How quickly does heuchera grow? Heuchera - a welcome guest from North America: planting and care. Types and varieties

There are plants that can amaze even the most experienced gardeners with their splendor. One of them is heuchera. The constant decorativeness of its leaves and cute flowers will adequately decorate any garden. Therefore, heuchera is becoming increasingly popular in landscape design. Some consider her unpretentious plant, others talk about difficulties in care. Let's look at all the intricacies of growing heuchera and draw our own conclusions.

Heuchera is a herbaceous perennial from the saxifrage family. Despite the fact that its homeland is North America, it received its name in honor of the German scientist Johann Heinrich von Heicher.

The plant forms a rosette of leaves near the ground, its diameter can be up to 60 cm, the flower stalks are leafless, reaching 50 cm. Reddish-pink or white small bells form openwork panicles. After flowering, a fruit is formed in the form of a capsule with very small seeds. The leaves are pubescent, rounded-lobed, most often divided into several lobes, serrated along the edges. They are the main decorative value of this plant, as they have various options colors, namely: dark green, red, orange, yellow, brown, burgundy, silver, purple with a silver web.

Types and varieties

In the wild, heucheras are found in two different habitats: forests and mountains. Therefore, initially they can be divided into two large types. Forest plants quickly adapt to garden conditions with nutritious and moderately moist soils, since these conditions are close to their natural ones. For mountain species that live in rocky areas, soils rich in organic matter and overly moist will be destructive. They need to create certain conditions.

Modern breeders have created species that are more unpretentious and highly adaptable.

Blood red heuchera (H.sanguinea)- This is a fairly hardy mountain species that feels great in our conditions. In the wild, its flowers are reddish in color, hence its nickname Coral Bells - “red bell”. This species was the first to be used by breeders in their work. They created varieties with more powerful, strong peduncles and branched inflorescences. The color of the flowers has a wide range: from white to dark red. Abundant flowering persists almost all summer. The leaves of this species differ in density; their color can be simply dark green or with silver spots and veins, and sometimes with beige or white specks. It handles our winters well. Prefers partial shade and well-drained soil. Drought-resistant, but suffers in sunny places.

This species is represented by the following varieties: Alba, Robusta, Splendens, Snowstorm, Splish-Splash, as well as the Bressingham Hybrids varietal group.

Heuchera hairy (H.villosa)- this is already a representative of the forest. The name is due distinctive feature- large velvety leaves, as well as pubescent peduncles and petioles. Has greenish-cream unremarkable small flowers. But one of its natural varieties, “Bronze Wave,” is a record holder among purple-leaved heucheras, since its bronze-colored leaves can have a diameter of up to 20 cm. Since this is a forest species, it requires soil rich in moisture and humus. Accordingly, it grows well in partial shade. Varietal plants This species may have light green, purple or bronze leaves. A famous variety is Palace Purple.

Heuchera blood red variety"Splendens"
Heuchera pilosa Variety “Bronze Wave”

Heuchera cylindrical (H.cylindrica)- a hardy mountain species, characterized by relatively small leaves and fairly large flowers. The leaves are round in shape with blunt teeth and have a silver pattern or contrasting veins. Cylindrical inflorescences are located on high (from 60 to 90 cm) peduncles. In nature, bell flowers are greenish-beige. Coloring different varieties can be beige, pink, coral, green. This species requires good drainage and grows in sun and partial shade. Varieties of heuchera cylindrical: Green Ivory, Greenfinch, Hyperion.

Heuchera americana Variety “Green Spice”

Heuchera americana (H. americana) - a representative of forest edges, its second name is mountain geranium. The flowers are completely unremarkable yellow-green, and its main advantage is the large, jagged leaves of variegated color. Silvery spots and purple veins look unusual against a green background; the entire lower part of the leaf can also be purple. Some varieties have a red-crimson stripe along the edge of the leaf, but this phenomenon can only be observed in regions with warm winters.

The most spectacular representative of this species is the Green Spice variety.

Heuchera small-flowered (H.micrantha)- has tall (up to 70 cm) brownish peduncles, on which small beige flowers are collected in openwork panicles. The leaves of this species are beautiful, somewhat reminiscent of the familiar Norway maple. An interesting detail: the winter foliage of this plant is round, and the summer foliage is lobed. The color is traditionally dark green with beautiful silver spots, but there are varieties with purple foliage. Breeders tried to diversify the color of the leaves to black-brown and rich purple-bronze. Prominent representatives of this type are Palace Purple and Bresslngham Bronze. Soils need to be well moistened, with a small addition of organic matter.

Hybrid Heuchera (Heuchera x hybrida)- Scientists have created hybrid species of Heuchera. Thus, as a result of crossing blood-red, American and small-flowered heuchera, a species called heuchera shaken (H. x brisoides) was obtained. As a result, we achieved longer flowering, as well as fairly large leaves and flowers. The colors of the new species of plants are white, pink and various shades of red. Green leaves with contrasting veins and specks. A small drawback is that heavy flower panicles can be blown over by the wind.

Heuchera small-flowered variety "Palace Purple"
Heuchera hybrid

Complex hybrids were obtained as a result of crossing Heuchera small-flowered, American, hairy and others, they were combined into the species American hybrids (H. x americana).

Preparing for landing

The best time to plant heuchera is the first half of spring. First you need to choose a location. Since their root system is superficial, this plant does not tolerate drought or stagnant water. Because of this, low-lying areas are not suitable for them. An important point is illumination. Among heucheras there are more and less light-loving varieties. However, none of them prefer direct sunlight. If you don’t know what variety you have, then openwork partial shade would be the ideal place. Also, the area should be well ventilated, but without drafts.

