How to drain air from batteries. How to bleed air from a heating radiator: remove air pockets correctly

Most often there are no problems. But sometimes the house suddenly becomes cold or strange sounds appear in the heating radiator. What could it be? Unfortunately, in in this case There is evidence of air in the heating system, which means it is necessary to bleed air from there. Today you will learn how to do this without a Mayevsky crane.

Air in the battery: what is it and how to determine it

What is airiness in a heating battery? This concept refers to the accumulation of air, most often in the upper part of the heating radiator. This situation becomes a problem and quite common for those who live in multi-storey buildings on one of the top floors. There may be several reasons for such a problem:

  • Carrying out repair work on the site/on adjacent floors. If work was done on heating pipes in a residential area, there is a high probability of a small air flow entering the system.
  • A coolant leak has occurred in some area (which means an immediate check of the system is required to eliminate the leak).
  • Features of the underfloor heating system. The problem of airiness in the system is indeed a common picture when there is a heated floor system, especially if it has a complex layout and many branches.

Cast iron battery

  • In water that has high temperature, contains air and the more often it is updated in the system, the higher the likelihood of a problem occurring.
  • If the appearance of an air “plug” coincides in time with the start-up of the common heating main, we can say with a greater degree of probability that it was the start-up of the system that caused the airiness.

Advice. If you live in a private house, then, in principle, you should not worry too much about the airiness of the system (if it is small). The fact is that in private heating systems, the coolant most often changes extremely rarely, which means the air should bleed out on its own within a few days.

Determining the presence of an air lock is quite simple. For example, if the temperature of the water in the battery has dropped sharply or the battery has become only partially cold, it may even begin to gurgle - all these are signs of airiness.

Bleeding air without a Mayevsky crane

On most homes heating batteries There is a special device that helps simplify the task of bleeding air as much as possible - or an automatic valve.

But the question is: what to do if there is simply no such device on the battery? If this is exactly the picture that appears before your eyes, most likely they are installed in your house. Such batteries are often fitted with a simple plug, which is screwed onto a tow coated with paint. In addition, it was also covered with a layer of paint while painting the heating radiators.

Mayevsky crane

It seems difficult to remove it in order to gain access to the coolant located in the system. For this reason, the simplest way out of the situation is to contact your neighbors from the top floor of the house (they will probably have a Mayevsky tap on the radiator). But if the neighbors, for example, have left or you yourself are a resident of the top floor and there is no tap? In this case, you will have to resort to the “old-fashioned” method of bleeding air from the heating system.

So, you need to stock up on a basin, a bucket and plenty of rags. In addition (you can’t take this “barrier” with your bare hands), you will need an adjustable wrench to unscrew the plug and some kind of paint solvent. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to move the plug from the “dead” point.

So, first apply solvent to the place where the plug is installed and wait about 15 minutes. After this, carefully start moving the adjustable wrench along the thread until the plug begins to feed. You will hear the air begin to bleed. When the sound subsides (a sign of lack of air), be sure to wrap a layer of foam around the plug and insert it into place. If desired, you can lightly paint over the junction of the plug and the battery.

Advice. Before starting work, it is advisable to shut off the riser for work safety, otherwise with a sufficiently sharp jerk you will completely unscrew the plug and the water from the battery will no longer be stopped.

You learned how quickly and quite simply you can cope with the task of bleeding air from a heating radiator in the absence of a Mayevsky tap. Good luck!

Installing a tap on a battery: video

How to bleed air from a heating radiator? Every year this question is asked by freezing owners of apartments and private houses. The problem of cold and noisy batteries is typical to begin with. heating season, and incidents occur even with perfectly installed systems. We tell you how to eliminate the problem and prevent airing.

Signs of air accumulation in radiators

Identifying airy batteries is quite simple. The following symptoms indicate gas accumulation:

  • a clear decrease in heat transfer (the risers are hot, but the radiators do not warm up);
  • crackling, noise, murmur in the system;
  • reduction of pressure in pipes;
  • increased fuel consumption (with individual heating);
  • coolant leak;
  • cessation of fluid movement in the system (with natural circulation).

