Congratulations to the editorial team of the newspaper “Evening Bobruisk. Happy birthday greetings to the editor in prose Happy birthday greetings to the editor-in-chief

Layout, circulation, publication -
This is the editor's calling.
Just rest occasionally
You are constantly under time pressure.

On your birthday we wish you
Go to the sea to relax,
Sunbathe and swim there
To gain health and strength!


We congratulate the editor
We wish you a happy birthday.
Wish you good luck in your business,
And reach great heights.

Philosophical view of things
We wish not to lose.
With optimism and love
Always live, don’t lose heart.


Happy birthday, editor. Decisive, natural, businesslike, authentic, creative, hard-working, careful, versatile - you are the editor we need. And I sincerely wish to never lose my worthy qualities and always bring any business to a furor of success. Good luck in all your endeavors, support and love of your family, health, patience and inspiration.


You are the responsible editor,
Fast in work, like a reactor,
Your skills are great.
Happy Birthday!

We only wish you success
Achievements, happiness, laughter,
Mischievous mood
And in the work of promotion!


The editor is very important:
He is in charge, he gives the go-ahead.
And we're a little scared now
But let's say this anyway:

We congratulate you on your birthday
You have been gathered. We found the words.
We wish you happiness and health.
You are ultra class. Hip hip hooray.

Beautiful happy birthday poems to the editor


Editor, you are polishing the texts.
Articles about fairy tales, novels and plays
They blossom and transform with you.
Let people admire them!

Thank you, editor, for your work,
With literacy, always be on “You”,
Develop your professionalism,
Give the best masterpieces to the people!

Happy birthday! Let everything come true
Let luck knock on the door,
Love inspires with a bright feeling
And let Happiness always inspire!


Editor, you are a master of bookmaking,
Managed to build a good career,
You are in charge of glossy newspapers,
Full of news and advice.

On your birthday, inspiration,
Unique creations,
Long years, and, of course, love,
And best friends on the way!


Dear editor, congratulations.
I wish you a lot of work.
Happiness, success, love and recognition,
In a vast world of goodness, without wandering.

Be forever young in soul and body,
And do what you love.
On your birthday, enjoy life
Let no sadness befall your eyelids.


With the editor today
Holiday, birthday,
Place it in the main column
Our congratulations.

We wish for you
In a life of prosperity,
So that the rating grows
With the reader's attention.

Circulation will increase
With profit for the couple,
So that we can be friends
Advertising and PR.

Happiness in life and success
Let them come with you
To always be satisfied
You are your destiny.


Editor, you check the contents of books,
You control the process of their publication,
Monitor your literacy appearance their…
We need your knowledge!

Newspapers, magazines, posters, novels -
All this is in your hands,
Your task is to make everything brighter,
Correct errors in them.

We wish you always inspiration in your work,
So that creations are in demand,
For birthdays, Day of kindness and love,
May your efforts be successful!


You're not the chief yet, but you're a golden editor,
Friendly and beautiful, charming, simple.
We all love you very much, congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
And we wish you continued good years!

So that career growth rises to the skies,
May there be a lot of happiness and miracles in your life,
To be loved sincerely, to love passionately,
Respected and appreciated! In general, to live happily!


Your job is not easy
Editing, texts and articles.
But you're a great editor
The fly will taste you!

Happy Birthday, you are the best!
We wish you creative ideas,
We'll drink to success together,
To work faster!


Your literacy, talent,
They have long deserved a Grand.
Not a single article without you,
It won't appear at the same time.

You are a pedantic editor,
And you are a great boss.
Happy Birthday,
And we wish you good luck.


You are the de facto owner of the newspapers.
Not steamships, well, who knows...
Ah, happy birthday editor,
I would like to wish you good health.

You manage the press skillfully.
You can catch sharks in no time.
Let everything be as you wish!
And let the reader not betray!


Being an editor is not an easy science,
But you cope with it with a bang,
Because you love your work
You spend your days and evenings with her,
We wish you today
A sea of ​​happiness, money and love,
Happy birthday, accept gifts,
Live your life with dignity!


Happy Editor's Day
We hasten to congratulate
Great wishes,
Leave the good ones.
Edit your life
Like a new article
If there is an error in it,
Eliminate it quickly
For successful work
Get rest on Saturday
Bonus and promotion
And, of course, respect.

“NG-science” splits the atom.

The government of the people is more fun.

And the dollar falls like a jack somewhere,

And we are celebrating your anniversary.

The culture believes in a god behind the barn.

The military is trumpeting our victory.

So, we congratulate ourselves too.

The Russian economy is wonderful,

Russian politics is the best.

We say thank you to the government

For choice, for victory and success.

Freedom, they say, came naked,

Well, the whole yard is chasing her.

And it suits us like this:

We definitely won’t die from modesty.

That's it. Gilyay and I are walking.

Ostozhenka goes beyond Arbat.

And we love you, we congratulate you.

Well, friends, another 60?


On behalf of the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on your anniversary.

You have a vivid biography behind you. You managed to fully realize your rich potential in all your positions. A prominent representative of the expert community, a talented journalist, an experienced leader, today you successfully head one of the most authoritative publications in modern Russia.

Under your leadership, Nezavisimaya Gazeta continues to strengthen its position in the domestic media market. The publication's materials, including those on international topics, are invariably distinguished by their professionalism and freshness of approach.

The ministry values ​​partnerships with the newspaper's editorial office. We are ready to deepen interaction in the interests of forming an objective image of modern Russia and strengthening its position in the world.

I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity, and new successes in your work for the benefit of the Fatherland.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia

Sergey Lavrov

Dear Konstantin Vadimovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your anniversary!

Thanks to your professionalism, broad outlook and journalistic talent, Nezavisimaya Gazeta today is rightfully one of the most authoritative media resources not only in Russia, but also abroad.

An objective approach, balanced assessments and a deep immersion in the problems of topics that concern society, especially those related to the Russian Army, have been and remain the main principles of the editorial board of the publication headed by you and its flagship supplement, “Independent Military Review”.

I wish you all the best!

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

army General

Sergei Shoigu

Dear Konstantin Vadimovich!

Happy birthday to you!

As a successful leader, you not only combine outstanding leadership skills and hard work, but also have exceptional creative abilities.

Thanks to your talent, life wisdom and ability to make management decisions, Nezavisimaya Gazeta has become one of the leading periodicals of modern Russia, acting as a guarantor of an unbiased and interesting assessment of the activities of the country's law enforcement agencies.

Your active work in the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia allows you to build trusting relationships between police officers and civil society.

I wish you good health, stability and new interesting projects.

Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia,

Colonel General of Police

Vladimir Kolokoltsev

Dear Konstantin Vadimovich!

The Renaissance gave civilization a type of universal person who is capable of achieving brilliant success simultaneously in a variety of fields. Nowadays there are few such people, but, fortunately, they exist. And one of the clearest examples of such versatility is you, who combines an effective entrepreneur, an influential public figure and, of course, an outstanding editor-in-chief. Your bright interest in life and love of work allow you to be a true professional in each of these guises.

Dear Konstantin! I sincerely congratulate you on your milestone anniversary! I highly value you as a person and a professional, and I am proud of our friendship. You are in the prime of your creative powers, and I am deeply convinced that your main achievements are ahead.


President, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia German Gref

Dear Konstantin Vadimovich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your 60th anniversary.

You belong to the galaxy of outstanding representatives of Russian journalism. Your articles, books and original programs have always been distinguished by their sharpness, depth of thought and true patriotism. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, which you head, is one of the most influential media outlets in our country, whose incisive publications are becoming an event in modern domestic journalism.

Your social activities have earned you the reputation of a person sincerely interested in the prosperity of Russia, an innovator who is in many ways ahead of his time, and a thinker whose ideas have long set the tone for socio-political discussions.

I sincerely wish you success in implementing all your plans, health and all the best.


Oleg Deripaska

Dear Konstantin!

I am glad to congratulate you on your anniversary - still modest in terms of the number of years lived, but important, because you already have both experience and achievements behind you.

Your generation supported perestroika, nominated many bright people who changed the face of politics, culture, the press, and the whole society. We all had to take unbeaten paths and take responsibility. The step you took several years ago - the decision to head Nezavisimaya Gazeta - demonstrated that you are not afraid of difficult tasks. The newspaper was born during the years of perestroika and became living proof that glasnost and freedom of speech are not a slogan or an empty phrase. Then she went through a long and difficult journey, she had her ups and downs. By becoming editor-in-chief, you ensured that the newspaper did not get lost among other media, so that it had its own face and voice.