After we have chosen a place for planting, it is necessary to prepare good drainage (we use fine gravel, expanded clay, broken brick, coarse sand, etc.). Heucheras cannot tolerate summer stagnation of water, although they cope well with spring flooding. In addition to good drainage, the soil in the planting hole must be sufficiently moisture-absorbing (otherwise the plant will suffer from a lack of water), light and breathable. On heavy clay soils, it is necessary to add humus based on straw or sawdust, crushed tree bark, finely chopped straw, wood chips, sand, and perlite. Organic and mineral fertilizers you need to apply half as much as usual for other plants.

The required soil acidity also depends on the type of plant. Forest heucheras and their varieties prefer a slightly acidic (pH up to 6.3) or neutral reaction and are quite nutrient soil. And mountain species and their varieties prefer neutral and slightly alkaline soil, so ash can be added to the holes for them. It will not only reduce the acidity of the soil, but also add the necessary microelements.

If you are planting a seedling purchased in a store, inspect it carefully. If there is a large amount of foliage and a poorly developed root system, some of the largest leaves must be removed. This will give the plant more strength to take root in its new location. Please note that the middle of the socket should not be covered with earth. The approximate distance between seedlings is 20-25 cm.

Propagation by seeds

It is not difficult to propagate heuchera from seeds. But two points should be taken into account. First: the seeds do not transmit parental external characteristics (colors and shapes); a simple green-leaved bush can even grow. Very few of these plants will look like the parent or the picture in the bag. Second: after collection, heuchera seeds can only be viable for six months. Because of this, be careful when purchasing seeds, especially the packaging date. It should be noted that in special vacuum packaging their shelf life can be extended to one and a half years.

For sowing, prepare a container with sides and always with drainage holes. Prepare loose, nutritious soil (30% sand or perlite) with neutral acidity. The prepared soil must be sterilized (in a microwave oven, doused with boiling water or held over steam). When it has cooled, moisten it well (but it should remain crumbly), pour it into a prepared container and compact it. We sow the seeds carefully and, if possible, evenly over the entire surface of the soil.

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To make this easier, mixing the seeds with a small amount of dry sand will help. Since heuchera seeds are very small (similar to poppy seeds), there is no need to bury them. After sowing, cover the container with transparent film or glass and place it in a bright place. For this, the window sill is not a very good solution, since it is cold there and there is direct sunlight. The seedlings will germinate in about three weeks. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, nor should it become excessively waterlogged. From time to time you need to ventilate the seedlings by opening them for 20 minutes, and after 10 days the cover can be completely removed. When 3-4 leaves appear, the seedlings need to be picked. Planted in the ground in June, after hardening off the seedlings.

It is also possible to plant seeds in open ground before winter. After the first freezing of the soil, shallow grooves are made in it and heuchera seeds mixed with fine sand are evenly distributed. The landing site needs to be fenced off with something. and put spruce branches, straw or other covering material on this fence. This is necessary so that in the spring the young shoots that appear at the end of May are not raked with the covering material.

Dividing the bush

One of the features of heuchera is its rapid aging. Therefore, the plant needs to be rejuvenated periodically (about once every three years). This should be done when new leaves have already appeared, but flowering has not yet begun. The plant is dug up, divided into parts (everything that is dried and unhealthy is cut off) and planted in pre-prepared holes.

Heuchera can also be propagated by cuttings. They are settling in very well. To do this, take the tops of the cuttings (3-7 cm) and plant them in the shade in suitable light soil, water them well and cover them with large PET containers with a cut bottom (leave the lid open). It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out. The cuttings will take root in about a month, and the bottles can be removed in another two weeks. These young seedlings should be covered for the winter.

Basic rules of care

Pests and diseases

Despite being quite demanding in care, heucheras are practically not susceptible to disease. Problems can be caused by an excess of moisture and organic matter, as well as increased soil acidity. These factors can cause spotting or powdery mildew. But if you follow the rules of care, problems should not arise.

Heuchera pests include slugs and snails. They need to be collected from young plants by hand late in the evening (since they hide during the day) or use metaldehyde.

For prevention, young plants can be powdered with ash.

The value of heuchera in landscape design is its highly decorative for a long time. From the moment young leaves grow until frost, it will maintain the beauty of your garden.

Heuchera will be the highlight of any flower bed and goes well with a variety of plants. Since it does not like direct sunlight, you can plant the plant along the fence; this option is especially good for, where you need to take care of selecting shade-loving plants.

These beauties are good in a mono-planting when their varieties with different leaf colors are combined. Therefore, no matter how much trouble it takes to care for them, they will fully repay it with their unique, mysterious charm.

The flower belongs to the colorful perennial plants of the famous herbal family “Saxifrage”. The flower was first noticed on the rocky mountain slopes of the North American prairies. Heuchera received its exclusive name in memory of the German scientist I. G. von Heucher. He was a famous doctor, biologist and, of course, a fan of green plants.

The unusual flower looks from the side like a half-meter rounded bush. Its main feature is its luxurious leaves. Many people believe that this plant is a real gourmet. In one season, it can change the color of the leaves several times. No garden flower has as many leaf color options as Heuchera.

Its dense original bush consists of many leathery leaves with jagged edges. Each of them is held on a long stalk and has a special texture:

  • with a smooth surface;
  • corrugated;
  • curly character.

Their colors are especially impressive:

In addition, leaves are:

  • patterned;
  • with veins;
  • in small dots;
  • with shapeless spots.

Heuchera blooms in early summer with small, cute buds, which are collected in original panicles. They are shaped like bells, so when you look at them, it seems like they are about to ring. Exclusive photos Heuchera varieties during flowering and lush decoration help to appreciate the unusual garden princess. The colors and shades of the buds are clearly visible on them:

Only with the arrival of autumn, fruits in the form of a box form in place of the buds. By the time it is fully ripe, it stores more than 20 thousand seeds, the size of a poppy seed.

