What things are needed in the kitchen. Minimum required: Dishes for those who decide to learn how to cook

Every housewife has a set kitchen utensils is formed spontaneously. Everything that could be particularly liked is bought from the shelves of specialized stores, and then many items lie unused. An unsystematic approach creates chaos in the kitchen, which reveals a particular sloppiness. She gradually begins to irritate household members, quarrels and scandals break out due to disorder, and negative energy accumulates.

If a woman knows which utensils to choose for the kitchen and which ones should not be purchased, she will be able to prevent the development of the described scenario. Psychologists are sure that there are no bad housewives, there are people who are mistaken in their negative attitude towards the culinary art.

You just have to organize your workplace, equip it in accordance with existing theories of practicality, and the desire to create and delight your loved ones with interesting dishes is immediately born.

How to determine what to buy

It’s not easy to come to a store with numerous sets of dishes on the shelves and choose only what can be truly useful.

Modern manufacturers specially produce products that just beg to be picked up. All the sets are beautiful, you want to buy everything, so how to choose kitchenware in all this splendor?

  1. The maximum that can fit in your kitchen.
  2. What dishes are most often prepared at home?

Since in most cases kitchens in apartment buildings small, then you should first think about how you can manage the space more rationally. It's no secret that modern housewife Well, he can’t do without multifunctional assistants, without household appliances, so first you need to find a place for it.

Even if you don’t have a microwave, bread maker, or multicooker yet, sooner or later they will definitely appear. So, first mentally arrange all these items, and only then begin to form the necessary list.

Include in it for now only the necessary items, spoons, plates, glasses. Remember that only those utensils that need to be used in everyday life should be stored in the kitchen.

Therefore, you should not stock up for future use; buy two items for each family member. Choose unbreakable dishes from one set, then even the most ordinary dinner will look very aesthetically pleasing. Dishes for guests should not be included in this list. We'll talk about it a little later.

Next, answering the question of how to choose dishes for the kitchen, what items to choose for cooking, let’s decide on the diet. For example, lovers of Uzbek cuisine will definitely need a cauldron, oriental cuisine - a wok, and Russian - a special pancake frying pan.

Another vital item is the tureen. Each list must be individual; no generalized instructions will help here, but there are general recommendations.

Sample list

  • Pots - there should be at least three of them. Why three? A large saucepan will be needed for cooking soups, a medium one - for preparing side dishes and cereals, and a third, smaller one, for catching and heating, for boiling eggs and other small ingredients. But this set is only suitable for non- big family. If there are more than two children in the house, then you will need more medium and small pots. You need to prepare jelly, mashed potatoes, dumplings.

The main advice for a practical housewife! Buy a couple of saute pans - saucepans with a handle. These are irreplaceable items. They are convenient for heating milk, soups, and melting butter.

  • Frying pans - there should also be at least three of them. To stew meat you need a deep Cast-iron pan with thick walls, a medium frying pan will be needed for quick frying, a small one - for omelettes and any other breakfasts prepared in a hurry. And also, if pancakes, pancakes, casseroles are often baked in the house, it is better to separately buy a special pancake maker for them, which in the future will be used only for its intended purpose.
  • A set of knives – this choice should be given special attention. Not every housewife thinks about the functionality of such items. But in vain, experienced chefs prefer to have personalized sets that help them do their job effectively. Therefore, in an ordinary kitchen there should be a separate knife for cutting vegetables, a knife for cutting fish, meat, a bread knife and a chef’s knife - a universal cutter (read the material)
  • Auxiliary items - bowls for mixing ingredients. At a minimum, there should be two of them, a colander and a sieve, but you can add to this set a couple of spacious cups in which you can prepare salads and knead dough.
  • A few necessary little things. A grater, a vegetable slicer, an egg whisk, a ladle, a slotted spoon, a rolling pin, cutting boards - everything that will help implement the cooking technology.

