Why you can’t give a teapot as a gift. What cannot be given and why. Is it possible to give dishes for a birthday or wedding?

  • Usually, nothing special is invested in a souvenir or charming trinket that literally means nothing. And if you now, having some feelings for a person and making some plans, give him a meaningless trinket, you can be sure that in the near future he will cease to interest you.
  • If you give a watch, then know: they will give you as much time as the clock ticks. If they break, expect the object to move away from your attention.
  • Giving a handkerchief means separation. Moreover, you will break up with the person on your own initiative. You should not give scarves to your loved ones - a complete break in the relationship is possible.
  • A towel and napkins are also a sign of separation. When you want to establish contact with colleagues or neighbors, you should not give such gifts. In less than two months, your relationship will melt like spring snow. Friendship won't work.
  • A tablecloth as a gift means that in this house you will soon become welcome guest. Moreover, the table there will sometimes be set in your honor.
  • If you think that someone is holding a grudge against you, give him a set of soap, shampoo, and hair mask. Do not doubt that the person who receives such a gift will soon forget about the grievances.
  • Perfume, cologne, and cosmetics will bring some theatricality into the relationship, the effect of deception and self-deception.
  • You will be wishful thinking, and the person to whom you are giving it will be hiding his true face and intentions.
  • A vase given to a home or family can mean that you will maintain a relationship as long as it lasts. That is why a broken, cracked vase is a bad sign.
  • It is not customary to give mirrors in Russia, so as not to attract mirror spirits. But in Europe and America this is a very common gift with a certain connotation: you admire the person, you like him.
  • Give a pen - lead by the hand. That is, to move the hand of the person to whom the gift is intended.
  • Book. To the extent that a person is interested in it, he will be interested in you.
  • Wallet. If it is given with money, then the person will live in abundance. Therefore, you need to put at least some money in your wallet.
  • Gloves. Separation may occur from the person who was given such a gift. A quarrel cannot be ruled out. In this case, the initiative will come from the person to whom the gift was given.
  • Glasses. A person will literally look at the world through your eyes.
  • Be careful with alcohol. If you wanted to drink the contents together, but you didn’t succeed, part with the bottle without regret. Otherwise, after such a gift, a person may soon fall ill - with your carnal desires, you seem to take away part of his health. Therefore, give the bottle as a souvenir, and not as a drink for immediate consumption.
  • You should never give knives as a gift, even if it is a wonderful kitchen set. Such a gift attracts quarrels, conflicts, in a word, obliges people to be “on the knife.”
  • But there is one way to avoid everything unpleasant that a gift can bring: you need to buy it, as it were, by giving a symbolic amount of money, and thereby destroy negative energy. (It’s better to pay off with a paper bill.)
  • Give a box - expect to be initiated into some secret.
  • A comb or brush helps you find out all your secrets and secrets.
  • Giving a carpet is good luck. With this person you can have an easy, carefree life, not without amusing incidents and joys.
  • Precious stones, beads and bracelets made of stones are considered a good gift, but only if they are suitable according to the individual astrological parameters of the person for whom they are intended. The slightest discrepancy can lead to a quarrel, separation, or a serious breakdown in relationships. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to get qualified advice from an astrologer, it is better not to take risks.
  • A chain around the neck can also carry a negative connotation - soon the relationship will come to naught. And in the future you will certainly break up with this person. If you plan to keep your contacts, don't push your luck.
  • To make your relationship last long, give shoes. The main thing is that it fits and you like it.
  • A bouquet of flowers will always be appropriate, as it does not imply anything negative. The name and variety of plants matter here. But that's a completely different story.
  • Flowers in pots are presented only to close people. And this relates to the area of ​​etiquette. However, you can give as a gift, but with caution. Recently, it has become fashionable to give large plants as gifts.
  • Is it worth giving a live palm tree growing in a tub? No and no again. It is the palm tree that can attract misfortune to a person and deprive him of his health. Everything related to flowers already refers to flower magic.
  • The gifted lighter also has a sad sign. Relationships will deteriorate or end against your wishes.
  • But there is always a way to avoid everything unpleasant that a gift can bring: pay off with a symbolic amount of money and thereby destroy the negative energy.

