The simplest experiments for children. and a plastic bottle. Walking on chicken eggs

Parents of little fidgets can surprise them with experiments that can be carried out at home. Light, but at the same time surprising and delightful, they can not only diversify a child’s leisure time, but also allow them to look at familiar things with completely different eyes. And discover their properties, functions, purpose.

Young naturalists

Experiments at home, great for children under 10 years old - The best way Help your child gain practical experience that will be useful to him in the future.

Safety precautions when conducting experiments

To ensure that educational experiments are not overshadowed by troubles and injuries, it is enough to remember a few simple but important rules.

Safety comes first
  1. Before you start working with chemicals, work surface need to be protected by covering it with film or paper. This will save parents from unnecessary cleaning and allow them to save appearance and functionality of furniture.
  2. During work, you do not need to get too close to the reagents, bending over them. Especially if your plans include chemical experiments for young children that involve unsafe substances. The measure will protect the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes from irritation and burns.
  3. If possible, you should use protective equipment: gloves, glasses. They must be suitable in size for the child and not interfere with him during the experiment.

Simple experiments for little ones

Developmental experiences and experiments for very young children (or for children under 10 years old) are usually simple and do not require parents to have any special skills or rare or expensive equipment. But the joy of discovery and miracle, which is so easy to do with your own hands, will remain with him for a long time.

For example, children will be indescribably delighted by a real seven-color rainbow, which they can create themselves with the help of an ordinary mirror, a container of water and a sheet of white paper.

Rainbow in a Bottle Experience

To begin with, place a mirror at the bottom of a small basin or bathtub. Then, it is filled with water; and the light of the lantern is directed onto the mirror. After the light is reflected and passes through the water, it is decomposed into its component colors, becoming the same rainbow that can be seen on a sheet of white paper.

Another very simple and beautiful experiment can be carried out using ordinary water, wire and salt.

To begin the experiment, you need to prepare a supersaturated salt solution. Calculating the required concentration of a substance is quite simple: with the required amount of salt in water, it stops dissolving when the next portion is added. It is very good to use warm distilled water for this purpose. To make the experiment more successful, ready solution You can also pour it into another container - this will remove dirt and make it cleaner.

Experience "Salt on a Wire"

When everything is ready, a small piece of copper wire with a loop at the end is lowered into the solution. The container itself is removed to a warm place and left there for a certain time. As the solution begins to cool, the solubility of the salt will decrease and it will begin to settle on the wire in the form of beautiful crystals. You will be able to notice the first results within a few days. By the way, you can use not only ordinary, straight wire in the experiment: by twisting fancy figures from it, you can grow crystals of your own. different sizes and shapes. By the way, this experiment will give the child great idea New Year's toys in the form of real ice snowflakes - you just need to find a flexible wire and form a beautiful symmetrical snowflake out of it.

Invisible ink can also make a lasting impression on a child. It’s very simple to prepare them: just take a cup of water, matches, cotton wool, half a lemon. And a sheet on which you can write text.

Invisible ink you can buy ready-made

First, mix equal amounts of lemon juice and water in a cup. Then, a little cotton wool is wrapped around a toothpick or a thin match. The resulting “pencil” is dipped into the mixture in the resulting liquid; Then they can write any text on a piece of paper.

Even though the words on paper will be completely invisible at first, it will be very easy to manifest them. To do this, a sheet of already dried ink needs to be brought to the lamp. The written words will immediately appear on a heated sheet of paper.

Which child doesn't love balloons?

It turns out that even inflating an ordinary balloon can be very in an original way. To do this, dissolve one spoon of baking soda in a bottle of water. And in another cup, mix the juice of one lemon and three tablespoons of vinegar. Afterwards, the contents of the cup are introduced into the bottle (for convenience, you can use a small funnel). The ball must be placed on the neck of the bottle as quickly as possible until the chemical reaction is completed. During this time, carbon dioxide will be able to quickly inflate the balloon under pressure. To prevent the ball from jumping off the neck of the bottle, it can be secured with electrical tape or tape.

