indoor flowers. The frequency of fertilization will depend on the time of year. During the dormant period from late autumn to early spring, the plant is fertilized once a month, the rest of the time - once every 15–20 days.

The concentration of ready-made fertilizers may not always satisfy the needs of the plant. For this reason, experienced gardeners recommend playing it safe by diluting the fertilizer in a lower concentration and fertilizing the tree twice as often. Dry fertilizers are not suitable for shefflera.

Schefflera flowering

Domesticated specimens of the plant bloom extremely rarely, but if inflorescences appear, they have a paniculate shape with small flowers of red or yellow shades.

Flowering time occurs in mid-summer.

Schefflera pruning and shaping

Flower pruning is carried out in order to form a lush crown and reduce the vertical dimensions of fast-growing plant varieties. The first pruning should be done when young plant will grow up a little. For this purpose, it is necessary to shorten the apical branches by 4 internodes. It is best to cut branches with sharp pruning shears. Sections must be treated with activated carbon.

After the side branches grow, you can begin to form a spherical crown by cutting off the tops of the branches. The cuttings obtained by pruning can be used for propagation. It should be noted that pruning greatly weakens the shefflera, so it must be done in several stages.

Schefflera in winter

The plant's dormant period begins at the end of autumn and lasts until spring. At this time, all processes in the shefflera slow down and it stops growing. Accordingly, her care changes.

During this period, it is better to move the tree to a bright room with a temperature not lower than + 12 degrees. Watering and sprinkling should be kept to a minimum, as well as fertilizing.

Propagation of shefflera by cuttings

For cuttings, shoots are selected whose stems are already partially woody and cut off. Then they are treated with drugs that stimulate the growth of the root system. After treatment, the cuttings are placed in a mixture of peat and sand.

To planting material has taken root, in the room where it is located the temperature should not be lower than + 22 degrees. When the shoots take root, temperature regime change, reducing to +18 degrees.

After the root system has grown sufficiently, become stronger and occupied the entire pot, the young plants can be replanted. You can also germinate the root system on cuttings using water. For this purpose, the shoots are placed in cups with warm water and wait until they take root.

After the root system is sufficiently developed for planting in the ground, the plants are transplanted into individual pots for permanent cultivation.

Schefflera from seeds at home

The procedure should be started in the second half of winter. Seed material is placed in peat to a depth of 3 to 5 centimeters. After planting, the soil must be watered, covered with film and provided with a temperature of + 22 to + 24 degrees.

From time to time, the film must be removed to ventilate and spray the crops. When the first leaves begin to appear, the sprouts are transplanted into separate cups and left in a room at 19-20 degrees.

Reproduction of Schefflera by air layering

To use this method of propagation, a small incision is made in the outer layer of the trunk, the resulting scar is covered with moist sphagnum, which should be constantly moistened. The barrel is then wrapped in polyethylene.

After two months, roots appear at the site of the incision. The cuttings are carefully trimmed and transplanted into a separate pot.

Schefflera propagation by leaf

This method of reproduction is suitable experienced flower growers. To obtain planting material, you should tear off a large leaf plate from an adult plant and place it in a solution of a growth stimulator. Then the workpiece must be placed in a warm place and covered with polyethylene.

After three weeks, the polyethylene layer should be gradually removed, reducing the temperature to 20 degrees. When the leaf adapts, it needs to be transplanted into a prepared pot with drainage and substrate.

Each gardener will decide for himself which propagation method to choose.

Diseases and pests of Schefflera

The most common ailment of Schefflera is rot . It affects the plant if the grower floods it, keeps it in cold and drafty conditions, or overfeeds the tree. All of the above reasons lead to the plant dropping its leaves, withering, and black spots appearing on the leaf blades. .

To get rid of rot, the plant needs to be transplanted into a new pot and substrate, after going through the root system and removing damaged areas. To completely kill fungal spores, the roots should be kept in a weak manganese solution for 20 minutes, after which the plant can be replanted in prepared soil.