There is a popular belief that not every gift will become a source of happiness and success for its new owner. Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing a gift. Of course, many signs are completely meaningless. But the existence of some of them is truly justified. These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.

What not to give: 10 things that bring bad luck

  1. Watches, towels and scarves cannot be presented as gifts. These things are a symbol of illness, quarrel and long separation. Our ancestors believed that a given watch takes away years of a person’s life. For example, in China, a watch received as a gift is considered an invitation to a funeral.
  2. Animals should not be given as gifts. When presenting such a gift, you need to take a ransom for it. Otherwise, the pet will strive to run away to its previous owners.
  3. You cannot give piercing or cutting objects. These include scissors, forks, knives, daggers, etc. By popular belief, sharp edges attract evil spirits. And you, with this item, give a demon who brings quarrels and adversity into the house.
  4. It is not recommended to give empty items intended for storing something, such as wallets. You definitely need to put a small amount of money in them. This will attract good luck and future profits.
  5. If you believe the signs, then the girl should not be given pearls, which the Greeks have long considered to be the tears of sea nymphs. Over time, the essence of this belief has changed slightly, but, nevertheless, the donated pearl remains a symbol of the shed tears of widows and orphans.
  6. According to popular belief, you should not give socks as a gift to your beloved man. They say that the husband, having put them on, can leave the house forever. However, resourceful daughters-in-law, who consider their spouses to be mama's boys, use this sign to their advantage, offering their mother-in-law to give their son a pair of woolen socks.
  7. You should not give a cross as a gift, except in cases of baptism. And in everyday life, the person who gives such a gift conveys his fears, anxieties and concerns to the new owner of the cross.
  8. You cannot give a mirror. In the past, and even now, they say that mirrors are a corridor leading from our world to the world of spirits. According to some sovereign citizens, a gift of a mirror can bring a large number of worries and troubles. Therefore, it is better not to give such a gift.
  9. Orthodox people consider handkerchiefs bad gifts. They say that along with them, the tears and sorrows of other people pass to the new owner. It’s better to cross handkerchiefs off your gift list, because they predict an impending separation from a loved one.
  10. Donated items cannot be re-gifted, because the person who gave them transferred his energy along with them. And the donated item will store within itself the unfavorable energy of denial. This will cause discomfort while staying in the house.

If you still want to give one of the items from the above list, then a small ransom may be the way out of this situation. This will make it possible to transfer the process of donation into the category of ordinary trade relations, and the effect of the belief will not extend to the object of the donation. Ask the person you are giving the gift to pay you a nominal cost for it.

Gifts and signs

The closer a holiday gets, the more often we think about gifts. What do you think about gifts, when should they be given? What do you think about the gifts that were given to you? What signs about gifts do you know and do you follow them?

Let's start with the signs. It turns out that they are a dime a dozen! What immediately catches your eye is that all the signs are negatively colored, i.e. We are warned what not to give. It turns out interesting... “bad” gifts are the same for everyone, but “good” ones are different for everyone? Why did they notice and perpetuate only what brought misfortune? And who noticed this? Why didn't you notice happy accidents?

Let's look at the list of gifts with bad omens

“A bad gift, from the point of view of signs, is a towel. Bathroom or kitchen, it has nothing to do with misfortunes in the literal sense. However, this item belongs to the list of items that is involved in the funeral rite, so giving something like that is considered inappropriate.”

From own practice: it just so happens that we are often given towels - and kitchen towels (for New Year 4 pieces were presented with funny dragons), and terry. We sometimes give towels ourselves. Now it's very big choice, you can find a set of towels for the whole family at once, and even with bathrobes; There are towels with wishes for all relatives (for mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, nephew, etc.). I don't see anything wrong with such a gift. Firstly, it does not oblige with its cost, and secondly, it will be used in everyday life for a dear soul!