"Inflate the balloon" experiment

Colored milk looks very interesting and unusual, the colors of which will move, intricately mixing with each other. For this experiment, you need to pour some whole milk into a plate and add a few drops of food coloring to it. Individual areas of the liquid will become colored different colors, but the spots will remain motionless. How to set them in motion? Very simple. It is enough to take a small cotton swab and, after dipping it in detergent, bring it to the surface of the colored milk. By reacting with the milk fat molecules, the detergent molecules will cause it to move.

Experience “Drawings on milk”

Important! Skim milk is not suitable for this experiment. Only whole ones can be used!

Surely all children have had the opportunity to observe funny air bubbles in mineral or sweet water at home and on the street. But are they strong enough to lift a grain of corn or raisin to the surface? It turns out yes! To check this, just pour any sparkling water into a bottle, and then throw some corn or raisins into it. The child will see for himself how easily, under the influence of air bubbles, both corn and raisins will begin to rise up, and then, having reached the surface of the liquid, fall down again.

Experiments for older children

Older children (from 10 years old) can be offered more complex chemical experiments that require more components. These experiments are a little more difficult for older children, but children can already take part in them.

To comply with safety precautions, children under 10 years of age should conduct experiments under the strict supervision of adults, mainly as a spectator. Children over 10 years old can take a more active part in the experiments.

An example of such an experiment would be the creation of a lava lamp. Surely many children dream of such a miracle. But it’s much more pleasant to make it yourself, using simple components that are probably found in every home.

Lava Lamp Experience

The basis of the lava lamp will be a small jar or an ordinary glass. In addition, for the experience you will need vegetable oil, water, salt and a little food coloring.

The jar or other container used as the base of the lamp is filled two-thirds with water and one-third with oil. Since oil is much lighter in weight than water, it will remain on its surface without mixing with it. Then, a little food coloring is added to the jar - this will give the lava lamp color and make the experiment more beautiful and spectacular. And after that, add a teaspoon of salt to the resulting mixture. For what? Salt causes the oil to sink to the bottom in the form of bubbles, and then, dissolving, pushes them up.

Next chemical experiment will help make a school subject like geography exciting and interesting.

Making a volcano with your own hands

After all, studying volcanoes is much more interesting when there is not just a dry book text nearby, but a whole model! Especially if you can easily do it at home with your own hands, using available means at hand: sand, food coloring, soda, vinegar and a bottle are perfect.

To begin with, a bottle is placed on a tray - it will become the basis of the future volcano. Around it you need to mold a small cone of sand, clay or plasticine - this way the mountain will take on a more complete and believable appearance. Now you need to cause a volcanic eruption: pour a little into the bottle warm water, then a little baking soda and food coloring (red or orange color). The finishing touch will be a quarter glass of vinegar. Having reacted with soda, the vinegar will begin to actively push the contents of the bottle out. This explains interesting effect eruptions, which can be observed with a child.

A volcano can be made from toothpaste

Can paper burn without being burned?

It turns out yes. And an experiment with fireproof money will easily prove this. For this ten ruble banknote immersed in a 50% alcohol solution (water is mixed with alcohol in a 1 to 1 ratio, a pinch of salt is added to it). After the bill is properly soaked, excess liquid is removed from it, and the bill itself is set on fire. Once it flares up, it will begin to burn, but will not burn out at all. This experience is quite simple to explain. The temperature at which alcohol burns is not high enough to evaporate the water. Thanks to this, even after the substance burns out completely, the money will remain slightly damp, but absolutely intact.

Experiments with ice are always a success

Young nature lovers can be encouraged to germinate seeds at home without using soil. How it's done?

A little cotton wool is placed in the eggshell; it is actively moistened with water, and then some seeds (for example, alfalfa) are placed in it. In just a few days you will be able to notice the first shoots. Thus, soil is not always needed for seed germination - only water is enough.

And the next experiment, which is easy to do at home for children, will certainly appeal to girls. After all, who doesn’t like flowers?

A painted flower can be given to your mother

Especially the most unusual ones, bright colors! Thanks to a simple experiment, right in front of amazed children, simple and familiar flowers can turn into the most unexpected color. Moreover, this is extremely simple to do: just put the cut flower in water with food coloring added to it. Climbing up the stem to the petals, chemical dyes will color them in the colors you want. To better absorb water, it is better to make a cut diagonally - this way it will have the maximum area. In order for the color to appear brighter, it is advisable to use light or white flowers. An even more interesting and fantastic effect will be obtained if, before starting the experiment, the stem is split into several parts and each of them is immersed in its own glass of colored water.

