Happy birthday to the editor in prose. Happy birthday greetings to the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Happy birthday to the editor-in-chief of travel

"In a cloud of problems,
in the vicissitudes of the world -
And to you, and to “The Day”
freedom and zenith.

Iz vagoyu",


Dear Larisa Alekseevna!

Happy young anniversary! Happy birthday to a unique journalist who was the first in Ukraine to create an inextricable synthesis of Journalism and Culture, current information and the foundations of historical memory. At all times, in the brightest and darkest moments of Ukrainian history, your “Day”, standing in defense of Freedom of Speech, appeared as the Word of Freedom - intellectual, spiritual, civil Freedom - in Ukraine, in Europe, in the world. “The Day” today is a school of intellectual honesty, an agora for young people, a crystal of Ukrainian thought, through which we see the future of European Ukraine.

Therefore, I thank you for the unique experience of cooperation in the name of this European Ukraine. And I wish you invincible strength - and a victorious smile!

From Volyn dew and Dnieper water! Yours


Dear Larisa Alekseevna!

Please accept my most cordial and sincere congratulations on the occasion of your anniversary.

Your talent as a journalist and extensive experience as an organizer, professional flair and inexhaustible energy allowed you to create a popular newspaper that has earned the sympathy of a huge readership and is rightfully considered one of the best in Ukraine.

I am confident that the skill and experience of a skilled leader will allow you to continue to successfully implement your creative plans and ideas.

With all my heart I wish you, dear Larisa Alekseevna, good health, happiness, prosperity, a bright and joyful life.

Please accept the assurances of my deepest respect.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Republic of Belarus in Ukraine

There is an anniversary in the life of Larisa Ivshina. The Day's authors, especially those from among the experts to whom the newspaper constantly turns, celebrate this date together with the hero of the day. I think that our readers will also join in our congratulations. Because, for the editor-in-chief, the Den newspaper is not a place of work, but a part of nature.

When I became a third-year student, where my specialization began, I was given the topic of my thesis. I started working on it with newspapers, studied the Odessa Bulletin, issue by issue, for several decades and then realized how informative the newspaper is as a historical source.

Den is no different from other newspapers in terms of information content. But next to recording the present, he prints analytics, which not everyone can handle. His analytical materials are used by news agencies around the world because they help to understand Ukraine.

I have heard more than once from friends: I no longer read this newspaper, it has changed its direction! Unfortunately, we are accustomed to the fact that all the media, like soldiers, lined up near their barricade. “The Day” gives everyone the opportunity to speak out. It also gives you the opportunity to respond to a speech you didn’t like, sometimes with just two lines. And in the online version everyone gets a place to comment.

Although not everyone likes the newspaper’s desire to rise above political passions, it is most consistent with the idea of ​​consolidating society. “The Day” also has its own barricade: it defends the independence of its country, its course towards Europe, and universal human values. In the political struggle of recent years, the problem of historical memory has come to one of the first places. And from the very beginning of its existence, the newspaper has identified Russian history as one of the main topics that should be covered.

The Day is constantly experimenting, changing its sections, and the online version is becoming more user-friendly each time. Photographs are actively used. Out of the need to find material for illustration, The Day’s photo competition was born. The winning photographs filled the photo exhibition of The Day, which is organized in different cities, always arousing the interest of citizens.

From analytical articles, the “Library of the newspaper “Den”” was born, which already lives its own life. The Day is actively working with young people, who will determine the face of Ukraine tomorrow. He goes to universities and creates organizational units capable of shaping a person’s civic position. What is the Ostroh Club of Free Intellectual Communication of Youth worth alone!

Who regularly reads the Den newspaper? Slightly more than one percent of Ukrainian citizens. Is it a little or a lot? How to say... There are not many of those who are commonly called the intellectual elite in any society. And “The Day” is aimed at the intellectual elite, and not only the Ukrainian one. It is published in three languages ​​and is available on the Internet.

The Den newspaper is a kind of intellectual corporation that not only reflects events in Ukraine, but also seeks to influence them. I am convinced that scientists of the next century who will study the birth of independent Ukraine will special attention will treat the Den newspaper as a historical source.

At the end, we only need to add one thing: our hero of the day, Larisa Ivshina, has been running the Den newspaper since the beginning of its existence. We wish her further success!


“And the land of Volinska rejoices for its daughter, and we are proud of our countrywoman!”

The international public association “Volyn Brotherhood” cordially welcomes you on a wonderful anniversary.

