What to do if the water pressure is weak. Poor water pressure in the apartment: what to do and how to solve this problem

Almost every citizen faces the problem of poor water pressure. It doesn’t matter what floor a citizen lives on; no one is protected from problems with the water supply. We'll tell you what to do if the pressure is lost, and what reasons could cause the problem.

What water pressure in the tap is considered normal?

Question normal level water pressure in the tap is practically not considered by law. This is especially true for the federal legislative framework. However, at regional levels, legislators determine the optimal amount of water pressure in the tap.

At the moment, the average indicator depends on the decisions of regional authorities, and is about 2 atmospheres, which corresponds to 0.03-0.6 MPa. If the pressure level in the water pipe is less than the specified values, then this is a violation and becomes a reason for a complaint.

However, it should be noted that determining the exact pressure of hot or cold water in a crane is extremely difficult, since this operation will require special technical equipment.

What to do if the pressure is too weak

A prerequisite for the normal operation of the water supply system is maintaining a normal pressure level. However, users often have to deal with the problem when the pressure is uneven, and due to this, interruptions in water supply occur.

If the user has noticed a decreasing water pressure in his apartment, first of all he needs to find out the reasons. First of all, you need to communicate with other residents apartment building. If the problem is observed only in one apartment, most likely the problem is the patency of the water pipes and the serviceability of the risers.

If it's too little pressure If one riser is fixed in all apartments, then the cause of the breakdown must be sought in the operation of the main water supply or a clogged riser. If all residents of an apartment building are faced with the problem of reducing pressure in water pipes, then the problem here will be in the main water supply.

Having determined the specific reason for the insufficiently strong pressure, the user can eliminate it independently, or contact housing office employees, management companies and homeowners associations, since they are the ones responsible for the provision of paid services and are responsible for the services provided.

Weak water pressure in the toilet (in its tank)

If observed weak pressure water in the toilet, then there are enough reasons for problems, and there may be several of them:

  1. In the toilet, the mesh located at the float mount is clogged. To solve the problem, you need to clean it or think about replacing it.
  2. If the pressure level in the riser is normal, and problems with pressure are observed only in the toilet, most likely there is a problem with the water supply to the tank (typical for the upper floors of a multi-story building).
  3. Often the flush is affected by the shape of the toilet and its design. If users have replaced a new toilet resulting in a problem with insufficient pressure, it is likely that the wrong plumbing fixtures were purchased. When replacing it with a new one, the pressure level in the pipe will increase.
  4. Flexible hose in cistern clogged with various impurities contained in water, which is why the liquid flows slowly.
  5. The float in the drain is too low, and it blocks the flow of water, which flows less. The problem can be resolved quickly. It is enough to bend the wire on which the float is attached.

Weak water pressure in the bathroom, but good in the kitchen, reasons

If the water pressure in an apartment in a nine-story building or other apartment building is uneven (different on different floors or varies from room to room), then it may be difficult to find the cause of the problem, because there can be many reasons. For example, if the water pressure in the bathroom has decreased or is absent altogether, but no problems are observed in the kitchen (good pressure), then it is likely that:

  • The faucet regulator in the bathroom is faulty and needs to be replaced;
  • the cartridges in the mixer are clogged;
  • old pipes that have failed. Replacement with more modern material(this is about polypropylene pipes) will help get rid of the problem;
  • one of the neighbors on the riser had problems (the pipe in the shower was clogged, which is why the water does not flow in full);
  • the mesh at the pipe outlet is clogged. As a result, the water distribution in the hose is incorrect.

The pressure in the tap dropped after installing the mixer

A mixer can influence the pressure of water flowing out of it only in situations where its cartridge or faucet axlebox has failed. These installation parts are subject to attack by various impurities and contaminants present in the water, which is why their service life may be very short.

If the mixer causes low pressure in the faucet, then it is enough to change the cartridge or adjust the faucet so that the problem is eliminated, and the user does not think about turning off the water during repairs.