The petals will turn into all colors at once in the most unexpected and bizarre way. That we will undoubtedly make a lasting impression on the child!

Experience "Colored foam"

Everyone knows that under the influence of gravity, water can only flow downwards. But is it possible to make it rise up the napkin? To conduct this experiment, an ordinary glass is filled about a third with water. The napkin is folded several times to form a narrow rectangle. After this, the napkin unfolds again; Having stepped back a little from the bottom edge, you need to draw a line of colored dots of a sufficiently large diameter on it. The napkin is immersed in water so that about one and a half centimeters of its colored part is in it. Having come into contact with the napkin, the water will begin to gradually rise upward, coloring it with multi-colored stripes. This unusual effect occurs due to the fact that, having a porous structure, the fibers of the napkin easily allow water to pass upward.

Experiment with water and napkin

To carry out the next experiment you will need a small blotter and cookie cutters different shapes, some gelatin, a transparent bag, a glass and water.

Gelatin water does not mix

Gelatin dissolves in a quarter glass of water; it should swell and increase in volume. Then, the substance is dissolved in a water bath and brought to approximately 50 degrees. The resulting liquid should be distributed in a thin layer over a plastic bag. Using gelatin cookie cutters, shapes of various shapes are cut out. After this, you need to lay them on a blotter or napkin, and then breathe on them. Warm breath will cause the gelatin to increase in volume, causing the figures to begin to bend on one side.

Experiments conducted at home with children are very easy to diversify.

Gelatin figures from molds

In winter, you can try to slightly modify the experiment by taking the gelatin figures out onto the balcony or leaving them in freezer. When the gelatin hardens under the influence of cold, patterns of ice crystals will clearly appear on it.


Description of other experiments

Delight and a sea of ​​positive emotions are what experimenting with adults will bring to curious children. And parents will allow themselves to share the joy of their first discoveries with young researchers. After all, no matter how old a person is, the opportunity to return to childhood at least for a short time is truly priceless.

Today there are a huge number of educational games for children. But conducting various experiments in a homely atmosphere will leave a lasting impression on the younger generation. With a minimal set of objects, it is possible to perform many experiments, which in the child’s mind will be perceived as a focus.

Experiments for children “Invisible ink”

To create this magical experience for children, you will need the following components:

  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon;
  • Drinking water – 0.5 tablespoon;
  • Cup;
  • Double-sided cotton swab;
  • Blank sheet of paper.

The steps to send a secret message should be carried out in the following order:

  1. Squeezed lemon juice and water are poured into a glass. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  2. One side of the cotton swab should be used as a writing instrument. It is dipped in a lemon solution of water and the required text is applied to a clean sheet of paper.
  3. After the secret information has completely dried, the piece of paper with the message must be heated. For the experiment you will need a table lamp turned on.
  4. Under influence lighting fixture, the encrypted letters will begin to appear, such an experience at home for your child will be an amazing knowledge of chemical laws.

Experiments for children “Inflating a balloon with lemon”

The necessary items for conducting such an experiment will be:

  • Glass empty bottle;
  • Balloon;
  • Scotch;
  • Clean glass;
  • Baking soda – 1 dessert spoon;
  • 1 glass of clean water;
  • Food vinegar – 3 large spoons;
  • Juice of 1 lemon;
  • Funnel.

Such a test is carried out in several stages:

  1. Prepared soda is added to a bottle of water.
  2. Vinegar and lemon juice mixed in a glass. Then, using a funnel, the sour mixture is poured into a bottle with soda and water.
  3. Quickly place the ball on the neck of the bottle. And immediately wrap tape around its edges. This is necessary to ensure that air does not escape outside.
  4. The ingredients placed in the bottle create the necessary chemical reaction. Their end result is the selection carbon dioxide, which with its properties creates pressure inside this structure.
  5. It is this force that inflates the balloon.