The one who will do the right thing is to choose all items from one line, one set. This helps to create a certain order in the kitchen and arrange all the cooking processes more aesthetically.

Another important point– the material from which the dishes are made. Today, there are non-stick and ceramic-coated pots and pans on sale, made from stainless steel and cast iron.

Which one to choose?

  • Non-stick coating helps save a lot of time, but choosing safe utensils on your own, without the advice of experienced specialists, is difficult. Ceramics are safe and convenient, but expensive. Not everyone can afford to buy a whole set.
  • Stainless steel is the most best option. It is suitable for all types of stoves, is resistant to deformation, does not lose its presentation during use, and cooks even when food is removed from the heat. Another full twenty minutes stainless steel maintains a high temperature, helping to bring dishes to full readiness. Considering such performance characteristics, it’s easy to make the right choice.

After all the items have been purchased, the next question arises - how to arrange the dishes in the kitchen, how to fit them, and make it so that it is both convenient and comfortable. There are also useful recommendations for solving this problem.

How to arrange kitchen utensils correctly

So, any kitchen set consists of upper and lower drawers. Often, some of the top drawers have glass doors, so it is in them that you can put away dishes intended for table setting.

It is better to arrange the plates by size, soup plates in one column, side dishes in another. This will help eliminate the need to move and rearrange items every time, which means saving time.

Small items can be stored behind closed upper facades. Appliances and small items such as a grater, whisks, and any other similar devices. It is advisable to put them all in one capacious jug, then you will not need to look for something every time, rummaging around the entire closet.

In the lower cabinets located closer to hob, will fit pots and pans, cutting boards and cauldrons. These items must be stacked one inside the other, starting with the largest, and placed first. As a rule, there is still additional space where you can place the remaining change.

Will fit in a tray under the sink detergents. Therefore they should not be located in another storage area. Cutlery fits in a special fragmented tray. They should always be placed there, after each wash, and only in a dry state.

It is useful to keep track of the filling of kitchen cabinets. If the hostess sees in them objects that have never been used during the year, it is better to take them out and put them in a hotel box stored on the mezzanine.

Household appliances that the family uses every day do not need to be put away in cabinets. It can be placed along work surface, moving towards kitchen apron. Look at the photo how organically a toaster and a neat teapot, an electric kettle and a juicer look in the design of a common space.

And one last thing. It is much more convenient and practical to store knives in a special stand, rather than in an internal cabinet. Place it next to the electric kettle, and then the knives will always be at hand.

It is advisable to immediately purchase a single professional set. And even if its price will be significantly higher than items purchased separately, it will be a pleasure to work with such knives. And the time spent on preliminary work will take a small amount of time.

Now you know how to place dishes in the kitchen, but how to store them is the next question that also needs to be sorted out.

Unexpected design solutions

Modern kitchen sets demonstrate miracles of ingenuity that help even in a small space to fit much more than we would like. Manufacturers know how to store dishes in the kitchen, how to place them all, using every centimeter of internal space.

For example, they suggest storing pots in a spacious pull-out shelf, which is located directly under the oven, or ordering sets that have narrow pull-out vertical shelves on which you can place seasonings, bottles, gravy boats and all other small items that take up the space of wall cabinets.

Three-tier tandem cabinet helps to use 90% of the internal space. Everything in it is in plain sight, every item has its place, so there is no clutter. Cassette holders, grids for household appliances equipped with a microlift, two-level drawers with a panel door, pull-out shelves - look at the video to see what smart devices exist today.

Of course, making them with your own hands will be very problematic, so everyone who is just starting to equip own kitchen, experts recommend thinking through the described points in advance and purchasing furniture that is best suited for storing kitchen utensils.

Generalization on the topic

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to draw important conclusions.

You need to buy kitchen utensils that are not beautiful, but comfortable. It is best to trust trusted brands, those that have already been used by friends or relatives.