“A gift like a handkerchief also has a hint of a funeral, because this thing is distributed to everyone present in memory of the deceased. Another reason to call this gift unsuccessful is the fact that by giving away the scarf, you seem to convey all your misfortunes. Receiving this thing as a gift means tears.”

It seems to me that in modern world Handkerchiefs have not been given as gifts for a long time because they are unnecessary. Everyone has long switched to paper disposable “Zevs” :)

“Pearls are also given to tears. Moreover, we are talking about both natural and artificial pearls. This sign is based on the belief that pearls are the tears of widows and orphans.”

I don't want to seem rude, but in my opinion this is complete nonsense! It’s rare that a woman will refuse to receive expensive jewelry with pearls (I’m already silent about rare, luxurious pearls!) and she definitely won’t cry from such a gift.

“A watch is considered an unlucky gift. On the one hand, the watch symbolizes the breakdown of relationships (love, friendship, business), on the other – inevitable old age.”

From personal experience: indeed, twice in my life young people gave me wrist watch and our relationship ended soon after the gift... But I had far more than two young men in my life! And the rest didn’t give me a watch, but the parting still came! 🙂

“You cannot give sharp objects - knives, scissors, decorative weapons, etc. All piercing and cutting objects received as a gift are an “omen” of misfortune.”

From a personal note: my mother loves all sorts of super-knives, Burner graters and other sharp kitchen utensils, and is always happy to receive such gifts. There were no quarrels or misfortunes after our gifts.

“You cannot give mirrors or similar items. It is believed that through a mirror you can enter the world of spirits, and this can be dangerous.”

I have no personal experience with such gifts. I think it’s kind of stupid to give a mirror as a gift. The owners of the apartment themselves know where and what kind of mirror will hang in their home. Mirrors are often built into bathroom furniture, in cabinets, and in women's dressing tables.

It turns out that some bad omens can be outwitted. For example, a purse and a piggy bank as a gift can be the beginning of the ruin of a person dear to you. To prevent this from happening, you definitely need to put money into such things (the more, the better! – author’s note :)).

Where to buy gifts?

Where to buy gifts?

Well, the main signs are listed. And now the most interesting thing - let's go to a gift store, not a gift shop or department, but a large gift store and see what they offer us. Where else, if not in a gift shop, are there real gift specialists! I wasn’t too lazy and stopped by a couple of reputable stores. And what do you think I saw there?

The first thing that caught my eye was a wall with weapons :) All kinds of sabers, swords, dirks, knives! Taking my eyes off the weapon, I was struck by the variety of watches - from sand clocks for 5 minutes to huge floor clocks with a pendulum, there is also a whole display case of wristwatches, and there is a guy who can engrave them. Piggy banks and all kinds of figurines, ships in bottles, flasks for alcoholic drinks with glasses! What is not on the “not to give” list! Just before leaving, I remembered the handkerchiefs, and I jokingly asked the sellers about them. "Of course have!" – they were delighted and showed me sets of scarves with embroidery, plain and checkered, business options, ladies’, in gift boxes and tubes. I was delighted with the contradictions of our culture!)))

Dear friends, I personally have the opinion that all these signs are nothing more than negative attitudes. If there is no harmful attitude, no misfortune will happen. If a person is sure that trouble will happen because of a gift, it will happen! We will talk in detail about attitudes and the law of attraction more than once. Finally, I’ll give you some wonderful expressions that I liked better:

  1. A gift shop is a place that sells things that you wouldn't want to receive as a gift.
  2. People rarely think alike except when choosing wedding gifts. Without hesitation, name 3 gifts that are appropriate for a wedding))) Write the result in the reviews, let's see how true the expression is :)

There is a belief that not all gifts bring joy or good luck to their owners. And for the most part this applies to people who believe in omens and superstitions. You really can't give something like that whole line objects, since a negative opinion about the gift itself can form circumstances that will only emphasize that the omen was true.