Experiments for children “Space rocket launch”

For this experiment and to create a natural release of the aircraft, you will need the following items:

  • Colored paper;
  • Bottle with pressed cork;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Drinking water – 0.5 cups;
  • Funnel;
  • Juice squeezed from one lemon;
  • Baking soda – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Toilet paper, small size;
  • Threads.

The rocket model is launched in a strict sequence of actions:

  1. The cork will serve as the body spacecraft. It should not close the neck of the bottle too tightly. Glass containers is a kind of platform to start.
  2. Using scissors and colorful paper, you need to form the wings for the rocket. Secure with glue. The result should be a mock-up of a flying machine that easily fits into the neck of the bottle.
  3. Using a funnel, pour water and lemon juice into a glass container. Then the resulting mixture is mixed and waits for its finest hour.
  4. In a piece toilet paper Add baking soda and wrap it with thread. The ball should be of such a size that it can fall into the prepared bottle without much effort.
  5. The location for launching the spacecraft must be thought out in advance. Since its rapid flight can destroy the chandelier on the ceiling.
  6. Next, place the lump of soda powder into the bottle with the solution. And put a model of a rocket on the neck. But at the same time, the entry of the aircraft into the launch turbine should not be too tight.
  7. After a few seconds of anticipation, you can see almost a real space launch, from personal experience for children.

Experiments for children “Commanding toothpicks”

When conducting this experiment, a child may well feel like a wizard. In order for this miracle to happen, you need to arm yourself with such items as:

  • Toothpicks;
  • Shallow cup of water;
  • Rafinated sugar;
  • Dishwashing liquid.

Using a minimal set and a few steps, you can conduct an experiment:

  1. Place toothpicks on the water in the shape of sun rays.
  2. Then slowly lower a piece of refined sugar into the water into the resulting center.
  3. This action can pull the toothpicks towards the center of the bowl and the sugar cube.
  4. And if the sugar is removed from the container and a small drop of detergent is applied to this place, the rays will begin to move away to the edges of the cup.
  5. The trick of these actions is that sugar, with its properties, sucks in air, thereby attracting nearby objects. On the contrary, soap solution is repulsive.

Experience for children “Floating Egg”

In order to make an egg float, you will need the following components:

  • Raw chicken egg;
  • Container with clean drinking water;
  • Salt – 1 pack.

First, let's try dipping an egg into raw water. It just sank. Now take it back out and add salt to the water. That is, we create a strong saline solution. The next step is to try to make the egg float in salt water. And it really is on the water surface and does not sink. This happens due to the fact that salt creates an increased density of water, which is how this experiment for children turns out.

Experiments for children “Ice fishing”

The catch in this experiment for children will be a small ice cube. It will be caught from a glass of water, but your hands will remain dry. Scroll necessary materials described below:

  • A glass of clean water;
  • Frozen ice cube;
  • A few granules of salt;
  • A thread no more than one meter long.

When conducting this experiment, you must carefully monitor everything that happens so as not to miss important details. The order of performing the necessary operations is as follows:

  1. A small piece of ice is dropped into a prepared glass of water.
  2. The thread is placed with one end on the edge of the glass and the other on the ice cube.
  3. Salt granules are sprinkled onto the ice where the thread is located. And the time is ticking. The waiting time is 5-10 minutes.
  4. After the time has elapsed, by gently moving the edge of the thread, you can take out an ice cube. It will be attached to the thread.
  5. This happens due to the salt, which melts the ice. And then clean water only freezes the thread to the ice piece.

Experiments for children “Cold water boils”

To see the boiling bubbles in cold water, participants in the experiments will need the following components:

  • A glass filled to the top with cold water;
  • Pharmaceutical gum;
  • Handkerchief.

All experimental techniques must be performed in a sink and in the appropriate order:

  1. The handkerchief is generously moistened with water and wrung out.
  2. Place a handkerchief on a glass of water and secure it with an elastic band. Moreover, the core of the scarf should touch the water surface.
  3. Turn the prepared glass upside down and hold it in one hand. With the other hand, apply gentle blows to the bottom of the glass. From these actions, the water begins to “boil”, that is, to boil.
  4. This occurs because the fabric of the scarf does not allow water to pass through from the glass. And upon impact, vacuum air is formed, which enters the water, your child will be delighted.