Today there will be a completely informative article on the topic of useful gadgets in the kitchen. I’ve been thinking about writing it for a long time, and now that I have quite a lot of experience in the field of cooking, I’ll share with you my experiences and thoughts.

Surely many of you have encountered the fact that when cooking you are constantly missing something on hand. And if we lack any useful item, then the cooking process slows down. With the experience I’ve gained, I’ve compiled a list of useful things you can’t do without in the kitchen. Let's get acquainted with them, shall we?

  1. The first thing you always need in the kitchen is a good blender-chopper. For me, you don’t have to have a meat grinder, but you definitely need a blender. Ideally, you can purchase a multifunctional food processor, which will serve as a chopper for vegetables, fruits and meat, and knead the dough, and beat your egg whites... But I think this will hit your pocket hard. But a blender is not so expensive, its main advantage is that you can grind completely different products, and it will help you significantly save time. For example, I grind in a blender: fruits vegetables; poultry meat; I make powdered sugar; I crush nuts and coffee beans; I make crushed ice and cocktails.
  2. I consider the next useful gadget to be a grater with different replaceable panels. With the help of a good grater, you can chop or grate the product exactly as you need it in a matter of minutes. Just imagine how you do without a grater and manually cut carrots into long thin strips for a Korean salad? This is simply impossible and it will waste a lot of your nerves and time, and the result will be insignificant... Therefore, I advise you to definitely get a good grater-shredder.

  3. Now, of course, kitchen scales, you can’t live without them! In one of the articles I already wrote that measuring with glasses, mugs and bowls is unacceptable, this simply can lead to a mistake and the dish will not turn out. All measurements must be made exactly in grams or milliliters. Most quality and good recipes Now they are written precisely with such measures in mind. This will professionally and accurately lead you to successful experiments in the kitchen. And that means a good mood 😉

  4. Mixer. Now stores offer us many different mixers: from the simplest to the most sophisticated planetary ones. For me, if there is an opportunity, buy a good, high-quality, proven company. But you can get by with a simple mixer with two pairs of interchangeable attachments. We need a mixer, first of all, for whipping. You won’t be able to make a single cake sponge cake without a mixer. I'm not even talking about meringue, various creams and so on. Although, I personally have experience in beating a sponge cake with a whisk by hand, even my husband helped, because my strength was simply not enough... If you want to build muscle in the biceps area, then you can stop with a whisk :) But it was after this experience that I began to appreciate the presence of a mixer in my house!

  5. Kitchen thermometer. Not every housewife has this gadget, but in vain! A thermometer is a very useful thing, especially if you work with sweets and desserts and often prepare caramel, mirror glaze or marshmallows, for example. In some cases, it simply doesn’t make sense to start cooking a particular dish without a thermometer.

  6. Now about, perhaps, the main item in the kitchen - the knife. Ideally, there should be at least 3 knives in the kitchen. One knife is for cutting meat, a bread knife and a knife for peeling vegetables and fruits. Of course, you can have a wider range of knives, but I gave an example of the most commonly used ones, which you simply cannot do without. I also consider a very important kitchen item to be scissors, special durable kitchen scissors. They are very convenient for working with meat, for example, trimming the skin, tail and various livers from chicken, and even cutting bones. You can also use scissors to chop salad greens.

  7. From kitchen utensils, you should also definitely note a set of pots and pans. Of the latter, you should have 3-4 different pans. By the way, everyone’s favorite Ikea already sells sets of frequently used items. As for saucepans, here you also need to have a saucepan for heating milk, melting butter, cooking various sauces and other things, a small saucepan and a couple of large saucepans for soups, stews, compotes, jam and so on. It would also be nice to have a cauldron with thick walls; without it it will be difficult to cook a good rich pilaf, or some dishes of Eastern/Asian cuisine.