  • If Schefflera leaves begin to turn yellow This means they were exposed to direct sunlight and the plant got burned. You can help the tree by moving it to a slightly shaded place.
  • Schefflera leaf blades are darkening with a lack of light, so to avoid this problem, the plant must be moved closer to the sun.
  • If the leaves droop, the Schefflera dries out, grows poorly or does not grow at all. – the reason is improper care for it. Only by creating a microclimate favorable for growth and development can you eliminate all the problems described above.

In addition to diseases, the plant is susceptible to attack spider mite , thrips And scale insects . The first signs of damage by these pests are sticky leaves. Highlighting your poisonous juice, the sheffler independently tries to protect itself from harmful insects.

To destroy pests, the plant can be sprayed with a soda solution and the leaves can be wiped with soapy water. Sheffler should also be treated with the Actellik insecticide according to the instructions on the package.

As you can see, caring for an exotic green pet is not at all difficult. By following all the above recommendations, you will get a beautiful and healthy plant, which will delight you with decorative leaves and rapid growth, turning over time into a luxurious tree with a thick and luxurious crown.

Of all the wide variety of exotic trees existing on the planet, one should especially highlight a small potted tree, which is named “schefflera” - in honor of the famous German botanist. There are more than 500 species of this plant, among which a little more than a dozen species can be called indoor, so having a cheflera in the house is quite a rare occurrence.

Brief description of the plant

The most famous potted varieties include the following:

  • pollen shefflera;
  • eight-leaf sheflera;
  • woody;
  • radiate.

Sheflera is a tree or shrub up to 2.5 meters high. The plant has beautiful large leaves, very similar to a palm with outstretched fingers. Thin and long shoots need support. Flower growers often plant several plants in one pot and form one intertwined one from numerous stems.

Some people notice that their hands break out in an unpleasant rash when a cheflera appears in the house. The sign is not at all associated with superstitions. The plant is truly poisonous and can cause irritation of mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, it should be handled with care.

Easy plant care

If a chef appeared in the house, why talk about difficulties? Caring for this plant is very simple. The most important point in care is right choice places and ensuring sufficient air humidity during hot periods.

The ideal temperature for keeping sheflera in the house is from 16 to 22 degrees Celsius. It should also be taken into account that the variegated species of cheflera need not only humidity in the summer, but also good temperatures in the winter - not lower than 18 degrees Celsius. If we are talking about shefflera with green leaves, then it will overwinter well even at 14-16 degrees.

From April to September, during active growth, the plant requires additional feeding. Fertilize with complex fertilizers, sometimes replacing complex fertilizer to organic. It must be applied three times a month at regular intervals.

Southern plant loves moisture

Schefflera is very sensitive to large amounts of moisture, so it must be watered abundantly and the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Watering should be reduced only in winter, and if the winter temperature for sheflera is minimal, then it is stopped altogether or air humidification is simply canceled.

In summer, in addition to watering the plant, caring for it also includes wiping the leaves from dust with a moistened sponge. Also in summer you should periodically ventilate the plant in the fresh air. But the cheflera should be placed so that the sun's rays do not fall on it. Let it be diffused light or partial shade. The well-groomed cheflera in the house is very beautiful. A photo of such a flower will decorate any gardening magazine.

One flower is good, but two is better. Breeding rules

Schefflera is transplanted once every two years. When transplanting, good drainage from expanded clay or ceramic fragments is required. It is best to take special soil for the plant, and replanting should be done either in the fall or in the summer.

The plant propagates mainly by seeds and cuttings, but propagation by seeds is the exception rather than the rule. They should be planted in a pot either in February or March, and until the first shoots appear, they must be maintained optimal temperature indoors (22 degrees). After the first sprouts appear, you can lower the temperature slightly - to 18 degrees.