I think you will not be surprised that my main wishes to you are related to your newspaper. Today, the role of the media is no less - and perhaps more - important than in the years when the country began its historical turn. Times are difficult now. Transparency, freedom and responsibility of the media must be defended. Without this, we will not be able to move towards true democracy; without this, a strong civil society that really influences politics and the fate of the country is impossible. I wish the newspaper comprehensive, objective coverage of the life of Russia and the world, and I wish you the strength and energy to maintain and strengthen Nezavisimaya’s place among the publications that thinking citizens of the country turn to first.

You, Konstantin, are at an age when you can make far-reaching plans. I wish you to fulfill all your plans!

Mikhail Gorbachev

Dear Konstantin!

When I say, “Congratulations, dear!”, I really mean it.

You are dear to me with your willingness to learn and teach, to be surprised and rejoice, to love and be friends, to advise and help.

Your main quality is dear to me - the desire to get to the bottom of the truth, understand to the end and not deviate from the truth.

I am happy that life brought me together with you - a Russian European, a conservative freethinker, an enlightened liberal. You have everything: a wonderful family and true friends. You are making the best newspaper, you still have many discoveries and achievements ahead.

Happy birthday, dear Kostya!

Pavel Lungin

Dear Konstantin Vadimovich!

The Russian Union of Journalists congratulates you on your wonderful anniversary – your 60th birthday. You have been heading one of the most read newspapers in Russia for many years. We know you as a person who, having taken on the difficult publishing burden, was able to maintain respect for NG and maintain the authority of the famous printed publication.

Your newspaper is always at the forefront of the country's public life; it criticizes the authorities with interest, sharply, and often impartially. And at the same time, we know you as a patriot of Russia, a citizen with an interested position.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta has become an integral part of our political landscape. It allows its authors to express a variety of positions, constantly looking for and finding new forms of communication with the reader.

We wish you good health, creative longevity, success in your journalistic and publishing work.


Chairman of the Union of Journalists of Russia Vsevolod Bogdanov


Dear employees of the editorial office of the regional newspaper "Selskaya Nov"!

Please accept my warmest congratulations on the anniversary - the 75th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of the regional newspaper.

Today, like many years ago, the Selskaya Nov newspaper is a respected and authoritative publication, one of the main sources of information for residents of our region. The life of several generations is connected with this newspaper, who valued and value it for its attention to the needs of people, for its professionalism and objectivity, versatile and timely coverage of events taking place in the area.

We sincerely wish all the editorial staff of the newspaper good health, prosperity, interesting and vibrant work, inexhaustible creative imagination and constant attention from readers.

A. BUSHUEV, head of the district

V. ELISEEV, acting head of the district administration

Dear Colleagues!

Please accept my heartiest congratulations on the anniversary of your newspaper!

"Selskaya Nov" is always a welcome guest in the house. Over the course of seven and a half decades, the newspaper has managed to remain modern and timely: it provides weekly online information about the main events in the life of the region, about people whose work and talent deserve to be proud of their fellow countrymen. Perhaps this is precisely the secret of the longevity of the newspaper: when talking about events in the region, do not forget about the person - the main creator of history.

Happy holiday to you and your readers! We sincerely wish you further growth in everything - in circulation, finances and, of course, skill! Stay true to the best traditions of national journalism in the future! Be healthy and happy!

Team of the Sampur regional newspaper

"Labor Glory"

Dear Colleagues!

We cordially congratulate you on the glorious, solid anniversary of your newspaper! Together with many generations of your readers, you have come a long way of development. Your publication has acquired its own unique look, your publications are different high quality, and the readership, despite everything, remains at a decent level. And this is a clear confirmation of your honest service to people, high professionalism and perseverance in achieving your goals. For most Znamen residents, Selskaya Nov is an irreplaceable, reliable and objective source of information. We wish you continued sincere trust from your readers, optimism, inexhaustible creative passion, and financial well-being! Health and happiness to everyone!

The editorial team of the Kotovsk newspaper "Our Herald"

Dear colleagues, please accept sincere congratulations on the 75th anniversary of the regional newspaper!

Since its founding, the fate of the newspaper has been inextricably linked with the fate of the region. All these years, the newspaper created a chronicle of the Znamensky district and was an excellent school of excellence for several generations of employees and freelance writers.

Much has changed over the years of the existence of the regional newspaper. The volumes and names of the publication, printing design, and publication topics changed. But the main thing remained: the newspaper was always close to the Znamen people, it talked about the main events, about the people who increased the glory of the Znamensky land for centuries. This is the significance of your work.

Today the newspaper deservedly occupies one of the most significant places among the media in the region. You form public opinion, build a unified information space in the Znamensky district, and unite society.

We wish all employees of the editorial office of the Selskaya Nov newspaper interesting and vibrant works, memorable journalistic materials and inexhaustible creative imagination.

Let the regional newspaper always be interesting for its readers.

I wish you good circulation, new victories, good luck, understanding and support from the readers for whom you work.


Chief Editor

Gavrilovskaya regional newspaper

"Rural News"

Happy Birthday to You!
There is a lot of happiness in life!
And may God protect you
On the way!

Be successful, always
Edit correctly
So that people never
Don't fray your nerves!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Dear Editor,
Happy Birthday!
We won't give you a tractor,
If you want, we will!

If you love in the garden
Dig around at your leisure,
We wish the weather class
And don't let the flies bite you!

We wish you in life
Joy and inspiration,
Let the fees increase
Edit with more zeal!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Years pass day by day, -
People are all getting old
Only us, friend, never
After all, we won’t grow old?!-

You are an editor of all places!-
So come on baby
Our life for years
Edit everything!

Happy Birthday Editor
Purchased and owned by the site.

Our editor is kind, cool,
You clear quarrels from texts,
We wish you a happy holiday
On your birthday - pattern

From love, wealth, fairy tales,
May life be wonderful!
Plus we wish you bright colors,
May there be drive and optimism!

Purchased and owned by the site.

To correct notes,
Publications and posts,
You must have a rare mind,
After all, it’s not that easy...

I say with admiration,
And I want to congratulate you,
Our editor, happy birthday!
Won't you rule us today?

Get paid often
She will always be above the roof,
And let joy and happiness
Your heart has been breathing for 100 years!

Purchased and owned by the site.

I am writing a poem to you, wishing
Lots of happiness and love!-
You are beautiful, darling
You are the editor from within!

If anything, edit it, -
I'm about to get angry!
So smart and beautiful
I'm proud of the birthday girl!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy Birthday Editor

Purchased and owned by the site.

Stop running, editor.
And your turmoil
Happy Birthday!

Let's wish chaos
This day is free,
Drink, walk, that’s your destiny -
Schedule for today!

In life may you always
The sun is shining brightly,
At night your star
Happiness is coming through the window!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Edit someone
Not easy, but very difficult,
And this is how it works
It would be boring for me...

But you love this kind of work,
You're a workaholic, I know
The holiday will be incomparable
I wish you a happy birthday!

I am your cool charisma
I won’t stop admiring
Have everything you want in life
Let your wishes come true!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Editing notes
And you have articles all the years,
Sharp, caustic remarks
You always avoid!

This is a sign of nobility
Wisdom and kindness,
On the birthday of excellence
I wish from a star!

Also may fate be for modesty
Gives luxury and lave,
To always walk to the fullest,
So that the family can live in abundance!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Congratulations on the 90th anniversary of the newspaper “Our Time”

Decree of the Head of Administration (Governor) of the Rostov Region

04.04.2011 No. 29 Rostov-on-Don

About awarding Certificates of Honor from the Administration of the Rostov Region

In accordance with the Decree of the Administration of the Rostov Region dated November 15, 2004 No. 441 “On approval of the Regulations on the types of incentives for the Head of the Administration (Governor) of the Rostov Region”:

For comprehensive coverage of the socio-economic development of the Rostov region and high professional excellence, award the staff of the state unitary enterprise of the Rostov region “Editorial office of the newspaper “Our Time”” with a Certificate of Honor from the Administration of the Rostov region.

Pay a monetary reward in the amount of 300,000 rubles.