It is believed that re-giving a gift means transferring someone else's negative energy to the house. And this will cause unconscious discomfort among the owners. After all, every gift has a small charge of energy from the giver. And if he gives it away, then the negative negativity will go to the next owner.

Sharp objects

Another sign is that you cannot give knives or needles as gifts. There are numerous signs associated with sharp corners and sharp gifts, for example, during a feast, a single person or an unmarried lady should not sit opposite the corner of the table; it is believed that this person will not experience the happiness of family life for 7 years. As for knives, a gift of this kind will bring misfortune to the house. This sign exists in most European countries. But as for the Caucasus, there, on the contrary, a gift in the form of a bladed weapon brings good luck and wealth to the house. In Japan, the famous katana swords will never be given as gifts, since they are made individually for each samurai, and it is believed that this sword contains a piece of his soul.

Socks and scarves

In Orthodox countries, handkerchiefs are never given as gifts; it is believed that other people's tears will come into the house along with the gift. Therefore, at a funeral, when receiving scarves for the farewell ceremony, when leaving, you need to return it so as not to bring trouble to the house.

Gifted socks will bring the owner a long journey. Therefore, wives do not give this gift to their husbands, fearing that the husband will leave and not return. Although, especially smart wives ask their mothers-in-law to give a gift in the form of socks to their son so that he will be away from his mother.

Jewelry and mirrors

Since pearls are considered the tears of mermaids, giving them as a gift is also not a good omen. Why does anyone need other people's tears? And if you delve into the very fact of the transformation from a drowned woman into a mermaid, then you can imagine what tears will come to the owner of the donated pearls.

Supernatural properties are attributed to mirrors. The superstitions and signs here are as follows. It is believed that this is a tunnel for the passage of the soul from the other world to ours. Therefore, mirrors are used in various sessions of spiritualism and magic. A mirror as a gift will bring the owner a lot of trouble with restless souls. Not particularly superstitious young girls do not like to accept gifts in the form of a mirror from their chosen one, as they believe that this indicates flaws in their appearance.

Flowers and books

Another sign for the young. So that the bride and groom have a happy family life, they cannot give each other books before the wedding. Also, you can’t give yellow flowers to your girlfriend because yellow– this is the color of separation.
Carnations are also considered unlucky flowers. You cannot collect a bouquet of red and black flowers, this will bring quick death to their owner. And, of course, you cannot give a bouquet of an even number of flowers. This is the most terrible omen.

Gifts must be given with special care. There should be no splits or cracks on it. Such a gift will doom you to a broken life. Although breaking dishes at a wedding is considered a lucky omen.

Another dubious gift is to give a doll to an adult. Here we can draw an analogy with the strange magic of Voodoo. Where dolls are made as a prototype of a certain person for further control. Therefore, a gift in the form of a doll entails a strong dependence on others.

Animal figurines, animals

Toys that bring misfortune are bird figurines. The bird is a symbol of loud, heavy and distressing noise. It is not without reason that it is believed that a bird flying into an apartment brings with it misfortune.

So, what cannot be given, signs, superstitions, as you understand, play a big role in the lives of many people. Let's continue. There is no need to give empty wallets, bags, backpacks - this gift will bring financial problems. But to ward off trouble, you need to give a paper bill as a gift.

In order for a donated animal to take root in the house, you need to pay a purely symbolic amount for it. Otherwise, it will be an unlucky gift, since the animal will get sick and will definitely die.

Everyone knows that giving a watch is a very Bad sign. You will definitely break up with the owner of the gift. This is due to the mystical power hidden in the watch. Because these are the only time keepers on earth. A gift of a watch can break the connection between times of friendship and warmth. The gifted one will have a constant absorption of temporary space. He will be late everywhere and lose the very sense of time.