But as mentioned above, shefflera is most often propagated by cuttings. What do I need to do? It is necessary to take cut cuttings, thoroughly treat them with a hormonal mixture and plant them in a mixture of peat and sand (in a one-to-one ratio). After this, the cuttings should be covered glass jar and leave them like that at a temperature of 20 to 22 degrees. Until the cuttings are completely rooted and strengthened, they should not be given access to air.

Green decoration winter garden- a chef in the house. The signs associated with this plant have always surprised experienced gardeners. For example, there is an opinion that the appearance of roots on the trunk of a plant portends a big profit for the owner. However, skeptics argue that this is just another way of reproduction - with the help air layering. This method is only suitable for those who already have extensive experience as a gardener: an incision is made on the trunk of the plant, the incision is wrapped in moss and covered with film. The film, like the soil, must be periodically wetted. A little later, roots will begin to appear on the trunk. Then you need to cut off the top along with the roots and plant it in the ground.

So that the beauty does not get sick

The exotic cheflera in the house is pleasing to the eye. The signs associated with it are interpreted differently. Some amateur flower growers say that as long as the leaves are juicy and green, everything will be fine for the owners, but if they suddenly darken, expect financial disasters. However, the leaves of the flower turn brown due to insufficient moisture. In order to cure a plant, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, that is, provide more moisture and protect it from drafts.

Not proper care the plant may lead to other complications and diseases. Schefflera roots may rot. Very often this happens due to excessive watering. In order to save the roots and the plant itself from rotting, it is necessary to transplant it into a new pot, while removing all the affected areas.

Cold temperatures can cause leaves to drop. If this happens, you urgently need to drag the flower pot to a warm place.

Schefflera can be attacked by various pests, such as scale insects, thrips or If the plant is damaged by pests, it should be urgently isolated from all other plants, raised and treated with insecticides.

Is it possible to keep Schefflera at home?

The plant itself is juicy and beautiful, easy to care for. For the thinness, grace of the stems and the beauty of the palm-leaves, it is called a ballerina among flowers. It looks very picturesque on the windowsill of the chefler in the house. The signs associated with this plant are quite contradictory. Negativity is primarily associated with falling or darkening of leaves. If the chef takes off his “clothes,” it means the owners are in for an illness or a financial crisis. And if the plant begins to fold its “palms,” expect a quarrel with a friend or displeasure from your boss.

And if the cheflera suddenly stops growing, then business failures or theft are possible. Where do these superstitions come from? They came to us from ancient times, when people listened carefully to Mother Nature, when they tried to live in unity with the world and not violate the laws of the integrity of the universe. According to the beliefs of the ancients, each flower has its own magic; its energy can have an effective influence on a person’s life and warn him about future events. Therefore, if you are careful, you can avoid many misfortunes.

There are certain beliefs about which flowers can be given, which ones can be grown in the garden, and which ones can be kept indoors. What does it mean to have a monstera, azalea or shefflera in the house? A sign is probably not always a stupid superstition. It often has some subtext. For example, sheflera - poisonous plant. You should work with it with gloves, otherwise unpleasant dermatitis cannot be avoided. Perhaps some of the negativity associated with the plant is just an attempt to protect people from unnecessary troubles.

What kind of plant is this?

Some people definitely want a cheflera to grow up in the house. The energy of this plant is very positive. He is even jokingly called the “good vampire.” Because the green beauty is able to calm and stabilize the emotional background in the house. It is best to place the shefflera in the bedroom so that it takes away all the negativity and contributes to a pleasant, sound sleep. Vampirism is complemented by the plant’s excellent ability to humidify the air, thereby creating a pleasant microclimate.

Schefflera is credited with the ability to increase family wealth and attract clients if the plant is located in an office building. It promotes children's performance in school and has a positive effect on the child's activity, attentiveness and concentration.