Air in the heating radiator threatens not only with a decrease in room temperature, but also with more serious problems. Steel batteries oxidize, become rusty and fail. Pipes and bottlenecks become silted and require flushing or replacement.

Air lock - common reason radiator cooling

Air in the heating system can lead to damage circulation pump. Under normal conditions, plain bearings are constantly exposed to water. When gas plugs form, they are subject to “dry friction”, which provokes the release large quantity heat. Excessive heat can damage the sliding rings and damage the shaft.

Reasons for airing the heating system

Before figuring out how to remove an air lock from the heating system, it is worth determining the reason for its formation. The most common factors include:

  • carrying out installation or repair work;
  • incorrect direction or slope angle of the highway;
  • low pressure, as a result of which the voids are filled with air;
  • natural gas formation when water is strongly heated;
  • improper filling of the system after installation or downtime;
  • violation of the tightness of joints;
  • connection of a water heated floor system located below the level of radiators;
  • internal corrosion of pipes;
  • too much high speed coolant;
  • malfunction of air intake devices.

Important! In aluminum radiators installed in multi-storey buildings, air jams occur more often. The material enters into a chemical reaction with the coolant, resulting in the formation of many gases. In this case, it is better to replace the batteries with bimetallic, steel or cast iron. A temporary measure could be the installation of automatic air vents.

The Mayevsky tap is included in installation kits for radiators

Types of air vents

To control gas contamination of radiators in apartments and private houses, manual or automatic valves for releasing air from the heating system are used. Let's look at each of them in detail.

The needle radiator air valve consists of a body and a cone-shaped screw. All parts are tightly fitted to each other, which prevents coolant leakage. Air from the heating radiator is vented through a small hole in the side area. The Mayevsky tap can be opened with a special key (included) or a screwdriver. Some models are unscrewed by hand.

Modern bimetallic, steel and aluminum radiators have holes for mounting valves. Mayevsky taps are installed so that the air outlet tube is on the side opposite the wall and looks down.

Removing air using a Mayevsky tap

Important! In a system with cast iron radiators, it is advisable to use automatic air vents that correspond to the characteristics of the material.

To bleed air from the radiator, follow the following sequence:

  • Prepare a wrench (screwdriver), a container for water and a dry cloth.
  • If the system has a pump, turn it off while you work.
  • Place a container under the faucet and carefully turn it counterclockwise.
  • A stream of air will begin to escape from the radiator; it may be mixed with dirt or rust.
  • Wait until water flows from the hole and turn off the tap.

Important! If the quality of the coolant leaves much to be desired, it is recommended to install additional shut-off valves. They are mounted up to the Mayevsky tap and protect it from blockages.

Automatic air vent

The automatic air valve for heating independently releases the gas accumulated in the radiator. The air vent consists of a brass body, a float, an articulated lever and the valve itself. The locking cap protects against water leakage, and the spring-loaded protection protects against external contamination.

The system works as follows:

  • In the absence of air, the float holds the outlet valve closed.
  • As gas accumulates, the float lowers, opening the valve.
  • The air leaves the chamber and the system returns to its original form.

Important! Automatic models are equipped with connectors for an octagonal wrench or screwdriver. These forms allow you to open the valve manually if the automation fails.

Air separator

Separators are complex devices designed for autonomous heating systems. The principle of their operation is to take air from the water, convert it into bubbles and then remove it. Most often, the device is combined with a sludge separator, which captures impurities of dirt, rust and sand.

Structurally, the system consists of a metal cylinder with an air outlet at the top and a valve for discharging sludge at the bottom. Installed inside the structure metal grid, creating vortex flows. When passing through the tube, bubbles form in the coolant, which rise up and exit through the air vent. The settled dirt is removed through the lower drain valve.