Through his daily work, the editor-in-chief of the truly Ukrainian newspaper “Den”, an honored journalist of Ukraine, the author of many ideas for book studies of true history native land from the series “Library of the newspaper “The Day”, a member of the supervisory boards of the National University “Ostrozh Academy” and Volyn National University, you create and, like Nestor the chronicler, write the history of the Ukrainian land, stimulate thought to work, fill the souls of fellow countrymen with optimism and energy.

We wish you further creative fire, inspiration, and firmness of the Volyn spirit in the implementation of your wonderful plans.

May your life be bright and joyful, like your glorious holiday, and friendly greetings will add vital inspiration to the treasury of your soul.

I wish you good health, God's blessing, success and the highest creative achievements for the benefit of your native Ukraine!

Mykola ZHULINSKY, President;
Danilo KURDELCHUK, chairman;
Victor NABRUSKO, first deputy chairman;
Valery FEN, executive director

Dear Larisa Alekseevna!

We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary!

Your cooperation with Mim-Kyiv reminded us of the significance of things that are sometimes lost in our minds due to vanity and lack of time.

Thanks to you, we, just like everyone else with whom you communicate personally or on the pages of the Den newspaper or its illustrious “Library...”, are returning to real values, to our own responsibility for the country, to simply our human mission in this world. With your activities, you involve us, Ukrainians, in the formation of that spiritual core, without which it is difficult to survive in a world of blurred values ​​and lowered standards.

We are sincerely grateful to you for the joy and meaning of communicating with you! We wish you inspiration and encouragement in your creativity - after all, everything you do can be called creativity. We wish you to continue to combine, as skillfully as only you can, feminine gentle charm with persistence and desperation in defending what is important to you. We wish you love for the world and for people - and that they reciprocate you. We wish you happiness, self-realization and achievement of goals in all areas of life.


President Mim-Kyiv

Dear Larisa Alekseevna!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the occasion of your anniversary!

The printed word ignites bright and sincere feelings in the hearts of people, helps each of us touch the depths of wisdom and gain knowledge. You dedicated your life important matter- serving the Word. Talent, professionalism and constant sense of publicist allowed you to become an iconic figure in Ukrainian journalism.

On this day, I wish that next to you there will be only real things - friends, words, feelings, wishes.

Remain as energetic and zealous as you are, never slowing down your interest in life. May the support of loved ones and friends always be with you.

New professional achievements, charm, family well-being and success in life!


Chairman of the Accounts Chamber

Dear Larisa Alekseevna!

From the Presidium of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and from me personally, please accept sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary!

Dear Larisa Alekseevna, you have dedicated your life to one of the most noble professions - journalism - and have achieved great success in this field. The newspaper Den, headed by you, is a publication of a high intellectual level, a conductor of humanistic ideas. We highly appreciate your active public position, patriotism and high internal culture.

I wish you good health, family happiness, success in your activities in the name of our state and its citizens, for the benefit of Ukrainian society!


President of NAPN of Ukraine

Dear Larisa Alekseevna!

We heartily congratulate you on your golden anniversary. We wish you invincibility of spirit, optimism, faith that a balanced journalistic word will make people kinder and life better.

May God grant you good health and longevity, may your creative field be fruitful and your destiny happy.


Lokachinskaya district team
newspapers "Selyanske Zhittya"

Dear Larisa Alekseevna!

On behalf of the Astronomical Society of Ukraine and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on the first anniversary in your life.

I always remember my meeting in the Den newspaper, I am regular reader newspaper - one of the best nationally oriented newspapers in Ukraine.

I wish you - the ideological leader of the newspaper, a wonderful person - good health and new achievements in the name of the development of democratic Ukraine.

Yours sincerely,

Moment after moment adds up to years. Happy anniversary, dear Larisa Alekseevna, self-willed, free and young!

Created at a time when our roots hurt in our land, Your “Day”, feeling the pulse of real everyday life, learned to appreciate the cries of progress and guard the most ancient treasures. The tuning fork of journalistic excellence and conscience, The Day is a magical magnet for extraordinary people. Bowing to you for the need for the Word - as prayer, for what you can, and for what you must, we, your colleagues and readers, want to assure you that tomorrow we expect your inspirations, new dawns and new zeniths. We know that tomorrow will be a new “Day”.

Once again, happy anniversary, our dear Larisochka! Love and summer, crystal dews and honeyed suns, clear dawns and quiet waters. Heights. Everything you love and believe in.