  8. If we talk about baking and desserts, then you simply cannot do without various baking dishes. I personally have a lot of these same molds: silicone ones of different shapes and sizes, non-stick metal ones, and muffin tins. And over time, I discovered a pattern that in most cases I use one form - a split metal ring. It is really very convenient because you adjust the size yourself, and this allows you to save money on buying different shapes. This form will never break or warp, it is simply age-old. Yes, and its cost is absolutely reasonable - buy it once and enjoy!

  9. For small appliances, I advise you to get a potato masher, which will always come in handy and is quite difficult to replace. A hammer for beating meat, not a fist 😉 A brush for greasing pies and pastries. This is generally an indispensable item in the kitchen, and you can always buy it at a construction store.

  10. And, the last thing I want to talk about is metal tongs. Relatively recently, I realized how convenient it is to have them on hand. They can be used to turn hot meat, fish, vegetables in a frying pan or outdoor grill one, two or three times. You can use tongs to stir salads or take hot baked goods out of the oven. Believe me, the thing is very useful.

That's probably all for today. Of course, this is not the entire list of needs in your kitchen. I just highlighted and gave examples of the most basic things, in addition to dishes, cutlery and other things that are familiar to us. I hope my article will be useful to you, and your stay in the kitchen will become even more joyful and exciting! I look forward to seeing you again and don’t forget to stay tuned for new interesting recipes.

After looking through all the kitchen drawers, walls and shelves, we compiled a list of what we thought were the kitchen utensils we needed. It is not always possible to buy everything at once, so you need to acquire everything gradually. After all, kitchen utensils good quality are expensive. But we must not forget that dear, this does not mean the best. It will be good if the same item is used for different purposes. We will learn from this publication what kitchen utensils every housewife should have in the kitchen.

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Photo gallery: What kitchen utensils should every housewife have in the kitchen?

Useful kitchen utensils in the kitchen:

1. Whisk for whipping. A whisk will come in very handy when you mix salad dressing, beat pancake batter, beat eggs for omelettes, prepare cream for pastries and cakes, and much more. The whisk should have a plastic or wooden handle, with sufficiently flexible rods, and be metal so that particles can be collected from the bottom of the bowl when whipping.

2. Cooking vane. It can be made from various materials, but the softest and most comfortable is a silicone spatula. It is easy to clean and retains the Teflon coating and appearance dishes.

3. Silicone brush. It is indispensable when baking: for greasing baking dishes, pancakes, pies. Silicone fibers do not splatter oil and use it sparingly; they also do not spoil the appearance of the dish. This brush is durable, strong and flexible, like any silicone product, and can withstand temperatures from -60ºC to 280ºC. This brush is a must have in the kitchen.

4. Silicone gloves. They are indispensable in a modern kitchen and are very convenient. Gone are fabric potholders. The gloves do not burn, do not slip and fit comfortably to your hands, and most importantly, they protect your hands from burns.

5. Spatula. A metal spatula is essential for fish or meat. To make it more convenient to turn over pieces of food, it should be narrowed towards the edge.

Spoons. A metal slotted spoon will be enough for pickles, dumplings, dumplings, etc., and you also need to have one large wooden spoon for jam, sauces and soups.

7. Set of knives. We can talk a lot about knife sets, but let's talk briefly. Forged knives deserve great respect; they can serve you for many years. It is not their quantity that is important, but their quality, so do not spare money and buy 2 knives of good quality rather than many knives of poor quality. The knife should be comfortable in your hand.

Kitchen tongs. You can't do without tongs in the kitchen. To get something, turn it over, and so on. To protect an expensive frying pan, it is more convenient for the tongs to have a silicone coating.

Ladle. You probably already have a ladle in your kitchen, but it’s better to have two of them: a large one for soup, a small one for sauces and gravy.

10. Meat knife and fork. This set is used for cutting cooked meat of chicken, duck, pork leg, etc., and not raw meat. It is ideal for serving whole meat, and your husband will be able to beautifully cut the meat when visiting and demonstrate his skills.