A very symbolic sign that the gift of alcohol will take away your health. Although it is difficult to call this a sign, it is rather a warning. And there is a high probability that this sign was invented and disseminated by the Ministry of Health.

A gift in the form of gloves and mittens warns the owner that the giver is going to break off relations with him. No wonder the gauntlet was thrown as a challenge to a duel.

Writing instruments such as pens or pencils hint that the giver plans to subjugate the recipient of the gift.

Hypocritical relationships manifest themselves in the gift of cologne or perfume. Also, a gift that precedes separation is a lighter.

Another gift that promises separation is detergents, such as shampoos, soaps. At the same time, the owner may decide that this is a gift with a hint.

The worst omen is to give slippers as a gift - it is believed to mean death.

For each person there is also a list of his own unlucky gifts, with which unpleasant memories are associated. For example, a passenger on a crowded bus with a gift of a huge cactus will long remember both the gift and the trip.

But every folk sign has a so-called antidote. To prevent a bad gift from working, you need to pay a ransom for it. It must be money. And such a symbolic purchase will wash away all the taint of negativity on the gift.

Well, the most important sign is, do not give others what you yourself would not want to see as a gift.

Our life is full of signs and superstitions, but everyone has a different attitude towards them - from “I don’t believe at all” to “I believe unquestioningly.” The environment and attitude to signs in the family are of great importance. For some, a black cat crossing the road does not evoke any emotions at all, but for others it is a real tragedy. The same applies to gifts that are not customary to give due to existing superstitions, signs, established social canons, standards of decency and ethical rules.

Superstitions and signs about gifts

If you look at it, it’s a whole science - what you can’t give, why you can’t, and how to get out of this sticky situation if you’re embarrassed out of ignorance. After all, it often happens that the donor is far from thinking that he is doing wrong. But there will always be a person who will point out a mistake. So isn’t it better to know everything yourself and navigate the situation?


The most unacceptable gifts were knives. The reason is that such a gift provokes quarrels. Is it a coincidence when you receive a luxurious set of expensive items as a wedding gift? ceramic knives, the newlyweds immediately begin to have conflicts, even though everything was fine before? And where there are quarrels, separation is not far away.

You can not believe in omens as much as you like, but when they bring real examples, you begin to wonder if it’s so harmless. I gave my friends wonderful Japanese knives as a housewarming gift, but soon fell out with them. Old people advise giving a tablecloth as a gift, then you will always be a dear guest in the house.


There is a belief that you should not give a watch as a gift, it will lead to a quick separation and a shortening of the century. Moreover, this applies to any watch. By handing over the watch, you turn on the time counter and bring death closer. And in China, this is a real symbol of death, even the hieroglyphs of clocks and death are very similar to each other, and the Chinese treat the very measurement of time as a mystical process.


The absolute champion in terms of the number of signs and superstitions is a mirror. Through the looking glass, communication through a mirror with the other world, the accumulation of someone else's energy - all this makes you treat it with caution. A mirror with bad energy embedded in it can both separate and kill.

There is a belief that a person, even once reflected in a mirror, leaves a part of himself there, so the mirror needs to be washed more often running water. In addition to the signs already mentioned, two more serious ones are attributed to him - to illness and to failure. So, it is better to leave a mirror in a silver frame, encrusted with stones, in the window of a jewelry store, and for your beloved girl to choose another thing.


Not only are towels, napkins and scarves credited with being separation anxiety. Sources, more radical in their predictions, prophesy a quick death that comes with the towel. This may be due to the tradition of using towels in funeral rites. Although, on the other hand, towels are also used in wedding ceremonies. And embroidered towels were even considered a talisman in the past.