"Space, space, space
and avoid any injuries
Why is it so simple
how to sprout herbs
Why is it so wonderful?
like music without joy
I want one word!
what does the immortal sens...”

Hugs. Thank you for your friendship and consonance.

Your "Lybedyan"

Dear Larisa Alekseevna!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of your birthday!

I wish you happiness, good health, every success and prosperity.

Let the awareness of the majesty of the work that you do for the benefit of people help you on the important roads of life. I wish you wisdom and patience, fortitude and a happy destiny!

Sincerely yours

rector, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



On behalf of the Bobruisk City Executive Committee, I congratulate the editorial staff and all readers of “Evening Bobruisk” on the 10th anniversary of one of the most popular city newspapers!

“Vecherka” has long become a friend and advisor for many families of Bobruisk residents. The fates of thousands of our fellow countrymen - people of different professions, different generations - were reflected on the newspaper pages.

You have your own recognizable and very attractive face, you have your own firm and clear handwriting, an accomplished character. The editorial team managed to make the newspaper interesting and in demand, and to win public recognition.

In each region and city, local media play a special role; they are trusted and their opinions are listened to. Readers on the pages of publications want to be able to quickly receive high-quality and reliable information. All this fully applies to you.

I am confident that enormous creative potential and high journalistic skills will continue to be the key to the fruitful activities of the newspaper’s creators. Bear the high title of journalist with honor, remain faithful to your professional and civic duty.

With all my heart I wish you new creative ups and downs, the trust of readers and a flair for everything new and interesting, happiness, health and prosperity!

Chairman of the Bobruisk City Executive Committee

Dmitry Bonokhov.

Bishop of Bobruisk and Bykhov Seraphim.

Dear Natalya Mikhailovna! I heartily congratulate you and the entire team of “Evening Bobruisk” on the 10th anniversary of the first episode!

In my opinion, " Evening Bobruisk“Indeed, as it declares itself, it adheres to an objective and neutral style of presenting materials. He treats the people he writes about with respect, and treats the city he works for with love.

I would especially like to thank the publication for its cooperation with our Church, for its joint Christian witness in society. This work of ours is aimed at the spiritual creation of people, the moral education of youth, the revival of shrines and historically important and dear places for Bobruisk residents.

On the days of your (and our) holiday, dear friends, we wish you God's blessings, success in your creativity, many good friends, prosperity and a happy new year.

Bishop of Bobruisk and Bykhov Seraphim

(guest of “Evenings” 2008)

Mikhail Grigorievich Bondarenko, former chairman of the Bobruisk City Executive Committee.

I really love your newspaper. The main thing is that it is objective and unobtrusive, does not reflect the opinion of any political party or public association, and does not impose a certain point of view.

Each reader of “Evening” can receive an objective reflection of events - and you, citizens, decide for yourself how to perceive what happened, whether it is good or bad. I would like to wish the newspaper to remain as it is - popular, in demand, progressive. Happy newspaper anniversary to all Vecherka employees! And from me, greetings and congratulations on the upcoming holidays to all Bobruisk residents!

Happy Birthday to You!
There is a lot of happiness in life!
And may God protect you
On the way!

Be successful, always
Edit correctly
So that people never
Don't fray your nerves!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Dear Editor,
Happy Birthday!
We won't give you a tractor,
If you want, we will!

If you love in the garden
Dig around at your leisure,
We wish the weather class
And don't let the flies bite you!

We wish you in life
Joy and inspiration,
Let the fees increase
Edit with more zeal!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Years pass day by day, -
People are all getting old
Only us, friend, never
After all, we won’t grow old?!-

You are an editor of all places!-
So come on baby
Our life for years
Edit everything!

Happy Birthday Editor
Purchased and owned by the site.

Our editor is kind, cool,
You clear quarrels from texts,
We wish you a happy holiday
On your birthday - pattern

From love, wealth, fairy tales,
May life be wonderful!
Plus we wish you bright colors,
May there be drive and optimism!

Purchased and owned by the site.

To correct notes,
Publications and posts,
You must have a rare mind,
After all, it’s not that easy...

I say with admiration,
And I want to congratulate you,
Our editor, happy birthday!
Won't you rule us today?

Get paid often
She will always be above the roof,
And let joy and happiness
Your heart has been breathing for 100 years!

Purchased and owned by the site.

I am writing a poem to you, wishing
Lots of happiness and love!-
You are beautiful, darling
You are the editor from within!