Experience “Creating a musical instrument”

When creating a musical flute for children at home from scrap materials, you will need the following items:

  • Plastic straw;
  • Scissors.

The future tool needs to be slightly flattened on one side and its side edges cut off. At equal distances from each other, three holes are cut on the surface of the straw. You just need to lightly blow air into it and close the holes one by one. The flute is ready to perform musical works, an excellent experience for developing hearing, imagination and logical modeling.

Experiment "Bird in a Cage"

To complete this experiment, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Scissors;
  • White cardboard;
  • Needle and thread;
  • Compass;
  • Colour pencils.

Following all stages of this experience will lead to an unforgettable experience of creating a cartoon. To construct it you need:

  1. Using a compass, draw a regular circle on the cardboard and cut it out.
  2. Poke a pair of holes with a needle on the sides of the circle and pull the threads through them. The length of the threads on both sides should be about half a meter.
  3. On the outside of the cardboard you need to draw an empty cell. And on the other there is a small bird that could fit into this cage.
  4. Then, taking the threads from both sides, you need to twist them with rotating movements.
  5. When the twisted ends are stretched, they will unwind. And at this moment the child will be able to see the bird that is in the cage.

Experiments for children “Turning a square into a circle”

The focus of this test is the visual effect. To carry it out, the following materials are needed:

  • Cardboard;
  • Ruler;
  • Felt pen;
  • Pencil.

When performing the transformation trick, you need to cut a square out of cardboard correct form. Then, using a ruler, find the middle of one side. Attach one end to it measuring instrument, and bring its other end to the corner of the nearest side. Along the resulting line, using a felt-tip pen, you need to apply about 30 dots.

Find the middle of a cardboard square and pierce it with the sharp tip of a pencil. The cardstock should rotate on the pencil without much effort. When you rotate the square, you can see the resulting circle. Although these are just dots on the cardboard, they simply move in a circle and create a circle effect.

Experience "Mighty Power of Breathing"

Any child considers himself strong and brave. And in order for his confidence in this to be strengthened, it is necessary to conduct a similar experiment. To complete it you will need:

  • Hangers for clothes;
  • Thick thread;
  • Book;
  • Clothesline.

The implementation of all stages of the experience will lead to excellent mastery results. The implementation of these activities consists of:

  1. At a pre-selected place, you need to pull the clothesline.
  2. Using threads, a book is tied to a hanger. It should not be in close contact with the hanger, that is, there must be free space between them.
  3. The coat hanger hook needs to be hung on the clothesline. The design for the experiment is ready.
  4. While at a short distance from the device, you need to blow on it with all your available strength. The result of these actions will be only a slight rocking of the book mechanism.
  5. And if you change your breathing tactics from the same distance, the result will not be long in coming. With a slight increase in air exhalation, the design will begin to deviate. And then you can also slowly blow on the device. That is, the effect of power consists in the lightness and consistency of the blow.

Experiments for children “Record weight”

The materials needed to conduct the experiment for children are used:

  • Small tin jars - 2 pieces;
  • Paper;
  • Glass jar, about 1 liter capacity.

The experiment consists of the following stages:

  1. Cans made of tin material are placed opposite each other, at an approximate distance of about 30 centimeters.
  2. A prepared sheet of paper is placed on top of them. It creates the appearance of a bridge.
  3. You must place the jar on this laid paper bridge with careful movements. The result of such actions will be the fall of the glass container.
  4. If you fold a sheet of paper into a typical accordion shape and place it between two tins, you will also get a bridge. But only with enhanced action. Because if you place a can on this structure, it will not fall, since the bridge does not even bend.

Whichever of these experiments is carried out among children, they will definitely remember its effect for many years to come.

Video “Experiments for children at home”

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There are very simple experiments that children remember for the rest of their lives. The guys may not fully understand why this is all happening, but when time will pass and they find themselves in a physics or chemistry lesson, a very clear example will certainly emerge in their memory.

website I collected 7 interesting experiments that children will remember. Everything you need for these experiments is at your fingertips.

Fireproof ball

Will need: 2 balls, candle, matches, water.