Head of Administration (Governor) of the region V.Yu. Golubev

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

The Election Commission of the Rostov Region congratulates you personally and the entire team on the significant date - the 90th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of the newspaper.

Today, like many years ago, “Our Time” is one of the leaders of the Don press. Born in a turbulent time for the country, having gone through victories and achievements, difficulties and trials, the newspaper has always remained a respected and authoritative publication.

On the pages of the newspaper there is always room for different points of view and free discussion on the most important issues of our time. Such popularity and social significance of the publication is the merit of serious, truly creative work. The newspaper became a school of excellence for several generations of Russian journalists.

Your services were duly appreciated by the Russian Federation Government Prize in 2010 in the field of print media. Together with the Election Commission of the Rostov Region, you are engaged in educational work among the population during election campaigns.

For many years, the editor of the information and politics department, V. I. Kobyakin, has been collaborating with the election commission of the Rostov region. Special correspondent of the newspaper N.I. Shelimova was thanked by the Russian Central Election Commission for active media coverage of the elections to government bodies in 2010.

With all my heart I wish you and the entire staff of the newspaper success, health, prosperity and further creative success in your noble work.

Sincerely, Chairman of the Election Commission of the Rostov Region S. V. Yusov

Dear Vera Nikolaevna and the editorial staff of the newspaper “Our Time”!

On behalf of myself and the entire team of the Ministry Agriculture and food supply of the Rostov region, I congratulate you on the anniversary of the regional newspaper “Our Time”.

90 years is an entire era that is objectively and truthfully reflected on the pages of your publication. During all these different, sometimes very difficult decades for our country, the newspaper “Our Time” was one of the main and authoritative sources of information for millions of residents of the Rostov region and today remains the leading publication in the Don.

All this time, the newspaper raised and covered the most pressing issues and problems in the region, including in the agricultural sector. The publication still regularly writes about the state and prospects of the agro-industrial complex of the Rostov region, the activities of government authorities aimed at developing the industry. The pages of the newspaper “Our Time” publish current materials on the development of key sectors of agriculture, interviews with heads of agricultural enterprises and agricultural departments, and contain regulatory and reference information useful for agricultural industry workers.

Thank you for objective and systematic information about what is happening in the countryside, how people live and what the authorities are doing to develop the industry.

I want to emphasize once again that your work is useful and important for the Don village. I hope that for the next 90, 100 and more years we will also be able to fruitfully and successfully cooperate with each other for the benefit of the Don Land!

I wish you new professional successes, new successful projects, prosperity and prosperity!

Sincerely, Deputy Head of Administration (Governor) of the Rostov Region V.A. Cherkezov

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the wonderful anniversary of the 90th anniversary of the newspaper “Our Time”!

90 years is more than a respectable period for a modern printed publication. And throughout all this time, your newspaper has invariably remained one of the most respected and competent publications in the region. “Our Time” lives a bright, meaningful life, the result of which is unquestioned authority both for the political and business elite, and for ordinary readers.

The modern information field of the Rostov region cannot be imagined without “Our Time”. While changing externally and developing new topics, the newspaper does not change itself in the main thing - it always remains a carrier of high culture, morality, an intelligent and spiritual publication.

The talented editorial team headed by you managed to win the newspaper a reputation as one of the most interesting and intellectual periodicals in the region. Your readers always find on the pages of the newspaper deep and varied information on the most pressing problems of modern society.

With all my heart I would like to wish the editors of the newspaper the preservation of everything positive that has been accumulated during the period of formation and finding its identity, further creative growth, and a steady expansion of the readership.

On this significant day for Our Time, I wish the journalists, the entire team and you personally, Vera Nikolaevna, new success, personal happiness, health and prosperity!

Sincerely, Mayor of Rostov-on-Don M.A. Chernyshev

Certificate of honor
Administration of the Rostov region
Ministry of Internal and Information Policy

The editorial team of the newspaper “Our Time”

For contribution to the socio-cultural development of the Rostov region and in connection with the 90th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of the newspaper.

Minister of Internal and Information Policy of the Rostov Region V.N. Chirkov

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

I sincerely congratulate you and the entire editorial staff on the wonderful anniversary - the 90th anniversary of the founding of the newspaper “Our Time”.

A newspaper word, a printed speech are integral symbols of the culture of our society. They are believed and expected.

The distinctive features of the regional press have always been involvement in the most important events and attention to people, professional service to duty and objectivity. Well-deserved authority among readers the highest assessment of your activities.

We wish you great creative success, professional excellence, truthful, topical articles. May your journalistic pen always remain sharp.

Health, happiness and prosperity, good luck in all matters and endeavors for the benefit of the residents of the Don region.

Mayor of Donetsk Yu.N. Tarasenko

Happy anniversary to you, newspaper!

Dear Vera Nikolaevna! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the ninetieth anniversary of the newspaper “Our Time”! Today, when our lives are filled with information, it is difficult to overestimate the influence of the printed word on the processes occurring in society. Thank you for your tireless work, for your truthful and timely coverage of the life of the region and district. I hope to continue mutually beneficial cooperation and partnerships with our region in the future. I congratulate your entire team on the holiday and sincerely wish you further success in your work, new creative discoveries, optimism and good spirits.

Sincerely, Head of the Sholokhov District Delnov

Dear employees of the newspaper “Our Time”!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the occasion of this significant event - the anniversary of the newspaper “Our Time”!

The regional newspaper is always close to fellow countrymen. She talks about the main events, about the people who increase the glory of the region, about important milestones and the historical path of our region, and confidently keeps the pulse of the life of the region and the country. Current topics in socio-political life, education, culture, and medicine are reflected on its pages. Materials on youth, ecology, and social issues are covered widely and comprehensively. New sections and thematic pages appear in the newspaper. Thanks to the high professionalism of the newspaper's staff, a constructive dialogue has developed with the authorities; this is evidenced by the newspaper's increasing circulation every year.

Head of the Krasnosulinsky district N. Alshenko

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

I sincerely congratulate you and the team you lead on your Anniversary!

The newspaper “Our Time” has remained a popular publication for many decades and is popular among the region’s readership. And this is no coincidence - after all, the editorial team has worked and continues to work with people who are passionate about their work, restless and caring, true professionals.

Despite its advanced age, the regional newspaper is modern and in demand. Its pages contain a lot of interesting and useful information on various topics. It is very important that the team does not stop there and is constantly improving.

On the anniversary day, let me thank the newspaper staff for their fruitful cooperation. I am confident that the relationship between the administration of the Neklinovsky district and the newspaper “Our Time” will continue to be businesslike and constructive.

I wish the newspaper staff inexhaustible creative energy, inspiration, new ideas, interesting diverse materials, loyal subscribers and readers! Good luck, health, prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Head of the Neklinovsky district A.I. Zhuravlev

To the editorial team of the newspaper “Our Time”

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

Please accept sincere congratulations on the 90th anniversary of the newspaper “Our Time” and words of gratitude for your hard work and active life position!

Your newspaper has its own history, established traditions, and unique style. The information in it has always been and remains objective, prompt and multifaceted. A deep understanding of government problems, the ability to clearly and intelligibly explain complex political and economic issues, to boldly present different opinions on the same problem, to write in an interesting and entertaining manner - all these qualities clearly characterize the journalists of your publication.

Thanks to your newspaper, residents of the Peschanokopsky district have the opportunity to quickly learn about regional news, changes taking place in the country and the regions of the Rostov region, and about the affairs of labor collectives.

You help the residents of Don to be heard by the authorities, and the authorities to be understood by the population.

Often newspaper staff help ordinary people not only learn the news in detail, but also allow their publications to comprehend what is happening.

I wish you and all the editorial staff of the newspaper good health, prosperity, interesting and vibrant work, inexhaustible creative imagination and constant attention from readers.

Sincerely, Head of Peschanokopsky District A.I. Zubov

Dear editorial team of the newspaper “Our Time”!

The administration of the Zernograd district cordially congratulates you on your 90th anniversary!

Ninety years in dialogue with the reader is an enviable fate for a newspaper. Few publications can compare with you. The history of the newspaper is the history of our region, reflected in journalistic reports and reflections. “Our Time”, without any doubt, is one of the most read daily socio-political newspapers in the Rostov region. Zernograd residents always follow with interest the pages of your publication, especially those devoted to events in our region.