Thanks to its wide variety and detailed description heuchera, it is quite often used to decorate the garden area. And designers create unique landscape masterpieces from colorful flowers.

Color harmony in landscape design

If heuchera was once in the role of Cinderella in the flowerbed, today it is leading the list of candidates for decorating the flower area. The varieties bred by breeders never cease to amaze lovers of gardening creativity. That's why magnificent plant- heuchera, has taken its place of honor in landscape design.

It can be seen in various green compositions:

The bright leaves of heuchera serve as an indispensable accent to the green garden throughout the season. They are used for a harmonious transition from plant to plant. Thus, the emptiness of the site is completely filled during the flower off-season.

Heuchera does not require special care. Does well in sun and shady places. Frost-resistant. Easily propagated. Not sick.

In the photo shown, the heuchera looks wonderful in the company of its relatives. The variety of shades of its leaves allows you to create a motley multi-colored corner on the site.

Many gardeners have noted that working with heuchera is a pleasure. It blends harmoniously with any plants in the garden and always looks royal.

Surrounded by charming heuchera varieties

Many people believe that the only queen of the garden is the rose. And indeed, she is beyond competition. But thanks to the hard work of breeders, heuchera can be put in the place of a pretty princess. After all, the abundance of various colors and shapes of flower foliage and original paniculate buds has no analogues among plants. Looking at the photos below with the names of types and varieties of heuchera, let's try to plunge into the charming world of flowers.

Unsurpassed blood-red heuchera

This type of flower is considered the ancestor of most varieties of this cute plant. Heuchera blood-red is a very hardy mountain species. Because of the cute small buds, the flower is called a coral bell. The leaf blades are mostly green. Some specimens are distinguished by subtle marbling in a light green tone. The foliage is very dense to the touch, compared to other types of heuchera. Their shape is round, the edges are jagged, which looks quite stylish compared to other plants. Surprisingly, some varieties of blood-red heuchera have white or cream spots on the leaves.

Small buds are originally collected into a slender panicle. They are often colored red, coral or pink. Cute bells attract not only insects, but also connoisseurs of natural beauty.

Historical facts show that some Native American tribes used the blood-red heuchera flowers to treat various ailments. If you grow such a beauty in your dacha, you can “recover” only from her presence.

“Delicious” Heuchera Marmalade

When you hear the word marmalade, a pleasant taste appears in your mouth. And when you see flowers that look like candy, you get sweet pleasure. Heuchera Marmalade is considered one of the most common varieties of this class of plants.

Its dense leaves of carved texture amaze with their variety of shades:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • bright red;
  • with red reverse:
  • with a purple back side of the leaf.

They are collected in a lush rosette at the roots, which looks gorgeous in a flower bed. The plant develops very quickly and is not afraid of winter cold. Used in various garden landscape designs.

Purple Heuchera Forever Purple

Extraordinarily beautiful purple bushes, about 55 cm wide and up to 30 cm high, fit harmoniously into any front garden. Heuchera Forever Purple amazes its fans with its delicate frame of leaves. Their rich purple color remains unchanged throughout the growing season.

The buds in the form of small bells are located on low peduncles. They are collected in paniculate inflorescences and painted in a light purple hue. Against the backdrop of lush foliage, the flowers are barely noticeable, but this gives the plant an unsurpassed charm.

Fire Heuchera Cajun Fire

Try to imagine a burning fire among lush flowering plants. Someone will say: “This is impossible.” In fact, Cajun Fire heuchera is such a “fire”. The main feature of the species is the change in color of large matte leaves. In early spring they are deep red in color. In summer it is almost black in color, with a barely noticeable hint of red. When autumn comes, the leaves turn burgundy. Truly a “glamorous chameleon”.

Heuchera reaches a height of about 25 cm. It grows quite quickly. Well tolerated winter frosts. Blooms with white buds, the first two summer months. They modestly rise above the bush, which attracts the gaze of people passing by.

Tender Heuchera Cherry Cola

A small, cute bush with rounded, wavy foliage is an indispensable decoration for a summer cottage. Interestingly, as the leaves age, they change color. From orange or reddish, matte leaf blades become yellowish with a green tint.
Flower stalks of Heuchera Cherry Cola are colored Brown color, which is almost invisible behind the coral or red buds.

Since the flower grows very slowly, and its maximum height is about 20 cm, it is advisable to think about this before starting to form a garden bed.

Silver Heuchera Glitter

Most often, the plant grows up to 25 cm in height and is distinguished by unusual silver leaves. Black veins are visible on each of them. The back side of the heuchera Glitter leaf plate is painted in a lavender hue. Interestingly, in the spring pink leaves bloom on the plant, which over time “dress” in silver. The buds are usually large in size. In appearance they resemble. They bloom in June and bloom magnificently until the beginning of September.

“Sweet” Heuchera Caramel

When you see a plant in the garden with golden-orange leaves that resemble sweet caramel, you involuntarily want to taste them. In fact, before us is a sophisticated Heuchera Caramel, which you can admire endlessly. Its large leaves, barely emerging in the spring, are colored red. Over time, they become yellow or amber in color. The scarlet tint remains only on the back side. During lush flowering, flower stalks with cream buds in the form of small bells appear on the bushes.

Majestic Heuchera Purple Castle

Under such a chic name the totality of all varieties of Heuchera parviflora is classified. They are distinguished by the abundant presence of branched rhizomes, which contributes to rapid reproduction. As a result, the plant is used to decorate borders along garden paths. It is also considered an indispensable attribute in creating rock gardens.

Heuchera has large burgundy-purple leaf blades. The original color makes the plant indispensable in the garden bed throughout the summer. Interestingly, in ancient times, purple dye was considered one of the most expensive goods of traveling merchants. Having planted Heuchera Purple Castle on your summer cottage, you can feel like the owner of a valuable “pearl”.