11. Syringe. This item is indispensable for cooking any meat dishes in the oven. Of course, you can take a spoon, but a syringe cannot be compared with it. You will no longer be able to burn your hands and will never get greasy. It is best to give preference to a plastic syringe, as it heats up less than a metal one.

Foil, bags for baking meat, parchment, cling film. You can cook meat dishes in them without using fat and oil, they will protect baked goods from burning. Let's gradually approach the topic of baking. To make it tasty, you need to maintain accurate measurements and proportions. Otherwise, instead of a rich charlotte, you will get a dough cracker.

Kitchen Baking Tools:

1. Measuring cup for liquids. A convenient plastic or glass bowl that can be washed in dishwasher, use in the freezer or microwave oven.

2. Measuring cup for bulk products. There may be several of them. Use one for sugar, the other for flour. Such bowls are made of plastic and metal, and they have measuring divisions.

3. Bowls. When preparing any dish, you need dishes to mix different ingredients. Each housewife should have about 3 bowls. They should be high so that the whipped products cannot fly apart. The durability and cost of these bowls depends on the material from which they are made. It can be metal, ceramics, plastic or glass.

4. Baking dishes with a deep bottom. This cookware is useful for cooking vegetables, lasagna, casseroles and much more. If the form is convenient, aesthetically pleasing and looks beautiful, then the prepared dish can not be rearranged without disturbing the appearance, but can be placed on the table in the same form.

5. Baking tray. It is indispensable for baking pies, pizza and cookies. When buying a baking sheet, pay attention that it is not too light, the bottom should not be too thin, it is better to let the color be light, and then the product will bake evenly and heat up more slowly. The presence of sides will protect the oven; if the liquid filling of the pie spreads, it will all remain on the baking sheet.

6. Baking dish. Exists different shapes for every budget and every taste. It all depends on what you prefer: metal, silicone, or glass, rectangles, circles or ovals.

Small molds. When large molds for cakes and pies have already been purchased, you can get small molds for tartlets, muffins, cupcakes, madeleines, and so on. It all depends on what your family members like in your family.

Thanks to our tips, you now know what kitchen utensils every housewife should have. The kitchen should be easy to use, and then you will enjoy cooking and save time, which you can devote to your loved ones and yourself.

Organizing a kitchen is not an easy task. Therefore, for those who have just started designing and planning a kitchen, many great ideas will come to the rescue. It's definitely hard to find one ideal project, which could make all the housewife’s dreams come true, therefore, it is worth combining, using only the details you like. And even after the renovation is completed, new ideas may appear that are just begging to be implemented. Don't be upset! It's never too late to improve your design, for example by adding some useful and definitely stylish elements and accessories.


You can use a wicker basket to store olive oil, vinegar and other containers. Comfortable, beautiful and stylish! In such a wicker tray, all the bottles are very easy to move.

Wicker accessories are simply irreplaceable in the kitchen! If there are open shelves, they can be filled with baskets with necessary things. It’s very convenient, and this kitchen looks neat and clean!

"Caches" for vegetables

Of course, potatoes and onions are small and compact vegetables, but for them you need to find appropriate place. And this is not so easy to do. The idea with drawer baskets is interesting and functional. This way, vegetables will always be at hand, but hidden from prying eyes.

Kitchen utensil drawer

What is a kitchen without kitchen utensils! Usually all the kitchen utensils just lie in a large box in bulk, and when you need to find any item, a lot of time, effort and nerves are wasted. There is simply an excellent way out of this situation. In the drawer you need to make several compartments, in which you can then place all the kitchen utensils.

No one wants to walk into the kitchen and see containers full of garbage, and even more so, no one wants to trip over them while preparing food. Then why not organize a bottom drawer in your nightstand that can hold one, two or even three trash cans. This way, you can not only keep your kitchen in good condition perfect cleanliness, but also take care of environment, because this is a very convenient way to sort garbage.

The idea is ideal for spacious kitchens. A huge sink is very practical, especially for a large family, because washing dishes in it is much easier and faster.