Air and sludge separator device

Removing an air lock in a private home

Remove the air plug from autonomous system heating is a little more complicated:

  • Determine its location. The problem area is indicated by bubbling noises and cold sections of the highway.
  • Work your way up the pipe to the nearest valve.
  • Open the feed tap slightly and gradually bleed the air.

If standard way does not help, you can increase the pressure and temperature of the coolant. In most cases, the plug moves and it can be released through the detachable connection. You need to work in such conditions carefully - there is a high risk of getting burned. hot water or ferry.

Important! If the system does not have detachable joints, you will have to drain the water or part of it and refill the line.

A water floor fed from a radiator can lead to airing of the entire system

Natural circulation system

With top piping, air can be removed from the heating system through the expansion tank:

  • Attach a long hose to the overflow pipe and lead it outside.
  • Disable the boiler safety group (if present).
  • Open the feed tap approximately 1/3 – the pressure should be low.
  • Wait until water flows from the hose and turn off the feed tap.
  • Go around all the radiators and bleed air from them using Mayevsky taps.
  • Slowly open the boiler shut-off valve. The safety group valve will automatically make a hissing sound while the boiler is filling.
  • Add water to the system - the level in the tank should be 2/3 of the total volume.
  • Turn on the boiler and check the degree of heating of the radiators.
  • If necessary, repeat deaerating the batteries.
  • Monitor the heating operation and the water level in the expansion tank for a week.

Important! If you open the make-up valve at full power, high water pressure will bring a lot of dissolved oxygen. This will only increase the airing of the heating system.

Forced circulation system

To remove an air lock from a heating system with bottom wiring or forced circulation, two people will be required. One will fill the pipeline and monitor the pressure gauge readings, the second will bleed air from the radiators when the pressure rises to 2 bar. When this mark is reached, the water supply must be stopped. When bleeding air through the Mayevsky taps, the pressure in the system will drop; at these moments you need to open the water tap.

Important! In a closed heating system, the role of an automatic air vent is performed by the membrane of the expansion tank. Under pressure, the gas plug escapes into the atmosphere, and the coolant takes its place.

Monitor the pressure in the autonomous heating system

Prevention of aeration

Deaerating the heating system is a last resort method. To prevent it from becoming a habit, you need to take preventive measures:

  • Bleed air while filling/refilling the line.
  • During the heating season, regularly check the pressure in the pipes.
  • Carefully inspect radiators and pipes for leaks several times a year.
  • Monitor fuel consumption and coolant consumption.
  • Do not carry out repairs yourself unless you have the necessary skills.

The main reason for the appearance of air in radiators is errors at the design stage of an autonomous system. When developing a plan, it is necessary to develop a multi-stage scheme, including:

  • automatic valve on the boiler;
  • air vent on each manifold and riser;
  • Mayevsky tap on each radiator.

In order not to urgently resolve the issue of airy batteries, it is worthwhile to take care of correct installation heating, installing automatic or manual valves and regular system maintenance. Have a warm winter!

Video: how to bleed air from an autonomous system without draining the water

Apartment owners apartment buildings and everyone who has central heating has often encountered the problem of air locks in heating systems. This is reflected in the appearance of various noises, poor heating of the batteries and corrosion of metal parts.

It is typical that even from a perfectly designed and executed system central heating You need to bleed the air periodically. Its appearance inside is possible not only due to possible poor tightness of the system, but also for other reasons.

Reasons for air entry

Let's look at the reasons why air locks occur:

  1. In case of heating repairs.
  2. In apartments it is quite difficult to de-air the pipes by immediately filling them with water.
  3. This problem often occurs with heated floors, in cases where their lines are not completely horizontal.
  4. The appearance of gas in water is always associated with an increase in its temperature. In systems autonomous heating After a while there is no air left, however, if the coolant is constantly renewed, the problem will appear again and again.