If anything, edit it, -
I'm about to get angry!
So smart and beautiful
I'm proud of the birthday girl!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy Birthday Editor

Purchased and owned by the site.

Stop running, editor.
And your turmoil
Happy Birthday!

Let's wish chaos
This day is free,
Drink, walk, that’s your destiny -
Schedule for today!

In life may you always
The sun is shining brightly,
At night your star
Happiness is coming through the window!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Edit someone
Not easy, but very difficult,
And this is how it works
It would be boring for me...

But you love this kind of work,
You're a workaholic, I know
The holiday will be incomparable
I wish you a happy birthday!

I am your cool charisma
I won’t stop admiring you,
Have everything you want in life
Let your wishes come true!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Editing notes
And you have articles all the years,
Sharp, caustic remarks
You always avoid!

This is a sign of nobility
Wisdom and kindness,
On the birthday of excellence
I wish from a star!

Also may fate be for modesty
Gives luxury and lave,
To always walk to the fullest,
So that the family can live in abundance!

Purchased and owned by the site.

The department is buzzing like a disturbed hive,
The boss on this day is our hero of the day,
We have multiplied your happiness to infinity,
This morning the computer was playing music!

  • Today we congratulate the boss

    In the morning he flies through the offices,
    Serpentine colored wave,
    Today we congratulate the boss,
    He is the king of glorious name days!

    We wish you patience,
    Stay cheerful, don't get sick,
    Always led us so that
    Burn with fire in your work!

  • To the leader in prose

    It’s nice to know that there is a competent coordinator nearby, an expert in his field and a sensitive person - our leader! Our entire team respects you very much for putting your heart and soul into the business! May your favorite profession always occupy a special place in your life!

  • For the manager...

    Inspirational for the manager,
    We will congratulate you with feeling,
    We believe - this is unchanged,
    You were born to rule!

    We wish you good health,
    To strengthen your sophisticated mind,
    So that you don't lose the basics,
    Today we were forgiven for the noise!

  • Congratulations to the head of the repair shop on his 55th birthday

    The administration, the trade union committee of the plant, your friends, colleagues, associates sincerely congratulate you on your 55th birthday.
    55 years is a period of blossoming, creation, awareness of oneself as a person - bright, energetic, purposeful and romantic.
    Since 1971, when you graduated from __________________ Institute, your work history began. Despite the fact that your youthful dreams, when “the only thing better than mountains can be mountains that you have never been to before,” did not come true, you went through a worthy life path work history - at first there was a _______________________ institute in the city of ________________, then - a ____________________ enterprise, and since 19 - our factory, repair shop. The profile of the repair shop’s activities cannot be characterized in one term, it is so multifaceted and extensive, because the team of the workshop that you have been leading for many years now has been carrying out repairs of the equipment of the entire plant. Your career has been appreciated by government and factory awards. Working at the plant revealed your abilities as a manager and production organizer. You always treat the working person with respect and understanding.
    Please accept the most sincere congratulations on your birthday from your friends. Happiness to you, goodness and peace, good health and prosperity to your family, and to your children - a worthy father's path.

  • Happy birthday, boss!

    Even though I didn’t have enough money for a kettle
    (But only for unsweetened tea...)
    We praise you, our boss!
    Meet us with a table set!
    We don’t just moan, we plow, we serve,
    And in the labor document there is a black stamp:
    We are friends with each other (and with the plan) -
    Let's celebrate the holiday together!!!

  • Happy birthday, director!

    Director! You are super class!
    Who else could rule us like that?
    And happy birthday now
    Let us congratulate you!
    The essence of my wishes to you is old,
    Yes, that’s why we work for days:
    Good luck, happiness and goodness
    In any respectable business of yours!
    So that there is a home, family and life,
    Any ailment is cured within a day
    And everyone was not forgotten by you,
    A – awarded with a major prize!!!

  • Happy Birthday to the boss!

    (name) is a royal soul!
    Today we congratulate you,
    And we wish you happiness and joy,
    Respectfully and without breathing,

    Let there be only joy in life
    and may God be with you!
    And sorrows and bad weather
    Let them walk around your threshold!

  • We declare - to us the leader,
    There is no need for anyone else besides you!

    Please accept our congratulations,
    Stingy like a man, but from the heart,
    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday!
    Your worker-peasant peppers.

  • Layout, circulation, publication -
    This is the editor's calling.
    Just rest occasionally
    You are constantly under time pressure.