Another purple beauty - Heuchera Melting Fire

When the plant first blooms in early spring, its leaves are purple-reddish in color. But over time they become darker, acquiring a special richness. The back side of the leaf plate of the flower has a red tint. When exposed to sunlight, an unusual shine appears. A truly amazing sight.

Heuchera Melting Fire forms a compact bush of rosette leaves with a wavy structure. Openwork small buds bloom on erect peduncles, reminiscent of miniature bells. During lush flowering, they are painted dazzling white.

For lovers of flowers with variegated colors, Heuchera Zipper is suitable. It differs in the following shades:

  • orange;
  • amber;
  • golden.

It is especially striking that the flower changes color over time. In spring the leaves are orange, in summer they are golden. Their back side is painted purple, which gives the plant some intricate charm. Heuchera blooms in July with white or creamy small bells.

Spotted Heuchera Midnight Rose

In 2008 at the exhibition garden plants In England, Heuchera Midnight Rose was recognized as one of the best varieties of greenery. It is distinguished by the incredibly rich color of the heart-shaped foliage of a miniature bush. Most often it is a dark burgundy shade with specks scattered on it. Pink colour. The plant grows about 25 cm and blooms in early June with small bells.

Name of this variety– Heuchera Midnight Rose is reminiscent of the unchanging queen of the garden. It is this plant that can rightfully be attributed to the royal nobility in the world of flowers.

Heuchera Palace Purple

This variety has been used in gardening since 1980. It was developed by combining several types of flower, one of which is a small-flowered plant variety. Despite its hybrid origin, Heuchera Palace Purple is a garden perennial. It amazes with the beauty of its cherry leaves, which cover the soil with an incredibly lush carpet. The shape of the leaf plate resembles ivy or Norway maple. It is decorated with purple on top and beetroot on the back. If there is prolonged heat in the summer, the leaves burn out, acquiring a bronze color.

The bell-shaped buds are collected in paniculate inflorescences, which are located on erect peduncles. Most often they are beige colour and look original against the background of cherry foliage.

Heuchera Hybrid

Thanks to the unsurpassed talent of breeders, hybrid Heuchera appeared. One of the popular varieties of this class of plants is American heuchera. It was obtained by crossing three source materials: small-flowered, American and hairy heuchera.

The plant may have leaf blades with blunt or sharp tips. And the frame is almost always wavy. They are colored purple, violet and brown. During flowering, graceful bells appear on the hybrid heuchera bushes.

Heuchera Comet

The unusual name of the plant hints at its “unearthly” origin. Heuchera Comet is distinguished by jagged leaves with a delicate edge. They emerge compactly from the main rhizome and form a beautiful rosette. From its center rises a slender peduncle about 40 cm high, decorated with small red buds. Bright bells gently sway even with a light breeze, which attracts new fans. Truly a wonderful flower!

Wonderful heuchera in the garden - video

Heuchera- a genus of rhizomatous herbaceous perennials of the Saxifraga family, cultural species and varieties of which are extremely in demand today in landscape design.

Heuchera received its name in honor of Johann Heinrich von Heucher, a German botanist and doctor. Heuchera comes from the rocky regions of North America and is a compact bush up to half a meter tall, attracting the eye with its luxurious, exquisite leaves. Heuchera is a plant for gourmets, because during one growing season it can change the color of its leaves, more than once. No other crop is distinguished by such a palette of shades and so many options for their combinations as heuchera, and especially its modern variegated varieties.

Heuchera flower - description

The dense bush of heuchera is formed by leathery, serrated leaves on long cuttings. The shape and color of the leaves is amazingly diverse: almost black, bright red, dark burgundy, amber, pink, purple, yellow, green and even silver leaves in all kinds of patterns and veins, specks and spots. The texture of the leaves is smooth, corrugated and curly. Heuchera blooms all summer, and even until frost, with small pink, white, cream or red bells collected in panicles. The heuchera fruit is a capsule in which seeds the size of a poppy seed ripen (about 20,000 seeds fit in 1 gram). Heuchera has been used in landscape design for a long time. Designers divide heuchera varieties into two categories: decorative-deciduous, the ancestor of which was American heuchera, and decorative-flowering, such as red or blood-red heuchera.

Features of growing heuchera

There are no obvious features or difficulties in growing heuchera, but this plant does have character traits, which will not hurt you to know. So:

  • – for decorative deciduous varieties of heuchera, if you do not have the goal of collecting seeds in the fall, it is better to remove the peduncle as soon as it appears: they grow much higher than the bush and have an unkempt appearance, which damages the decorative qualities of the plant;
  • – peduncles of decorative flowering varieties are removed immediately after the heuchera fades;
  • – over time, the lower leaves on the bush fall off, and the heuchera looks untidy. You need to dig up the plant before flowering and transplant it together with the earthen ball into a deeper hole to hide the bald stem;
  • – at the beginning of growth, young heuchera leaves are bright and translucent, like flower petals, but as they mature, they thicken and darken;
  • – Heuchera goes well with primroses, daylilies, astilbe, bergenia and ornamental cereals.

Planting heuchera

When to plant heuchera.

Heuchera is planted in March or April. Heuchera has good shade tolerance, so the best place for her - in the partial shade of other plants, where diffused light will fall on her. The best option is the eastern or western side, where direct sunlight falls only in the morning or evening. If this is not possible, and you have to plant it in the sun, then you need to provide the heuchera with regular and more abundant watering. By the way, varieties with brightly colored leaves in an open sunny area become even brighter and more spectacular. And varieties with red leaves must grow in the sun, otherwise their leaves will remain green in the shade.