Problem Definition

To identify air pockets in heating you need:

  • try to touch the batteries, and if part of the surface is cold or barely warm, this will mean there is air in the system;
  • if the temperature in the room drops for no reason;
  • if gurgling is heard in the radiator.

It is very easy to check whether the system needs bleeding by tapping a metal object on the top of the battery, and then doing the same at the bottom. Where the traffic jam occurs, the sound will be louder.

Consequences of airy heating

If the plug is not removed in time, prolonged contact with oxygen will negatively affect the metal, and it may become covered with scale and begin to deteriorate. In addition, the airiness of the system affects the circulation of water, as a result of which some places overheat and others are poorly heated.

Exist various ways for bleeding gas, and priority should be given to one or the other depending on the choice of coolant. And also, on the method of water circulation in the system: natural or forced.

As a result, an air valve is used to allow the air plug to be released from the radiator or a Mayevsky valve.

How can you bleed air?

Forced circulation systems use a small air plenum at the top for venting. However, it can only be vented if the supply pipe is at an angle in the direction of flow of the coolant.

In this case, the air pockets that rise with it will exit through a series of special valves.

Today, the use of manual and automatic methods is more often used to bleed air and enter water into the system. Hand-held devices (Mayevsky taps) are distinguished by their compact dimensions

It should be taken into account: You can bleed off only after the coolant has completely cooled down.

Features of automatic air vents

In order to bleed air into, such as a warm floor in a house, human participation is not required.

High performance does not reduce the strong sensitivity to impurities in the coolant, so they are installed together with filters. Filters are installed both on the supply line and on the return line. In order to remove air most effectively, their design has stages, which makes it possible to remove oxygen from each group of devices.

If the pipes were installed in a private house at a slight angle in the direction of water flow, the drain mechanism allows the heating to be ventilated with a large flow of coolant and increases the pressure.

Removing air through a bleeder in aluminum, bimetallic and cast iron batteries

The advantages of aluminum batteries are their affordable price and excellent thermal conductivity. But aluminum is not a very good heating material due to its ability to react and release hydrogen.

When such a battery is air-filled, a Mayevsky crane will help solve the problem of dumping excess air. In order to expel hydrogen from the inside, such batteries are covered with a special film, but this is only enough for a while, and then the gas is not removed.

Bimetallic radiators are another great invention. Where the internal parts touch the water, a different metal is used, and the fins are made of aluminum. In cases where a thermostat is installed on the radiator, opening it allows you to bleed the system and release oxygen. The airing of such radiators is similar to other types.

Details of the use of thermostats in heating radiators are discussed in this article:

Cast iron batteries are also vented through a Mayevsky tap or an automatic air vent, thanks to which plugs in the pipes can be removed.

Using the Mayevsky crane

The device is very popular due to its simplicity. If the system starts to air, it helps to blow out excess air in the heating pipe. The Mayevsky faucet is a compact, convenient air vent that is mounted on the side of the battery. When the pipes are airy, you should take a screwdriver and a small container, since in addition to releasing the air, some water will leak out.

It is important to know: air shortens the life of the water pump!

Use a screwdriver to unscrew the tap and place the container. Further, if there is a cause for airing, you will hear a hissing sound, after which the air will begin to escape with drops of water through the air vents. The air will be completely deflated when a small stream of water flows through the vent. This will increase the service life of the boiler. While the system is pushing through the gas bleeder, water droplets may occur.

Using an automatic air vent

For ease of bleeding, you can install this device, especially for bimetallic batteries. It has a float that tightly closes the discharge hole when there is water in the system. When air enters, the float lowers and releases it out.

True, in order for the devices to work correctly, it is recommended to use only very clean water, which is practically never found in heating systems. Therefore, you need to install filters.

Before this you need, which takes a lot of time. However, even this cannot guarantee you correct work mechanism, since sometimes it will need to be cleaned.

Note: There are times when you need to shake the battery a little to force air out. You can install a regular tap at the bottom of the battery with water supply in the water supply. If you need to release air, open the tap and let the water flow. This allows it to be driven through the system and pushes the air through the air vent system.