Causes of low pressure and how to improve it

Among the main reasons that the pressure in the tap has decreased are:

  1. There is low pressure in main water pipelines, which is why water simply does not reach the consumer, and optimal indicator pressure dropped.
  2. A small pressure is fixed in the risers. As a rule, this is most often associated with dirty pipes and various deposits and debris. The pressure can be improved dramatically; for an increase to occur, the riser will have to be changed.
  3. There is a suspicion of poor condition of the plumbing equipment in the apartment. The current connection diagram will help you figure it out.
  4. Formation of a blockage in the water supply in the apartment. Here, replacing the pipes will help increase the fluid pressure.

If you are faced with the fact that the pressure is below normal and you want to get rid of the problems, then you can invite plumbers to help fix the problem. If the user has a sufficient level of plumbing knowledge, then he may well try to independently deal with breakdowns in his home.

How to increase water pressure (pressure) in an apartment or in a private house

Most citizens do not know what to do if a problem arises and try to get rid of the problems with their own hands. There are several ways to increase pressure in a water supply system. If you want to improve the water pressure in your apartment, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. Involvement of professional plumbers in the problem, who will promptly determine the cause of poor pressure and eliminate it. Without sufficient knowledge, the owner can do something bad on his own.
  2. Periodic cleaning of pipes and mixers from deposits of debris and other contaminants. The absence of dirt will avoid problems with pressure.
  3. Installation of large diameter water pipes. This is the most primitive option to increase low pressure in the tap.
  4. Installation of additional equipment (powerful pump) in an apartment building. Thanks to this approach, the pressure of both hot and cold water will increase. However, you may encounter the problem that your closest neighbors' pressure will drop noticeably, or water will stop flowing from their taps altogether. The result is that you will have to reduce the pressure in the water supply system.
  5. We need timely monitoring of the condition of pipes in an apartment (private house).

Where to contact

A huge number of different departments are responsible for the water supply, so consumers are often confused and don’t know where to complain about the poor pressure of cold or hot water in your tap. According to the current rules, the owner monitors the current condition of the water pipes in his home, the operation of water pipes and risers is controlled by the housing office or management company, cold water is supplied by Vodokanal, and hot water is supplied by SUE FEC.

Please note that you must file a complaint with the authority with which the consumer has entered into an agreement. If there is poor pressure or lack of water pressure, this problem must be solved urgently, since if there are problems with water supplies, the user will be charged in full.

If insufficient water pressure is detected in a private house

If the user lives in a private house, he must file a complaint with the organization with which he has an agreement to provide water for irrigation and personal needs. In the case of private houses, most often the issues of supplying water from a well or water supply are dealt with directly by the supplying companies themselves, or by the water utility.

In a new building

In the case of new buildings, the situation can be very diverse. Most often, new buildings in one case are located on warranty service the developer, therefore the complaint should be written in his name.

If the management company is in charge of everything in a new building, then all complaints will be sent to the housing and communal services structure with which a service agreement has been concluded. Its representatives will deal with the problem of how to increase the pressure in the applicant’s apartment.

In a privatized apartment

If a small pressure is detected in a privatized apartment, then you need to write a complaint to management company or HOA. Within 10 days, specialists will give an answer, and if they identify a problem, they will fix it in the next 30 days.

If the management company (HOA) ignores the application and is in no hurry to respond to the appeal, then you should file a complaint with the housing inspectorate. In the latter case, it will be necessary to prepare an evidence base that will show the depth of the problem.

Sample complaint

The application must be written without fail, since low pressure violates the rights and interests of citizens.
You can study the current sample complaint about poor water pressure (or pressure) (both hot and cold) and adjust it to your liking. ⇐

Dissatisfaction with the water pressure in the system is a household problem that concerns everyone, regardless of place of residence (apartment or separate building) and property rights. Water supply in private houses is organized either from an autonomous source or by connecting to a central main line.