Heuchera is not picky when choosing soil; it can grow on any soil except acidic soil, the optimal pH is 5-6. Even a rocky area does not frighten the plant, because in nature, in its homeland, it covers the rocky shores of the Great Lakes. But the more fertile and loose the soil, the more attractive and lush the heuchera. Moisture capacity and, at the same time, good drainage of the soil on the site are of great importance. Heuchera does not tolerate stagnation of water in the roots.

How to plant heuchera.

There are two methods of planting - seeds and seedlings. Heuchera seeds are simply sown in loose prepared soil and planted. But we remind you that seed propagation- not the best way, since it does not preserve the species and varietal characteristics of the mother plant, and at best, you will grow a simple heuchera with green leaves.

The seedling method is more reliable. Seedlings are grown in a greenhouse container and then planted in open ground to a depth of 3-4 cm at a distance of 20 cm from each other. The soil must be loose so that air can freely penetrate into the roots. Both heuchera from seeds in open ground and seedlings germinate in a month and a half.

Heuchera - care

How to care for heuchera.

Growing heuchera is not difficult, and caring for heuchera will not tire you. By and large, she does not need any care. In the first year of the growing season, in the year of planting, the plant does not need feeding; in subsequent years, decorative flowering heuchera varieties need to be fed with a universal fertilizer for flowering plants, and decorative deciduous ones - complex fertilizers for deciduous plants, respectively. The feeding time is before and after flowering, and the dose should be reduced by half compared to that recommended on the package.

Watering the heuchera should be regular, as the soil dries out - once every two days, and it is better to forget to water the heuchera than to do it twice - excess moisture harms it. But on hot, dry days you will have to water the heuchera twice a day - early in the morning and in the evening. You need to pour water under the bush, carefully so that the splashes do not fall on the leaves, which may become covered with burn spots.

If you don’t want to have trouble with weeds and loosening the soil after watering, mulch the heuchera planting with peat in the spring.

Heuchera propagation.

When the plant is 3-4 years old, its rosette may fall apart and you will see the exposed middle. This means that the time has come to divide the bush and plant its parts, thereby rejuvenating the heuchera. Best time for this method of propagation it is May or early autumn. Divide the bush so that each division has 2-3 rosettes. Roots that are too long need to be shortened, and those on which signs of rot are found should be cleaned of rot and the wounds dusted with charcoal powder. Parts of the divided bush are planted in holes measuring 30x30 a little deeper than the mother plant was planted, at a distance of 25 cm from each other. After planting, it is advisable to water and mulch the area. Parts of the bush take root within a month. This method of propagating heuchera is called bush division.

Heuchera also reproduces in another vegetative way - by cuttings. Heuchera cuttings are carried out in June or July: cuttings are cut from the mother bush as close to the soil surface as possible, but without rhizome fragments, divided into pieces of 4-6 cm, the lower sections are powdered with a root former, partially freed from leaves and rooted in a mixture of peat and sand in homemade greenhouses located in partial shade. Do not forget to ventilate the cuttings and moisten the soil in the containers. Rooting occurs in 3-4 weeks.

Heuchera pests and diseases.

Heucheras get sick very rarely, and they are not afraid of pests, but sometimes they still suffer from powdery mildew, rust, gray rot and spotting. The cause of these ailments is excess fertilizer or stagnation of water in the roots of plants. Heuchera can be treated with a fungicide to get rid of powdery mildew, which covers the leaves with a whitish coating. And spotting and rust can be defeated by spraying the heuchera twice a month with a solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Among the pests dangerous to heuchera are snails, slugs, weevils, caterpillars and leaf nematodes, which can be eliminated with special insecticides.

Heuchera after flowering

Heuchera blooms, as a rule, at the beginning of summer and lasts two months, and sometimes longer. When the heucheras in the garden fade, they will not require special care from you. Cut off flower stalks with faded flowers unless you intend to wait for the heuchera seeds to ripen.

Preparing heuchera for winter

Heuchera winters in the garden. Under no circumstances should you cut off withered and yellowed heuchera leaves in the fall: they help the plant keep its roots warm in winter. Heuchera requires shelter for the winter, and it is better if you use oak leaves for this purpose. When spring comes, remove the cover and carefully trim last year's heuchera leaves with pruning shears as close to the soil surface as possible.

Types and varieties of heuchera

The genus Heuchera has approximately 70 species. Many of them grow naturally in forests and woodlands of the mountainous regions of Mexico and the United States. Heuchera species are conventionally divided into mountain and forest. We will introduce you to the most popular species and varieties among gardeners, which are used in landscape design and for breeding new varieties.

Heuchera blood red

belongs to mountain species. It has green leaves and bright red flowers. Americans call it the red bell. The leaves of Heuchera blood-red, forming a rosette, are much denser than those of other species, they are round and jagged. Some varieties of this species are distinguished by beautiful white or cream specks on the leaves. Peduncles reach a height of 50cm. This species is cold-resistant, which is why it is so popular among our gardeners. The most famous varieties are “Monet”, “Variegata”, “Hercules”.

Heuchera hairy

It is distinguished by large leaves with a velvety surface and pubescent peduncles and cuttings, which is why it got its name. The variety “Bronze Wave” has the largest leaves, up to 20 cm in diameter, bronze color, and “Rachel” has not only flowers, but also peduncles of a soft pink color.

Heuchera cylindrical

- also a mountain species, it has not only spectacular leaves, but also tall peduncles with a cloud of small flowers that seem to hover above the bush during flowering. This species is larger than others, and this attracted breeders who developed new varieties based on Heuchera cylindrical. Peduncles reach 90cm in height; large flowers of white, pink, green and coral colors bloom on short stalks. The leaves are heart-shaped, round, green with a silver pattern or veins of contrasting color. Varieties: “Greenfinch” with greenish-cream flowers, “Hyperion” - a compact bush with a peduncle height of only 50 cm and red-pink flowers.