Experience: Inflate a balloon and hold it over a lit candle to demonstrate to children that the fire will make the balloon burst. Then pour plain tap water into the second ball, tie it and bring it to the candle again. It turns out that with water the ball can easily withstand the flame of a candle.

Explanation: The water in the ball absorbs the heat generated by the candle. Therefore, the ball itself will not burn and, therefore, will not burst.


You will need: plastic bag, simple pencils, water.

Experience: Fill the plastic bag halfway with water. Use a pencil to pierce the bag right through where it is filled with water.

Explanation: If you pierce a plastic bag and then pour water into it, it will pour out through the holes. But if you first fill the bag halfway with water and then pierce it with a sharp object so that the object remains stuck into the bag, then almost no water will flow out through these holes. This is due to the fact that when polyethylene breaks, its molecules are attracted closer to each other. In our case, the polyethylene is tightened around the pencils.

Unbreakable balloon

You will need: a balloon, a wooden skewer and some dishwashing liquid.

Experience: Coat the top and bottom with the product and pierce the ball, starting from the bottom.

Explanation: The secret of this trick is simple. In order to preserve the ball, you need to pierce it at the points of least tension, and they are located at the bottom and at the top of the ball.


Will need: 4 cups of water, food coloring, cabbage leaves or white flowers.

Experience: Add any color of food coloring to each glass and place one leaf or flower in the water. Leave them overnight. In the morning you will see that they have turned different colors.

Explanation: Plants absorb water and thereby nourish their flowers and leaves. This happens due to the capillary effect, in which water itself tends to fill the thin tubes inside the plants. This is how flowers, grass, and large trees feed. By sucking in tinted water, they change color.

floating egg

Will need: 2 eggs, 2 glasses of water, salt.

Experience: Carefully place the egg in a glass of plain, clean water. As expected, it will sink to the bottom (if not, the egg may be rotten and should not be returned to the refrigerator). Pour warm water into the second glass and stir 4-5 tablespoons of salt in it. For the purity of the experiment, you can wait until the water cools down. Then place the second egg in the water. It will float near the surface.

Explanation: It's all about density. Average density the eggs are much larger than those of plain water, so the egg sinks down. And the density of the salt solution is higher, and therefore the egg rises up.

Crystal lollipops

Will need: 2 cups of water, 5 cups of sugar, wooden sticks for mini kebabs, thick paper, transparent glasses, saucepan, food coloring.

Experience: In a quarter glass of water, boil sugar syrup with a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Sprinkle some sugar onto the paper. Then you need to dip the stick in the syrup and collect the sugar with it. Next, distribute them evenly on the stick.

Leave the sticks to dry overnight. In the morning, dissolve 5 cups of sugar in 2 glasses of water over a fire. You can leave the syrup to cool for 15 minutes, but it should not cool too much, otherwise the crystals will not grow. Then pour it into jars and add different food colorings. Place the prepared sticks in a jar of syrup so that they do not touch the walls and bottom of the jar; a clothespin will help with this.

Explanation: As the water cools, the solubility of sugar decreases, and it begins to precipitate and settle on the walls of the vessel and on your stick seeded with sugar grains.

Lighted match

Will be needed: Matches, flashlight.

Experience: Light a match and hold it at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the wall. Shine a flashlight on the match and you will see that only your hand and the match itself are reflected on the wall. It would seem obvious, but I never thought about it.

Explanation: Fire does not cast shadows because it does not prevent light from passing through it.

More than 160 experiments that clearly demonstrate the laws of physics and chemistry were filmed, edited and posted online on the scientific and educational video channel “Simple Science”. Many of the experiments are so simple that they can be easily repeated at home - they do not require special reagents or equipment. Letidor was told by Denis Mokhov, author and Chief Editor scientific and educational video channel “Simple Science”.

– How did your project begin?

Since childhood, I have loved various experiences. For as long as I can remember, I have been collecting various ideas for experiments, in books, TV shows, so that I can then repeat them myself. When I became a father myself (my son Mark is now 10 years old), it was always important for me to maintain my son’s curiosity and, of course, to be able to answer his questions. After all, like any child, he looks at the world completely differently than adults. And at a certain point, his favorite word became the word “why?” It is from these “why?” home experiments began. After all, telling is one thing, but showing is something completely different. We can say that my child’s curiosity was the impetus for creating the “Simple Science” project.