Let's consider everything possible ways increasing the pressure in the circuit, and the reader himself will determine what exactly needs to be done in relation to his home. Moreover, most issues are resolved without any significant material costs.

It will not be possible to increase the pressure in the pipes () without knowing what caused the decrease in pressure in the water supply of a private house. This is where you need to start solving the problem. It is literally impossible to take into account everything, but there are a number of typical, most common “malfunctions” that you should be aware of.

  • Leaks, accidents on the highway.
  • Reduced pipe diameter due to foreign deposits on the internal walls of water supply sections.
  • Clogged cleaning filter at the entrance to a private house.
  • Defects (malfunctions) of shut-off valves.

If the water supply of a private house is centralized, then possible reason A decrease in pressure in the system may be due to poor quality work of the supplier (for example, turning off one of the pumps at a substation in order to save electricity, an accident on the highway). Before thinking about ways to increase pressure, you should ask the owners of adjacent buildings if they are experiencing any difficulties with water supply.

If this is a common problem, then first of all you need to “tease” the utility workers. Basis - provisions of SNiP No. 2.04.02 of 1984, government resolution No. 307 of 2006. The minimum pressure on the supply to a private house (for a one-story building) is 1 bar. If there is a 2nd floor - already 2.4.

In order not to run around your neighbors, it is advisable to place a control and measuring device (pressure gauge) on a “thread” between the well and the house. At least, it will be immediately clear where to look for the cause - inside or outside the home.

What to check first

The author will only outline an algorithm of actions, his vision of how to more easily solve the problem of increased pressure. And the reader will understand for himself what exactly should be done. We proceed from the fact that if the house is connected to the central highway, and there are no complaints against the utilities, water is supplied with the proper pressure.

Checking the functionality of the pumping station

There is nothing complicated here, since it contains a pressure gauge that shows the pressure at the entrance to the house. If the pressure is below nominal, you will have to do unscheduled maintenance of the pumping “economy”. As a rule, the most likely cause is a clogged depth filter. When a set of equipment is assembled with your own hands, the task is simplified. The owner (who is also the master) himself knows all the weak points.

Monitoring the condition of the fine filter

Usually this means a product at the entrance to a building. Often they simply “can’t get around to it.” Even less often, owners pay attention to the individual ones that must be placed on the connection line to the water supply of each of the household appliances. If the same washing machine does not work well, this does not mean a decrease in pressure in the system.

Checking pressure at all points

You should walk around the house and check how water flows from each tap. It’s one thing when, when all the valves are fully opened, only a weak stream appears from them. The reason is clear - the problem is central pipe. The section is from the pumping station to the distribution point for the premises. The case is extremely rare, especially when when installing the water supply system, not “iron” was used, but.

Another typical reason is a leak in the circuit. Only a significant defect has a strong effect on the pressure, and such a place is easy to determine visually. If not a puddle, then a wet spot will appear on the ground - for sure.

Insufficient pressure from only one tap narrows the troubleshooting sector. Firstly, it is necessary to examine the part of the house through which the “thread” of water supply to this valve runs. The task is the same - check for puddles on the floor. Secondly, if everything is normal, disassemble the tap and determine what is wrong. There can be nothing else.

Methods of artificially increasing pressure

Inclusion of an additional pump in the circuit

The pump is selected individually for each water supply system. A number of its parameters are taken into account - the length of the main line, the cross-section of pipes, the number of storeys of the building, and the like. This is a separate topic for consideration. But in terms of recommendations, we can recommend such models as the Russian “Comfort”, imported “Grundfos”, “UNIPUMP”. They have shown themselves well in practice, and reviews of these pumps from private house owners are the most favorable.

What to look for when choosing a pump

The price of the product is at the discretion of the reader. From the point of view of the feasibility of purchasing, you need to familiarize yourself with the three main characteristics of the pump.