Mobile kitchen

Kitchen work zone extremely important. Especially if it is mobile and can be moved from one place to another. Valuable idea for modern kitchens.

An apron is not easy decorative decoration kitchens and protecting walls from the effects of frying and washing. There are many others original ideas its use. For example, build a coffee machine into it.


If the size of the apron allows, then you can also build into it plasma TV. Now you can watch your favorite TV series while cooking, listen to culinary advice from professionals, saving valuable space in the kitchen.

The microwave oven is one of those bulky appliances that is very difficult to find a suitable place in the kitchen. But if you embed it in one of kitchen walls, then the problem will solve itself.

Placing kitchen utensils on an apron is a very practical idea. This way, all the necessary things will always be at hand.

All condiment lovers are faced with the problem of storing numerous jars. Great idea will use magnets. An iron strip is attached to the wall, to which jars and bags of spices can be attached using magnets.

Paper towels can be seen in any kitchen and are very practical. For convenient storage and use, you can install a special roll holder.

Vertical drawers are not only stylish and original, but also very convenient and practical. They are ideal for storing spices or other small containers.

Most people store their dishes on shelves or in kitchen cabinets, but to get the lowest dish at the back wall, you have to suffer. But there is one amazing idea. For example, store dishes in drawers with special partitions so that the plates do not touch each other and thus are not damaged.

Usually corners in the kitchen are a dead zone because they are not very convenient to use. Corner drawers will allow you to use all the space without exception. And this is also additional storage space.

Many people are upset by the lack of drawers under the sink; so much space is wasted aimlessly. However, at the very bottom you can arrange a drawer in which to store cleaning and detergents.

It looks like an ordinary drawer, but it's not at all like that. This is a double drawer that is ideal for storing cutlery.

Knife storage

Original and unusual way storage of knives - directly on the work surface. It's safe and easy, but you should make sure that there is nothing underneath, because you can damage the things stored there and injure yourself when you need to get them out.

There are no universal rules for arranging a kitchen; everyone creates a set of necessary items based on their habits and needs. Some people definitely need a table set for everyday use, while others can eat straight from the frying pan without experiencing any discomfort. One person certainly needs the most modern devices for the kitchen, while another needs an ascetic set of kitchen utensils. And yet what it should be necessary utensils in the kitchen, what exactly is on the list? After all, there are some things without which you won’t be able to cook and serve even the simplest food. This can be considered a basic set of dishes and various useful kitchen appliances, with which you can already run a household and receive guests.


Large saucepan for 5 liters. In it you can cook chicken, a piece of meat with a bone, boil water (you never know for what purpose), cook pasta, dumplings, dumplings, compotes, etc.
3 liter saucepan. It is useful for soups and main courses.
1-1.5 liter saucepan. This saucepan is convenient for heating food, boiling eggs, and preparing gravies and sauces.
When choosing pots, we pay attention not only to appearance, but also to this:
- Practicality. The most durable and easy to use are enamel pans and.
- Weight. The stainless steel pan should be heavy and have a thick bottom. Chips and cracks are not allowed on an enamel pan, both outside and inside.
- Pens. They must be welded and made of the same material as the body of the pan. Plastic handles fastened with screws crack over time and can burn over high heat.
- Lids. Metal, without glass inserts. Glass lids are more fragile and difficult to clean.