– How old was your son when you started practicing experiments at home?

We have been doing experiments at home since the moment our son went to school. kindergarten, somewhere after two years. At first these were completely simple experiments with water and balance. For example, jet pack , paper flowers on the water , two forks on a match head. My son immediately liked these funny “tricks.” Moreover, like me, it is always interesting for him not so much to observe as to repeat them himself.

You can conduct interesting experiments in the bathroom with young children: with a boat and liquid soap, paper boat and hot air balloon,
tennis ball and water jet. From birth, a child strives to learn everything new; he will definitely enjoy these spectacular and colorful experiences.

When we are dealing with schoolchildren, even first-graders, then we can go all out. At this age, children are interested in relationships, they will observe the experiment more carefully, and then look for an explanation of why it happens this way and not otherwise. Here it is possible to explain the essence of the phenomenon, the reasons for the interactions, even if not in entirely scientific terms. And when a child encounters similar phenomena during school lessons (including in high school), the teacher’s explanations will be clear to him, because he already knows this from childhood, he has personal experience in this area.

Interesting experiments for younger students

**Package pierced with pencils**

**Egg in a bottle**

Rubber egg

**– Denis, what do you advise parents in terms of the safety of home experiments?** – I would conditionally divide the experiments into three groups: harmless, experiments that require care and experiments, and the last **–** experiments that require compliance with safety precautions. If you are demonstrating how two forks rest on the end of a toothpick, then this is the first case. If you are doing an experiment with atmospheric pressure, when a glass of water is covered with a paper sheet and then turned over, then you need to be careful not to spill water on electrical appliances **–** do the experiment over the sink. When experiments involve fire, keep a container of water just in case. And if you use any reagents or chemicals (even ordinary vinegar), it is better to go out into the fresh air or into a well-ventilated area (for example, a balcony) and be sure to put on safety glasses on the child (you can use ski, construction or sunglasses).

**– Where can I get reagents and equipment?** **– ** At home, when conducting experiments with children under 10 years of age, it is best to use publicly available reagents and equipment. This is what each of us has in the kitchen: soda, salt, chicken egg, forks, glasses, liquid soap. Safety is paramount in our business. Especially if your “young chemist,” after successful experiments with you, tries to repeat the experiments on his own. Just don’t need to prohibit anything, all children are inquisitive, and the prohibition will act as an additional incentive! It is better to explain to the child why some experiments cannot be done without adults, that there are certain rules, somewhere you need open area To conduct the experiment, rubber gloves or goggles are required. **– Have there been any cases in your practice when an experiment turned into an emergency?** **– ** Well, nothing like that happened at home. But in the editorial office of “Simple Science”, incidents often happen. Once, while doing an experiment with acetone and chromium oxide, we slightly miscalculated the proportions, and the experiment almost got out of control.

And recently, while filming for the Science 2.0 channel, we had to do a spectacular experiment when 2000 table tennis balls fly out of a barrel and fall beautifully to the floor. So, the barrel turned out to be quite fragile and instead of a beautiful flight of balls, there was an explosion with a deafening roar. **– Where do you get ideas for experiments?** **–** We find ideas on the Internet, in popular science books, in the news about some interesting discoveries or unusual phenomena. The main criteria are **–** entertainment and simplicity. We try to choose experiments that are easy to repeat at home. True, sometimes we produce “delicacies” **–** experiments that require unusual devices and special ingredients, but this does not happen too often. Sometimes we consult with professionals from certain fields, for example, when we do experiments on superconductivity at low temperatures or in chemical experiments when rare reagents are required. Our viewers (whose number this month has exceeded 3 million) also help us in finding ideas, for which we, of course, thank them.

Household chemist-scientists believe that the most useful property detergents - this is the content of surfactants (surfactants). Surfactants significantly reduce the electrostatic voltage between particles of substances and break down conglomerates. This property makes clothes easier to clean. In this article there are chemical reactions that you can repeat with household chemicals, because with the help of surfactants you can not only remove dirt, but also conduct spectacular experiments.