  • Capacity (l/min).
  • Head (m).
  • Power, W).

It only remains to add that such an acquisition is not too burdensome. The cost of household pumps of this class ranges from 6,900 to 8,450 rubles (depending on characteristics). In principle, you can get by with cheaper products, since we are not talking about pumping water from a source (well, borehole) to the house, but only to increase its pressure.

There is a product category - “booster pumps”. For a private home, which necessarily has some kind of equipment connected to the water supply, such models (despite the attractive price) are not suitable. There are several arguments (for example, when running washing machine you will have to open and keep in this position all the time while it is working, 1 - 2 taps), but take my word for it, reader, problems will arise, and such a device will not last long.

Partial refurbishment of the water supply system

In the private sector, “doing it yourself” is encouraged. This is quite justified, but not where competent engineering calculations are required. When installing a water supply system, some rely on their neighbors; for others, “authority” comes from articles and advice from the Internet.

What could cause a decrease in pressure? Even if everything is normal, one of the reasons is incorrect determination of the diameter of the line. The pipe itself “steals” pressure. Plus, there are turns on the highway, shut-off valves, fittings, expansions/constrictions and the like.

If no other ways to increase pressure help, it makes sense to invite a specialist. Perhaps the solution to the problem is to modernize the route.

Installing a hydraulic accumulator

In the case where it was not provided in a self-installed system, it can solve the problem low pressure. As an option, replace it with another one if the one you are using was incorrectly selected initially. By the way, the larger the volume of the tank, the less the pump is in operation. Consequently, its service life increases.

Low blood pressure is not only an inconvenience in using plumbing. Weak pressure negatively affects the operation of some household appliances, and is often the reason for their rapid failure. The value of this parameter should be constantly monitored. For what? Even if household members do not particularly experience discomfort from the decrease in pressure (or do not pay attention to it), complex equipment sometimes “reacts” very painfully.

  • Determine the range of devices, the operation of which is in one way or another connected with the water supply system (washing machine, dishwasher, heating boiler, and so on).
  • Look at their passports and write down the minimum pressure values ​​at which the unit can function normally. The critical value (lower level) of water pressure in relation to your home will immediately become clear. If control device shows less, but this does not bother residents; it is still worth worrying about the problem of increasing pressure. At least, this is exactly what zealous owners should do.

It is worth recalling that one of the reasons for automatic termination warranty obligations manufacturer for new equipment - violation of its operating conditions. IN in this case– discrepancy between the parameters of the water supply system and the nominal operating pressure specified in the product data sheet. For those who for some reason do not have the necessary document at hand, the author gives a hint.

The minimum values ​​of water pressure (bar) in the pipes suitable for the devices, at which the equipment can function normally, are:

  • jacuzzi – 4;
  • most boilers - 2.5;
  • machine (washing) - automatic – 2.

If water comes out of the shower head, this is not yet an indicator of sufficient pressure in the circuit, since the mixer operates at 1.5 bar.

Even if the pressure in the water supply does not fall below the “critical” level, it is worth thinking about whether two simultaneously turned on “consumers” of water can operate normally. For example, a boiler and a shower. After all, when performing procedures in the bathroom, the owner cannot control how steadily the heat generator operates. Therefore, when checking the pressure, you need to “activate” something (open a couple of taps, for example). Especially in the summer when the heating is off. The data from the measuring device will be more objective.

Just like small, unnecessary high pressure in the water supply will cause a number of problems. For example, not all pipe connections can withstand such a load. Therefore, you should not get carried away with increasing the denomination. This is not a case of “more is better.”

Low pressure in the water supply can initially “please” the owners. This often happens in a new private home, when everything is installed from scratch. And, as in most cases, with your own hands. The most likely cause of low blood pressure is incorrect choice model or calculation of its parameters when self-assembly equipment from individual components.