In my opinion, the advantage of your newspaper is that it touches on the social problems of the common man. High level The professionalism of journalists, objectivity in covering current events, and the promptness of familiarizing readers with the latest news and accepted official documents allow the newspaper to remain popular, interesting and readable. You know how to sharply present facts and present an unexpected view of events. The style you create for presenting information is attractive to the reader.

We are confident that in the future, Our Time journalists will continue to be at the epicenter of all regional events, cover problems that concern society, and express the interests of their fellow countrymen.

We value our partnerships and look forward to further mutually beneficial cooperation.

We wish you to truly celebrate this significant event: with creative success, an increase in circulation and, accordingly, an increase in the number of readers and admirers!

We sincerely wish you good health, family happiness, and new professional achievements! Let the reward for your work be the recognition of readers kind words and grateful reviews addressed to you!

Happy anniversary, friends!

With best wishes, Head of the Zernograd district V.I. Kucherov

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

Congratulations on the significant date - the 90th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of the newspaper “Our Time”!

Today “Our Time” is one of the undisputed leaders of the Don press. And this is natural, because on the pages of the newspaper there is always room for different points of view and free discussion on the most important issues of our time. Such popularity and social significance of the publication is due to the serious, truly creative work of a team of talented professionals who understand their responsibility to the readership and know the value of the printed word.

We are impressed by the depth of presentation of analytical materials and balanced assessments, healthy conservatism and commitment to intellectual and moral traditions. We are grateful to you for your bright and interesting articles, distinguished by an objective view of events and a respectful attitude towards the reader.

On this festive day, I sincerely wish you, Vera Nikolaevna, and all your colleagues the successful implementation of all the most daring projects and plans, great creative achievements and journalistic successes, worthy continuation and enhancement of the wonderful traditions of the “Our Time” team.

With sincere respect and wishes for creative success

Head of the Kuibyshevsky district V. N. Lukyanchuk

Dear Vera Nikolaevna, dear journalists, employees and veterans of the newspaper!

We sincerely congratulate you on your 90th birthday!

Despite its considerable age, “Our Time” successfully competes with other regional publications; you have strong traditions, talented personnel and prestige on your side. Therefore, every word published on your pages is significant and effective.

“Our Time” is one of the oldest publications among the print media of the Rostov region, which has been published since April 15, 1921 and remains today the largest circulation of them. The very fact of such a glorious anniversary speaks volumes. First of all, that throughout all these years the newspaper has worthily fulfilled its most important task - informing people about the main events in the socio-political, economic and cultural life of the region. Your newspaper is one of the most welcome guests in the house. Over the course of nine decades, the newspaper has managed to remain modern and, of course, timely: it provides operational information almost every day about the main events in the life of the region, about people whose work and talent deserve to be proud of their fellow countrymen. Perhaps this is precisely the secret of the longevity of the newspaper: when talking about events in the country, in the region, in the districts, do not forget about the person - the main creator of history. Your newspaper has always been and remains faithful to the best traditions of domestic journalism, aimed at establishing the ideals of goodness and justice in the public consciousness.

The editorial staff employs highly professional journalists and technical workers who put their knowledge, experience and skill into their work. With your work you are making a significant contribution to the further development of the Rostov region. The 90th anniversary of the newspaper “Our Time” is a holiday significant not only for the editorial team and all those whose work creates the newspaper, but also for each of us.

With all my heart I wish you all, dear heroes of the day, creative success, happiness and prosperity. May you be surrounded by family and friends close to you. And the most important thing is that everyone finds interesting materials on the pages of your newspaper.

Let “Our Time” always be a newspaper in demand and loved by its readers!

Sincerely, Head of the Ust-Donetsk region V.A. Tkachenko

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

Congratulations to you and the editorial staff of the newspaper “Our Time” on the 90th anniversary of the Day of Education!

All these years, the newspaper “Our Time” has been and remains a sought-after creative platform for experienced authors and an excellent school for aspiring journalists. And today, continuing the best printed traditions, the newspaper covers the life of the Don region from all angles.

Thanks to your competent leadership, the newspaper “Our Time” is developing dynamically and remains one of the most read publications on the Don. This is a considerable merit of the team of its employees, who know and love their job well.

I wish you and the entire staff of the newspaper new creative successes and expansion of the readership!

May good luck accompany you in all your endeavors!

Acting Mayor of Shakhty V.N. Mamonov.

To the editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Our Time”
Vera Nikolaevna Yuzhanskaya on the occasion of the newspaper’s anniversary

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

I cordially congratulate you, and in your person the entire staff of the newspaper, on their anniversary!

All these years, “Our Time” remained with the residents of the Rostov region, providing them with important and timely information on a variety of pressing issues in the life of our region.

The development of the newspaper was accompanied by an increase in the professionalism of its employees and a qualitative increase in published materials. It is no coincidence that Our Time has a number of awards won at both the regional and federal levels. But your main reward is the love of readers, their trust and constant interest in the newspaper.

I thank you and your employees for your interested and productive interaction with the local authorities of the city of Azov, for the constructive dialogue with the authorities, for your significant contribution to the information provision of Azov residents.

I sincerely wish you and the entire staff of the newspaper new successes in your creative activities, good health, happiness, peace and prosperity!

Sincerely, Mayor S.L. Bezdolny

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

Congratulations to you and the entire staff of the newspaper “Our Time” on the holiday!

You have a wonderful long history. Few publications can compare with you. Ninety years in dialogue with the reader is an enviable fate for a newspaper. The life of several generations is connected with your newspaper, who valued and value it for its attention to the needs of people, for its professionalism and objectivity. Let the newspaper “Our Time” continue to preserve its traditions and remain a carrier of truthful information. I wish you prosperity, stability, financial well-being. Health, happiness, optimism, good mood, fulfilled hopes, interesting and fruitful work, creative success and new grateful readers.

Sincerely, Mayor of Bataysk V.V. Putilin

Dear Vera Nikolaevna and your team! In honor of the newspaper's anniversary, please accept sincere wishes for success, creative inspiration, understanding, support of the people for whom you work, and good circulation.

Head of the city of Semikarakorsk A. N. Chernenko

Dear Vera Nikolaevna and all the editorial staff of “Our Time”!

The management and staff of the Rostov Regional Court cordially congratulate you on the anniversary of your publication!

Over the 90 years that have passed since the publication of the first issue of the newspaper, “Our Time” has rightfully earned the authority of a respected and objective printed publication. Each issue of the newspaper is awaited with interest and impatience by its faithful readers - residents of small villages and large cities of the Rostov region, representatives of administrations, ministries, government bodies, and commercial structures.

Thank you for the fact that in your newspaper you can always find a competent analysis of the main events taking place in the region, complete information about various aspects of the life of Rostov society. Accuracy, objectivity, impartiality and professionalism these are the main features of your talented authors.

90 years is a serious time. Over these nine decades, you have been able to prove to more than one generation of readers that lies and journalism are incompatible, and a journalist has only one obligation - responsibility to the audience. Crossing the 90-year mark, your editorial office has a rich past, a worthy present and, without a doubt, a wonderful future!

Good luck to you and creative success!

With respect, from the team of the Rostov Regional Court V.N. Tkachev

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

On behalf of the staff of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Rostov Region, I congratulate you and the editorial staff on your anniversary - the 90th anniversary of the creation of the newspaper “Our Time”.

All these years our cooperation has grown stronger. The newspaper's journalists have always paid great attention to issues of social protection of the population, while remaining not only a source of objective information, but also faithful assistant for people who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Today, in the age of rapid development of information technology, your newspaper has not lost its relevance. She is in demand, people turn to her, they trust her. For many years, the words of journalists have been coming to the homes of Donetsk residents as messengers of the joys and anxieties that our country has experienced over the years. And to this day, for many of our compatriots, a newspaper is the best interlocutor, mentor, assistant, friend.

Journalists and social workers are people of similar professions. We are united by many things, but first of all, the absence of indifference, the ability to empathize with someone else’s misfortune, the desire to understand and help everyone in need of support in a timely manner. Your daily work: publications, direct lines, meetings with readers, working with their letters is the best evidence of this. The publication's correspondents never remain outside observers, often initiating relevant interviews and reports. You inform, comment, explain, that is, you help navigate the sea of ​​constantly changing problems, social, political, economic and simply everyday. But the main thing is to instill confidence and optimism.

Today “Our Time” is 90 years old. Serious experience has been accumulated, a talented team has been selected, but the main peaks are still ahead.