Frying pans

The pans should be of different sizes, but for the first time three will be enough: one large, one smaller and one for pancakes.
- Large frying pan with a diameter of 26-28 cm (preferably with a lid). This is a multi-purpose frying pan: you can fry and stew in it.
- A smaller frying pan with a diameter of 18-20 cm is mainly used for heating ready-made dishes, for cooking scrambled eggs, omelettes, frying vegetables, etc.
- The pancake pan should be used only for its intended purpose - for frying pancakes and pancakes. Any diameter, depends on what kind of pancakes you like.
Modern frying pans are made from different materials, but Teflon-coated frying pans are considered the most unpretentious and versatile. They can be made of aluminum, cast iron, steel, coated on the outside with enamel, but the inner layer (or coating) - Teflon - is responsible for the performance characteristics. Teflon-coated pans are easy to use, nothing sticks to the surface, and you can fry with a minimum amount of oil. When choosing, pay attention to:
- Quality Teflon coating. It may be smooth or rough, but there should not be any scratches. A rough coating is preferable - it has better non-stick properties.
- Bottom. It should be thick so that it does not deform due to temperature.
- Weight of the frying pan. A light frying pan will not last long and will not provide even heating. Give preference to pans with thick bottoms and thick walls. Such dishes heat up evenly, the food in it is well fried and does not burn.
- Height of sides. Deep frying pans are more versatile and easy to use. On the contrary, choose a pan for pancakes with low sides to make it easier to turn over and remove pancakes.
- The handle should be covered with heat-resistant material and it is better if it is cast, i.e. There are no marks of fastening on the inside of the pan. But there are frying pans in which the handle is attached with one or two bolts, so when choosing, be sure to inspect the inner surface of the walls. The disadvantage of this method is that the coating may crumble at the attachment point and in the future the process will spread to the rest of the surface of the pan. If you are going to use a frying pan for cooking in the oven, then choose one with a removable handle.

Kitchen knives

Although there is an opinion that the kitchen should have a set of knives, in practice it all comes down to the fact that 1-2 knives are actively used. And, nevertheless, you may need different knives:
- Meat knife – it should be wide and of medium length.
- Knives for universal use: chopping (16-20 cm) and for peeling vegetables and fruits (10-12 cm).
- A small knife for removing minor damage and eyes (6-8 cm).
- Knife for slicing bread.
The best knives were and are considered to be steel knives. Yes, they are not cheap, yes, they need to be sharpened periodically. But they have no equal in quality. When choosing a knife, pay attention to:
- Quality of steel. Required condition– homogeneous composition of the material from which the knife blade is made. If any stains or chips are noticeable on the blade, such a knife will not last long.
- Sharpening (quality of cutting surface). Turn the knife towards you with the cutting surface - you should see a thin continuous line from the handle to the tip of the knife.
- The handle can be made of wood, plastic, metal. Each material has its pros and cons, the choice is yours. Knife with wooden handle Do not leave it in water for a long time and do not wash it in the dishwasher. On the plus side, when purchasing, you can see how deep the steel blade goes into the handle. For a good knife it should reach almost to the end of the handle. Plastic handles are not afraid of water, but unlike wood, a plastic handle hides the part of the canvas on which it is placed. Therefore, it is impossible to check the strength and quality of fastening. Metal handles (solid or in combination with plastic, wood) are considered the best option. They are durable, do not break, crack or become loose.

Cutting boards

There should be at least two cutting boards in the kitchen - one for foods that are eaten raw (vegetables, herbs, cheese, bread, sausage), the second for meat products, chicken and fish. But very soon it will become clear that two boards are not enough. For example, it is more convenient to cut bread on a small board, while for vegetables you will need a larger board and it is desirable that there are grooves along the edges into which the juice will flow. Even if you rarely cook fish, it requires a separate board, and no other products should be cut on this board. It is very convenient when boards for different products differ in material, shape, and color. Then in a hurry you won’t confuse anything, and it will be easier to remember what to cut on.
Cutting boards are made from different materials: wood, plastic, glass, marble, granite and even silicone.

Wooden boards. Wood is considered a traditional material, although such boards are inferior to all others in terms of hygiene: wood absorbs odors, wooden boards They are difficult to wash and become deformed over time. But they also have many advantages - knives do not get dull on a wooden board, food does not slip on them, it is very convenient to work with dough on wood, and finally - wooden boards are beautiful and will fit into any interior.