In the intensive development sector, “surprises” of electricity supply are commonplace. A reduced voltage rating leads to deterioration in pump performance, hence a decrease in pressure in the water supply.

There is an abundance of information to think about. The article is more than detailed, and the author hopes that the reader will definitely draw at least something useful from it.

The age of communications in many Russian cities has reached a critical level. Their wear and tear often leads to various accidents. This can also cause a drop in water pressure in your.

Old metal pipes rust. In addition, sediments constantly accumulate in them. Over time, the diameter of the pipes may decrease to such an extent that the water pressure drops, and the water from the tap will flow in a thin stream.

When water is released into the risers after a shutdown, pieces of rust under pressure can break off and clog where your pipe taps into the riser. It is very difficult to remove this blockage on your own; it is better to call a plumber who can clean the pipe using a cable.

But usually this helps for a short time, since the cause of the blockage has not been eliminated. The optimal solution to the problem is to replace communications in the house.

Sometimes the pressure in the tap occurs precisely after replacing old pipes with new ones made of plastic. This can happen if the soldering technology is broken, which leads to a decrease in the diameter of the inlet hole. To correct the situation, a modification of the unit is required.

Many people today install coarse mud filters on pipes. If there is a lot of dirt in the water, these filters become clogged over time and the water pressure drops. Check them by unscrewing the nut and pulling out the filter meshes. If they are clogged, wash them and put them back. Disassemble the filter housing only when you turn off the water!

Faucet problems

Another common problem is a clogged faucet. Check the aerator - a mesh that is installed on the spout and serves as a stream divider. If you don't have dirt filters, dirt can settle here. In addition, the aerator may become overgrown with limescale. Clean it and reinstall it.

If you have a faucet that uses rubber gaskets, you need to check their condition. Over time, they wear out and can become detached from their seat and cut off the water supply. If this happens, replace the gasket.

If your faucet is connected with rubber hoses, it is worth checking to see if they are clogged. Their diameter is small, and rust from old pipes can get stuck inside the flexible liner. Remove the hose and look at it through the light. If a foreign body is found inside, remove it.

The reason may also be a malfunction of the mixer itself. It's quite easy to check. Turn off the water and remove the tap. Turn on the water supply and look at its pressure. If it is normal, the problem lies in . A faucet connected using hoses is even easier to check. It is enough to unscrew them, place a bucket or basin and turn on the water.

If checking the communications inside the apartment did not yield anything, the problem lies in the water supply system itself. It could be education air lock, incorrect adjustment of the input unit or pressure drop on the main line. It is impossible to solve such problems on your own; you need to contact the management company.

Quite often questions arise related to the repair of a broken water tap. A faucet, for example, may fail due to a worn gasket. Since it is constantly exposed to mechanical, as well as thermal effects.

You will need

  • - adjustable wrench;
  • - a piece of fabric or a sheet of paper;
  • - rubber gasket;
  • - screwdriver.


Before replacing the faucet, it is necessary to shut off the cold and hot water supply to the faucet. When replacing a faucet, you will definitely need an adjustable wrench. It can be easily adjusted to the size of the union nuts that secure the faucet to the water pipes. Please note that if you work carelessly, you can easily damage the surface of the union nuts. To prevent this from happening, you need to place a piece of fabric or a sheet of paper folded several times under the jaws of the adjustable wrench.