If the heating installation sites have an incorrect slope, additional air vents can be installed.

Air may also appear in the water supply system, which negatively affects its operation: pipes and adapters are destroyed, air in the pipes can cause water hammer, cracks appear and the pipe bursts. Ball valves, valves, automatic air vents, and Mayevsky valves help get rid of air in the water supply system.

Watch the video in which a specialist explains how to determine if the system is airy and how to bleed air from the batteries:

Air trapped in the heating system is the main obstacle to its proper functioning. Residents of apartments and houses usually deal with this issue in the fall, at the beginning of the heating season. Whistling and noise in batteries, cold risers and radiators, corrosion of metal elements - all this leads to the formation of air locks. This happens even with perfectly designed and installed system heating.

There may be several reasons for air getting into a seemingly looped heating system, but the result will be the same - cold radiators. This is why many residents of apartment buildings freeze in winter cold apartment or a private home.

Radiator airiness also occurs as a result of draining water from pipes in the summer, which service workers love to do central heating.

Poorly connected pipe joints, which are also present in central heating systems, cause not only water leakage. Air is sucked into the system through them.

Reasons for air getting into pipes:

  • Completion of system repairs (assembly, cleaning, blowing, pumping, disassembling the pipeline);
  • Incorrect installation of the new heating system;
  • Malfunction of air intake systems;
  • Low pressure in water pipes;
  • Connecting a water heated floor system, the pipes of which are located at different heights;
  • Incorrect filling heating system.

The last factor most often causes air to enter the looped system. There are special rules according to which it is necessary to drain and fill water into pipes, but sometimes unscrupulous workers do not comply with them, and voids form in the pipes.

Let's look at how to remove an air lock from a heating system

If cold bimetallic radiators are observed in homes, then it is imperative to remove air from the heating system. This operation can be carried out in various ways.

The chosen method depends on the method of circulation of the coolant. It can be natural or forced.

  • In a system with natural circulation water supply, an air lock that has appeared can be removed using the expansion tank, which is located at the top.
  • With lower wiring, de-airing is usually carried out in a manner similar to removing air from systems using a circulation pump;
  • You can bleed or bleed air from a heating system with natural circulation by using an expansion tank;
  • In heating systems using a pump, an air collector is specially installed at the highest point, designed to drain or discharge accumulated air.

In the latter case, the supply pipeline must be installed correctly. In this case, air accumulations rising along the riser are removed through a special self-draining valve. In all methods, the return pipeline must be laid with a slope in the direction of drainage. So, if you need heating repairs, you can get rid of water as quickly as possible.

Mayevsky's air bleeder valve: how to bleed air from the heating system

Air vents are manual and automatic. Manual devices for air removal, or Mayevsky’s air separator, look like small sizes. They are usually installed on the end of the battery. They adjust the drain using a regular key, a screwdriver, and some even manually.

The Mayevsky descender itself is small, and its productivity is relatively low. In view of this, its installation is used only to eliminate small air pockets in a separate heating system. This drain valve is practically not used in water supply.

The second type of devices capable of draining or blowing air is automatic devices that work without human intervention.

Features of air exhaust devices:

  • They have high efficiency during operation, however, they are very sensitive to contaminated water;
  • They are usually mounted together with filters;
  • It is customary to install the air vent in closed heating systems using gas boiler at different points;
  • Air is released from each device separately;
  • An effective multi-stage air exhaust system that pushes through plugs well is considered the most effective.

You will learn more about the principle of operation and areas of application of the Mayevsky crane in our material:

If the pipes are laid and installed correctly, pushing air through this device will be simple and not a problem. According to customers of the Tovago website, Mayevsky’s air blower crane is very popular today.

How to bleed air from a battery

Usually, the fact that the system is airy is indicated by extraneous sounds, for example, gurgling, hissing, or water flowing. Bleeding air in these cases is simply necessary.