If we talk about serious mysticism, then, according to some information, this plant is a “forecaster”. This means that it is capable of predicting certain events. For example, if a plant grows especially quickly, expect an addition to the family.

Instead of an epilogue

The cheflera looks very nice in the house. Signs should not become the decisive moment for a gardener when deciding whether to grow this delicate plant at home or not. The main deciding factor should be the desire to provide the flower with proper care, so that the plant warmly reaches out to everyone with its wonderful palm-shaped leaves.

A tall bush with remarkable leaves turned out to be an unexpected drinker.

Schefflera bush (Schefflera) or umbrella tree is an indoor decorative deciduous plant that is an evergreen shrub. It has long thin stems, at the ends of which there are finger-shaped leaves, somewhat reminiscent of a leaf. horse chestnut. In a greenhouse it can reach a height of 2 - 2.5 meters, and in Schefflera’s nature it even blooms, delighting others with its unusual flowers.

The Schefflera palm is distinguished by its elegant foliage. The leathery dark green leaf seems to be divided into oval lobes pointed towards the end.

It is worth noting a large number of information resources that use the name of this plant with a grammatical error and describe caring for Schefflera (with one letter f) at home

It belongs to the Araliaceae family (Latin), which contains more than 600 species of beautiful evergreen plants.

By its name our home flower owes to the German botanist Jacob Christian Scheffler (German), who made many discoveries for science.

The homeland of the Schefflera plant can be considered Africa, Southeast Asia and South America. Schefflera lives in the wild for decades, but how long the tree will develop in your home depends only on your efforts. Schefflera grows quite quickly, like other palm plants. Such growth rates are determined by the area of ​​origin, since in the tropics there is, one might say, a war for “a place in the sun.”

Now let's figure out how to care for the Schefflera flower.


The level of care for Schefflera can be considered basic, because this plant is easily suitable for a novice gardener. For each plant, natural light plays an important role, without which full development is not possible. umbrella tree should be placed in the brightest place in the apartment. An eastern or western window sill is ideal. On the north side, the foliage of the plant will be faded, and the variegated pattern will completely disappear. In winter, Schefflera will need artificial lighting, which needs to be thought out and prepared in advance. But in summer it is better to avoid a south window; due to the abundance of sun, leaves may appear. brown spots– sunburn. Tropical plants prefer light, but not the burning rays of the sun.


Schefflera is very demanding about watering and water quality, because she is a guest from tropical forests. Moisture is most important for its existence. The earthen ball should always remain moist, but watering should be moderate. You should not allow water to stagnate near the roots, which can lead to their rotting. It is best to use deep trays with gravel into which water is poured (so-called root watering), this method will provide the best microclimate. An overdried earthen ball will slow down the growth of Schefflera and can lead to leaf fall. Water for irrigation should be left to stand for several days at room temperature. Spraying the green mass or wiping the leaves with a damp cotton pad has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the plant.


The question of how Schefflera reproduces will certainly interest the owners of this plant. Schefflera can be propagated at home by several by known methods. For indoor plants, the best method is to use cuttings in water. Fresh branches are cut to a length of 10-15 cm, then placed in water and waiting for roots to appear; the sections can be treated with a growth stimulant to speed up the process.

Schefflera seeds are planted at home at the end of winter under a transparent film. For their germination, you need to maintain a constant temperature from +18 to +24 degrees, and when the sprouts appear, place the pot in a bright place. Propagation by seeds is not the most popular method among gardeners; domestic palm trees very rarely produce material suitable for sowing. It is not customary to propagate this shrub by leaves.