I sincerely thank you for many years of fruitful cooperation. I wish you interesting work, tireless research, the results of which will bring satisfaction and joy to you, and therefore to us, your readers!

Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Rostov Region E. I. Skidan

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

The management and staff of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Rostov Region congratulate you and the editors of the newspaper “Our Time” on your 90th anniversary!

May every day be filled with joyful and interesting events that bring harmony, optimism, good mood into your life, and may today and always be warmed by the love of your family and friends.

I wish you good health, personal happiness, prosperity and new successes in your creative activities.

Sincerely, Head of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia for the Rostov Region Chief Bailiff of the Rostov Region V.G. Polyansky

To the editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Our Time” V.N. Yuzhanskaya

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

On the day of the glorious anniversary of the 90th anniversary of the newspaper “Our Time”, I congratulate you, the entire staff and veterans of the editorial office on behalf of the teachers, staff and students of the Don State Technical University.

The history of your newspaper has absorbed the heroism and drama of creation, victories and losses of the twentieth century.

You have always been at the center of events next to the pioneers and youth, promptly and accurately reporting on events and fashions, successes and shortcomings.

Hard work and professionalism have allowed and are allowing you today to solve the most complex and varied problems.

We highly appreciate the attention and support that you provide to our university in matters of education and professional training.

I am confident that our cooperation will expand and deepen for the benefit and glory of the Don region.

May good luck and success always accompany you! I wish you and the entire staff of the newspaper good health for many years to come, prosperity, peace and goodness!

Rector of DSTU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor B.Ch. Meskhi

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

The Rostov regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation cordially congratulates you and the staff of the newspaper “Our Time” on your 90th anniversary!

On this wonderful anniversary, we sincerely wish the entire creative team inexhaustible energy and success, the accomplishment of all endeavors and plans, fresh ideas, a sharp pen and grateful readers!

Thank you for your mutual understanding and many years of friendship. May only good health and happiness, Faith, Hope and Love accompany you, your family and friends!

Best regards, Manager Valentina Mareeva

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

On behalf of the staff of the Rostov Region Prosecutor's Office and myself personally, I congratulate you on the anniversary of your publication!

The newspaper “Our Time” has a worthy reputation as one of the most respected media in our region. We appreciate the contribution you make to covering the activities of the regional prosecutor's office. I hope to continue our cooperation.

With all my heart I wish the editorial team professional longevity, creative success, interesting and vibrant publications and an increase in the readership.

Sincerely, Prosecutor of the Rostov Region, State Counselor of Justice 2nd Class V.A. Kuznetsov

Dear editorial staff of the newspaper “Our Time”!

I cordially congratulate you on the 90th anniversary of your publication!

Over its almost century-long history, the newspaper has changed its name, but has not changed its style and professional principles.

Born of a revolution, it sharply posed political issues and helped people solve simple human problems. And in our time, the materials appearing on the pages of the publication are relevant and sharp, and the language is lively and understandable. Your daily work is very valuable, because it is you, journalists, who help people to be heard by the authorities, and the authorities to be open and accessible. Today we can confidently state: media such as “Our Time” are the most important institution of civil society, a source of information and an advisor rolled into one. Numerous awards that the newspaper has received are a high assessment of your effective work.

On your 90th birthday, let me thank you for your fruitful cooperation, objective coverage of events and socially significant projects. With all my heart I wish you inspiration, successful implementation of new ideas and creative plans!

Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region K.V. Kuzin

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

I sincerely congratulate you and the staff of the wonderful newspaper “Our Time” on your 90th anniversary!

For many decades, the journalists of your newspaper have been giving a piece of their heart and creative inspiration to the residents of the Don region. Each of you is a professional with a capital “P” and a master of his craft.

For several years now, together with you, we have been implementing the social information project “Caring about Work,” and it is difficult to imagine a better business and creative partner. Hard work, responsibility, and the desire to contribute to the success of the common cause distinguish each newspaper employee. It is gratifying to consider you like-minded people and good friends.

With all my heart I wish the staff of the newspaper “Our Time” further prosperity, creative success and conquering new heights!

Sincerely, Head of the State Employment Service of the Rostov Region E. V. Eliseeva

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

Over 90 years of journalistic work, the newspaper “Our Time” has become an indispensable source of current news and comments, meetings with interesting people, and reports on the most important events in the region.

Thanks to your work, distances between cities and people are reduced, not only information is disseminated, but also spiritual and moral values ​​are formed.

Over the many years of our work together, the journalists of the newspaper “Our Time” have never given any reason for reproach against them and have always come out of various situations with honor. It seems to me that this is why your publication is one of the most authoritative in our field today.

Only together with you we were able to implement many social, informational and cultural projects that influenced and improved the lives of many people.

Without your dedicated work, dialogue between teachers, education managers and society would be impossible. You are our eyes and ears, without you we are deaf and blind.

Remember that we, first of all, learn about everything that happens from you; we often look at the world through your eyes. I hope that in the future your professional view of events in the field of education will remain clear, truthful, and creative.

Congratulations on your professional anniversary, I wish you peace and goodness, creative inspiration, recognition from colleagues and readers!

Minister of General and vocational education Rostov region I.A. Guskov

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

On behalf of the Cossacks, atamans and the board of the All-Great Don Army, I cordially congratulate you and the editorial team of the newspaper “Our Time” on the 90th anniversary of your printed publication.

Cossacks love your newspaper and respect the editorial team. We are grateful to you for a professionally executed periodical, where on each newspaper page there is the stamp of a careful attitude to the word, the ability to discern the pulsating rhythm of life in everyday information.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of your newspaper in covering the process of revival and formation of the Don Cossacks. In revealing the daily work of the All-Great Don Army.

I hope for further cooperation of the All-Great Don Army with your newspaper and wish the editorial team good Cossack health, journalistic success and reader's love.

God bless you!

Military Ataman Cossack General V.P. Vodolatsky

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

The Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Rostov Region and his secretariat cordially congratulate you and your team on the anniversary of the 90th anniversary of the newspaper “Our Time”!

The newspaper “Our Time” has always taken an active civic position in matters of protecting the rights of residents of the Rostov region. The hard work and high professionalism of the newspaper’s staff allows the publication to occupy a prominent place in the information space.

We wish you and your team good health and inexhaustible energy in the difficult but very important work for the well-being of the residents of the Rostov region. Please accept my sincere wishes for further success in the creative life of your favorite newspaper.

I. A. Cherkasova

Certificate of honor

The Rostov regional branch of the Union of Gardeners of Russia awards the staff of the socio-political newspaper of the Rostov region “Our Time”

For many years of joint work to strengthen the horticultural movement of the Rostov region, and in connection with the celebration of the 90th anniversary.

Chairman of the Council of the Rostov regional branch of the Union of Gardeners of Russia P. Ya. Dushar

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

The management and staff of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Rostov Region cordially congratulates you and your team on the 90th anniversary of the founding of the newspaper “Our Time”!

We sincerely wish you good health, great personal happiness, inexhaustible vital energy and further success in your professional activities!

Head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Rostov Region, Major General V.B. Shkareda

The staff of the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education RO "Rostov Technological College of Light Industry" warmly and cordially congratulates the glorious team of the newspaper "Our Time" on the anniversary of the 90th anniversary of the newspaper.

Over all these years, your newspaper has been fulfilling a socially important and very humane mission: telling readers about the most significant events of the country and region, the most interesting meetings, and youth problems.

The newspaper's publications are always distinguished by sincerity, professionalism, relevance and a high sense of responsibility to the reader.

Over the course of 90 years, the name of the newspaper changed, but the main thing remained - the desire to serve people.

The publications of your newspaper have always contributed to the solution of the most important pedagogical task in educating the young generation of the future of our Motherland.

Please accept our sincere wishes for health, happiness, creative success, vigor and inexhaustible energy.

Happy holiday to you! Happy anniversary!

Sincerely, Director of the Rostov Technological College of Light Industry S.A. Sidorenko

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

I congratulate you personally and your team on your anniversary!

Over the 90 years of its existence, the newspaper “Our Time” has become one of the most popular and widely read printed publications in the city.

We wish you not to rest on your laurels, to reach new heights, to develop new directions, and, of course, to a large number of grateful readers!

Artistic director of the M. Gorky Theater, People's Artist of Russia Nikolai Sorokin

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

On behalf of the workers and employees of Rostvertol OJSC, I cordially congratulate all the journalists and technical staff of the editorial office on the 90th anniversary of Our Time!