In order for water to circulate freely through the system, it is necessary to remove this air and thoroughly bleed the system.

If the suffocation is strong, you first need to mark the places where air accumulates. It is determined by tapping the heating system with a hammer. In a place where there is an air lock, you will hear a louder and stronger sound. The air is usually collected in radiators that are installed on the upper floors.

What to do if the system becomes airy:

  • Take a wrench or a screwdriver and prepare a container for water;
  • Having opened the thermostat all the way, open the valve of the Mayevsky tap and place the container;
  • Keep the valve open until water flows out of it;
  • After receiving a clear flow of water from the tap, close it.

It happens that after this procedure the radiator of the heating system apartment building does not heat for long or is weak. Then it needs to be blown out and washed, since the accumulated debris and rust in it causes a blockage and can also cause the formation of air locks. If there is no improvement after this procedure, then you need to check the water level in the heating system. Air pockets constantly form at pipeline bends. In view of this, during the installation process it is important to observe the direction and degree of slope of the distribution pipelines. Where the slope differs from the design, an additional air vent must be installed, from where air can be vented. Air pockets form most intensively in aluminum radiators. This happens mainly due to the poor quality of the material. In order for the heating of the apartment to be normal, it is necessary, before filling the system with water, to promptly release air from it, which interferes with the normal movement of the coolant. That is why many residents of apartment buildings cannot drive the cold out of their apartments.

Airing of the heating system: reasons for the formation of traffic jams

The issue of removing formed air pockets from the heating system is very relevant at the moment, since almost everyone faces this problem at least once in their life. In the absence of Mayevsky taps in heating radiators, air can sometimes be vented using the method of unscrewing the plug on the radiator in which air has accumulated. This method of removing air is very dangerous, since if the plug is unscrewed carelessly or very forcefully, it may break. This will lead to a flood in the room. And since the heating system is provided with high pressure in the system, troubleshooting can take a long time, and not just one apartment, but several will suffer. And pumping out air will not help you get rid of problems.

Basically, airing of the system is a consequence of mistakes made in the heating design, or as a result of its partial replacement.

Often, disruption of the central system general heating has another origin. Sometimes heating radiators can be filled with air pockets due to physical wear and tear of the heating system elements.

What is needed to ensure that air pockets do not accumulate in the system:

  1. It is necessary to ensure that the heating system is in good working order. technical condition, and is capable of passing water;
  2. Check when exactly the heating system in your area was replaced; it may be necessary major renovation heating mains;
  3. Launch central system Heating of a residential building can only be carried out by specialists, and in accordance with the installation rules.
  4. During installation individual heating must be observed General requirements for this standard scheme heating.
  5. When filling the system with water, it is necessary to gradually remove air from it at the same time.
  6. To remove air from the system in a timely manner, at its highest point, or at the top of the heated towel rail, it is recommended to install an automatic air vent.

The nuances of operation depend on the types and features individual system heating. Usually, with proper design and proper installation of the system, water circulates correctly and does not become airborne.

We are learning how to ventilate a heating system: restoring the coolant’s operation

Methods for removing air from the system depend on how exactly the coolant circulates in it. In the case when water flows through the pipes naturally, the air lock is removed through the expansion tank located at the top point of the system. With the so-called top distribution, the pipeline that supplies water approaches the expander at a certain angle. In the case where the wiring is lower, the accumulated air is released in the same way with forced circulation of the coolant.

At forced circulation water, the system provides an air collector, usually located in the upper part, and is responsible for relieving air pressure. The supply pipeline is located with a rise in the direction of water movement, and the air in it accumulates in the air intakes and must be removed through special vents.

If the system is closed, then these air intakes are replaced with automatic air vents, which are installed in several places in the heating system. Air is vented through them separately.

How to properly ventilate the entire heating system:

  1. Determine the place where air is believed to have collected. This can be determined by the noise in pipes and radiators. Airy places are colder.
  1. Find a point located higher along the coolant movement, at which there are Mayevsky air vents through which air can be released.
  2. Turn on the entire system and bleed air.