Transplantation and transhipment

Care indoor flower Scheffleroy includes a planned transplant. A useful and less uncomfortable way to renew the soil or increase space for plant roots is to transship. To do this, it is worth choosing a bowl with a diameter 2-3 centimeters larger than the current one, and “rearranging” the earthen ball with the roots in it. Fill the free space with new soil. To better root a young Schefflera plant, you need to use special fertilizers for successful adaptation. Transplantation at home is carried out in the spring. If your pet has reached a large size and old container she is too small, you need to pick up a new potty in advance Tree Schefflera 5 cm more than before. A suitable pot material would be clay - it allows you to maintain a suitable microclimate for the roots of the tree, but it will not refuse a plastic pot with good drainage. The soil for Schefflera - exotic should be prepared with special care and attention. We will need leaf soil, turf soil, sand and humus in the ratio (1:2:1:1). If you don’t have the time or desire to think about your own homemade substrate, then you can use ready-made soil for Schefflera. Planting is done in previously prepared soil, moistened and fertilized. When filling the roots of the plant, do not forget to compact the soil with moderate force, this will allow your beauty to take root faster.
Fertilizing is carried out from spring to autumn during the period of active growth. But late autumn and winter are periods of rest for the plant.


How to form the crown of a Schefflera palm tree? This question is asked not only by amateur flower growers, but also by professional designers. Young, non-woody shoots and leaves participate in the formation of the crown. For a fluffier and more elegant crown, Schefflerra needs to be trimmed correctly, focusing on the upper parts of the branches. It is best to cut off protruding shoots, which will stimulate the development of lateral shoots. However, for greater density of the Schefflere crown, you can not only prune, but also plant young plants with older ones.

Many gardeners call the visually completed crown of Schefflera complex - a formed trunk (the green mass of a palm tree)

Flowering Schefflera at home is rare! But if your plant has bloomed, then the inflorescences will look like dill baskets strewn with small faded flowers.


Any plant can get sick or begin to wither from poor care. Every gardener needs to know how to treat his Schefflera and what diseases there are?

  • Leaves turn black, brown, turn yellow and fall off - all this happens in two cases: if the room is very hot and humid, or if it is too cool and also humid. Sudden temperature changes do not have a favorable effect on plant development.
  • Very often we ask ourselves, why does Schefflera shed its leaves? There are many answers to this question: lack of lighting, excessive watering, strong drafts or insufficient air humidity.
  • Schefflera is frozen, what should I do? Indeed, drafts and watering are strictly contraindicated for plants from tropical countries. cold water and being on a windowsill next to icy glass in winter. Frozen and dying parts of the plant should be pruned and proper care established ( good lighting, reduce watering in the winter season, temperature +22…+24 degrees)
  • If Schefflera is allowed to grow, it withers, leaves droop and young shoots do not appear. You can try to carry out scheduled feeding of the plant or replanting if the time of year is right. Well, in winter period, slower growth is a completely normal reaction of a plant to a dormant period.

Schefflera pests

The plant can be affected by thrips, scale insects and spider mites. This small pests, affecting all types of indoor plants, they can easily move from one flower to another. A strong soap solution helps in combating them. You need to use a cotton pad to wipe all the leaves and stems of the plant with it and look at the neighboring flowers for damage by insects. Infected individuals must be isolated during treatment!

Signs and useful properties

The contents of Schefflera for the home have a special positive meaning. At its core, our home flower is a relaxation plant, thanks to its lush foliage and bright green color ( green color, is known to have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system). Many parapsychologists note that Schefflera’s energy is capable of absorbing negative information from the surrounding world. Decide for yourself whether you can keep such a plant at home, because there are two sides to the coin. Any florist will tell you that the Schefflera flower brings beauty and peace to the home, and people prone to skin allergies should always be careful when working with Schefflera, because it is poisonous.
There are many signs and predictions associated with the Scheffler palm tree. It is believed that she can predict the future: both good and bad. The future can be recognized by the behavior of the leaves of the tree. Rapid growth is good, withering is bad. To succeed and attract money, the plant must be bright green; if you keep it in the office, you are guaranteed lucrative contracts, clients and profits! It will be a worthy decoration office space. For the fire signs of the zodiac (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius), Scheffler will bring undoubted success and career growth.