Hello. I live with my family in an apartment building. Over the past two years, due to low pressure in the cold water supply system of the municipal unitary enterprise Vodokanal Administration of the city, as well as frequently and sharply changing pressure in the cold water supply system of our house, it has become impossible to use normally warm water in apartments on the upper floors. Either cold or hot water flows from the tap, adjust warm water impossible. This problem is especially pronounced in the morning and evening hours, as well as on weekends, that is, during the maximum withdrawal of water from the city water supply system. I assume that the main causes of the problem are the following: 1) Low pressure in the city water supply system. If there is pressure at the point of connection of our house to the city water supply network ≈3.8 atm. I don’t have a problem in my apartment, but when the pressure drops to a value of ≈ 3.5 atm. she is. The Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Vodokanal" Administration of the city does not eliminate this reason, citing the fact that in the technical data for the design of our house they indicated the calculated pressure value at the point of connection of our house to the city water supply network of 2.5 atm.. 2) Incorrect work /setting up the booster pump installed in the internal cold water supply network of our house. When the pressure at the point of connection of our house to the city cold water supply network drops to a value of ≈ 3.5 atm., the booster pump installed in the internal cold water supply network of our house starts working. Switching on and turning off this pump leads to sharp pressure surges in the internal cold water supply network of our house.The CC does not eliminate this reason because the water pressure at the entrance to the internal network of apartments (disassembly point) should be in the range of 0.3-4.5 atm. - for hot and 0.3-6.0 atm. - for cold water. When checking the water supply system, during the smallest water intake (≈ 11 o'clock in the afternoon), the parameters for cold water comply with the above requirements, but at the same time sharp pressure surges are observed corresponding moments of turning on and off the booster pump. The pressure in the hot water supply network has not been checked, but I think that it is normal. Also, such a parameter was not checked - the speed of water movement in the pipelines of internal networks, which should not exceed 1.5 m/s. Based on the above in this paragraph, the Criminal Code claims that the booster pump is working correctly and the cause of the problem is not there, but in the pressure of the city cold water supply system. In my opinion, decide this problem possible in the following ways, for this: 1. Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Vodokanal Administration" of the city of Taganrog must maintain pressure in the city cold water supply network at a level that ensures normal supply of cold water to consumers by increasing the pressure in the network during its most intensive consumption. 2. Management Company "Kommunalshchik" should ensure normal operation of the booster pump. According to the technical support service of the manufacturer of the pump installed in our house, the Grundfos company, with which I contacted by phone, this pumping station should ensure normal water supply without sudden pressure surges at the points of disassembly, when it correct operation and timely correct maintenance. 3. It is necessary to make changes or additions to the documents regulating the parameters of water supply to residential buildings, namely: - set of rules - internal water supply and sewerage of buildings SP 30.13330.2012; - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 N 307 “On the procedure for providing utilities citizens" - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 N 354 "On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings." Data regulations set a very wide range for the pressure in the water supply system at the point of water collection in apartment buildings residential buildings for cold water - from 0.03 MPa (0.3 atm.) to 0.6 MPa (6.0 atm.), and for hot water - from 0.03 MPa (0.3 atm.) to 0.45 MPa, firstly. And secondly, they do not clearly set the requirements for use pumping stations for increase hydrostatic pressure higher than guaranteed for input into high-rise multi-apartment residential buildings with periodic shortages. This, in turn, does not allow achieving utilities legal methods of high-quality provision of services, in light of the problem I outlined above.
When measuring the pressure in the cold water system in my apartment, the pressure parameter changed from 1.5 kgf/cm^2 to 4.0 kgf/cm^2 repeatedly in 1 minute. However, there are no legal grounds to consider this fact as poor-quality provision of services.
Tell me how to act correctly in this case to achieve high-quality service delivery.

Hello. Still, for starters, it would be nice to find out whether this problem is only at your home, or on a regional scale. If you find at least one more house next to a similar problem with the pressure drop of cold water/hot water supply, you can already contact the local government authorities (and this is their question) collectively.

One of the reasons for the described situation may be repairs/connections with deviations from standards and regulations, as a result of which the water supply system has gone beyond the stable operating mode, which is manifested in periodic sharp changes in pressure. But is this so, and where exactly is the section of the pipeline causing problems - a question for technical specialists. Expertise may be required.

If the flow of water from the tap becomes weak, it is not at all necessary to immediately replace the plumbing unit. Of course, when a new faucet is installed, low pressure may be puzzling, but the problem may affect other elements of the plumbing system.