The newspaper has always been and remains at the forefront of the problems of Don residents, helping to solve them with smart and insightful articles. Thank you for that!

All of us, readers, wish your team good health, new creative heights and family well-being!

Sincerely, HR Director of Rostvertol OJSC, deputy of the Rostov-on-Don City Duma G.V. Ryabokonov

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

On behalf of the staff of the Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant, I congratulate you, the editors of the newspaper “Our Time”, the authors and all readers on the anniversary - the 90th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of the newspaper!

Over the years, the newspaper “Our Time,” one of the oldest and largest on the Don, has reliably and comprehensively reflected the multifaceted life of our region. She is a true chronicler of the Rostov region, because behind every single line, behind every note or article there are people, real deeds and milestones in the history of the Don region.

We are sincerely pleased with the business-like, truly friendly relations established between NEVZ and the newspaper and our fruitful professional cooperation. We are proud that the pages of your publication highlight the important topic of the Working Man and increasing the prestige of blue-collar professions. And now, during the celebration of the 75th anniversary of NEVZ, your newspaper, in collaboration with the press service of the plant, widely informs residents of the Rostov region about the achievements of our enterprise.

I wish the staff of the newspaper “Our Time” to preserve traditions, develop journalistic skills, be principled, and brilliantly cover all the diversity of topics!

Good health, happiness, prosperity and new grateful readers!

Sincerely, General Director of NEVZ S.F. Podust

Editorial boards of the socio-political newspaper of the Rostov region “Our Time”

Dear Colleagues!

The Rostov regional branch of the All-Russian public charitable foundation "Russian Children's Fund" warmly and cordially congratulates you, the journalists of the regional newspaper "Our Time", on the 90th anniversary of your newspaper - one of the oldest and best in our region.

The social orientation of most of the materials published in your newspaper is especially important to us. Problems of education, healthcare, social protection of family and childhood are always considered by you deeply and sincerely, and many valuable ideas proposed from the pages of “Our Time” have been successfully implemented. More than twenty years of charitable activities of the Russian Children's Fund are also constantly reflected in your newspaper, and the newspaper's editors have repeatedly participated in our charitable events aimed at improving the living conditions of orphans, disabled children, children from low-income families, as well as supporting young talents. We are also grateful to your newspaper for the assistance provided to us at the initial stage of the Children's Fund's activities - in the widespread propaganda of this new organization, in the publication of the newspaper "Family Spring", which played a significant role in the revival of the ideas of charity and mercy.

The Children's Fund is especially grateful to you for the truly heartbreaking regular column “I Need a Mom.” Thanks to this section, dozens of orphans were given a family - the most important thing needed for human happiness.

We wish you, our dear colleagues and friends, new wonderful creative achievements, good health and prosperity. We are confident that we will continue to be together in the work that, in our opinion, distinguishes decent people, true patriots of their Fatherland.

Chairman of the Board of the RRO OOOF "Russian Children's Fund" L.N. Petrashko

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

Congratulations to you and the entire staff of the regional socio-political newspaper “Our Time” on the 90th anniversary of the publication’s founding!

Don journalism, with its rich history and enormous experience, has always been considered one of the strongest in Russia.

The venerable age of your newspaper confirms this and proves that in our time “Our Time” is relevant and in demand. We all remember and love the predecessor of Our Time, the regional youth newspaper Komsomolets. Each issue of the newspaper was eagerly awaited! Essays about amazing human destinies, attention to the simple working man, and the desire to help him made the newspaper popular, necessary for us, the readers. The traditions of trust and love for those for whom the newspaper is published, responsibility, dedication and journalistic ethics that developed during the time of Komsomolets continue today. The very name of the newspaper “Our Time” obliges the team to always be on the cutting edge of events, to be modern, mobile, and to always work only in the present tense. And you succeed with honor!

We know that the most difficult part of your job is to maintain a newspaper whose words and opinions are listened to and trusted by people.

Thanks to the high professionalism, integrity, and dedication to the journalistic work of everyone who makes Nashe Vremya, your newspaper has become an example of objectivity, efficiency, consistency and true independence.

The newspaper has its own recognizable face, its own firm and clear handwriting, its own independent and established character.

I wish the entire staff of the newspaper health, prosperity, great creative success and success! Let the materials published on the pages of Our Time always be as significant and interesting, and let the topics be relevant.

And may “Our Time” always be the mouthpiece of its time!

Sincerely, Director of the Rostov branch of OJSC Rostelecom Yu. V. Metla

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

Please accept our congratulations and best wishes to the entire editorial team on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of your newspaper!

“Our time” is OUR because it helps us keep up with the times, constantly keeps us informed of the social and political life of the Don region, offers materials for reflection, and therefore protects us from stagnation and encourages action.

We sincerely congratulate you on this significant date. We sincerely wish everyone health, peace and prosperity!

Vr.I.O. Head of the Southern Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Major General N.P. Lityuk

Head of the press service O.A. Grekov

We sincerely congratulate the newspaper “Our Time” on its 90th anniversary!

Please accept best wishes from the staff of the Rostov Regional Museum fine arts.

With all our hearts we wish the entire talented staff of your wonderful newspaper health, inexhaustible energy and many fruitful ideas.

Over the years of its existence, the newspaper has become one of the most interesting authoritative publications, an exponent of different points of view, relevant and readable.

This is the result of the close-knit work of a team of like-minded people: editors, journalists and newspaper employees.

We, your readers, wish the NV team to preserve its original identity, its unique style, and achieve new creative achievements for many years to come.

Director of the GUK RO "Rostov Regional Museum of Fine Arts" Kruse S.V.

Letter of thanks

90 years of the newspaper “Our Time”

We thank the team of employees for their intelligence, for their honor, for their conscience in our era!

Your work is a daily feat.

We wish you creative success in achieving vast horizons!

With Faith and Love to you DRSBOF "Center "Childhood"

President Eliseeva E.K.

Happy 90th birthday!

Dear Colleagues!

The team of Rostovgiproshakht LLC and I personally cordially congratulate you on the 90th anniversary of the founding of your newspaper.

Today, the newspaper “Our Time” is rightfully considered the best newspaper in the Rostov region, which, undoubtedly, is a huge merit of the respected editorial veterans, creative and technical workers of the newspaper and, of course, all those who put a piece of their soul into the common cause.

Developing new topics and raising topical issues, your newspaper does not betray itself in the main thing - it always remains a bearer of high culture, morality and objectivity. And indeed it is. The newspaper's subscribers include administrations of cities and regional centers, banks, ministries, cultural institutions, large industrial enterprises of Rostov and the region, commercial structures and ordinary readers who are confident that they will always find something useful and interesting for themselves in the newspaper.

So, together, supporting each other, the newspaper and readers, you have achieved a remarkable result - the highest subscription circulation among the print media in the region!

Such a high circulation of the newspaper is an assessment of your noble work, your professionalism, and your love for native land, which you want to see, like thousands of residents of the Rostov region, prosperous and prosperous. And not only do you want to, but also through practical deeds, contribute to the development of the cultural and social life of our city.

I would like to express my gratitude to the entire huge staff of the newspaper and wish them good health, family well-being, new limitless opportunities for constant development and tireless advancement!

General Director of Rostovgiproshakht LLC V.P. Gurin

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of the celebration of the anniversary of the newspaper “Our Time” - the 90th anniversary of its foundation.

"Russian Post" and the newspaper "Our Time" are the oldest partners.

From the very beginning of its formation, the distribution of the newspaper to the reader was carried out through direct interaction with the Don post office.

Your publication was the first on the subscription market with thematic content unusual for that time and immediately in demand among readers.

The newspaper's editorial office works in close cooperation with the region's postal workers, which helps maintain a stable subscription circulation.

We wish the editors of the newspaper further creative success and continuation of successful work to develop moral and cultural values ​​among readers.

Sincerely, Director of the Federal PS of the Rostov region V.N. Gorbaenko

Advice for readers of the newspaper “Our Time”
and especially its applications

If you pick up “Aksinya”,
I think more about love.
And active, sexy
Thoughts will come to mind.
I want to love all women
This is very good,
This is a miracle application.
“Our Time” is the best!

If you opened "Hacienda" -
I want to dig in the garden.
If you don’t have your own hacienda
Go to your friends.
There, dig everything into science,
Sow it and there will be a harvest.
How can we live without an app!?
“Our Time” is the best!