    On your birthday we wish you
    Go to the sea to relax,
    Sunbathe and swim there
    To gain health and strength!


    We congratulate the editor
    We wish you a happy birthday.
    Wish you good luck in your business,
    And reach great heights.

    Philosophical view of things
    We wish not to lose.
    With optimism and love
    Always live, don’t lose heart.


    Happy birthday, editor. Decisive, natural, businesslike, authentic, creative, hard-working, careful, versatile - you are the editor we need. And I sincerely wish to never lose my worthy qualities and always bring any business to a furor of success. Good luck in all your endeavors, support and love of your family, health, patience and inspiration.


    You are the responsible editor,
    Fast in work, like a reactor,
    Your skills are great.
    Happy Birthday!

    We only wish you success
    Achievements, happiness, laughter,
    Mischievous mood
    And in the work of promotion!


    The editor is very important:
    He is in charge, he gives the go-ahead.
    And we're a little scared now
    But let's say this anyway:

    We congratulate you on your birthday
    You are gathered. We found the words.
    We wish you happiness and health.
    You are ultra class. Hip hip hooray.

    Beautiful happy birthday poems to the editor


    Editor, you are polishing the texts.
    Articles about fairy tales, novels and plays
    They blossom and transform with you.
    Let people admire them!

    Thank you, editor, for your work,
    With literacy, always be on “You”,
    Develop your professionalism
    Give the best masterpieces to the people!

    Happy birthday! Let everything come true
    Let luck knock on the door,
    Love inspires with a bright feeling
    And let Happiness always inspire!


    Editor, you are a master of bookmaking,
    Managed to build a good career,
    You are in charge of glossy newspapers,
    Full of news and advice.

    On your birthday, inspiration,
    Unique creations,
    Long years, and, of course, love,
    And best friends on the way!


    Dear editor, congratulations.
    I wish you a lot of work.
    Happiness, success, love and recognition,
    In a vast world of goodness, without wandering.

    Be forever young in soul and body,
    And do what you love.
    On your birthday, enjoy life
    Let no sadness befall your eyelids.


    With the editor today
    Holiday, birthday,
    Place it in the main column
    Our congratulations.

    We wish for you
    In a life of prosperity,
    So that the rating grows
    With the reader's attention.

    Circulation will increase
    With profit for the couple,
    So that we can be friends
    Advertising and PR.

    Happiness in life and success
    Let them come with you
    To always be satisfied
    You are your destiny.


    Editor, you check the contents of books,
    You control the process of their publication,
    Monitor your literacy appearance their…
    We need your knowledge!

    Newspapers, magazines, posters, novels -
    All this is in your hands,
    Your task is to make everything brighter,
    Correct errors in them.

    We wish you always inspiration in your work,
    So that creations are in demand,
    For birthdays, Day of kindness and love,
    May your efforts be successful!


    You're not the chief yet, but you're a golden editor,
    Friendly and beautiful, charming, simple.
    We all love you very much, congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
    And we wish you continued good years!

    So that career growth rises to the skies,
    May there be a lot of happiness and miracles in your life,
    To be loved sincerely, to love passionately,
    Respected and appreciated! In general, to live happily!


    Your job is not easy
    Editing, texts and articles.
    But you're a great editor
    The fly will taste you!

    Happy Birthday, you are the best!
    We wish you creative ideas,
    We'll drink to success together,
    To work faster!


    Your literacy, talent,
    They have long deserved a Grand.
    Not a single article without you,
    It won't appear at the same time.

    You are a pedantic editor,
    And you are a great boss.
    Happy Birthday,
    And we wish you good luck.


    You are the de facto owner of the newspapers.
    Not steamships, well, who knows...
    Ah, happy birthday editor,
    I would like to wish you good health.

    You manage the press skillfully.
    You can catch sharks in no time.
    Let everything be as you wish!
    And let the reader not betray!


    Being an editor is not an easy science,
    But you cope with it with a bang,
    Because you love your work
    You spend your days and evenings with her,
    We wish you today
    A sea of ​​happiness, money and love,
    Happy birthday, accept gifts,
    Live your life with dignity!


    Happy Editor's Day
    We hasten to congratulate
    Great wishes,
    Leave the good ones.
    Edit your life
    Like a new article
    If there is an error in it,
    Eliminate it quickly
    For successful work
    Get rest on Saturday
    Bonus and promotion
    And, of course, respect.