Heuchera parviflora

- according to many gardeners, this is the most spectacular of the heucheras. Its leaf, shaped like a maple, is covered with silver spots, and some naturally occurring specimens have purple leaves. The paniculate inflorescence on a peduncle 60 cm in height consists of small creamy pink flowers with orange anthers. Among the popular varieties, the best known are "Palace Purple", with dark purple leaves, which is the best perennial plant in 1999, and "Bressingham Bronze", with bronze-brown leaves.

Heuchera americana,

growing on the shores of the Great Lakes. In the USA it is called “mountain geranium”. It attracts with its leaves, forming a rosette about 20 cm high. The leaves on the underside are brown-lilac in color, heart-shaped, rounded, with long petioles. The panicles on peduncles 50-60cm high consist of yellow-green flowers. “Green Spice” is one of the most beautiful varieties of American Heuchera with green leaves and contrasting silver spots on them. During the growing season, the leaves change shades of green from yellower to darker, the silver spots increase, and a purple hue appears around the veins.

Heuchera hybrid

– this includes interspecific hybrids of Heuchera americana and blood-red with the participation of Heuchera parviflora. The flowers of this species resemble the flowers of the blood-red heuchera, but they are somewhat larger, as are the leaves with peduncles. White, coral, red or pink flowers bloom for more than two months. The leaf color is mostly green, but with contrasting veins and cream markings. The only drawback of these hybrids is that the flower stalks may fall due to strong wind and rain. Varieties: “Cancan”, “Cappuccino”, “Beauty Color”, “Ruby Vale” and others.

Heuchera gooseberry leaf

- this plant is so cold-resistant that even after wintering in the garden in severe frost it can completely retain its leaves, and it is this rare quality that attracts both flower growers and breeders.

Recently, decorating the front entrance with unusual flowers has become increasingly popular. Inexperienced gardeners can be recommended to grow an ornamental plant such as heuchera; planting and caring for it is simple; you just need to know some of its properties. How does a flower reproduce, when is it best to plant it in open ground, what fertilizing and frequency of watering does it need?

Reproduction methods

Heuchera can be grown in different ways. The plant reproduces both by seeds and by dividing the bush. Let's look at each method in more detail:

  • The flower seeds are quite small, so it is customary to mix them with sand before sowing. This allows you to get more uniform, friendly shoots. It is best if the sowing container contains drainage holes, this will help prevent moisture stagnation. In addition, the height of the container must be at least 5 cm. Sow the seeds on moist soil, carefully spreading them over the surface. Then they are wrapped in film or covered with glass. Shoots appear in about 2-3 weeks. Throughout this period, the container must be periodically ventilated and the soil must be moistened. The shelter is removed after the appearance of 3 leaves, after which the seedlings dive. The distance between young plants should be from 4 to 6 cm.

  • Growing by dividing the bush, cuttings. This method of reproduction is suitable for those who have available mature plant. In early spring, heuchera is dug up by the roots and divided into several parts. The shoots are carefully trimmed, and the cut area is treated with charcoal or ash. You can also use a growth stimulator (Kornevin, Epin). Then the cuttings are planted in a container filled with a mixture of sand and humus (proportions 1:1) and watered. Root system develops in 45-60 days, after which cultivation in open ground can continue. The remaining roots are cut off by about a third and then placed back into the soil so that they are completely covered.

Advice. When purchasing heuchera seeds, it is very important to check the packaging date, because they have a short shelf life. Viability lasts up to about six months, and if the packaging consists of foil - up to 1.5 years.

Planting a flower

The plant is transplanted into open ground in the second half of May or early June, as soon as the soil warms up sufficiently and the threat of frost disappears. It is better to choose a shady place for planting, where diffused light will fall on the heuchera. However, this rule does not apply to varieties with red leaves; in the shade, the leaves of the plant will not color and will remain green.

Other brightly colored heucheras will also look more impressive in direct sunlight. In case of landing in illuminated open area The plants will need to be provided with regular, abundant watering.

As for the soil, heuchera is a rather picky flower; it only does not tolerate an overly moist, acidic environment. Grows best in well-drained, loose soil with an acidity level of Ph 6.5 –

7. Therefore, before planting, it is better to install drainage and apply fertilizer at the bottom of the flowerbed. This will avoid stagnation of water at the roots, the heuchera will grow healthy and lush.

How to care for a plant?

This flower is quite hardy, but, nevertheless, proper care of heuchera is very important. The plant needs to be watered regularly, periodically fed, loosened the soil, and prevent the appearance of diseases and pests. The basic rules of care are as follows:

  • Watering. You need to moisten the soil approximately every 2 days. If the weather is hot, the amount of water needs to be increased. It is very important that the liquid does not get on the leaves, otherwise they will become covered with burn spots.
  • Feeding. Heuchera should be planted in already fertilized soil. Then the plant does not need feeding for about 1 year. Then in the spring it will be necessary to apply fertilizer before and also after the flowering period. It is best to use complex fertilizers according to the variety (for flowering or decorative deciduous plants). The dosage should be half as much as indicated in the instructions for the fertilizer.
  • Hilling up, transplanting, loosening. Caring for heuchera includes regular loosening of the soil and removal of weeds. To reduce hassle with them, some gardeners mulch the plantings with peat in the spring. In addition, approximately every 3 years the plant needs to be renewed, otherwise the leaves begin to fall off and the top becomes bald.
  • Pest and disease control. If there is an excess of moisture in the soil, as well as with increased acidity, the plant is more difficult to resist diseases. Heuchera is most often affected by powdery mildew, root rot, spotting, and rust. These diseases can be combated with the help of special preparations (Bordeaux mixture, fungicides). Pests such as weevils, snails, leaf nematodes and caterpillars are also dangerous for heuchera. You can get rid of unwanted guests by treating the plant with insecticides.
  • Wintering. Plants on winter period It is not customary to cover them; they winter well in the garden. But if the winter is expected to have little snow, then it is better to cover the planting site with brushwood. It is also important not to touch yellowed, wilted leaves; they are removed in the spring.