You read “The World” “inside out” -
Maybe you'll be a psychic.
Or will you build a rocket
Right next door, in the yard.
They'll call you a fantasist

You will fly to other worlds.
This is the application…
“Our Time” is the best!

If you took Ama-Press,
Update your outfit.
Dress like a punk, hippie
Goth also nothing.
Enroll in two more universities
And learn, learn, learn.
This is a super app!
“Our Time” is the best!

And now the advice is not harmful,
And the most useful advice.
Everyone read “Our Time” -
This is very good.
Because the time is OURS,
Where are ours? There is success.
Because it's TIME
“Our Time” is the best!

On behalf of the team of the Rostov State Puppet Theater, the artistic director of the theater A.V. Bylkov-Krat

Dear Vera Nikolaevna and the entire editorial team of the newspaper “Our Time”!

On behalf of the entire staff of the Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center and myself personally, I congratulate you on such a significant date - the 90th anniversary of the editorial office!

Even on the scale of the country’s history, nine decades is a milestone, a significant period. For any newspaper, such a respectable age is a dream. Ninety years of daily work in an era of constant change means a lot and is worth a lot. Efficiency and richness of information, purity of speech, conciseness everything that a periodical can be proud of all this delights in the newspaper “Our Time”. We always value your publication for reliable and complete information, for an objective approach to facts and independence of judgment.

We value our friendship with you, are proud of it and are always ready to help the entire editorial team!

We wish you creative success, implemented projects, fascinating ideas! As medical professionals, we cannot help but wish you financial health and information longevity. Good luck and prosperity! Always remain as popular and interesting for readers. You are leaders and keep it up!!!

Happy holiday! Happy anniversary! Congratulations to everyone from the Editor-in-Chief to the courier!

Chief physician of the State Healthcare Institution OKDC D.V. Burtsev

Editorial staff of the socio-political newspaper “Our Time”

Dear friends! The team of the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth of the city of Rostov-on-Don cordially congratulates you, the journalists of the newspaper “Our Time,” on the 90th anniversary of the publication.

Your newspaper has come a long and bright way. The name of the newspaper and the circle of its authors changed more than once, the youth newspaper became a socio-political publication for the broad masses of readers in the region, the structure of the editorial board, the content and design of newspaper pages changed significantly. However, your editorial staff had and still has enduring values: a clearly expressed desire to write honestly about everything that happens in our region, in the country, in the world.

Your newspaper “Bolshevik Smena”, “Komsomolets”, and now “Our Time” has covered and continues to cover in detail and talentedly the work of the Palace of Pioneers now the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth of the city of Rostov-on-Don. The history of the Palace on your pages is at the same time the history of the pioneer organization, the children's movement, and the history of the educational institutions of the Don. And we warmly thank you for the fact that it is from the files of your newspaper that, in preparation for the 75th anniversary of the Palace, we draw a lot of amazing facts about the history of our institution of additional education. We are also sincerely grateful to you for your close cooperation with the Don Academy of Sciences for Young Researchers, with many clubs, circles and studios that are part of the Palace.

We sincerely wish you, dear friends and colleagues, health and prosperity, and your newspaper new creative achievements!

Director of the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth in Rostov-on-Don, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences V.V. Abraukhova

Dear Colleagues!

We heartily congratulate the entire editorial staff of the newspaper “Our Time” on the 90th anniversary of the publication of the first issue!

Over the past years, the newspaper “Our Time” has rightfully acquired a reputation as an influential socio-political publication with powerful intellectual potential and high journalistic culture. Along with the publication of important official materials, you act as organizers and participants in public discussions on current issues in the development of the region. The main thing, in our opinion, is that you present the most complete picture of what is happening, give a comprehensive view of yesterday, today and tomorrow. At the same time, you manage to maintain a lively, easily perceived style and not fall into dry bureaucracy!

We wish you great luck to your collective pen, may it continue to paint life as it is and as it should be.

The editorial team of the newspaper "Novocherkasskie Vedomosti"

Dear colleagues, we sincerely, with all our hearts, congratulate you on the 90th anniversary of the newspaper “Our Time”. Creative burning, endless spiritual strength for the benefit of the prosperity of the Don region, friends of readers, high circulation.

Journalists of the regional newspaper “Semikarakorskie Vesti”

Newspaper How much there is in this word!
This is the chronicle of our country:
"Rostselmash", the steppe that became a cornfield and Victory.
And the deeds of youth are visible everywhere.

The Tsimlyansk Sea spilled among the steppes,
Give water to the parched lands so that they can produce a harvest.
Atommash also built a nuclear power plant, so that in our open spaces
It became brighter for people, so that our region becomes more beautiful.

And we drove, we went on business trips,
So that boys and girls can work and live better,
And if the newspaper lines helped them even a little,
We felt happiness - there’s no other way to describe it!

And they, the young ones, set records at the harvest,
Under the ground, the Don coal was given out beyond the plan,
And houses in farmsteads were erected by construction teams in those unforgettable years,
People came from our region to build the city of Gagarin…

And when the astronauts prepare to fly to the mysterious Mars,
I believe: our photojournalist will be at the cosmodrome,
How Yura Garmash once visited Baikonur
The endless expanse of heaven above us will be peaceful!

Alexander Konovalov, Komsomolets veteran

Dear Colleagues!

The newspaper “Our Time” for municipal media has always been and remains the big sister: reliable, experienced, caring. And now, when the newspaper celebrates its 90th anniversary, this is not only your holiday, but also ours, as well as the triumph of all readers of the newspaper “Our Time” and residents of the Rostov region.

90 a lot or a little? For a person, this is an advanced age of wisdom and piety; for a newspaper, this is a time of maturity, creative takeoff, and professionalism.

To be a respected, readable, and in-demand publication these days is not very easy. However, the “Our Time” team, under the leadership of a wonderful editor, a great specialist, a sincere and sympathetic person, Vera Nikolaevna Yuzhanskaya, succeeds. Thank you for that. We have someone to learn from, someone to consult with, someone to turn to for help.

With all our hearts, the staff of the Kamensk city newspaper “Trud” congratulates you on your 90th anniversary, wishes you new creative achievements, a large readership, and good health, happiness, and prosperity to all editorial staff.

Yu. A. Tatarenko, director-editor of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Editorial office of the newspaper “Trud”.

Colleagues, comrades, friends!

We congratulate you on the 90th anniversary of the founding of the newspaper and state an incredible, albeit obvious fact: despite its considerable age, the newspaper is still full of ebullient energy, creative forces, and youthful enthusiasm.

Born in a very difficult time for Russia in general and the Don in particular, the newspaper has lived all these decades with the worries and joys, troubles and problems of the Donetsk people. We are sincerely glad that your team has crossed the 90-year mark creative, united and purposeful, that it sets itself high and noble goals of serving society in the field of information and culture, and boldly accepts the challenges of the time.

In their creative activities, the team of “Our Time” continues the traditions of outstanding journalists of the Don, the South of Russia, who worked in different time as part of the newspaper, cultivates new talents, increases the intellectual power of journalism. In any case, today it is difficult (if not impossible) to imagine the spiritual and cultural space of the Don land without one of the oldest printed publications in the Rostov region, without its recognized masters - publicists, educators, and guardians of Don culture.

We say these words with a special sense of camaraderie and unanimity, for together we are building bridges of understanding, tolerance, continuity, continuity of time - bridges of human communication.

Remain brave and persistent on your chosen path, may good luck accompany you! And know: we are next to you, you can always lean on our shoulder in everything.

The staff of the Faculty of Philology and Journalism of the Southern Federal University

For high professional achievements and in connection with the 90th anniversary of the publication of the first issue

Diploma of the Union of Journalists of Russia

awarded to the editorial team of the newspaper “Our Time” (Rostov region)

Chairman of the Union of Journalists of Russia V.A. Bogdanov

Moscow, May 2011

A-3, A-2 yellowing files
A collection of discoveries and mistakes
Talents kick up
And misconceptions too,
I'm still thinking about what
It looks like?
What is there to think?
Just do the job.
So that it never
I'm not tired of it.
And it will be sweet
It's such a burden for us.
Ah, "Komsomolets"
You “Our time”!