Glass boards. Boards made of special glass - glass ceramics (not to be confused with ordinary glass) are perfect for cutting meat, fish, and slicing any products. They do not absorb odors, do not deform, this material is durable, and there is a huge choice - different colors and sizes, with a pattern, rubber pads. All these advantages are negated by a big drawback - when in contact with glass, the knife makes a characteristic sound, which not everyone can withstand. Well, besides, knives quickly become dull on a glass-ceramic board.

Plastic boards. They are light, strong, easy to wash, and durable. Plastic boards do not absorb moisture, but they can absorb and transmit odors, so if you buy such a board, it is not the cheapest. Of the minuses - plastic boards slide across the table, and food can slide on them (a good board should have a slightly rough or textured surface). Plastic is afraid high temperatures, hot pots and pans cannot be placed on such boards. Another disadvantage is that over time, scratches from the knife will remain on the surface.

Marble and granite boards are very expensive, heavy and are not suitable for daily use. But they are convenient for working with dough and cutting meat products.

Silicone boards are the new thing in the world of kitchen utensils. So far the reviews are good - the boards wash well, do not slip, they can be rolled up like a rug and stored in a closet.

Choose cutting boards based on your needs, but be sure to consider the characteristics of each material. And don't forget that it's good cutting board can't be cheap.


There are soup (deep), table, dessert and salad plates. Buy six of each type at once so that you can receive guests. But in the kitchen, keep one set for each family member at all times. Otherwise, dirty dishes will constantly accumulate in the sink and on the table. Which plates to choose is a matter of taste, it all depends on how you are going to use them. If for every day and as “ceremonial” dishes, then choose plates made of fine porcelain, plain or with an unobtrusive pattern, so that you can set the table for any holiday. If only for use in the kitchen, then you can buy cheaper dishes, also porcelain, but thicker, stronger, and it doesn’t matter what color it is.
It is also better to buy six tea and coffee cups at once and plus a few larger ones (for milk, juices, cocoa, etc.).

What else do you need in the kitchen?

- Metal kettle for boiling water
- Teapot
- Baking pans (one with removable sides and one for muffins)
- Baking dishes (oval for chicken, rectangular or square for casseroles, meat, fish, etc.)
- Plastic bowls different sizes(for mixing, beating and storing food in the refrigerator)
- Faceted glass (usually used as a measuring cup)
- Forks, tea and table spoons, table knives (all for six people)
- Clay pots (2-6 pcs)
- Spice jars (at least 6 pieces)

Various little things and useful things

You can’t do without some little things in the kitchen - they not only save time, but also make the cooking process much easier. Among the inconspicuous, but very useful things you will need:

Fine mesh sieve for sifting flour
- Wooden rolling pin for rolling out dough (if you like to bake)
- Metal or plastic colander (at least two - one for draining liquid from pasta, boiled vegetables, the second for fresh berries, fruits, herbs)
- Containers for storing flour and cereals (the simplest plastic or glass ones with a lid will do)
- Universal opener (for everything - cans and bottles)
- Corkscrew (it is better to choose one with handles and a large screw)
- Mortar for grinding spices and herbs
- Garlic press (garlic press)
- Four-sided grater and fine grater for zest, ginger, garlic
- Funnels of various diameters
- Aluminum foil for baking
- Baking paper
- Wooden spoons and spatulas for stirring
- Puree masher
- Ladle for first courses
- Skimmer
- Sugar bowl
- A table set for spices (or a salt and pepper shaker at a minimum)
- Oiler with lid
- Large diameter plate or dish (for cakes, pies, serving meat, chicken)
- Hot pads
- Kitchen towels(4-6 pieces)
- or mitten

Well, in conclusion, one more piece of advice - don’t rush to run to the store and buy everything! Without a clear idea of ​​what you need and why, you will buy completely useless things that will clutter the kitchen and will not be found. practical application. At first you can get by minimum set kitchen utensils and various useful little things, and when you get the hang of it a little, you will understand what else you need to make your work in the kitchen easier. Happy and useful shopping!