Experience one: foam volcano in a jar

Carry out this interesting experiment at home it is very simple. For it you will need:

    hydroperite, or (the higher the concentration of the solution, the more intense the reaction will be and the more spectacular the eruption of the “volcano”; therefore, it is better to buy tablets at the pharmacy and immediately before use, dilute them in a small volume in a ratio of 1/1 (you will get a 50% solution - this is an excellent concentration);

    gel dishwashing detergent (prepare approximately 50 ml of aqueous solution);


Now we need to obtain an effective catalyst - ammonia. Carefully add ammonia liquid drop by drop until completely dissolved.

Copper sulfate crystals

Consider the formula:

CuSO₄ + 6NH₃ + 2H₂O = (OH)₂ (copper ammonia) + (NH₄)₂SO₄

Peroxide decomposition reaction:

2H₂O₂ → 2H₂O + O₂

We make a volcano: mix ammonia with a washing solution in a jar or wide-necked flask. Then quickly pour in the hydroperite solution. The “eruption” can be very strong - to be on the safe side, it is better to place some kind of container under the volcano flask.

Experiment two: reaction of acid and sodium salts

Perhaps this is the most common compound that is found in every home - baking soda. It reacts with the acid, and the result is new salt, water and carbon dioxide. The latter can be detected by hissing and bubbles at the site of the reaction.

Experiment three: “floating” soap bubbles

This is a very simple baking soda experiment. You will need:

  • aquarium with a wide bottom;
  • baking soda (150-200 grams);
  • (6-9% solution);
  • soap bubbles (to make your own, mix water, dish soap and glycerin);

Spread baking soda evenly along the bottom of the aquarium and pour it in. acetic acid. The result is carbon dioxide. It is heavier than air and therefore settles at the bottom of the glass box. To determine whether there is CO₂ there, lower a lit match to the bottom - it will instantly go out in carbon dioxide.


Now you need to blow bubbles into the container. They will slowly move along a horizontal line (the boundary between carbon dioxide and air, invisible to the eye, as if floating in an aquarium).

Experiment four: reaction of soda and acid 2.0

For the experience you will need:

  • different types of non-hygroscopic food products(for example, chewing marmalade).
  • a glass of diluted baking soda (one tablespoon);
  • a glass with a solution of acetic or any other available acid (malic,).

Cut pieces of marmalade with a sharp knife into strips 1-3 cm long and place for processing in a glass with soda solution. Wait 10 minutes and then transfer the pieces to another glass (with an acid solution).

The ribbons will become overgrown with bubbles of carbon dioxide formed and float to the top. The bubbles on the surface will evaporate, the lifting force of the gas will disappear, and the marmalade ribbons will sink and again become overgrown with bubbles, and so on until the reagents in the container run out.

Experience five: properties of alkali and litmus paper

Most detergents contain caustic soda, the most common alkali. Its presence in a detergent solution can be detected in this elementary experiment. At home, a young enthusiast can easily carry it out on his own:

  • take a strip of litmus paper;
  • dissolve a little liquid soap in water;
  • dip litmus in soapy liquid;
  • wait for the indicator to color Blue colour, which will indicate an alkaline reaction of the solution.

Click to find out what other experiments to determine the acidity of the medium can be carried out using available substances.

Experience six: colored explosions in milk

The experience is based on the properties of interaction between fats and surfactants. Fat molecules have a special, dual structure: hydrophilic (interacting, dissociating with water) and hydrophobic (water-insoluble “tail” of a polyatomic compound) end of the molecule.

  1. Pour milk into a wide container of shallow depth (“canvas” on which a color explosion will be visible). Milk is a suspension, a suspension of fat molecules in water.
  2. Using a pipette, add a few drops of water-soluble liquid dye to the milk container. You can add different dyes to different places in the container and create a multi-color explosion.
  3. Then you need to moisten a cotton swab in liquid detergent and touch the surface of the milk. The white “canvas” of milk turns into a moving palette with colors that move in the liquid like spirals and twist into bizarre curves.

This phenomenon is based on the ability of a surfactant to fragment (divide into sections) a film of fat molecules on the surface of a liquid. Fat molecules, repelled by their hydrophobic “tails,” migrate in the milk suspension, and with them the partially undissolved paint.