Sergey Sleptsov

Publication of the Government of the Russian Federation "Rossiyskaya Gazeta"

Southern District Branch of Heroes of Our Time

Once upon a time
taught us too
"Komsomolets" father
and Kalinina mother:
Run like that, run
shoot like that, shoot
type it up like that, type it up,
write like that!

Congratulations to everyone who was, is and will be in the great newspaper of our time on their anniversary!

Friends and team from Rossiyskaya Gazeta

From young journalists

For now, with a timid, modest look
(You are ninety we are only a year old)
We are watching the ceremony
Such an anniversary, here!
We are the ones who haven't smelled gunpowder,
We still have ink stock…
But wherever the ink spills,
We will consider you as an example!

We remember in your team
Your first creative debut:
Those were the “positive” days
They will be good for us!
Drawing on the experience of journalists,
Which is hard to find.
Got rich like tourists
We have assorted languages.

We were shown, told,
How to “cook the broth” here,
They brought the matter up to date, indicated,
What is our mistaken approach?
We liked your kitchen:
Mutual assistance, attitude…
And attitude towards young people:
For you, a student is not like a stranger!

We would like to congratulate “Our Time”!
Don't let your time pass
Let the reading tribe
It will only increase over the years.
From the creative team of the magazine "RINHburg"

On behalf of the staff of the Donskoy Mayak newspaper, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary!

Ninety is a time of maturity, but not peace. This is the time for maximum development and use of creative potential, new approaches and forms of work. Over the years, your newspaper has become famous, popular and loved. You have your faithful reader. You influence public opinion, form civil society, educate, force people to think and reason on a variety of topics. The newspaper helps its readers cope with the ills of public life, overcome social disadvantages and solve economic problems.

The fates of thousands of our fellow countrymen, people of different professions, different generations were reflected on the newspaper pages. Therefore, the newspaper “Our Time” has always been of interest to both city dwellers and residents of rural areas. "Our Time" must always be one step ahead of everyone, while remaining a native and beloved newspaper for today's readers. You are distinguished by the highest degree of authenticity and a brilliant personal style. It is believed that on anniversary days the results are summed up. But this is also a great time to start new things. Let all the birthdays of your publication become a reason not only for pride in what has already been done, but also the start of new interesting projects, and you will always have a guiding star that will help you not to go astray.

We sincerely wish you new creative ups and downs, inexhaustible energy, trust and recognition of readers, happiness, health and prosperity!

Ch. editor of the newspaper “Donskoy Mayak” of the Zernograd region I. P. Oleynikova

"Taganrog Truth"

Certificate of honor


Colleagues of the editorial staff of the regional newspaper “Our Time”, editor-in-chief Vera Yuzhanskaya, through whose efforts the chronicle of the Don region has been written truthfully and objectively for 90 years.

Editor-in-Chief A.A. Malinovsky

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

Dear Colleagues!

The Southern Region media group congratulates you on the 90th anniversary of the newspaper Our Time.

The newspaper “Our Time” is one of the oldest publications among the print media of the Rostov region, which from the first days of its existence has held the professional bar very high.

Your success is the result of the efforts of those who, with perseverance, creative dedication and love, created the company’s brand and its professional reputation.

Your current fame, devotion and gratitude from your readers are a worthy assessment of the enormous work you have invested in the development of the newspaper.

Today, in our dynamic and digital life, you have everything to continue to be to the right people efficiency, sensitivity to others, interest in the profession, desire to achieve more.

We sincerely wish you creative success, new prospects and limitless multimedia possibilities.

President of the Southern Region Media Group Georgy Kudinov and the entire Media Group team

Happy anniversary!

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

Our dear colleagues!

Please accept my kindest and most sincere congratulations on this significant date - the 90th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of your and our common favorite newspaper "Our Time" - our "Komsomolskaya Pravda"!

All these years you have kept up with the times, covering important and current events in the life of our region, our Don region. In the newspaper you can always find the latest news information, competent comments on various issues, materials for the soul, and exciting, colorful supplements!

It’s great that the newspaper pays a lot of attention to dialogue with readers. That, while skillfully working with power structures, you are always consistent in relation to the basic journalistic principles - integrity, independence, nationality!

Your highly professional team is constantly in creative search and developing new areas of activity. You are our senior friend, from whom you always want to learn new things, who will always help and advise.

Let the experience, objectivity, reliability and competent presentation of information accumulated by the newspaper team over almost a hundred years of existence be the key to your stable and successful work in the future. Our team wholeheartedly wishes the journalists of Our Time interesting projects, grateful and loyal readers, creative longevity, financial well-being, health and happiness!

The staff of TRVK "Delta", the regional newspaper "Tselinskie Vesti".

Dear Vera Nikolaevna!

The publishing house "MediaYug" sincerely congratulates you and the entire staff of the newspaper "Our Time" on the 90th anniversary of the publication!

The pages of “Our Time” are the most truthful, most sincere chronicle of the Don region. All these years, the newspaper was at the center of key events and played an important role in the socio-political life of the region.

Your newspaper enjoys well-deserved respect and love. Much credit goes to the editorial staff for this - all those who honestly and conscientiously gave and are giving knowledge and experience to their favorite work, are at the forefront of events.

“Our Time” is a real talent forge. At different times, journalists worked for the newspaper, whose names are now known not only in the region, but throughout the country. We are especially pleased to note that today the publication employs true professionals who set an example of true journalistic excellence.

On this festive day, we wish the entire staff of the newspaper good health, creative longevity and inexhaustible inspiration, the attention of the readership, prosperity and happiness!

Executive Director of MediaYug Publishing House V. Denisov

Editor-in-Chief of MediaYug Publishing House M. Fedorov

Dear Colleagues! Please accept warm congratulations on the 90th anniversary of your newspaper and the best wishes for health, creative victories, growth in popularity among readers from the club of young journalists “Petit” of the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth of the city of Rostov-on-Don.

For almost two decades we have been closely connected with you. Members of the club, which prepares gifted Rostov schoolchildren for admission to the university's journalism department, are actively published in your newspaper, especially in its youngest edition, AMA-Press. We have not forgotten that back in the late 1980s, it was your newspaper that became a kind of “parent” of another newspaper, “Family Spring,” on the basis of which the young journalist club “Petit” was later formed. Several club graduates came to work at your editorial office, and Alexander Golubnichy has been associated with Our Time for almost 12 years, first as a freelance writer, and then as one of the leading journalists of the newspaper.

We also highly appreciate the fact that for many years now your editorial staff has been actively helping to organize the work of the journalism section of the Don Academy of Sciences for young researchers.

The kind, friendly participation of your newspaper in the education of future journalists deserves the highest appreciation and sincere gratitude. I hope that our close comradely ties will continue in the years to come.

May your newspaper continue to remain at the forefront of Don journalism! Thank you, dear friends and colleagues, for your honest work, for your understanding, for your kindness! For the fact that your newspaper has been and remains for us an example of true decency and true creative skill!

Head of the young journalist club “Petit”, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia G.L. Belenky

Dear Vera Nikolaevna and the entire staff of the newspaper “Our Time”! Belokalitvinsky “Perekrestok” congratulates you on your glorious anniversary - the 90th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of the newspaper!

How accurately today the name of your newspaper reflects its content, because the words “our time” are spoken by people of different generations, and they all mean a certain time period of their life or the history of the country. This means that the newspaper is always on topic, always on time, always in the thick of events. And “Our Time” is a respected national newspaper, because at the forefront of all newspaper publications is a person, his life, his worries, his sorrows and joys. It is with great pleasure, and often with undisguised delight, that we read the materials of Marina Kaminskaya, Andrei Davydov, Vladimir Kobyakin, Lyubov Pozdnyakova, Elena Sleptsova, Alexander Golubnichego, Yuri Ivanov, Irina Khansivarova, Sergei Vakhonin, Natalya Narseeva, Lyudmila Kravchenko and your other journalists.

We are proud of our many years of friendship with you, we look up to you, our older newspaper brothers.

We wish your enterprise prosperity! Let financial contributions become as regular as a daily cup of coffee!

Remain your favorite and desired newspaper for all times!

Vera Nikolaevna! We admire your inexhaustible energy, leadership talent, humanity and readiness to help at any time.

God bless you!

Editor-in-Chief of the Belokalitvinsk newspaper “Perekrestok” S. Alipova

Deputy editor-in-chief E. Frolin

Chairman of the Belokalitvinsk journalistic “primary” V. Popryadukhin