Heuchera is a perennial plant native to North America; there are about 70 species in total. For a long time, the most popular heuchera variety was Palace Purple. The leaves of this species are painted in burgundy, brown shades, the flowers are tall and soft cream. However, every year the variety of varieties is rapidly increasing. Today, most gardeners practice growing the following species:

  • Neptune, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Mercury - heucheras from the “Parade of Planets” series. Distinctive feature These plants have a semicircular bush shape that gives structure to the plantings.
  • "Purple Petticoats", "Apple Crisp", "Black Beauty", "Blackberry Crisp", "Can Can", "Cajun Fire", "Crimson Curls", "Ginger Peach", "Lime Marmalade". All these varieties have a corrugated leaf shape.
  • “Marmalade”, “Amber Waves”, “Big Top Bronze”, “Big Top Gold”, “Brownies”, “Cappuccino”, “Chocolate Ruffles”, “Encore”, “Ginge Ale”, “Purple Petticoats”. Heucheras with an unusual color. The inner and lower parts of the leaves have different shades, which, together with the wavy edges, gives the flower a striking appearance.
  • “Miracle”, “Kassandra”, “Autumn Leaves”, “Cappuccino”, “Circus”, “Electra”, “Encore”, “Ebony and Ivory”, “Green Spice”, “Ginger Peach”, “Midnight Rose Select” . Plants of these varieties change the color of their leaves throughout the season.
  • "Havana", "Hercules", "Hollywood", "Lipstick", "Rave On". The inflorescences of these varieties are suitable for cutting; they have a long peduncle and a decorative appearance.

Advice! It is worth considering that almost all types of heuchera tend to grow quickly in open ground.

On the one hand, this allows you to quickly create group plantings, but on the other hand, it requires advanced care behind plants, especially if heuchera is part of the composition.

In general, growing heuchera is not a difficult task. However, it is worth considering that some varieties are less demanding, while others require careful care. Heucheras bloom for about 2 months in the summer. Young plant, grown from seeds, blooms for the first time in the 3rd year.

Heuchera is loved by many landscape designers. The plant goes well with dwarf shrubs. It is also popular to grow together with primroses, brunera,. Decorative look flowers with a diverse palette allows you to advantageously beat any terrain.

Heuchera small-flowered palace Purple castle Heuchera micrantha Palace Purple planting and care photo

Heuchera heuchera is a herbaceous perennial plant of the Saxifraga family, the name is derived from the Latin Heuchera. It is named after the German physician and botanist Johann Heinrich von Heicher. Its roots are from North America. The size of the plant is small, adult bushes of the plant reach 50 cm in height.

Heuchera is a magnificent ornamental plant that is loved by landscape designers because of its brightly colored leaves. The highlight of this exquisite perennial is that during the growing season it can change its color more than once. It is impossible to find among plants a flower more saturated with different shades than heuchera.

Heuchera is a real find, because it will impress even the most demanding gardener, both professional and amateur. It seems that this culture collected all the colors for itself. Starting from silver, yellow, green and ending with black. These are also all shades of red, including purple, burgundy and soft pink. Every year, breeders delight gardeners and designers with new heuchera hybrids. All kinds of patterns, veins, and spots are also characteristic of heuchera. The leaves are leathery, toothed.

There are 3 types of texture:

  1. smooth
  2. corrugated
  3. curly.

Heuchera flowers will delight you until frost with shades of pink, white, red and cream. Small bells are collected in a small panicle, attached to thin tall stems. The seeds are in the so-called box small size, about the size of a poppy seed.

Heuchera varieties are divided into two categories:

  1. Ornamental foliage is a plant with gorgeous leaves, such as American heuchera.
  2. decorative flowering, for example, blood-red heuchera, which is valued in landscape design for its flowers.

Heuchera - chic decoration for artificial ponds, a beautiful container plant, some varieties are used for cutting. Looks great with hostas and astilbes in mixborders.

Growing heuchera in the garden

Heuchera, despite its magnificence, is enough unpretentious flower. Growing it will not be difficult, just as there is nothing complicated in caring for it.

In order for the heuchera to please throughout the entire period of its growth, you need to know the following features:

  1. To maintain the aesthetics of the flower bed, it is necessary to remove the flower stalks after the flowers have wilted, preserving harmonious look compositions. But this is only if you are not interested in further propagation of the flower using seeds.
  2. In heuchera, the peduncle is cut off immediately after the plant has finished flowering.
  3. The lower leaves tend to fall off. In order to maintain the attractiveness of the flower bed, simply transplant the perennial into a deeper hole in order to cover the bald trunk.
  4. To avoid drying out, hill up the bush. Sometimes this procedure should be done a couple of times a season.
  5. Over time, heuchera leaves darken and thicken, but at the very beginning, that is, in the first months, they are brighter and more transparent.
  6. To create a harmonious design, use compositions from plants such as daylilies, ornamental grasses, and primroses.

Planting heuchera in spring and autumn in the ground

This is a shade-loving plant, therefore it is recommended to plant it in the ground in partial shade, without direct sunlight. The best option is the east side or the west side.

If the flower gets exposed to the afternoon sun, then it is necessary to maintain high humidity abundant watering. You can design the flowerbed so that at lunchtime the bush is shaded by a taller plant. There are exceptions - red varieties. They reveal their palette only in a sunny flowerbed.

The video will tell you where and how to plant heuchera:

There should be no problems with the soil. Any with an acidity of 5-6 is suitable. You can also add dolomite flour or ash to the soil, this will deoxidize it. If you remember where heuchera comes from, namely from the mountainous regions of the country, then you can even plant the flower on a rocky area.