This is a universal, standard set of actions that allows you not to think about how to eliminate air from the entire heating system, but to clean the pipes of air individually.

How to bleed air from a heating radiator (video)

To increase the indoor temperature in winter, we resort to a variety of methods. We even warm it up. Although sometimes the issue is solved by simply de-airing the heating system.

Air pockets in heating radiators interfere with the efficient operation of the system. The radiator does not heat up completely, and the family freezes in the apartment, because the plug prevents water from spreading normally through the radiator. Call a specialist from the housing office, he will remove the traffic jam. But often residents of high-rise buildings have to wait a long time for a repairman, and owners of private houses solve this problem themselves. If you know how to bleed air from a battery, you can easily do it yourself.

Bleeding air from the battery - what needs to be prepared

Before performing the procedure, prepare everything you need:

  • radiator key. Sold at hardware stores. It must match the size of the battery. You can examine your tool kit. Take a small key from the set suitable size, wrench or other tool. A regular screwdriver is suitable for bleeding air from modern radiators;
  • large wide basin or bucket. You will pour the water into the container;
  • rags. Spread them on the floor near the radiator so as not to flood your neighbors, you never know what will happen.

Before bleeding air, lightly tap the radiator with a hammer. If you hear a loud sound in some place, the traffic jam is located here.

We bleed air from the battery with the Mayevsky tap

The Mayevsky tap is located on the battery at the top. Some models have a plastic handle; no tools are required to open the tap. Before bleeding the radiator with a Mayevsky valve, do not shut off the entire riser of the heating system and do not wait until the coolant has cooled. This work is useless and reduces the effectiveness of the fight against traffic jams, since the pressure in the system will drop.


  • place a basin under the tap to collect coolant;
  • place rags on the air vent. The liquid will be absorbed into the rag and begin to flow smoothly;
  • smoothly unscrew the tap using a key or a plastic handle. You hear a whistling or hissing sound; this is air escaping;
  • wait until a steady stream of water begins to flow. This indicates that you have broken the airlock. This will take 5 to 7 minutes. Experts recommend draining up to two buckets of water;
  • close the valve.

Bleeding the air from the battery with an automatic air vent

This device works in autonomous mode and is mounted on the battery horizontally or vertically. Air locks are removed without your participation. A special float is installed on the air vent. It closes the tap tightly if there is enough water in the system. As soon as air accumulates, the float drops, a hole opens and gas escapes. But the device has a drawback. It is very sensitive to water quality. If there are impurities in the coolant, the mechanism breaks down. Therefore, use filters and change the O-ring periodically. Also clean the valve regularly, otherwise water will leak from the battery. If you take care of the device, you won’t have to deal with air jams yourself.

Bleeding air from an old battery with a plug

Old cast iron batteries usually have plugs, unless you replaced them with Mayevsky taps. The work ahead is difficult; the plugs are fixed with tow and paint. First you need to turn off the heating system. For work, prepare an adjustable or gas wrench. Next, your actions are as follows:

  • place the rag on the floor;
  • place a bucket under the tap;
  • slowly and carefully unscrew the plug with a key. If that doesn’t work, apply a special lubricant or a little solvent to the threads;
  • After the air has escaped and the water has drained, wrap the thread of the plug with flax or FUM tape and tighten it. This will eliminate possible water leaks.

Bleeding air from a battery in a private house

In the heating system of a private house, air is vented using an expansion tank. It is located at the highest heating point. After draining the water, wait a little and unscrew the tap on the tank. The plug will come out on its own as the temperature rises. If the result is not positive, bring the water in the circuit to a boil and the air will definitely come out.

Timely removal of air pockets from batteries improves the efficiency of the heating system. After the right actions, your apartment will become noticeably warmer. The work is simple, but if difficulties arise, call specialists.