Almost everyone knows that handkerchiefs should not be given as gifts. Why not? It is believed that handing a scarf to a loved one means trouble, possible separation from him and, naturally, tears. Receiving a handkerchief is equivalent to receiving someone else's tears - the donor's tears will come to you. To remove the negative, if the gift has been accepted, you need to immerse it in water with a silver object for half an hour, and then dry it with an iron and sprinkle it with holy water.

Bird figures

Gifts such as various elegant figurines and figurines of birds can also cause trouble. Birds portend anxiety and trouble. Just as a bird flying into a house or knocking on a window brings bad news, its figurine can bring the same negativity and misfortune. It is better to bypass this symbol of news.


And who would have thought that before the wedding one should not give each other books - they can also lead to discord and separation, just like a towel, a mirror and a watch. This is especially true for books with poetry.

Is it possible to outwit omens?

It turns out it is possible. You just have to pretend that this is not a gift, but a product for which you need to pay money, and the negative impact is immediately neutralized. And the price can be set as purely symbolic, just to pay off the troubles in this way. It’s up to everyone to decide for themselves whether to play roulette with fate or not to take risks and bypass such gifts so as not to bring trouble to their loved ones.

What to do when you are given such a gift, and you know about its bad properties as a gift? There is no need to be shy about insuring yourself in this situation and “buying out” it. This can be done with humor, with jokes, so as not to embarrass a person who had no idea about this side of the thing he brought.

The information offered is a reason to think about what positions you personally stand on. If “I don’t believe it at all,” then any gift received will be welcome and will be beneficial. Esoteric teachings confirm that a person who does not believe and does not know this is automatically protected from trouble. In the case of “I believe unquestioningly”, it is better to adhere to certain safety rules.

What not to give for a wedding

A wedding is a special, bright event where guests simply bathe in the vibes of love and happiness of the newlyweds. Therefore, I would like to present them with the best and most necessary gifts in memory of this day. But not every item is suitable for a wedding gift, and its choice must be approached very carefully.

Gift for one

It is not customary to give a wedding gift for one person. They give something that will bring general benefit to the young family. But if you really want to please your fisherman friend with a new spinning rod, you will have to give a second one for your young wife, with the corresponding wish: not to leave even for the sake of fishing, which her husband loves so much.

Things for newborns

You shouldn’t get ahead of the curve and give wedding gifts related to the upcoming birth of a child. You will present everything in its own time, a stroller and a set of clothes for the baby later, when the child appears, but such gifts are inappropriate at a wedding.

Cheap gifts

And even more so, cheap souvenir gifts are inappropriate at a wedding. In this case, it would be more decent to hand over a small amount in an envelope, which the newlyweds will add to other money and buy necessary thing. The cash equivalent has recently become the most popular type of gift, if the newlyweds were embarrassed to send out to guests a suggested list of necessary things, as is customary in the West.

What not to give for a birthday

When choosing birthday gifts, you have to focus not only on etiquette, but also on specific prohibitions regarding certain types of gifts.

General gift

Unlike a wedding, it is not customary to give a non-personal gift for a birthday, such as a kettle, saucepan, or electric drill. Such items common use Each owner and hostess choose their own. They know better what they need on the farm and what exactly suits them.

Personal care products

Also, you should not present personal hygiene products for your birthday - gels, soaps, foams, shampoos. This is considered bad form, and it may lead the birthday person to suspect that something is wrong with him. Another thing is to give an ultrasonic toothbrush, of which there are still few in use due to the high price.

"Live" gifts

You need to think very carefully before giving a puppy, hamster or birds based on your own desires. The wishes of their future owner must be taken into account. These are not soft toys, after playing with them you can put them in a corner. They demand ongoing care, and if a person does not have time, then it will be bad for everyone.

The same can be said about fresh flowers in pots - not everyone will be happy with such a gift, but only big flower lovers who will be happy to water and replant them. In order for animals and flowers to take root well in the house, you must pay a small ransom for them.

Now choosing the right gift is no longer a problem with the site. A huge selection of extraordinary gifts is presented in the section of the site -.