But still, give preference to fertile soil, so the heuchera will reward you with lush and luxurious flowering. Pay attention to the drainage, it should be about 3-5 cm. There should be no stagnation of water, so low areas are not suitable for planting. Experts also recommend sprinkling the rhizome with coarse sand or earth with coarse expanded clay, this will protect the heuchera root from rot.
There are two methods of reproduction:

  • Seminal– they are collected from the peduncle, sown directly into the soil, previously loosened, and covered with soil. In order for seedlings to germinate more evenly, it is necessary to mix the seeds with sand. Before sowing, it is recommended to warm or freeze the soil. Plant in a low container, about 5 cm, with holes and cover with film or glass. After the third leaf, dive (distance 4-6 cm). We remove the cover for the flower. This method is only suitable for ordinary green varieties, because the seeds may not convey any varietal characteristics. A perennial blooms, which grew from seeds in the third year.
  • Vegetativebest option. The reason is that this guarantees the preservation of the varietal characteristics of the plant. It is easy to grow seedlings in a greenhouse from cut cuttings.
  • In June or July, it is necessary to cut the cuttings so that they do not touch the rhizome.
  • It is better to treat the cutting area with a root former; the leaves at the bottom are not needed, they can be removed, and after that the finished cuttings can be planted in peat or sand.
  • For good growth and rooting it will take 2-4 weeks, with constant soil moisture and ventilation of the greenhouse.

Heuchera pests and diseases

Heucheras do not get sick often, and if this happens, the situation is not critical. The main thing is not to overfeed the plant and thoroughly drain the soil, because otherwise the perennial becomes weaker and does not resist disease.

If appeared powdery mildew on leaves or root rot, then dig up the perennial and treat it with a fungicide; it won’t hurt to replant it in another place. And if affected by spotting or rust, spray with a solution of Bordeaux mixture once every two weeks until complete recovery.
As for pests, you can use insecticides against snails, caterpillars, and leaf nematodes.

After flowering

The perennial begins to bloom in June. Flowering duration is 2 months, although it can be longer. Peduncles should not be picked; they must be carefully cut off. However, this is not necessary to obtain seeds. There is no need to remove the leaves, but more on that below.

Wintering Heuchera

This culture overwinters easily, a little preparation is enough for comfort. Heuchera's winter hardiness is excellent, but in harsh winters you should play it safe. Leave the dried leaves untouched; later in the spring, after frosts, they are removed with pruning shears to activate and start the growth of new buds. This will additionally protect the plant from severe frosts. The main shelter should be constructed from oak leaves, spruce branches, hay, pine needles, straw or other similar material.

Types and varieties of heuchera Description and photos

There are quite a lot of varieties of heuchera - about 70 names. Most of them grow in forests and near mountain rivers in the USA and Mexico. The main types of heuchera are called: mountain and forest. Below we will look at the most popular varieties, which are used not only for decorating flower beds or creating a unique landscape design, but also for breeding more and more new varieties of heuchera. Hybrids are created in two directions, the first - lush flowering, the second is the decorative splendor of the leaves.

Heuchera blood red Heuchera sanguinea

This variety belongs to the mountain species. It is characterized by pure green leaves, or with small splashes of silver, cream and white leaves. They are denser in structure than the leaves of other varieties of this perennial. The flowers are rich in color, red or dark pink, 1-1.5 cm in length.

The height of the bush reaches 40 cm in length. The peduncle is unstable and thin. Since in nature Heuchera comes from mountainous and northern places, it is very hardy. That's why flower growers loved her so much. The most comfortable place for blood-red heuchera will be a well-ventilated, shady area with excellent drainage. The most common varieties are Monet, Variegata and Hercules.

Heuchera villosa

It has velvety and slightly pubescent leaves, quite large in size. The flowers are small, cream-colored, and bloom in June–August. In nature, it can be found in river valleys of the United States. Varieties differ in foliage color.

Heuchera cylindrica

It is also a mountain species, with a high peduncle; glandular stems reach up to 90 cm. The flowers during flowering are large, they are white, coral, pink and green. The inflorescences are very dense. The leaves are green, toothed, rounded. The striking sheets feature a silver pattern plus veining in a contrasting color. Popular varieties Heuchera cylindrical: Greenfinch, Hyperion, Green Ivory.

Heuchera small-flowered Heuchera micrantha

Heuchera small-flowered obsidian Heuchera-micrantha ‘Obsidian’ in garden design photo

Bears the title of the most spectacular species. This is well deserved. The thing is that in nature the color of the leaves is purple, and breeders have added brightness to the already chic look. The leaf shape is maple. Peduncle 60 cm, small flowers of creamy pink color. The plant is unpretentious, frost-resistant, loves slightly acidic soil. The variety Palace Purple belongs to Heuchera small-flowered; in 1999 it was recognized as the best perennial.

Heuchera americana

Known as mountain geranium. In nature, American heuchera grows near the Great Lakes. It is attractive for its leaves, namely its red veins. Below is a purple leaf. The shape of the leaf is rounded, and the ends are beautifully jagged. During the growing season it changes color, the most bright shades occur in autumn and spring.

Heuchera hybrida Heuchera hybrida

Heuchera hybrid Caramel Heuchera ‘Caramel’ Coral Bells photo in the garden

It turned out by crossing blood-red heuchera with American heuchera. The leaves, peduncles and flowers are larger than those of its predecessors. The leaves are green with contrasting veins, and the flowers are white, red or pink. Varieties: Cancan, Beauty Color, Cappuccino, Ruby Vale.

Heuchera grossulariifolia

It differs from other representatives of heuchera by its excellent frost resistance. Even in harsh climates with severe frosts, there is no need to worry about its wintering. This is a small bush, 15 cm to be precise, and the leaves are about 7 cm in diameter.