The mixer is clogged

The smallest solid particles that make up water settle and accumulate on the inner walls of the water supply system over time. The working cartridge itself may become clogged. When the aerator or filter parts become dirty, the problem is solved by simply removing the elements and cleaning them.

A clogged aerator mesh is immediately visible and all the dirt will be quite easy to shake out. It is worth checking the water pressure level first, since low pressure may be caused by other defects in the working cartridge; then it would be wiser to replace it. If the mechanisms are fully operational, the parts should be blown or washed.

Lime deposits on water pipes

Weak pressure when the room has been in use for a long time and in it long time communications were not repaired. As a result, it settles for many years limescale and rust, which prevents the normal flow of water.

“Most experts advise, along with replacing old plumbing, to change the piping system.”

However, there is an option to do without replacement - use chemicals to dissolve deposits. For metal pipes You can use tapping with a wrench or hammer. Pieces of rust should fall off the inner walls and will come out through the faucet for some time (it is recommended to clean the faucet additionally).

In apartment buildings, this method may not give the desired result. More effective method– cleaning pipes with a special cable. It is sold in stores in the plumbing departments or, alternatively, use a shower hose.

Since the cable is very flexible, it will pass through elbows or pipe bends without any problems. Cleaning must be done in a circular motion, first turning off the water supply. Then check how the mixer works - the weak pressure should be eliminated.

If the blockage is particularly severe, you will need to dismantle the contaminated section of the water supply; all sediment accumulation will have to be removed manually. Most optimal solution– replace old worn out pipes. “It’s better to install, because rust never settles on their inner walls.”

The filter device is clogged

By quality composition tap water leaves much to be desired, which is why many people use filters. Various particles of dirt or fine sand settle in them, which over time clog the internal elements of the system. Cleaning devices must be changed on time, otherwise they will stop filtering water and will further clog the elements of the water supply system, as a result of which the water flow will greatly deteriorate.

If the house has geyser, A hot water flows in a thin stream, but the cold water pressure is normal, then the problem lies in the filter - this metal grid at the point of connection of the water supply with the column.

The pipe must be disconnected and dirt removed from the filter. The action should be performed carefully, without damaging any part. Before starting cleaning, be sure to turn off the gas and water supply.

Low pressure due to incorrect pipe connections

With this problem, weak water pressure in the mixer will be detected immediately after welding. Reduced pressure also occurs due to water leakage.

Initially insufficient pressure level

According to GOST, the pressure level water supply network in the city should be 4 atmospheres. In practice, it can fluctuate in the range of 3-5 atmospheres. In megacities, the required pressure is regulated electrical appliances and is almost always normal.

The problem can be corrected by contacting public utilities that are assigned to certain territories. You should first find out about the water pressure from your neighbors, especially from the upper floors.

Self-cleaning of the aerator

In some cases, when the pressure is weak, it is not necessary to call a plumber to fix problems with water pressure. Simple jobs(for example, checking the aerator) can be done independently. To do this, you will need to have an adjustable wrench or a set of wrenches.

  1. First, turn off the water using the central valve located next to the meter;
  2. Then with coarse filter remove the plug and remove the wire cassette. Rinse it thoroughly and put it back. Install a new seal and install the removed plug in place;
  3. After cleaning the coarse filter, check the elements fine cleaning. First, disconnect the system from the water supply, open the valve and check the pressure level. If no problems are found, change the liner and clean the filter bowl from dirt particles. When finished, return all parts to their place;
  4. When the filters have been cleaned, but the water continues to flow with weak pressure, it means that a blockage has formed in the pipes. Finding the exact location of the blockage and eliminating it is quite difficult. Therefore, after cleaning the filters yourself, you will have to use the services of specialists from the management company.

Low pressure in the faucet can occur for many reasons, but the problem is not always terrible and can often be fixed on its own, as well as without the help of plumbers.

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